Career Guidance Tips: Short Duration Computer Courses After 10th/12th As a part of career guidance tips, a number of people would be suggesting you to do a short course. Especially a computer courses after 10th/12th these days. But which one to opt for? Well, here are a few suggestions from SayTooLoud: GRAPHICS DESIGNING COURSE: Generally, a short duration graphic design course goes on for a duration of 6 months. There are shorter courses too (e.g. 3 months duration certification course). The course normally covers topics like image enhancing and editing, software program editing (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and so on), logo designing, sketching, UI designing, print technology etc. The subsections of this domain are targeted by a few courses. E.g.- Photoshop specialist course. It is based on the editing software Adobe Photoshop. Other remarkable specializations are-Animation and Multimedia, Digital photography and so forth. Job roles you can get: Post completion, you will get career opportunities as: – Printing specialist – Graphics designer – Creative director etc… CREATIVE WRITING: Creative writing can be called as a part of the Digital Marketing domain. This short duration course is dedicated to enhancing the writing skills of the trainees. It is meant for building up a writing style that will be helpful during Digital Marketing endeavors. Creative writing course covers topics such as Content design, English Grammar, marking, highlighting and so on. Job roles open before you– Content editor – Content writer (freelance or for organizations) CERTIFICATE PROGRAMME IN MS OFFICE: Microsoft Office is a set of applications. A portion of the prominent and most utilized applications, which form the part of MS Office are- MS Excel, MS Word, MS Access and MS PowerPoint. MS Office certificate programme is aimed at giving knowledge and utilization of these applications to students. The transient course goes on for a time of 3 months. A more extended, a half year long form of the course is additionally present. Students are instructed to make use of the previously mentioned applications, as a part of this programme. How to use these applications in everyday and office endeavors is instructed. Career options available post completion of this course include front end office jobs in places such as shops, offices etc. This course is amongst the popular computer courses after 10th/12th standard. PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: Learning a programming language has number of benefits. You may expertize in one language or attempt your hands at more than one language! The first job opportunity that could come your way is that of a software developer. Short courses identified with the field do exist. The duration is of 6 months usually. Be that as it may, a short course will give just basic knowledge. It is smarter to go for a significantly more in-depth course.
You can work as: – Software tester – Software developer CADD (COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN AND DRAWING): This course suits students belonging to a technical background. Be that as it may, even 12th standard students may opt for this course, as it will add to their range of skills! Engineering graduates will profit from this course. Particularly Engineering people from branches such as Mechanical, Electrical and Civil will discover CADD course to be useful. The CADD course comprises training identified with different CAD software and programs. A portion of the well known ones are- AutoCAD, Infraworks etc. This course will contribute to your drafting skills and knowledge of Engineering students and graduates. For different people, such as ITI passed students, this course will enable them to handle drafting related jobs. MULTIMEDIA AND ANIMATION: As a part of career guidance tips, experts recommend Multimedia and Animation as a career. The long haul Degree course identified with this stream is- B.Sc. Animation and Multimedia. For the ones keen on a short course, there happens to be Diploma and certification programmes as well! This course covers topics such as, VFX and VFX Pro, Animation basics, Film Design and Animation, Game Design and Animation, Multimedia design and so on. Note that the course syllabus may fluctuate from one institute onto the next. Job posts and roles you can get: – VFX Professional – Art and Creative Director – Visual Effects artist etc. DIGITAL MARKETING: With regards to Digital Marketing course, there are two well known formats present in India- online and offline. Online one can be sought after directly from your own home. You should simply buy the course material (ebooks, video, audio material and so on) from online instruction portals and study the trade utilizing them. Offline course implies the customary classroom approach. A classroom course could extend for a duration of 3-6 months. On the other hand, certificate and diploma courses are presented by the Digital Marketing institutes in the country. Work as a: – Social Media Manager – Digital Marketer etc.. HARDWARE ENGINEERING OR A TECHNICIAN COURSE: This computer courses after 10th/12th deals with computer hardware and offers technical knowledge regarding the functioning of hardware, their elements and so on. A good illustration is a printer. The course indicates how the printer functions, its fundamental parts, basic issues happening in it, answers for the issues and so on. In a comparative mold, the course additionally manages different parts of the computer. In the wake of finishing the course, one may begin working as a engineer or technician for PC sales and repair offices. One may likewise start up a hardware repair shop and work autonomously. With the correct contacts, one may even find a job in authorized workshops and plants of big computer hardware producing firms. APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGNING: Short duration application development and design course goes on for about 6 months. The course
term may vary based on the institute. The course covers subjects like programming languages, UI design, application testing, graphics design and so on. The course content fluctuates from one OS (Operating system) to another. For instance, there are application development courses committed to major Operating Systems, such as App development for Android, iOS application development course, Windows application development and so on. One may specialize in one field or may do every one of them together moreover! Career options post completion: – UI Designer – App tester – Game designer and so on…. COURSE IN DTP: This course is tied in with utilizing PC based applications and learning to make documents e.g. cards, manuals, leaflets and so forth. To put it plainly, it manages the creation of such documents (their design, graphics and so on) and printing them. Information about useful software e.g. Adobe Photoshop, CorelDraw etc. are likewise given. Numerous graphics image editing roles are there for DTP course cleared students. Publishing of homes (cards, newspapers and so on) likewise employ DTP experts to enable them to out with design, editing and print related jobs. WEB DEVELOPMENT AND DESIGN: This transient course (3-6 months duration) suggested under career guidance tips is related with creation and upkeep of sites, blogs and e-commerce websites. The two fundamental topic that this course manages is-web scripting and graphics and multimedia. The course additionally covers other technical viewpoints like CMSs, Servers and Hosting and so on. Both these segments are vital in making visually rich and high performing sites and other web aspects. Web scripting segment covers topics e.g. HTML, web editors, CSS, PERL, PHP, Java and JavaScript. Graphics area covers the rudiments of Graphics design, multimedia and animation. Job opportunities: – Design consultant – Web designer etc. COMPUTER BASED ACCOUNTING: There are diverse softwares present for bookkeeping. A few organizations have likewise built up their own custom softwares for maintaining record of financial exchanges. A standout amongst the most well known software utilized for bookkeeping in India is Tally.ERP. Certification course in tally is being presented by substantial number of computer institutes in India. Tally certified guys will have the capacity to discover account keeping related jobs at different organizations and entities right from little shops and hotels to medium sized enterprises! Computerized Accounting Diploma is another such course, where extra bookkeeping softwares are presented other than Tally. SEO COURSE IS THE BEST COMPUTER COURSES AFTER 10TH/12TH: Ala Digital Marketing, there are two principle formats of SEO course present in India-offline and online. Online course comprises of PDF documents, Audio and video based study material. Conventional classroom course goes on for 3-6 months. Institutes in India normally offer only a certification programme. Job posts/roles: – SEO Consultant – SEO Professional etc… OTHER COMPUTER COURSES AFTER 10TH/12TH:
Apart from these, you can opt for the following courses as well: – Cyber Security and Ethical Hacking – Data Mining and Analysis – Relational Database Management System- RDBMS Thus it is evident that you have a number of options to explore from. Sync your choice with your liking. Have a bright career!!!