Defence Shed Magazine 2016

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An initiative proudly supported by the Chief of the Defence Force Air Chief Marshal Mark Binskin

defence shed E V E RYO N E I S E Q UA L U N D E R O N E R O O F

16 PAGES Defence Shed Intel 1/2016

A Project To Inspire Operation Reunite: ‘A clear demonstration of a shared military history and mate-ship, two key things that contribute to ‘Closing the Gap’.

07/16 A ‘WHOLE OF LIFE’ APPROACH Work alongside Defence, Government, Health Providers, ESO’s and Associations to assist current and ex-serving ADF Personnel with service related health issues.

WORKING TOGETHER: Working with leading Defence Industries to help them facilitate grass-roots projects.



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FROM THE CHAIRMAN Since the launch of the Defence Shed at Techport in October 2015, membership and community awareness has steadily grown. Weekly breakfast gatherings and fishing trips for members, combined with restoration projects of donated items have helped Defence Shed begin to achieve its intended mission. The immediate priorities of Defence Shed are to move into it’s new Shed at Port Adelaide now that a lease has been secured with Renew SA so we can continue to operate and assist Current and Ex-serving ADF members.

Sean Bates ex RAN Chairman 0400649305

FROM THE SHED MANAGER We started with a bang and had volunteers jumping to get involved and help us strip down, tidy up and present our new home to the public. That worked paid off with the Opening to the public in October 2015 fittingly apart of Veterans’ Health Week festivities. Since the opening we have had multiple little projects, accomplishments and hurdles come our way including setting up ourselves as a Not For Profit (NFP) with Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) status, purchasing our first vehicle, setting up our committee and starting to organize the donations, which came in on a steady flow and all donations were received with many thanks and lots of appreciation.

Leith Bache ex 3CER

Shed Manager 0447041305

TOOL SHED Defence Shed fills the gaps and creates the links between organisations and agencies helping to capture the people who slip between the gaps, we then point them in the right direction to seek the service they need, utilizing the Tools already in place by these agencies.

OUTBACK SHED Getting out together, camping and 4x4 adventuring as families and mates, giving Peer 2 Peer Support to each other and enjoying the great outdoors. The OUTBACK SHED also assists rural ESO’s with projects that they may need some city assistance with or keeping them informed on welfare and health issues.

BOA T SHED Regular local fishing trips with mates coming together for a chance to fish offshore, learn boating skills, new fishing techniques, make there own rigs and nets and get some Peer 2 Peer support. Its a chance to open up to others , ‘What is said on the water stays on the water.’

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THE NUTS AND BOLTS 04/16 Introduction and brief history into the Defence Shed

05/16 What is Defence Shed about, learn about our core values, our mission and objectives.

07/16 Read about Operation Reunite were Defence Shed assisted Australia’s first Indigenous Returned Services League (RSL) club the Yarrabah RSL

10/16 Working alongside Defence, Government, Health Providers, ESO’s and Associations with a ‘whole of life’ approach to assist current and ex-serving ADF Personnel with service related health issues.

12/16 See how Defence companies can make an impact in the recovery of our current and ex-ADF personnel with service related health issues

14/16 Read members stories about how Defence Shed’s are making a difference for them on their road to recovery with service related health issues.

GARDEN SHED Keen gardeners have a place at the GARDEN SHED growing Herbs Vegetables to share, eat or turn in to preserves for fund-raising. Gallipoli Lone Pine Trees and Gallipoli Rosemary are also grown for the National “AVENUES of HONOUR” Project.

KIDS SHED Defence Shed is family orientated and we encourage members to bring the whole family along and participate in games and activities. KIDS SHED keeps the little ones busy whist mum or dad can have a brew, chat and get support.

DEFENCE SHED Defence Sheds is a meeting place where Current and ex-ADF Members can discuss issues of concern with like-minded mates, work on projects together, get involved in fund-raising activities and give/get Peer to Peer support for one another.



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INTRODUCTION Defence Shed was born out of frustration in 2012 by a Veteran suffering PTSD and other health issues from service, He was in search of a place that would offer him a form of mate-ship a place he could access information on support for ADF personnel, he found that the ‘Men’s Shed’ whilst a great organisation was not a good fit with ex and current ADF personnel with their Mental and physical health issues. He developed the idea of ‘Defence Shed’, a place where all current and ex ADF would be welcome and understand each other. His vision was a place to have a brew with mates, maybe work on various projects e.g. building toys for children’s charities and help raise funds for much needed support for ADF personnel with service related health issues and helping mates in need. A Facebook group was started and called ‘Defence Shed’, Volunteers were asked to join the admin team to get things moving in a positive direction. The group is open to all current and ex ADF personnel and in a very short space of time the group has grown rapidly to the current membership base of 4,000+. It is a group where information is being shared regarding many health issues, swap jokes and have a bit of fun and most importantly mate-ship. In August 2013 we approached the Peter Badcoe VC Vietnam Veterans complex at Edinburgh in South Australia to possibly work in cooperation with them, this proposal was accepted and Defence Shed now has its first ‘Shed’ for our South Australian Members. October 2015 during ‘Veterans Health Week’ with the assistance of Semaphore Port Adelaide RSL we launched our first Stand Alone (HQ) Defence Shed at Techport which gained local and national media coverage and helped start the conversation on PTSD at local RSL’s and ESO’s. Defence Shed is ‘an initiative proudly supported by the Chief of the Defence Force Air Marshal Mark Binksin A.C. Defence Shed also have support of ADF, Semaphore Port Adelaide RSL, South Australia RSL President Brigadier Tim Hanna, South Australian Health Advisory Council, The General Repatriation Hospital, The Queen Elizabeth Hopital (Mental Heath), Veterans SA, DVA, Defence Community Organisation (DCO), DefenceCare, RSL Care SA (inc) and leading Defence Industries.

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WHAT IS DEFENCE SHED Defence Shed is based on the well-known ‘Men’s Shed’ Principle and offers peer support to Current & Ex-Serving Australian Defence Force (ADF) men & women in an effort to provide them with mate-ship, various hands on activities, projects and social activities, health & welfare advice, counselling through various professional networks, along with connections to others within the Defence network that can offer assistance. Defence Shed is being organised by current and ex-defence force personnel from various backgrounds within the Defence force who have a passion to assist their mates in need. Defence Sheds is a meeting place where people can discuss issues of concern with like-minded mates, work on projects together, get involved in fund-raising activities for various defence related charities along with the ability to learn new skills e.g.; photography, wood work, metal work and similar skills. Defence Shed maintains a data base of Health professionals and those offering advocacy to those with issues with DVA etc.

Our Vision Our Vision for Defence Shed is to be an Australia wide concept offering a place for all current and ex ADF members, with local ‘Defence Sheds’ in as many locations as needed, offering a place to work on various projects, helping mates in need, seeking and offering assistance on the many issues that face the Defence community.

Our Aim Our aim is to work with existing organisations that assist the veteran community and get as many Associations as possible involved with this project in a concerted effort to provide Members with a greater ‘United Voice’ to the many Government Departments that are responsible for their Welfare.

Our Mission Our Mission is to help as many veterans as possible through our Defence Sheds and offering them a place that will give them assistance in the many ways that are needed.

Our Objectives To create and maintain an environment for current and ex ADF personnel where concerns, PTSD, past trauma, health and welfare issues, transitional & employment problems can be discussed with other veterans who have empathy through similar life experience in operational areas during their service in the ADF. Those that become part of the Defence Shed will be encouraged to develop, redevelop or learn new skills which will enhance their self-esteem and in turn provide a positive impact upon their lives, their family and the community. To foster and maintain a relationships with the those stakeholders in the Defence Shed, ADF, Defence Industry, Sponsors, South Australian Health Advisory Council, The General Repatriation Hospital, The Queen Elizabeth Hospital (Mental Heath), Veterans SA, DVA, Defence Community Organisation (DCO), DefenceCare and RSL Care SA (inc) .



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“I don’t believe I have ever seen this type of unity before in the Defence community.”

What does Defence Shed do Differently? “The obvious one for me is the Yarrabah APC Initiative. That was a mammoth effort from the Defence Shed (DS) in terms of practical support to another without asking for anything in return. In fact, DS members dig deep into their own pockets to ensure others initiatives come to fruition. The DS provided the mechanism for Yarrabah in relation to funding the APC project. Which I do know, no one else was going to do. The point of difference for me here is that the DS doesn’t take over the activity it supports an outcome and in the process fosters positive relationships with the wider exservice community. ‘Everyone is equal under one roof! ‘ The DS will be heavily involved in the launch of the APC in September which will not only strengthen the relationship with the Yarrabah RSL, but also the broader Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) community and the ATSI and non ATSI Defence Community.

This is a clear demonstration of a shared military history and mate-ship, two key things that contribute to ‘Closing the Gap’. Yarrabah is keen to host ‘Serving Country’ exhibition during the launch of the APC and this event will be done in association with DS. There will be media around the event and it will be a positive show of support and unity between the non and ATSI service communities. Ps. I don’t believe I have ever seen this type of unity before in the Defence community.”

Catherine Spooner Defence Shed Member, Service Wife and Project Consultant of ‘Serving Country’.

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Road 2 Yarrabah

In April 2016 Defence Shed assisted Australia’s first Indigenous Returned Services League (RSL) club the Yarrabah RSL in organising the interstate transportion and secure delivery of an M113-A1 armoured personnel carrier (APC) driven by one of its founding members during the Vietnam War. Twelve months earlier, president of the Yarrabah RSL Tim White located the APC at the Gaza Ridge Barracks at Bandiana in Victoria. On hearing of the conection of the APC to Yarrrabah RSL The Australian Defence Force (ADF) agreed to bequeath it, with the stipulation the club organised and paid for transport of the vehicle. Yarrabah RSL managed to raise the $7,500, from the far north Queensland business community and asked State and National RSL for assistance in the project, both were happy to help but nothing came forthwith. Defence Shed on hearing about the project stepped up and helped facilitated the interstate transport on their behalf. The load was tied down by Joint Logistic Command at Wadsworth Barracks and driven by Queensland-based truck driver Roger Tuxworth. The APC traveled through Gilgandra, Lightning Ridge, Roma and Townsville before it was delivered to Yarrabah east of Cairns, another APC went on to the Cooktown RSL. Mr Tuxworth said of the long drive “We cart a lot of freight all around the place but it’s not every day you get a decommissioned army piece to take on up for display.” The Yarrabah APC will be part of a permanent monument honouring the service of local Veteran Sergeant James Canuto, it is the same APC that was driven by James Canuto and entertainer Normie Rowe durring the Vietnam War. The two served together as part of the Australian Army’s commitment to the conflict and have remained good mates since. James reached the rank of Squadron Sergeant Major and led a troop of 200 soldiers, including entertainer Normie Rowe.



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Tri-Services fishing regulars L-R Ben (3SECFOR SQN RAAF), Allen (ex RAN) & Daniel (ex RAR)

Some roads to recovery are on the water Regular local fishing trips with mates coming together for a chance to fish offshore, learn boating skills, new fishing techniques, make there own rigs and nets and get some Peer 2 Peer support. Its a chance to open up to others , ‘What is said on the water stays on the water.’ When ever Defence Shed member Allen (ex RAN) is in town on R&R from his FI/FO job in Papua New Guinea he loves nothing more than to take other members out fishing on his boat.

Allen suffered PTSD after he left the service and a big part in his recovery was the restoration / rebuild of his boat. Allen has been passing on this sea & boat knowledge to others in an effort to assist them with their service related issues. The fishing trips have been a big hit with Kids as well especially during crab season, all the kids have learnt about boat and water safety.

One of the fishing regulars is Ben (3SF SQD RAAF) who is posted at Edinburgh RAAF Base SA. Ben is from Townsville and he’s had to leave his family, friends and fishing gear/ boat back home. “It’s been great to meet such a supportive group of people, the fishing has been good fun and it’s an excellent de-stressor from work at the end of the week. Its also been helping me with missing my family & friends whilst being posted”.

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Regular displays and info sessions

Defence Shed is family orientated and we encourage members to bring the whole family along and participate in games and activities. KIDS SHED keeps the little ones busy whist mum or dad can have a brew, chat and get support.

The Bouncy Castle is rolled out for the Kids on Saturday Mornings


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BRIDGE TO RECOVERY Creating the links between organisation’s Defence Shed does things differently, instead of being a rigid organisation with a very concrete doctrine of how to help, we are more fluid in our approach allowing for more ideas and maybe some avenues that have not been thought of yet. This is what stands us apart from other organisations.

” The difficulty for individuals of acknowledging mental health problems, let alone seeking mental health treatment, should not be underestimated. Even with effective assertive outreach and the best pathways to care, some will not be willing or able to avail themselves of treatment in its traditional forms”. 2012 Final Report for the DVA Lifecycle Review

Defence Shed gives a hand up to those struggling with their service related health issues.

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How has Defence Shed made a Difference ? We spent many hours on the phone with Mary convincing her it’s ok to go to the Doctors, a call to the Welfare Officer at Bundaburg RSL asking him to pay a visit to her. She is now getting the medical help she needs. We also put a call out for any members that lived near her and found a sailor that lived down the road from Mary. Together with his family they have been paying her visits for some time now. Mary ex WRAN QLD

‘Working together and understanding what tools and services are available makes the Difference’

NOT JUST ANOTHER E.S.O. Defence Shed is not just another ex-service organisation (ESO) replicating what has already been done. Defence Shed’s Aim is to work alongside Defence, Government, Health Providers, ESO’s and Associations with a ‘whole of life’ approach to assist current and exserving ADF Personnel with service related health issues. Educating while in service, assisting through transition and helping whilst a veteran - a ‘whole of life’ approach. Defence Shed fills the gaps, builds the bridges and creates the links between organisation’s and agencies helping capture people who would have slipped between the gaps, we then point them in the right direction to seek the service they need, utilizing the Tools already in place by these agencies.

Joe was in a very bad way, very depressed and talking about taking his own life, Defence Shed set up a system of buddies to call him, go visit and also helped him to seek assistance from Mental health professionals through VVFCS. Joe ex RAR NSW Steven was about to commit suicide, he called asking for one of our members, we got Steven’s number and the member call him back and found out his location. Defence Shed had a veteran that lived near by, a call was made and we met at the house he was restrained from self harm until the authorities arrived. Steven ex RAR NSW Assisted a female veteran seeking help and assistance regarding abuse and getting her to the DART commission, she then moved on with her life in a very positive direction and is now doing very well.

Sharon had a very bad training exercise and servilely damaged her leg. Talk of amputation made her feel depressed / not good mental state. Defence Shed spent many hours on the phone listening to her story and giving her support. Sharon RAAF * Names have been changed

Peter a 60yr Veteran with 20yr NAVY Service suffering from PTSD, Service injuries & cancer. Defence Shed assisted with DVA Claims, Hospital Visits, Spouse Assistance and transport, Peer 2 Peer Support for over 6 months whilst in hospital.

Barry is 31 and Currently serving in Army . With Service in Timor, Iraq, & Afghanistan Barry has PTSD and multiple Service injuries. Defence Shed is assisting with transition to civilian life, Peer 2 Peer Support, connection with others Barry RAR SA

Peter ex RAN SA



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Defence Shed works with leading Defence Companies to help them facilitate grass-roots projects at a community level.


Many companies know how and what they want to spend their money on but don’t have the time or resources to implement them, this is one of the areas where Defence Shed can assist them to find the right project to invest in, to reach their desired outcome . Being a volunteer organisation makes sure that 100% of funds raised for a project go towards that project and not absorbed in administration fees, general revenue, wages etc. Defence Shed is a fully incorporated not for profit and a fully Charitable (DGR) organisation.

Defence Shed provided the perfect location for DCNS to get their message to the people who needed to know

Social media ad by Semaphore Port Adelaide RSL & Defence Shed congratulating and welcoming DCNS to the local community

ASC have been assisting Defence Shed at Techport with funds / materials and services from the beginning

AWD and Transfield Services assisted Defence Shed with supplies

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Sponsor the Defence Shed $10,000 sponsorship money will go a long way to creating a Shed and stocking it with the tools and resources needed to maintain it for our Current & Ex-Serving ADF Members to work on projects. A chance for your company to say we are doing our part for the well being of our Current & ExServing ADF Members. Social Media Promotion / Name On Our Sponsors Web-Page / Events / Letterheads / Shed Signage


EVERY PROJECT IS A NEW EXPERIENCE Sponsor a Shed Project $5000 can sponsor one of our many Projects that the men and women work on or attend as part of their therapy / treatment against PTSD, Depression and other service related health issues. A chance for your company to make an impact by assisting in the recovery programs set up for our Current & Ex-Serving ADF Members Social Media Promotion / Signage on the Project / Name On Our Sponsors Web-Page

Sponsor the Diggers Emergency Fund $2500 sponsorship goes towards our emergency fund to assist homeless veterans with temporary accommodation, assist with emergency bills, unexpected hospital cost that arise for our Current & Ex-Serving ADF Members A chance for your company to commit to the well being of our diggers who are doing it a bit tough. Social Media Promotion / Name On Our Sponsors Web-Page

Sponsor the Shed Weekly Breakfast $1500 can sponsor our Weekly Saturday Morning Breakfast Catch Up for 12 months at one of our Defence Sheds. Every week we feed our Current & Ex-Serving ADF Members and their families a cooked breakfast. It’s as chance for your company to regularly attend, meet defence contacts and engage with young diggers as part of your community outreach program. -

Sponsor the Outback Shed $1000 can buy camping equipment for our Outback Shed for Current & Ex-Serving ADF Members and their families to use on camping and 4x4 adventure .

Social Media Promotion / Signage at the Breakfast / Name On Our Sponsors Web-Page

It’s as chance for your company to join in on our adventures, meet defence contacts and engage with young diggers as part of your community outreach program. Social Media Promotion / Name On Our Sponsors Web-Page

“All donations are received with many thanks and lots of appreciation.”e

Sponsor our BBQ Fund-raiser $500 sponsors one of our Bunnings BBQ’s which will pay for all the supplies for the day, it makes the day all profit for the Defence Shed. Your company could also assist in the day with staff volunteering along side the young diggers as part of your community outreach program. Social Media Promotion / Name On Our Bbq Board / Name On Our Sponsors Web-Page


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“Hello all, my name is Leith Bache and I have taken on the role of Shed Manager at the first stand alone Defence Shed. I served 7 years in the Australian Army as a Combat Engineer before I was medically discharged. In the first 3 years after discharge found life hard and difficult in returning to civilian life. When heard the Semaphore & Port Adelaide RSL (which I was volunteering at) was going to start up the first physical Defence Shed I jumped at the opportunity to get involved.

Everyone is equal under one roof

We started with a bang and had volunteers jumping to get involved and help us strip down, tidy up and present our new home to the public. The hard worked paid off with the Launch to the public in October 2015 fittingly as part of the “Veterans’ Health Week” festivities.

“About 3 years ago I was invited into Defence Shed by a work colleague after he noticed the struggles I was having with my DVA accepted condition. My condition had caused excessive pain over a 15 year period, and was having obvious consequences on my mental state, social life and time that should have been better enjoyed with family.

Since the launch we have had multiple little projects, accomplishments and hurdles come our way. Some of the highlights including setting up ourselves as a NFP with DGR Status, purchasing our first vehicle to restore, setting up our executive committee and starting to organize the donations which came in on a steady flow, all donations are received with many thanks and lots of appreciation.

When I was invited into Defence Shed it was a facebook group with a small admin group trying their best to create physical locations for members to gather. I was given a mission. My mission was to consolidate social media accounts and email accounts and start advertising to increase the awareness of Defence Shed. Being given a mission is probably the one thing that kept me going. After a period of time my mission seemed close to coming to an end and so I was given another. I was tasked with finding RSL’s around the country that would like to create a Shed. I approached Semaphore & Port Adelaide RSL where a group of both young and old current and ex-serving members formed a Committee. The rest is history. I am now an active member / volunteer at the physical Defence Shed where my life and ambitions have come a complete 180. I am passionate about helping others and firmly believe that Defence Shed is the perfect fit for current and ex-serving both young and old, men and women.”

Anon ex - ADF Member

One of the hurdles we encountered was in the negotiations of a mutually beneficial agreement with the owners of the premises. To the credit of everyone at Defence Shed when negotiations broke down, we dug in, pulled together and found a solution. With the help of RenewSA we managed to lock down an ideal home base in the heart of Port Adelaide to continue our endeavor of helping current and ex-serving ADF personnel in need. As for projects, we have had the vehicle which has been slow going but now have the parts and the ability to do this up to be a mobile advertisement for us as well as a support vehicle for camping trips, events etc. We have had 2 boats to be a part of fixing up, the larger of the two has seen multiple deployments to sea with plenty of crabs brought back. We are working with ‘Avenues of Honor’ and have a small contingent of trees growing on site. Our new premises will be a friendly, social and a helpful environment, additionally inside we have a piano, dart board, seating area, makeshift kitchenette, a blow up bouncy castle for the kids and an 8ball table which all adds to the experience we eventually want to provide. In closing we have had some hurdles but we are continuing to fight through as we believe and with the support we have received we know others believe in our idea to provide support in a variety of ways to current and ex-serving personnel. Feel free if you're in the area to come down to the Defence Shed bring your partner and kids on Saturday mornings for a bacon and egg breaky, help with any issue big or small, get behind a hammer or even just a good old fashioned chin wag. Don’t forget to keep up to date, like and follow us on”

Leith Bache Defence Shed Manager, ex 3CER 31 Nile St Port Adelaide

“Being given a mission is probably the one thing that kept me going”

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“I was doing my job helping Banda Aceh, Indonesia which was devastated by the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami doing the best we could in trying conditions. A wave of fog drifted across my mind, and my awareness slipped away. I had seen too much destruction, too much death and too much despair for my mind to process. Supported by peers I continued on, but my life had been irrevocably changed.

Last year, I had a chance meeting at the Semaphore and Port Adelaide RSL that introduced me to the Defence Shed. At the time the Defence Shed was about to open. Tentatively I attended the opening event and rather than be asked about work and places that I have been, I was greeted by people that understood that this is an uncomfortable. Instead they talk was about various activities the Defence Shed had planned for the future and encouraged me to come back again.

As a person living with PTSD, I have struggled with having meaningful social interaction with others around my age. I do not engage in certain conversations, particularly when I am asked about places that I have been. Sometimes the words I use do not fit the context of the conversation and can seem quite random, many times these are deflection to another topic. At other times, the use of a social crutch can get you through whether a partner or alcohol (albeit fraught with danger and regret). I now see the world differently. I avoid conversations. I am guarded. I am not always rational. I despise the symptoms and yet they have become so much of who I am that I do not remember the me before. This is my normal. In the process I have sought help from VVCS, Psychiatrists, medication and in-service providers with mixed results. At some points I was close to being hospitalised. Most times I use my work as a distraction and spend excessive time doing it; without work on a weekend I am lost and left with my own thoughts.

Since coming to the Defence Shed I have a reason to get up on a Saturday. Without this, I doubt I would get out of bed or interact with anyone on a weekend. When I walk into the Defence Shed, I am greeted by a great group of people from a variety of backgrounds that get me. Sometimes I talk, sometimes I don’t; the Defence Shed team understand why. In the time that I have been coming to the Defence Shed, I have worked on a fibreglass boat that is being rebuilt and been out fishing regularly with Allen on his boat (often talking more than fishing). In the process, I am learning new skills both practically and socially. It is also the first time in over 10 years that I can say that I have let my guard down and met some great friends in the process. Over the coming months, I am looking forward to seeing the Defence Shed grow and working on some more projects both at the Shed and also looking for my own projects to use the skills I have learnt there. Without the Defence Shed, I am not sure how I would be travelling mentally. Although I have a lot of healing to do, thanks to Defence Shed I have grown in confidence and this is improving the quality of my life overall as I make changes to my lifestyle. Changes that give me hope of a better future. “

Anon Current Serving ADF Member “My personal story of the shed is that I am a current serving ADF member based at A.S.C., I was told about Defence Shed by my mother who is friends with quite a few people who are Involved with the Facebook page, and put me into contact with Sean, I came and helped out at the working bees to set up the shed and became more involved from there, I was put forward for committee membership by another member and that is currently where we are at. I joined the Defence Shed to help the Shed achieve what it has been set up to do. If I am honest then one day it might be someone I know that needs this kind of help and I would like to be in a position to give help when needed. I think what makes Defence Shed different is that instead of being a rigid organisation with a very concrete doctrine of how to help, we are more fluid in our approach allowing for more ideas and maybe some avenues that have not been thought of yet. That is what I think stands us apart from other organisations. I personally have attended the working bees originally set up to make the current shed workable, I have helped with fund-raisers that have been run by the Shed ( cooked sausages, provided supply’s etc.), I have helped with the Saturday morning breakfasts as well.”

John Armbruster Current Serving RAN


“My name is Joe and I am a currently serving member of the Royal Australian Air Force. In the middle of 2015 I was informed about the “Defence Shed” concept by Andrew, a fellow member of the Semaphore and Port Adelaide RSL. Living locally in the Port Adelaide/Semaphore area I was encouraged to hear about an idea to help all generations of local veterans and their families. What set the “Defence Shed” concept apart from other veterans’ organisations is the vision to focus on providing assistance to local Defence Shed members through community interaction, projects and social gathering. The initial phases of preparing the shed for launch and use was made possible by the hard work of members of the Semaphore and Port Adelaide RSL, Defence Shed members and other volunteers from the community. The work completed for the Defence Shed launch enabled friendships to form between members through community involvement and projects – in essence the concept of shed was already in motion. As Defence Shed Treasurer I have been fortunate to meet other current and ex serving members of the ADF and their families. There are a large number of current and recently serving members of the local community who will be able to seek support at Defence Shed. I have thoroughly enjoyed coming to Defence Shed fundraising events, crabbing on the boat and coming to BBQ breakfasts at the shed. My Dog Henry enjoys coming to the shed and meeting new people and it is always a struggle to get him to want to leave when it is time to go. Defence Shed has overcome challenges and we are working towards our long term goals, but considering the organization is less than 12 months old, we are in an exciting place and I truly believe we have already made a massive difference for our members and their families. This will expand to greater community benefits and a wider footprint.”

Joseph Mack - Defence Shed Treasurer, Current Serving RAAF

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31 Nile St Port Adelaide

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