polytechnic courses after 10th

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A List of Best Polytechnic Courses After 10th Just like the degree courses, polytechnic courses after 10th is a popular option amongst students. That’s because, these diploma programmes are considered to be job oriented in nature. Post 10th, Indian students are qualified to seek after numerous Diploma courses. Diploma courses are broadly classified into two kinds, namely- Technical and Non Technical. In this blog from SayTooLoud, we will throw light on some of the best polytechnic courses after 10th. 10th standard passed students, who are eager to pursue applied science subjects or technical subjects may seek after such programmes. Generally, these courses happen to be job oriented. The greater part of them are custom designed to prepare a student take up a role in a particular industry. A LIST OF POLYTECHNIC COURSES AFTER 10TH: Amongst the most well known technical diploma programmes are identified with engineering. Such programmes are said to be Diploma in Engineering. The course is of 3 years duration (semester pattern). Every academic year is divided into 2 semesters. Altogether, there are 6 semesters, with every semester going on for a duration of 6 months. Subsequent to completion of the programme, you would be awarded a Diploma certificate. Diploma in Engineering programmes are held by Government and in addition Private institutes crosswise over India. Polytechnic institutes or technical institutes are the ideal places where one may study such a programme. While seeking admission into a polytechnic institute, ensure that it is recognized by the State Board of Technical Education and the AICTE (All India Council for Technical Education). Subsequent to completing the Diploma Engineering programme, one can opt for higher studies. A well known way is lateral entry. Utilizing such a type of entry, Diploma in Engineering holders can get admission in second year of relevant Bachelor’s Degree Engineering programmes (B.E./B.Tech.). Now, we will take a look at some of the well known polytechnic courses after 10th in India: – Electrical Engineering Diploma – Diploma in Metallurgy – Diploma in Instrumentation and Control – Computer Science and Engineering Diploma – Aeronautical Engineering Diploma – Diploma in Fire and Safety Technology – Diploma in Chemical Engineering – Agricultural Engineering Diploma – Diploma in Mining Technology

– ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING DIPLOMA These happen to be some of the major polytechnic courses after 10th. There are other options as well which you can explore, before making the final choice. The aforementioned programmes are offered by numerous polytechnic institutes over the length and breadth of India. 10th standard students are qualified to take admission in such Diploma programmes.

Other than those mentioned above, there are quite a few different technical and vocational diploma courses: – Diploma in Rubber Technology – Production and Manufacturing Diploma – Diploma in Dairy Technology – Network Engineering Diploma – Diploma in Food Production and Technology etc… ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: 10th pass or equivalent, with at least 50% aggregate marks. Least marks criteria may differ starting with one institute then onto the next. With these best polytechnic courses after 10th options before you, select the one that suits you the best. Build a career for yourself !

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