Notes The epigraphs are from Stumbling Through the Stars by Fredrick Zydek, Holmes House Publications, 2004. Starting with the first and proceeding in order, they come from: “Photographs from the Hubble Space Observatory”, “A Few Words About Time”, “Terra Firma”, “The Planets Know You’ve Seen Them Dancing” and “The Stuff of Stars”. The inspiration for Section III was a traveling art exhibit, Icons in Transformation by Ludmila Pawlowska, a Russian-born artist who lives in Sweden. I had the pleasure and privilege of seeing 100 of her works in Denver, Colorado. These included large and small paintings and sculptures. I saw the exhibit several times and then worked from my own photos as well as those on her website. Because I have reached my 70’s and moved more times than I’d ever expected, numerous landscapes have become familiar to me. I maintain friendships with people rooted in one place or another while feeling I connect with several. Home has become a spiritual place with widely varying foliage, light, weather, rocks, buildings, and habits of thought. Taken together, these poems reflect this. “The Maple Watch” explores the topic.