Direct Assessment Manual Afrikaans
2016 Edition Developed on behalf of the Innovation Edge by Andrew Dawes, Linda Biersteker, Elizabeth Girdwood and Matthew Snelling. To cite this manual: Dawes, A., Biersteker, L., Girdwood, E. and Snelling, M. (2016). Early Learning Outcomes Measure. Direct Assessment Manual. Claremont Cape Town: The Innovation Edge. The ELOM must only be administered by trained and accredited assessors
early learning outcomes measure
Contents Instructions 1 GROSS MOTOR DEVELOPMENT Item Item Item Item
1 2 3 4
Stand Catch Catch Catch
on one leg for 10 seconds 2 bean bag both hands 2 bean bag preferred hand 3 bean bag non-preferred hand 3
5 6 7 8
Copy cross & square 4 Copy triangle 4 Draw self 5 String beads 5 EMERGENT NUMERACY & MATHEMATICS
Item Item Item Item Item
9 10 11 12 13
Counting in classes 6 Addition & subtraction 6 Sorting & classification 7 Spatial vocabulary 8 Measurement vocabulary 8 COGNITION & EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING
Item Item Item Item
14 15 16 17
Dimensional change card sort 9 Pencil tapping test 11 Digits forward 13 Picture puzzle completion 13 EMERGENT LITERACY & LANGUAGE
Item Item Item Item Item Item
18 19 20 21 22 23
Expressive language: empathy 15 Expressive language: self awareness 15 Expressive language 16 Expressive vocabulary 16 Oral comprehension 17 Initial sound discrimination 18 TASK ORIENTATION Overall observation of child 19
Instructions This manual is designed for you to assess the development and early learning of young children (ages 50-69 months). Read the instructions carefully, follow all the steps and read all questions to children exactly as they are written so that the information is collected in a standardised way across all children. Before you start the assessment: 1. Set up the assessment space to minimise distractions for the child. For example, face the child away from a window and other possible distractions, close the door, take the landline telephone off the hook, switch off your cell phone. 2. Sit at a right angle to the child and place this manual and the tablet/scoresheet facing you and the laminated picture book facing the child on the tent. Keep the laminated picture book closed and do not show the child the items until you reach that part of the assessment. Keep the test kit box where the child cannot see it. 3. Make sure your materials in the test box are prepared in advance and easily accessible in the order you will use them. Do this before the assessment of each child. 4. Attach two small pieces of tape 2.75m apart to the floor. 5. Organise your DCCS cards (Item 14) into their order, and attach the demonstration cards to their containers. 6. Enter the BACKGROUND INFORMATION on the tablet/scoresheet before you start the assessment. Information such as child’s name, assessor details, location etc. can be prepared and entered before you see the children. 7. Programmes may wish to compare the performance of the child with others from a similar background. You can either establish household income by using: a) the Statistics South Africa quintile bands to classify the child, or; b) the quintile of the public primary school in the area where the centre or programme is based. This can be established by contacting the school. Place an X in the appropriate box in “socioeconomic background” on the scoring sheet or tablet. When you first meet the child: It is essential that you make every effort to make the assessment child friendly. Before you begin the assessment, while you are fetching and settling the child in, try to establish a rapport with them. Introduce yourself. Explain that you will be playing some games together. When you sit down, explain that you will show the child some materials and 1
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pictures and ask them to do some things. Tell them not to worry if they can’t do some things, just to try. Tell the child that if they want to take a break, or stop at any time, they should just tell you. Make sure to use the child's first name throughout the assessment. If you are using a tablet to score, show the tablet to the child, ask whether they have seen one and tell the child you will be using it to write. During the assessment: 1. Scoring: All scores must be captured on the tablet/ scoresheet. Keep this next to you as you assess the child. Do not enter scores on this manual. 2. Do not to make any signs or comments to help the child complete any task. 3. Encourage the child regardless of whether they are successful on the items or not (e.g. thank you, you are working hard, I can see that you are listening to the instructions). 4. If the child refuses to do an item move onto the next one. If the child still refuses to cooperate, move to the next item. If the child refuses to do the next item stop the test (i.e. stop the test after three refusals). Record the refusals when you enter scores on the tablet/scoresheet. At the end of the assessment you may return to any item the child has refused and see if he or she is now willing to try it. 5. Timing: When recording the time: the stopwatch provides seconds and fractions of a second. If the time recorded is 0.4 or less, round the time down to the nearest second. If the time is 0.5 or more, round up to the next second. For example, 6.30 is recorded as 6 and 6.95 is recorded as 7. 6. Some items have STOP RULES. There are different types of stop rule e.g. some items cannot be done if the child has failed prior practice tasks or prior items, others are timed. Stop the child and move onto the next item. 7. If the child is very shy or resistant in the assessment, you can stop and talk with the child, get up and play bean bag, go for a short walk outside to see if the child settles down and can carry on. 8. Colour and number games: Use English names for colours and numbers if these are what the child knows. After the assessment: Spend a few minutes after the child has left the room to finalise your scores, complete the Task Orientation: Overall observation of child, ensure all paperwork is photographed by the tablet (if a tablet is used to capture scores), and get your kit ready for the next child.
Item 1
Materials : Stopwatch
Stand on one leg for 10 seconds
The child should be barefoot
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Walk with the child to the centre of the room out of reach of furniture and walls. Stand alongside the child. Stand on one foot lifting your other leg off the floor by bending your leg at the knee and with the sole of the foot facing back.
Ons gaan nou ’n speletjie speel.
Time the child on the stopwatch. Then on the tablet/scoresheet note the time for the first trial. If the child stands on one foot for less than 10 seconds, allow a second trial.
Sien jy wat ek doen? Ek staan op een been. Ek wil hê dat jy ook op een been staan. Wys my vir hoe lank jy dit kan doen. Begin nou ...
Second Trial: If the child starts to stand on his/her other foot, tell him/her to use the same foot as before. Point to the foot used in trial one if necessary. Time him/her and then note the score of the second trial.
Kom ons kyk of jy weer op dieselfde been kan staan. Probeer dit. (Gebruik dieselfde been as netnou.)
Scoring: To receive credits for this item, the child must stand in one spot for the appropriate length of time. If the child starts to hop around the room to maintain their balance, they are credited only for the amount of time they stood prior to the hopping. Record score.
Item 2
Catch bean bag both hands
Materials : Two pieces of tape stuck to the floor 2.75m apart, a bean bag
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Point to the piece of tape (help position the child with toes just behind the tape). Walk to the other piece of tape. There are 3 trials. Score from the first trial.
Hierdie speletjie is pret. Staan jy hier met jou tone aan hierdie kant van die streepband en ek sal aan die ander kant van die streepband staan.
Trial 1: Throw the bean bag underhand gently towards the child’s midline, and between the knee and shoulder in height. If any of your throws do not meet these conditions, do not count them, throw again.
Ek gaan die boontjiesakkie na jou toe gooi. Kyk of jy dit met altwee hande kan vang en na my toe kan teruggooi. Gereed? Hier kom dit.
If the child catches the bean bag, ask them to throw it back and proceed with the next two trials.
Mooi so! Gooi dit nou vir my terug.
If the child misses on either of these two trials, ask them to get the bean bag and throw it back. If he/she ignores the bean bag or makes no effort to get it, pick it up and go back to your end of the tape. If the child catches the bean bag with one hand only, encourage them to use both hands. If the child catches the bean bag (with one or both hands) at least once out of the three trials, proceed to item 3.
Oeps, tel dit op en gooi dit terug. Probeer dit weer en kyk of jy dit hierdie keer kan vang.
Scoring: Record score (catches against the body count for scoring). ELOM Direct Assessment Manual | 2
Item 3
Catch bean bag preferred hand
Materials : Two pieces of tape stuck to the floor 2.75m apart, a bean bag
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Be sure the child indicates a preferred hand. Notice which hand the child attempts to catch with first to make sure that they use the other hand for the following item. There are 3 trials. Score from the first trial.
Kom ons kyk nou hoe goed jy dit met een hand kan vang. Met watter hand wil jy dit probeer vang?
Proceed as before. Do not count any poor throws. Make sure that the child uses the same hand for each trial. If child changes hands, remind them to use the same hand as before.
Sit jou ander hand agter jou rug en probeer die boontjiesakkie met een hand vang. Sit dieselfde hand agter jou rug soos netnou.
Scoring: Record score (catches against the body count for scoring).
Item 4
Catch bean bag non-preferred hand
Materials : Two pieces of tape stuck to the floor 2.75m apart, a bean bag
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Point to the child’s preferred hand. There are 3 trials. Score from the first trial.
Sit nou daardie hand agter jou rug en kyk hoe goed jy dit met die ander hand kan vang. Kom ons kyk nou hoe goed jy dit met een hand kan vang.
Proceed as before. Do not count any poor throws. Make sure that the child uses the same hand for each trial. If child changes hands, remind them to use the same hand as before.
Sit dieselfde hand agter jou rug soos netnou.
Scoring: Record score (catches against the body count for scoring).
If the child has not caught the bag on any trial, end this item by moving closer to the child and asking the child to catch the ball one last time with both hands. This is not scored. The idea is to make the child end this task with a positive feeling.
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Item 5
| Copy cross & square
Materials : Eight sucker sticks, picture card with a square
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Make a straight cross using two sticks.
Kyk wat doen ek met hierdie stokkies.
Give the child two sticks. If child does not understand, demonstrate again.
Kan jy een maak wat soos myne lyk?
Show the picture of the square, then give the child four sticks.
Kyk na hierdie prentjie. Kan jy ’n vorm maak soos die een in die prentjie?
Scoring: Record scores
Item 6
Copy triangle
Materials : Thick pencil and A4 sheet of paper, picture card with a triangle
Assessor Does Put the picture of the triangle on the tent facing the child. Give the child a pencil and the blank sheet of paper.
Assessor Says Kom ons teken! Iemand het hierdie prentjie geteken. Kan jy probeer om dieselfde prentjie op jou papier te teken? Probeer net jou beste.
Scoring: Children will have one chance to draw. Second trials are not permitted. Thank the child and move to the next item. Record scores.
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Item 7
Draw self
Materials : Thick pencil, A4 sheet of paper, stopwatch
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Give the child a pencil and the blank sheet of paper.
Ek het nóg ’n tekenspeletjie vir jou. Op hierdie blad (beduie na die hele blad) wil ek hê jy moet ’n prentjie van JOUSELF teken waar jy regop staan. Kan jy asseblief dit vir my teken? Ek sal vir jou sê wanneer om op te hou.
STOP RULE: Limit this item to 4 minutes from when the child begins drawing. If the child does not draw for a minute after your suggestion, stop.
Sit asseblief jou potlood neer. Ons gaan nou na ons volgende aktiwiteit aanbeweeg.
Scoring: Children will have one chance to draw. Second trials are not permitted. Thank the child and move to the next item. Record scores.
Item 8
String beads
Materials : Stopwatch, 10 beads of the same colour, a shoe lace with a knot tied at 30cm to prevent beads coming off
Assessor Does Give the child ten beads and the shoelace with the plastic point up. Time the child. STOP RULE: Stop the child after 40 seconds. Scoring: Record number of beads strung within 40 seconds.
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Assessor Says Ryg asseblief al die krale op hierdie skoenveter so vinnig as wat jy kan.
Item 9
Counting in classes
Materials : 20 small items (9 marbles; 6 lolly sticks; buttons of same colour)
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Arrange the 20 objects randomly in front of the child in the lid of the test kit so that they don’t fall off the table. Show child that there are marbles, sticks and buttons. Practice: Point to the marbles.
Kom ons speel met hierdie goed. Kyk, daar is albasters, stokkies en knope. Goed?
If child does not succeed, say these are marbles, pick up a marble. Put back the marble.
Kyk, dit is albasters. Ek gaan een optel. Kan jy nou een albaster optel en dit in die boksie sit?
STOP RULE: Stop if child cannot give you one marble. Test starts here.
Nou gaan ons nog speel. Hier is ‘n klomp knope. Sit asseblief 3 knope in die boksie. Jy kan hard-op tel as jy wil.
Be patient while child arranges the objects. When child finishes, re-arrange the 20 objects randomly.
Dankie. Kan jy nou asseblief 8 albasters in die boksie sit? Jy kan hard-op tel as jy wil.
STOP RULE: If the child cannot give you 3 or 8 objects, STOP and move on to the next item. Be patient while child arranges the objects. When child finishes, re-arrange the 20 objects randomly and say:
Dankie. Vir die volgende speletjie kan jy enige van die goed op die tafel gebruik - albasters, stokkies en knope. Kan jy nou asseblief 15 goed in die boksie sit? Jy kan hard-op tel as jy wil.
Scoring: Record score.
Item 10
Addition & subtraction
Materials : Two picture cards (cats and sweets)
Assessor Does Training item (do not score): Place the picture of the cats on the tent facing the child. If the child can count correctly, continue with the test items.
Assessor Says Hoeveel katte sien jy in die prentjie?
STOP RULE: Do not proceed if the child is not able to count.
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Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Place the picture of the sweets in front of the child.
Kyk na die lekkers in die prentjie. Hoeveel lekkers sal jy hê as jy vier lekkers het en ’n maatjie gee vir jou nog twee lekkers?
Turn back to put the picture of the cats again in front of the child.
Kyk na die katte in die prentjie. Hoeveel katte sal jy oorhê as jy vyf gehad het, maar twee loop weg?
Scoring: Record scores.
Item 11
Sorting & classification
Materials : Star and circle picture cards (2 red stars and 1 yellow star, 2 yellow circles and 1 red circle)
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
For the first trial only, place the cards in this order in front of the child.
Ons gaan nou ‘n speletjie speel waar ons prentjies wat op een of ander manier dieselfde is, bymekaar sit. Kyk na die prentjies op hierdie kaarte. Probeer om hulle in twee groepe te sit saam met ander wat dieselfde is. Jy moet al die prentjies gebruik.
Put two sheets of white paper on the table in front of the child. If the child makes a group but does not use all the cards, point to each sheet and encourage them to use them all.
Jy kan die een groep op hierdie stuk papier sit en die ander groep op daardie stuk papier.
Once the child has completed sorting by one criterion:
Kyk nou na die kaarte en probeer ‘n ander manier kry om prente wat op een of ander manier dieselfde is, saam te groepeer.
Point to the two sheets of paper and say:
Jy kan die een groep hier sit en die ander groep daar.
Be patient and wait as the child tries to examine how to arrange the cards. Scoring: Record scores.
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Item 12
Spatial vocabulary
Materials : Spatial vocabulary picture card of a table with a familiar object above it, under it, in front of it, and next to it
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Put the picture on the tent facing the child.
Ek gaan nou vir jou ’n paar vrae oor hierdie prentjie vra. Wys met jou vinger na iets bo die tafel. Wys met jou vinger na iets onder die tafel. Wys met jou vinger na iets voor die tafel. Wys met jou vinger na iets langs die tafel.
Scoring: Record scores.
Item 13
Measurement vocabulary
Materials : Dogs, elephants, sticks and trees picture cards
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Put the pictures on the tent facing the child and show them one by one.
Ek gaan vir jou ’n paar prentjies wys en ’n paar vrae vra.
Show picture of three dogs.
Sit jou vinger op die grootste hond.
Show picture of three elephants.
Sit jou vinger op die kleinste olifant.
Show picture of three sticks.
Sit jou vinger op die langste stok.
Show picture of three trees.
Sit jou vinger op die kortste boom.
Scoring: Record scores.
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Item 14
Dimensional change card sort
Materials : DCCS cards, two sorting trays each with a target card fixed to the back with a piece of prestick/putty. Sit next to the child for this item.
14.1 Colour Game Set Up : Two trays placed side by side in front of the child; make sure the child can reach them. 16 colour DCCS cards consisting of:
Two target cards: • 1 red dog stuck on the right hand tray so the picture faces the child • 1 blue car stuck on the left hand tray so the picture faces the child Two demonstration cards: • 1 blue dog card (1 for assessor demonstration) • 1 red car card (1 for child’s trial run) 12 cards (6 red cars, 6 blue dogs) to be used in the colour and shape assessment. Present in the correct order from 1 to 6 (numbers on the back) for each game.
Colour Game Demonstration Item Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Sit beside the child so that you are able to view the trays.
1: Hier is ’n blou karretjie en hier is ’n rooi hond. Ons gaan nou ’n kaartspeletjie speel. Dit is die kleurspeletjie.
Point to the tray on the left (blue) and on the right (red).
2. In die kleurspeletjie kom al die bloues hier, en al die rooies kom daar.
Choose a blue card and place it FACE DOWN in the tray on the left. DO NOT MENTION THE CAR OR THE DOG. JUST THE COLOUR!
3. Kyk, hier is ’n bloue. So dit hoort daar, maar as dit rooi is, kom dit daar.
Practice: Show the child a red card. If the child takes the card and puts it in the tray correctly, say:
4. Hier is ’n rooie. Waar kom hierdie een?
If the child does not get it right, Say: Ensure that the card is placed FACE DOWN in the tray on the right.
Nee, hierdie een is rooi so dit moet daar kom in die kleurspeletjie. Kan jy my help om hierdie rooi een neer te sit?
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Baie mooi. Jy weet hoe om die kleurspeletjie te speel!
Colour Game Assessment Assessor Does
Assessor Says
There are six trials. Whether or not the child sorts a card correctly, do not praise. Do not mention that it is a dog or a car. Just the colour! Scoring: Enter scores on the tablet/scoresheet after each trial.
Nou is dit jou beurt. Onthou, as dit blou is, kom dit hier, maar as dit rooi is, kom dit daar.
Trial 1: Show blue dog.
Hier is ’n bloue. Waar kom dit? Plaas dit asseblief met die voorkant na onder in die laai.
Trial 2: Show red car.
Onthou, as dit blou is, kom dit hier, maar as dit rooi is, kom dit hier. Hier is ’n rooie. Waar kom dit? Plaas dit asseblief met die voorkant na onder in die laai.
Trial 3: Show red car.
Hier is ’n rooie. Waar kom dit?
Trial 4: Show blue dog.
Dit is die kleurspeletjie. Hier is ’n bloue. Waar kom dit? Plaas dit asseblief met die voorkant na onder in die laai.
Trial 5: Show red car.
Dit is die kleurspeletjie. Hier is ’n rooie. Waar kom dit?
Trial 6: Show blue dog.
Dit is die kleurspeletjie. Hier is ’n bloue. Waar kom dit?
Scoring: Enter score of 0 if the child passes less than 5 trials; Enter 1 if 5 trials or more are passed. STOP RULE: If the child passes less than five trials, do not proceed to the Shape Game.
14.2 Shape Game Set Up : Same set up as for colour game. Use your second set of cards for this game. Assessor asks the child to sort next set of 6 cards by shape and place them FACE DOWN in the correct trays.
Shape Game Assessment Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Leave the cards used in the colour game in the trays. Point to the tray on the left (blue car) and on the right (red dog) There is no demonstration. There are 6 trials. Whether or not the child sorts a card correctly, do not praise. DO NOT MENTION THE COLOUR OF THE CARD! DO NOT REMIND THE CHILD IN THIS GAME.
Ons gaan nie meer die kleurspeletjie speel nie. Ons gaan nou die vormspeletjie speel. In die vormspeletjie kom al die hondjies hier, en al die karretjies kom daar. Onthou, as dit ’n hondjie is, sit dit daar. Maar as dit ’n karretjie is, sit dit daar.
Trial 1: Show red car.
Hier is ’n karretjie. Waar kom dit? Plaas dit asseblief met die voorkant na onder in die laai.
Trial 2: Show blue dog.
Kom ons doen nog een: Hier is ’n hondjie. Waar kom dit?
Trial 3: Show blue dog.
Hier is ’n hondjie. Waar kom dit?
Trial 4: Show red car.
Kom ons doen nog een: Hier is ’n karretjie. Waar kom dit?
Trial 5: Show red car.
Hier is ’n karretjie. Waar kom dit?
Trial 6: Show blue dog.
Kom ons doen nog een: Hier is ’n hondjie. Waar kom dit?
Scoring: Enter score of 0 if the child passes less than 5 trials; Enter 1 if 5 trials or more are passed. ELOM Direct Assessment Manual | 10
Item 15
Pencil tapping test
Materials : Two pencils (one for the assessor, one for the child)
Procedure: In this task the assessor taps a certain number of times with the pencil and asks the child to tap a different number of times in response. You will start with practice items. If the child is successful on the practice items, you will proceed to assess the child on 10 trials. 1. Provide feedback during the practice only. After that, do not give feedback. 2. Wait 5 seconds between each trial: count slowly and silently to five or use a timer. 3. Mark the child’s response on the tablet/scoresheet as you wait for the next trial.
Pencil Tapping Demonstration Item Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Practice A. Tap one time - child should tap two times. Assessor taps one time. Let child tap two times.
Ons gaan nou ’n speletjie met potlode speel. Hou jy jou potlood só en ek sal my potlood só hou. Wanneer ek my potlood een keer tik, tik jy jou potlood twee keer. En wanneer ek my potlood twee keer tik, tik jy jou potlood een keer. Verstaan jy? As ek meer as twee keer tik, tik jy glad nie. Kom ons probeer.
Give feedback as follows: If correct say: If incorrect, say:
Practice B. Tap two times - child should tap one time. If correct say: If incorrect say: Then take the child’s hand and tap his/her pencil the correct number of times. Practice C. Tap three times - child should not tap. If correct say: If incorrect, say:
Baie mooi, jy het dit perfek gedoen. Kom ons probeer weer. Amper, maar nog nie heeltemal nie. Wanneer ek een keer tik, moet jy twee keer tik. Probeer weer. Ek tik een keer, so jy tik twee keer.
Mooi. Soos dít.
Mooi. Nee, wanneer ek drie keer tik, tik jy glad nie.
NOTE: Practise at least two times for each tapping exercise before starting the assessment. Do not practise more than six times. STOP RULE: If the child has not understood either A or B of the practice trials stop the item and move on to the next item.
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Assessment Trials Start Here Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Once you feel that the child has successfully learned the rules say:
Nou gaan ons dit baie keer doen. Onthou, wanneer ek een keer tik, tik jy twee keer en wanneer ek twee keer tik, tik jy net een keer. As ek meer as twee keer tik, tik jy glad nie.
Assessor Taps
Child Taps
Scoring: Record scores after each trial.
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Item 16
Digits forward
Materials : None
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Practice items: Pause for one second in between each number in the sequence. For example « 5 » [pause] « 2 ». If the child makes an error on the practice, supply the correct answer.
Hierdie is ‘n ander speletjie. Ek gaan ‘n paar nommers noem. Luister mooi, en wanneer ek klaar is, moet jy die nommers in dieselfde volgorde sê as wat ek dit gesê het. Byvoorbeeld, as ek sê 1,2 moet jy 1,2 sê. Wag vir my om al die nommers te sê voor jy dit herhaal. Luister mooi. Kom ons probeer ‘n paar om te oefen. 5…2 6…1…3
Practice 1: Say: Practice 2: Say:
STOP RULE: If the child cannot do the practice items after two chances, proceed to the next item. Assessment items: If the child makes an error in this section, DO NOT give the child the correct answer.
Kom ons doen nou ’n bietjie meer. Luister mooi en probeer jou bes. a) 1…6 b) 5…2…9 c) 8…3…1…4 d) 1…2…4…7…3
Scoring: Record score based on the number of digits repeated.
Item 17
Picture puzzle completion
Materials : Stopwatch. seven picture cards and pieces to be used to construct a copy of each picture card.
Assessor Does Follow these same instructions for every card. Place the card on table in front of the child. If the child does not know what the picture shows – say: Place the pieces in a stack /pile face up on the table in front of the child. Start timing the child on the stopwatch as soon as you have given the instruction.
Assessor Says Kyk na hierdie prentjie. Wat is dit? Dit is ’n (………) Nou: Sit hierdie stukke bymekaar om soos die prentjie te lyk.
STOP RULE: Stop administration after 2 successive puzzle failures.
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Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Present each picture card in the order below. 1: DONKEY 2 pieces STOP RULE: 60 seconds.
2: CHILD 3 pieces STOP RULE: 60 seconds.
3: ELEPHANT 4 pieces STOP RULE: 90 seconds.
4: DONKEY 4 pieces STOP RULE: 90 seconds.
5: COW 5 pieces STOP RULE: 120 seconds.
6: RABBIT 5 pieces STOP RULE: 120 seconds.
7: FISH 6 pieces STOP RULE: 120 seconds.
Scoring: Each puzzle completed in the time limit scores 1 point. Record score.
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Item 18
Expressive language: empathy
Materials : Picture card of a girl crying
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Display the picture card on the tent.
Kom ons kyk na hierdie prentjie. Maak asof hierdie meisie jou maatjie is. Hoe dink jy voel sy op hierdie oomblik?
Then ask: Prompt ONCE for an alternative response. Pause for 10 seconds then move to next item.
Wat sal jy doen om haar beter te laat voel? Is daar enige iets anders wat jy sal doen?
Scoring: Appropriate answers • Child crying – upset, in pain, sad, scared, tired or other culturally acceptable answer. • Helps in distress – asks how she is doing, hug her, tell her she will be OK, find out if she needs medicine, play with her, hold her hand, get an adult to help her, have a sleep or other local culturally acceptable answer. Record score.
Item 19
Expressive language: self awareness
Materials : None
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Introduce the item by saying: If needed, ask clarifying question to understand better child’s response.
Ek het nou ’n paar vrae oor gevoelens. Dink so ’n bietjie na en sê vir my wat jou hartseer laat voel of jou wil laat huil?
Ask the child:
Wat doen jy om beter te voel wanneer jy hartseer is?
Then, prompt for a second response:
Wat doen jy nog om beter te voel wanneer jy hartseer is?
Then ask:
Vertel my nou watter dinge laat jou gelukkig voel.
Scoring: Appropriate answers for regulating emotions: talking/being with friend/adult, playing with something, seeking an adult to help, think of something that makes me smile, punches something like a bag or cushion (not a person), take a deep breath etc. Record scores.
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Item 20
Expressive language
Materials : None
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Ask the child the question:
Vertel my wat jy alles doen wanneer jy soggens opstaan.
If the child does not reply after 10 seconds move to the next item.
Kan jy aan enigiets anders dink?
Scoring: The purpose of this exercise is to assess child’s communication ability. Local words and expressions are acceptable for scoring purposes. Refer to instructions on the tablet or scoresheet and record the score.
Item 21
Expressive vocabulary
Materials : None
Assessor Does
Assessor Says
Ask the child this question:
Nou wil ek hê jy moet bietjie nadink oor waar jy woon. Noem vir my al die dinge op wat jy binne en buite jou huis kan sien en ek sal dit tel.
Additional Prompts: If the child is stuck at 2 or 3 items, you can PROMPT ONCE by saying:
Kan jy aan enigiets anders dink?
STOP RULE: When the child reaches 10 items move on to the next item. If the child cannot think of more things, wait 10 seconds then move on to the next item. Scoring: Count number of items named and record scores.
Assessor says: Ons is nou amper klaar. Daar is nog net twee speletjies oor om te speel.
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Item 22
Oral comprehension
Materials : Mouse and Cat Story
Assessor Does Explain the task then read out the story slowly, clearly and fluently.
Assessor Says Nou gaan ek vir jou ’n interessante storie vertel. As ek klaar vir jou die storie vertel het, gaan ek vir jou ’n paar vrae vra. Luister mooi.
Assessor Says:
Die Muis en die Kat Daar was eendag ’n kat wat altyd ’n rooi hoed gedra het. Op ’n dag toe hy in droomland was, het ’n klein muis stilletjies ingesluip en sy hoed gesteel. Toe die kat wakker word, sien hy sy hoed is weg! Hy het baie kwaad geword en die muis begin jaag. Na ’n ruk, was die muis onder ’n tafel vasgekeer sonder ’n manier om te ontsnap. Die muis sê toe vir die kat:“Moet my asseblief nie opeet nie. As jy my lewe spaar, sal ek jou hoed vir jou teruggee.” Nadat hy sy hoed teruggekry het, sê die kat: “Moet asseblief nooit weer aan my hoed raak nie.” En hy sluimer toe dolgelukkig weer in. Ask each question slowly and clearly. Each question may be repeated ONCE if needed.
Ek gaan nou vir jou ’n paar vrae oor die storie vra. a) “Wie het die kat se hoed gesteel?” (Antwoord: die muis) b) “Watter kleur was die hoed?” (Antwoord: rooi) c) “Hoekom het die kat die muis gejaag?” (Antwoord: omdat die muis sy hoed gevat/ gesteel het) d) “Waar was die muis vasgekeer?” (Antwoord: onder die tafel) e) “Hoekom het die kat besluit om nie die muis op te eet nie?” (Antwoord: omdat die muis sy hoed vir hom teruggegee het)
Scoring: Record scores immediately after each response.
ELOM Direct Assessment Manual
Item 23
Initial sound discrimination
Materials : None
Assessor Does Practice trial (no scoring). Say the beginning phoneme and not the word. The correct response is ‘DONKIE’. If the child gives an incorrect response, say: Repeat the practice item.
Assessor Says Kom ons speel nog ’n speletjie. Dít is ’n bymekaarpas-speletjie. Luister mooi na wat ek sê en kyk vir my. Die eerste woord is DONKIE. DONKIE begin met ‘D’. Ek gaan drie woorde opnoem en jy gaan vir my sê watter een met ‘D’ begin. KAT DONKIE TAK? DONKIE begin met ‘D’.
STOP RULE: If child does not succeed on the second practice trial do not continue. Assessment: There are 3 tests. Say the beginning phoneme and not the word. Repeat the list of words only ONCE per question if the child does not succeed on the first attempt.
1: Kom ons speel nog ’n bietjie. Ek gaan drie woorde opnoem en jy gaan vir my sê watter een met ‘D’ begin. BAL DEUR KOEI 2. Kan jy nou vir my sê watter een met ‘M’ begin. MUIS TAFEL KAT 3. Ek gaan drie woorde opnoem en jy gaan vir my sê watter een met ‘L’ begin. GANS MELK LEPEL
Scoring: Record score.
Thank the child for their patience and contributions and congratulate them on their effort. Take them back to their classrooms/supervisor/parent/other responsible person.
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Task Orientation
Overall observation of child
Based on your observation of the child throughout the assessment, answer the following questions as carefully as possible and record. Almost never
Almost always
a) Did the child pay attention to the instructions and demonstrations throughout the assessment? b) Did the child stay concentrated and on task during the activities and was the child not easily distracted? c) Was the child careful and diligent on tasks? Was the child interested in accuracy? d) Was the child interested and curious about the tasks throughout the assessment?
FINALISE THE SCORES AND PREPARE FOR THE NEXT CHILD • Finalise the scores for all the items. • If you have used a tablet for scoring, photograph the child’s two drawings (triangle and drawing of themselves) with the tablet. • If you take a photograph of the triangle, make sure you take it as if you were standing behind the child so that the orientation is correct. • Get the assessment kit ready for the next child.
ELOM Direct Assessment Manual