TO SEE A COLOUR VERSION OF THIS NEWSLETTER VISIT principal’s word M a York - Principal
dear parents
his is our first newsletter as an academy and I am sure you will agree that it demonstrates the richness and depth of talent we have within our community. We are looking at re-designing our halftermly communication to reflect our new status and would welcome suggestions from you as parents. It was pleasing to note the record numbers of students seeking a place at our new academy in September 2011. De Ferrers has received its greatest ever number, of first choice selections from parents. This, of course, places added pressure on the academy to ensure that we continue to offer an excellent standard of education for generations to come. The academy is very focussed on ensuring that all students who are taking external examinations this year are thoroughly prepared. Staff are offering all manner of additional help to students. I hope you will support this and ensure that, if required, your son/daughter attends. Time is running out! Finally, I would like to thank all parents for their positive comments about my time in charge of de Ferrers. I would like to reassure you again that it is definitely ‘business as usual’ and that the search for an excellent leader for the academy has already begun.
& THE TALENT OF ToMorrow is... dE fErrErs saw THE final for TalEnT of ToMorrow & iT didn’T disappoinT, wiTH ‘doublE HElix’ claiMing THE TiTlE!
wHaT a L pEacH!
ast Friday hundreds of students, parents and groupies packed Trent Hall to the rafters in order to support this year’s Talent of Tomorrow’s finalists. After two spectacular heats during the previous week, much deliberation by our panel of esteemed judges, we saw nearly forty acts reduced to a final fifteen.
The variety of acts was huge and students from all year groups were represented. The audience was treated to rock bands, singers, instrumentalists, dancers, magicians and comedians. Even though some of the performers were extremely nervous before taking the stage, every single act was of the highest quality and received a rapturous reception.
Whilst the judges were making their final decisions the entertainment continued. First of all Mr Hand gave a spellbinding rendition of ‘Lady In Red’, much to the delight of the Year 11 girls in the audience! This was followed by a high-energy performance by local street dance troop ‘Touch Of Life’. for more details see
ey Stage 3 Drama Club members are starting on their next performance, which is ‘James and the Giant Peach’! The performance will be going out to local primary schools and to parents in the summer term. Well done, Drama Club students and keep up the hard work!
ear 11 GCSE Drama students have worked hard over the past year and produced some interesting work ranging from Children’s Theatre to experimental Physical Theatre. They are now embarking on their final performances for their GCSE and we wish them the best of luck!
After much cogitation, the panel of seven judges finally decided that this year’s winners would be DOUBLE HELIX from Year 11, who performed one of their own songs, ‘The Funk Song’, followed by a cover of the Red Hot Chilli Peppers’, ‘Dani California’...
Continued on Page 3 >>
wHaT’s EvErYonE
he latest “cool” read in Dove Learning Centre appears to be the “Beast Quest” series by Adam Blade. Popular with boys in Years 7-9, many are racing in to compete with each other to read the whole series! Can you survive the Beast Quest?
it headed to William Allitt!” Popular with Year 9-11 girls who “can’t put them down” is the House of Night series by P.C.& Cristin Cast. This Dark Romance series features vengeance, romance, vampires and treachery.
Trent Reading Club has been reading and discussing “The Reluctant Fundamentalist” by Moshin Hamid. Now the group of Year10/11 boys are reading “My Swordhand is Singing” by Marcus Sedgwick.
Thomas Wood 9/8 has started writing his own Book 4 based on the fantasy series….. “Tom ran over and stood next to Ivan and knelt down to Mr Cook-Abbott checking his temperature. “Sir, are you OK? What happened here?” Mr Cook-Abbott groaned and looked up at Tom and said faintly, “It was a fire dragon but
faradaY naTional
If your child would like to nominate his/ her top fiction book then read it, note it, like it, vote it on: We take a group of students from the Reading Club to the Young Teen Fiction Awards each summer term to vote for their favourite from a shortlisted choice of sixtitles.
hen collecting or dropping students off at the start or end of the day please take extra care and pay attention to all the traffic regulations outside the academy. These markings are to make the area safer for your children and other road users. These include the “school keep clear markings” as well as the double yellow lines. The Police and the Parking Enforcement Officers have been made aware of the problems in the area and are going to keep an eye on the situation. Access to the site is restricted at the start and end of the day unless you have made an appointment or access has been agreed in advance with the academy. Thank you for your help and co-operation in this matter. It is for your child’s health and safety.
ust before Christmas a crack team of Year 8 students departed from Dove with one thing on their mind, WInnInG! The challenge is designed to give hands-on experience in designing solutions to real-life and genuinely tough science and engineering problems. This challenge saw the students designing a method to remotely transplant a heart and liver not real organs, but a series of balls to be placed into strategically positioned pots. Sounds simple….it had to be done remotely via a video link. The team of budding engineers started the day by evaluating the task and designing some initial solutions. These consisted of several sheets of remote grabbing like devices with differing amounts of potential success. The students developed some ideas and set about purchasing materials and the tools necessary to manufacture the device. The going was tough, especially for Mr Bell and Mr McKee as the teachers from all the schools had been set the same task – except in half the time. They worked fast and under great pressure to create something that didn’t embarrass the students, and more importantly, themselves! Once the staff creation was completed, they both pitched in with the group to support
the build. Now it was truly a head-to-head competition against the other teams from many other schools in Staffordshire and the clock! Each team had one minute and one operator. To remind you, this was to be done via a video recorder giving a live feedback to a monitor. The operator could only use the monitor screen to guide the grabbing gadget to the “organs” to be picked up and then placed into the correct part of the “body”. We were very impressed and proud of the team’s performance so far. They had designed and built something that stood a really high chance of success, so high a chance, that they were the only team to get both organs into the correct place within the one minute. All teams sat quietly waiting for the overall results for the day. De Ferrers had won! They beat six other schools to come first and, more importantly, they came second nationally, with only one point between first and second place. This means the team stands a good chance of going to London and representing our academy in the national finals. These star students are: Amna Ali, Joshua Bagnall, Mandeep Boughan, Declan Hines, Eliza McAuliffe and Tim Paul. There are still Faraday challenges taking place around the country and the national leader board could still change so watch this space... P.S. Some of you may be wondering how Mr Bell and Mr McKee got on with their contraption? Well, they did it in 47 seconds- two seconds quicker than the winning side! Both examples are on display in reception and if you are interested in becoming a Technologist you can take a look at
acHiEvEMEnT & Ashley Hall – 11.6, making a cup of tea!
guidancEE K KEY EY sT s sTagE TagE 4 Tag
TalEnT of ToMorrow conTinuEd
...Second place went to the Year 12 comedy magic duo, COULD IT BE TRAGIC and third prize was awarded to three very talented Year 7 students RAIn AnD SHInE, who thoroughly entertained with their combination of singing, dancing and comedy. A further prize, open to Dove students only, was won by the Year 9 rock group, SABOTAGE who opened the show with their versions of Ozzy Osbourne’s ‘Crazy Train’ and Blink 182’s ‘All The Small Things’. Many thanks to everyone who helped with the organisation of the event and a huge well done to all the students that took part – you were all superb!
he 2011 Senior Citizens’ Party was another huge success with our Year 11 students running the whole day.
Ms Taylor, from the Hatton Pensioner’s Luncheon Club said, “This is the third time we have attended and it never fails to impress. The hosts and hostesses were brilliant. The students are so talented and they put so much work and effort into making this an enjoyable afternoon. They are a credit to your school”. There were a number of fund raising activities that took place raising a considerable sum of money for the party. A trip to Old Trafford to watch Man UTD vs. Valencia was just one, where one hundred and sixty students and twenty staff enjoyed an evening of top class football. Other fund raising activities included a pyjama day for a group of girls, a football tournament and a charity walk! There are a number of other excursions arranged for Key Stage 4 in the near future such as ice skating and Alton Towers – keep your eye on the notice boards! The Year 11 students are now counting down to the start of the GCSE examinations with a little over forty academy days left – scary! Examination timetables are now with students
scHool linK
and for a full list of the summer examinations, along with the controlled assessment plan, please visit the Parent Portal using the log in details that were issued on Consultation Day ( Extended learning opportunities are taking place on a regular basis now with lunch time and after academy sessions being run for various curriculum areas. Students are reminded that these are not a detention, but an opportunity to complete work in preparation for the exams. A timetable of what is available and when will be available soon! Year 10 Work Experience is fast approaching (Tues 3rd – Fri 6th May) and half of the students in Year 10 have a place so far. A real push will be needed by all those that still require a placement. A date for the Year 11 diary is Monday 4th April 2011 for the Year 11 group photograph. Excellent attendance and punctuality are essential for high achievement! A reminder that the correct procedure if your child is absent from the academy for any reason is a telephone call on the first day of absence, followed by a note brought into the academy on your child’s return. Thank you.
s part of the Connecting Classrooms Project, the Enterprise staff at the academy have been working closely with the County Adviser for International Links and acted as hosts to the Principal, Mr Luo, of Shanghai Heging School during December. Despite the language barrier, we were lucky enough to have our own interpreter (Xuan Zhuang) who played a major part in the success of the visit where Mr Luo was invited to attend our Senior Citizens’ Party and to also visit Cadbury’s world on our Year 12 Business trip. We will be working on collaborative projects with the Heging School which will provide new and exciting learning opportunities for all involved and encompasses the ‘international mindedness’ of The de Ferrers Academy.
History succEss Young EnTErprisE
YEar 8 HisTorY cHallEngE
ear 8 History students took part in a History Challenge last term based around the theme of ‘China’.
ur Young Enterprise team, Forte, managed to secure first place at the recent trade fair in Burton town centre. Their enthusiasm and professionalism enabled them to achieve the highest score from the judges and to also sell over £100’s worth of their retro vinyl products. They are now looking at increasing their range and are contacting local independent retailers to see if they will be happy to sell their exciting new products. Congratulations to all of the team members who have worked really hard to achieve this success!
arT sTudEnTs arE ouT of THis world Y
ear 9 and 10 BTEC students are currently working on their latest assignment to produce textile wall hangings and body adornment for the academy production. This year’s production is ‘Return to the Forbidden Planet’, so the BTEC students are taking inspiration from science fiction and new technologies.
The standard of work produced was very high and showed real flair and imagination. Mr Dolby, our expert judge, found it very hard to decide on the winning entries from an impressive array of work which included models, projects and videos. The first prize overall was won by Millie Haynes (8.7/8P4) and Caitlin Minshall (8.8/8P4) who made a traditional Chinese dress and produced a project to go with it. Other prize winners were Chloe Middleton (8.1/8C5), Lewis Collins (8.3/8C5), Emily Lawless (8.2/8C2), Olivia Bennett (8.5/8C1), Lucy Beckett (8.2/8C6), Jade Hall (8.12/8P4) and Aaliyah Williams (8.4/8C3). Well done to all those who took part and rose to the challenge.
YEar 9 HolocausT daY MEMorial proJEcT
wenty-two Year 9 Humanities students have taken part in two Holocaust Memorial Day workshops during January. The students worked with staff from the New Vic Theatre and produced some very impressive work. The students created some shadow puppet theatres depicting the moving stories of families affected by the Holocaust. The work produced will be on display as part of the ‘Untold Stories’ art exhibition at the National Memorial Arboretum in Alrewas from 18th February.
TEaM nicaragua 2012
ince the last newsletter, Team nicaragua has been working hard to organise events, stands and prizes for all you lucky people in the academy! For example, we’re having a ‘Valentine Sweethearts’ Disco on the 15th of Feb for Years 7 and 8 – music, fun and sweets for all! We’re also planning stalls at the Pre Prom Extravaganza and the Talent Show giving you the chance to win lots of great prizes! In the long term, we will be planning a teacher car wash (watch out!), a stand at the Hollyoaks football match and, if the disco is a hit, many more like it to come! Keep your eyes open around the academy to discover what may be coming next, from all of the Nicaragua Team. All the funds raised are helping the team get to Nicaragua in the summer of 2012 to work on a community project.
D coursEs R rEsidEnTial
esidential courses are a great way for students who enjoy a particular subject to mix with other likeminded individuals and to develop their social skills and independence.
Various Engineering courses are being offered by the Smallpeice Trust for students in Years 9-12 and will take place over the summer, with one for Yr 9 students being offered from the 11th-14th April 2011. Application forms can be downloaded from or can be collected from the academy. YMT:UK (Youth Music Theatre) and NODA (National Organisation for the Dramatic Arts) offer a number of Musical Theatre courses during the course of the year. Again visit www.youthmusictheatreuk. org, As well as opportunities for singers. dancers and actors there are also oportunities for musicians and composers, and also those students who wish to pursue the Dramatic Arts at university level.
of E candidates from The de Ferrers Academy took part in their main fund raising event of the year over the Christmas period. This included bag packing at Sainsbury’s and towing Santa in his sleigh around the streets. They managed to raise a fantastic total of £8,455.56. Gold candidates are currently raising money to help fund their expeditions to North Wales whilst Bronze and Silver candidates are busy training and preparing
for their expeditions to the Peak District in May and June. Candidates who have completed their Bronze, Silver or Gold awards are looking forward to a Presentation Evening on 1st April at the Town Hall, whilst Gold candidates are planning their trip to St James’s Palace to receive their Gold Award from the Duke of Edinburgh.
ongratulations to Miss Roberts, Miss Shenton, Miss Vizor, Mr Hand, Miss Wood, and Mr CookAbbott for completing the nine month voluntary Growing Leaders programme. The programme is self directed in nature and involves attending five training sessions. All six participants have also taken on a whole academy initiative, the life span of which will go beyond that of the course. The academy is committed to supporting staff and we currently have a further four participants on the next cohort which started earlier this year.
annual london arT Trip
rt students from Years 9 to 13 spent Saturday 9th February in London visiting two major art galleries. The morning was spent at the Tate Modern where students looked for inspiration from contemporary and often challenging art work. The students then took the scenic walk to the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. Both students and staff had a really enjoyable and thought provoking day.
pHoTo EssaY coMpETiTion succEss
he Year 12 BTEC Art students have recently entered the Charnwood Arts Photo Essay Competition. Their starting points varied from journeys
to dreams to fears. All of the photo essays were individual, imaginative and expressive. Louis Crossley’s photo essay was shortlisted in the competition. It docu-
mented his daily routine, making everyday tasks more creative. Well done Louis!
sciEncE forEign languagE
livE FlEadErs’ award
n 24th January 2011, nineteen Year 11 Science students attended the “Science Live” conference at the Symphony Hall in Birmingham.
They were enthused and inspired by the well chosen speakers for the day. Topics ranged from human fertility to the exploration of space. All of the speakers were leading specialists in their fields, providing the students with insights into their careers as scientists. One student commented: “A thoroughly enjoyable experience that inspired us to take science further and into the future. It was great to listen to prestigious scientists talk about subjects they were passionate about and see science used in everyday life.”
or the first time at The de Ferrers Academy, nineteen Year 9 students have successfully completed a training course enabling them to be recognised as Foreign Language Leaders. Throughout the Autumn term they discovered what it’s like to be the teacher rather than the student in a classroom. They considered what it takes to be a successful teacher, how to plan lessons, motivate the students, deliver a lesson clearly and have all your resources to hand in full working order. Alongside these skills they also learnt more about how to work co-operatively with others; they increased their sense of responsibility and their self-confidence. The course culminated in two mornings in late January where Year 5 and Year 6 pupils from John of Rolleston came to the Dove Campus to be taught by the Language Leaders. They conducted themselves very professionally and delivered their various lessons to the younger children who enjoyed themselves enormously, particularly since the Leaders had generously provide edible motivational prizes!
The students involved should feel very proud of themselves for achieving this award. They are: natalie Bartram, Abigail Birtles, Sam Borrington, Tom Borrington, Helen Cooke, Dominic Hickman, Ross Hipkiss, Jonny Hunt, Tyler Lowe, James Pickering, Sophie Richardson, Isabella Sellers, Dominic Staley, Joel Stanley, Jade Russell, David Waters, Joshua Welsh, Daisy Wheat and Hannah Wolfenden.
amsin Chadwick a Year 13 student ended 2010 on a high note. After her success at the West Midlands Senior FIG competition in October 2010 when Tamsin won the overall title and four gold medals, this allowed Tamsin entry into The British Challenge Cup. This is a national competition for FIG (Federation of Interernational Gymnastics) Seniors and over twenty girls from around the UK entered. Although there were no medals this time, Tamsin came a very credible fifth in the Championship, this being the highest ranking she has ever achieved at a National Competition.
parEnTs, sTaff, friEnds associaTion.
ell, just back from clearing up after our latest event, the Fashion Extravaganza and Pre Prom Night. It was a fantastic evening of glitter and glamour as models paraded the catwalk in beautiful evening wear from Private Collection, hats and fascinators from Best Kept Secret and gorgeous Prom wear from the aptly named Drop Dead Gorgeous. There were many stall holders selling shoes and bags, jewellery and accessories and hair and beauty products and they will all be listed on our webpage within the next
few days. Lots of thanks to: the stallholders, the audience, Matt Mills the technician for looking after the lights and sound system and Dave and Liam, the incomparable compères. Thanks also to Mark Zaccaria the photographer who gave his time free of charge to come and take photographs, to Phil Baxter who helped set up the catwalk and Glenn who decorated it and to all the PSFA members who helped to make the evening so successful. Finally a big thank you to all the models, in particular the three members of staff who ‘volunteered’ at the last minute to help on the first catwalk – an absolute baptism by fire but they did superbly well and then of course, all the Year 11 students who modelled the Prom wear – quite a transformation! These were:
Millie Billings, Sophie Cole, Beth Considine, Serena Dyche, Amy Geary, Abbie Rai, Abbie Wright, Nicole Wright, Jake Boulter, Jack O’Sullivan, Callum Slaney, Kierran Tunstall. We will hopefully be giving you a link to some pictures in due course. We barely had time to draw breath before we put on the bar at the Talent Show on last Friday night which was another success. Up and coming events – watch out for the Quiz Night on Friday 18th March at Dove and hopefully another Hollyoaks Charity Football Match on June 26th.
anita Mclean - Chair - PSFA
Saturday 25th June
Burton Albion Football Club 7:30pm - Till Midnight
Includes Admission &Food Admission by tickets only. Tickets are now available in the academy
Interested in a career in Health Care?
Come and have YOUR say in the FUTURE of YOUR hospital
Aged 13-19?
1st March 5-7pm HE Lecture Theatre, Burton College Lichfield Street Burton on Trent DE14 3RL
or those who don’t already know, at de Ferrers we have had high success within basketball over the years. For the first time last year we set up a de Ferrers Basketball Academy for girls and boys from Years 7-9 every Monday night from 3.45pm to 6pm at the Sports Hall. This proved to be very successful. We have continued with the Academy this year and this has again proved to be very successful so far, and we have had a growing number of girls coming along. I think the long tradition of basketball success will continue for many more years to come. If you are a keen on basketball and would like to improve on your skills and learn the game and have the opportunity to continue with basketball outside of de Ferrers then speak to a member of the PE Staff for a consent letter. Girls’ Basketball The Year 9 Girls’ Basketball team has been entered into the Year 10 County Cup this year and has played one match and have reached the semi final. The students played St Joseph’s College, on December 8th 2010, winning 38-20, away at the Michelin Centre. This was the match that put them through to the semi finals of the Year 10 Cup. The girls will play St John Fisher, on February 16th 2011, away at Newcastle College. Good luck girls! Also the girls got through to the U14 County Finals. These took place on Tuesday 8th February 2011, playing away at Fenton Manor. The girls first played St John Fisher and put in a fine display even though the game started in a rather rocky way; they managed to pull things round and gave a gritty performance, losing the game 6-17. The following two games were a fine display of basketball and proved that the girls have put so much hard work in, in the training sessions at the academy on a Monday night. They played Blake Valley next and won 36-2 and continued with another win over St Josephs 20-8. The girls once again put on a fine display proving that their fast breaks, solid defending and some tremendous shooting is something for other teams to watch and it was an enjoyment to watch too. Well done, girls!
For more information contact: Michele Clerc or Vikki Theakston or
Girls’ Team: Kira Banham 9.6, Courtney Barlow 9.12, Phoebe Hinds 9.1, Holly Webster 9.5, Zara-Jane Thompson 9.9, Sophie Richardson 9.8, Megan Reavill 9.6 , Tami Tamikah Campbell 9.8, Milly Bowering 9.11
Cup also. Fingers crossed that all teams can maintain their success through to the end of the season!
sporTs Hall aTHlETics
espite the winter months, some of the Academy Athletics teams have been in competition recently, competing in the Sports Hall Athletic competitions. At the District Championships, hosted at de Ferrers, the Year 7 and Year 8 Girls’ teams both won their competitions comfortably to claim the District titles. The boys could not quite match this impressive achievement but still performed fantastically well to finish in second place in both Year 7 and Year 8 competitions. As a result of winning these competitions, both girls’ teams qualified for the County Finals in Stoke in January. Against nine other sports partnership winning schools from across Staffordshire both acquitted themselves very well and were a credit to the academy. The highlight of the afternoon was the performance of the Year 8 team who finished second to finish as County runners-up.
he football season has continued with remarkable successes for all of our teams in the various cup competitions. To date, we have remained unbeaten in all age groups of the District Floodlit Cup, with Year 7 having made the final. Year 7, along with Year 9, have also been performing fantastically well in the County Cup with both teams through to the semi final stage currently.
Not to be out done by the boys, our girls’ football teams have also done the academy proud, with the Year 7 Girls winning their District competition and Year 9’s finishing as runnersup on goal difference in their league. All results since Christmas are shown below; Year 7 Beat Granville 4-1 (Floodlit Cup Semi Final) Beat Painsley 4-0 (County Cup Quarter Final) Year 9 Beat Paget 11-0 (Floodlit Cup Quarter Final) Beat QEMS 8-0 (County Cup Quarter Final) Year 10 Beat Granville 5-0 (Floodlit Cup Quarter Final) Year 11 Beat Granville 11-1 (Floodlit Cup Quarter Final)
ur traditional success in basketball has continued this year, with our younger up and coming teams stealing the limelight! The Year 9 Boys’ team has dominated the District League, winning all matches comfortably to qualify for the County Finals. In addition the students have advanced to the semi final stage of the County Cup. The Year 9 girls have proven to be equally successful in also qualifying for the County Finals. The Year 11 team members have won their District League and the Sixth Form team are through to the semi final stage of the County
Principal: Mr M A York BA (Hons) BEd MBA
Year 9 Boys Beat Thomas Alleynes 76-8 (League) Beat John Taylor 50-8 (League) Beat Robert Sutton 102-20 (League) Year 9 Girls Beat St John Fisher Year 10 Girls 38-22 (County Cup) Year 10 Lost to John Taylor 34-27 (League) Beat William Allitt 43-15 (League) Lost to Thomas Alleynes 42-32 (League) Year 11 Beat William (League)
Sixth Form Lost to Thomas Alleynes 64-39 (League)
TablE TEnnis
aving won the County Team competition before Christmas, the Under 13 Boys team travelled to Bradford on an early Sunday morning to compete in the regional final of the English Schools Table Tennis Championship. Competing against the best schools from across Yorkshire and Derbyshire, the boys did fantastically well in some very closely fought matches to finish as runners-up and qualify for the National Semi-Finals in Blackburn on Saturday 5th March. This ranks the team in the top sixteen nationally! Team: Liam Burt, Andrew Heathcote, Jack Prescott, Edward Watchman, George Hodson-Walker. In addition, eighteen students recently competed in the Dis-
trict Individual Championships at Robert Sutton. The success continued with James Ward beating Kunal Manek in an all de Ferrers Under 19 Final. The Under 16 Boys’ Final was also an all de Ferrers affair with Edward Freeman edging out Joe Byrne in a closely fought game. Andrew Heathcote won the Under 13 Boys’ title to make in a clean sweep of boys’ titles and Bekki Lycett won the Under 16 Girls’ Competition meaning the academy won all four competitions entered!
club rafflE
inners of the homework club raffle! - Mariah Wright - - Liam Parker - - Gabby Dennis - - Akeeb Yasin - - Humairau Khadija - - Liam Farrell - - Shane Morris - - Ricky Sleight - - Daniel Edwards Yr10 - - David Langford - - Daniel Spencer-Smith - - Callum Russell - - Daniel Lee - - Saba Akhtar - - Sinead Rustem - - Ashkan Salimi - Ryan Timmins
oasis club
ust to remind students who have been invited to the Oasis Club, it runs every lunch time from 12.50pm until 1.15pm. Look forward to seeing you there.
afTErnoon HoMEworK club Open every evening from
3.30pm to 4.30pm Everybody Welcome
dovE caMpus Harehedge Lane, Burton on Trent DE13 0AS Tel: 01283 239 936 fax: 01283 239 950
TrEnT caMpus St. Mary’s Drive, Burton on Trent DE13 0LL Tel: 01283 239 961 fax: 01283 239 971