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NUL report reveals how hate is rising


Te National Urban League 2023 State of Black America report concluded that an uptick in police brutality, specifically against Black Americans, is no coincidence. Across the nation, white supremacist groups and domestic terror cells have infltrated law enforcement and the military ranks, posing a threat to homeland security and the public.


Te report highlights fve topics revealed as troubling threats:

1. A hate manifesto: Te Rise in Violent Hate Crimes Across America.

2. Tracking parental rights’ movement rooted in racism: the threat within education.

3.Hate in the nation: Te threat within America’s political system.

4. A threat to national security: Hate within law enforcement and the military.

5. Te divided state of America: A surge of divisive policies.

Te State of Black America, which also drew from information from the Brennan Center, noted that the FBI reported that white supremacists posed a “persistent threat of lethal violence” that has produced more fatalities than any other category of domestic terrorists since 2000.

“And FBI policy documents have also warned agents assigned to domestic terrorism cases that the white supremacist and anti-government militia groups they investigate ofen have ‘active links’ to law enforcement ofcials,” the National Urban League’s report stated.

“Countries around the world have been destabilized by military and law enforcement coups led by extremists holding right-wing ideologies. To protect our communities and our democracy, we must take this threat seriously.”

Te authors of the report said that groups of state and federal lawmakers working with shady political operatives and violent extremists are dangerously close to destroying American democracy and replacing it with autocratic rule.

Te 2023 report titled, “Democracy in Peril: Confronting the Treat Within,” sounds the alarm about extremist ideas taking root in classrooms, law enforcement, the military and the halls of Congress.

“Te mainstreaming of extremist ideology is an existential threat to American democracy, the rule of law, and decades of hard-won progress toward an equitable, inclusive, and more perfect union,” National Urban League President and CEO Marc H. Morial said.

“No longer limited to passing out mimeographed leafets on street corners or huddling in corners of the dark web, conspiracy-mongers and white nationalists openly spew their bile across social media and cable television,” he continued.

“Tey weave it into the public policy they impose on their constituents. It corrodes the trust between police, the military, and the communities they are sworn to protect and serve.”

Te State of Black America reveals how deeply extremist ideas have crept into America’s most important institutions, leading to a rising tide of deadly violence, harsh laws, and racial tensions being used as weapons.

A look at Mark Morial’s 20 years as president and chief executive ofcer of the National Urban League DN ONLINE

VOLUME 92, NUMBER 23 - APRIL 20, 2023

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