Interview preparation for fresher: how to answer “why should we hire you?”

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Interview Preparation for Fresher: How To Answer “Why Should We Hire You?”


 When any interviewer asks you the question as to “Why Should We Hire You?”, they want to know how you are the ideal candidate for that particular position. Therefore, answering the question in a proper manner is important. It could be the difference between a YES and a NO from the employer.  We will be seeing over here, tips on how to answer this question. Along the way, you would also come to know as to how to increase self confidence.


THE APPROACH:  When you’re preparing for the interview, pause for a minute to analyze the set of job description. Prepare a rundown of the prerequisites for the position, that involves skills, personality traits and academic qualifications. At that point, prepare a rundown of the qualities you possess that fit these prerequisites.


 In case of each quality, think about a particular time that you utilized that characteristic to accomplish something at work place. For instance, on the off chance that you list that you are a “team player,” think about an instance when your capacity to work admirably with a team brought about an effectively executed project.


 Bear in mind to think past the expected set of job description and find out which of your abilities and achievements make you into a stand out applicant than others. For instance, possibly you have a certification that makes you more educated about the organization’s product than a normal sales guy.  Adopt this strategy and make it a part of interview preparation for freshers.


DURING INTERVIEW: – FOCUS ON THE UNIQUE ASPECT:  The hiring manager wishes to know how you emerge amongst all the applicants.  Along these lines, concentrate on maybe a couple qualities you have that are not the same as what different interviewees could be having, or are more hard to discover in applicants for the most part. For instance, in the event that you are very experienced with a specific ability that the job asks for, answer accordingly. This is your opportunity to explain to the interviewer why you would be a priceless employee. Saytooloud/Interview-Tips

– KEEP IT SHORT AND SWEET:  You need your response to be brief – close to a minute or two in length.  Consequently, select maybe a couple particular qualities from the rundown you prepared to underline in your “sales pitch.” Begin by clarifying what you trust the organization is searching for, and how you satisfy that need.


 Be set up to adjust to new information, if the interviewer shows that another skill or quality is more profitable to the employer.  Going on these lines will likewise provide answers on how to increase self confidence.


A FEW SAMPLE ANSWERS THAT WOULD WORK:  “Your organization offers many services in which I have got experience, in an assortment of capacities. [provide a couple of particular examples.] I trust that my experience in the industry would make me a solid match for this position.”


 “I am quite good in terms of administrative skills and I am sure that I’d be an asset for your organization. My skill set is by all accounts an ideal match for what you’re searching for. Also, I appreciate working with individuals, and would welcome the chance to be a part of your group.”  “I believe that my experience in the (widget) industry and my capacity to work independently make me a decent match for this position.”  These sample answers are only provided as guidance to prepare your own.  Go prepared and win over your interviewer…




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