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magazine the topshop project summer of 12 & the waiting room art & fashion

BA fashion product & Promotion jordan north^ katy trouble

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magazine the topshop project summer of 12 & the waiting room art & fashion

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BA fashion product & Promotion jordan north^ katy trouble

welcome to the world of



issue 47

the fashion issue degrees north magazine, students union offices, wearbank house, st peters, sunderland, sr60an no. 0191 515 2957 e-mail: dnmagazine@sunderland.ac.uk


“have you read our other issues?”

editor-in-chief & creative director lee w allison editor/ VIPXO

Victoria India Price Marketing

Allen Humes sub-editors

Donna Petch contributors

Nathan johnson Caitlin Wilson Jing REN columnists

katy trouble jordan north special thanks

tom guidery kate geldart Grace Noon + topshop project students


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STUDENTS’ UNION SABBATICAL OFFICER ELECTIONS The final round of elections for this academic year is upon us! There are still two sabbatical and three nonsabbatical positions to be contested, and if the February elections are anything to go by, they’ll be a real event. There’s still time to stand as a candidate (you can pick up nomination forms from May 11th and they need to be returned by noon May 18th) and you’ll get all the detail you need to stand for election and run a campaign. Voting is on 28th and 29th May and don’t forget to come along to one of the preelection events and hear the candidates speak or look online for their manifestos! It’s your vote – use it!!

Check out the

SPORTS & ACTIVITIES OFFICER (Re-election due to withdrawal of elected Officer) *Representing, championing and developing University Clubs and Societies locally and nationally* *Working within the Institute of Sport on behalf of the SU to provide support and facilities for clubs & societies*

MEDIA & ENTS OFFICER *Organise and run entertainment events to cater for students starting with Freshers 12* *Raise awareness and oversee communications across all SU Media*

NUS NATIONAL CONFERENCE 2012 The current Sabbatical Officers of the Executive Committee recently attended the National NUS conference in Sheffield to see the University of Sunderland Students’ Union become officially ratified as members as NUS after you all unanimously voted YES TO NUS in March’s referendum. Although our membership isn’t official until August, we did have the chance to vote in some very exciting decisions being made about the next academic year and we will be telling you about all of this very soon. We also got to vote in the very tense Presidential election as well as attend the informal hustings with its dramatic music and mood lighting it got us all in the spirit. The conference was a great chance to meet other Students’ Unions from around the country and was overall a really exciting experience and a chance for a few photo opportunities!

www.dnmagazine.tumblr.com or www.sunderlandsu.co.uk for more infomtaion on elections/ including non-sabbatical positions.

Bonjour, Ola, Guten Tag, and Alreeet pet for those of you in the North east hope you’re enjoying the fashion issue of DN. Fashion eh…if you asked me what that is then I automatically think of them fancy fashion shows in London and Paris, which I don’t always get as the models always walk on with something that looks like it would be in a Star Trek film! whilst holding a radiator because its ‘contemporary’ and makes a ‘statement’! A load of bollocks if you ask me, where I’m from you’re not gunna go out in Burnley town centre with a dead ferret as a hat and a dress made of fish scales! Fashion for me is simple…Topman, River Island, or Primark. You can get some decent gear from Primark (or ‘one wash’ as I call it), especially when you’ve got a fancy dress night for a UNI society or a mates birthday, but the only problem with Primark clothing is once it’s been in the wash it looks knackered and like you’ve had it for years...you can’t wear them again so you just end up with a load of Primark pyjama tops or gym wear. Never mind arse farting about in fancy shops and paying £200 for a pair of jeans, I can get what I need by popping in The Bridges for a couple of hours and before you know it I’ve got an outfit for a good night out and a bit of money left over in my back pocket. Don’t get me wrong I like to look smart and trendy and I do spend a lot of my income on clothes and fashion but I honestly would’nt know where else to shop other than the high-street.

jordan north^

One problem with not broadening your fashion horizons and mainly sticking to high street stores is that your fashion tends to be like an arsehole…. everyone has got one! Many a time have I been on a night out and noticed that another lad has the same shirt as me! Then his mate points you out and screams ‘TWINS’ whilst making you pose together for a photo. “Yeah I’m talking from experience.” If this happens next time you’re on a night out, just nod as if to say ‘nice shirt’ and then say ‘I’m planning on staying in here for a bit, if I buy you a drink will you piss off so no one notices they had a sale on in Topman’. I’ve always followed the fashion trends right from when I was ten years old and got my first pair of ‘poppers’, Do you remember them? Popper tracksuit bottoms with the ‘pop’ buttons that ran down the sides, kids would go round ripping these popper buttons open, it makes me smile thinking of it as you’d spend half your day buttoning them back up. I even (as much as I hate to admit this) owned a pair of Rockport’s in high school. It was only a couple of years ago when It was trendy to sellotake your jeans and tuck them into ankle high pumps, and even now as I’m writing this I’m wearing a pair of vans with skinny chinos and a comb over hairstyle, Yes I jump on the bandwagon and I’ll probably be on another one in a years’ time and whilst I agree it’s good to be different, it’s also a lot easier just to fit in and go with the flow. Cheers Jordan P.S I have followed many fashion trends, but male UGG boots? Man up you tart!

What is Art? This is a question that cannot be answered with a single word response. It is so open to anything and everything that is imaginary, an idea that is brought out of your mind and then given a physical existence; a form. Art does not need a purpose it is just a word that describes a creative nature within the realms of Art/ Fine Art, but commonly used as a description for pretty much anything arty* or creative* this not being an accurate use of the word. Fashion on the other hand has a purpose. What is Fashion? if more than protection for our sensitive bodies. The word fashion- a style that is worn by a number of people at the same time, as in ‘the in thing, the now!’ We are an advanced species and yet what is more important to us than having the new Gucci dress!? why is this? As a species do we need to spend alot of our time contemplating what to wear? A major role of fashion in society is determining authority, organising people into set groups, set cultures, even class from working to upper. That hasn’t changed and this becomes an interface, a policy of fashion in the world of yesterday, today, and tomorrow. In that sense, art is without an interface- with a capacity to adapt and evolve. Art once was a paintingnow it’s a suspended shark in a tank by Damien Hirst. Can fashion have that same limitless existence? Personality and identity are the key words of Fashion! Which also can be said about Art.

art & fashion art &

With high fashion filling our catwalks, shouting out loud statements just like modern art of either a minimalist or expressionist qualities to promote something as simple as a perfume or lipstick. Large scale shows that are put on by Designers that are an expansion of what the product is about, if it was translated and given either a performing or sculptural status or meaning, becoming more than just an expensive product but something people have to have, because “its as unique as Art!” Does that give it merit to be classed as Art? Is it as worthy and unique as a painting and, yes, even a person. What has this got to do with Fashion becoming more than a taboo description such as average- Are real (average) people going to walk around with extravagant body moulding suits that have the feel of a Dali painting. Probably not. We need to consider people, not as customers. But as a subjects. Identity is key to theorising the difference between Art and Fashion. The word taboo can be perceived as non-existent in our creatively open world which has a constant need to take risks and conjure up shock and ore. We want our personality to stand out so much that we want to literally wear our selves, what we are about, our character.

But most people can’t or feel as though they aren’t able to create master pieces like Karl Lagerfeld, or Valentino, or even have the courage to be as open and self confident to wear oneself on their sleeve, so they choose a designer who can fit in with what they feel they’re also about. But when doing this they, meanin we, as people, must lose apart of the message, the message that comes across to other people when presenting your so called personality (identity) in a fabulous Vivienne Westwood dress, but is this your identity or Westwood’s? We can’t create our own identities so we wear other peoples. Maybe this is an Art form after all; we buy other peoples clothes like we buy other peoples paintings. I’m not convinced that people are able to break away from the flock so easily. Trends, style, those two words often grind with me, as when I think of the meaning behind those two harmless little words, I think of masses upon masses of set uniformed commercialised theoretical straight jackets, holding people back; humans conforming to a universally accepted status and pretending its Art. I want to believe that Fashion has a place in the Art world, but try as they may, designers of Fashion are ultimately designers, not artists. A designer designs for a specific reason, to sell, to make life better perhaps, designers and engineers are the pioneers of this world, but to call it an art form, I would more likely put it into the same column as science. A science that has a great following, and as my degree was in Fashion, I believe the world would be very different, possibly for the worse, without mass conformed groups that follow specific trends. But, Fashion Design, there’s always a limit, but presented to be limitless- and likened to be an art form, but is more of a designer’s theoretical optimistic approach to a design, a design solution. Unlike art, which is limitless. Art is Art, and limitless. Fashion is design, with an engineered purpose, with limits. Art and Fashion don’t even share the same language. lee w allison

fashion product and promotion

my experience on the course.... by lee w allison

I loved my time on BA Fashion, Product, and promotion. It was based within the design center on city campus; run by fashion expert- Alan Scott. Right from the get-go, myself and the other students were eager to learn and begin our UoS (university of sunderland) experience. we were always expected by tutors to express ourselves to discover ones own distinctive style, and to of course reach industry standards with our design work. or at least work towards developing industry standardized skills. What I loved about this course is that it’s filled with a wide variety of modules and electives. Life Drawing, Surface pattern design, illustration, fashion design, web design, editorial design and these are just to name a few. This offered everyone on the course a chance to widen their technical skills and creative vocabulary. I went into fashion not clear as to what I wanted to do, but by my third year I was sure the magazine industry was for me (which is how I ended up being your editor.)


The course also offers you a lot of freedom to explore and by the final year your F.M.P (final major project) is basically up to you. This meant, to succeed, you needed self-discipline, a strong direction, and a worthy project. My F.M.P was based on a concept company which produced graphic promo t-shirts/ bags & shoes. (you can see some of my shoe designs on the opposite page.)

Another one of my favourite parts of the course was “fashion photography .” Very often myself and some of my class mates would arrange last minute photoshoots, to help one another with projects. this sense of teamwork even friendship was crucial for a lot of our modules, as we were expected to work together on certain briefs. Our group had a great dynamic and we all specialised in certain areas. As I mentioned before, editorial design was an elective option, an option that i took and it “profesionaly speaking” changed my view and direction As by my final year i wanted to be an editor/ creative director of my own magazine. This subject really changed my view of what a magazine is and what a magazine can be. I also found the group discussions about what other people perceived as a modern day editorial design piece, extremely useful. Fashion, Product, and Promotion (and editoral design as an elective) is a course I would suggest to anyone wanting to work within the fashion industry even if you’re not sure where you want to be in later life; this course opens many doors and opportunities. Myself and Sarah Jones (class mate) were shortlisted to show work at the Vivienne Westwood Show exhibition in 2010, at the Bows Musem. it was when i saw my work alongside westwood shoes that I actually had that warming feeling, that not only did I pick the right course, but success is on the way. None of this would have happened if it wasn’t for me enrolling on this course! and i have never looked back since!

k at y t r o u b l e

When DN’s Editor, Lee, first mentioned over a bottle of red in our local country pub that the next issue would be ‘The Fashion Issue,’ I immediately got excited. This would give me an excuse to do some primary research I thought and having bought nothing for myself since living in London (nearly a year ago now), I had visions of myself running around Topshop and River Island with arms full of beautiful new season clothes! How wrong I was… I did do quite a bit of research but it was more of the online window-shopping kind than a supermarket sweep. Clothes are so expensive nowadays! While I was at university I lived in leggings and oversized shirts, the design courses always seemed to be the most dedicated and at ridiculous o’clock in the morning, fashion wasn’t my priority- I needed to be comfortable for naps on my desk if I was going to be in for a super long day. My style probably began to evolve when I first interned in PR and PR girls are most definitely not casual girls. Like I mentioned in my previous column, the ability to run in heels is widely needed for most PR agencies, though not a required skill you put on your CV – it is frowned upon if you cannot. My godsend heels I ended up buying from eBay on a tight London budget and were a wedge boot which I can now run a marathon in. These went with absolutely everything and unfortunately through over-use are starting to come away on the heel. My standard agency outfit was my wedge boots, dark jeans, a little top and a blazer. It wasn’t until I went to do my online research that I realised how much my style and the choices I make when it comes to fashion have changed. I am much less of a throw-away fashion kind of a girl now and I prefer investment pieces which will see me through for years. My Mulberry handbag, a Roxanne for those of you who care, I purchased in my final year of university and I have never bought a handbag since. Zara is my go-to shop now, maybe I am getting old but everything seems a little more professional for my graduate wardrobe. Style is incredibly important when you go for interviews (even for internships), a friend of mine who is responsible for the hiring of interns in their department will not give anyone the time of day if they haven’t made an effort with their appearance. He met one young first year student at an event who was incredibly nervous but gave him a chance because he was the only student at the event who had made the effort to wear a shirt and tie! Meeting clients on a regular basis now means I have to be smart the majority of the time. I don’t wear a suit everyday to work but I do smarten up my outfit with blazers and heels or statement jewellery. Now, rather than the armfuls of clothes I once would have loved – I’d rather have a couple of really good quality pieces. Don’t get me wrong though, if anyone wants to take me on a shopping trip and get me that armful of clothes, you contact me ASAP - until then, I will be carefully selecting my few items online, most likely at Zara!

Follow @Katytrouble on Twitter

a durham* starbucks After a long walk around Durham City, not wanting for another day on the farm (as I live on a farm) I found myself in `Starbucks, admitting this was probably the 5th coffee shop I had been in, but I had six hours of aimlessly wondering to do. I call it “searching for inspiration”. So Starbucks... I am a lover of caffeine products and believe like many other coffee enthusiast Starbucks is a commercialised coffee house. Its branded to the masses and this reflects in the strength of the coffee affecting the overall quality. With the commercialised side of Starbucks being affective and attracting the millions and demand being so high, and the queue to order a coffee loops around the building- depending on what time of the day you go. Starbucks are on the path to world domination. Other coffee shops such as Costa, Nero, and Esquires are labeled with having similar if not the same attributes and ethos of- Coffee to go and lets fill the interiors with as much fake culture as we can muster. Book shelf patterned wallpaper and a random cheap jazz inspired prints. Not forgetting Nora Jones paying in the back ground, and don’t even think about putting Michael Buble on if your not going to serve me a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon, one glass. However, saying all this, and after walking into the Durham Starbucks, a suttle subconsciene fever was taking a hold of me; I actually was kind of loving the atmosphere –let me explain.

The interior of this francize was almost enough to keep me content –yes the interior. Even though I am a self confessed snob of the bean, I am also a graduate of Design, specialising in Branding, Advertising, and Commercialised Identities, and I have to say I was hooked on the portrait of this Starbucks. Coffee isn’t coffee when its got frills and when its called a Vanilla Spirit Latte or Caramel Macchiato. Its almost like the facelift of coffee, the Essex version so to speak. Well I like my coffee traditional and aunatural. So I know what to expect when I vist Starbucks, but like i said, the atmosphere was beleveable. “By pretending to be, we are lead to believing in being” I believe in that to an extent, but count me out when there’s a hint of book wallpaper. But I really was taken by this place. By creating an environment encompassing culture, education, the foundations of working life, and coffee dependence that comes along with those early mornings, this caffeine dealer was by far the best Starbucks in the North East. From the bookshelf’s, the industrial exposed pipes, air con and wires framing the whole concept, style, character. Now how many coffee shops can you say that about. I might not be a fan of Starbucks internationally, even regionally, and the coffee is crap, I can however leave a little space in my heart, for this venue, in Durham.

lee w allsion


welcome to the world of.......




http://www.vipxo.co.uk/ manchester fashion week

PRODUCT REVIEWs I’m really loving blushes at the moment ever since purchasing my ‘go to’ palette from eBay, but recently another absolute gem has popped in to my make up collection and this time it’s from a brand new collection sleek have released which gives you a choice of 5 different palettes featuring matte and shimmer shades. Each palette is totally different in colour, which gives you the option to have totally different looks. The one I have is called Lace which is more pink/coral toned with gold shimmer in the middle one. The other palettes are called Pink Sprint (I would say this was more purple and all totally matte), Pumpkin (varied palette from bright orange to pink with a coral shimmer which is very much like Nars Orgasm), Flame (very rich red tones with two shimmer colours featuring gold and silver) and Sugar (matte tan & burgundy colour with gold speckled brown in the centre) so as you can see, a range perfect for everyone! I love this palette because the wear you get is amazing, hours late the colour is still just as bright and is still where I put it! These colours are perfect for spring/summer and just like Sleek says, perfect for going from day to night with ease!

“Have you tried these blushes? What do you think?”

I was very kindly gifted two items from the website which i picked myself. I decided to go for the Sienna full support balconette bra & the Dana full support lace balconette bra as like i said before, finding bras that fit is a nightmare. The last bra i bought was from La Senza which was a 36G, it didn’t fit. But i decided to get the same size anyway because i know the size is different from shop to shop and as these are ‘’support’’ bras, i thought i wouldn’t have a problem. The package arrived a couple of days later and i was blown away by the presentation. I’m an absolute sucker for a nicely packaged parcel and Boux Ave really outdid themselves. The bras came beautifully wrapped in a branded box, floral tissue paper and sealed with their own sticker. The Bras we’re neatly in place in the box with scented petals to give it a really personal touch. It’s the most thoughtful parcel I’ve ever received and something like that can really encourage your opinions on an item. After receiving these bras i made a promise to myself to wear them everyday, even if they hurt, didn’t fit or caused whatever problems because i wanted to give them a honest review. A month later I’m still wearing these bras, not for the review. But because ladies, I’ve found it, I’ve found the perfect bra! The Sienna is the one, the one I’ve been waiting years to find. I don’t have a gap in the middle, i don’t have wires digging in to me and i can wear my clothes over the top without my chest starting to fall out (you know what i mean, we’ve all been there!) Even though the Dana is the same size, i find it a lot tighter to the point where i can’t wear it for too long because it hurts, but the support i get from it is amazing it makes it worth it. I can’t believe I’ve found finally found it and all for £26! I honestly can’t recommend Boux Avenue enough. Their service & quality is outstanding and I’ve even asked for a voucher from my Mum for my birthday. Thank you for Boux Ave for helping me find my perfect bra!

Very rarely do I branch out and try new perfumes, I tend to stick with same ones (some of which I’ve been wearing for years) and I think it’s because there’s just TOO much choice and it puts me off finding a new one. I also think perfumes are very personal so something that smells amazing to one person could end up not being so great for someone else, it’s all about preference. But the one thing I think we can all agree on is that fruity floral scents are perfect for spring and summer, which is why I’m showing you Red Delicious from DKNY as this is the one be wearing this year! I’ve never tried this perfume, so I took a bit of gamble but after lots of suggestions via Twitter and some online research I thought I’d try it! I was right in thinking it would be perfect for summer because the first thing I get from the scent is how fruity it it, but nothing like apples despite the name. I’m not a massive fan of sweet scents, I find them very sickly but this one isn’t like that at all, I find it to be very refreshing and light. For me this is the perfect every day perfume to wear and since receiving it I’ve worn it every day. The only downside I’ve found is the longevity of the scent, I’ve had to top it up over the day which is a little annoying, but it is really nice so I don’t mind that much. I personally think this scent is perfect for those who don’t like to wear a lot of perfume but like to have a little something extra, it’s flirty and fun and who doesn’t like that?

read all about it @ my blog

dont forgot to check out the VIPXO blog online @ wwwvipxo.co.uk for more product reviews! It’s pretty obvious if you’ve been reading my blog for a while that eBay takes up many hours of my day. Mainly by doing searches for you guys and doing my weekly eBay post, but i do spend a lot of my own time on there too, hunting down bargains for myself (you should see my basket). So i jumped for joy when the nicest eBay seller got in contact with me asking if they could send me a couple of pairs of sunglasses to feature in some outfit posts. I checked out the site and i literally couldn’t believe how many styles they have, I’m talking about hundreds of pairs for a very reasonable price! And you know what the best thing is? So many of them are designer inspired! I know right, even better! So i picked out these little beauties and a couple to give away to you in a few weeks. Exactly one week later they arrived (all the way from America) and i didn’t just get these pairs, i got 17! Which means lots of giveaway winners! I honestly can’t fault the communication and service from this seller and i totally recommend them. I promise you you will be not be disappointed and if you’re like me you’ll be wanting the whole lot!

want more? then visit my blog :)

undershaw As an avid reader, and keen Sherlockian, I was horrified to find that the former home of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle was under threat by its own local council. Luckily, I found I wasn’t alone in this. After contacting the Undershaw Preservation Trust I was offered the role of an ambassador for Sunderland and the University. It was my honour to accept it and now I am appealing to my fellow students, and the rest of the readership, to help our cause and save a part of Britain’s literary heritage.

The Undershaw Preservation Trust is a conservation group, working to save the property from being irreversibly converted. Since 2004, Undershaw has been in the hands of Fossway Limited, despite the building being listed in 1977 as a Building of Special Historic or Architectural or Historic Interest, and it has since fallen into a sorry state of disrepair. Earlier attempts at promoting Undershaw into the top rank for protecting buildings were stopped. A government report was released stating that the house was not architecturally notable but it also claimed that Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, stating that he was not recognised as being of the same standing as Jane Austin or Charles Dickens; which I personally found ridiculous, Sherlock Holmes had become the most widely adapted character in history, recognisable to all by a simple deerstalker and a magnifying glass. Fossway plan to not only divide the building into three separate town houses by installing floor-to-roof concrete walls, which will permanently disfigure the house, but also build a further five more homes alongside it. If this happens then the integrity of the house, inside and out, will be ruined, and Undershaw will be lost to the public, future and present Conan Doyle and Sherlock Holmes fans forever. Our esteemed patrons include inspiring figures from various professions, including the most recent reincarnations of Mycroft Holmes played by Stephen Fry (Guy Richie’s Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows) and Mark Gatiss (BBC’s Sherlock). In 2010 the Waverley Borough Council gave planning permission which would allow Fossway Limited to divide the house as planned. However the Undershaw Preservation Trust fought back, because of their protest the plans were halted until a judicial review due to be held on the 23rd of May of this year. The Empty House has not been touched since and continues to deteriorate, but time is swiftly running out. The UPT has been working tirelessly to save the Hindhead home from development, and along with hundreds of supporters from around the world our wish is to preserve it as a single dwelling; just as Conan Doyle himself had intended over a hundred years ago. If we lose the judicial review in May then it will be a heavy blow to not only the literary world, but also our historical heritage. Undershaw itself is a beautiful example of late Victorian architecture, build in 1897 in Surrey, when very few houses were designed by their occupiers, especially to the extent that Conan Doyle was involved. In an ideal world we’d like the house to become a visitor centre for Doyleans, Sherlockians, Holmesians,

and literary fans around the world; but whilst we can sort The Final Problem out later, our goal right now is to preserve Undershaw as it is. Arthur Conan Doyle gave the world Sherlock Holmes; a detective he came to detest and killed off to the horror of his readers, only to revive him years later at the public’s demand. How can we now, the new public, the new readers, the new generation, allow the birthplace of ‘The Hound of the Baskervilles’ to be lost to us? As thanks for the sheer genius of the Holmes stories alone the least we can do is to fight to save Undershaw. The game, as a certain Consulting Detective once said, is afoot! This article is my plea to you all. To all the readers and writers, book lovers, Conan Doyle enthusiasts, Sherlockians and Holmesians, The Lost World lovers, architects, spiritualists, historians, anyone, and everyone reading this, please do what you can to save our heritage; write letters, fill in petitions, visit our sites, but most importantly spread the word! When the world’s most famous detective says “The little things are infinitely the most important.” I find it hard not to include protecting Undershaw within his statement. So let’s do this. Let’s band together and show the Waverley Borough Council the true power of the North-East. Let’s show them our famous fighting spirit to protect Undershaw for us and the future generations that will follow. Our website: www.saveundershaw.com Facebook page: www.facebook.com/ saveundershaw Blog: www.undershawhelp.blogspot.co.uk YouTube channel: www.youtube.com/user/ SaveUndershaw Twitter Accounts: @Save_Undershaw @ spiritangel04 The Undershaw Preservation Trust shop: www.saveundershawshop.com For more information, please email info@ saveundershaw.com Caitlin Wilson English and Creative Writing Student Caitlin Wilson

It took half a year preparation, three months dedication and hard work, a full day printing and collating the contents, appendixes, hoping everything was included. Yet it took less than 30 seconds for the two copies of dissertations to be handed in. While I felt greatly relieved, I suddenly realised one thing, I was not a student any more. With no more excuses for study, what should I do now?

Olympics fas h i o n The London Olympics looks set to be the most fashionable of all, with the recent announcement that Major American fashion giant Ralph Lauren will be the official designer for the American Olympic and Paralympic team. This news comes after Giorgio Armani released the Italian Olympic kit and team GB showed off their 2012 Olympic kit which was designed by Stella McCartney. Ralph Lauren, who had previously designed the American kits for the 2008 games in Beijing and the 2010 winter Olympics in Vancouver will be designing a village wear and accessories collection. These have been inspired by the last Olympic Games held in London 1948. The designs will include the traditional American colours of red, white and blue but will also include the new Olympic team logo. Team GB will be represented in this fashion war by Adidas and world renowned designer Stella McCartney. The designs have been made to show off the Union Jack in a contemporary way. With the colors blue and white featuring on the main kit, whilst the red has been choosen for the footwear. However, the Kit has come under a lot of criticism due to this contemporary design. Some British athletes are finding the design not British enough. Mhairi Spence the pentathlete posted the following comment on her twitter, “Little disappointed! Doesn’t look very GB!! It just needs more RED!” The Italian Olympic Team has the pleasure of wearing the new EA7 sporting line during the Olympics. This has seen Giorgio Armani and Reebok team up to create a sporty, yet fashionable outfit. The Italian designers announced the partnership with the Italian Olympic team the same day as the British revealed their kit. The Italian designer is not unknown to the world of sport ,he is currently the part owner of Lega Basketball team Olimpia Milano. It remains to be seen who will win the battle of the fashion at the Olympics, but there is no dout that fashion enthusiasts will have their eyes glued to the TV screen. nathan johnson

Well, I would certainly continue to work on my final year project which turned out to be a great success and was thought to be the first research project of its kind in the University (well maybe I thought so). It has a lot of potential to be further developed as an innovative virtual platform for the students who study Networks and Security. Further more, the successful graduation plus past working experiences would promise me a nice career ahead. But for some reason, I just still felt sad and lost. So what did I lose...? It must be the classes that I had attended. ITAD was relatively a smaller group of people from all around the world. But we were unique and united. We discussed what we learnt in class and shared thoughts and information through our google group. We were all grateful for teachers who led us to the doorsteps of a particular IT field. We had our group gathering, playing pools, darts. It were just like yesterday that classmates sat just next to me, laughing, taking notes.... There were so many wonderful memories we had together, and I would miss my dear classmates who I might not be able to see again. I must be missing my every adventure in Sunderland. After arrival, I soon lerned that although Newcastle people referred them as Jordy, Sunderland people never used that name for themselves. They were proud to be called Macken, which might be originated from ship manufacturing industry in earlier times. Although I heard some horrible stories about the football match between the two cities, it seemed to be big festival here in Sunderland when the two teams meet. There were smiles on the faces of the policemen who lined up along the bridge and St. Peter’s Metro Station. Many police cars were parked all over and a helicopter was flying noisingly in the sky.

Everyone dressed in Sunderland Team football shirts, even for the lady who was cooking the burger which was only 1 pound. When I first arrived, I was

surprised to find out that people would say “thank you” as [θœng u:] without pronouncing [k]. Maybe because they could speak it very fast. But when speaking about time in gerneral, they appeared to be quite slow. In a bank a lady said to me “Just give me two seconds” but I ended up waiting for about ten minutes. Perhaps they had their own way to counting seconds, I thought. Also Instead of saying “Goodbye”, “bye” or “See you”, they would say “Ta-Da”, or “Ta-Ta” or even “Ta-Ra”. At first I thought they were singing something and looked really puzzled. It was not until I confirmed with a local friend that I knew they were actually escaping. Well, in Sichuan people never fail to create wisecracking goodbyes too. We say “disappear in a flash!” which means “bye!” But it sounds like in the next second I’m going to take out a flash light bomb and disappear suddenly when others are stunned. I guess it has the same effects as “Ta-Da”.


g o o d by e




Back in China, people tend to ask the shop sellers if they have any more goods in the warehouse. This is because there are often too many goods while the display shelves are limited. But in Sunderland stores, whenever I asked “do you have any other colours in stock?” The shop assistant would immediately reply, “All that we have got are displayed on the shelf.” Yes I know, but would it be possible if you happen to forget to take some out? I said to myself. Well this could be a very good example of culture shock. Also plesentries of the people of sunderland were very intriging. People I met were so nice even if it was the first time we met. For example, when I bought some food from Jacky White Market, they would call me Darling, even if I just bought a 99p cabbage. They were also things that confused me as well. People spoke with Sunderland accent would say home as [h m], no as [n ], eight as [et]. It was difficult to understand when they spoke very fast, but not difficult to know that they were from Sunderland. Sunderland also offered me alot of opportunities, and to learn thing outside of Uniersity. I joined Durham Wildlife Trust as a volunteer task force to assist the organisation to manage 14 wildlife natural reserves in this region. One of the fantastic things about the voluntary work was we would be able to travel to a reserve to

enjoy the sightseeing. While pruning the trees, clearing the grasslands, local volunteers also told stories about the name of these places, such as Houghtonle-Spring, and a place called Nowhere. Occasionally we might get some mud on the face, but it seemed everyone enjoyed the day as much as I did. Of course I was paid to do some part time work as well. Student Ambassador and Student Associate Scheme under Widening Participation Project were run for the benefits of students’. I would thus be given opportunities to visit some local primary and secondary schools. I introduced the Chinese New Year to the kids and also encouraged young pupils to aim for higher education. “We were born into a century fortunately and unfortunately.” This was what I told the pupils. This was also my feeling about the reality. Fortunately things needed to be invented have already been invented, while unfortunately we have got more and more to learn to use these things. I also tried to make a comparison of their campus life with those of pupils at the same age back in China. When they saw a video about a talented Chinese student who danced on the stage, they were so interested and some of them even imitated the postures. I felt lucky for them, because these pupils would have the chances to see the world, while students in China might have to spend all the time studying in schools. I will miss the place and the weather in Sunderland. There would be nowhere better than Sunderland, where you can live in comfort. I’m a person who fears cold, but I think it was not a problem for Sunderland people. I saw girls dressing very astonishingly short skirts at the entrance of a bar even in snowy winter. I tried not to wear an overall coat in the winter sunshine, but ended up with high fever. So they were stronger than me. And the wind here could grow very strong too, pushing clouds in the sky to fly past quickly.

Given a blanket, I believed that I could fly too although I had not considered how to land. Most of the time, it was clear blue sky without a spot of white. Then airplanes would start to doodle with strokes wantonly in the blue canvas, leaving a long white tail. But it didn’t matter, as these strokes would soon diluted into cotton-like cloud waves rippling and fading away in the blue, which would never spoil the delights that nature had brought to us. So many things to miss, so little time to meditate. This life-changing experience would also be a thought-provoking feeling. I would like to thank those who had appeared in my life here, and those who had allowed me to be present in theirs. I feel sorry as I had not yet said a proper farewell to the friends. Jing REN

tom guidery soapstall.com

Tom Guidery is a soap designer. Quite literally! I had the chance to test some of Tom’s new products this month. I loved the “Love Yourself Bath Bomb with rose petals” and “the Sweet Orange and Lavender Shampoo Bar with Dead Sea Salt was devine.” Tom is also a graduate from the University of Sunderland, graduating in 2008 and now owns a business called SoapStall.

1/ Hi Tom, What type of products do you produce? Hi DN, we make fun, fragrant and natural bath products from scratch. All our products are made to order with the freshest ingredients, so you can count on them being fragrant and great for your hair and skin.

2/ Where did you learn to make soap? And is it complicated? I was made redundant last year, due to the recession. Like many people I had a hard time finding a new job and struggled with money and some debt. My mum was made redundant just after me and had similar problems so we teamed up and started Soapstall; it has taken time to learn the processes but we love it.

3/ What is your favourite product? I love the Seasalt Turtle shampoo bar and bath bomb because it is packed full of dead sea salt infused with vitamins and minerals, perfect for skin and hair. It my favourite fragrance and it’s fun to make.

4/ What experimental products are you working on?

5/ Did you enjoy the course? Would you reccomend it for other people? The course was great, I learned a lot and got to have a go at so many different processes; painting, animation, sculpture, performance art and photography. The photography skills I learnt while studying at Sunderland have been incredibly helpful with starting and developing my business. I would recommend Sunderland University to anyone.

6/ If there was a student out there who wanted to become a designer of soap and other products, what would your advice to them be? Well, It’s harder than it looks. But if it is really your dream there are courses out there if you look for them and I would recommend doing an aromatherapy course to learn the basics.

Relax as your troubles float away! Perfect to help you unwind, de-stress and feel human again. We make each Bath Bomb to order so you know you are getting them fresh and extra fizzy. Each Seasalt Turtle bath bomb weights 100 grams or more and because they are all handmade they all look a little different. No artificial preservatives are added and pigments are used to add colour. These bombs are relaxing, soothing and they look and smell beautiful.

7/ Where are you hoping to be in five years time with Soapstall? I’d like to think Soapstall will be well established and operating on a larger scale offering intern job positions and selling worldwide. Soapstall is my baby but in 5 years I may consider selling up and moving onto something new. I’ve enjoyed starting this business so much It is definatly something I would like to do again.

8/ finally we at DN would love it if you could perhaps donate a sample for our readers, do you think this could be a possibility?

Sweet, moisturising and nourishing! Perfect to soothe sore skin, moisturise dry skin and protect damaged skin. We make each Bath Bomb to order so you know you are getting them fresh and extra fizzy.

Sure, I will put something together just for you.

We are working on range of mens products designed to be fun and smell great. Coming out soon is the Bath Grenade, a giant bath bomb fragranced with Intensity for men. Its perfect for those really dirty guys.

5/ What was the course you studied at Sunderland? And has it helped your business? I studied Fine Art and loved every minuit of it. I learnt how to focus my creativity, learn new processes and create unique pieces of art. And of course how to down a pint and wake up on the grass outside of murray library.

heart and mind solid shampoo bar. Mild & Moisturizing this shampoo bar is packed with oils, butters and essential oils to help repair and protect damaged fragile hair and leave it shiny

Kate Geldart is a young, bright, and business minded graduate from this University. Kate graduated from BA Fashion, Product and Promotion in 2011. With aspirations of one day owning her own business; Kate began collaborating with her sister to produce a collection of wedding dresses for Bridal Decadence by KK


interview with:

ate geldart

ridal Decadence byKK

1. In your own words Kate, explain what your business is and where you got your idea to produce such a company?

The Prince’s Trust has helped me in so many different ways; I have been on two courses through them that taught me a lot about how to actually run a business and all the different aspects within it. I also have my own business advisor who is absolutely brilliant, who has helped me with my business plan and taught me to “think outside the box”. I’m also hoping to eventually apply for funding which will definitely help things!

3. What are your next steps for this coming year, for Bridal Decadence by KK? My main focuses this year are getting my name established within Sunderland, having my 2013 collection made and I also want to organise a catwalk show, so people can see my designs for themselves.

4. How do you find working with a sibling? Kelly and I are very close but total opposites as well which has worked out brilliantly. She tends

"Swopping my lab

Alber Elbaz, who is the creative director of Lanvin. I have always been obsessed with his designs, in my opinion he is one of the very few male designers who understand how to dress the female body and his silhouettes are absolutely divine. He is also extremely humble and one of my favourite quotes is from him which is “Stay big in your work and small in your life”.

coat to create The

8. What advice do you have for someone wanting to set their own business up?

I design unique and beautiful dresses for weddings and proms, whether it’s a dress for the bride, bridesmaids, mother of the bride and/or a wedding guest I can design it and have it custom made. I do my own collection for each one, but if a customer would like a dress designing specifically, for them and have their own ideas, I will come up with a dress just for them to make the day extra special. My sister Kelly and I came up with the idea whilst she was trying to look for a dress for her wedding day. It seems unfair that women with a budget are made to settle for a dress, instead of being able to buy the dress of their dreams. Therefore, I want to design dresses for these women and give them a dress they will fall in love with!

2. How has “The Prince’s Trust” helped you with regards to starting up your business?

7. Who in the fashion industy are you mostly inspiereed by?

Definitely make sure that you are prepared for it, yes there are good days but there are also bad days; it can be very frustrating. Make sure you are doing something you are passionate about, if not it will not work. Also check to see if you are entitled to any help with starting up. I really cannot thank the Prince’s Trust enough for helping me so far, it was just by chance that I found out about it. - If you would like more infomation about “Bridal Decadence” or even to ask Kate a question follow the QR link below. Or search for it on facebook -

to deal with the business side of things, whereas I am the creative one who always has a pencil handy!

5. Have you always wanted to be self employed? Yes, I’ve always known that I wanted to run my own business and be my own boss, knowing that it would involve my creativity. I’ve never liked the whole Monday to Friday, 9 till 5 concept and can get easily bored. Having this business allows me to do something I love.

6. Would you like to produce your own clothes lable one day? I am a very fashion conscious person and try to put the latest runway trends in my designs. It is definitely one of my goals in life to achieve my own fashion line. But for now I am really enjoying what I am doing and taking each day as it comes.

http://www.facebook.com/ pages/Bridal-Decadence-byKK/323726954311733

Dr. donna petch

North East HUB"

I graduated from the University of Sunderland in 2008 with a degree in Chemical and Pharmaceutical Science and a PhD in Medicinal Chemistry. then i moved to Leeds to work in Cancer Research for 3 years. After a brilliant 3 years I longed to come back up north! It was a fresh start coming back and I was eager to get a Chemist position in the North East. Whilst I was waiting for replies I wondered if I could find something else to do that I would both enjoy and be good at. Living away I became a very socially active person and for the past few years I have been an Ambassador for Science, volunteering at Newcastle and Manchester Science Festivals – the geeky side of me had to get out some way! Music is also a great passion of mine too and I have run and promoted a few music festivals, even a friend’s band – I loved this and seemed to be good at it! I wanted to get involved with Sunderland University again and was lucky enough to get ask to be the Science and Technology Editor for DN Mag ☺. I also attended a networking event at the University called ‘Informal Friday’, where anyone can turn up discuss ideas and also show their entrepreneurial side! I’ve been promoting this event in my articles for DN Mag ever since! It was at this event I devised my business idea – helping to promote The North East with an online organisation in some way! After some deep brain storming – The North East HUB was born! ☺ I quickly started by setting up several Social Media Sites, launched the blog site and recruited a small army of guest authors who kindly contribute to our blog site each week. The BIC (The North East Business and Innovation Centre) have been a great help in providing business advice. In a nutshell – “The North East HUB is an online organisation to promote The North East of England using Social Media, Blogs and More!”

re-opens 24th/05 TopShop working with Business and Marketing students.

“We promote business, events, news, sport, charity, competitions – anything to do with the North East” We provide: • Promotion to The North East • Advice and/or set up of Social Media or a Blog site • Tutorials on how to effectively use Social Media and SEO (Increase website traffic) • Daily Online Newspaper and Weekly Newsletter • Free shoutouts So far The North East HUB has helped to promote – Numerous local Businesses, events/gigs, sport, competitions, news and charities across our Social Networks and Blog posts, and helped local singer Jason Isaacs with his successful campaign to win a record contract! If you think we can help you, please get in touch! We are looking to take on a few more guest authors, interested? Message me ☺ Donna x Website: www.thenortheasthub.com Email: donna.petch@thenortheasthub.com

Topshop/ Topman in Sunderland are currently undergoing an expansion, doubling in size. This, in theory means more choice of clothes for the Sunderland shopper and of course more more jobs. Students across the city will be extremely happy with this news as it means you don’t have to travel as far as Newcastle to get a larger variety of styles. To promote the expansion Topshop managers approached the Business school at the University of Sunderland, to offer a marketing opportunity and some real working experience to some of our students. This was a great opportunity for them to get their hands dirty with good industry experience, ultimately benefiting their working portfolio. The team that was selected was a mixture of 1st years and 3rd years. Grace Noon, Abby Hughes, Nicola Lloyd, Ruth Goodman, Nadia Caney, Danny Gavin, Liam Mcnally, Mihai Catea and Gabriel Petre are among the names of the chosen marketing team. “I have had experience before, but haven’t had the opportunity to organise and direct a photoshoot, or work as closely with such a large international company like Topshop. The experience has been great for us all, and will hopefully give us a better chance of finding a job after uni.” – Grace Noon. “It was a great opportunity, and we have really enjoyed working with Topshop” – Nicola Lloyd. The Marketing team have also recently come up with some promotional events, A collaborative Topshop/Topman night with Passion (Tues 22/05) and Gatsbys (Wed 23/05) these nights included Topshop/ Topman branded cocktails and competition with great prizes. “Like” the store on Facebook at Topshop/Topman Sunderland for all the up to date information or click the link And turn to the next page to view the two Topshop/ Topman features

“Summer of 12” & “The Waiting Room”

https://www. facebook.com/ ?ref=logo#!/ pages/Topshop -TopmanSunderland /4226215 84421696

andrea peep toe lace up wedges- £68.00 denim fitted shirt- £32.00 gold tortoise clasp belt£16.00 premium sequin crop t-shirt£45.00 short metallic pleat skirt£20.00 -------------intricate flower origami dress- £60.00 pearrl collar necklace£14.00 -------------ibiza navy canvas espadrilles- £12.00 stone blue tick stripe tailored shorts- £40.00 green swallow pattern short sleeve shirt- £26.00 -------------red chino shorts- £26.00 burgundy aztec pattern vest£16.00 rio red short sleeve oxford£26.00 mallorca gray chukka espadrilles- £14.00


summer of



n a m p o T

photograpgher: Lee W Allison models: Kyle Knill, Rachel Old, anthony anderson, sarah chapman

mesh clamp bracelet- £12.50 mesh insert skater dress£45.00 black boyfriend blazer£65.00

summer of

2012 2012

feather clip- ÂŁ4.75

light blue oxford shirtÂŁ26.00

red nyc printed trucker hat£14.00 red kangaroo hoody- £25.00 red stars and stripes vest£16.00 red short sleeve gingham shirt£46.00

dropped hem sleeveless shirt- ÂŁ32.00 all over skull braletÂŁ12.00 all over skull braletÂŁ12.00

berry chambray skinny blazerÂŁ75.00

“teak: suede tassle loafers£46.00 “mystery” two tone plimsoll£24.00

blue cotton shorts- ÂŁ26.00 red floral pattern shirtÂŁ30.00

slit back chiffon shirtÂŁ36.00 metallic pleat calf skirtÂŁ28.00

::::::: ::::THE WAITING ROOM::: Interview

































premium side stripe midi skirt- £25.00 animal print cami- £25.00 heart multi row necklace£8.50


swallow tie print- £10.00 blue donkey skinny blazer£75.00 white collar tip smart shirt- £22.00

sky blue tweed skinny blazer- ÂŁ75.00

white and red contrast oxford- ÂŁ26.00 pine bark adjuster skinny smart trousers- ÂŁ34.00

wm t

ww.dn agazine. umblr.com

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