Comprehensive Plant Maintenance Training Course in Pune
Plant Maintenance Scope :
on plant and equipment is carried out to prevent problems arising, to put faults right, and to ensure equipment is working effectively. Maintenance may be part of a planned program or may have to be carried out at short notice after a breakdown. It always involves non-routine activities and can expose those involved (and others) to a range of risks.
Why is maintenance of plant and equipment important?
An effective maintenance program will make plant and equipment more reliable. Fewer breakdowns will mean less dangerous contact with machinery is required, as well as having the cost benefits of better productivity and efficiency.The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 (PUWER) require work equipment and plant to be maintained so it remains safe and the maintenance operation is carried out safely.
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Additional hazards can occur when machinery becomes unreliable and develops faults. Maintenance allows these faults to be diagnosed early to manage any risks. However, maintenance needs to be correctly planned and carried out. Unsafe maintenance has caused many fatalities and serious injuries either during the maintenance or to those using the badly maintained or wrongly maintained/repaired equipment.
What We Provide.
This detailed training course is designed by Industry Experts to Bridge the Gap between Academics & Actual Industrial Needs for engineers, managers and technical Personnel to facilitate improvement of maintenance functions and productivity; assist in optimizing costs and promoting excellence in Engineering work activities in their plants.
The course provides most comprehensive, systematic learning of various topics to gain better understanding and new insights to pave way for higher Economical Efficiency in managing Engineering functions. The course involves a wide spectrum, in-depth learning, and facilitates in laying strong foundation for Plant Engineering Management.
Course Content :
■ Basics Features of Maintenance ■ Tribology and Its Application ■ Need of Work Study in Maintenance ■ The Broad Function in Maintenance ■ Lubrication Management and Practices ■ Categorization & Selection Approach in Maintenance ■ Maintenance Management Structure ■ Designing A Planned Maintenance
■ Maintenance Planning, Scheduling & Checklist ■ Spare Parts & Inventory Management of Engineering Spares ■ Specification Development in Engineering ■ System Compliances as per International Organization for Standardization ■ Contractual Jobs, Rate Schedule, Billing & Control ■ Tools & Techniques in Maintenance Management
■ Condition Monitoring& Predictive Maintenance ■ Maintenance Budget, Cost and Cost Control Methodology ■ MIS in Maintenance, Performance Evaluation and Control ■ Machine Reliability, Availability & OEE ■ Equipment Replacement and Investment Methodology ■ Machine Failure Analysis & Action Plan, FIR, FFAR, CAPA ■ Machine Reconditioning / Rebuilding & Refurbishment Policy ■ Value Analysis Techniques in Maintenance
■ Key Role of Safety in Maintenance ■ Various Audits under Maintenance Department ■ Creativity, Innovation, R &D, Continuous Improvement Plans ■ Engineering Projects Management ■ Trouble Shooting Methodology ■ Statutory Compliances under Maintenance
Eligibility - ■ Engineering Graduates Duration - ■ 3 Months
Interview Techniques - ■ Softskill Training & Grooming ■ Resume Writing ■ Technical Aptitude ■ Group Discussion & Mock Interview.