8 minute read


Aidan McQuade


Moral Decision-making under Pressure

f Explores classical philosophical questions of freedom, determinism and moral responsibility by using a social science empirical research methodology f Provides practical insights into the challenges of ethical leadership for contemporary professionals

This book is for all concerned with ethical leadership. Others focus on failures and why these occur. But this book, drawing on human agency theories and empirical research, explores why ethical leadership still happens even under pressure. From this it draws lessons on how professionals can cultivate their personal agency to respond to the moral responsibilities in their working lives, and better face the challenges of the contemporary world. Aidan McQuade, Independent Consultant, London, UK

SUBJECTS Business Management fManagement, Organization, Corporate Governance; Business Management fCorporate Social Responsibility (CSR), Compliance Management, Business Ethics; Business Management fBusiness Management, other; Ethics READERSHIP Students and scholars of leadership, business ethics and moral philosophy, as well as practitioners (leaders and managers).

English, June 2022

Series De Gruyter Transformative Thinking and Practice of Leadership and Its Development 2

172 pp., 17 fig. Pb. RRP € 25.95 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 9<7to1m0=hefhea>

ISBN 978-3-11-074574-0 eBook RRP € 25.95 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-074584-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-074588-7 Martin Reeves, Ulrich Pidun (Eds.)


Business ecosystems are on the agenda of many business leaders. Ecosystems are now highly prevalent, frequently disruptive and all companies should add the required capabilities to their strategy toolbox. Part 1 reviews the fundamentals of business ecosystems – definition, design, success factors, governance, strategies. Part 2 elaborates on special topics, such as trust and data, industry applications, and their potential for sustainability. Martin Reeves, Chairman, BCG Henderson Institute, USA; Ulrich Pidun, Director in the Frankfurt office of BCG, Germany

SUBJECT Business Management fManagement, Organization, Corporate Governance READERSHIP Business professionals with an interest in Strategy & Leadership, Business students, MBA, Executive Training courses.

Collection, English, November 2022

Series Inspiring the Next Game

Approx. 150 pp., 35 fig. Pb. RRP € 25.95 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 9<7to1m0=hhfaee>

ISBN 978-3-11-077504-4 eBook RRP € 25.95 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-077516-7 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-077522-8

Martin Reeves (Ed.)


Today’s business is fast moving, uncertain, politicized, sustainability challenged and technologically fluid. This business climate requires new approaches to leadership. Some existing leaders will rise to the occasion, while others will struggle to adapt. This book covers the new challenges of leadership, the modern role of leadership and emerging lessons on how to implement new approaches to leadership. Martin Reeves, Chairman, BCG Henderson Institute, USA

SUBJECT Business Management fManagement, Organization, Corporate Governance READERSHIP Business professionals with an interest in Strategy & Leadership, Business students, MBA, Executive Training courses.

Collection, English, September 2022

Series Inspiring the Next Game

Approx. 150 pp., 17 fig. Pb. RRP € 25.95 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 9<7to1m0=hhfaic>

ISBN 978-3-11-077508-2 eBook RRP € 25.95 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-077517-4 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-077520-4

Martin Reeves, François Candelon (Eds.)


AI-powered companies will not only lead the way in the next decade, they will become the norm. This book examines some of the most successful examples of AI-powered companies and what it requires to become one. Martin Reeves, Chairman, BCG Henderson Institute, USA; François Candelon, Director, BCG Henderson Institute, USA

SUBJECT Business Management fManagement, Organization, Corporate Governance READERSHIP Business professionals with an interest in AI and Tech, business students, MBA, Executive Training courses.

Collection, English, October 2022

Series Inspiring the Next Game

Approx. 150 pp., 35 fig. Pb. RRP € 25.95 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 9<7to1m0=hhfajj>

ISBN 978-3-11-077509-9 eBook RRP € 25.95 / *US$ 29.99 / *£ 23.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-077511-2 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-077519-8

Robert A. G. Monks


Saving American Democracy in the Age of Citizens United

This is a book about corporate governance and in particular the value of stakeholders in the corporation and the role and influence they should play in the policies and actions of the corporation. The changes in the view of the stakeholder role make this book very timely. The book reveals what can happen when corporate leadership abandons the common good to court and conquer a powerful elite. Robert A. G. Monks, Founder and Chairman of ValueEdge Advisors, USA

SUBJECT Business Management fManagement, Organization, Corporate Governance READERSHIP interested readers in corporate governance; particularly shareholder advocates.

English, April 2022

Series The Alexandra Lajoux Corporate Governance Series

229 pp., 12 fig. Pb. RRP € 30.95 / *US$ 36.99 / *£ 28.00 9<7to1m0=gjgjfa>

ISBN 978-3-11-069695-0 eBook RRP € 30.95 / *US$ 36.99 / *£ 28.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-069699-8 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-069705-6 Jessica James, Michael Leister, Christoph Rieger


Investing, hedging and valuation principles for practitioners

This book is an up to date and comprehensive, practical explanation of the inflation product market. This book covers all of the extant products from the ground up, informing the reader of their origin, purpose and derivation, and goes into details of their valuation, limitations, and usage. Jessica James, Michael Leister, Christoph Rieger, Commerzbank

SUBJECTS Business Management fIndustries fBanks, Financial Service Provider, Insurers; Finance READERSHIP Traders, corporate treasury departments, fixed income investors, insurance companies and pension funds.

Specialist Text, English, November 2022

Series The Moorad Choudhry Global Banking Series

Approx. 100 pp., 85 fig. HC RRP € 64.95 / *US$ 74.99 / *£ 59.00 9<7to1m0=hihdhf>

ISBN 978-3-11-078737-5 eBook RRP € 64.95 / *US$ 74.99 / *£ 59.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-078742-9 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-078747-4

Suborna Barua


Managing Environmental Risk and Sustainability


This book covers different aspects of green banking in a comprehensive way by not only offering theories and principles but also providing practical how-to guidelines to adopt green banking practices. It is a useful resource to financial sector professionals and scholars in the field of sustainable financing and banking. Suborna Barua, Assistant Professor, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

SUBJECTS Business Management fIndustries fBanks, Financial Service Provider, Insurers; Business Management fIndustries fEnvironmental Management; Finance READERSHIP Bank executives, Bank professionals, Academics in the fields of sustainability and banking

Specialist Text, English, July 2022

Series The Moorad Choudhry Global Banking Series

162 pp., 17 fig. Pb. RRP € 14.95 / *US$ 17.99 / *£ 13.50 9<7to1m0=jjccaf>

ISBN 978-3-11-099220-5

Martin Zapf


Framework for Sustainable Development with a Cooperative and Systemic Approach

This book highlights the need and challenges of climate change mitigation, including the feasibility of a global energy transition. It brings together systems science with economics, technological change, and sustainable development. The author derives a pioneering framework to meet the Paris Agreement temperature target, enabling coordinated climate action in an effective and efficient way while pursuing distributive justice. Martin Zapf, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and Coburg University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Germany

SUBJECTS Political Economics fEconomic Policy; Business Management fIndustries fEnvironmental Management; Introductions and Overviews fEngineering, other READERSHIP Researchers, experts, policy makers and the general public concerned with climate change and sustainable development.

English, October 2022

Approx. 150 pp., 32 fig. Pb. RRP € 33.95 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 9<7to1m0=hhhdgj>

ISBN 978-3-11-077736-9 eBook RRP € 33.95 / *US$ 39.99 / *£ 31.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-077758-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-077764-2

John Zinkin, Chris Bennett


Similarities and Differences

This book explores what can be learned from criminal organizations on four continents based on comparisons of their historical and cultural origins; chosen governance and power structures; and business models. It discusses how these contexts determined their applications of the principles and practice of effective, but amoral leadership; and whether these lessons can be applied to legitimate business enterprises. John Zinkin, Managing Director, Zinkin Ettinger Sdn Bhd, Malaysia; Chris Bennett, Director, BPA Australasia Pte Ltd, Singapore

SUBJECT Business Management fManagement, Organization, Corporate Governance READERSHIP Professionals, coaches, consultants, and academics interested in techniques & ethics of leadership and executive education.

English, November 2022

Approx. 300 pp., 25 fig. Pb. RRP € 34.95 / *US$ 41.99 / *£ 32.00 9<7to1m0=hbbijj>

ISBN 978-3-11-071189-9 eBook RRP € 34.95 / *US$ 41.99 / *£ 32.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-071215-5 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-071216-2

Dirk Lippold


Von der strategischen Konzeption zur praktischen Umsetzung

f 320 Abbildungen und 155 farbige, praxisbezogene Inserts machen die grundsätzlichen Themen anschaulicher und verständlicher. f Dozenten und Studierende können über den Blog des Autors gezielt Originalgrafiken erhalten.

Dieses „Standardwerk für angehende und praktizierende Unternehmensberater“ (Lünendonk), das den konzeptionellen Ansatz in der Unternehmensberatung begründet hat, behandelt in sechs Kapiteln die grundlegenden Konzepte und Methoden von Beratungsunternehmen. Aufgrund der besonderen Dynamik der Beratungsdisziplin und der besonderen Anforderungen der Digitalisierung wurde die 4. Auflage nicht nur überarbeitet, sondern auch wesentlich erweitert. Prof. Dr. Dirk Lippold, HU Berlin, FOM Berlin

FACHGEBIETE Betriebswirtschaft fManagement, Organisation und Unternehmensführung, Grundsätze der Unternehmensführung; Betriebswirtschaft fBranchen fInterne und externe Unternehmensberatung, interne Revision ZIELGRUPPE Hochschulabsolventen bzw. Berufseinsteiger, die eine erfolgreiche Laufbahn in der Unternehmensberatung anstreben.

Deutsch, Juni 2022

4., überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage Ca. 850 S., 318 Abb. Geb. € 69,95 [D] / UVP *US$ 94.99 / UVP *£ 75.00 9<7to1m0=hiffaa>

ISBN 978-3-11-078550-0 eBook € 69,95 [D] / UVP *US$ 94.99 / UVP *£ 75.00 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-078553-1 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-078556-2 Sébastien Ronteau, Laurent Muzellec, Deepak Saxena, Daniel Trabucchi


The New Value Creation and Capture Mechanisms of the 21st Century

f Identifies and analyses the key value drivers in a digital economy f Develops effective new digital business models f Applies digital business model principles to revamp traditional business model

This book provides an overview of how digital players create, exchange and capture value thanks to digital technologies. It describes the key characteristics of various digital business models using different business archetypes. Each chapter is illustrated with examples or mini-case studies and also comprises a toolbox describing strategic tools, canvases and frameworks that help managers analyse a situation and formulate proactive solutions. S. Ronteau, France; L. Muzellec, Ireland; D. Saxena, India; D. Trabucchi, Italy

SUBJECT Business Management fManagement, Organization, Corporate Governance READERSHIP Masters, Executive MBAs and MBA students and business practitioners and managers

English, December 2022

Approx. 280 pp., 70 fig. Pb. RRP € 41.95 / *US$ 47.99 / *£ 38.00 9<7to1m0=hgcebj>

ISBN 978-3-11-076241-9 eBook OPEN ACCESS PDF ISBN 978-3-11-076255-6 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-076259-4 Alka Maurya, J. Mark Munoz, Loveleen Gaur, Gurinder Singh (Eds.)


Challenges and Opportunities for Emerging Markets

f Focuses specifically on the impact of disruptive technology on international business operations, especially with regard to emerging markets. f Each chapter will include real life case studies.

This book analyses the impact of disruptive and breakthrough technologies on international business. New technologies such as artificial intelligence, blockchain, IoT, etc. are redefining business processes around the world at a rapid rate and this results in both great opportunities and challenges for businesses. This book includes more such examples on how disruptive and breakthrough technologies facilitate international trade. Alka Maurya, Loveleen Gaur, Gurinder Singh, all from Amity University, India; J. Mark Munoz, Milliken University, USA

SUBJECTS Business Informatics; Business Management fManagement, Organization, Corporate Governance; Business Management fEntrepreneurship; Business Management fBusiness Management, other READERSHIP Scholars and graduate students of international business.

Collection, English, October 2022

Approx. 325 pp., 70 fig. HC RRP € 44.95 / *US$ 51.99 / *£ 40.50 9<7to1m0=hdifjj>

ISBN 978-3-11-073859-9 eBook RRP € 44.95 / *US$ 51.99 / *£ 40.50 PDF ISBN 978-3-11-073413-3 ePUB ISBN 978-3-11-073422-5

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