How To Get Top Rank In JEE Mains 2018 For all the JEE Mains aspirants, here is a good news. SayTooLoud would like to share with you, some practical tips on how to get a good JEE Mains Rank. As a part of this, we would be taking a look at various aspects such as the IIT syllabus, best books for IIT JEE etc. So, let’s get started with the same… PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT: This is the sole tool which will work in long haul. There is no alternative for training and you have to practice in order to enhance your speed and confidence. It will likewise enable you to comprehend your knowledge related to the subject and the various areas of the IIT syllabus, on which you need to work more. FOCUS ON THE BASICS: Basics help us to understand the question and the set trap. The vast majority of the JEE questions test your basics as opposed to your formula recollecting abilities or speed. On the off chance that your basics are solid, then you can comprehend the question exceptionally well and answer it certainly. You can refer your 12th standard books to clear your basics or some of the best books for IIT JEE which are beneficial for some particular topics. You can likewise reap in the advantage of group study with your companions and can find answers to your doubts. TAKE ADMISSION INTO SOME COACHING CLASSES OR TEST SERIES: Despite the fact that it’s not a thumb rule to join training classes for JEE, yet it encourages you to keep you on your toes. You have to analyze your preparations with time and a decent coaching gacility gives you that stage. You get an opportunity to rate yourself with your peers and timely test practice keeps you up with your preparations. All these factors would contribute towards a higher JEE Mains rank for you. GO FOR THE DETAILS: Once your basics are clear then you are prepared to go for the details, for instance, during formula derivation, there are constantly a few suppositions made at last to make it more straightforward however JEE questions begin from those presumptions only, so on the off chance that you are recollecting the final derivation at exactly that point you might be stuck in trouble. You need to go for the details of each one of them, from the IIT syllabus. MAKE USE OF THE BEST BOOKS FOR IIT JEE: It’s not just your diligent work that counts but where are you investing it is what matters initially. So, prepare using standard books suggested for JEE and don’t surge yourself with such huge number of books. A large portion of the books have past year papers, MCQs only however, concentrate more on quality rather than the numbers. WORK ON IMPROVING YOUR REASONING AND ANALYTICAL SKILLS: Exams such as JEE analyze these skills by different format of questions. You need to reason every single aspect of the question since there are MCQs in JEE. You need to find every question possible, that can be raised from a particular concept. A thing that can definitely help you to boost your JEE Mains rank. OVERCOME YOUR WEAKNESSES: Allocate more time for those topics from the IIT syllabus, which you feel are difficult and take the help of 3-4 best books for IIT JEE to comprehend that topic. You can likewise take a look at past years paper pattern and choose appropriately that how much time you ought to give for every topic. For instance, there are a few topics that cover just 1-2 questions such as Permutation and Combination, Probability etc. So, there is no compelling reason to dedicate much time on those rather contribute on those topics which are of more significance such as Matrices, Algebra, Calculus
and so on. Follow these tips for a good JEE Mains rank and thus an illustrious career ahead !