AIEEE Exam Pattern, Exam-Details, Eligibility, Syllabus INTRODUCTION: AIEEE alias All India Engineering Entrance Examination is amongst the top entrance exams. It is held all across India for admission to the NITs and other state colleges and universities in the engineering and architecture streams. All India Engineering Entrance Examination is an examination for maths background student who are qualified after completing the HSC exam. ENTRANCE EXAM PREPARATION: In order to pass this exam, numerous students begin preparation from the 10th and 11th class by undergoing the training and school classes. The top coaching centres are known to be present in Kota, Rajasthan, likewise present in all the cities of India. The majority of the students are chosen each year from the Kota region. • ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: – You ought to have cleared the 10+2 level with 50% marks for the General category and 40% for the reserved category candidates. – Final year students are also eligible to sit for this exam – A candidate can sit for this exam only twice – The candidate should have cleared the 12th standard exam with Physics/Mathematics as one of the subjects – In case the applicant belongs to the SC/ST category, there will be a relaxation of 5% marks AIEEE forms are expected to be out by December end or start of January. Any person who is done with his 12th exam and wishes to do engineering from reputed colleges, can get ready for this test. In this manner, you will get admission in top government and additionally top private engineering colleges of India. • AIEEE ENTRANCE EXAM SYLLABUS/PATTERN: There happen to be two Papers – 1 and 2. Both of these are of 3 hours in length. Paper 1 comprises of Objective Type Questions with equal weightage for Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics and is obligatory for students keen to pursue courses in B.E./B.Tech and Paper 2 is sub-sectioned into a) Mathematics b) Aptitude and c) Drawing Test and is for students who wish to pursue B.Arch/B. Planning. Section a and b of Paper 2 likewise comprises of objective type questions while for section c questions are intended to test the students’ drawing aptitude. • WHAT ABOUT NEGATIVE MARKING? For each wrong answer, one-third of the marks allocated to that question will be reduced from the aggregate score . No reduction from the aggregate score will, be that as it may, be made if no attempt is indicated for a question, in the response sheet. More than one response marked against a question will be considered as wrong answer and will have negative marking. • POPULAR ENTRANCE EXAM PREPARATION/COACHING CENTERS: Some of the top coaching centres for the AIEEE exam are as follows: – Bansal engineering coaching centre – FIT-JEE engineering coaching centre
– Akash engineering coaching centre – Career point engineering coaching centre • POPULAR PREPARATION BOOKS: Here are a few popular books to prepare for this exam. – Physics for AIEEE by Tmh – Complete Mathematics for AIEEE by Tmh – Chemical Bonding for AIEEE by Vaibhav Trivedi – AIEEE Score Accelerator Pack by Disha Experts • PARTICIPATING NITS IN AIEEE: These are a few of the NITs where you can seek admission through AIEEE: – Kurukshetra based National Institute of Technology – Roukela based National Institute of Technology – Jalandhar based Dr. B.R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology – Bhopal based Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology and many more….. A centralized web based counseling is conducted post the examination for admission to the All India seats by the Central Counseling Board. A few states or institutes such as Himachal Pradesh, West Bengal, Punjab University, Delhi and N.S.I.T, Delhi under Delhi University utilize AIEEE positions to fill seats through their own particular counseling. With the help of AISEE counseling, you can pick any course amongst the various options available. We have furnished you with all the necessary information. So, get started with your preparation and keep an eye on the entrance exam alert.