The Resource Magazine issue 7

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A story with facts from 2011 on how our governemnt is still involved with drug trafficking.


An article by Supreme from the famous books Hustle and Win. A Must read article.


This backs up the theory that we all have the capability to succeed if we want it.


Frank Nitty’s youngest artist has something to say and its time that the world hears it.





SECRET SOCIETIES IN MUSIC Defiance takes a look at how what we see in music is influenced by a deeper part of the game.



Suicide advocate OG Cuicide speaks about his mission on spreading an awareness message.


The self made entrepreneur that took his life and made something out of nothing speaks on his story.


The interview with the San Diego native that took a negative situation and made a positive opportunity..


Why independent artists are not seen on the radar by fans, record execs and more. How to change that.



10 Tips for artists to generate a better buzz surrounding their careers and their music.

BabeeLoc Bud E Boy Entertainment artist has the release party for his album Element of Surprise. We have all known what the great city of Detroit has economically been through. lets take a closer look. Hidden Colors 2 is the documentary by Tariq Nasheed that exploers rich African history.






We give a look at a few producers from major to up and coming, list them for our artists in need. Lets look at the effects of this and how it is a problem for our communities across the nation.

FROM PUBLISHER f you haven’t taken the time to feel empowered about your life, career or your wellbeing, take that time to fulfill yourself now. The content that is provided in this publication will speak to you in a way that awakens something deep within. We strive to never dumb down the information we provide just to simply fit into the constraints of what society deems fit. As our publication has grown, so have we as individuals, the dreams and desires that we have had are continuing to unfold. Most of us will spend our whole lives looking and searching for that full fulfillment, that feeling of wholeness and something to justify our very own existence. Most of our lives are spent with us avoiding failure,


but how often do we risk success? It is important that we continue to flourish in all that we do, by letting each positive affirmation formulate into some type of action. You are the controller of your life, your journey and your very being. When you take control, you are empowered to make the changes and decisions that will move your journey into the path that you wish to walk. It’s when we forget that we have the power of choice, it’s when these dreams no longer manifest and we are no longer pushed to examine our potential outside of what we live. Independently you are the mightiest force in the universe, but this is not true if you do not believe it. Each page that we offer will have a story or an idea, news, media, or entertainment that spark cognitive senses within you to re-evaluate your own individual success. Our goal is to push the envelope for you to reach what you desire most; our goal is to grow with you and figure out this journey together. The

information we provide may not be for everyone; whether you picked our publication from a store, or you had it given to you from a friend. If we are able to help one particular artist find his way, one model, business owner, or individual we have done what we had set out to do. I put a lot into each magazine and I am the sole provider for most of the content, whether it is self-written or researched. So you will receive authenticity and fresh originality. We welcome many of you to this seventh issue and our 2 year anniversary of the publication. This is a dream come true and a dream unfolding. We are glad that we are able to share what we have worked so hard on with you as our audience. We hope that you enjoy and that you are entertained, stimulated and educated by the content in this magazine. Enjoy your trip. Remember Readers Make Leaders, enjoy and get your read On!





Duis aute irure cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu.

Written By Bill Conroy A high-level player with one of the most notorious narco-trafficking organizations in Mexico, the Sinaloa “cartel,” claims that he has been working with the U.S. government for years, according to pleadings filed recently in federal court in Chicago. That player, Jesus Vicente Zambada Niebla, is the son of Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada Garcia — one of the purported top leaders of the Sinaloa drug-trafficking organization. Zambada Niebla was arrested in Mexico in March 2009 and in February 2010 extradited to the United States to stand trial on narcotrafficking-related charges.

The indictment pending against Zambada Niebla claims he served as the “logistical coordinator” for the “cartel,” helping to oversee an operation that imported into the U.S. “multi-ton quantities of cocaine … using various means, including but not limited to, Boeing 747 cargo aircraft, private aircraft … buses, rail cars, tractor trailers, and automobiles.” The revelation that Zambada Niebla claims to have been a U.S. government asset, working with its sanction, is a shocking development in the so-called drug war and has gone largely un-reported by the

U.S. media. The claim, if true, adds credence to theories long in play that the Mexican and U.S. governments are essentially showing favor toward the Sinaloa drug organization and its leadership, including El Mayo and Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman Lorea, as part of a broader strategy to weaken and ultimately eliminate rival narco organizations. U.S. and Mexican government officials, of course, have consistently denied that any such arrangement is in place. Zambada Niebla’s allegation of U.S. government complicity in his narco-trafficking activities is laid out in a two-page court pleading filed




Under “Operation Fast and Furious” The “logistical coordinator” for a top Mexican drug-trafficking cartel speaks on smuggling narcotics for The CIA.

in late March with the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois in Chicago. The pleading asserts that Zambada Niebla was working with “public authority” “on behalf of the U.S. Department of Justice, Drug Enforcement Administration (“DEA”); and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”); and the Department of Homeland Security, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (“ICE”). “Public authority for the defendant’s [Zambada Niebla’s] acts began from at least on or about January 1, 2004 and continued to and included on or about March 19, 2009,” the

court pleading alleges. In addition to the narco-trafficking charges pending against him in Chicago, Zambada Niebla also stands accused of serving as an enforcer for the Sinaloa organization. “Jesus Vicente Zambada-Niebla sought to obtain weapons from the United States … and discussed the use of violence in ‘the Smoke,’ a coded term for Mexico City, Mexico, an area of Mexico in which narcotics trafficking was controlled by the Beltran-Leyva Cartel, so that public and governmental blame for such an act of violence would fall on Arturo Beltran-Leyva and the Beltran Leyva

Cartel, and not the … Sinaloa Cartel,” U.S. government court pleadings in Zambada Niebla’s case state. Arturo Beltran-Leyva was killed in late 2009 by elite Mexican Navy forces, assisted by the U.S. government, in a bloody shootout near Cuernavaca, in the Mexican state of Morelos. Coincidentally, in late March of this year, seven young men, including the 20-year-old son of Mexican poet and journalist Javier Sicilia, were murdered in the state of Morelos in a senseless and vicious attack by suspected narco-thugs. The murders of these innocent young men, amplified by the anguish of



a beloved public figure and father of one of the victims, has sparked a rapidly expanding nonviolent, civilresistance movement in Mexico that, as one of its major goals, seeks to put an end to the tragic drug-war carnage enabled by the failed bellicose policies of Mexican President Felipe Calderon — policies that have cost the lives of some 40,000 Mexicans since late 2006. Finances Zambada Niebla’s contention that he is essentially a U.S. government informant also takes on added intrigue with respect to another series of legal cases now pending in the U.S. and Panama. To understand the threads that connect those cases, it is necessary to revisit the mysterious crash of a Gulfstream II corporate jet on Sept. 24, 2007, in Mexico’s Yucatan region. Onboard that jet was an estimated four tons of cocaine, which appears to have been loaded onto the jet in Colombia. The Gulfstream II sported a tail number, N987SA, linked by European investigators to past CIA rendition operations. Narco News has previously reported that the bill of sale for the Gulfstream jet — which was sold only weeks before its crash landing — lists an individual named Greg Smith, whose name also shows up in public documents that indicate he worked as a pilot in the past for an operation involving the FBI, DEA and CIA that targeted narco-traffickers in Colombia. A CIA asset named Baruch Vega, who was a key player in those undercover operations, also confirmed the information related to Smith. Narco News has not been able to track

down Smith, or his partner in the jetacquisition deal, Clyde O’Connor, for comment. Vega also claims that the cocaine load on the jet was purchased through a syndicate of Colombian narco-traffickers that included a professed CIA asset named Nelson Urrego, who was was arrested by Panamanian authorities in 2007 a little more than a week prior to the crash of the Gulfstream II jet. Urrego is only now being brought to trial in Panama on money laundering and drug-trafficking charges. The Gulfstream II jet, according to Mexican authorities, was among a number of aircraft acquired by the Sinaloa drug organization via an elaborate money laundering scheme involving a chain of Mexican casa de cambios (currency exchange houses) overseen by alleged Sinaloa organization operative Pedro Alfonso Alatorre Damy, according to Mexican government and U.S. media reports. Damy was arrested in Mexico in November 2007. He has been indicted on a series of charges in the U.S., including conspiracy to import cocaine and conspiracy to launder money, but as of this week, despite a request by the U.S. government for his extradition, Damy remains in custody in Mexico, according to Alicia Valle, special counsel to the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of Florida. Damy’s case also is tied intricately to another U.S. govermment legal action against banking giant Wachovia (now a subsidiary of Wells Fargo), which was implicated in the Damy money-laundering operation. The Sinaloa organization operative

allegedly used the bank as part of his scheme. Wachovia inked a deferred prosecution agreement with the U.S. Department of Justice in March 2010 in exchange for paying a monetary penalty of some $160 million and providing a promise of cooperation with the U.S. government. From Wachovia’s deferred prosecution agreement: … Using false identities, the CDC [wired money] through its Wachovia correspondent bank accounts for the purchase of airplanes for drug trafficking organizations. On various dates between 2004 and 2007, at least four of those airplanes [including, according to Mexican officials, the Gulfstream II cocaine jet with CIA ties] were seized by foreign law enforcement agencies cooperating with the United States and were found to contain large quantities of cocaine. Total, nearly $13 million dollars went through correspondent


bank accounts at Wachovia for the purchase of aircraft to be used in the illegal narcotics trade. From these aircraft, more than 20,000 kilograms of cocaine were seized. ... From September 2005 to December 2007, Wachovia provided correspondent banking services to 22 CDCs [casa de cambios], including Casa de Cambio Puebla [which was overseen by Damy]. … For the time period of May 1, 2004, through May 31, 2007, Wachovia processed at least $373 billion in wire activity on behalf of the CDCs. … The investigation has identified $110 million in drug proceeds that were funneled through the CDC accounts held at Wachovia. [That represents only the money in the larger pool of $373 billion that could be proven to be drug proceeds.] … The suspicious activity went effectively unmonitored. The $373 billion in CDC wire transfers were monitored in this inadequate manner. Logistics So, the criminal cases pending against alleged Colombian narco-trafficker Urrego, accused money-launderer Damy and Sinaloa organization logistics chief Zambada Niebla all appear to connect through the Gulfstream II cocaine jet at some level. That aircraft was allegedly purchased with Sinaloa organization drug money laundered through Damy’s casa de cambio business and a U.S. bank. And that same aircraft was reportedly suspected of being used previously as part of the CIA’s “terrorist” rendition program, according to media reports and an investigation spearheaded by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe. In addition, the Gulfstream II was

purchased less than two weeks before it crashed in Mexico by a duo that included a U.S. government operative who allegedly had done past contract work for a variety of US law enforcement and intelligence agencies, according to a known CIA asset (Vega) who is identified as such in public court records. The four tons of cocaine onboard of the Gulfstream II at the time of its crash landing, according Vega, were purchased in Colombia via a syndicate that included Urrego, who, according to Panamanian press reports and Vega, is a U.S. government (CIA) asset. And now, one of the top players in the Sinaloa drug organization, who, according to the U.S. government, oversaw logistics for the criminal organization, a job that entailed overseeing the purchase of aircraft for drug smuggling activities, now claims to have been actively cooperating with several U.S. law enforcement agencies since at least 2004. Assuming that rendition of the facts is accurate, it sure makes it hard to tell the crooks from the cops in this drug war. Narco News previously reported a series of stories following the trail of the Gulfstream II jet, which can be found at this link. In one of those stories, DEA sources told Narco News that the Gulfstream II jet was part of an undercover law enforcement operation being carried out by a Department of Homeland Security agency — specifically, ICE. The operation was codenamed “Mayan Express,” the sources claimed. The sources requested anonymity out of fear that they would be retaliated against by the government

for revealing the information. The operation also appeared to be badly flawed, the sources said, because it was being carried out unilaterally, (Rambo-style), by ICE and without the knowledge of the Mexican government. “This is a case of ICE running amok,” one DEA source told Narco News. “If this [operation] was being run by the book, they would not be doing it unilaterally” – without the participation of DEA – “and without the knowledge of the Mexican government.” However, Vega told Narco News that the DEA was fully aware of the ICE operation, Mayan Express. He claimed further that it was a legitimate law enforcement operation designed to gather evidence against narco-traffickers shipping contraband into the U.S. Another scenario advanced by some law enforcement sources with respect to the CIA-linked Gulfstream II jet and the purported Mayan Express operation is that it was all part of an elaborate CIA covert operation, possibly run under ICE cover. In fact, law enforcers and intelligence assets who spoke with Narco News all agree that even a legitimate law enforcement operation cannot be carried out overseas without the CIA lurking in the background — given the CIA’s broad mission as the primary foreign intelligence agency charged with protecting interests deemed vital to the U.S. Attorney Mark Conrad, a former highlevel supervisory Customs agent who has an extensive background in the intelligence world, previously told Narco News that he has no




problem entertaining a CIA scenario in the Gulfstream II narco-world saga. Though he stressed that he has no knowledge of the so-called Mayan Express operation, Conrad says if it was being operated in the unilateral manner described, then the CIA could well be running the show. Former deep undercover DEA agent Mike Levine, who was part of a number of missions in Latin America, questions the legitimacy of any law enforcement operation that would plant an aircraft, such as the Gulfstream II, and undercover operatives inside Mexico to fly several tons of cocaine from Columbia to Mexico. From Levine: Would there be a sane reason [for such an operation] is the … question. For example, CIA flew many tons of cocaine into the U.S. in the Guillen Episode with no legitimate reason, but it was done anyway. Consider Operation Fast and Furious [in which the ATF is accused of letting thousands of illegally purchased guns cross the border into Mexico to be used by narco-trafficking groups]. With our covert agencies currently so out of control [lacking] any oversight or accountability … whatsoever, the “Letters” no longer need legitimate reasons for their actions. In the early 1990s, the CIA ran a spook mission (the Guillen Episode referred to by Levine) allegedly designed to infiltrate Colombian narco-trafficking groups. The operation resulted in at least a ton of cocaine — some estimates put the figure much higher — entering the United States unchecked. The head of the DEA at the time, Robert Bonner, incensed at the CIA’s actions, which were carried out over DEA’s objections, went on national TV and essentially accused the CIA of

engaging in drug trafficking. The CIA operation, which was carried out with the assistance of the Venezuelan National Guard under the direction of CIA asset General Ramon Guillen Davila, unraveled after U.S. Customs seized a load of the dope in Miami. So, one way to avoid a repeat of that mistake in an operation like the alleged Mayan Express, assuming it is a CIA-run effort, is to use Customs (ICE) as a cover for the operation, one law enforcer suggests. But the truth is, as of now, we simply don’t know the real story behind the Gulfstream II — whether it was part of a legitimate law enforcement sting, or part of a CIA covert op that subsequently, and unwittingly, became the focus of a law-enforcement money laundering investigation, or if it was simply a narco plane connected to shadowy figures who had a lot of bad luck. But there sure seems to be a lot of smoke beyond the 2007 crash of that cocaine-laden corporate jet, even until this day. What we do know is that on April 6 of this year — some three weeks after Zambada Niebla filed his motion in federal court in Chicago claiming to be a U.S. government asset — the federal judge in the Wachovia case signed an order dismissing the “criminal information” charges filed against the lender, including charges related to the bank’s role in facilitating the casa-decambio money-laundering schemes allegedly employed by Damy and the Sinaloa “cartel” to finance the purchase of the Gulfstream II jet, among other drug-smuggling aircraft. From the judge’s order, filed in U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida: The DPA [deferred prosecution agreement] required, among other things, that Wachovia Bank, N.A. (a) acknowledge

responsibility for its conduct …; (b) continue its cooperation with the United States; and (c) demonstrate its future good conduct and compliance in all material aspects with the Bank Secrecy Act…. Given that Wachovia … has fully complied with its obligations under the DPA and has not otherwise breached the DPA, and pursuant to the terms of the DPA, the United States believes that dismissal is appropriate under the circumstances. Zambada’s claim of being a collaborator with the U.S. government will likely disappear from public view in time, under the cloak of national security, if that cooperation involved any U.S. intelligence agencies, according to one law enforcement source. And that is not the least likely outcome, according to one former U.S. intelligent analyst who follows the drug war closely. “I’ve thought for some time that ‘El Mayo’ [Zambada Niebla’s father] and his people work with the U.S. and Mexican governments on some level,” the individual opines. “It would be best [from a perceived national security standpoint] if the Sinaloa cartel achieved hegemony; it would reduce all the fighting, and I think the U.S. and Mexican governments buy into that line of thought.” As for Wachovia, it has already been disappeared, in a sense, having been absorbed in an acquisition in early 2009 by one of its major rivals, Wells Fargo, as part of a $12.7 billion deal. But unlike corporations and legal processes that can be deep sixed by business interests or national security, the trail of tears connecting the victims of the drug war, and the rising tide of indignation that tragic bond has produced, cannot be so easily disappeared.





Supreme has written a variety of books that can be used to get your game together. Supreme is an author that is versed on how to win.

Police informants are selling and buying more than ever before. The police and the other agencies are also recruiting for undercover agents that look more like a hood dude than you do.


y Supreme Understanding, an excerpt from How to Hustle and Win, Part One 26. The fall. The only thing worse than riding the bus everyday is going from driving a candy-painted Chevy on 26s to riding the bus everyday. Just remember, it ain’t what you got, it’s what you get to keep. When you lose, you lose it all. 25. The IRS. When you start taking all that money you making and start making those big purchases, and you can’t prove where the money came from…or worse yet, that you gave a huge chunk of that money back to the government, you’re either going to see the repo man or the inside of a cell for tax evasion. 24. Secret Indictments. Do you know what a “sealed indictment” is? It means the authorities are indicting you, and you won’t know about it until it’s too late. They’ll have every nickname you’ve ever used, every address you’ve ever been at, all


of your phone conversations, and enough testimony against you to have you doing football numbers. By the time you find out, they’ve collected so much evidence against you that your lawyer would have to cast spells to save you. Why else do you think the Feds have a 99% conviction rate? (Besides the snitches!) 23. The ATF. Everybody I know who has a gun has more than one. If you’ve got a couple legal guns, they’re already watching you. If you’ve got a couple guns that aren’t on paper, you’ve got bigger problems if they ever find one. 22. RICO. No, not some Mexican dude. The Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act is designed for any of y’all that think you’re gonna run a big empire without the white folks trying to crush you. 21. Bionic Dogs. These police dogs can smell anything. And now they’re being trained to smell through mustard, cayenne, and all the other sh*t people have been using to hide their drugs. Plus they got cousins that’ll bite a chunk out your ass. 20. The DEA. The Drug Enforcement Agency is not playing. With all the extra powers they’ve gotten since 9/11, they can tap more phones, review more text messages, and monitor more transactions than ever before. 19. Crooked Cops. They’ll single you out cause you’re Black. They’ll steal

your dope and sell it to other hustlers. They’ll plant sh*t on you if they can’t catch you doing what they know you’re doing. They’ll pay people to snitch on you if they can’t catch you any other way. And they’ll beat the sh*t out of you or shoot you if nobody’s videotaping. 18. The FBI. Even though they basically handed over the drug game to the DEA, the FBI ain’t off the scene. If you’re part of a big criminal enterprise or a large enough drug network, you’re on their watchlist. 17. Five-Digit Lawyers. Most hustlers haven’t saved up enough money for the first week of a felony trial. You need to ask any lawyer how much they charge to defend on drug distribution charges. I guarantee it’s no less than $10,000, no matter what dummy you go to. Now imagine how much it would cost to get a good lawyer who can actually get you off. 16. Six-Digit Bail. Unless you own a house or two, you probably don’t have much to offer to cover the whole bail amount. So bond is 10% and it’s non-refundable. 10% of $200,000 is how much? Cough it up. Don’t have it? Sit in there and prepare your defense. 15. Petty Hustlers. These young boys coming up have no respect for the rules that the old heads observed. Now the game is so cutthroat, you can’t trust anyone. I promise you that


one of your homeboys will snake you before a stranger does. 14. Women. Any girl you meet hustling is gonna be trouble. Either she’s a bad bitch who’s gonna use you and waste all your money while f*cking your homeboys, or she’s a good girl who will stick by your side and even carry your sh*t…until she gets caught and tells it all. “I remember when if you was a hustler you was a winner Now that’s like rakin’ up leaves in the winter And that ain’t even cool, to miss a few summers” Lil Wayne, “Don’t Cry” 13. Too Many Chefs in the Kitchen. Unless you find out about a market no one has ever seen before, or create a new one, there’s not a lot of room left for you. There’s more boys trying to work on one corner than there are Mexicans outside a Home Depot. Unless someone else plugs you in, you’re gonna have to fight your way in. And if you’re plugged in, plan to


If you go to supremedesignonline. com. You will find a wide array of books availalble to soak up game. Get your Hustle started today.

Contact Supreme facebook.comsupremeunderstanding



pay your plug. 12. The Pyramid. There’s only room for a few on the top. There’s plenty of disposable nobodies on the bottom. Those are the ones that come and go and nobody notices, slaving away, while the fat cats on top are making millions, moving major weight. Guess who goes to jail first? Oh and, where are you in that pyramid? Let me guess. 11. Itty Bitty Cameras. They’re on every rooftop and traffic light in the big cities now. And they can zoom in on the pimple on your nose. In fact, the “average” American is captured on surveillance camera more than 200 times a day. There are now at least 30 million active surveillance cameras in the U.S., and the numbers are growing. So smile, you’re on Candid Camera! 10. Racism in Sentencing. You WILL get more time than a white boy ever could for the same sh*t. Guaranteed. And if you’re on your second strike, don’t be a retard. 9. Entrapment. Police informants are selling and buying more than ever before. The police and the other agencies are also recruiting for undercover agents that look more like a hood dude than you do. Bottom line, your homeboy might be a cop. 8. Snitching. You know the routine. They catch two of you, tell each of you that the other snitched and see if you’ll snitch for real. Works (almost) every time. If not that, someone who doesn’t like you will tell on you when they get caught. 7. Consequences. After you come out from doing some time on a drug charge, you can almost forget about a job or school. It can happen, but it’ll be hard. Drugs are considered a crime of “moral turpitude,” which basically means you are a convicted dirtbag in society’s eyes. Though you already knew a lot of career options are definitely dead though, like being a teacher, doctor, or lawyer, you’ll be mad as hell when you get turned away at UPS.

“By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest.” Confucius

The above excerpt comes from Supreme Understanding’s book How to Hustle and Win: A Survival Guide for the Ghetto, Part One. You can learn more about Supreme and his books at 6. Misery. Selling drugs is miserable. If you say no, you’re lying to yourself. Who wants to be around addicts all day? Those motherf*ckers are the walking dead, and they’re depressing as hell. The worst part is seeing their kids suffering because they keep giving you all their money. 5. Suicide. I don’t mean from being depressed. I’m talking about the fact that a lot of hustlers end up getting into their own product. It always starts out real small, but I know a lot of former dealers that eventually became addicts. Ask any old dude that’s a heroin addict if they ever sold the sh*t, and see for yourself. 4. No Retirement Plan. How many old hustlers you know? All dead, in jail, or addicted. And there’s a few that came home from long bids and they’re 45 working as janitors now. 3. The Children. First of all, these little kids are growing up, looking up to you. You may be the only role model they have. If you don’t make a change, they’ll only follow in your footsteps. And if you have any children of your own, it’s gonna feel like sh*t trying to be a daddy from behind them walls. You may not even get any visits, depending on the mother you chose. And if the woman you chose was the type that was with you ‘cause you were spendin big paper, she’s already found somebody else to pay for her expensive way of life by now. 2. The Alternatives. If you can sell dope, you can sell soap. And I don’t mean the kind you trick the smokers with when you’re broke and can’t afford to re-up. I mean that, if you truly have a hustler spirit, you can hustle anything. There are plenty of legitimate hustles out there for anyone with a little start-up money. Don’t say you can’t get out the game. If you can flip an ounce, you can flip a house. 1. You’re a Pawn, not a King. Sure, you’re making money, but look at who most of it goes to. Then look at who will keep most of your sh*t once they’ve got you. Then look at who the drugs are hurting most. Then look at who is going to jail the most. Then look at who’s dying the most. Now look at who put the drugs here. Now look at yourself. Ask yourself where you fit in the equation. With all that said, you can decide for yourself. Either you can read this information, as well as other lessons throughout the book, and soak up the game that way. Or you can learn about every aspect of the game the HARD way…by going through it yourself. I can tell you now which one will be more painful. But, as always, it’s up to you. Lesson: You can learn by ear or learn on your ass. Unlike school, however, life teaches the lesson AFTER you fail the test.



9 SIGNS WE AIN’T STUPID made millions of dollars from bets that were often as little as five cents. This system was so elaborate and so successful that it was compared to a “street” stock market. In fact, Casper Holstein, one of the founders of the system, came up with it by observing the stock market itself. 2. Pimping Ultimately, the most successful pimp is the best psychologist. Do you know how cold-hearted and calculating a man has to be to be successful at this game? You have to think at least 3 steps ahead of everyone you have working for you, and understand exactly how to get the desired results from those people. Any real pimp could have just as easily made it rich as a preacher, motivational speaker, or life coach. In fact, many of them – like Bishop Don “Magic” Juan – are getting out of the pimping business to do just that. Read: From Pimpstick to Pulpit – It’s Magic: The Life Story of Don “Magic” Juan, by Ann Bromfield and Don “Magic” Juan 3. Cooking Crack Chef Jeff Henderson was able to take the cooking skills he first learned making crack on motel stoves and eventually become one of the most respected head chefs in the country. Like him, there are young men across this nation who have never taken a By Supreme Understanding, an excerpt from How to Hustle and Win, Part One The following are 9 ways that Black people, even from the lowest of conditions, show and prove an intelligence you won’t find anywhere else: 1. The Numbers Racket Over 70 years ago, in Harlem, Blacks developed an intricate lottery system known as “policy” or “the numbers.” Not only were runners responsible for memorizing the bets placed and who placed them (as written records would incriminate many), the people in charge were responsible for orchestrating a lottery system so large that it

chemistry class, but understand the chemical reactions that transform cocaine hydrochloride into a smokeable bicarbonate. They may have failed high school math, but they can work a triple beam, convert grams to ounces, and calculate profits from a re-up while factoring in for potential losses. A dummy can’t do that. All a dummy can do is pitch on the block until he’s caught by the cops. Read: Cooked: From the Streets to the Stove, from Cocaine to Foie Gras, by Jeff Henderson 4. Going Legit “Turned a hundred to a million, did it all with game Turned a hustle to a label, did it all with brains”



Young Jeezy, U.S.D.A.’s “Keep Tellin

design and patent new inventions

else in the Bed-Stuy neighborhood


that we could all use.

of Brooklyn, Ejovi grew up around

Jay-Z went from hustlin on the block

6. Custom Cars

thugs and drug dealers. But instead

to CEO of several companies. He now

Ride through any hood in America

of pursuing hustling or hip hop,

commands enough money and power

and you’ll see cars like you’ll never

Ejovi got himself into hacking. By the

to give “Rocawear” a chance at being

see in a white community. If you’ve

time he was in his late teens, Ejovi

the new name of the Nets arena in

ever watched Pimp My Ride or any car

had become a career hacker, even

Brooklyn. But it was the same hustlin

customization show, you know most

committing one of the biggest system

skills that allowed him to turn a lump

of their inspiration comes from things

break-ins of recent years. By the age

sum into his first album and video

Black people have been doing with

of 22, Ejovi was able to fully transition

(which he financed himself ), and

their cars since pimps were hanging

into legitimate use of his skills as a

then turn that success into an empire.

chandeliers in their Cadillacs in the

top security specialist for one of the

Today, there are thousands of drug

1970s. Not only that, but it takes a

world’s largest financial institutions.

dealers going legit, doing everything

different kind of intelligence to know

Read: Hacker Cracker: A Journey from

from starting record labels to buying

exactly whats wrong with a car just

the Mean Streets of Brooklyn to the

real estate to producing movies. (See

by listening to it, and to be able to fix

Frontiers of Cyberspace, by Ejovi

“Cleaning Up Dirty Money” and “10

it without any special tools. (See Part

Nuwere and David Chanoff

Aconsectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod Two, “Old School Whips and Wasted tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim 5. Drug Distribution Money”) ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris You may “Freeway” 7. Producing Music not know, Nisi utbut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute Rickyirure Rossdolor was once of the best tennis There’svelit another of intelligence in reprehenderit in voluptate essekind cillum dolore fugiat nulla pariatur. players in hiseu city before he went on Excepteur neededsint hereoccaecat also. I can write 18 cupidatatcocaine. non proident, quion officia deserunt to distributing What if sunt Ross in culpa books 15 topics in 40 minutes, mollit anim id est laborum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, had taken his talent in tennis, and but I can’t play a decent drumbeat consectetur adipisicing elit, sed “pushed it to the limit” as he did his to save my life. On the other hand, I Do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore crack-cocaine empire? What if Ross know people who can’t pass their GED magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud had taken some ofullamco his earlylaboris cash nisi ut who canex crank out a beat that takes exercitation aliquip ea commodo and funded instead of purus.upNunc 40 tracks andluctus uses 18 samples Ursus attennis portacamps et, luctus eget tempor interdum..ursus at porta et, luctus eget purus. Nunc tempor crack-houses? What if he had trained in 15 minutes. Of course, public ‘Legit Hustles”)

9. Freestyling Back to music. Many white people don’t take rap, or rappers, very seriously. But challenge any English professor to write a decent rap, on any topic, and deliver it on beat. Or even worse, challenge them to freestyle. My bet is they won’t be able to do it. Not without sounding like a fool at least. It doesn’t just take skill and rhythm to freestyle over a beat. It takes the ability to concentrate and calculate

tennis instructors instead of dealers?

schools don’t care about the musical

exactly how to begin a sentence,

What if he had expanded his business

intelligence and sense of rhythm it

based only a set of possible rhyming

to every major city in the country,

takes to create new dances, produce

words that can go at the end of that

like he did with his drug network? For

platinum beats, and sing “Ain’t No

sentence, all while sticking to the

beginners, maybe Venus and Serena

Sunshine” acapella.

beat. Most rappers don’t realize that

wouldn’t be the only Black tennis

Read: The Wu-Tang Manual by the RZA

when they’re doing that, just as most

professionals we hear about now. And

8. Going “Outside the Box”

bowlers don’t know they have an

maybe crack wouldn’t be the biggest

Lupe Fiasco wasn’t the only dude in

understanding of the laws of physics.

thing to hit Black America since hip

the hood doing something different

But it’s there, just waiting to be used

hop. Also, let’s not forget about all the

from everybody else. Many people

in other ways.

ingenious ways hustlers have come

have strayed from the beaten path…

up with to transport their product.

and gotten rich. One example is Ejovi

Imagine if these hustlers took the

Nuwere. Unlike Lupe however, Ejovi

same skills it takes to create a new

wasn’t into skateboarding; he was into

stash-box mechanism, and used it to

computers. Like damn near everyone

Lesson: There’s no shortage of intelligence in the hood. Street dudes are some of the smartest people around. Use it wisely.



The Voice of The Young people:



hen it comes to the Youth and making music with substance 16yr old YungBlu is definitely the voice of the people. What has been the surprise is that he is giving music to the streets while making a conscious decision to remove cuss words from his lyrics. YungBlu is in an early part of his career and has had the opportunity to work with many prominent west coast artists. In 2012 YungBlu opened up for Mack10, LayzieBone, BoneThugsNHarmony,

much of his prior material through the “GrittyStyleNetwork” which you can subscribe to on Youtube. This will consist of all the old and new releases that YungBlu has built over his professional career. YungBlu is giving the game a breath of fresh air, and Nitty along with other west coast legends, have coined YungBlu as the “Baby2Pac” of his generation. Many had came to this conclusion after seeing the way he is touching on socially conscious topics and his strong community embrace. YungBlu has dedicated his time to having

YungBlu had opened up for Mack10,LayzieBone,BoneThug sNHarmony, E40, BrothaLynchHung,Badazz,WC,SugaFree,T yga,DoveShack,NipseyHussle,Kurupt just to name a few. YungBlu has spent his career being developed and mentored by Frank Nitty (@MrFrankNittyLbc) E40, BrothaLynchHung, Badazz, WC, SugaFree, Tyga, DoveShack, NipseyHussle and Kurupt just to name a few. YungBlu has spent his career being developed and mentored by Frank Nitty (@MrFrankNittyLbc) who is the CEO/Founder of one of the largest and most influential black and brown movements in Southern California, GrittyStyle Entertainment. YungBlu has been working on his highly anticipated project “Campaign Muzic”” which released on Feb14th (Valentine’s day) as a free download. YungBlu is in the works of growing a strong fan base and looking to offer


For booking/features contact manager @MrFrankNittyLBC at ...Blu twitter account is @OfficialYungBlu OfficialYungBlu com/GrittystyleNetwork

his most recent music available in all the Juvenile Halls in Cali due to the message and his content. Most have been surprised with him having extremely deep content for his age, and how he has been able to relate to his audience. YungBlu has gained recent respect for his “Newtown Dedication”, the song can be found on Youtube, and has surprised many west coast artists where they are saying it is the best dedication heard to date for someone his age. For more information on YungBlu use the contact below, or connect with the GrittyStyleNetwork on YouTube. Written By: Defiance



Secret Societies Influence Inside the Music Game. Defiance gives a breif over look at this fascination that has risen with in music.. Defiance has a long time understanding of occult influences and hip hop music.


hen we look at ourselves as a whole or individuals, we see musicians, employees, entrepreneurs, entertainers, business owners and much more. Creatively we are designed to contribute something from our internal that is nonduplicable. What we do to establish a unique presence can be questioned by our perception of ourselves and the world that surrounds us. How much originality of one’s self do we offer? Or how much is influenced by the uncontrolled medium around us? Who we are and what we choose

Written By: Defiance

to display can cause a fraction in our well-being as a whole. Today, in an age where well-being and self-identity is questionable and the influences you receive can be more subliminal than consciously known; we are occupied in a constant sleep state disillusioned and consistantly monitored to remain trained in submissive human behavior based on set protocols with many categories to fall into. Yes, we may feel our thoughts and our mind is our own, but it is said the biggest slaves are the ones that believe they are free. Ted Turner had said “The media is too concentrated, too few people own too much. There are really five companies that control 90 percent of what we read, see and hear. It’s not

healthy.” Jim Morrison said, “Whoever controls the media controls the mind.” What is meant when we sit back and look at all this? What we decide as a culture to contribute to one another is subconsciously fueled by demons much deeper. Our content is limited to reflect the same content that the media perpetuates and engages us with. As the desire and free access for music grew so did the need and ability to try to control what was being made. The technology of today and the advancement of the PC had given a voice to a number of individuals that

A lot of people will get the rituals they hear with this group confused with many of the larger and more prominent societies.


can seek their own desires. The music industry understood that this would begin to give way for a plethora of musicians to rush an environment that was not stable enough to support it. Instead of controlling the number of individuals who create the music, the industry had an agenda; this is to control the type of music that is

being made. See, entering the digital age, the royalties that big industries had been collecting decreased. The impact digital downloads and sharing made, gave traditional distribution a less valuable appeal. Music had to be integrated like it had never been before. Instead of big companies controlling the music distributed,


more focus went on controlling the musicians. When you control the music, you control the culture. There is a lot more profit in branding an individual and making a return on everything that individual endorses; instead of waiting on mechanical royalties on a single or record. Let me elaborate; many musicians were programmed to make a particular type of music with a particular type of content to engage particular type of fans without even knowing or realizing this. Large corporations look for these artists that develop a buzz on their own that are “Marketable� and bring in their own fans. The business is looking for individuals that can develop a following, work hard, and create sellable music. This helps companies to better guarantee a return for their marketing and advertising dollars. The easiest way for these companies to establish



this foundation is to implement there selves into everything that is popular in the music culture. Many times artists become blinded by their love for the culture and talent, or respect for the entertainment, that they forget that this is a business; a business that some wish to exploit and some see opportunity. Many companies go into an in depth investigation to find marketing campaigns that work and ones that don’t. With the growth of digital technology and the vast way that easy accessible media has become popular in urban communities, companies have seen advantages to this. Many record labels find it beneficial to have large companies endorse their artists so those products can be introduced into the genre that the company would like to cater to. All of these large fortune 500 conglomerates have an investing eye in music and especially hip hop with its large demographic. Sprite, Nike, Chrysler, and many others don’t have a fondness for the music itself as much as a financial interest in the artist. Owners and CEO’s of these companies sit at large round table meetings to discuss stocks to be traded on Wall Street and see music companies and artists as sharp business moves. In this day in age, with music, internet and people becoming more aware of themselves and the world around them, we have uncovered a growing awareness in what are coined “secret societies” and “shadow governments” in our society. Even with the stigma of conspiracy theorists, there are many aspects to look at that can be seen as very true. Many ill-informed will point to those that are in the highest levels of music (especially Hip Hop) as part of “Illuminati” or “Freemasons” even “Skull & Bones” for the most part this is untrue, and we will look into this deeper and why. Freemasonry is very possible.

Illuminati, well, your favorite rappers, favorite rapper wouldn’t be on this list with 2 lifetimes of 16 multiplatinum selling records. The biggest misconception is that these musicians are leaders in their industry because they have more than us. We usually don’t see the ones that have a lot more than them and therefore they are not seen for the puppets or pawns they really are. Many of these corporations that had found strong financial interest in the music industry around the

men connected to some of the oldest families in the world. Since the music industry has become a medium to target so many in such a little amount of time, it is a very easy way to concentrate a specific way of thinking that one would want to target. These companies have intricate research and development teams to study their audience and psychologically find what touches the audience emotionally. When you see a commercial that is endorsed by someone that is idolized, this is

time of the mid 90’s (when hip hop had become hijacked) had all been associated with an agenda. Many of these companies are tied in with some of the largest record labels in the world. These same companies have ties with some of the wealthiest men in the world. When large corporations implement business decisions, as little as commercials or print advertisement, 40% of it will be for the profit and 60% of it will be for control. These wealthy men that have special investment interests in large companies will be the same

how a brand will work itself into that demographic. Millions of marketing dollars will be poured into a campaign based on a percentage of it possibly working; sometimes it fails. When they have to go back to the drawing board they will re-introduce that brand in a different way. Example; when Three Olives tried to introduce the Purple Vodka backed and endorsed by Lil Kim, that just didn’t work. Lil Kim is not current and idolized, so this could not appear to the demographic in the right sellable and controllable way.

THE RESOURCE | MAGAZINE Someone that has pulled it off with a lot of success was Diddy with Ciroc. Since Diddy is current and active in entertainment, they can market him in a way he is known. Ciroc is shown for Classy, Grown and Sophisticated drinkers. As long as it is shown in that light, this is the way that its buyers will associate themselves when they are using this product. See, getting people influenced to purchase a product or use a product is only a percentage of what many companies care to do. These

do so much on your own. When you show you appeal enough to the people and you have a price you can be purchased at. Many of these artists are not directly infiltrated or connected with some of the larger secret societies; most in power are based off extremely old European heritage and are now kept by intricate family bloodlines or appointed power. Many hip hop artists will be associated with a black secret society that many times is compared to Skull and Bones; the most well-known is

companies want to mold specific behaviors, to mold how a culture acts, and how it attracts them to what they invest in. Music Icons are paid to endorse clothing in public, shoes and much more, they do not have to announce the brand but simply wear it. Now, many of these artists don’t always simply fall into fame. There is a time when you are approached and asked to make an oath to abide to a certain level of the game. This usually happens when you seem willing and controllable. When you show you are willing to

called the Boule. A lot of people will get the rituals they hear with this group confused with many of the larger and more prominent societies. Many members of the Boule will pledge their allegiance with upholding and protecting what is sacred to many of these large companies and corporate conglomerates. These companies that have control and their selfinterest well invested inside the media are backed and owned by the families that are very old and wealthy. The wealthy and powerful families that create these


sub divisions of secret societies and front companies for their operations create the groups to uphold loyal obligations to their cause and agenda. You may ask what possible agenda can wealthy and powerful families along with corporations and secret societies have that they would want to target through music? In order to full fill their roles for power and control every natural resource, all economic capital and political positions, they need a people who are distracted and incompetent of playing this game with their intelligence. See most of us are like Alice; fell down the rabbit hole and don’t even know it. Our culture is controlled and conditioned to have us think that we work off our own free will and independent thinking. We are monitored and examined from everything psychologically to behavior patterns. Today’s generation is targeted and influenced through a collective of mass media that supports a feeling of self-confusion. Everything from pedophilia, violence in games, and bisexuality in television is all marketed strongly and purposely to strip each young person of their morality and humanity. The kids are desensitized to what they are shown in multiple streams of media. Sexuality is embraced more and more at a younger age but how it is engaged is void of any attachment, feeling or oneness without limitations. The amount of media formats that exist today is more than ever, and it’s equipped with many helpful ways for us to advance as a society. The technology is also used in a way to break our future generations further away from moral values and humanity. Why I mention humanity is, if you look closely we are seeing more figures being shown on television that embrace a robotic nature; from the robotic auto tune voice or music videos like Common



and Pharrell with Universal Mind Control and its robotic theme. This is the movement into an age where everything that was once sacred will be questioned; where integrity will be sacrificed and called independent, where families will no longer talk but sit in a living room connected online. Jobs are being replaced at a vast rate by digital software or robotic AI’s; even grocery stores are eliminating cashiers to replace them with self-check-out services. The world is changing and so is its influence, and this is nothing they will have to force upon us because they make sure we are asking for it. Example, you can be tracked by the apps on your cellphone and the technology we accept like Smart Phones, Smart Cars, Smart Grids and Smart Meters. They don’t need to ask permission to wiretap you, you’re doing it for them. Back in 1863 The Rothschild Brothers of London said: “The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its profits or

so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.” If you think of a pyramid scheme this is how it works - each organization answers to the one above it, but this isn’t any scheme because the goals that are put into place are being accomplished. This is based off our own ignorance and being naïve at the same time. We are plagued by our wanting to believe in those that we see as media figures and our emotional attachment to the material items we are sold. There is nothing wrong with being rewarded for the fruits of your labor, but when the items you own have an emotional hold on you, you may need to reevaluate your core essence. None of the people you see on television should ever have control of your power to free will. This is up to you to decide. How you choose to interact with this world that we are entangled in, what responsibility do you take in being a part of it? What duty do you feel you should uphold to those that will look to you for strength or

leadership? Instead of accepting the problems we’re handed in one hand and the solutions we’re given in another, ask what you can do for yourself and how you can contribute to a whole. You have the power to understand and the power to control your mind, the power to shape your own reality. What you choose to shape is truly up to you.





OG CUICDE INTERVIEW OG Cuicide is an independent rap artist from the west coast. OG Cuicide has dedicated his career to being a advocate for suside awarness and gang prevention amoung the youth. OG Cuicide had gotten a wakeup cal when he attempted to take his own life at a young age. Throughout his carrer he has emphsized the importance of this awareness , seeing it as a problem that threatens our youth

Youth Outreach

OG Cuicide at Lincoln middle school in Oceanside, Ca. For Youth Outreach on Gang Prevention and

e had the chance to speak with OG Cuicide late last year here in San Diego County. OG Cuicide, Lady of Rage (Baby Dee) and James Wade had come to Lincoln Middle School to speak to the kids about life perspectives. OG Cuicide shared his life story with the kids which had been inspirational and touching for parents and children alike. OG Cuicide performed his song off his album “Never Give Up”, which had given the message to all the kids that no matter how you reach your lowest points you have the ability to be whatever it is you desire. This message touched home with a lot of the parents that are currently dealing with struggles of their own. OG Cuicide was embraced with many heartfelt thanks on how his music touched peoples lives. That’s when we knew we needed to interview his story.





93.5 KDay

OG Cuicide on 93.5 KDay with Steve Lobal, speaking about his story and spreading his message to the

Defiance: O.G. Cuicide, the Westcoast knows a lot about you, but let my readers know where originally you hail from? Cuicide: I’m from Compton California, born and raised Defiance: Give the audience the mentality you had to have coming up in LA? Cuicide: Well it starts with being real with yourself and being able to keep your word, because if your word isnt good then you aint shit and remember stay ready for anything Defiance: Is the rap game still the same in Compton today as it was in its Pioneer days? Cuicide: Based upon Compton, where gangsta rap started, I mean it haven’t

changed. You got artist making moves and putting out music that’s being felt all around the world Defiance: What was the single instant that you realized you wanted to get into this music thing? Cuicide: After my suicide attempt, I wanted to share my life with the world I wanted the world to hear my story Defiance: Explain some of the differences you see with the music industry for west coast artists, than some other regions. Cuicide: It’s harder for West Coast artists to get in the music game because they blame us for the drama and murders that come with the music. We bring the streets where ever we are.

Not saying it’s not riders in other regions but when you hear West Coast first thing that come to mind is gangbanging. Defiance: What are some of the changes that you see could better the music scene for west coast artists? Cuicide: More unity amongst ourselves; other than when an outsider has a beef with somebody from the west coast, then we come together. I would like to see us stay together Defiance: You have come up around a lot of well-respected artists and industry professionals, who are some of the Cats you had the pleasure of knowing and working with?



FOUNDER OF 1 WEST CLOTHING Cuicide: Everyone you know from the Compton , Watts , Long Beach , and LA area i either know them from the street but the majority of them I’ve known before the music so pretty much you name em I know em Defiance: How important is it for an artist to have his business aspect together when trying to get in the game? Cuicide: Business first, that’s a priority. You must have your business together so you won’t have to learn from mistakes; understand them contracts so you won’t sign your life away Defiance: What are some things that an Independent artist should have together before trying to get in the game? Cuicide: For starters you need to have good people around you, thats where it starts, your surroundings and Protect your in-

vestments; Copyright your music ,set up your publishing company BMI, ASCAP, SESAC Defiance: Now you own your own Film and Production Company, how long has it been around? Cuicide: It’s been five years now CG films and my label C&G records Inc. Defiance: What are the company’s primary focuses? Cuicide: My primary focus is branding my company and artist that are on my label or anyone that comes to my company for services. Helping them brand what they’re working on, that’s my primary focus Defiance: What projects are you currently filming/working on? Cuicide: At the present time I’m working on my Never Give Up album and we are shooting 15 videos off my never give up album that dropped this year!

Defiance: some of these young entrepreneurs that are starting their business see many distractions, what is the best way to keep your focus? Cuicide: Tunnel vision and once again I will say your surroundings. If everybody is on the same path there’s no way you will have distraction because you’re all going in the same direction Defiance: What does it take for a serious artist or producer to work with you? Cuicide: To work with me just hit me up on Twitter , Facebook , email Defiance: How do you feel about upcoming artists sending you their mixtapes? Cuicide: Artist send me their Mixtapes all the time I check em out and send them back my honest


opinion on how I feel about their music. So if you would like to send your Mixtapes for me to review, send them Defiance: What studios do you feel are some of the best experiences in Southern California? Cuicide: Paramont Studios, Hollywood California, The Black Hole Studio, Hollywood California, Exec Life Studios, Lakewood California and my bro Epademik Studio, South Orange County Defiance: Who are some of the hottest producers that you have worked with so far? Cuicide: Caviar, Daeone, Stonebeatz, Bigg Rock, Miklo Sanchez, Aceman, serfshow Defiance: How many mixtapes and albums have you released? Cuicide: I’ve put out four personal albums out myself but several albums and mix tapes on other artist Defiance: What do you feel is better for artists, Mixtapes or Albums? Cuicide: To me, just my opinion, I feel albums are better than mixtapes; most artists put all their effort and energy into the mixtapes and less energy and effort in their album but the whole object of a mixtape is to get the people ready for your album.

Defiance: So, what are your thoughts on the current state of the game? Cuicide: It’s a lot of opportunity for any artist trying to get in the game right now Defiance: What music projects do we have to look forward to? Cuicide: My never give up album, it will be a classic from OG Cuicide and one of my most anticipated albums Defiance: where can people find your music? Cuicide: On all the digital retailersiTunes , Amazon , jamster etc. and coming to a store near you! Defiance: What are your thoughts on the current financial state of the country? Cuicide: I feel just like anyone else feels, hopefully the economy gets better that way the cost of living can improve Defiance: How do you feel about education and the educational system today? Cuicide: The education system really needs help, they’re shutting down schools they’re taking money from schools, and I always thought education was a priority. How could you not make education a priority. You can’t have a future without education


Defiance: What changes do you think can be made to decrease our youth as inmates that are housed in correctional facilities? Cuicide: Parents need to stop giving up on their children, if you give up on your children that means your children will give up on themselves with nothing else for them to do but go to the streets and be involved in a lifestyle that can lead you to prison or the cemetery. It’s time for parents to get involved in their children’s lives and help them make a change for the better. Guidance will help your children make good decisions. Defiance: One more time how can artists, and fans get a hold of you? Cuicide: Defiance: Anything else that you would like to add? Cuicide: Yes, to everyone, believe in yourself and go after your dreams and always remember NEVER GIVE UP!



T$P (The $urvivalist Profit) Is an artist, producer, engineer and label owner. T$P has performed at the WestCoast Hip Hop Awards, to leave as one of the most spokien about artists. Recently signed to Universal TSP looks to take the game into his own hands. Studio partner with Babeeloc of Bud E Boy Entertainment, look for some serious projects for



I had gone in there like I said trying to play the trumpet. I was trying to go in there and invest my energy into something positive rather than just being in the yard with these knuckleheads not doing anything. That’s where I was all the time; I was in the studio even in there.


EFIANCE: Yo whatup this is Imperial Hustle Defiance over here with T$P at T$P Productions. We’re sitting here with the main man, gettin it in right now entrepreneur, independent, running his own business he’s gonna lace ya’ll with game a lil about him and what he does. First thing I want to go ahead and get into is - how you’d you get started with this music thing? When

did it all come about? Lay something to these people. T$P: Well it all came about when I was locked up. I grew up doing music, but it took me to discover that music was my passion and what I needed to be doing with my life instead of out in the streets hanging out, gang bangin and doing all that kind of stuff. That really changed me, doing the music thing. I really started doing it when I got locked up, sentenced and doing all



TSP Performing at The Blue Carpet Event TSP bringing back that WestCoast funk. in Oceanside. that people can vibe to. The picture below is T$P (artist holding the mic) with his Big JDogg form the O at the Blue Carpet Event for Babeeloc’s Album Release party. T$P’s performance was well anticipated while he brought out several different cuts from his new album. T$P had also performed songs off anupcoming project featuring Babeeloc that was a crowd pleaser. You are able to watch the full show on youtube long with perfomances from several other artists.

that time. DEFIANCE: So you got locked up and that really made you engage with your music, but really what would you say in there made it that you wanted to focus in on your music rather than when you were on the outside? T$P: Well it all started in a class called Arson Corrections. It’s in New Folsom State Prison, they had a class in there everyone was talking about and I was like “Well shit I wanna do

T$P is one of the few artists bringing back that westcoast funky sound with his own twist to it. It makes you feel like you hearing grown man rap all over again. With mature lyrics that push the envelope for our thinking. T$P takes much pride in his lyricism and ability to spill lyrics that rock a crowd with intricate metaphores rather than simplistic nursery. With funky beats that are self developed, the music makes the perfect blend.

music too”. There wasn’t anything else to do in the yard so I was like I wanna do music too. I had been writing little stuff here and there and beating on the table like I did coming up in life, so after that I filled out an application and got into the class. When I was in Elementary I grew up playing the trumpet, so I went in there auditioning to play the trumpet. So I went in there auditioning to play the trumpet and they had a whole bunch

of people like how they have it on the TV shows with people voting. So I thought, “Damn this shit is serious”. So I tried to play the trumpet and I couldn’t play anything because you gotta have lips for that and I grew up playing it in a band but I hadn’t been doing it, so I lost it. So I started singing, and they were like “That’s cool too. You can sing a lil bit; did you grow up in the church?” So I said “Yea I did grow up in the church but I



The Survivalist Profit @tspow1

didn’t sing in the church” I just grew up copying peoples music, singing, copying melodies I would hear, you know listening to Moms music and coping what she’s saying. I started taking everything serious in 1996 when I went to that class, that’s when everything changed. I sang a lil song, somebody else’s music of course because I wasn’t taking it serious at that time and they were like “Okay, were gonna get you into voice class”. So they got me in a voice class and I started taking voice lessons through this lady named Molly and she played the piano and everything. I learned a little more about my vocals. At that same time I was looking behind peoples shoulders that were playing

music on the keyboards and all this stuff that’s going on right here. I was watching people who were doing that in prison, so I was like ‘damn if they are doing that in here we can do this on the street too’. So I was like when I get out of here this is what im taking out with me. So I started taking it serious from that day forth. DEFIANCE: Let me ask, you said you started doing music from an early age, did you know what direction you were going to go? Did you know you were going to rap or sing or were you just like I want to be an artist? What was the angle you were looking at? T$P: When I was younger, I really didn’t know where I was going with it. I played a little bit of the trumpet, I

beat on the table in elementary school when I was suppose to be doing my work but it’s a trip when you reflect back on what really happened. We had the boom boxes out and we grew up with foster kids so we had people rapping and I’m recording them on the little jute box. It’s a trip. I was doing all kinds of different stuff, I had my hands in a little bit of everything as far as the music goes. I could sing what other people were singing. I did a little singing on peoples hooks and did some singing on some hooks while I was in prison. There were dudes in there rapping and I wasn’t even rapping, I had gone in there like I said trying to play the trumpet. I was trying to go in there and invest my


TSP PRODUCTIONS SP Productions is more than a single entity or musician. Founded in 2012 this has quickly become the full solution for many artists needs. Based out of Escondido, Ca. I had the opportunity to go and speak to the owners of the establishment. TSP Productions which is owned by T$P of Universal Records and BabeeLoc of Bud E Boy Entertainment. T$P has merged his Anger Manangment Music to offer production and recording under the same roof. Any artists looking for sophisticated business development and music that has a professional sound should come to this studio.


energy into something positive rather than just being in the yard with these knuckleheads not doing anything. That’s where I was all the time; I was in the studio even in there. Arts and Corrections, that’s what they named it. So I was over people’s shoulders and everything just soaking up game learning stuff. I was in the voice class. I didn’t really have any direction with it...I was on B yard and some things happened and they sent me to C yard and I got in the class again but they didn’t have a rap class over. They didn’t have any hip hop class over there. So me and this dude from Long Beach, Big C, I said ‘Let me start the rap class’ and he was like “Yea you can do that” I started bringing people in little bit at a time and had people getting at me in the yard because I was beating on the tables, same old thing, beating on the tables for people that rap. So I brought in a couple dudes that I heard personally on the yard, that I was like ‘oh yea these dudes are tight’ got them in there and set up a show. They let us set up a show; we did a show on the yard and turned it out. It was on from there..

Get the full Interview at

TSP Productions in its short running has already worked with many industry vets from Kokane, Kurupt, Bad Azz, OG Cuicide, GD The Beast, DJ King Assassin, Glasses Malone and many more. Serious artists can get affordable recording deals within a reasonable budget. TSP Productions also gives the ability to order beats from a variety of industry producers right at the studio. Artists have the ability to book major musicians from inside the studio for any project. TSP Productions is versed in all genre’s of music and is perfect for any musician established or new looking for quality sound. Feel free to use the contact information to get in touch with the studio, open seven days a week. They stay on their JOB and have a team that is always ready to work. BOOKING CALL: 760-539-2537





I’m a business man from the jump, so the Pearl Harbor Ent. thing took shape as soon as I decided that I wanted to do music; that’s just how my brain works. EFIANCE: Why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself, the music, and how did you get started in knowing this music thing is for you? EMERSON WINDY: Well first I’m gonna say ‘what’s up Oceanside, I love ya’ll’, but ever since I was a little boy I loved music, I’d bump my brothers old tapes man that’s just how it was. What got me into music originally was a few of my partnahs were artists and they were always complaining about if they had more they’d be able to do more. So I went and bought a bunch of


music equipment. I had it at the time and stuff was just in my house. I had a guy around that was helping me produce and the more time I spent with it the more fun I had with music. It probably wasn’t until a couple years ago that I had some things happen in my personal life that kind of pushed me into taking this music thing serious. Ever since that day I started spending like 18 hours a day just doing music all day long, I fell in love with it and here I am today. DEFIANCE: Would you say with you doing music and you

Emerson Windy

The weedman as many will know from his theme inspired by the california fresh greens. San Diego native but, worldwide artist

starting with your people as your companions, you and them grew with it, was that your major influence for you becoming an artist or just partly an influence? EMERSON WINDY: As far as me becoming an artist, nah I wouldn’t say any of them had anything to do with it. It was more like a need, a necessity. I was just like man I really need to do something. At the time my mom had just passed


In a nut shell, i just wanted people to pop that album in and by the end of it I wanted you to feel like you knew me a lot better as a person. This is a human being, by the time you got to track 19 and it was over.

away so I had a bunch of shit to say. I just tried my hand at it and was like, ima go up in here and put an album together and if it sucks I’m a producer I’ll keep doing my music thing and don’t nobody got to hear it. I actually put this album together in 10 days bro start to finish, produced the whole thing, recorded the whole thing, mix mastered, bam! It was done in 10 days start to finish, hammered the

whole thing, pow! My influences as far as like musically, man I can’t even name names because that list is too long. I’m a sponge like any other artist is, I sponge off of things that I appreciate and stuff that I enjoy. I appreciate everything from Gospel to Jazz to Rap to Rock, anything man, Blues, everything, I can admit it. DEFIANCE: After you went


Emerson Windy

We found Emerson Windy to have several different projects from skateboard company, delivery trucks and a videographer.

ahead started doing the producing thing with music, did Pearl Harbor Entertainment come right away? How did you get into starting the whole record label? EMERSON WINDY: I’m a business man from the jump so the Pearl Harbor Ent. thing took shape as soon as I decided that I wanted to do music; that’s just how my brain works. If I’m going to do something I kind of want to monopolize that



whole thing and see how I can feed off all of it and do it all myself. The name Pearl Harbor Entertainment kind of came from the fact that I was like ‘we drop bombs right here’ and a deeper stare into that would be just the fact that I always respected the battle of Pearl Harbor. In my opinion that was a great American ay we lost a lot of American life and I’m very


you really want your fans to take in from the whole album, the experience and everything? What was your idea that you wanted them to walk away with? EMERSON WINDY: In a nut shell, i just wanted people to pop that album in and by the end of it I wanted you to feel like you knew me a lot better as a person. This is a human being, by the time you got to track 19 and it was over. I put a lot of

I had some things happen in my personal life that kind of pushed me into taking this music thing serious. Ever since that day I started spending like 18 hours a day just doing music all day long, I fell in love with it and here I am today. sorry to hear that but at the same time in the aftermath of it all we pulled together and we overcame a huge obstacle. That’s what you have to do almost every day in this music game. You have to pull together and you have to overcome obstacles that pop up every day, so Pearl Harbor Entertainment I love ya’ll. DEFIANCE: So with the Emerson Windy Experience the album that you are releasing, coming out under Pearl Harbor Ent., what did

myself into the disc. A lot of the songs, I write songs, so I try to write songs to relate to as many people as possible you feel me? There are small little glimpses into my life and who I am; things I like, things I don’t like, things ive experienced, and at the end of the day every experience ive had in life I wouldn’t take any of them back. They’ve made me who I am, so that’s what I wanted people to really know. I wanted them to know me. I wanted them to know themselves a little better.


THE WINDY EXPERIENCE To get the full interview, please visit Also take the time to get the album, The Emerson Windy Experience; serious artists looking to network, this is the man to be in contact with.

Emerson Windy Contact: @EmersonWindy





SEEN ON THE RADAR Some artists will put in so much work and never get the results. This may be a guidline to the right areas to work at to get noticed by the right people.


any times as artists we want to be able to have our work admired from many different stand points. We become bias in our opinions and want to think that all should feel the same way that we do about our work. Yes it is important to be confident, and in some industries, cocky is embraced as well. The important thing to remember is to not be

Written By: Defiance

This article is made for artists that are looking for a professional career. If you are in it as a hobby, there is nothing wrong with this; you just need to switch your focus, and your overall expectations for your music. When you have decided, that you do this as a hobby, you can also remove most of the notions that you have to learn the business part of the music industry. In fact, many times you can remove the industry all together. You may not know exactly what you are looking for when it comes to hobby or career, but

so blinded by your own desires, that you may not see where improvement can be made. We are deciding to take a look at why many artists may be overlooked when it comes to their music by industry tastemakers. This I see time and time again, where a few minor details can make a major difference in someone’s career. I think first things first, point blank, most artists need to ask themselves, am I in this for a career or a hobby? Once this is decided, this removes a lot of expectations that you may have held for yourself and others have held up to you.

ask yourself, how much am I willing to invest in to this? The biggest thing is sacrifice, and there is a lot that is needed to build any stable career in music. When you start looking at what you want to invest in this, you have to break it down between finances, time and emotionally. “If artists are not willing to invest in themselves, why would anyone else” – Defiance, this is very true. Now here is what it ends up coming down to, the artists that understand this and their position end up having the best results.

The artists that end up having problems are the ones that are doing this as a hobby, and don’t know that they are, but expecting professional results. The thing is, there are more musicians than ever trying to get a piece inside of the industry, more artists than the current establishment can currently support. The artists don’t have a chance to get the type of education needed when trying to structure themselves for this industry; it ends up eating them



Is It All Talent? Talent is great, but with this being a business they are more interested in what an artist already brings to the table. This is where the internet has helped in so many ways, since Record Labels don’t have the time to attend every show, or go by word of mouth for all artists.

Can You do it All Alone? To make it independently is just as much work as the artists that get signed to major labels, if not more. Being noticed on the radar is not just for record execs, but radio shows, magazines, press conferences and blog sites.

alive. Here is what must be understood; you will have to learn to invest in your career. The bigger the investment, the bigger the results. Too many artists that I have met personally do not know why they have not been able to receive the level of exposure, or the feedback from industry professionals they look for. Investing in your own career is not always financial, but, you will have to fork out some capital. There will be times you have to pay financially and other times you will give all your time and emotion into something for no pay at all. This is all called “Paying Your Dues”. Lazy artists will not make

What needs to be understood is, the game has changed so much, this is not 1995 anymore, where you sit back and wait for record label kickbacks. Times have changed and artists that are being noticed, isn’t the same way anymore. The game still plays a big part with who you know, but for those coming in knowing no one, it’s what you know. this cut that can’t find the time to invest in their own career. Laziness and procrastination is the biggest downfalls for artists that want professional results. There is too much competition and too many opportunities to give it all away and to allow you to pass up these opportunities. So if this is your battle

and you can’t get over it, then quit now. Basic things come down to answering emails, taking phone calls, returning phone calls, performing at venues, and networking with others. This doesn’t make industry execs overlook you, this is the reason why they never see you. So many times artists need to reflect



Separate yourself, separate your career, and take the time to invest into who you are, because you know it’s that valuable. If you know the value in your music, in your voice, then make it appear that way and give it the full shot that it deserves. on how they are developing themselves and their career. When you finally realize you are not willing to do what it takes, it is not easy to swallow but you saved yourself a lot of headache and time. Many have spent so much time, with little results for all their effort. An aspect for many artists that stops them from being able to move forward is only willing to invest where it is free. There is nothing wrong with this at all, but you do get in what you put out, so when you invest nothing you will receive nothing as well. Free is a good way to get started, since many are starving artists looking to catch a break. What needs to be understood is, the game has changed so much; this is not 1995 anymore; where you sit back and wait for record label kickbacks. Times have changed and artists aren’t being noticed the same way anymore. The game still plays a big part with who you know, but for those coming in knowing no one, it’s what you know. Industry professionals are no longer looking to spend their time by investing in artists that may not move units and won’t sell. Talent is great, but with this being a business they are more interested in what an artist already brings to the table. This is where the internet has helped them in so many ways. Since Record Labels don’t have the time to attend every show, or go by word of mouth for all artists, the internet has become a resourceful A&R. Social Media has given way for record execs to see what type of buzz an artist brings with him before they even think of speaking with him. Since everything can be measured and calculated now, you can keep statistics and have analytics for independent sales, distribution, Youtube views and twitter followers. This is effective for many record execs, this is what has been looked at to see help record

Every flyer, album or mixtape cover should have the up most professionalism in graphic design. labels invest their dollars strategically. When an Independent artists shows that they can create an incredible buzz and sell music independently without a problem, record labels see that as a good opportunity to invest in. If this is the direction you wish to go, they can offer you at this time large advancements to heighten your career to a large level. The alternative, you can keep your money independent and not have to cut anyone in, you may make less initially, but what you do make is all yours. Artists wanting to be seen on any of these level, have to know a few things. To make it independently is just as much work as the artists that get signed to major labels, if not more. Being noticed on the radar is not just for record execs, but radio shows, magazines, press conferences and blog sites. You need to get the attention of many for you to rise as one. This comes down to understanding that you want a professional career and what a professional music career takes. A professional music career needs everything you put your stamp on done professionally. Every flyer, album or mixtape cover should have the up most professionalism in graphic design. Your production and sound engineering for all your music should have the best mixing and mastering that you can afford. If you want to be taken as a professional music artist you need to look the part as well. You should have professional photoshoots put together that currently represents you as an artist. Developing a presskit with all your material is something that you need

to put together to be taken seriously. Becoming versed in the different music contracts that exist is something that you should do as a professional music artist. Registering the music you will have for commercial use with one of the major licensing societies would be another step to take as a professional music artist. Too many times artists will send in music or put out music with poor sound quality, lackluster design and bad promotion. This is the reason many artist do not get picked up on anyone’s radar; because the poor quality of acting as a professional artist, they fall into a cesspool of many just like them. Separate yourself, separate your career, and take the time to invest into who you are, because you know it’s that valuable. If you know the value in your music, in your voice, then make it appear that way and give it the full shot that it deserves. Only you have the power to make that choice, and give yourself the fair shot in this game that you deserve.

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10 things you can do to generate more music


Many of us have a hard time when it comes to direction; on where to start and a destination on where we need to go. Here are some real quick guidlines that may be key points to remember when developing your craft. Remember these keys for a good start. 1. Network – Networking with other people, should be your top priority. You need to put yourself in the position to be seen and see others. Networking with other artists is always a plus. Other artists are not always your competition. You never know who someone knows and who can connect you to someone that may just be able to assist you to the next level. That’s why it’s very important to have business cards on top of other things at your disposal. If you stay ready, you aint gotta get ready. 2. Live performances – The internet is one of the greatest tools that has ever been used, but nothing draws in anyone still like live interaction. If you do not have the fan base yet to headline your own event, get in contact with some of the local venues; find out what you have to do to be an opening act. Some you may be able to do it for free, and some it may take a little capital - depends on the headliner and promoter. At the end, you are touching base with the potential of new fans. So make sure you have multiple pieces of merchandise that you can sell or use as promotional giveaways to make your mark. 3. Engage Consistently – Just because you are not currently dropping an album, or waiting to drop a mixtape, you still need to engage with your fans. Keeping an up to date way of connecting with your fans is mandatory. The more unique that the artist chooses to engage is the more likely those fans will be intrigued. Think of all the platforms available to stream and watch media, find out what is popular among your audience and reach them through that platform. 4. Gear (Swag) – Have merchandise, Hats, Shirts or Hoodies that people can wear that’s branded with your logo or Icon on it. Make sure you have stuff to pass out at any given time. This way you can engage with people you meet on the spot, established artists may give you good endorsement opportunities if you catch them at a good time. If you get a picture of them wearing something you created, that may help add to the buzz you’re looking to make. You have to think of your Swag, as a representation of you when you are not present. 5. Active Social Medialite – What this means is, even though you build a strong street team or presence, you still need online activity. Twitter is popular among artists speaking with their fans on a regular basis. Youtube is a

THE RESOURCE | MAGAZINE great way to integrate your video with other Social Sites and build a buzz. Every performance, every event should be recorded and uploaded to your Facebook, Tumblr, YouTube or Instagram. Make sure you are telling everyone you network with or perform for how to find you on your social media sites. This is very important to building your fan base online.

about any of your projects. Working with Independent Magazines is also a credible way for you to engage more personal. You are able to use the publishing from the magazines for future work with bigger publications. Another bonus is a lot of times the Independent magazines will save you a lot of money by charging a considerably less.

6. License Your Music – Too many artists fail to recognize the convenience this has for them. ASCAP, BMI or SESCAP are all ideal ways for publishing music. These licensing societies make sure that you get all your owed royalties for your music, if you’re registered to them. On top of that, this will give you increased publicity to producers, directors or label execs looking for registered music artists to work with. Many Industry Tastemakers will do this; because they rather go and have the mechanical royalties worked out for them, than have to worry about any lawsuit later on.

8. Distribution – There are many companies that offer distribution digitally at very affordable rates. You can give your music all the exposure in the world but if no one has anywhere to purchase it makes it pointless to continue marketing. You may want to look at traditional and digital distribution; digital is good since you can get your music to so many outlets at a very affordable price. Traditional is also still wise; get a few tangible copies into the hands of people who aren’t asresourceful on the computer, or that still like to hold on to what they purchase. Find the local “Mom and Pop Shops” in your area and try meeting with the owners. Build a relationship where they may be open to carrying some of your music on consignment. Being able to name your music in stores is a plus, once you have a few stores carrying it, more will follow.

7. Media Presence – This is where building a relationship with the media outlets are very important. You should develop a presskit that shows what work that you have done and what you are currently working on. Any special events or credible artists you have worked with should go in here. Luckily, this has become easier than in the past, since many industry professionals are open to EPK’s (Electronic Press Kits) you can send them by email. At first don’t put all your emphasis into the FM radio stations, start with many of the Internet Radio Stations that meet your genre. Contact them regarding an interview as a new artist, and give them your spin, what makes you unique. This is a good way to build an audience and let more people know

9. PR Campaign – Developing a press release for an upcoming project, event or an album release can help your exposure tremendously. When working on a project it is good to keep in mind how you want it presented to the public and the outlets you want it presented to. Press Releases can work good if targeted correctly and written with interest. Press Releases are targeted at bloggers, writers and journalists who look for the best stories


to present to the public. Make sure these writers cater to your genre and you’re demographic, so you can get the best results for your press release. There are many sites where these can be developed online, you can do it yourself, or have a PR company do it. The advantage to having a PR company is that they have unique relationships set with a lot of these journalists, and they are skilled in writing press releases to give you a better chance of it being posted on many different news outlets. If you do it yourself, you can save yourself a lot of money, but you may not get the results that you are looking for. 10. Music Features – This is a good way for you to generate a buzz. You can easily get fans of an established artist listening to you by featuring them on some of your music. It may cost you a small investment, but if you save up from those performances, you may be able to pay for a B or C-list artist to do music with you. This business is all about who you know, or who you appear to know. Look towards artists that are respected icons in your genre that haven’t done music in a while. Make sure you have everything professionally put together and orchestrated correctly before approaching an established artist to work with you. It is not always about the money, reputation can’t be bought, and keeping their credibility is important. So give off the allure that you are the respectable type of artists that they should work with and as long as everything you present is professional, you should be able to open some dialogue.




BLUE CARPET EVENT Bangola Music Group and BUD E Boy Entertainment artist BabeeLoc put together a one of a kind show in his hometown of Oceanside where he lets an array of artists perform. anurary 12th 2013, the New Year had just been into its second week and the industry was looking for something to ignite that initial spark to start the mark in the game. Babeeloc an artist signed to Bud E Boy Entertainment from the Legendary Kokane decided to do just that. In Oceanside, Ca The Beach Club in South O’Side, Babeeloc brought his hometown the record release party that was well deserved.


This Blue Carpet Event was more than the celebration of Babeeloc himself, but a celebration of the community that had established him all together. This was an event with a huge turnout, what would be thought to be a few locals turned into hundreds. Many attendees that had history with the artist had to stand outside, just because capacity was at maximum. Babeeloc and many other artists that had performed had graced The Blue Carpet with pictures and video for them being

Babeeloc gave a true performance with several guests, one being His Brother Slim on the phone from the yard of a state penitentiary

guests at the event. Hosted by San Diego comedian Valentine, it seemed the jokes were sitting up to par with the talent. To add to the lineup, the event had performances from Anger Management CEO and Universal Artist, T$P, Style & Soul, Young Getty, and iRap. This was a lineup of much local talent that had energy and stamina to keep the crowd engaged throughout the night. Our team was there to capture the event and had seen the full effect with these artists at work. Style & Soul, had the audience engaged, with a live wire amount of energy, and unique charisma that kept everyone moving for their entire performance. A artist by Tnasty, had featured with both iRap and Style

and Soul, and had the crowd chanting his lyrics, as he gave an engaging approach with the song Turnt Up. iRap, showed off their 4 emcee collaboration with style and diversity, throughout their performance. iRap gave a mixture of rap and singing vocals and gave the audience the tracks that they were asking for. T$P had brought it all back, with his lyrical prowess. T$P took it back to the grown folk music with the sounds of funk and soul, that left everyone’s head noddin with ears open. Dj Rex was handling the 1 and 2’s with the final performance being Babeeloc, who had closed out the show like no other. Babeeloc threw a twist in the mix, with his westcoast gangsta


reggae flow, giving a new feel to the rest of the night. Babeeloc gave a true performance with several guests, one being his brother Slim on the phone from the yard of a state penitentiary performing a song through a cellphone that him and Babeeloc put together. Babeeloc had his Protégé Yung Getty, come and throw down a few versus that left the crowd wanting more. Babeeloc closed out with performing his smash hit, with his young nephew John Gives, singing “Im From The SouthSide of O’Side” which was an automatic crowd pleaser and Fan Favorite. Babeeloc announced that he will be doing another party for those that couldn’t make it, a bigger venue and packed with more artists. For those that missed it, check the videos from the show, then make sure to reserve your ticket for the next one. I can guarantee it will be something that you would be a fool not to see.




Michael Snyder Economic Collapse Feb 4, 2013

Bankrupt, Decaying And Nearly Dead: 24 Facts About The City Of Detroit That Will Shock You f you want to know what the future of America is going to be like, just look at the city of Detroit. Once upon a time it was a symbol of everything that America was doing right, but today it has been transformed into a rotting, decaying, post-apocalyptic hellhole. Detroit was once the fourth-largest city in the United States, and in 1960 Detroit had the highest per-capita income in the entire nation. It was the greatest manufacturing city the world had ever seen, and the rest of the globe looked at Detroit with a sense of awe and wonder. But now the city of Detroit has become a bad joke to the rest of the world. Unemployment is rampant,


Much of Detroit is horribly dangerous for its own residents, who in many cases only stay because they have nowhere else to go. Property crime is double the American average, violent crime triple.

60 percent of the children are living in poverty and the city government is on the verge of bankruptcy. They say that Detroit is just a matter of “weeks or months” away from running out of cash, and when Detroit does declare bankruptcy it will be the largest municipal bankruptcy in the history of the United States. But don’t look down on Detroit, because the truth is that Detroit is really a metaphor for what is happening to America as a

whole. In the United States today, our manufacturing infrastructure has been gutted, poverty is absolutely exploding and we are rapidly approaching national bankruptcy. Detroit may have gotten there first, but the rest of the country will follow soon enough. Back during the boom years, Detroit was known for making great cars. Today, it is known for scenes of desolation and decay. It is full of vandalized homes, abandoned schools



nd empty factories. The following description of what Detroit looks like at this point is from an article by Barry Yeoman… It’s hard to describe the city’s physical landscape without producing what Detroiters call “ruin porn.” Brick houses with bays and turrets sit windowless or boarded up. Whole blocks, even clusters of blocks, have been bulldozed. Retail strips have been reduced to a dollar store here, a storefront church there, and a whole lot of plywood in between. Not a single chain supermarket remains. So what caused the downfall of one of the greatest cities on earth? Well, here is a hint… Between December 2000 and December 2010, 48 percent of the manufacturing jobs in Michigan were lost. When you are a manufacturing area, and you lose half of your manufacturing jobs over the course of a single decade, of course things are going to get really, really bad. So just how bad have things gotten in Detroit? The following are 24 facts about the city of Detroit that will shock you… #1 Detroit was once the fourth-largest city in the United States, and it was once home to close to 2 million people. But over the last several decades people have been fleeing in droves. According to the 2010 census, only 713,000 people now live in Detroit, and city officials admit that the population has probably slipped under 700,000 at this point. #2 The population of Detroit has declined by about 25 percent over the past decade. The last time the population of Detroit was this low was all the way back in 1910. #3 Today, Detroit is only the 18thlargest city in America. It is now smaller than Austin, Texas and Charlotte, North Carolina. #4 Back in 1960, the city of Detroit had the highest per-capita income in the United States.


#5 Today, the unemployment rate in Detroit is more than 18 percent, which is more than twice as high as the nation as a whole. #6 According to a report that was just recently released, approximately60 percent of all children in Detroit live in poverty. #7 Approximately one-third of Detroit’s 140 square miles are either vacant or derelict. #8 The city government of Detroit has closed dozens of schools and has decided to cut off public services to the “heavily blighted areas“. #9 According to one estimate, there are 33,500 empty houses and 91,000 vacant residential lots in the city of Detroit today. #10 The median price of a home in Detroit is just $9,000, and there are some areas of Detroit where you can still buy a house for $100. #11 There are more than 85,000 streetlights in Detroit, but thieves have stripped so much copper wiring out of the lights that more than half of them are not working. #12 Mayor Bing has announced a plan to reduce the number of streetlights in the city of Detroit to just 46,000. #13 According to one very shocking report, 47 percent of all people living in the city of Detroit are functionally illiterate at this point.. #14 The murder rate in Detroit is 11 times higher than it is in New York City. #15 There were 377 homicides in Detroit in 2011. In 2012, that number rose to 411. #16 Justifiable homicide in Detroit rose by an astounding 79 percentduring 2011. #17 In one recent year, the rate of selfdefense killings in the city of Detroit was 2200% above the national average. #18 Ten years ago, there were approximately 5,000 police officers in the city of Detroit. Today, there are only about 2,500 and another 100 are scheduled to be eliminated from the force soon. #19 Due to budget cutbacks, most police stations in Detroit are now closed

to the public for 16 hours a day. #20 Crime has gotten so bad in Detroit that even the police are are telling people to “enter Detroit at your own risk“. #21 At one point, 100 bus drivers in Detroit refused to drive their routes because they were afraid of being attacked out on the streets in broad daylight. The head of the bus drivers union, Henry Gaffney, said that the drivers were literally “scared for their lives“…. “Our drivers are scared, they’re scared for their lives. This has been an ongoing situation about security. I think yesterday kind of just topped it off, when one of my drivers was beat up by some teenagers down in the middle of Rosa Parks and it took the police almost 30 minutes to get there, in downtown Detroit,” said Gaffney. #22 There have been reports that gangs of young men with AK-47s have been terrorizing gas stations all over Detroit. #23 Detroit was once known for making some of the greatest cars in the world. Now, it is known around the world as a dumping ground for the dead… From the street, the two decomposing bodies were nearly invisible, concealed in an overgrown lot alongside wornout car tires and a moldy sofa. The teenagers had been shot, stripped to their underwear and left on a deserted block. They were just the latest victims of foul play whose remains went undiscovered for days after being hidden deep inside Detroit’s vast urban wilderness — a crumbling wasteland rarely visited by outsiders and infrequently patrolled by police. #24 Detroit’s public schools are an absolute nightmare. The following is from one of my readers that actually attended one of the “best” public schools in Detroit… The school was a new seven story building just a couple of years old. The bathrooms would often lack toilet paper & soap beyond the

second floor (the main floor), the bathroom sinks would often not work. The water fountains on north side of the building on from the third floor & up did not work. The elevators would constantly break down. I even got stuck on the elevator before. I almost tripped down a half a flight of stairs because the elastic seal (it was the metal bar at the front of a treader of I don’t know the name of it.) the stairs was not properly installed. Students would often have sex on the stairs & throughout the school. Parents actually called the school many times & reported kids having sex on the stairs because all of them had glass windows 270 degrees. Even over in Europe they write stories about the dramatic decline of Detroit. For example, the following is how one British reporter describedhis visit to Detroit… Much of Detroit is horribly dangerous for its own residents, who in many cases only stay because they have nowhere else to go. Property crime is double the American average, violent crime triple. The isolated, peeling homes, the flooded roads, the clunky, rusted old cars and the neglected front yards amid trees and groin-high grassland make you think you are in rural Alabama, not in one of the greatest industrial cities that ever existed.

For those that want to read even more about the horrifying downfall of Detroit, there are some amazing charts that graphically show the decline of Detroit right here. So what is the solution? How can we fix Detroit? Well, why don’t we just build a monorail! Of course that sounds ridiculous, but the federal government has actually committed $25 million to construct “a streetcar line” that nobody really wants and that very few people would probably actually use. Perhaps they could be excused for wasting so much money on a bad idea if there had not already been 24 failed attempts to develop a successful public transit system in Detroit over the past four decades. Well, why don’t we just build a bunch of theme parks instead? After all, tourists would just flock to Detroit, right? It has been suggested that Detroit would be ideal for an “automotive theme park”, and there is actually one group of investors that wants to turn some of the worst areas of Detroit into a “zombie theme park”. What will they think of next? Actually, a much better idea would have been to not allow millions of our good paying manufacturing jobs to be shipped to the other side of the world, but it is too late for that at this point.

But once again, please do not look down on the city of Detroit. Instead, let the city of Detroit serve as a warning for the rest of us. The truth is that the entire U.S. economy is in an advanced state of decline… -The percentage of the civilian labor force in the United States that is employed has been steadily declining every single year since 2006. -An astounding 53 percent of all American workers make less than $30,000 a year. -Amazingly, there are hundreds of thousands of Americans with either Master’s degrees or Ph.D.s that are enrolled in the food stamp program at this point. We are a nation that consumes far more wealth than we produce, we are a nation that is constantly bleeding jobs, businesses and wealth, and we are a nation that is going deeper into debt with each passing day. Yes, Detroit may have gone over the edge into economic oblivion first, but the rest of the nation is steamrolling down the exact same path that Detroit has gone. Is it too late for us to change direction?



Written By : Defiance

A Look At Hidden Colors 2 A ground breaking independent documentary that was produced by King Flex. Good historical information and current social perspectives that have answers for many of todays questions. ing Flex aka Tariq Nasheed’s Hidden Colors 2 film, is a phenomenal take on the black experience and culture as a whole. I had been able to watch the first movie which touches base on the Moors and their journey into European nations and their cultural influence that developed much of European culture. I had the opportunity to learn about the Moors


many years ago from individuals associating themselves as American Blackamoors. They had put together think tanks in the mid 90’s discussing their history and ways to move forward as a people. Hidden Colors 2 digs deeper with the cultural level of rich African history, but more so, developing an understanding of world history and the black influence that has taken place globally. The vast array of topics that the cast touches

on gives a better understanding of what we are currently seeing today. The journey starts with history but also enters economics, health, religion and many other aspects, while splitting the topics into individual teachings. Hidden Colors 2 gives its audience an intimate understanding on Melanin and its chemical integration with the mind. We get to see how internal parts of the brain that we are told is dormant, is very active.



The Science of A Culture The film gives in detailed length the science behind our melanin structure and how it genetically affects us. e get an idea of the pituitary gland and the pineal gland, their rich history and the level of Melanin that is pumped throughout the central nervous system. Melanin is described in deep detail with how the alkaloid affects us and how it engages with the world around us. They say that the Hypothalamus is the gatekeeper, and it protects access to the pituitary gland, which can be a signal receptor connecting us to astral levels beyond our understanding. I deeply believe that these conversations need to become table talk once again in many homes. This movie shows awareness outside of simply a black plight, but ideologies that can be seen as a human history for our planet. We have become so divided and separate outside physical segregation, but by our thoughts and mind set. We have tolerated and adopted ignorance as a perverse way of thinking. Years of receiving manipulation through failed education, has given us intolerance in becoming teachable. The truth is for you to seek, but what you will receive is facts, facts backed by research and facts that allow you to balance what you know against what you have learned, and make an educated decision based on what you formulate. Hidden Colors is not a mandatory watch in order to see Hidden Colors 2, but it is recommended. If you want to receive the full scope of the message I would advise, men, women, black, white and brown to see this movie. Knowing anything will not cause you harm, its knowing nothing that does. If you are not one who is ready for the power to know, because with knowing comes choices, then this movie isn’t for you. For every brotha out their debating the education that you have been indoctrinated with, the system that wishes you enslaved, and the establishments that hunger for control, there are answers to all these questions. Watch The Movie. Damet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed Do eiusmod


Tariq Nasheed @tariqnasheed




Written By: Dylan Wetten

This gives a chance for chosen up and coming producers to be reveiwed. We would like all independent and established artists to check out the beats that are provided by our producers in this section and base their opinion off their own ears. Freddybeatz

Take Slum Village, fast-forward to 2012, add a little bit of an old school flavor and you have yourselves Freddybeatz. Although I typically am a huge fan of the old school some of these beats are hit and miss. It is rare nowadays to find a producer with such inspiration from the older days, however, the point of some of these instrumentals are kind of unclear. One track might be great and another a little strange, but I guess it all depends on what your particular style of listening is. Along with producing beats, one can see that he is also into editing and mastering other people’s lyricism which is commendable. It takes a lot of work and dedication to sit down and go through all of the necessary steps in order to make a song that people would actually want to listen to. If you get a chance, go to his page at soundcloud. com/freddybeatz and make a decision for yourself as to whether he is talented or not. On a scale of 1 to 5 I would have to place him around 3.6, which is not bad because I am a very picky person, but I’ll leave the decision to the listeners.


Although their name shares the same title as a Disney movie starring Billy Crystal and John Goodman, it’s clear that these beats aren’t made for little kids to hop on. After listening to their first track “The Republic”, I was a little skeptical of their talents but as I continued down the page it became clear I had made a rash judgment. Monsterzink has some really hard beats, trap-house, dirty south style seems to be what they prefer to make, and as a musician myself I could see buying one of these beats to make a hit with. Each instrument is very clear to hear and the tracks themselves are well put together. If you are a fan of hard beats, that drop unexpectedly, and give an artist room to switch up flows then you are sure to be a fan of Monsterzink, or will soon be one. It’s nice to see that classic hip hop is making its way back to the scene of the underground, but I’m not sure it ever really left. Given the way the tracks are put together and the style in which they are put together, not only am I impressed, but I am now a fan. Out of 5 stars I would have to give Monsterzink a 4.7 solely based on the range of styles they cover and relay to the public on their page.


A laid back style, with dirty pianos and a hypnotizing melody are what I was not expecting when I went to Glynbeatz page on These beats are tagged with the slogans, “new producer on the rise”, and “produce what you feel” which are actually very descriptive of his style and his ambition to have his name known in the rap game. If you are a rapper and like flowing to a good paced tempo and smooth overall beat, then Glynbeatz is who you want to hit up. Although the beats are good, and the instruments are clear and mastered, the length of the tracks could use a little bit of work. Some of the tracks do have long introductions so if you are not a person that likes to wait around for the beat to drop then maybe he’s not really your style. Let’s face it Glynbeatz has a long way to go before he’s among the ranks of Dr. Dre, Swizz beatz, or producers of that caliber, but he is definitely off to a great start. I give him 4.1 out of 5 stars.


on the beat It is very easy to see as soon as you go on to his page that Frytz is about his business. Everything from the wallpaper to his description to his instrumentals screams success. After listening to only a select handful of beats, I was hooked. This is one of the very few places where you can find good old-fashioned hip hop and not be disappointed with what you about to hear. Every beat is a full length song which gives the writer free reign to make his song as he pleases, and the melodies are pretty dark, which are my specialty. Frytz is based out of Chicago, IL where famed rap superstar Kanye West also hails from. Apparently Chicago breeds producers so if you guys get the chance I would highly advise checking him out and look into buying one or more of these hit making beats. I am sure that he is not the best out but by far one of the best I’ve heard in a minute. Out of 5 stars I would have to give Frytz a 4.4, of course leaving room for improvement.

Producer listing Producer Name Gleekoh ODC Beatz tdubbBEATS Rabbitt Fred-Ex

Twitter Name @ gleekoh @ODCbEaTz @ tdubbBEATS @RabbittPro @fredexmusic

Email Address

Big Krys BandMan

@BigKrysTCM @BandManEMG

Kay9 Georg Yung

@kay92raw @georgyung

JMoney Loco Los Ovakill

@jmoneyproductions @LocoLosDDH @liqsound

Savage Notez Akitak HiGuys Th SURVIVALIST PROFIT Blank Postal Rodrick Chestnutt

@SAVAGENOTEZ @AkitakBeats @HiGuysLLC @tspow1 @BlankPostal @bigriz78


Network with: over 2000 Producers We are looking to connect with an increasing amount of producers to feed the music demand that our network of artists are looking for. If you are a producer that is serious about their craft. Contact us if you are interested in being listed in our producer section to cater to serious independent and major artists.

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ight reasons why water fluoridation has failed modern civilization


If you went up to the average person on the street today and tried to explain that most Americans drink, bathe in, and wash their dishes and clothes in an industrial waste product that is linked to causing endocrine disruption and cancer, you might be labeled a loon. But this is exactly what millions of city-dwellers


Fluoride calcifies the thyroid and pineal glands, two important hormone producers in the body. Another inconvenient fact about fluoride is that it binds to receptors throughout the endocrine system. do every day without realizing it, thanks to an outdated and completely unscientific public health intervention known as artificial water fluoridation. Contrary to popular opinion, fluoridated water is not the dental health miracle that some government bureaucrats and conventional dentists still claim it is, and regular exposure to this noxious snake oil could slowly be poisoning you and your family. Here are eight solid and scientifically-backed reasons why water fluoridation is nothing to celebrate:

Written at:

1) Water fluoridation has failed to reduce dental expenditures. Fluoride apologists have long claimed that forced water fluoridation would greatly reduce dental costs for everyone. But according to the data, dental expenditures have actually increased dramatically since the advent of water fluoridation back in the 1940s, as have the number of dental professionals, dental schools, and overall industry profits. 2) Water fluoridation has actually increased rates of tooth decay. Likewise, there has also been a steady increase in tooth decay rates across the country, despite the fact that nearly three-quarters of the U.S. population is now receiving fluoridated water. Most of Europe and many other countries around the world do not fluoridate their water at all, and tooth decay rates in these areas are similar or even lower than they are in North America. 3) Water fluoridation has created an epidemic of dental fluorosis. Even the most devoted fluoride apologist will admit that chronic exposure to fluoride can lead to a form of tooth decay known as dental fluorosis, which is marked by brown or white staining and corresponding mottling on teeth. It would be scientifically foolish to insist otherwise when acknowledging the fact that as many as 60 percent of all adolescents, and particularly those who live in fluoridated areas, now suffer from the permanent condition. 4) Water fluoridation is responsible for damaging bones, triggering arthritis. Back in 2006, the National Research Council (NRC) published a report showing that the federal government’s maximum contaminant level for fluoride in water is a complete fraud. As it turns out, so-called “optimal” fluoride levels in water do not protect the health of children or adults, and regular exposure to fluoride in

water can lead to brittle bones, pre-clinical skeletal fluorosis, and arthritis. 5) Children who drink fluoridated water develop lower IQs. According to information compiled by the fluoride awareness group Fluoride Action Network (FAN), at least 34 published studies have identified a link between fluoride exposure and reduced IQ levels. A recent review put together by researchers from Harvard University found that children living in fluoridated areas have 350 percent lower IQ levels on average compared to children living in non-fluoridated areas. 6) Fluoride calcifies the thyroid and pineal glands, two important hormone producers in the body. Another inconvenient fact about fluoride is that it binds to receptors throughout the endocrine system that are specifically reserved for actual nutrients. Fluoride has been shown to accumulate in both the thyroid and pineal glands, where it inhibits the normal production of hormones that regulate living systems throughout the body. 7) Fluoridated water is toxic to formulafed babies. Did you know the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes fluoride as an “unapproved drug,” which means those who receive it are being forcibly medicated against their will and without informed consent? Fluoridated water is particularly harmful for the development of formula-fed babies, who admittedly receive toxic doses of fluoride whenever their parents mix baby formula with fluoridated tap water. 8) The fluoride added to most water supplies is an industrial waste product that causes cancer. Unbeknownst to many is the fact that the fluoride chemicals added to most municipal water supplies are not naturally occurring elements in the earth,

but rather waste byproducts of industrial production systems. Such chemicals have never been properly safety tested, and they most definitely do not benefit oral health in any way. “The chemical used in over 90 percent of cities in North America are fluorosilicates,” explains Dr. Hardy Limeback, a dentist and former head of preventive dentistry at the University of Toronto. Dr. Limeback used to support water fluoridation, that is until he learned the truth about where it comes from and what it does to the human body. “[Fluorosilicates] are contaminated with cancer-causing arsenic and radioactive particles and have never been tested for safety in humans.” To learn more about the dangers of fluoride, and to join the fight to get it removed from your own local water supply, visit: http:// Sources for this article include:

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