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Marine Strategy Framework Directive: Marine Litter Monitoring

Nigel Smit Policy Officer Marine Environment and Water Industries Unit DG Environment Environment,, European Commission 1

The Marine Directive EU’s legal instrument for the protection of our seas

MSFD Implementation Steps

The final objective: Good Environmental Status How to get there: Targets

Point of departure: initial assessment


Conclusions Art. 12 report (COM(2014) 97) • Often imprecise determination of GES/targets: makes enforceability difficult • Confusion between Art. 9 (GES) and Art. 10 (targets), limited link to Art. 8 (assessment) • Most MS refer to existing policies and standards: usually no additional ambition • Limited coherence within marine regions and no coherence across EU 4

MS reporting on Descriptor 10

Availability of data in Member States for an assessment of litter pressures on coastlines

• Some targets set (beach litter, biota) • BUT, lack of comprehensive baseline • Knock-on impact for PoMs • JRC-led guidance will help

Recommendations at EU level • Review/revision for improved GES definition • Towards a common understanding on Article 9 obligations, and assessment approaches (assessment methods and scales, aggregation rules) • Review Annex III to ensure more coherent/ consistent approach in the future • Develop efficient data sharing information system

Recommendations at regional level • Stimulate further coordination at regional or subregional level between EU MS in the region • Align the timetables and assessment methodologies of the regional assessments • Region- and ecosystem-specific criteria for GES, (especially where no EU legislation exists) • Joint initiatives to identify and close knowledge and data gaps

MSFD Implementation Steps

Article 11 of MSFD provides legally binding requirements for Member States to establish and implement coordinated monitoring programmes for the on-going assessment of the environmental status of EU waters.


The Seven Recommendations • Recommendation 1: The core purpose for the establishment and implementation of coordinated monitoring programmes is the "on-going assessment of the environmental status" and related environmental targets in accordance with the MSFD strategies and management cycles. All other elements of Article 11 (1) and (2) and Annex V are detailed specifications or conditions.


• Recommendation 2: The monitoring programmes have to be "coordinated", "compatible", "coherent", "consistent" and "comparable". • Recommendation 3: Build upon and integrate as much as possible, existing well-established monitoring programmes and relevant guidance under Habitats and Birds Directives, the Water Framework Directive and other relevant EU legislation, as well as under Regional Sea Conventions and other international agreements. 10

• Recommendation 4: Data and information resulting from the monitoring programmes should be made available in a comparable format and for interoperable use and feed into the "Marine Knowledge 2020" process. [See Commission Communication on Blue Innovation] • Recommendation 5: Monitoring programmes need to be adaptive to enable appropriate reaction on e.g. changes in the marine environment, new understanding and emerging issues.


• Recommendation 6: Linking monitoring to assessment needs, including the use of riskbased approach as basis of a flexible monitoring design. • Recommendation 7: Take account of the differences in scientific understanding for each descriptor in the monitoring programmes and apply the precautionary principle.


3 pilot projects: new knowledge for an integrated management of human activity in the sea

* Would welcome participation from Slovenia, Croatia, Malta, France


Riverine litter monitoring •

Identify existing riverine litter monitoring programs


Propose common monitoring/analysis approach for plastic particles in different EU rivers;


Identify amount, types and sources of marine litter in 4 European rivers


Forthcoming call •

"Best practice for action plans to develop: •

integrated, regional monitoring programmes;

coordinated programmes of measures; and

addressing data and knowledge gaps…"

Call will be launched in second half of 2014


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