Difference between Single Phase and Three Phase Induction Motor! There are lots of differences between Single Phase and Three Phase Induction Motor and it is based on various factors in this article like starting torque, supply, power factors etc. Here is a detailed description and differentiation between the two motors.
Difference Between Single Phase and Three Phase Induction Motor: Single Phase Induction Motor: Single Phase supply for its working is used by Single-Phase Induction Motor. The Starting torque is very low in the Single Phase Induction Motor. The cost needed is very low and therefore they are easy for repairing and maintenance. It is very much simple in construction, and they are economical and reliable when compared to three phase induction motor. The efficiency of Single Phase Induction Motor is quite less. The power factor is very less. The applications of Single Phase Induction Motors are fans, mixer grinder, compressors, etc. There is no self-starting procedure in Single-phase Induction motor and the alternating current is carried by the main windings when connected to a single-phase power supply. There are three types of single phase induction motors as they are not self-starting because of split phase, capacitor motors, shaded pole, etc.
Applications of Single Phase Induction Motor In low power applications, these single-phase induction motors are used and they are used widely in domestic applications and industrial level applications. Here is few list of applications mentioned below: •Pumps •Compressors •Small fans •Mixers •Toys •High-Speed Vacuum Cleaners •Electric Shavers •Drilling machines.
Three Phase Induction Motor: Three Phase Supply is used by three-phase induction motor for its working. It has a very low starting torque. It is very tough to repair and maintain. It is very much complex in cost and construction. Therefore it is very difficult to repair and maintain. The efficiency level is very much high. It has a very high Power factor. Such a kind of three-phase induction motors is used mostly in industries. There is no process of self-starting and there is no use of a capacitor, centrifugal switch and start windings over here. In commercial and industrial three-phase AC induction motors are widely used. There are two types of three phase induction motor and they are squirrel cage and slip ring motors. External resistors are needed with Slip ring motors need to have a high starting torque. In industry and domestic appliances such induction motors are used and as they are difficult in construction it does not need any maintenance and they are very cheap comparatively and need only on a stator.
Applications of Three Phase Induction Motor •Cranes •Lifts •Large Capacity exhaust fans •Hoists •Oil extracting mills •Driving lathe machines •Crushers •Textile and etc. For more details join the Electrical training course to make your career in this field.