Top 7 telephonic interview questions

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Top 7 Telephonic Interview Questions With Answers To Them! Telephonic interviews are a very common thing these days. In fact, in most cases, this is the first round in the interview process. Although this round seems to be easy, it is tricky in nature and many tend to fail in it. One of the reasons being, questions catching up on you unaware. For you to be better prepared next time, sharing with you, some of the top telephonic interview questions asked, along with the answers. It is critical to appear enthusiastic amid a telephonic interview. The interviewer can’t see your body language or facial expressions; however, they can experience the energy and grin in your voice. 1. TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF: In your telephonic interview, reply to this question by giving some information regarding your relevant experience and any particular qualities you have or ventures you may have been a part of which can offer value to the concerned job. You can likewise discuss about your academic background in the event that it increases the value of the job you are being interviewed for. 2. WHY DO YOU WISH TO LEAVE YOUR EXISTING JOB? There can be various explanations for you to leave the current job yet maintain the focus of your answer on the potential of the new job offer. Such as if it provides you with more responsibilities and challenges and thus a chance to develop as a professional and grow as an individual. These happen to be some of the basic interview questions that will be asked. So, prepare accordingly. 3. WHERE DO YOU SEE YOU RSELF IN 5 YEARS FROM NOW? While replying to this question, convey that you are aspiring yet would not switch the job soon in the wake of joining, for a few thousands. Instead, you would attempt to grow with the organization. To reply to this question, you can state something like – “5 years down the line, I visualize myself in a responsible position where the organization regards me as its asset and gives me a chance to be a part of critical decisions”. 4. WHAT’S YOUR GREATEST ACHIEVEMENT TILL DATE? Consider a recent example to answer this question. An example from long back would imply that you have not accomplished anything that big from that point onwards. 5. WHEN IS IT CONVENIENT FOR YOU TO WALK DOWN FOR AN INTERVIEW? The interviewer will more often than not ask this question when he feels that you are a suitable applicant and needs to see you for a face to face meeting. Go for a mutually feasible time and date. On the off chance that you are going for the interview in your working hours, ensure that you apply for a leave at your current workplace. This would additionally fortify interviewer’s confidence in your integrity. 6. DO YOU HAVE ANY WEAKNESSES? Each one in this world has a weakness. Therefore, it is perfectly alright that you likewise have a few. To answer this question, you can tell about a weakness that is absolutely disconnected with your job i.e. something that won’t have any effect in the manner you play out your duties. E.g. on the off chance that you don’t know how to cook, it will be irrelevant to your employer. Obviously, if you are not in the hotel industry. You can likewise use the word “liberally” and offer a shortcoming such as “my kid”, “pizzas” etc. 7. WHY DID YOU APPLY FOR THIS POSITION? This question ought to be replied by aligning the requirements of the job with your work experience, individual qualities and academic background. Keep the response in sync with the the prerequisites of the job instead of discussing how the job can enable your career growth and earn

more than now. Do not take the telephonic round lightly as it is the door to your further interview rounds. Appear well prepared. Get your dose of how to face interview tips, only on SayTooLoud.

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