The Gulf States Navies 2013

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TH'E GULF STATES NAVIE52013 ADVANTAGEOUS PRO.SPECTS FeR Gee NAVIES TI!eM iddle Ilq$t remains n sj)manlio nnl/lll c.nvironlllcnl ;·Sl<iles·lnlho region areslcpping-up invcslmc!\l hI new naval capabilili;,s, a response to nwidc spec. lrum "f'operational ch~lIcnges. LnlC-~t 20':yMr foreca~ts,for. thc 14 · couti. I ~·ei;

making up·the Mid,En~tlNor1h' Arrica J\ ¢C'elenulng a:~qlltsiUoll Qf submnrine cnpa· region ProjcCW nlorc man 600 riill" ship;s wilioe a~quir:edat umnrkct value ,blliliel ~r lOIn I .41 innQ,".in~ Ih. 0"1f o'FalnfQst U$$·601311. This toprcseril~ NAi';, • foW. "'i~:2b '1 2 sn,,· cpfu.~I~!QnI1l8qr 'Il:\'''q l...dir'' ~Ins, In\nl.$llh111,rll\dJ1ri~ ~,m ­ !I lmo~1 29 Ihe ·globnl.nnvnl llil: Ironia,. N~VY'$ Klt1> ili.escl ,u~­ market througli 263] measured QY Imul,'lof mo,roe \'l" req" (~Ot) - bolh !ypcs Operot'" In .IIlIlIlber ofn~w hulls,.und ~bout 7 per- th~ V~ VA t 91 •••,.1... Ti•• pOl.uti.1 'o f cent of new pl.tfonu acqulsltiOli worlO- !~lJmrtrinc$ to dis01P\ crillcal Scti hmtls if! the Iyide by nwrkct \il14Jl> 'f119' dulrregi9n '~: Oulf~. ln.~'",giQo.1 Ucmondkfnr I~:~ \\'­ fo~~ti;l! new IIaval sljip.prQcui:\:n)e,nts ..Pliblo co"'~llC$~11d frig.l~ (fIlnl I"I'cral Gulf are lea tiy':S.3udi h(r~jjjn, while ilia ".<;'" ,1fo",.',"-' '\th'.~ l'.!dqlUJi:.Wc\\'~ QfjiOl/llUIIited Arab' Emimtes (VAn), Qallit; Ifill submrujl11: "ClJul!ilj~iJ.< by Oi.lfeoi?~,lj.n t'o11ncll,(OGO) mcniller. stioh . , S'udi A",\lln and thin also OQntih4C10 lIl"ke signifi- lII.d O,e UAI:. cant ihl(iro~cill~nl!\in a Vorlely,ofnoval nlissionarens (fee figure I). COUNTRY HIGl-fLlGHTS


VHLiWA'l' 91 linva l '\'."'~" ha;·. focu!cd nttcntlon in the Gulf oh minl:! counter·

$~II~M'ilhl.: sue....!!)" l" u'1' roUp\vl"S Ihe Ju"e 2012 dCOlh of rrince NAyi f bin t\tX1ul1UizAI '~'"d <o"l;n"O lojnlhl'~9Q i1JlilfC procurement pl.ns \i)' lit' Ruyal S.udi l'{a\'111 Force (R'SNF). Mosl of Ihq 'hltf' ~cqui,itiOn Pro~lJlll1cs within the Snuqi Naval Exp:lJlsion f lon (~Ner 11) And,p~rail~1 "~pan"",\ or lb. MIHi5lry,Qf1n ..tltlr C~t Otll1(d h.,~ sUpped. ~Hlh riO !iilnifica~1 Mv'.1'<qui,ll ion "",I In~.

l11enljurcs Clnti (mITenl "h~l'tru ll s ' ih lhis'criUcul

11t1\<!.o ln 2tJI2.

N.EW C"PABllITYNI;EDS IDENTIFIED If!ininn offensivo mill,JI!lying Ciapability. dlJmqnslJ1l.lcd d\lrin'l thO' oecem ~ r 2012

mission. I3nlll!lli.: missile defence. (BMD) und the n~vllnjnges of scu-bnsc.-d detect nnd enSligo

sy.5tCllI nrc ""so lI .significilnl foetor In planned IUlYnl ncquisitions fn lhe Gulf.

For Ihe RSNf, the ~'I ed iu", swfacc Combat·

:m! (cOI'Vclle) Dnd Etistcrn rlcct Sutfitte c::on'i· battml (friBatc) col1l inul: 10 rnce del3y:t evet1

IhOOgb",, ""'lh.. Ihonavall..dcr,\hlp 'IOU mode il$'dCslgn deci$ion in 20 11 . RtIIll~ t dinn selecting II dcsign,tf(tr the corvl!ltc os CXpecl(;~, II\e RSNtH;ol!'nlil\l.Qifyin~.I!$ '''!'''''lJIlCnl f9(' {(;iget v~~i"l., lYilhu BMD qa~bjlllY su<~ nit the '''Arlei,wl Burke" Cla1i~ AlthoU.M lhntnow~m~ [~I)C In'qu'csI1oh. As 0(1. ,. Scpl" ubeI2Q I2•.Ift. ~SJ':lF NPi1ricd to be intcr~,,:;d in In~cmi.sf~g h!; frigni~ nm.! c9n'cU(: t'orce~, .sl,)C9llj~?H>; . the. three IiAl illyldh" •.I~ (P~3000~ ~'" WAl(I,II) frIS8Jc.j, fOIu "ill Madl",," <li\S$ friJlnI~ III'" fO!!' ''IJ,Rdf' cl (tsS C'or\'Cltc5 (sufl.g'u}t! 2). 'It IH)\V IIJ1P~pn; thecc _hIlS b~n liDmq~'c:mc "i 'in the Ittlorn\.o' p,co,wuntnc5, It Is beli. , cd 1b.1 DeNS nnd TH /\~BS ,vIII b:<: ~lecrC'd r"f lh~ 14<\1 Riyadh't progrnml11U: ll.!i uriginnl syste\llSbuilder lind suppli<r.' Work I, ~~~'d 10 ~;I,>I~? liult 1"l\U,lCJtjl~1l!/ '"'~ eogln. nnd &QII'emlarlJ1al"lC!n!tnc;~psrndC!: $oOW;L& vp1wtd~s a@-an'icip;\t~l ~o., 11111)01' W~PQ" .S)"·

telhs wllh upg",dCS'tQ'h~SBNtr 7 e MS, nmon" <Qu'd ,\,0 btbcrs. '11.1, progrilill",c . . \ be"ln .• ,.by ~Q J .

In, Ill!C July. ! 201,2.. infbrnuuion available ' " , .. the SiHl~i Cro,vn Pri~ c.c Salm ~ 1I Bin A\id11laziz (01' " D~I'~IY Prim.• MlniSler . nd !iU~g~

0,,11;,,« Mini, IJ1Ij Il1Id ,ca.tiv.ied" pingrnmme 10 f(wi cw acquii1n~ n smn ll or ml!dillm.~I1:.c..d SUblll3'rinc ca'p<lbUity. Altllt)'Ug,h the itubnulrinc

Bob Nugenl IS


PrA"Sfdanl oj Ad ~Ofy S~rvlco s for


IntG(T1lltkmal, a MVil l mark.el research ~ analysls firm. 8Qb sp!lf112? as an Ir1In1Ug"""" am"", Ir1 lhe u~ Navy end also served as Dt!PUIYN.val A!lacM I~


NAVAl . I o rU ;ES la OI)



progmmmc "',mHnu¢s II) I'll! di~cu.-I;scd. ill nuiUlI!t gl..lvcrnmcfll und 1111'.'al circles. sources indil;'"il: suhmarines B~ a low ,morilY 1l~t Ihe RNSF ('\..\11)rilfC41 to more pressing'needs: rnr HMD. nl!'ctnlr

t.lctCIIL:t:, ASlLW. alld mine WtUfllfC ~V~IL!ms. However. the Saudi Defence Mini~try is COil' Iluuing hl tllvicw nhemmives tor procllrCm~f1t or lU leasf tW't1I1C'W submarin"'~, Sources in July 20 t 2. renmlcd the RSNFplann~''(hli~cllssi(lf1s 10 I..,k " DeNS' SMX-2, ANI)llASTA lind

ThysschKrupp MMin,C' Si';$IClt1s~III)W1S l'yp~ 21lA, lW(l ilfthc Ilth:!>t designs 00 thci- s11bmii· ril1¢¢XPOlt ITuukt'l.1t i:!t oo'liewd thstlllC RSNF is l..'QlI!tickring ncquiring subnHtrinefi in rcsp<'ns.e to the c'I(.pnnding uJldrneu milt1!t 1l1~tlt fmmlrnn. If is c~pcch:d Ihat RSNF IH'(lgl'ilUlrne5' life It) C:ClIItilltJC slipping in 1013, pMtlculnrly !t11:! ~lIbl11f1rlnc pmgrumlllc. In the mnlt tctlll. modemis(ltlon and upgrnIJ.iIlWUfi,J~ Jhr frigl~lL's. 4,;orwues rind palitll \'e~ls ar!!" Ihe most likdy to'bi.: b'l:Cn this year. llAfi: {'llmlUj~ioning of'11 JUnge of m:w \'esseb lIlade 2012 ntmns(omrot/onnl yC.:It f"f Ih..: United A"lIb Emirate!/. Navy (lJAI\N), tUl'\I~ue.~.long~H3ngl: p'ulml c~nfl. IruHs:port "ic~s.cls, amI ru1 fmrmwd mine c(mnlcnnC'nS1,lro.-; iMCM) c'.1pm:iIY wlll Dlodetliisc the UAE neel liUJ cnhlllll.-Q inhmJpcr.tbllity "ith Gee mCnlher j


The rclnlivciy slTlilll UAEN is prWlnl~d lnl\l llne cmumulld authority tim! CUiltrois tbe 2.500 slrol1gs<n~tv1c~, ThcmnJm;lyonhc: 11ccl's 37 ~hlJl!\, \'cs-sct!-l.CfdO. rmd bO:\l,1I, un: hl)fne-l1(trt~d In Abu Dhabi at 11i~ Ctltll11ry's main ul1\'t~1 busco,

wher\."a,s Iln.""] tucililief; ill Mina RaShid. Mina lchcl Ali~ Milla Saqr. MillO Sultan, nnd Khor

Fakkall a~ ~!1'iO used. All nirl,;' Olld the UAE (,'nasl G,llard areco·locnl!!tiwilh Iht;" NII\'Y. A bllltllJlon·si7.~llTInrine I'otte wu."lIbtl ffcenlly l.'stabl1.!ilwd r(lrc~~"tnJ ll[k!'mliom. In ntid·F'cbnuu·y 2012. infoml:ulOtl WB~ fl.'i.:ci\'I.'d ~,at the UAEN will CI.:»ttri:tC1 Fr, LOrs.."i~n wern 11ml ATLAS Elcktrunik 1\) tU\)d~roi~ two wx.Gcnrnm NlIvyl1)11" 3)2 MCMV, j(,",,,wd

fiQ< 2, Tho Iwo "AI f11)''aOh~ eleS$: fngatO$ 0[0 rnultl-pu1fXJSa plalfOfms thilt (Ire based em DeNS' "La FayeHe~ .steaJlh ftlgv:!o d(iQIgn built for the FrGnr,:h Navy, am oboul25 pelcent lrugur titan the "La Fayoltu' {;I,ass fljgah)s

and possess an on.hancnd MW Ilf)d ~'W caj)nblilly rna ra{jonie inslnllad \),llila PjI1<m,I(] m'afit canlalns THALES' ARA.BEL 3-0 HmM SVi'o'l'!lllanco and f1m ronlrolliuJar. (Photo; CrJUI (t;iSY 01 DeNS)


~'1ud;ul" dll$~,



un,dll'.rgll hull.

m~ballll:al.alJtldl.'ClriC(l1 (IJM&I':)wiltk, Thi~ Ihllnw~ llllxili,pry "oJ lITr conditionIng !j.Yli1i!1lI ln~ldcl1tislltions corn-plcl",'tI in 20 t 1. Aha nlwbl

Sllip Building (ADSB) is. ~plll1edly il1!1lDlling ATLAS Eld'i.lro-nlk·5 Inwgralcd Min-c,C-Oun!t'r' m""",,,,,Sy<l<m (IMCMSI, The PUNGUIN III t1li~C' dispi'))\li11 !l.),slcm will nlliO b~NlIll1e,t:tI.with Ih..: lI~wcr !i)'!i.tL:01. Ihl!' A'fI.AS l!:l~_ktn)nik S-caFoxlk.ling Ihe r~u.lil* ~~m_~jd.ulc. Th~ entire flfngr.tnlnll!' 11,110\1'11.1 I:k:! cllInplcte by mj(t~20 13fl..illowlng the "AI Murjan" upgrode. it i~ cstlmah.>d th.'ll the UAEN Ims bcgutllhe Reqlli~~ nlent!ll)clinilion IlhiJt'1i for a new c()11Stmc.lion MCMV, flOlislbty liuilt locully nl AOSH'!O OI:W t:llmpo~Uc r\I¢illt}' ur hy II r~rc,jgn ymd, 1\ Retl"!"}!1 11.,r Inromultitm coufd be r~lc(l:scd 10 A[)SU IttlJ inl!!01.1lional'l by 2013 followcU by tiMI Llt~i.B-11 urnl I;on!llrucliuh RcquC'!t1 for ProPOSll'S ill 2014. The Iir.~l or Iline indigcnou.... buih 16,Sm lI(jhrmnntha" cll'l~ FAC built rar the Coast

(iuard WI'S Imu\l;he~ Itt AIJs.B in Jul)' 2012. ,\ lolnl url2' unit5\\o'Cfe nnll!rc..'tI,lhe fin;( thn.-c built In SWI;'Jefl. ]i.,iodcl'utcly arm~d for Ihe 1I111i-li-hiJ'l mlc, the-croft ,IJlC tiltL'(] whh.l Rlwillm~ltlll MLG 27mm cannon, Oll~ 010 M~lanl 12.71111l1 rnncbine-giul,11I1Li !'Iur MHI>AMARTE Ivlk2/N Mlr~1ce·lo-SUrrltCCnlis.sik'Son two twiH IlItll\chc:rs. AU hll14 \\,111 ~cddi\'t'~~ by 201~, 'I\;,.'~ 55~8ru FAI.AJ.2 ~_t~.dth 1.atmll1OO1~ :IIC nl\ urder, with Ihe tir~t'~lr·cllL<iS. "Glmtlm'" lP 251 ) !l:'-I.'Clllly c..'Onductcd hc"r Sea AC~:'""JlI>ln~\." Trinh; (.rt~' IINail,P8rlf'l! J). In J\Jne 2012. the seromI5:S.8m pt.1111l1 bo..'1l ' . .·a!i Illunt;'h~.d at Fill' c.mlicri in haly, TIle tcmnilliug four UllllS will be i1s....cmbh:.'tt hy t(tlhlli.1 Shipbuilding wilh nll<!' hull 'illlunk"'''ionin,gpcrycarllnliI2017. T~ !KW. dnss i.'i C'~fK'Cted [('f n:pla~~ th~ "Billi Yll-li" dil-~$ IFr. Liltis~" "ry(lt: TNC' 4!i) 11Ii.~sill"l fAt' I~m:c 01\ Ii On~ fbi- tllW- bllsi:;; (101' (I(ldifhmnJ i"limlllltimr 011 '"l'fiJ'j/-q/:ch~.\' '~GtJlJlhlll '" j{'(' lhis iJSf/i' "rN,mll. FORCES, 1'1,",16,S91. TtlI.!' first of two It.c:\\' cm\'ell~S h:t~d 011 the "t'mmmdanlj" elnss 'ksignj the- "Abu Dh.abj" It' 191 ), h,Li ht-~n ilb:o ddivcn.:u hy fim:anlicrl in 2012,' ,\1 0.11 "'MinL1h:d nC,~lui)lilinn Cll.~1 tlf USS250M ()I1rhull.lnch!ll/ng syl>tl,"m~, !hl.! IYJ1" is nnncd 10 dl"nl wilh SiU'late, subsurfnc!:.und II) Illirnlll,'ld cxt~IH, ail' thrl.'ats. W\,!':\I'QI\S indndc L)f1t!' 010 Mclm'll 7(11'(,2 SUJ)\~t Rllpi,1 Gun., l\\'() MARLiN 30mm gtln~ lulsu t!~lh'~rl?d by Ot(l

Mclaml. Iw('l rCl1ioldy "lleraicd 12,7nmi mm:-hill!.: gUII~. ami six Il~ 15 32:.1mnll~~rp~clu tubes (ill I\\'() Ifipk 11IIIm:l",.'rs.) I~lr !11x WASS A¥244S MIld 3 hlrpedl)\,:S, Completing prod1il;tkm. (Ifill£' ci:lSS,lile tllUrth and finlll'" AI UaYI\Ultlh" corveUc "~kZYLld" \WL'i hllnd!,.... 1()\:"et"~ U)e to the tJAl!.N by ADSD, 1\lso j(1;nilig th~ Ileetnrc Iwo ncw NUm U "I' Imilling emfl, .. Alquwal!laf' ,111d "APUlul!••", bOlll built jll Mldlly:>i~'r; Shill Yang Shipping (.'!ifP\~mliI)JI. Fig. 3: fhe-IOUf 4[-1an:l1l1" C;;Bg last strike emil n ..."")rf,ycrt'i1! "IEl (I df:!rl'ii1l!v(j

I~dll)>, VO~PO-Jf

of the 56rn VITAlyJ1ti) p:,mol r:roft buii11ar Omi.ll1 0/)(1 K~lfl)1j The QE'N urdere( j i~ bntd~ of EXOCE r MM40 Bloc!< :'1 i1f1!i·s.h:p mis51105 to eqUip the IOlJr '.'[IS£-cts IPtloto. C.QLJrft'--5y (,1 O~lflr [mlli N" . . v) ,'>AVAl fORCES 1,·,!lJI.1

NAVDEX CONVERGENCE ---------Qilfur: ThL' Qatar Emili NIIVY (QENJ fl~t!I con!i;:isl:sof 10 J.:nlfl wilh it majlll'ily of fhl! fleet 119JUc-·porh,"\1 Illlhc U1<111l na\'l.Il bilie in l)i1hu. Other QHN \'¢s,wls- llpcratc fWD! tI sccond<ir~ hllse at Hl1(ullstAnd. Approxim:llcly I,SOO personnoJ ~tnlTthc seil S(lt\~('C Md its ~\\h¥ ordirwto MarinL:t P,)Iic."t' Forc~ (QMPJ, (: un-eolly. the QEN hn.$ one 11CtlVC, shi~bLllIding. ptognll1UllL~

ul1'dt:rway Md Ihl'\"IJ in \'url{~us I,!mmtng !j.1JIg.;,S, (jl1~~'&;'()mpJ.el'e.lhc introduction uflhc~t!" I1';W A'~icf,~ will nhW\lmis~ Ih~ O~\!,I,

clihmicln,g n(:('

inteiU!W'rllbilitY and the E-t1lit<li~'s Cflpabilily to ddflSnd aguinst tL wider lil'loel:"tnuu of r"ClOnal

threat'. .M~vil)RrOrwnrd ,....ith a progrrunrn~ iniliilh:J o\'cr four,ycnr!! agu, Qaltlt i" Rcquiring (10m II,atrol, ~rll~, LCiuding. l .. l"tnlel1d~(,fi indud~ I?t.l~~'.s S7m "1"",111"' dll"~ palrol boat~ now 1n !lcn'ICC wilh lurkey and exporteu tl' Turkmeni~lan, If th~ contruct is 1l\\'iUlfc(l 10 Pearsall. it i$cxpected that some l)j'lh~~'rnn will

--:r--. ~:,'


Fig, 4: Tl16 ttlroo ht'IIl:OIJI~r,capllbro "AI SI1,amlkh+ c(.,1SS ctwa·,te;s.wll! 1-e~liiCe four +DhotClr' (It,,ss mlse;il!'& FAC: !Fit-loto; CourtflQY of SAl: -SYstems)

75m undet ilS Pro)oet AIAWOUI), Th. Yf...''S·lH;ls tI) be huih undE:r n contra.ct \-\wlh US$698.M will hit Drt!lcd on ST ~'fllriilc'~ ""'~I.ule'51!>~' l;'Iil5s di.":iigr't. Thl! rir,~1 OPV i" 1',1!l1c(lulcd 10 be tlc:Ii\'I.'r~;J In 20lS nnd lite I\!mniningthrcoC' iu 1016.

"Rj'lhh;~;' cla..~s lant.llog cndl tank llST), Supplkt

f,,'MtHdnUls. includl' ADiK ofTllrkc-y, Gntden RCllch Ship~uildmg ond Enginoers «lRS~) Qr ln~in,



Plnconli",.. A

be buHI in Turkey wllh:m 1."S11matcd.aCQllisiHon !XI_" ofUSS40.S0M, candida'" sup~lt

Ilum~--rofsnmlh:r ulilit~·CJ.Uft in 'he regIon could olso ~UI1-p'Y 11 m()diJt~ c'u(1uilclti:11 'd~lgl1

jturoJ CntR Itl QIIIJlr hwlude (~MN nfFr.uu:1! lIn~1 the: 1~,UJnl;'n/NII~lInl Joint ,,'cI1IUn; 14i4.)lucd In QlIllJr. The firsl patml bo.Il1 could he h~ 2014 lollow\.'t! bv Jive adclllJouAlltulis huill hi on~yeat' Inlcl1t/ll~.

Ihr Ihe LeT. Ellch LeT Is CX1)Ci.':tcd to C(tst ,Jpproximatt:ly USS20M. Omant Tht: R(iYlll Navy ofOmflrt(RNOI hil:li £('maillell rClnlJ\'eJv utlC!hanned since 1i)flH. f lowc\'cr 8,(.'\-'cro I new !;.trge ,;[1d cttpl:1bf" pllli. ("nm' firc s~lll1.ioln Ihe RN9 il1 du,', c(l11ling c.h~!.'gd~t which will ~uh!J.h1n'i"UY..imll'ro\·t: hs cnp.. hililit'!l. TllC~C- illl:lu~lc tlew con'~ucs ul1d OPV ulrelldy bUJ1Jillg.llmL/orc.·'lolnll:h~d, uAd u Ilf.'!W Irigate pmgrammc I;tl1l' ttl the rlutuling



In Seprembcr 20 12. the Ql:N set 01:\',,' rcqui,,-'moqorn MCMV. Ur tLllt~ur ws.!1c1 may 00 J)wcured to C{It(lltC't thC' g.filwing mille n'~nl~ f()~

thtclJt in I~~ (iuft"lflllisprogml,i'mc L,\ reoHs~~. dl"'_QE~ \v-i"JI,dJ()in UAEin upgrnding it:! MCM



A. new corvette tops Qatar's IiSi of 1)l\ltincd

m.\'ul'fot(:e upgrades, The planned ~9Iv~tte·,~unul'c t:()mballlnt ,will Npres~nt Qat~r'1i mpst costly ~hifl "I;tltll~hioll. c:lpilblc of pf(l~ vidlng.- neel air dcfem:e :lflll ptoiCoClillB {)fI~hlm: 1111 tm'd gas lields.lnfOrnillli(lfl rcct.ilvlXl in lUid2.11 1,2 ~uSgliMStb!: cn,-vctW -cumpetltIon fei1uliM'¢ with Itn !tUcnl/Uionnl ,clld~r Iloatcd to n slwrllist IJfro~jr builders. Oflhosc, Fr. U1rsscn altd DamClvNrtkilat a(e likely; olh ... r le~ding \.:()f1(Cl'Iders wo\lld be.{\ 'rur.ktsh ytud (c.~p"'t of the MILQ~t d1lsign) lis well its CMN m fillcm\1ic-ri, A i:.1CltUtI11i.'lioll contract (o'r the m;w Q~lnti (.~orv!£ttc

c(luld be in pl-l!ce- by 2015 wilh the

Ilcquisilio/\ ('ost cslinHUcd 10 rarl!t~ b~t\,,)!en

USS350·400r-.t The tll}!t:tlcy ol'the patml (mil and C'Orvellc aC~)\li~iH(Jns. may re incrc"L'ioin!l u. . . Iht; sea service's currenl Ihlntline r~1n.'C' or flltlr "' and tllf':C' "Dmlllt~h;; 1:1i15.:; ICOMBA'ITANTE III-.ytl.) h\l' will ,oon ne_cd replacement (.n'l: fili!lft' J). Although Ihere IS Ill} filllnnlncquisiliorl plan yet J1llblish~d, sources elosl.:! to I!C,goti~ljOll~ Ilave rcpnn.:d that lhe- QEN is nho looking llt reptlldtlg Ihe Nnvy's ::oillgle remainjng

Tbe sea SI.'fvh:I.:'S ":\lIT~t\t fleet of2' shJPs Dnd cmO, ~uJlP{lrtcd by 4,500pc~lmclt nt.1intain a ronge I)fw.':art~m5 eill'hbi1itl~;s.i in,dudltig'8ul1b(lat.;, f!l\t missile- boats, 5Uf'rK1rt, lmining. carg.o, nlld ~Uf\'l.:'y vO! Ihnl 'i;~n he, dC'pJoycd tn

proteI.':! Iht;' SUhl~ll1"~')j lemrorhtl!i-! sare· gllMd it~ Illuitmlll !\lr.lltegk inicrest. nnd filtlnilOr

safc Ilil-ssagc of $hipping through the Strait (\1' t fonn~, N,wnlhcndquul1ets, afl;!lloctl.w_d In S..\lh with bl;ls(!:'j ill Ahwl, <ilumllJn IS,htild. mid MLiS-nndl11tl Uti the, Mu'~an'dum 1':l1in~lltli a~tI SuhJlllh (111 Oman'~ Smilb COli}!. r\\-'Il "AI Shumikh" dass (I'mJcct KIIAkEEF) C(,lr\-'ctt~, ~j)mtnlssioricd into Ih~ RNO in 2010 f\!'flWiJl'lIl BAE Systems for undcQwitig acceptJlnc(! tests and ttillnlllg ((t!t! flgun!-.i), The KHAREPFpml"lf.ammeh.1s b~1.'1i dogged 11)' trouble!! 1(\ dale wilh mpon.:d engirlC'cring prnhit:rns mId II I.'ii.\unlly Juriug Wl.'ilJXlll:'o :-'Y"ilL::lllS Imining_lnst YI:IIT. Th~ thinl \'c~~d. "J\I Ras;ikh" (Q .12), \\-'(1!\ luutlL:hcd In 2U 11 J1nd was !lchcdulc.'d II) be (,(ll11mI5sit)noo by

the cnd or 2011, alUJ(\ugh it (lJ'f'I?ilTS the "orvclfes. wiU be ddi"-t;:r\'d i!l2.C)l.1. Singill1(lh: Tcchl1l)logia.<;,Nhui~ (ST f\.liltinl:') hu~

bt:cti 'ickcted hy the RNO tn SU~I1I>'


111 11\ti;!' Auguf>I 2UI2, nc\\' inlhnnlltion

jlldicalcd ih~ RNO w1Is·jn Jl1C C(lriy sfUtt~.!t tlr pltmnillg (or u new mcdlum-sb:cd surfa.;.',", cOmlmlfll1l und~rf-,ht'l'roject nan,1.C KII,\r{EEF. 2. 1h. KIIAR"~f·2 would t»n log!',l ""." ,''''' hll{NO rm~ dc\'cl6plittI11, t'lttwidhlg llli'lt'gcr n1ultl-mJssion·cap;lblc hull fur jiuYllained cOUlucr-pirucy and rohucd JIliss'ion.~ (~}crlllioll'S in more diiUnnl nrea.!!. AMI cstimates the ttNO will move If! f(lrmru ti{'qui~itionn!1fI'RFP ~11!gt'~ for n frig'l,te-sil\Xl s:hip hy 2015, willi ~llci1!'it two lI'ulls--:xl}Cch:d If) ~ ar:<luif\."'J. A'lIlI'qll: Wilh thi! Ihrc~H urn twslill!! Inillsub_~ lioided. Kuwait se~rn!i. lcss all:'>iou .. 10 UCIJU1I'l.': U mlldcl'II11U\'ul foi\:~. R~du~cd budgcis filt Ihe I .500lrtmng ,Kuwait Na,,'y (KN)suygC!';ISl11od. emislltion of Iht 1:urrel1l nee! is !lot a high pnqrltY. ((Ii' Ihe Pmir:!I\!. nhhougb th~ KN C'ontin~ Ue;o;\ollli!ll foJ' future ship 1\I.·ttul'Hitljl~, Tht:Clltrl,'111 KN forcl! s;tmdurc jl1~hlde~ 22 til!>! and p.ntfol craft \\-'ith ~ight ,"Ut1l AlmllfUdim" (COMllATrANTl- l-tYPol l'AC. Typo TNC 45 mi.!i:oiil~ fACt und une fRn 57-1)'P~ ("[r.liqlnV' chls~) nu:,site rAe. In rCllpom;\:.' tIl UlllQCreased .woricc: lhw-ut IhLl' KN m,uy iltquir-c MBOA's BRIMESlONE StA Sl~l!AR mi~.~ilC' t(1 COllnl~r mSI imcrtJt;'pl crufi tirswarm boJil opchHl()llro:, The 111i:~sjlc ma,' be imlnchcd b>' fighter Ilirctlift (such lis th~ TOfu'lA[)O) nr from shillboard launchl.'fS. TllC TyiJ(' TNe 45 illld FiIB 57~IYpc cbl-"$.lJlis.sile



FAt ~an)'Ihc D,()C'ET MM40s\'!ioICOl lhr :inli~ ~ifl filrlk~s; how.:\,I.'r Ihiiio longet ;'Jlng~ surth!.'{.·~ tll.surra~·I,,' m;s,silC' is lUll as eflbclivl: nglllmti .ml:.!l1 fasllIlQving smfl1c~ 1.lrgt.:!:;,



patrol ';af/abHilic:';,


mt1l.'rct1 lO udviJHI: ... d MkV F,l... t (lHcr('~l)\or

Boats frumllnited State:; MllmlC" Inc. {USi\1II through (l U55(I5,1 M f-!of\,~lpn MllitiH)' Sul~ ,FMS i progrJll111llL' in 201N. 1ho$(.' i;T,1n nn.: nnw jt:tinil1g the KN, Th~ fir'>l tlrlil, "AI Nnkl!lha", Wll'> tumcd IIVllr tl1lh~ KN in Muy 201 L 'I he lJ;'maillcler wc-re 'il,1hcdukd In commjs~i(11l by



2<11 2(lour vessels) nlld 20 13 (Iiv. IIl1its),,'I"h. cOlli 1$ u sligllll)' modified vmion M IIw Mk V FIl51 Inl",""cplcr CraO In sorvi,clI wllh Ihe US NIIVY. \'vilh IImltlW,Cm i llcludln~ n ~nlt)tel y optr~ lIIe'<l n h~inh,el~1I MLO.27 I1ghlIWlgl!lgUIl SY,' tCHl. O\lcr the Inst IWlrycarsj lllllicu.IT(ln~ ft'fC thOl

tOOlnilis COl11ll1ifloo to 1\.'1ll islt1g ~ i(II1&" fbur HI six mfd.$Izcil co~ell<s (.J ,5QO.i.,OI,lO lOll' (ldl)' lu.Ued), lr ~'m(cd, Ole KN oOllld 0101'0 r~"I~rd wah Ih. C"rxqJI~ prO~n!n\UI,' whh Ih"~(~O rf.i!;!lslng n R<!ijIl,CSI t~r PropOS\Ils by 1Il!~,2(lIl. A$,~U)I!!,1t I,.., 'n" Iildlgonotl!l ,jhlpblli hiing "nP.l1~III'Ie~, h tbrclgil ,hipy"," vIII be u~..l, willi diufir>i " nil UUl K

d,ct~ytl~1 r1111110. procure

cl'pcclcd'in '2.018. Eat:h COl'vef(c woqll\


helw",'n lJSS300-400M, 11«1""1,,, [)'\~ .)' il> " lInll l i7I', \he ' I~P<I 'Ir~n'~ Il,nyOi Bnl~t"tn t'lavy(RflN) i"\t

1,114 ~4UIl)hulis Inlikr,lll< qlllhprity or II j'"l!t~

C()nlm.rI~er, TIle ~ serlle," OPC"\I'~ u,~tngle

",,·US Navy "C)H,'" I,~~ Petr)''' clll$.frlll"lI!,

severot sinnll s",facot'<)nlbolbills, l';lIrol~'c:,;sol ., Blld sUPl'o" Ships, WI,il. Doh ruin" &9BI i~ \0

PO'~i>S$II I1\o<l<n)

NuvY ctipalilo ofln,eropcr·

obi/ily I.i~ ' Iii. olh~r liVe.",clllhorCle' '1'l.vles

nnd its Wcsh~m oillcilf most of il! v\.'~ols uncI

cmfl tire " ."lSI their mitJ·lifc tl.nd wil l nct-d 10 be

und n ,OIl,'IOl<lfon ~onllllci hy 201~, lll1ch uni, j5 · nnl l~W::ilc~ I~ hu\'c nll '~f"wtsitiop cQst or USS300.400M ~~I\\:II~i,!lg bll s,\lilsyslcm. , In MA)'2(1I2,lhe Sg""~rrulle~, ","0''''<'11

mQdemlsed,or rt.·fllaccd ovc:r !hc nC:<I<SI.!Vt,!ml

thnt ll. Will rcsiun~ . do rcn cb '-tlliPI1l(!1I1~fl l l:,~ 10

y'unts, , Tho RBN ~ l" I<"'IiI<'d ill hrOlJ,,,ii)~ 'htoo neW ' ~llrv~I\OJ, Dn._ spccl liD~lIy 10 ",pl~c~ 1/J"$ldglo "S.~I)a" elns, (c~'I>'irr)' cht# USS "J~,ck Wiliiniti" '1friglllo, Tlie lur~e;;j plmrnjll1l" Ih. Rill'! 0001. "Si,bh." w.~ lmnsret'(\.'<I1n lho 1. le 1~90'., Rcports . ugge!l lho KilN is S1tul!klin~

Oahmin. lrlho fUllJrecorvcue prugrnn~mQ 1UI1~'i out II;) 00 more"cosdy IIWlDntlQi{Jated, tho RON

I~ 11111'n ~nd 0p~IUN 'h. lh~.le, whi9h ",II~I"'S .b~lIl 290 o nico~ awl <lhli,l,d perOlln"oJ In 011<...10,

'n,eltON I. nJ'lll()Q~rnlllq "*I~f" I\VQ ,..t\1 MqnDllIb" . 1.... OIl,vetlOS hulll' tty Fr, t,.nrn~1I and c"OI\\IlIi.\Siullc'<I [1119$7 und 1988, Np~ring Iho OI,d of Iheir 'orr.ell"" se!'vleo II~"¥, the ·'AI 1I1ntlmn~' huffs wjll n~d rephu;ling bafoN Ih~, cn4 ~flh~ dccOitu. Wlt, n fi",~ln~ i1<qumOf' fiI'alidhlu, d,. R~1'j ;~oj/~Ied moye fpf\I'"", >wllh » cUl'I!cllu cOIII1\\91 d<$igh by 20 13, fQIIO\vod wllh II R\'9~\'$1 for PI'9P,o,.1 by i Ol4

majdl:cf.lo acq\lir~,lull»~(!J'~I:'erry" cloSs frigl1tc villlh. PMS prognmllllb I~ Wpl,•• ,he hull now

In ~.iVtg", '[he )tBN 'I!'~""l c:~pcc.t~d to oblnin lip 10 efgl1l !n1how ~'I~Q) crun 0$ well.

TI,. RUN ntlo-rtl\UI,g. "'I'll!'"' pdlr:tll crun

10'I'roI001ioll "f~'~ CQ\irtlry'$ BEl', SLOe, and Ihe ,.,Iely nnd loounly or v.ssc l~ Wilhlll II!I rwrilinwzonc. 'TiK!"""""Vi<~" tbur"ll1 F'le~" ~S) <l1\\S:; ml"'iI~ 1'1\ ,III''' :'1\1 !.~n' " ,cl!lS$ (~W I ~i'I~) l'A9, ~\ld IIVu "AI \~\I1\J " clll~Hf')'11 ~6)gun ~1i.C lire n"'.r IlJ~chilllt lhclr usel\11 I1v~. ,!~n i1<:C\lins nip)llc"",o,,', In 'lO l l. !lvo Mk~ Speclill QI",n\llono cron II'cr<' oblBi".~ ,htough " I'MS c~nlrnol with VSMI. tlle,. IlUlls will likely ""gUlelli Iho ngolng p,nlrll l <tun fleel nnlll B'IilW pl'ogmmllic






NAVAl, rOkGF.S l"i!(ltJ


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