2024 Woodard Residential Catalog

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3901 S. 20th Ave., Dallas, T X 7 5261 800 87 7 2 290 S H OW R O O M

AmericasMar t , 240 Peachtree S t NW Building 1, Suite 4 -E-10, Atlanta, G A 30303 c u s t o m e r s u p p o r t @ wo o d a r d - f u r n i t u r e .co m wo o d a r d - f u r n i t u r e .co m

2 0 2 4 R E S I D E N T I A L C ATA L O G


2 0 2 4 R E S I D E N T I A L C ATA L O G



TA B L E S 136






WA R R A N T Y 190

CARE 192








































































































































































































































































































T h e frui t o f th i s collab o rati o n by re nowned Wo o d ard arti s ans and acclai med d e s i gne r and auth o r, Alexa Hamp to n, i s a s e ri e s o f o utd o o r collecti o ns d e s i g n e d t o b e a t h o m e a ny w h e r e : a s a t e a s e o n a C e ntral Park te rrace as th e y are ove rlo oki ng th e l a p p i n g w ave s o f a b e a c h h o u s e , o r n e s t l e d i n t o a parte rre gard e n i n th e So uth o f France .

A L B E RT I |






A L B E RT I ALUMINUM A testament to it s namesake, the Alber ti exudes a modern ye t classic feel. This beautiful Alexa Hampton collec tion features aesthetic element s of lines, angles and propor tions, as well as subtle beaut y and ornamentation synonymous with the Renaissance. Available in numerous f inishes and fabrics, Alber ti is an elegant addition to your outdoor living space.

4S0406 Lounge Chair

4S0486 Ottoman

4S0420 Sofa

4S0439 End Table

4S0443 Coffee Table

W 26.5" D 34.25" H 34.50" SEAT H 20" ARM H 21.50"

W 26.75" D 26.75" H 9.50" SEAT H 17"

W 73.75" D 34.25" H 34.50" SEAT H 20" ARM H 21.50"

W 26.50" D 26.50" H 26.50"

W 58.25" D 26.50" H 26.50"


LORENZO WOVEN R eminiscent of Italian coastal living, Alexa Hampton designed the Lorenzo Collec tion to offer lounge and dining pieces that feature pure, simplif ied forms . A geome tric pattern along the bottom of the seating pieces and under the table tops is created in an all-weather weave. Comfor table propor tions are enhanced by bespoke cushions . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n grigio and dove gray a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S720001 Armless Lounge Chair

S720011 Lounge Chair

S720031 Sofa (with a pair of 21" throw pillows)

S720511 Dining Side Chair

S720501 Dining Arm Chair

S720041 Chaise Lounge

W 28" D 36" H 25" SEAT H 17.5"

W 36" D 36" H 25" SEAT H 17.5" ARM H 25"

W 86" D 36" H 25" SEAT H 17.5" ARM 25"

W 22.5" D 24.5" H 34" SEAT 19"

W 22.5" D 24.5" H 34" SEAT 19" ARM 26"

W 30" D 80" H 13.5"

S720201 Side Table

S720211 Cocktail Table

S720001 Square Dining Table

S720704 Rectangular Dining Table

S720301 Planter

W 22" D 22" H 22"

W 45" D 24" H 17"

W 28" D 36" H 25"

W 96" D 44" H 30"

W 20" D 20" H 24"


SAN MICHELE WOVEN Designed by Alexa Hampton and inspired by the timelessness of wicker loom and the nor thern Italian coast , the San Michele collec tion uses an all-weather weave to create a st ylized Greek key that borders the bottom of seating pieces and table tops . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n marron a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S710001 Accent Chair

S710011 Lounge Chair

S710041 Chaise Lounge

S710031 Sofa (with a pair of 19" throw pillows)

S710201 Side Table

S710211 Coffee Table

W 26" D 23.5" H 34" SEAT H 19" ARM H 25"

W 36" D 37" H 39" SEAT H 18" ARM H 23.25"

W 32" D 71.75" H 25" SEAT H 16" ARM H 20"

W 78" D 30" H 36.5" SEAT H 18" ARM H 23"

W 26" D 21" H 22"

W 45" D 26" H 18"

S710601 Square Dining Table W 36" D 36" H 30"


TUORO ALUMINUM The Tuoro Collection is handcrafted to capture luxury, sophistication and designer aesthe tic . Inspired by the architecture of Central Italy, the Tuoro Collec tion features intricate f ret work , lines, and engineered castings. Designed by Alexa Hampton, her vision is apparent f rom top to bottom on d i n i n g , b e n c h e s , d e e p s ea t i n g a n d p la n te r s .

7S0406 Lounge Chair

7S0419 Love Seat

7S0420 Love Seat

7S0439 End Table

7S0443 Coffee Table

7S42BT Square Dining Table

W 33.25" D 32.25" H 31.75" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 24.25"

W 52.50" D 32.25" H 31.75" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 24.25"

W 76" D 32.25" H 31.75" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 24.25"

W 22" D 22" H 20.50"

W 45" D 22" H 20.50"

W 42" D 42" H 30"

7S0401 Dining Arm Chair

7S0412 Dining Side Chair

7S0422 Bench without Back

7S0423 Bench without Arms

7S0414 Bench with Arms

7S88BT Rectangular Dining Table

W 21.5" D 23" H 34" SEAT H 17.5" ARM H 25.25"

W 19.25" D 23" H 34" SEAT H 17.5"

W 46.25" D 18.5" H 17.5"

W 48.5" D 22.5" H 34" SEAT H 17.5"

W 48.5" D 22.5" H 34" SEAT H 17.5" ARM H 26.5"

W 87.5" D 42" H 30"

7S0401ST Dining Arm Chair with Optional Seat Cushions

7S0412ST Dining Side Chair with Optional Seat Cushions

7S0422ST Bench with Optional Seat Cushion

S720501 Bench without Arms and Optional Seat Cushion

7S0414ST Bench with Arms and Optional Seat Cushion


W 21.5" D 23" H 34" SEAT H 21.25" ARM H 25.25"

W 21.5" D 23" H 34" SEAT H 19.5"

W 48.5" D 22.5" H 34" SEAT H 21.25"

W 48.5" D 22.5" H 34" SEAT H 21.25" ARM H 26.5"

W 46.25" D 18.5" H 21.25"

Planter W 24.75" D 24.75" H 27.25"


ALEXA Si nce Alexa Hamp to n to ok th e re i ns o f Mark Hamp to n, her fath e r’s i co ni c f i rm, as owne r and p re s i d e nt i n 1 9 9 8 , s h e h as ad vanced i ts le gacy o f e le gant, p racti cal, clas s i cally bas ed i nte ri o rs fo r mo d e rn li vi ng – and exte nd ed i ts glo bal re ach . Fro m N e w Yo rk C i ty to Hangz h o u, C h i na, her p ro j ect p o rtfoli o e nco mpas s e s luxe , b e auti fully laye red urban apartme nts , expans i ve town and co untry re s i d e nces, p ri vate ai rplane s , and yach ts . R e gularly named to Arch i tectural Di ge s t’s AD1 0 0 and Ho us e Be auti ful’s Top De s i gne r li s t as we ll as Elle Déco r’s A-L i s t, Hamp to n trans late s th e clas s i cal p ri nci ple s o f go o d d e s i gn and d eco rati o n i nto s o me o f to d ay’s mo s t e le gant, e nd uri ng, and functi o nal d o me s ti c land s cap e s .


T H E A RT O F T H E P A T I O Wo o da r d has b ee n one of t h e ind u st r y l e a d e rs i n clas s i c o u t do o r pat io f u r nit u r e d e sig n, manu facturi ng and di s tr i bu t i n g . F r om mod e r n ou t d oor t o t ime le s s clas s i cs , we r em a i n commit t ed t o b u il d ing q u al it y p ro d ucts .

MADE RIGHT HERE Fo r ove r 1 50 years, Woodard products have been han dcraf ted and as s e mbled rig ht here in the US A . The pride, the labor an d n um ber o f h and s that touch each piece are rarely seen by the outside. Fro m fo rmi ng, weldin g , san din g , pain tin g , f in ishin g , sew in g , quality co ntrol, careful packin g an d shippin g , the m en an d wom en of Wo o d ard’s fact ory floor han dcraft each piece of iron an d alum in um furni ture . A n d they do it w ith the atten tion to detail an d th e rugged durability that our custom ers have com e to expect. We d i d it that way then , an d we do it that way n ow.


ANDOVER ALUMINUM CUSHION, SLING & PADDED SLING Manufac tured in ex truded aluminum with a striking “ X " de tail throughout , this collec tion comes ready with outdoor cushions in your choice of all-weather fabrics and f rames in numerous f inishes . with multiple dining and seating options including a relaxing recliner and t wo sofas .

51045 Recliner

510405 Rocking Dining Arm Chair

510477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

510677 Large Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

510486 Ottoman

510420 Sofa

W 32.50" D 38.50" H 40" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25"

W 27.25" D 32" H 38.50" SEAT H 19" ARM H 25.75"

W 29.50" D 34" H 35" SEAT H 21" ARM H 22.75"

W 31.50" D 35.25" H 37.75" SEAT H 21" ARM H 22.75"

W 25" D 26" H 12.5" SEAT H 20"

W 77" D 34.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 21" ARM H 23"

510401 Dining Arm Chair

510472 Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

510406 Lounge Chair

510473 Gliding Love Seat

51M470 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

510464 Crescent Sofa

W 26.50" D 31.50" H 37.50" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 25.75"

W 26.50" D 31.5a0" H 37" SEAT H 20" ARM H 25.75"

W 29" D 34.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 21" ARM H 23"

W 53" D 34.75"D H 36.50" SEAT H 21" ARM H 23.50"

W 31" D 84" H 21.75" SEAT H 19" ARM H 21.75"

W 106" D 43.50" H 32.50" SEAT H 20" ARM H 23"

510465 Rocking Lounge Chair

510419 Love Seat

510463 Crescent Love Seat

W 30.25 D 34.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 21" ARM H 23.50"

W 5 3.25" D 33.25" H 35" SEAT H 21.50" ARM H 23.50"

W 74.50" D 37.25" H 32.25" SEAT H 20" ARM H 23"

3Q0472 Sling Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

3Q0466 High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

3Q0572 Padded Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

3Q0566 Padded High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

W 26.50" D 29.25" H 35.75" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25"

W 26.50" D 30.50" H 42.25" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25"

3Q0401 Sling Dining Arm Chair

3Q0425 High-Back Dining Arm Chair

3Q0501 Padded Sling Dining Arm Chair

3Q0525 Padded High-Back Dining Arm Chair

W 26.50" D 29.25" H 35.75" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25"

W 26.50" D 30.50" H 42" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25"

3Q0470 Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge 3Q0570 Padded Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge W 27" D 74.75" H 22.75" SEAT H 14.30" ARM H 22.50"


APOLLO ALUMINUM Orga n i c c u r v e s g i v e t h e A p o l l o C o l l e c t i o n i t s distinc tive personalit y. This cast aluminum collec tion features a beautiful design on the table tops which c a rri e s o v e r o n to t h e b a c k s o f t h e s t a n da rd s ea t i n g and dining, both of which of contain motion pieces .

7U0417 Dining Arm Chair W 23.38" D 23.50" H 36" SEAT H 16.50" ARM H 25.50"

7U0417ST Dining Arm Chair with Optional Cushions W 23.38" D 23.50" H 36" SEAT H 16.50" ARM H 25.50"

7U0472 Swivel Dining Arm Chair

7U0406 Lounge Chair

7U0477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

7U0419 Love Seat

7U0472ST with Optional Cushions

W 27.50" D 33.50" H 36" SEAT H 19" ARM H 24.50"

W 27.50" D 33.25" H 36" SEAT H 19" ARM H 24.25"

W 51.50" D 33.25" H 36" SEAT H 19" ARM H 24.50"

W 23.38" D 25" H 36" SEAT H 16.50" ARM H 25.50"

7U0470 Chaise Lounge

7U0486 Ottoman

7U0420 Sofa

7U24BT End Table

7U54BT Coffee Table

7U48BT Round Umbrella Dining Table

W 30.50" D 82.50" H 21.75" SEAT H 18" ARM H 21.75"

W 27.50" D 26" H 15.5" SEAT H 21"

W 75.50" D 33.25" H 36" SEAT H 19" ARM H 24.50"

W 24" H 17"

W 36" H 19"

W 48" H 28.75"

7U84BT Oval Umbrella Dining Table W 84" D 48" H 28.75"


ARUBA WOVEN G e t away f ro m i t a l l w i t h t h e i s la n d - i n sp i re d A r u b a c o l l e c t i o n . G o rg e o u s a l l -w ea t h e r w i c k e r Wi t h t i m e l e s s tea k w o o d c rea te s t h e u l t i ma te l u xu r y s e tt i n g . E a c h su m p tu o u s p i e c e o f f u rn i tu re i s c ra f t e d w i t h re la x a t i o n i n m i n d . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n a maz o n ma h o ga ny a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S530011 Lounge Chair

S530005 Ottoman

S530021 Love Seat

S530031 Sofa

S530041 Chaise Lounge

S530201 End Table with Teak Top

W 36" D 37" H 32" SEAT H 17" ARM H 22.50"

W 26" D 20" H 17" SEAT H 16"

W 62" D 37" H 32" SEAT H 17" ARM H 22.50"

W 88" D 37" H 32" SEAT H 17" ARM H 22.50"

W 36" D 71" H 32" SEAT H 17" ARM H 22.50"

W 24" D 24" H 22"


S530211 Coffee Table with Teak Top

S530921 Reticulated Cube

W 36" D 36" H 16"

W 18.25" D 18.25" H 19.50" SEAT H 19.50"


A U G U S TA WOVEN S t ra i g h t l i n e s , s l i g h t c u r v e s a n d c ri sp f a b ri c s d e f i n e t h e u p - to - d a te A u g u s t a C o l l e c t i o n . Wo v e n i n w ea t h e r- re s i s t a n t ma te ri a l , f ro m t h e s e c t i o na l to t h e d i n i n g c ha i r s , Au g u s t a a i m s to p l eas e . w i t h a f i n i s h e d f e e l a n d m o d e rn a e s t h e t i c , t h i s o u td o o r c o l l e c t i o n i s e v e r y t h i n g y o u wa n t a n d n o t h i n g y o u d o n’ t . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n a g e d tea k a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S592511 Dining Arm Chair

S592011 Lounge Chair

S592005 Ottoman

S592021 Love Seat

S592021R RAF Love Seat Sectional

S592041R RAF Love Chaise Sectional

W 27" D 28" H 35.50" SEAT H 21" ARM H 26"

W 37" D 38.20" H 32.70" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.50"

W 39" D 23.20" H 20" SEAT H 19"

W 67.70" D 38.20" H 32.70" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.50"

S592021L LAF Love Seat Sectional

S592041L LAF Love Chaise Sectional

W 63" D 38.20" H 32.70" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.50"

W 34.60" D 74.40" H 32.70" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.50"

S592051 Corner Sectional Unit

S592031 Sofa

S592001 Armless Sectional Unit

S592211 Woven Coffee Table

S592704 Woven Round Umbrella Table

S592201 Woven End Table

W 38.60" D 38.20" H 32.70" SEAT H 19"

W 99" D 38.20" H 32.70" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.50"

W 9.90" D 38.20" H 32.70" SEAT H 19"

W 50" D 30" H 19"

W 54" H 29"

W 24" D 24" H 23.50"


AV O N D A L E ALUMINUM CUSHION, SLING & PADDED SLING Av o n da l e i s a c as t a l u m i n u m c o l l e c t i o n comprised both of cushion and sling pieces t ha t i s e l e ga n t a n d l u xu r i o u s w i t h i n t ri c a te d e t a i l a n d t h e c ra f t sma n s h i p a n d c o m f o r t t ha t i s s y n o ny m o u s w i t h Wo o d a rd .

1K0406 Lounge Chair

1K0477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

1K0486 Ottoman

1K0419 Love Seat

1K0420 Sofa

1H0426 Sling Dining Arm Chair

W 28.50" D 35.25" H 35" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 24.25"

W 28.50" D 35" H 35" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 24.25"

W 25.25" D 25.25" H 12.75" SEAT H 20.25"

W 52.75" D 35.25" H 35" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 24.25"

W 76.25" D 35.25" H 35" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 24.25"

1H0526 Padded Sling Dining Arm Chair W 26.75" D 33" H 41.50" SEAT H 17.25" ARM H 25.75"

1H0488 Sling Swivel Dining Arm Chair 1H0588 Padded Sling Swivel Dining Arm Chair W 26.75" D 33" H 41.50" SEAT H 17.25" ARM H 25.75"


BELDEN ALUMINUM CUSHION Wi t h t h i c k , c u r l e d a rm s a n d a l l -w ea t h e r f a b ri c s , y o u w i l l g e t wra p p e d u p i n B e l d e n . C h o o s e f ro m n u m e ro u s f i n i s h a n d f a b r i c o p t i o n s a n d a w i d e a rray o f o u td o o r f u rn i tu re p i e c e s . S o, w h e t h e r y o u e n j o y s w i v e l i n g o n b a r s to o l s o r re la x i n g p o o l s i d e o n a c ha i s e , t h e B e l d e n C o l l e c t i o n has s o m e t h i n g c o m f o r t a b l e f o r e v e r y o n e .

690401M Dining Arm Chair

690472M Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

690406M Lounge Chair

690477M Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

690677M Big Man's Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

W 26.25" D 33.50" H 35.50" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25"

W 26.25" D 33" H 35.50" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25"

W 28" D 34.50" H 34.25" SEAT H 21" ARM H 26"

W 28.25" D 35.50" H 35.50" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25.50"

690486M Ottoman

690470M Adjustable Chaise Lounge

690435M Recliner

690420M Sofa

690464M Crescent Sofa

W 27.75" D 23.40" H 15" SEAT H 18.50"

W 28" D 76.50" H 24.50" SEAT H 19" ARM H 21.50"

W 30.75" D 38" H 40.75" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 25.50"

W 76" D 34.50" H 33.50" SEAT H 19" ARM H 26"

W 105" D 49" H 33.50" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 25.75"

690419M Love Seat

690463M Crescent Love Seat

W 52" D 34.50" H 33.50" SEAT H 19" ARM H 26"

W 75.75" D 41" H 33.50" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 25.75"

W 30.25" D 36.50" H 39.25" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25.50"

690468M Swivel Bar Stool W 26.25" D 31.50" H 47.50" SEAT H 34" ARM H 38.25"


BELDEN ALUMINUM SLING AND PADDED SLING Wi t h t h i c k , c u r l e d a rm s a n d a l l -w ea t h e r f a b ri c s , y o u w i l l g e t wra p p e d u p i n B e l d e n . C h o o s e f ro m n u m e ro u s f i n i s h a n d s l i n g o p t i o n s a n d a w i d e a rray o f o u td o o r f u rn i tu re p i e c e s . S o, w h e t h e r y o u e n j o y s w i v e l i n g o n b a r s to o l s o r re la x i n g p o o l s i d e o n a c ha i s e , t h e B e l d e n c o l l e c t i o n has s o m e t h i n g c o m f o r t a b l e f o r e v e r y o n e .

62H401 Sling Dining Arm Chair

62H425 Sling High-Back Dining Arm Chair

620472 Sling Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

620466 Sling High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

62H435 Sling Adjustable Lounge Chair

62H469 Sling Swivel Counter Stool

62H501 Padded Sling Dining Arm Chair

62H525 Padded Sling High-Back Dining Arm Chair

620572 Padded Sling Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

620566 Padded Sling High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

62H535 Padded Sling Adjustable Lounge Chair

62H569 Padded Sling Swivel Counter Stool

W 25.25" D 30.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25.25"

W 25.25" D 31.60" H 42.50" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25.25"

W 25.25" D 30.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25.25"

W 25.25" D 31.60" H 43.10" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25.25"

W 26" D 50.50" H 24" SEAT H 15" ARM H 23.25"

W 25.25" D 30.75" H 42.50" SEAT H 24.75" ARM H 32.50"

62H468 Sling Swivel Bar Stool

62H473 Sling Love Seat Glider

62H486 Sling Ottoman

62H470 Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge

62H568 Padded Sling Swivel Bar Stool

62H573 Padded Sling Love Seat Glider

62H586 Padded Sling Ottoman

W 25.25" D 30.75" H 47.50" SEAT H 29.75" ARM H 37.50"

W 46" D 33" H 36.25" SEAT H 18" ARM H 25.25"

W 25.75" D 22.50" H 15" SEAT H 15"

62H570 Padded Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge W 26" D 75" H 24" SEAT H 15" ARM H 23"


B R I A RW O O D IRON D o wn to t h e v e r y las t d e t a i l , Bria r w o o d i s s i m p l y e x q u i s i te . C o m b i n i n g i n t ri c a te s c ro l l i n g i ro nw o r k w i t h c o m f o r t a b l e , w e l l - ma d e d e s i g n , t h i s c ro w d - p l eas i n g c o l l e c t i o n w i l l s t i c k a ro u n d l o n g a f te r y o u r g u e s t s g o h o m e . w i t h a w i d e a rray o f f u rn i tu re o p t i o n s , y o u c a n c h o o s e to o u tf i t o n e c o rn e r o f y o u r p o rc h o r f u rn i s h t h e e n t i re p a t i o . Bria r w o o d i s a n d w i l l a l way s b e a t r u l y c l as s i c i ro n d e s i g n .

400001 High-Back Dining Arm Chair

400002 High-Back Dining Side Chair

400006 High-Back Lounge Chair

400088 Coil Spring Barrel Chair

400010 Barrel Dining Chair

400388 Swivel Bar Stool

400001ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400002ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400006ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400088ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400010ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400388ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400001SB with Optional Seat/Back Cushion

400002SB with Optional Seat/Back Cushion

400006SB with Optional Seat/Back Cushion

400088SB with Optional Seat/Back Cushion

400010SB with Optional Seat/Back Cushion

400388SB with Optional Seat/Back Cushion

W 24" D 25.50" H 36" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25.25"

W 18" D 26.50" H 35.50" SEAT H 17.50 "

W 27" D 27" H 36" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.50"

W 26.40" D 27.50" H 30.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 27.50"

W 27" D 30.50" H 31" SEAT H 17" ARM H 27"

W 24" D 24.50" H 49.70" SEAT H 30.25" ARM H 37.75"

400018 High-Back Spring Base Chair

400066 High-Back Coil Spring Chair

400072 High-Back Swivel Rocker

400004 Barrel Love Seat

400019 High-Back Love Seat

400073 High-Back Gliding Love Seat

400001ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400066ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400072ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400004ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400019ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400073ST with Optional Seat Cushion

400001SB with Optional Seat/Back Cushion

400066ST with Optional Seat/Back Cushion

400072SB with Optional Seat/Back Cushion

W 44" D 27.50" H30" SEAT H 17" ARM H 28"

W 45" D 26.50" H 36" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.75"

W 45" D 30.50" H 36.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.25"

W 27" D 27" H 38.90" SEAT H 17.40" ARM H 25"

W 27" D 24" H 38" SEAT H 16.75" ARM H 25.50"

W 27.25" D 26.50" H 35.25" SEAT H 16.40" ARM H 27"

400070 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

400086 Ottoman

400077 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

400179 Swing

STB179 Briarwood Swing Stand

400070SB with Optional Cushion

W 20" D 18" H 17" SEAT H 17"

W 31.50" D 33" H 41" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24.25"

400179ST with Optional Cushion

W 76" D 49" H 67"

W 32" D 72.50" H 24.75" SEAT H 15.50" ARM H 24.75"

W 44.75" D 24.75" H 23.50"


CAFÉ SERIES IRON A sma l l s e l e c t o f f e r i n g o f d i n i n g a n d b a r s to o l s Wi t h t a b l e s d e s i g n e d to ma k e y o u r o u td o o r sp a c e b e i n s t y l e . B e i t j u s t a sma l l b rea k f as t n o o k o f f t h e k i tc h e n o r a s i d e wa l k b i s t ro, o u r C a f é s e ri e s w i l l ma k e y o u r a rea a s t a n d o u t . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s o n l y ava i l a b l e i n te x tu re d b l a c k .

7R0021.92 Albion Dining Arm Chair - Stackable

7R0022.92 Metro Dining Side Chair - Stackable

7R0081.92 Metro Stationary Bar Stool

110002.92 Metro Dining Side Chair - Stackable

110081.92M Metro Stationary Bar Stool

280134N.92 Textured Black 30" Round Dining Table

W 21.50" D 18.50" H 35.75" SEAT H 17" ARM H 24.50"

W 20.50" D 18.50" H 35.80" SEAT H 17"

W 20.50" D 26" H 45" SEAT H 29.25"

W 21.80" D 21" H 29.25" SEAT H 16"

W 21.80" D 23.50" H 43.75" SEAT H 30.30"

W 30" H 29"

280029N.92 Textured Black 36" Square Umbrella Table

280137N.92 Textured Black 48" Round Umbrella Table

W 36.50" D 36.50" H 29"

W 48" H 29"


CANE ALUMINUM R e m i n i s c e n t o f t ra d i t i o na l ra tt a n f u rn i tu re , t h e C a n e C o l l e c t i o n c o n s t r u c te d o f e x t r u d e d a l u m i n u m a n d a d u ra b l e p o w d e r c o a te d f i n i s h , g i v e s y o u t h e l o o k w i t h o u t t h e c a re . C h o o s e f ro m a n e n d l e s s su p p l y o f f a b ri c o p t i o n s to g i v e t h i s t ra d i t i o na l s t y l e a n u p d a te d l o o k .

T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n c a n e a n d p ri s t i n e w h i te a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S650510 Dining Arm Chair

S650511 Dining Side Chair

S650011 Lounge Chair

S650015 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

S650031 Sofa

S650021 Love Seat

W 21.31" D 24.88" H 36.25" SEAT H 19" ARM H 24.50"

W 19.50" D 24.88" H 36.25" SEAT H 19"

W 28" D 32" H 31.50" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24"

W 28" D 32" H 31.50" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24"

W 79.75" D 32" H 31.50" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24"

W 53.75" D 32" H 31.50" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24"

S650005 Ottoman

S650703 Rectangular Slatted Top Dining Table

S650213 Coffee Table with Slatted Top

S650203 End Table with Slatted Top

W 27.75" D 26" H 17.50" SEAT H 18"

L 72" D 40.75" H 30"

L 42" D 22.50" H 18"

W 19.25" D 19.25" H 21.75"


CAPE WOVEN En j o y t h e c o m f o r t o f c u s h i o n e d f u rn i tu re w i t h o u t t h e w o rr y. T h e C a p e C o l l e c t i o n g i v e s y o u t h e c o m f o r t o f c u s h i o n s w i t h o u t t h e ma i n te na n c e . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n c ha rc o a l g ray a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S508501 Cape Dining Arm Chair

S508601 Cape Large Lounge Chair

S508602 Cape Lounge Chair

S508605 Cape Ottoman

S508702 Cape Round Umbrella Table

W 24" D 24" H 32" SEAT H 17" ARM H 24"

W 28" D 36.94" H 43.13" SEAT H 18" ARM H 23.38"

W 26" D 36.94" H 43.13" SEAT H 18" ARM H 23.38"

W 24"W D 25" H 17.50" SEAT H 16"

W 48" H 29"


C A RV E R WOVEN C o n s t r u c te d o f p o w d e r c o a te d a l u m i n u m f ra m e s a n d a b r i g h t o p e n w eav e , C a r v e r w i l l o f f e r y o u c o m f o r t a n d s t y l e f o r y ea r s to c o m e . P i c k y o u r f a b ri c f ro m o u r vas t as s o r t m e n t a n d C a r v e r w i l l b e y o u r c h o i c e o f a n o u td o o r c o l l e c t i o n f o r y ea r s to c o m e . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n s to rm w eav e a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S675011 Lounge Chair

S675015 Swivel Lounge Chair

S675021 Love Seat

W 29.25" D 31.25" H 29.38" SEAT H 19" ARM H 29.38"

W 29.88" D 31.25" H 30.13" SEAT H 20" ARM H 30.13"

W 55.25" D 31.25" H 29.38" SEAT H 19" ARM H 29.38"


CASA ALUMINUM T h e C as a C o l l e c t i o n b y Wo o d a rd i s d e s i g n e d f o r a l f re s c o e n te r t a i n i n g . E l e ga n t l y s t y l e d a n d e x q u i s i te l y c ra f te d , t h e c as t a l u m i n u m f u rn i tu re i s su rp r i s i n g l y l i g h t w e i g h t a n d e x t ra o rd i na r i l y d u ra b l e . T h e la rg e o va l d i n i n g t a b l e c o m f o r t a b l y s ea t s as ma ny as te n e n c o u ra g i n g f ri e n d s a n d f a m i l y a l i k e to re l a x a n d ma k e t h e m s e l v e s a t h o m e . A n d w h e n t h e p a r t y ’s o v e r a n d t h e las t s g u e s t s hav e s a i d t h e i r g o o d b y e s , t h e d i n i n g c ha i r s s t a c k away f o r eas y s to ra g e .

3Y0401 Dining Arm Chair - Stackable W 23" D 25" H 36.25" SEAT H 16.75" ARM H 25"

3Y0401ST Dining Arm Chair with Optional Cushions W 23" D 25" H 36.25" SEAT H 19.25" ARM H 25"

3Y0472 Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

3Y0406 Lounge Chair

3Y0477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

3Y0486 Ottoman

3Y0472ST with Optional Cushion

W 29.5" D 34" H 35.75" SEAT H 21" ARM H 24.25"

W 29.5" D 34" H 35.75" SEAT H 21" ARM H 24.25"

W 26.50" D 32" H 15" SEAT H 20"

W 23" D 25" H 36.25" SEAT H 16.75" ARM H 25"

3Y0404 Bench - Stackable

3Y0419 Love Seat

3Y0420 Sofa

3Y0669 Round Swivel Counter Stool

3Y0668 Round Swivel Bar Stool

3Y48BT Round Umbrella Table

3Y0404ST with Optional Cushion

W 53.25" D 35.50" H 35.25" SEAT H 21" ARM H 24.25"

W 77.75" D 35.50" H 35.25" SEAT H 21" ARM H 24.25"

3Y0669ST with Optional Seat Pad

3Y0668ST with Optional Seat Pad

W 48" H 29"

W 15" D 15" H 25.50" SEAT H 25.50"

W 15" D 15" H 28.50" SEAT H 28.50"

W 44.50" D 25.50" H 36.75" SEAT H 16.75" ARM H 24.25"

3Y22BT Round End Table

3Y45BT Oval Coffee Table

3Y0777 Oval Dining Table

3Y0747FP Round Chat Height Fire Table

W 22" H 22"

W 24" D 44" H 19"

W 98.50" D 70" H 28.75"

W 48" H 25"


C AY M A N I S L E ALUMINUM CUSHION, SLING & PADDED SLING R e l a x a n d d i n e w i t h C ay ma n Is l e . T h i s l o u n g e -w o r t hy, a l u m i n u m c o l l e c t i o n c o m e s i n ma ny f o rm s f ro m h i g h- b a c k d i n i n g c ha i r s to g l i d i n g s o f as , l o v e s ea t s a n d m o re . N o ma tte r w ha t y o u d o o u td o o r s , y o u w i l l b e d o i n g i t e f f o r t l e s s l y i n t h e C ay ma n Is l e C o l l e c t i o n .

2EM466 Swivel Rocking Dining Chair

2EM488 High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Chair

2EM477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

2EM474 Gliding Sofa

2EM420 Sofa

2EM470 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

2EM425 Dining Arm Chair

W 25" D 32.50" H 44.50" SEAT H 21" ARM H 24 "

W 29" D 36" H 38.50" SEAT H 21.50" ARM H 24"

W 65" D 33" H 35" SEAT H 21.50" ARM H 24"

W 77" D 35.50" H 36" SEAT H 21.50" ARM H 24.50"

W 27" D 77.50" H 21" SEAT H 18" ARM H 21"

2EM473 Gliding Love Seat

2EM419 Love Seat

W 43" D 33" H 35" SEAT H 21.50" ARM H 24"

W 53" D 35.50" H 36" SEAT H 21.50" ARM H 24.50"

W 25" D 31" H 37.25" SEAT H 21" ARM H 23"

2EM486 Ottoman

2FH401 Sling Dining Arm Chair

2FH426 Sling High-Back Dining Arm Chair

2FX472 Sling Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

2FH435 Sling Adjustable Lounge Chair

2FX478 Sling Glider

W 24.75" D 23" H 15.75" SEAT H 20.50"

2FH501 Padded Sling Dining Arm Chair

2FH526 Padded Sling High-Back Dining Arm Chair

2FX572 Padded Sling Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

2FH535 Padded Adjustable Lounge Chair

2FX578 Padded Sling Glider

W 26" D 29.50" H 35" SEAT H 17.25" ARM H 24.50"

W 26.10" D 31.50" H 41.25" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 24.50"

W 26.10" D 30" H 35.75" SEAT H 17.90" ARM H 24.25"

W 27" D 46" H 21" SEAT H 15" ARM H 24"

W 26" D 30.50" H 35" SEAT H 17.90" ARM H 24.50"

2FH468 Sling Swivel Bar Stool

2FH469 Sling Swivel Counter Stool

2FX473 Sling Love Seat Glider

2FX488 Sling High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

2FH470 Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge

2FH486 Sling Ottoman

2FH568 Padded Sling Bar Stool

2FH569 Padded Sling Swivel Counter Stool

2FX573 Padded Sling Love Seat Glider

2FX588 Padded Sling High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

2FH570 Padded Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge

2FH586 Padded Sling Ottoman

W 26" D 30" H 48.75" SEAT H 29.75" ARM H 37"

W 26" D 30" H 43.75" SEAT H 24.75" ARM H 32"

W 46.75" D 29.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25"

W 26.10" D 31.10" H 42.10" SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 25.50"

W 26.75" D 75" H 21" SEAT H 15" ARM H 22.50"

W 24.75" D 24" H 16" SEAT H 16" 45

C O L FA X ALUMINUM Ha r k e n i n g b a c k to a m o re re l a x e d t i m e , t h e C o l f a x C o l l e c t i o n re m i n d s o f u s s i tt i n g o n t h e f ro n t l awn , s i p p i n g tea a n d c ha tt i n g w i t h n e i g h b o r s . C o n s t r u c te d o f e x t r u d e d a l u m i n u m a n d o f f e re d i n a w i d e a rray o f f i n i s h e s .

7K0478 Single Glider

7K0406 Lounge Chair

7K0479 Love Seat Swing

7K0404 Bench

7K0465 Spring Lounge Chair

7K0473 Love Seat Glider

7K0478SB with Optional Cushion

7K0406SB with Optional Cushion

7K0479SB with Optional Cushion

7K0404SB with Optional Cushion

7K0465SB with Optional Cushion

7K0473SB with Optional Cushion

W 28.50" D 31.25" H 33" SEAT H 16" ARM H 24.50"

W 28.50" D 31" H 33.25" SEAT H 15.25" ARM H 24.25"

W 64.50" D 30.75" H 23.75" SEAT H 8" ARM H 15"

W 47" D 28.50" H 35.50" SEAT H 18" ARM H 25.25"

W 28.50" D 31.25" H 33.50" SEAT H 15.25" ARM H 24.25"

W 52.50" D 31.75" H 33" SEAT H 16" ARM H 24.50"


C O N S TA N T I N E IRON Wi t h m e s h b a c k s a n d s ea t s a n d su b t l y c u r v e d l e gs , C o n s t a n t i n e i s a l way s i n s t y l e . Mu l t i p l e d i n i n g o p t i o n s c a n b e c u s to m i z e d w i t h s e v e ra l s tu n n i n g f i n i s h e s a n d ava i l a b l e w i t h o r w i t h o u t c u s h i o n s .

130001 Dining Arm Chair - Stackable

130009 Dining Arm Chair

130066 Coil Spring Dining Chair

130068 Swivel Bar Stool

130001ST with Optional Cushion

130009ST with Optional Cushion

130066ST with Optional Cushion

130068ST with Optional Cushion

W 23.20" D 23" H 33.50" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25.75"

W 23.25" D 23" H 33" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25.75"

W 23.25" D 24.25" H 33.50" SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 25.75"

W 21" D 22.75" H 45.75" SEAT H 30.75" ARM H 38.50"


COOPER WOVEN A w i d e w eav e g i v e s t h e a p p ea ra n c e o f l ea t h e r w h i l e f f e ri n g t h e a l l -w ea t h e r p ro te c t i o n t ha t o u r w o v e n f u rn i tu re i s k n o wn f o r. Fro m s e c t i o na l s ea t i n g to s t a n d a rd s ea t i n g , m i x i n o u r s o l i d to p t a b l e s to c rea te t h e wa rm a m b ia n c e y o u r o u td o o r sp a c e d e s e r v e s . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n a maz o n ma h o ga ny w eav e a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S640011 Lounge Chair

S640015 Swivel Lounge Chair

S640021 Love Seat

S640031 Sofa

S640031L LAF Love Seat Sectional Unit

S640031R RAF Love Seat Sectional Unit

W 36" D 35.25" H 35.25" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 36" D 35.25" H 35" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 63" D 35.25" H 35" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 89" D 35.25" H 35" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 57.38" D 35" H 35" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 57.38" D 35" H 35" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25

S640001 Armless Sectional Unit

S640051 Corner Sectional Unit

S640005 Ottoman

S640211 Rectangular Coffee Table

S640201 End Table

W 26" D 35" H 35" SEAT H 18"

W 34.63" D 35" H 35" SEAT H 18"

W 36.75" D 26" H 18.50" SEAT H 18"

W 48" D 22" H 16"

W 20" D 18" H 21"


C O RT L A N D ALUMINUM CUSHION Comfor table and sophisticated, Cor tland takes the outdoors s e r i o u s l y. C o n s t r u c te d w i t h b eau t y a n d l o n g e v i t y i n m i n d , C o r t la n d c o m b i n e s su p e r b d e s i g n , s ea m l e s s w e l d i n g a n d b r i l l i a n t c ra f t sma n s h i p . w i t h t i m e l e s s d e t a i l s a n d a r u s t - p ro o f , a l u m i n u m f ra m e , t h i s c o l l e c t i o n f ea tu re s a va r i e t y o f s ea t i n g a n d d i n i n g o p t i o n s to su i t y o u r n e e d s .

4ZM426 High-Back Dining Arm Chair

4ZM488 High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

W 25.50" D 35.75" H 44.25" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 26"

W 25.50" D 32.75" H 43.75" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 26"

4Z0406 Lounge Chair

4Z0465 Spring Lounge Chair

W 28" D 37" H 35.75" SEAT H 19.75" ARM H 23.25"

W 27.75" D 33.60" H 37.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24.25"

4Z0677 Big Man's Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair W 29.50" D 36" H 40.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24.75"

4Z0435 Recliner W 30.50" D 39" H 41.75" SEAT H 21.75" ARM H 23.75"

4Z0477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair W 27.40" D 34.75" H 37.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24.75"

4Z0469 Swivel Counter Stool

4Z0468 Swivel Bar Stool

4Z0419 Love Seat

4Z0464 Crescent Sofa

4Z0485 Recliner Sofa

4Z0486 Ottoman

W 24.80" D 29" H 47" SEAT H 28.25" ARM H 31.25"

W 24.50" D 29" H 53.50" SEAT H 33.25" ARM H 38.50"

W 51.50" D 35" H 35.50" SEAT H 19.75" ARM H 23.25"

W 108.50" D 47" H 36" SEAT H 20.75" ARM H 23.25"

W 84.75" D 38" H 42.50" SEAT H 20.75" ARM H 23.25"

W 26.90" D 26.10" H 14.75" SEAT H 18.50"

4Z0420 Sofa

4Z0463 Crescent Love Seat

W 75.50" D 35" H 35.50" SEAT H 19.75" ARM H 23.25"

W 75" D 39.50" H 35.50" SEAT H 20.75" ARM H 23.25"

4Z049L LAF Sectional End Unit

4Z0462 Armless Sectional Unit

4Z0458 Curved Sectional Unit

4ZM470 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

4Z0479 Sofa Swing

4Z0494 Crescent Bench

W 26" D 36.50" H 37" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 23.75"

W 24" D 36.50" H 37"

W 54.50" D 37" H 37"

W 27.60" D 78" H 23.70" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 23.50"

W 87" D 35.25" H 30"

4Z0494ST with Optional Cushion

4Z049R RAF Sectional End Unit

W 56.50" D 30.25" H 36.75" SEAT H 20.25" ARM H 26"

W 26" D 36.50" H 37" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 23.75" 53

C O RT L A N D ALUMINUM SLING AND PADDED SLING Comfor table and sophisticated, Cor tland takes the outdoors s e r i o u s l y. C o n s t r u c te d w i t h b eau t y a n d l o n g e v i t y i n m i n d , C o r t la n d c o m b i n e s su p e r b d e s i g n , s ea m l e s s w e l d i n g a n d b r i l l i a n t c ra f t sma n s h i p . w i t h t i m e l e s s d e t a i l s a n d a r u s t - p ro o f , a l u m i n u m f ra m e , t h i s c o l l e c t i o n f ea tu re s a va r i e t y o f s ea t i n g a n d d i n i n g o p t i o n s to su i t y o u r n e e d s .

42H401 Sling Dining Arm Chair

42H426 Sling High-Back Dining Arm Chair

42H501 Padded Dining Arm Chair

42H526 Padded High-Back Dining Arm Chair

W 25.25" D 30.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25"

W 25.30" D 33.30" H 41" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25"

420488 Sling High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair 420588 Padded High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

420472 Sling Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

420469 Sling Swivel Counter Stool

420468 Sling Swivel Bar Stool

420572 Padded Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

420569 Padded Swivel Counter Stool

420568 Padded Swivel Bar Stooll

W 25.25" D 30.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25"

W 25" D 30.50" H 42.75" SEAT H 25" ARM H 31.25"

W 25" D 30.50" H 47.25" SEAT H 30" ARM H 37.25"

W 25.25" D 32" H 41" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25"

420481 Sling Bar Stool

42H435 Sling Adjustable Lounge Chair

42H486 Sling Ottoman

42H470 Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge

420473 Sling Gliding Love Seat

420581 Padded Bar Stool

42H535 Padded Sling Adjustable Lounge Chair

42H586 Padded Ottoman

42H570 Padded Adjustable Chaise Lounge

420A573 Padded Gliding Love Seat

W 25" D 30.50" H 47.25" SEAT H 29" ARM H 37.25"

W 26" D 50" H 24" SEAT H 15" ARM H 23.75"

W 25.50" D 22.50" H 15"

W 26" D 75" H 24" SEAT H 15" ARM H 23.80"

W 46" D 30" H 35.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25"


D AY T O N A ALUMINUM E x c l u s i v e re s o r t a c c o m m o da t i o n s a re n o w ava i l a b l e j u s t o u t s i d e y o u r b a c k d o o r. T h e D ay to na C o l l e c t i o n o f f e r s e l e ga n t m o d e rn a l u m i n u m d i n i n g o r l o u n g i n g t ha t w i l l ma k e s i tt i n g p o o l s i d e y o u r f av o r i te p la c e .

6P0012 Slat Side Chair - Stackable W 21" D 23.75" H 33.25" SEAT H 17.50"

120417 Sling Dining Arm Chair - Stackable

120470 Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge - Stackable

120517 Padded Sling Dining Arm Chair

120570 Padded Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge

W 25" D 28" H 32" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.25"

W 79.75" D 29" H 12.50" SEAT H 12.50"


DELPHI ALUMINUM D e s i g n e d w i t h d e t a i l i n m i n d , D e l p h i m i x e s s c u l p tu ra l l i n e s a n d h i g h d e s i g n . B o t h t h e s tu n n i n g s i g na tu re circle emblem and basket-weave seat shine in your c h o i c e o f ri c h a l u m i n u m f i n i s h e s . A d d c u s h i o n s i n a n e n d l e s s o f f e r i n g o f f a b ri c s f o r a d d e d re la x a t i o n a n d e n j o y t h e d i n i n g a n d s ea t i n g o p t i o n s ava i la b l e i n t h i s ma g n i f i c e n t c o l l e c t i o n .

850410 Dining Arm Chair W 23" D 18.60" H 33.25" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25"

850401 Dining Arm Chair with Optional Cushions W 23" D 18.60" H 33.25" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25"

850412 Dining Side Chair

850606 Lounge Chair

850677 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

850620 Sofa

850402 with Optional Cushions

W 27.25" D 31.75" H 33" SEAT H 19" ARM H 22.50"

W 27.25" D 31" H 33.50" SEAT H 19" ARM H 22.50"

W 80" D 32.75" H 33.25" SEAT H 19" ARM H 22.50"

W 21.25" D 18.60" H 33.25" SEAT H 17.50"

850619 Love Seat

850470 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

850486 Ottoman

W 55" D 32.75" H 33.25" SEAT H 19" ARM H 22.50"

W 32" D 76" H 22.75" SEAT H 19.75" ARM H 22.75"

W 27" D 27" H 13" SEAT H 18"


DERBY IRON C ra f t s m a n s h i p a n d c o m f o r t a r e k i n g w i t h t h i s r i c h l y a p p o i n t e d C o l l e c t i o n . B e a u t i f u l l y w ra p p e d a n d gathere d iron give s a bow e f f e c t , while de ep cushions are suppor ted with generously cur ved backs. C u s t o m i z e w i t h a l l -w e a t h e r f a b r i c s a n d f i n i s h e s and choose from multiple seating options. W i t h D e r b y, y o u ’ l l f e e l l i k e y o u ’ v e w o n t h e r a c e .

4T0106 Lounge Chair

4T0265 Spring Lounge Chair

4T0077 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

4T0063 Crescent Love Seat

4T0064 Crescent Sofa

4T0086 Ottoman

W 34.75" D 37.50" H 38.25" SEAT H 20" ARM H 25"

W 34.75" D 37" H 39" SEAT H 20" ARM H 25"

W 35.50" D 34.75" H 41.25" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25"

W 73.75" D 42.50" H 37.75" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25"

W 103" D 48.75" H 40.50" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25"

W 27" D 29" H 18.50" SEAT H 18"

4T0070 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

4T0179 Swing

W 33.50" D 81.75" H 26" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 26"

W 75.50" D 42.50" H 31.50"

STD179 Derby Swing Stand (Only Available in Black Finish) W 96" D 49" H 67"


E L E VA T I O N ALUMINUM C ra f t s m a n s h i p We m a y h av e p e r f e c t e d t h e “p e r f e c t o u t d o o r c h a i r " . I n s p i r e d b y t h e c l a s s i c Adirondack chair and reinterpreted by Site Li, we’ve adopted the strong angles and unmatched r e l a x i b i l i t y, a d d e d a s u p e r i o r c u s h i o n a n d c r e a t e d a n a t t a c h a b l e t ray f o r a d r i n k o r b o o k . E m b ra c e the slanted design, recline back and let your t r o u b l e s m e l t aw ay.

2S0406 Lounge Chair

2S0419 Love Seat

2S0439 End Table

2STBLTLF LHF Side Tray Table

2STBLTRF RHF Side Tray Table

W 31" D 35" H 27.5" SEAT H 18" ARM H 22"

W 55" D 35" H 27.5" SEAT H 18" ARM H 22"

W 24.50" D 23" H 16.55" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25"

W 11" D 7.50" H 2.50"

W 11" D 7.50" H 2.50"


ET CETERA VARIOUS MATERIAL S A wide selection of dining and bar chairs, chaise lounges, tables and planters that are able to stand alone or fit into your existing outdoor d é c o r. A l l Wo o d a r d w o v e n i t e m s a r e m a n u f a c t u r e d w i t h a n a l u m i n u m f ra m e , p o w d e r c o a t e d a n d t h e n w o v e i n t h e s t r o n g e s t H D P E ava i l a b l e t o d a y. Wo v e n c o l l e c t i o n s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S593801 Padded Seat Dining Arm Chair (Also Available In Mocha)

S593811 Padded Seat Dining Side Chair (Also Available In Coffee)

S533066 Padded Adjustable Chaise Lounge (Also Available In Mocha)

S593041 Serene Chaise Lounge (Also Available In Coffee)

S533061 All-Weather Stacking Adjustable Chaise Lounge (Also Available In Coffee)

S601061 Miami Stacking Adjustable Chaise Lounge (Also Available In Coffee)

W 20" D 21" H 35" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 24.25

W 20" D 21" H 35" SEAT H 17.50"

W 33" D 82" H 27" SEAT H 13" ARM H 20"

W 32" D 78" H 17" SEAT H 16"

W 36" D 82" H 19.25" SEAT H 13" ARM H 20"

W 33" D 83.88" H 19.25" SEAT H 13" ARM H 20"

S533511 Bali Small Dining Chair (Only Available In Coffee)

S601501 Miami Dining Arm Chair (Also Available In Mocha)

S601511 Miami Dining Side Chair (Also Available In Coffee)

S593085 Banquette (Also Available In Coffee)

S593201 Universal C Table (Also Available In Mocha)

S601702 Miami Rectangular Dining Table (Also Available In Coffee)

W 4.75" D 25.50" H 34" SEAT H 18" ARM H 26.35"

W 22" D 24" H 35" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25.50

W 18" D 24" H 35" SEAT H 17.50"

W 48" D 43" H 36" SEAT H 17"

W 25" D 19" H 17.50"

W 63" D 39" H 29"

S593738 All-Weather Rectangular Umbrella Dining Table with Weighted Base (Also Available In Mocha)

S593736 All-Weather Square Umbrella Dining Table with Weighted Base (Also Available In Mocha)

S593936 All-Weather Square Umbrella Bar Height Table with Weighted Base (Also Available In Coffee)

S533702 Bali Round Dining Table With Woven Top (Only Available In Coffee)

S605012 Lane Bar Stool (Only Available In Aztec)

S605013 Lane Counter Stool (Only Available In Aztec)

W 30" D 48" H 30"

W 36" D 36" H 30"

W 36" D 36" H 40"

W 48" H 29"

W 22" D 22" H 37.50" SEAT H 30"

W 22" D 22" H 34" SEAT H 26"

S593087 Padded Seat Counter Stool with Arms (Also Available In Mocha)

S593093 Padded Seat Counter Stool (Also Available In Coffee)

S593089 Padded Seat Bar Stool with Arms (Also Available In Coffee)

S593091 Padded Seat Bar Stool (Also Available In Mocha)

S570815 Rocker (Only Available In Pristine White)

W 23" D 24" H 41" SEAT H 24.50" ARM H 31"

W 22" D 24" H 41" SEAT H 24.50"

W 23" D 24" H 47" SEAT H 30" ARM H 37"

W 22" D 24" H 47" SEAT H 30"

W 26.75" D 36.25" H 41" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 26" 65

4X0009 Amelie Bistro Arm Chair - Stackable

IRON 8C0017 Delmar Arm Chair - Stackable

IRON 8C0004 Delmar Bench - Stackable

IRON 460070 Universal Adjustable Chaise Lounge

ALUMINUM 826125W Tea Cart

8C0017ST with Optional Cushion

8C0004ST with Optional Cushion

W 31.25" D 71.90" H 22.75" SEAT H 15" ARM H 23.50"

W 32" D 25" H 34"

W 23.75" D 25" H 35" SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 26.50"

W 46.25" D 24" H 34.75" SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 26.75"

IRON 380009 Parisienne Arm Chair - Pattern Metal Seat

IRON 880080 Tea Cart - Mesh Top With Removable Serving Tray

190202 Solid Top Console Table

380009ST with Optional Cushion

W 23" D 37" H 35.50"

W 22.80" D 23" H 33.80" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25"

W 17.50" D 21.50" H 33" SEAT H 17" ARM H 23.25"

W 56.25" D 17.75" H 33.25"

IRON 380010 Parisienne Side Chair - Pattern Metal Seat 380010ST with Optional Cushion W 16" D 21.50" H 33" SEAT H 17"

IRON 7F0001 Dining Arm Chair

IRON 7F0002 Bistro Side Chair

ALUMINUM 160417 Dining Arm Chair

7F0001ST with Optional Cushion

7F0002ST with Optional Cushion

160417ST with Optional Seat Cushion

W 24.25" D 26.50" H 37" SEAT H 18" ARM H 26.50"

W 20" D 26" H 35.50" SEAT H 17.50"

160417SB with Optional Seat & Back Cushion W 24.50" D 27.25" H 33.25" SEAT H 17" ARM H 23.50"

ALUMINUM 16M470 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

ALUMINUM 650786 Universal Oval Ottoman

16M470SB with Optional Seat & Back Cushion

W 45" D 37.50" H 12.50" SEAT H 20"

W 26.50" D 80" H 24.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 24.50"


FREMONT ALUMINUM CUSHION, SLING & PADDED SLING Invoke the ocean breeze as you relax with your guests. with a sturdy frame made f rom ex truded aluminum construction, and numerous finish and fabric options, F r e m o n t i s b u i l t t o l a s t a n d h e r e t o s t ay.

9U0406 Lounge Chair

9U0477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

9U0677 Big Man's Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

9U0464 Crescent Sofa

9U0420 Sofa

9U0419 Love Seat

W 28.25" D 35.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 24"

W 28.25" D 35.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 22" ARM H 25.25"

W 30" D 37.75" H 40" SEAT H 22" ARM H 25.25"

W 108" D 48" H 35" SEAT H 19" ARM H 24"

W 75.25" D 35.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 24"

W 51.50" D 35.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 24"

9U0486 Ottoman

2PH401 Sling Dining Arm Chair

2PH426 Sling High-Back Dining Arm Chair

2P0472 Sling Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

2P0435 Sling Adjustable Lounge Chair

2P0488 Sling High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

2PH501 Padded Sling Dining Arm Chair

2PH526 Padded Sling High-Back Dining Arm Chair

2P0572 Padded Sling Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

2P0535 Padded Sling Adjustable Lounge Chair

2P0588 Padded Sling High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

W 25.25" D 30.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 25"

W 25.25" D 29" H 42" SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 25"

W 25.25" D 30.75" H 35.50" SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 25.50"

W 26.25" D 50.50" H 24" SEAT H 15" ARM H 23.50"

W 25.25" D 32.20" H 41.25" SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 25.50"

2P0473 Sling Gliding Love Seat

2PH470 Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge

2P0486 Sling Ottoman

2P0573 Padded Sling Gliding Love Seat

2PH570 Padded Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge

2P0586 Padded Sling Ottoman

W 46.25" D 30" H 35.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.75"

W 26.25" D 75" H 24" SEAT H 15" ARM H 23.50"

W 28.25" D 25.75" H 15" SEAT H 18.50"

W 25.75" D 22.50" H 15" SEAT H 15"


GENIE WOVEN R e t i c u la te d f o a m , wra p p e d i n o u r w o v e n ma te r i a l g i v e s y o u a c l as s i c s t y l e , w i t h t h e s a m e comfor t of cushions. The Genie Collection offers e v e r y t h i n g y o u c o u l d w i s h f o r, a n d s o m u c h m o re . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n c ha rc o a l g ray a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S504011 Genie Curved Armless Lounge Chair W 42" D 36" H 36" SEAT H 17"

S504085 Genie Curved Backless Bench/Ottoman W 50" D 39.50" H 17.50" SEAT H 17.50"

S504031 Genie Curved Armless Sofa

S504005 Genie Ottoman/Coffee Table

S508205 C Table

S504211 Coffee Table

W 80" D 36" H 36" SEAT H 17"

W 36" D 36" H 18" SEAT H 18"

W 18" D 18" H 22"

W 44" D 22" H 18.38"

S504311 Storage Unit

S504411 Bar Island

S504435 Recliner

W 60" D 15" H 33"

W 58" D 30" H 42"

W 32" D 35.63" H 38.13" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 24"


HARPER WOVEN Fro m t h e c ha i s e l o u g e to t h e b a r s to o l , t h e Ha rp e r C o l l e c t i o n's w o v e n a e s t h e t i c p re s e n t s a u n i q u e f e e l to a ny p o o l a rea . S tu rd y, y e t s l e e k . In te n t i o na l l y e l e ga n t . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n c ha rc o a l g ray a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S508510 Harper Dining Arm Chair

S508511 Harper Dining Side Chair

S508091 Harper Backless Counter Stool

S508013 Harper Counter Stool

S508921 Reticulated Cube

S508089 Harper Backless Bar Stool

W 23.75" D 22.25" H 33" SEAT H 19.75" ARM H 25"

W 20" D 23" H 33" SEAT H 19.75"

W 20" D 21" H 24" SEAT H 24"

W 20" D 23" H 37.50" SEAT H 24"

W 18.25" D 18.25" H 19.50" SEAT H 19.50"

W 20" D 21" H 30" SEAT H 30"

S508012 Harper Bar Stool

S508011 Harper Armless Lounge Chair

S508021 Harper Armless Love Seat

S508041 Harper Chaise Lounge

W 20" D 23" H 43.50" SEAT H 30"

W 39" D 28" H 29" SEAT H 15.50"

W 64" D 28" H 29" SEAT H 15.50"

W 26" D 78" H 16.75" SEAT H 16.75"


HUDSON ALUMINUM A p ra c t i c a l a n d c o n t e m p o ra r y c o l l e c t i o n o f s l i n g f u r n i t u r e , Hu d s o n o f f e r s b o t h a n a r m l e s s and arm chaise lounge for comfor t as well a s e a s e o f e n t r y. Hu d s o n i s ava i l a b l e i n n u m e r o u s finish and sling options and is constructed to our high per formance and qualit y standards.

1B0401 Dining Arm Chair W 24.75" D 28.25" H 37.75" SEAT H 17" ARM H 24.75"

1B0470 Adjustable Chaise Lounge With Arms

1B0471 Adjustable Chaise Lounge Without Arms

W 28.75" D 79.25" H 15" SEAT H 15" ARM H 20.25"

W 28.75" D 79.25" H 15" SEAT H 15"


JAX IRON Add ar t to the outdoors with the modern a e s t h e t i c o f J a x . U n c l u t t e r e d a n d i n t e r e s t i n g , t h i s a n g u l a r a l l -w e a t h e r c o l l e c t i o n b o a s t s s t ra i g h t l i n e s a n d s t u r d y m e s h f ra m e s . Yo u c a n choose to customize each piece with your own ar tistic vision. with sectional and standard seating options in Jax you will be living in h i g h s t y l e , c o u r t e s y o f Wo o d a r d .

2J0006 Lounge Chair

2J0020 Sofa

2J0019 Love Seat

2J0058 Corner Sectional Unit

2J0094 RAF Sectional Love Seat Unit

2J0095 LAF Sectional Love Seat Unit

W 29" D 28.25" H 25.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.50"

W 76.50" D 28.25" H 25.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.50"

W 53.25" D 28.25" H 25.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.50"

W 32.75" D 32.75" H 25.50" SEAT H 17"

W 51.63" D 28.25" D 25.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.50"

W 51.63" D 28.25" H 25.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.50"

2J0062 Armless Sectional Unit

2J0086 Ottoman

2J0033MM End Table

2J0053MM Coffee Table

W 27" D 27.50" H 25.50" SEAT H 17"

W 28.75" D 24.50" D 12.75" SEAT H 14.50"

W 20.75" D 20.75" H 24.50"

W 38.25" D 38.25" H 20.50"


LANDINGS ALUMINUM The collection comes in your choice of finishes a n d s l i n g f a b r i c s . C h o o s e f r o m a d i n i n g a r m c h a i r, bar stool or a fully adjustable chaise lounge. With the stackable ease and supreme comfor t , L a n d i n g s i s s u r e t o w h i s k y o u aw a y.

6G0481 Sling Bar Stool W 24" D 32" H 49" SEAT H 31" ARM H 38.25"

6G0417 Sling Dining Arm Chair - Stackable

6G0470 Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge - Stackable

W 24" D 29" H 35.25" SEAT H 17.70" ARM H 25.25"

W 29.75" D 75.50" H 22.75" SEAT H 15" ARM H 23.50 "


L AT I T U D E IRON Visually speaking of softness and volume c o n t a i n e d w i t h i n a f o r m a l f ra m e , t h e Latitude Collection exemplifies minimalistic m o d e r i s m . T h e d e s i g n ’s e x t e r n a l s t r u c t u r e is shaped from steel wire, used for its strength a n d d u ra b i l i t y. S e a t i n g i s w i d e a n d s p a c i o u s , allowing you to sit back and relax

8S0006 Lounge Chair

8S0019 Love Seat

8S0043 Coffee Table

8S0039 End Table

W 37.75" D 38.50" H 28.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 28.50"

W 61" D 38.50" H 28.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 28.50"

W 46" H 16.50"

W 16" H 22.50"


LOFT WOVEN A b i t w h i m s i c a l , a b i t m o d e r n , t h e s c u l p t u ra l L o f t c h a i r i n i t s w i d e c o c o a w e av e , w i l l f i t y o u and your area per fec tly with an uncluttered look while still offering per fectly comfor table seating. T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i la b l e i n c o c o a w eav e a n d s h i p s f ro m Te x as .

S665602 Small Lounge Chair

S665601 Large Lounge Chair

S665605 Ottoman

S665031 Curved Sofa

S665213 Coffee Table

W 30" D 42.63" H 37.88" SEAT H 15" ARM H 23"

W 35.25" D 42.63" H 37.88" SEAT H 15" ARM H 23"

W 29" D 24" H 17.50" SEAT H 17.50"

W 87.06" D 41.63" H 37.25" SEAT H 15"

W 39.63" H 15.88" SEAT H 17"


METROPOLIS ALUMINUM CUSHION, SLING & PADDED SLING Whether you chose to make a standard seating a r ra n g e m e n t o r a w i l d c o m b i n a t i o n , o u r c l e a n - l i n e d sectional seating pieces will look per fect y placed W i t h w h a t e v e r y o u d e c i d e . C ra f t e d o f e x t r u d e d a l u m i n u m w i t h s l i n g s i d e s a n d b a c k s a n d a c u ra t e d s e l e c t i o n fabric choices, Metropolis can be customized to complete your vision. Sling will give a clean sophisticated dining or lounge option to our Metropolis Cushion Collection. with multiple table sizes and an assor tment of dining chairs, you can create the look that best compliments your outdoor canvas.

3G0406 Lounge Chair

3G0462 Armless Sectional Unit

3G0460 Corner Sectional Unit

3G0451 Sectional Square Ottoman

3G0442 Sectional Square Table

3290BT Rectangular Umbrella Table

W 36.25" D 33" H 28.25" SEAT H 19" ARM H 24"

W 29" D 32.50" D 28.25" SEAT H 19"

W 33" D 33" H 28.25" SEAT H 19"

W 32.50" D 32.50" H 11" SEAT H 17.75"

W 32.25" D 32.25" H 11"

W 90" D 44" H 29"

32BT36 Square Umbrella Table

3248BT Square Round Umbrella Table

3G0696 C Table

320472 Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

320417 Dining Arm Chair - Stackable

320469 Counter Stool

W 36" D 36" H 29"

W 48.25" D 48.25" H 29"

W 14" D 14" H 22.50"

320572 Padded Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

320517 Padded Dining Arm Chair - Stackable

320569 Padded Counter Stool

W 25.25" D 29.25" H 34.50" SEAT H 18" ARM H 25"

W 25" D 31" H 33.50" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.75"

W 25" D 29.75" H 41" SEAT H 23" ARM H 30.50"

320468 Bar Stool

320470 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

320568 Padded Bar Stool

320570 Padded Adjustable Chaise Lounge

W 25" D 29.75" H 46.25" SEAT H 28.50" ARM H 36"

W 28.75" D 76.25" H 16" SEAT H 14.50"


MONROE WOVEN Ta k e a c l a s s i c o u t d o o r s h a p e , c o v e r i t i n a d i m e n s i o n a l w e av e , a d d c o m f o r t a b l e c u s h i o n s i n a w i d e a r ray o f f a b r i c s a n d i n a n i n s t a n t , a new classic modern collection is here. T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i l a b l e i n s t o r m w e av e a n d s h i p s f r o m Te x a s .

S591011 Lounge Chair

S591021 Love Seat

S591031 Sofa

W 41" D 38" H 26" SEAT H 20" ARM H 26"

W 67" D 38" H 26" SEAT H 20" ARM H 26"

W 93" D 38" H 26" SEAT H 20" ARM H 26"


MONTECITO WOVEN Modern living for the masses, the Montecito collection seats multiple guests in style. with an oversized s q u a r e f ra m e , M o n t e c i t o o f f e r s a l u s h s e c t i o n a l w i t h c u s t o m a l l -w e a t h e r c u s h i o n s a n d a s w a n k y d o u b l e chaise lounge. Love seats, sofas and lounge chairs pair n i c e l y w i t h va r i o u s s q u a r e a n d r e c t a n g u l a r t a b l e s . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i l a b l e i n c o f f e e w e av e a n d s h i p s f r o m Te x a s .

S511001 Lounge Chair

S511015 Swivel Lounge Chair

S511011 Armless Sectional Unit

S511021 Corner Sectional Unit

S511031L LAF Love Seat Sectional

S511061 Double Chaise Lounge

W 41" D 38" H 26" SEAT H 20" ARM H 26"

W 41" D 38" H 26" SEAT H 20" ARM H 26"

W 28" D 38" H 26" SEAT H 20"

W 38" D 38" H 26" SEAT H 20" ARM H 26

S511031R RAF Love Seat Sectional

W 40" D 77" H 38" SEAT H 18"

W 63" D 38" H 26" SEAT H 20" ARM H 26"

NOT SHOWN S511081 Sofa

S511091 Love Seat

S511005 Ottoman

S511051 Corner Sectional Table with Glass Top

S511201 End Table

S511221 Bunching Table

W 93" D 38" H 26" SEAT H 20" ARM H 26"

W 67" D 38" H 26" SEAT H 20" ARM H 26"

W 28" D 28" H 18" SEAT H 18"

W 38.50" D 38.50" H 26" ARM H 26"

W 28" D 28" H 26"

W 18" D 18" H 20"

S511211 Square Coffee Table

S511213 Rectangular Coffee Table

S511921 Reticulated Cube

S511814 Daybed with Optional Draperies

W 40" D 40" H 15"

W 42" D 24" H 16"

W 18.25" D 18.25" H 19.50" SEAT H 19.50"

W 74.50" D 87" H 82" SEAT H 18.25"


N E W C E N T U RY IRON T h e N e w C e n tu r y c o l l e c t i o n , b ri n gs c h e e r f u l s o p h i s t i c a t i o n to a ny b a c k ya rd o c c as i o n . B eau t i f u l l y c ra f te d i n i ro n , y o u c a n hav e c asu a l g e t - to g e t h e r s , c asu a l d ri n k s a n d f i n e c o nv e r s a t i o n s f o r ma ny y ea r s to c o m e .

930017 Dining Arm Chair

930012 Dining Side Chair - Stackable

930004 Bench

930068 Bar Stool

930017ST with Optional Cushion

930012ST with Optional Cushion

930004ST with Optional Cushion

930068ST with Optional Cushion

W 22.50" D 23.75" H 33.75" SEAT H 21.25" ARM H 26"

W 19" D 23.75" H 34" SEAT H 21.5"

W 43.75" D 23.75" H 34" SEAT H 21.25" ARM H 26.25"

W 19" D 23.75" H 46.75" SEAT H 34.25"


NICO ALUMINUM Sma r t a n d t i m e l y, N i c o i s a n a l u m i n u m c u s h i o n c o l l e c t i o n w h o s e c l ea n l i n e s w i l l w i t h s t a n d t i m e . T h e e x t ra c o m f o r t b u i l t i n to t h i s c o l l e c t i o n w i l l p ro v i d e h o u r s o f l o u n g i n g , re la x i n g a n d e n j o y i n g t h e o u td o o r s

3S0406 Lounge Chair

3S0477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

3S0420 Sofa

3S0419 Love Seat

4Z0486 Ottoman

W 27" D 36" H 36.25" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24"

W 27" D 36" H 36.50" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 23.50"

W 75" D 36" H 36.25" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24 "

W 51" D 36" H 36.25" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24"

W 26.90" D 26.10" H 14.75" SEAT H 18.50"


ORION ALUMINUM Sleek , modern, and low-slung, our padded s l i n g c o l l e c t i o n , Ori o n , w i l l g i v e y o u c o m f o r t a n d a d i s t i n c t l o o k f o r y ea r s to c o m e . C o n s t r u c te d o f tu b u l a r a l u m i n u m a n d ava i l a b l e i n a w i d e a rray of f inishes and sling fabrics, the look you desire i s y o u r s . N o w ava i l a b l e i n l o w s ea t i n g h e i g h t a n d s t a n d a rd s ea t i n g h e i g h t .

990501 Dining Arm Chair

990570 Chaise Lounge

990562T Armless Lounge Chair

990506T Lounge Chair with Arms

990512T Armless Love Seat

990575T Ottoman

W 23.50" D 27" H 34.25" SEAT H 18" ARM H 25.75"

W 24.75" D 81.25" H 12.25" SEAT H 12.25"

W 26.25" D 33.75" H 34" SEAT H 16.75"

W 26.25" D 33.75" H 34" SEAT H 16.75" ARM H 27"

W 51.25" D 33.75" H 34" SEAT H 16.75"

W 25.25" D 33" H 14.75" SEAT H 14.75"


PA L M C O A S T ALUMINUM SL AT AND SLING Wi t h i t s m i n i ma l i s t d e s i g n a n d c ri sp g e o m e t ri c l i n e s , Pa l m C o as t c rea te s a l o o k t ha t ’s o p e n a n d i nv i t i n g . T h e s t ro n g , w e l d e d a l u m i n u m f ra m e s o f f e r i n c o m p a ra b l e c o m f o r t a n d su p p o r t f o r h o u r s o f d i n i n g o r re la x a t i o n . A n d t h e s t ro n g , su p re m e l y l i g h t s l i n g f a b ri c o f f e r s i n c o m p a ra b l e c o m f o r t a n d su p p o r t f o r h o u r s o f re la x a t i o n . T h e eas i l y a d j u s t a b l e c ha i s e l o u n g e l e t s y o u f i n d t ha t a b s o l u te l y p e r f e c t p o s i t i o n . T h e l i g h t a n d e l e ga n t a l u m i n u m p a t i o c ha i r s s t a c k i n a m i n i m u m o f sp a c e , w h e re t h e y wa i t p a t i e n t l y f o r y o u r n e x t o u td o o r e s c a p e .

1Y0417 Dining Arm Chair - Stackable W 23.75" D 25" H 34" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 24.50"

1Y0417ST Dining Arm Chair with Optional Cushion W 23.75" D 25" H 34" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 24.50"

1Y0412 Dining Side Chair - Stackable

1Y0771 Counter Stool without Arms

1Y0781 Bar Stool - without Arms

1Y0412ST with Optional Cushion

1Y0771ST with Optional Cushion

1Y0781ST with Optional Cushion

W 20.75" D 25" H 34" SEAT H 17.50"

W 20.75" D 25" H 40.75" SEAT H 24.25"

W 20.75" D 29.25" H 46.25" SEAT H 29.75"

570417 Sling Dining Arm Chair - Stackable 570517 Padded Sling Dining Arm Chair - Stackable W 24" D 27.75" H 34.25" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.50"

570469 Sling Swivel Counter Stool With Arms

570861 Sling Counter Stool Without Arms

570468 Sling Swivel Bar Stool With Arms

570569 Padded Sling Swivel Counter Stool With Arms

570961 Padded Sling Counter Stool Without Arms

570568 Padded Sling Swivel Bar Stool With Arms

W 22.25" D 26.50" H 41" SEAT H 24" ARM H XX"

W 20.75" D 27.50" H 40.25" SEAT H 24"

W 20.75" D 27.25" H 46" SEAT H 29.50" ARM H XX"

570481 Sing Bar Stool without Arms 570581 Padded Sling Bar Stool Without Arms W 20.75" D 29.25" 46.25" SEAT H 29.25"

570470 Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge - Stackable 570570 Padded Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge - Stackable W 24.50" D 85" H 12" SEAT H 12"


PA R C ALUMINUM Un t i l y o u a c tu a l l y f e e l t h e b eau t i f u l s ea t o f t h e Pa rc c ha i r a n d ro c k e r o r t h e to p s o f t h e e x q u i s i te t a b l e s , y o u w o u l d s w ea r t h e y w e re na tu ra l c a n e . F i n e l y c ra f te d i n a l u m i n u m a n d ava i l a b l e i n a w i d e a rray o f f i n i s h e s , t h e Pa rc C o l l e c t i o n w i l l hav e y o u re l a x i n g f o r h o u r s .

680012 Dining Side Chair - Stackable

680013 Rocker

680022 Side Table

680026 Bistro Table

W 21" D 23.50" H 33.25" SEAT H 17.50"

W 23.25" D 33" H 32.50" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 23.75"

W 22" H 22.25"

W 29" H 26.25"


REUNION WOVEN U s e y o u r i ma g i na t i o n a n d c o n f i g u re t h i s b eau t i f u l c o l l e c t i o n i n a ny way y o u wa n t . D e s i g n e d w i t h f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s i n m i n d as t h e y ga t h e r a ro u n d t h e re t i c u l a te d s ea t i n g a n d a l a c k o f c u s h i o n s k e e p e v e r y t h i n g o rga n i z e d a f te r e v e r y o n e l eav e s . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i l a b l e i n c a l i c o w e av e a n d s h i p s f r o m Te x a s .

S648510 Dining Arm Chair

S648511 Dining Side Chair

S648011 Lounge Chair

S648001 Armless Lounge Chair

S648021 Love Seat

S648031 Sofa

W 23.50" D 27.16" H 28.56" SEAT H 18.38" ARM H 25.13"

W 19.25" D 27.16" H 28.56" SEAT H 18.38"

W 32" D 38.38" H 29.88" SEAT H 16" ARM H 26"

W 28.13" D 38.38" H 29.88" SEAT H 16"

W 52" D 38.38" H 29.88" SEAT H 16" ARM H 26"

W 76" D 38.38" H 29.88" SEAT H 16" ARM H 26"

S648061 Curved Sofa

S648085 Bench

S648211 Rectangular Coffee Table

S648411 Bar Island

S648091 Bar Stool with Arms

W 84.38" D 38.38" H 29.88" SEAT H 16"

W 48" D 24" H 17.75" SEAT H 17.75"

W 44" D 24" H 18"

S648213 Round Chat Height Coffee Table With Glass Top

W 58" D 30" H 42"

W 22.50" D 27.50" H 40.13" SEAT H 30" ARM H 36.63"

W 48" H 24"

(Also Available As) S648093 Counter Stool with Arms W 22.50" D 27.13" H 34.75" SEAT H 24" ARM H 30.63"

S648089 Bar Stool without Arms W 19.50" D 27.50" H 40.13" SEAT H 30" (Also Available As) S648087 Counter Stool without Arms W 19.50" D 27.13" H 34.75" SEAT H 24" 101

RIVER RUN ALUMINUM Rustic luxur y at its finest , the River Run Collection appeals to the outdoor enthusiast in all of us. Each piece of furniture is exquisitely and beautifully h a n d - c ra f t e d t o l o o k e x a c t l y l i k e b i r c h b ra n c h e s . This woodsy and whimsical collection will delight all ages for years to come. T h i s c o l l e c t i o n s h i p s f r o m Te x a s .

S545001 Butterfly Lounge Chair

S545015 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

S545011 Lounge Chair

S545005 Ottoman

S545031 Sofa

S545804 Rocker

W 40" D 39" H 40" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25"

W 40" D 39" H 40" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25"

W 37" D 38" H 35" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.50"

W 35" D 25" H 18" SEAT H 18"

W 88" D 38" H 35" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.50"

W 24" D 31" H 41" SEAT H 19" ARM H 25.50"

S545501 Dining Arm Chair

S545511 Dining Side Chair

S545051 Faux Bois Love Seat

S545815 Sleeping Porch Swing

S545203 End Table with Faux Birch Top

S545211 Coffee Table with Faux Birch Top

W 22" D 25" H 42" SEAT H 21.50" ARM H 25.25"

W 20" D 25" H 42" SEAT H 21.50"

W 60" D 28" H 36" SEAT H 21" ARM H 26"

W 82" D 43" H 28" BOTTOM BRACE W 96"

W 22" H 22"

W 36" H 18"

S545702 Round Faux Birch Heartwood Dining Table W 48" H 29"


SADDLEBACK WOVEN Rounded arms and clean design pair per fectly with b e a u t i f u l l y c ra f t e d a l l -w e a t h e r c u s h i o n s . M u l t i p l e w o v e n occasional tables add interest and options. Whether y o u c h o o s e t o d e s i g n y o u r o w n s e c t i o n a l c o n f i g u ra t i o n o r o p t f o r a m o r e t ra d i t i o n a l s e a t i n g a r ra n g e m e n t , t h i s collec tion will anchor any outdoor space with sophistication. T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i l a b l e i n c o f f e e , m o c h a a n d c h a r c o a l g ra y a n d s h i p s f r o m Te x a s .

S523001 Armless Sectional Unit

S523051 Corner Sectional Unit

S523071 Curved Sectional Unit

S523013R RAF Sectional End Unit

S523021L LAF Love Seat Sectional

S523041R RAF Chaise Lounge Sectional

W 29" D 38" H 32" SEAT H 18"

W 38" D 38" H 32" SEAT H 18"

W 88" D 38" H 32" SEAT H 18"

S523013L LAF Sectional End Unit

S523021R RAF Love Seat Sectional

S523041L LAF Chaise Lounge Sectional

W 35" D 38" H 32" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 63" D 38" H 32" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 35" D 74" H 32" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

S507015 Oasis Swivel Lounge Chair

S523011 Lounge Chair

S523015 Swivel Lounge Chair

S523021 Love Seat

S523031 Sofa

S523005 Ottoman

W 37" D 38" H 33" SEAT H 19" ARM H 26"

W 41" D 38" H 32" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 41" D 38" H 32" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 65" D 38" H 32" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 97" D 38" H 32" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24.25"

W 41" D 23" H 18" SEAT H 17"

S523201 End Table

S523221 Bunching Table

S523211 Coffee Table

S523213 Rectangular Coffee Table

S523215 Round Coffee Table

S507201 Oasis End Table

W 24" D 24" H 22"

W 18" D 18" H 20"

W 42" D 42" H 18"

W 42" D 24" H 18"

DIA 36" H 18"

W 24" H 22"

S523201 Reticulated Cube W 18.25" D 18.25" H 19.50" SEAT H 19.50" 105

SALONA ALUMINUM L inear and geome tric, the Salona collec tion is a modern- day masterpiece. Choose f rom our curated selec tion of fabrics and f inishes to create your own piece of outdoor ar t . Manufac tured of durable ex truded aluminum with all-weather cushions, this architec tural collec tionis built to last , be it standard seating, sec tional seating or dining.

3Z0401 Dining Arm Chair - Stackable

3Z0472 Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

3Z0406 Lounge Chair

3Z0419 Love Seat

3Z0420 Sofa

3Z0470 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

W 22.25" D 25.25" H 33" SEAT H 20.75" ARM H 25.25"

W 22.25" D 25.25" H 33" SEAT H 20.75" ARM H 25.50"

W 27" D 28" H 25.50" SEAT H 18.50" ARM H 25.50"

W 50.50" D 28" H 25.50" SEAT H 18.50" ARM H 25.50"

W 74.25" D 28" H 25.50" SEAT H 18.50" ARM H 25.50"

W 26.50" D 79.50" H 18" SEAT H 19"

3Z0453 RAF Sectional Love Seat

3Z0454 LAF Sectional Love Seat

3Z0460 Corner Sectional Unit

3Z0462 Armless Sectional Unit

3Z0486 Ottoman

3Z0439 End Table (Clear Glass)

W 51.75" D 28.50" H 25.50" SEAT H 20" ARM H 25.50"

W 51.75" D 28.50" H 25.50" SEAT H 20" ARM H 25.50"

W 33.25" D 33.25" H 25.50" SEAT H 20"

W 24" D 28" H 25.50" SEAT H 20"

W 26.50" D 24" H 14.50" SEAT H 14.50"

W 20.25" D 20.25" H 20.50"

3Z0443 Coffee Table (Clear Glass) W 20.75" D 43.25" H 18"


SEAL COVE ALUMINUM Seal Cove offers a transitional look in a minimalist way. Clean lines, beautiful f inishes and assor ted fabric options will make this collec tion per fec t for any ex terior space. Whe ther seating, dining or a combination of both, Seal Cove will enhance your outdoor area for a long time.

1X0401SB Dining Arm Chair with Optional Back Cushion W 24" D 26" H 37.75" SEAT H 20" ARM H 24.50"

1X0401 Dining Arm Chair

1X0472 Swivel Dining Arm Chair

1X0406 Lounge Chair

1X0477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

1X0419 Love Seat

W 24" D 26" H 37.75" SEAT H 20" ARM H 24.50"

1X0472SB Swivel Dining Arm Chair with Optional Back Cushion

W 27.75" D 34" H 35.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24.25"

W 27.75" D 32.75" H 35.75" SEAT H 19.25" ARM H 23.75"

W 51.75" D 34.25" H 35.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24.25"

W 24" D 26.50" H 37.75" SEAT H 20" ARM H 24.50"

1X0420 Sofa

1X0439 End Table

1X0443 Coffee Table

1X0707 Rectangular Dining Umbrella Table

W 75.75" D 34.25" H 35.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24.25"

W 22.50" D 22.50" H 21"

W 47.50" D 24" H 19"

W 77.75" D 42" H 28.50"


SHEFFIELD IRON With a nod to the Ar t s and Craft s movement of the late 19th centur y, Sheff ield combines simple form with rich details . Uniquely squared lattice back s and curled iron arms balance clean lines . with multiple options and sizes available, this collec tion will sharpen your space and open your mind.

3C0001 Dining Arm Chair W 21.75" D 25.50" H 38.25" SEAT H 18" ARM H 26.25"

3C0001ST Dining Arm Chair with Optional Cushion W 21.75" D 25.50" H 38.25" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 26.25"

3C0002 Dining Side Chair

3C0081 Bar Stool

3C0068 Armless Bar Stool

3C0002ST Dining Side Chair with Optional Cushion

3C0081ST Bar Stool with Optional Cushion

3C0068ST Armless Bar Stool with Optional Cushion

W 20.50" D 25.50" H 38.25" SEAT H 18"

W 19.75" D 21.25" H 49.60" SEAT H 30" ARM H 38.25"

W 19.75" D 21.25" H 49.60" SEAT H 30"

3C0006 Lounge Chair

3C0065 Spring Lounge Chair

3C0019 Love Seat

3C0020 Sofa

3C0086 Ottoman

W 25" D 32" H 33.40" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.50"

W 25" D 30.50" H 32.25" SEAT H 18" ARM H 22.75"

W 48.90" D 32" H 33.90" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.50"

W 72" D 32" H 33.90" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.50"

W 24.50" D 23.50" H 13.50" SEAT H 18.50"

3C0004 Bench 3C0004ST Bench with Optional Cushion W 37.60" D 24.25" H 38" SEAT H 18" ARM H 26.50"


SIERRA NE X TE AK Simple, sturdy, and sleek , Sierra’s large scale and wide stance is designed to be eye- catching and exceptionally roomy. This deep seating and occasional table collec tion uses our NexTeak wood alternative material and can be upholstered in numerous Woodard fabric options . T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i l a b l e i n n a t u ra l , a n d b a r k a n d s h i p s f r o m Te x a s .

S750011 Natural Lounge Chair

S750016 Spring Lounge Chair

S750031 Sofa

S750201 End Table

S750211 Coffee Table

W 28.70" D 36.10" H 27.17" SEAT H 17.90" ARM H 22.50"

W 28.70" D 36.10" H 27.17" SEAT H 17.90" ARM H 22.50"

W 76.77" D 36.10" H 27.17" SEAT H 17.90" ARM H 22.50"

W 22" D 22" H 22"

W 44" D 24" H 17"

S750011 Bark Lounge Chair W 28.70" D 36.10" H 27.17" SEAT H 17.90" ARM H 22.50"


SOHO ALUMINUM Simple, uncomplicated, clean. SoHo is a collec tion for just about any space you have. Available in any f inish or upholster y fabric that Woodard offers and construc ted of powder- coated aluminum f rames, SoHo can be customized to f it any location.

9Q0406 Lounge Chair

9Q0465 Spring Lounge Chair

9Q0477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

9Q0420 Sofa

9Q0179 Daybed Swing

W 29" D 38.50" H 27.75" SEAT H 20" ARM H 23.25"

W 29.25" D 36" H 27.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 23.25"

W 29.25" D 36" H 27.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 23.25"

W 77.25" D 38.50" H 27.75" SEAT H 20" ARM H 23.25"

W 89" D 42.25" H 17.25"


S O M M E RW I N D WOVEN Ge t carried away by the classic simplicit y of Sommer wind all-weather, care f ree wicker. Calling quaint countr y farmhouses and coastal cottages to mind, this inviting collec tion offers three traditional f inish options and multiple fabrications . Let days go by in the sofa swing or relax endlessly in the glider or rocker. T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i l a b l e i n c h o c o l a t e , n a t u ra l a n d p r i s t i n e w h i t e a n d s h i p s f r o m Te x a s .

S596501 Dining Chair

S596011 Lounge Chair

S596815 Rocker

S596031 Sofa

S596021 Love Seat

S596005 Ottoman

W 29" D 30" H 37" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25.75"

W 31" D 32" H 35" SEAT H 18" ARM H 25"

W 30" D 34" H 40" SEAT H 19" ARM H 25.50"

W 81" D 32" H 35" SEAT H 18" ARM H 25"

W 56" D 32" H 35" SEAT H 18" ARM H 25"

W 32" D 24" H 16" SEAT H 16"

S596201 End Table with Glass Top

S596211 Coffee Table with Glass Top W 44" D 21" H 18"

S596603 Round Umbrella Table With Glass Top

S596831 Sofa Swing

W 27" D 22" H 23"

S596604 Round Umbrella Table With Stone Top W 48" H 29"

W 48" H 29"

W 89" D 32" H 28"


SONOMA WOVEN L ive out side all year long with the easy-going and comfor table Sonoma Collec tion. Whether you sip cabernet on the sofa or cradle your coffee cup in the chaise lounge, Sonoma has a st ylish assor tment of pieces to se ttle in. All-weather upholster y and synthe tic wicker mean you can stay out side rain or shine. O ffered in two sophisticated f inishes with endless fabric choices, the Sonoma collec tion is laid-back living for life. T h i s c o l l e c t i o n i s ava i l a b l e i n t ra x m i n k a n d r u s t i c w h i t e a n d s h i p s f r o m Te x a s .

S561501 Dining Chair

S561011 Lounge Chair

S561015 Swivel Lounge Chair

S561013 Chair And A Half

S561007 Ottoman And A Half

S561005 Ottoman

W 26" D 25" H 35" SEAT H 21" ARM H 25.50"

W 33" D 34" H 31" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.25"

W 33" D 34" H 31" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.75"

W 50" D 34" H 31" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.25"

W 44" D 23" H 17" SEAT H 19"

W 28" D 28" H 17" SEAT H 17"

S561031 Sofa

S561041 Chaise Lounge

S561201 Square End Table

S561211 Rectangular Coffee Table

S561601 Round Dining Base with 48" Glass Top

W 79" D 34" H 31" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.25"

W 33" D 62" H 31" SEAT H 19" ARM H 23.25"

W 24" D 24" H 21"

W 24" D 48" H 18"

W 29" H 29"


TERR ACE IRON Delicate, ye t strong. Def ined, yet soft . Down to the ver y last detail, Terrace is the per fec t contradic tion. A consistent and clean slat-back design is combined with intricate c u r l e d i ro n e d g e s a n d g e n e ro u s l y p a d d e d a rm s . Te rra c e c a n b e c u s to m i z e d i n m u l t i p l e f i n i s h e s a n d a l l -w ea t h e r f a b ri c s . A ny t h i n g b u t u nas su m i n g , t h e Te rra c e c o l l e c t i o n i s su re to d raw a c ro w d .

790065 Spring Lounge Chair

790077 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

790177 Smaller Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

790064 Crescent Sofa

790063 Crescent Love Seat

790086 Ottoman

W 40" D 39.25" H 43" SEAT H 22.50" ARM H 28.50"

W 40" D 39.25" H 43" SEAT H 22.50" ARM H 28.50"

W 36" D 38.25" H 40.25" SEAT H 21.75" ARM H 29.25"

W 114" D 48" H 38" SEAT H 19" ARM H 27.50"

W 82.50" D 42" H 38" SEAT H 19" ARM H 27.50"

W 33.25" D 23" H 18.50" SEAT H 18.50"


TRIBECA ALUMINUM SLING AND PADDED SLING F o r wa rd - t h i n k i n g a n d f re s h , Tri b e c a i m i t a te s a r t i s t i c N e w Yo r k s t y l e . Wi t h a sp e c t a c u l a r a l u m i n u m f ra m e a n d s l e e k s l i n g f a b ri c i n y o u r c h o i c e o f c o l o r s , t h i s s t ri k i n g s tu n n e r w i l l su i t t h e u b e r-f as h i o na b l e e y e . L o u n g e w i t h t h e f ri e n d s i n t h e s t a c k a b l e s a n d c ha i r s o r lay b y t h e p o o l i n t h e a d j u s t a b l e c ha i s e l o u n g e s . W ha te v e r y o u d o w i t h Tr i b e c a , y o u 're su re to d o i t i n s t y l e .

5D0401 Sling Dining Arm Chair Stackable

5D0470 Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge Stackable

5D0440 Sling Sand Chair Stackable

5D0501 Padded Sling Dining Arm Chair Stackable

5D0570 Padded Sling Adjustable Chaise Lounge Stackable

5D0540 Padded Sling Sand Chair Stackable

W 26.50" D 31" H 36.50" SEAT H 18" ARM H 26"

W 27.25" D 75.50" H 16.75" SEAT H 10.50" ARM H 20.25"

W 26.50" D 29.50" H 29.50" SEAT H 10.50" ARM H 19"

W 26.50" D 31" H 36.50" SEAT H 18.50" ARM H 26"

W 27.25" D 75.50" H 20.25" SEAT H 14" ARM H 20.25"

W 26.50" D 29.50" H 29.50" SEAT H 11" ARM H 19"


TUCSON IRON A g e l e s s a n d a b i d i n g , Tu c s o n i s t r a d i t i o n a l b u t cer tainly not typical. with timeless style and a well-made design, the cur ved ironwork and mesh s ea t s w i l l l as t l o n g i n to t h e f u tu re . Pe r f e c t f o r a ny p la c e , a ny t i m e , y o u c a n t a k e Tu c s o n a ny w h e re .

1G0001 High-Back Dining Arm Chair W 22.50" D 25.50" H 35" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25.75"

1G0001ST High-Back Dining Arm Chair with Optional Cushion W 22.50" D 25.50" H 35" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 25.75"

1G0018 High-Back Spring Base Dining Chair

1G0066 High-Back Coil Spring Dining Chair

1G0072 High-Back Swivel Rocking Dining Chair

1G0006 High-Back Lounge Chair

1G0018ST with Optional Cushion

1G0066ST with Optional Cushion

1G0072ST with Optional Cushion

1G0006ST with Optional Cushion

W 24.50" D 27.75" H 38.90" SEAT H 17.40" ARM H 25.75"

W 24.50" D 24" H 39" SEAT H 16.75" ARM H 25.75"

W 24.25" D 26" H 36" SEAT H 16.40" ARM H 25.75"

W 24.25" D 27" H 36.50" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.50"

1G0073 High-Back Gliding Love Seat

1G0070 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

1G0388 Swivel Bar Stool

1G0073ST with Optional Cushion

1G0070ST with Optional Cushion

1G0388ST with Optional Cushion

W 42.25" D 26.50" H 36" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.25"

W 32" D 72.50" H 22.50" SEAT H 15.50" ARM H 23.50"

W 22.50" D 24.50" H 49.70" SEAT H 30.25" ARM H 37.75"


TURNER IRON S l e e k , c l e a n c o n t e m p o r a r y i r o n , Tu r n e r i s a collection of seating and dining that is scaled f o r ba l c o n i e s , sma l l pa t i o s , a n d p o rc h e s . I t ’s micro-mesh seat and back allow you to use the group with or without cushions. Smar t in smaller settings anywhere.

1U0001 Dining Arm Chair 20.75" D 29.75" H 34.25" W SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 25.25"

1U0001SB Dining Arm Chair with Optional Cushion W 20.75" D 29.75" H 34.25" SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 25.25"

1U0065 Spring Lounge Chair

1U0019 Love Seat

1U0014 Dual Rocker

1U0065SB Spring Lounge Chair with Optional Cushion W 25.75" D 32.25" H 32.25" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 24.25"

1U0019SB with Optional Cushion

1U0014SB with Optional Cushion

W 47.75" D 32.50" H 32.25" SEAT H 17.25" ARM H 24"

W 50" D 33" H 33" SEAT H 17.25" ARM H 24"

(Also Available In) 1U0006 Lounge Chair 1U0006SB Lounge Chair with Optional Cushion W 24.75" D 32" H 32.75" SEAT H 17.75" ARM H 24"


VA L E ALUMINUM Ta k e t h i s c o n t e m p o r a r y d e s i g n t o n e w h e i g h t s w i t h s e a t i n g o r d i n i n g p i e c e s f r o m o u r Va l e Collection. Constructed of ex truded rust-proof aluminum, this wide armed collection and tables with beautiful water fall edges will forge a new standard in luxury outdoor living.

7D0401 Dining Arm Chair

7D0472 Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

7D0406 Lounge Chair

7D0419 Love Seat

7D0414 Dual Rocking Love Seat

7D0477 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

W 27.75" D 30.25" H 37.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 26"

W 27.50" D 31" H 37.50" SEAT H 19" ARM H 25"

W 34" D 34.50" H 36.25" SEAT H 20.75" ARM H 25.25"

W 58.50" D 34.50" H 36.25" SEAT H 20.75" ARM H 25.25"

W 60.50" D 34.50" H 37.25" SEAT H 20" ARM H 25.25"

W 33.25" D 34.75" H 35.75" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 25.25"

7D0420 Sofa

7D0486 Ottoman

7D0439 End Table

7D0443 Coffee Table

W 83.50" D 34.50" H 36.25" SEAT H 20.75" ARM H 25.25"

W 33.50" D 26.50" H 16.75" SEAT H 16.75"

W 22.50" D 22.50" H 22.25"

W 50" D 27" H 18.50"


VA L E N C I A IRON W i t h i t s f a s h i o n a b l e I t a l i a n a e s t h e t i c , Va l e n c i a w i l l instantly whisk you away to the st ylish cafes of Milan and waterside villas of Lake Como. Each piece is characterized by contemporar y and cur ved slatted back s . Available in a varie t y of f inishes, this modern masterpiece will be en vogue long into the future.

310001 Barrel Dining Chair - Stackable W 23.25" D 25" H 33" SEAT H 16.50" ARM H 25.75"

310001ST Barrel Dining Chair with Optional Cushion

310006 High-Back Barrel Dining Chair - Stackable

W 23.25" D 25" H 33" SEAT H 17.50" ARM H 25.75"

310006ST with Optional Cushion W 24" D 27.50" H 39.50" SEAT H 16.50" ARM H 25"

310019 Barrel Love Seat - Stackable

310070 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

310081 Bar Stool

310019ST with Optional Cushion

310070ST with Optional Cushion

310081ST with Optional Cushion

W 43.50" D 26.75" H 33" SEAT H 16.50" ARM H 26.25"

W 29" D 77.50" H 24" SEAT H 15.75" ARM H 24.25"

W 24.20" D 24" H 46.70" SEAT H 29" ARM H 37.75"


W I LT S H I R E ALUMINUM E xquisitely made outdoor furniture manufactured in cast aluminum capturing the upscale lifestyle y o u ’ r e a f t e r. Yo u c a n c h o o s e t o a d o r n t h i s b e a u t i f u l collection however you see fit, multiple finish options and a wide variety of outdoor fabrics.

4Q0406 Lounge Chair

4Q0465 Swivel Rocking Lounge Chair

4Q0419 Love Seat

4Q0420 Sofa

4Q0470 Adjustable Chaise Lounge

4Q0486 Ottoman

W 29" D 35" H 35.75" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 24.25"

W 28.25" D 36" H 37" SEAT H 18" ARM H 24"

W 53.25" D 35" H 35.75" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 24.25"

W 76.50" D 35" H 35.75" SEAT H 20.50" ARM H 24.25"

W 28.25" D 79.25" H 25" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 25"

W 25.50" D 30.50" H 13.25" SEAT H 20.25"

4Q0472 Swivel Rocking Dining Arm Chair

4Q0469 Swivel Counter Stool

4Q0468 Swivel Bar Stool

4Q0414 Bench Stackable

4Q0417 Dining Arm Chair - Stackable

4Q0472ST with Optional Cushion

4Q0469ST with Optional Cushion

4Q0468ST with Optional Cushion

4Q0414ST with Optional Cushion

W 24" D 27.50" H 36.20" SEAT H 16" ARM H 24.75"

4Q0417ST Dining Arm Chair with Optional Cushions

W 24" D 29.10" H 36.75" SEAT H 16" ARM H 24.25"

W 24" D 27" H 43.50" SEAT H 22.50" ARM H 31.50"

W 24" D 27" H 49.50" SEAT H 28.25" ARM H 37.50"

W 44" D 28" H 37" SEAT H 17" ARM H 25.25"

W 24" D 27.50" H 36.20" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 24.75"


WINDSOR ALUMINUM Designed by Site L i, our outdoor take on a historic icon. Considered to be America’s f irst chair, Windsors were popularized in the United S tates in the 1700s, experienced a golden age in the 1800s and became beloved once again around 1900. Depending on your f inish and optional fabric, our Windsor can have classic or modern appeal.

9S0417 Dining Arm Chair - Stacking W 24" D 23.50" H 32.50" SEAT H 18.00" ARM H 25"

9S0417ST Dining Arm Chair - Stacking with Optional Cushion W 24" D 23.50" H 32.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 25"

9S0414 Bench - Stacking W 48.50" D 23.50" H 32.50" SEAT H 18.00" ARM H 25"

9S0417ST Dining Arm Chair - Stacking with Optional Cushion

9SBT36 Dining Umbrella Table W 36" D 38" H 30.25"

W 48.50" D 23.50" H 32.50" SEAT H 19.50" ARM H 25"



5D2400-0FC22 Round End Table

5D3400-0FC37 Square Coffee Table

5D3400-0FC36 Round Coffee Table

5D4800-0FC37 Square Dining Table

5D4800-0FC36 Round Dining Table

5D3200-0FC37 Square Bistro Table

W 22" H 20.50"

W 36" D 36" H 21"

W 36" H 20.50"

W 36" D 36" H 28.50"

W 36" H 28.50"

W 36" D 36" H 28.50"

Also Available: 5D4800-0FC48 W 48" H 28.50"

5D3200-0FC36 Round Bistro Table

5D6600-0FC37 Square Bar Table

5D6600-0FC36 Round Bar Table

W 36" H 28.50"

W 36" D 36" H 40.80"

W 36" H 40.80"



5D2400-0MC22 Round End Table

5D3400-0MC37 Square Coffee Table

5D3400-0MC36 Round Coffee Table

5D4800-0MC37 Square Dining Table

5D4800-0MC36 Round Dining Table

5D3200-0MC37 Square Bistro Table

W 22" H 20.50"

W 36" D 36" H 21"

W 36" H 20.50"

W 36" D 36" H 28.50"

W 36" H 28.50"

W 36" D 36" H 28.50"

Also Available: 5D4800-0MC48 W 48" H 28.50"

5D3200-0MC36 Round Bistro Table

5D6600-0MC37 Square Bar Table

5D6600-0MC36 Round Bar Table

W 36" H 28.50"

W 36" D 36" H 40.80"

W 36" H 40.80"



5D2400-0492 1 Square End Table

5D2400-0492 2 Round End Table

5D4500-04945 Rectangular Coffee Table

5D3400-04936 Round Coffee Table

5D3400-04937 Square Coffee Table

5D3200-04936 Round Bistro Table

W 22" D 22" H 20.44"

W 22" H 20.44"

L 48" W 36" H 20.94"

W 36" H 20.44"

W 36" D 36" H 20.44"

W 36" H 28.44"

5D3200-04937 Square Bistro Table

5D4 800-0494 8 Round Dining Table

5D4 800-04945 Rectangular Dining Table

5D7200-04984 Large Rectangular Dining Table

5D6600-04937 Square Bar Table

5D6600-04936 Round Bar Table

W 36" D 36" H 28.44"

W 48" H 28.44"

L 45" W 36" H 28.44"

L 84" W 42" H 28.44"

W 36" D 36" H 40.69"

W 36" H 40.69"

Also Available: 5D4 800-04960 W 60" H 28.44"



5P2400-092 2 2 Round End Table

5P5400-09232 Round Coffee Table

5P5400-09236 Square Coffee Table

W 22" H 19"

W 32" H 20.50"

W 36" D 36" H 20.50"

5P4 800-09232 Round Dining Table

5P4 800-09236 Square Dining Table

5P7200-09284 Large Dining Table

W 32" H 29"

W 36" D 36" H 29"

L 84" W 42" H 29"

Also Available: 5P4 800-0924 8 W 48" H 29"

5P5500-09232 Round Counter Table

5P5500-09236 Square Counter Table

W 36" H 35.50"

W 36" D 36" H 35.50"

Also Available: 5P7200-09270 L 70" W 60" H 29"

Also Available: 5P5500-0924 8 W 48" H 35.50"



5 Y2 200-092 2 2 Round End Table

5 Y5400-09232 Round Coffee Table

5 Y5400-09236 Square Coffee Table

5 Y4 800-09232 Round Bistro Table

5 Y4 800-09236 Square Bistro Table

5 Y4 800-0924 8 Round Dining Table

W 22" H 22.13"

W 32" H 19.13"

W 36" D 36" H 19.13"

W 32" H 27.88"

W 36" D 36" H 27.88"

W 48" H 27.88"

5 Y 7400-09284 Large Rectangular Dining Table

5 Y5600-09284 Large Rectangular Counter Table

5 Y5500-09236 Square Counter Table

5 Y5500-0924 8 Round Counter Table

5 Y6600-09236 Square Bar Table

5 Y6600-0924 8 Round Bar Table

L 84" W 42" H 28.38"

L 84" W 42" H 35.13"

W 36" D 36" H 35.13"

W 48" H 35.13"

W 36" D 36" H 41.13"

W 48" H 41.13"

Also Available: 5 Y 7400-09270 L 70" W 60" H 28.38"

Also Available: 5 Y5600-09270 L 70" W 60" H 35.13"

Also Available: 5 Y5500-09232 W 32" H 35.13"

Also Available: 5 Y6600-09232 W 32" H 41.13"



2G2200-05122 Round End Table

2G5400-05137 Square Coffee Table

2G5400-05136 Round Coffee Table

2G4500-05145 Rectangular Coffee Table

2G5300-05145 Rectangular Dining Table

2G5300-05137 Square Dining Table

W 22" H 22.50"

W 36" D 36" H 19.50"

W 36" H 19.50"

L 48" W 36" H 19"

L 48" W 36" H 29"

W 36" D 36" H 29"

Also Available: 2G5400-05143 W 42" D 42" H 18.50"

Also Available: 2G5400-05148 W 48" H 18.50" 2G5400-05160 W 60" H 19.50"

2G8400-05172 Oval Dining Table

2G5300-05136 Round Dining Table

2G5500-05136 Round Counter Table

2G5500-05137 Square Counter Table

2G6600-05136 Round Bar Table

2G6600-05137 Square Bar Table

L 72" W 42" H 29"

W 36" H 29"

W 36" H 35.50"

W 36" D 36" H 35.50"

W 36" H 41.50"

W 36" D 36" H 41.50"

Also Available: 2G8400-05184 L 84" W 48" H 29"

Also Available: 2G5300-05148 W 48" H 29" 2G5300-05160 W 60" H 29"

Also Available: 2G5500-05148 W 48" H 35.50" 2G5500-05160 W 60" H 35.50"

Also Available: 2G5500-05143 W 42" D 42" H 35.50"

Also Available: 2G6600-05148 W 48" H 41.50" 2G6600-05160 W 60" H 41.50"

Also Available: 2G6600-05143 W 42" D 42" H 41.50"

2G5500-05145 Rectangular Counter Table

2G6600-05145 Rectangular Bar Table

2G5300-05145 Hampton Extension Table

L 48" W 36" H 35.50"

W 36" D 48" H 41.50"

W 42" D 90.50" - 127.50" H 29.50"

Also Available: 2G5300-05143 W 42" D 42" H 29"



5P2400-02622 Round End Table

5P2400-02621 Square End Table

5P2400-02623 Hexagonal End Table

5P5400-02637 Square Coffee Table

5P5400-02645 Rectangular Coffee Table

5P4800-02637 Square Dining Table

W 22" H 19"

W 22" D 22" H 19"

W 22" D 22" H 19"

W 36" D 36" H 22"

L 48" W 36" H 22"

W 36" D 36" H 29"

5P5400-02636 Round Coffee Table

5P4800-02636 Round Dining Table

5P4800-02645 Rectangular Dining Table

5P5500-02636 Round Counter Table

5P5500-02637 Square Counter Table

5P5500-02645 Rectangular Counter Table

W 36" H 22"

W 36" H 29"

L 48" W 36" H 29"

W 36" H 35.50"

W 36" D 26" H 35.50"

L 48" W 36" H 35.50"

Also Available: 5P5400-02648 W 48" H 22" 5P5400-02654 W 54" H 22" 5P5400-02660 W 60" H 22"

Also Available: 5P4800-02648 W 48" H 29" 5P4800-02654 W 54" H 29" 5P4800-02660 W 60" H 29"

Also Available: 5P7200-02672 L 72" W 42" H 29" 5P7200-02684 L 84" W 42" H 29"

Also Available: 5P5500-02648 W 48" H 35.50" 5P5500-02654 W 54" H 35.50" 5P5500-02660 W 60" H 35.50"

5P4800-02662 Hexagonal Dining Table W 60" D 60" H 29"



TRSL15RD Round Stacking End Table

4V3900-02622 Round End Table

4V3900-02623 Hexagonal End Table

4V3900-02621 Square End Table

4V4300-02637 Square Coffee Table

4V4500-02645 Rectangular Coffee Table

W 16" H 17.25"

W 22" H 18.50"

W 22" D 22" H 18.50"

W 22" D 22" H 18.50"

W 36" D 36" H 21"

L 48" W 36" H 20.75" Also Available: 4V4300-02645 L 48" W 36" H 20.75"

4V4300-02648 Round Coffee Table

4V4800-02637 Square Bistro Table

4V4800-02648 Round Dining Table

4V4800-02662 Hexagonal Dining Table

4V4800-02645 Rectangular Dining Table

4V7200-02684 Large Rectangular Dining Table

W 48" H 20.75"

W 36" D 36" H 28.50"

W 48" H 28.50"

W 60" D 60" H 28.50"

L 48" W 36" H 28.50"

L 84" W 42" H 28.75" Also Available: 4V7200-02672 L 72" W 42" H 28.50"

Also Available: 4V4800-02654 W 54" H 28.50" 4V4800-02660 W 60" H 28.50"

Also Available: 4V4300-02654 W 54" H 20.75" 4V4300-02660 W 60" H 20.75"

4V5500-02637 Square Counter Table

4V5500-02645 Rectangular Counter Table

4V5500-02648 Round Counter Table

4V5600-02684 Rectangular Counter Table

4V6600-02637 Square Bar Table

4V6700-02684 Rectangular Bar Table

W 36" D 36" H 35"

W 36" D 48" H 35"

W 48" H 35"

L 84" W 42" H 35"

W 36" D 36" H 41"

L 84" W 42" H 41"

Also Available: 4V5500-02660 W 60" H 35"

Also Available: 4V6600-02645 L 48" W 36" H 41" 151


4V6600-02648 Round Bar Table

TRSLE X T TBL 304 8 Small Extension Table

TRSLEXTTBL42120 Extension Table

W 48" H 41"

L 30" - 48" W 30" H 28.75"

L 84” - 120.25" W 42" H 28.25"

Also Available: 4V6600-02654 W 54" H 41" 4V6600-02660 W 60" H 41"



4S0439 Alberti End Table

4S0443 Alberti Coffee Table

7U24BT Apollo End Table

7U54BT Apollo Coffee Table

7U48BT Apollo Umbrella Dining Table

7U84BT Apollo Oval Dining Table

W 26.50" D 26.50" H 17.25"

L 58.25" W 26.50" H 26.50"

W 24" H 17"

W 36" H 19"

W 48" H 28.75"

L 84" W 48" H 28.75"

3Y2 2BT Casa End Table

3Y45BT Casa Coffee Table

3Y48BT Casa Umbrella Dining Table

3Y0777 Casa Oval Dining Table

7S0439 Tuoro End Table

7S0443 Tuoro Coffee Table

W 24" H 17"

L 44" W 24" H 19"

W 48" H 29"

L 98.50" W 70" H 28.75"

W 22" W 22" H 20.50"

L 45" D 22" H 20.50"

7S42BT Tuoro Square Dining Table

7S88BT Tuoro Rectangular Dining Table

9SBT36 Windsor Dining Umbrella Table

W 42" D 42" H 30"

L 87.5" W 42" H 30"

L 38" W 36" H 30.25"



7 1082 2 Elemental Square End Table

710844 Elemental Rectangular Coffee Table

7 1084 8 Elemental Square Dining Table

7 10884 Elemental Rectangular Dining Table

2S0439 Elevation End Table

7C0C84 Communal Counter Height Table

W 22" D 22" H 22.50"

L 44" W 24" H 18.50"

W 48" D 48" H 29"

L 84" W 42" H 29"

L 24.50" D 23" H 16.55"

L 84" W 30" H 35.50"

7C0B84 Communal Bar Height Table

3G0696 Metropolis Universal C Table

32BT36 Metropolis Square Umbrella Dining Table

324 8BT Metropolis Square Round Umbrella Table

3290BT Metropolis Umbrella Dining Table

68002 2 Parc End Table

L 84" W 30" H 41.50"

W 14" D 14" H 22.50"

W 36" D 36" H 29"

W 48.25" D 48.25" H 29"

L 90" W 44" H 28.75"

W 22" H 22.25"

680026 Parc Bistro Table

3Z04 39 Salona End Table with Glass Top

7D0443 Salona Coffee Table with Glass Top

1X04 39 Seal Cove Square End Table

1X0443 Seal Cove Coffee Table

1X0707 Seal Cove Umbrella Dining Table

W 29" H 26.25"

W 20.30" D 20.30" H 20.50"

L 48.30" W 20.80" H 18"

W 22.50" D 22.50" H 21"

L 47.50" W 24" H 19"

L 77.75" W 42" H 28.50"

7D04 39 Vale End Table

7D0443 Vale Coffee Table

W 22.50" D 22.50" H 22.25"

L 50" W 27" H 16.75" 157


826604WL Lattice Round End Table W 18" H 17.25"

826636WL Lattice Round Dining Table

826174WL Lattice Oval Dining Table

820604A Trellis Round End Table

820453A Trellis Oval End Table

820452A Trellis Oval Coffee Table

W 36" H 28"

L 74.30" W 43" H 28"

W 18" H 17.30"

L 24" W 18" H 17.30"

L 37" W 19" H 17.30"

826030A Trellis Round Dining Table

820536A Trellis Round Bar Height Table

Also Available: 826142WL W 42" H 28" 82614 8WL W 48" H 28"

826037A Trellis Square Dining Table

820190A Trellis Rectangular Dining Table

W 36" D 36" H 27"

L 90.50" W 44.50" H 28"

W 30" H 27"

W 36" H 40"

Also Available: 820174A Trellis Oval Dining Table

Also Available: 820136A W 36" H 28" 820142 A W 42" H 28" 82014 8A W 48" H 28" 820154A W 54" H 28"

Also Available: 820542 A W 42" H 40.50"

L 74.25" W 43" H 28"



82 2604W Acrylic Round End Table W 18" H 17.30"

82 2 14 8W Acrylic Round Dining Table

826604W Obscure Round End Table

826453W Obscure Oval End Table

826452W Obscure Oval Coffee Table

826137 W Obscure Square Dining Table

W 48" H 28"

W 18" H 17.30"

L 24" W 19" H 17.30"

L 37.50" W 19.50" H 17.30"

W 36" D 36" H 27"

Also Available: 82 2 142W W 42" H 28" 82 2 136W W 36" H 28" 82 2 130W W 30" H 28"

Also Available: 826140W W 42" D 42" H 28"

826130W Obscure Round Dining Table

826174W Obscure Oval Dining Table

826290W Obscure Rectangular Dining Table

823536W Obscure Round Dining Table

826538W Obscure Square Dining Table

W 30" H 27"

L 74.30" W 43" H 28"

L 90.50" W 44.50" H 28"

W 36" H 40"

W 42" D 42" H 40"

Also Available: 826636W W 36" H 28" 826142W W 42" H 28" 82614 8W W 48" H 28" 826154W W 54" H 28" 826360W W 60.50" H 28"



190193 Round End Table

190156 Round End Table

1902 12 Small Square End Table

902 13 Medium Square End Table

1902 14 Large Square End Table

1902 15 Nest Of Three Square End Tables

W 17" H 17.50"

W 17" H 16"

W 12.50" D 12.50" H 13.70"

W 16" D 16" H 14.80"

W 19.50" D 19.50" H 16"

190212, 190213, 190214

19024 4 Round End Table

190040 Rectangular End Table

190041 Rectangular Coffee Table

190294 Round Coffee Table

190134 Round Bistro Table

190011 Round Bistro Table

W 24" H 17.50"

L 24.50" W 18.50" H 17.50"

L 36.50" W 18.50" H 17.50"

W 42" H 21.25"

W 30" H 29"

W 24" H 29"

Also Available: 190135 W 36" H 29"

Also Available: 380134 W 30" H 29"

1902 28 Round Dining Table - 8 Spoke

19014 3 Oval Dining Table

W 48" H 29"

L 72" W 42" H 29"

380032 Round Bistro Table - Pattern Top

190138 Hexagon Umbrella Table

190137 Round Dining Table

1902 29 Round Dining Table - 4 Spoke

W 30" H 29"

W 62.25" D 53.75" H 29"

W 48" H 29"

W 42" H 29"

Also Available: 1902 27 W 54" H 29" 163


190303 Oval Dining Table - 8 Spoke

880317 Rectangular Dining Table - 8 Spoke

190056 Round Bar Height Table

190057 Round Bar Height Umbrella Table

L 54" W 42" H 29"

L 60" W 42" H 29"

W 30.10" H 42.40"

W 41.50" H 42"

Also Available: 190306 L 72" W 42" H 29"

Also Available: 190309 L 84" W 42" H 29" 190284 L 84" W 60" H 29"

280136 Round Dining Table - Contract +Plus Top

280030 Rectangular Dining Table - Contract +Plus Top

280098 Square Bar Table - Contract +Plus Top

W 42" H 29"

W 30.30" D 48" H 29"

W 30.50" D 30.50" H 41.50"

280134 Round Bistro Table - Contract +Plus Top

280024 Square Bistro Table - Contract +Plus Top

W 30" H 29"

W 24.50" D 24.50" H 29"

Also Available: 280135 Umbrella Table W 36.50" H 29"

Also Available: 280027 W 30.50" D 30.50" H 29" 280029 Square Bistro Umbrella Table W 36.50" D 36.50" H 29"

2 J0033MM Jax End Table

2J0053MM Jax Coffee Table

8S0039 Lattitude End Table

W 20.80" D 20.80" H 24.50"

W 38.30" D 38.30" H 20.50"

W 16" H 22.50"

Also Available: 280137 W 48" H 29"

8S0043 Lattitude Coffee Table W 46" H 16.50"



13L4 SD24 Universal Square Bistro Table

13L4RD30 Universal Round Bistro Table

13L4TD24 Universal Rectangular Bistro Table

13L4 SU36 Universal Square Dining Table

13L4RU36 Universal Round Dining Table

13L4TU4 8 Universal Rectangular Dining Table

W 24" D 24" H 28.50"

W 30" H 28.50"

L 30" W 24" H 28.50"

W 36" D 36" H 28.50"

W 36" H 28.50"

L 48" W 30" H 28.50"

Also Available: 13L4 SD30 W 30" D 30" H 28.50"

Also Available: 13L4RU42 W 42" H 28.50" 13L4RU4 8 W 48" H 28.50"

13L3RD30 Pedestal Round Bistro Table

13L3SD30 Pedestal Square Bistro Table

13L 3RU36 Pedestal Round Dining Table

13L 3SU36 Pedestal Square Dining Table

13L 3TU4 8 Pedestal Rectangular Dining Table

W 30" H 28.50"

W 30" D 30" H 28.50"

W 36" H 28.50"

W 36" D 36" H 28.50"

W 48" D 30" H 28.50"

Also Available: 13L 3RU42 W 42" H 28.50" 13L 3RU4 8 W 48" H 28.50"



65M747-09236FP Square Round Chat Height Fire Table

65M742-09242FP Square Chat Height Fire Table

65M747-0924 8FP Round Chat Height Fire Table

650LCH-09270FP Rectangular Chat Height Fire Table

1CM1SQRB-09236FP Square Round Dining Height Fire Table

1CM1SQSB-09242FP Square Dining Height Fire Table

W 36" H 25.63"

W 42" D 42" H 25.63"

W 48" H 24.88"

L 70" W 60" H 28.38"

W 36" H 28.38"

W 42" D 42" H 28.38"

Also Available: 65M747-09260FP W 60" H 25.13"

Also Available: 650LCH-09246FP L 60" W 42" H 25.13"

1CM1SQRB-0924 8FP Round Dining Height Fire Table

650LDN-09246FP Rectangular Dining Height Fire Table

65M749-09236FP Square Round Counter Height Fire Table

65M74 3-09242FP Square Counter Height Fire Table

65M749-0924 8FP Round Counter Height Fire Table

650LC T-09246FP Rectangular Counter Height Fire Table

W 48" H 28.38"

L 60" W 42" H 28.38"

W 36" H 34.88"

W 42" D 42" H 34.88"

W 48" H 34.88"

L 60" W 42" H 34.26"

Also Available: 1CM1SQRB-09260FP W 60" H 28.38"

Also Available: 650LDN-09270FP L 70" W 60" H 28.38"

Also Available: 65M749-09260FP W 60" H 34.88"

Also Available: 650LC T-09270FP L 70" W 60" H 40.26"

1CM3SQRB-09236FP Square Round Bar Height Fire Table

1CM3SQSB-09242FP Square Bar Height Fire Table

1CM3SQRB-0924 8FP Round Bar Height Fire Table

650LBR-09246FP Rectangular Bar Height Fire Table

W 36" H 40.38"

W 42" D 42" H 40.38"

W 48" H 40.38"

L 60" W 42" H 40.26"

Also Available: 1CM3SQRB-09260FP W 60" H 40.38"

Also Available: 650LBR-09270FP L 70" W 60" H 40.26"

Fire Table Burner Covers are included with each Fire Table. All Fire Tables come with Black Beads unless otherwise specified. All Fire Tables have Propane hook-ups with Natural Gas Converters.



65M747-0494 8FP Round Chat Height Fire Table

65M742-0494 3FP Square Chat Height Fire Table

650LCH-04946FP Rectangular Chat Height Fire Table

1CM1SQRB-0494 8FP Round Dining Height Fire Table

1CM1SQSB-0494 3FP Square Dining Height Fire Table

650LDN-04946FP Rectangular Dining Height Fire Table

W 48" H 24.94"

W 42" D 42" H 25.69"

L 60" W 42" H 25.19"

W 48" H 28.44"

W 42" D 42" H 28.44"

L 60" W 42" H 28.44"

Also Available: 65M747-04960FP W 60" H 24.94"

Also Available: 1CM1SQRB-04960FP W 60" H 27.50"

65M749-0494 8FP Round Counter Height Fire Table

64M74 3-0494 3FP Square Counter Height Fire Table

650LC T-04946FP Rectangular Counter Height Fire Table

1CM3SQRB-04924 8FP Round Bar Height Fire Table

1CM3SQSB-0494 3FP Square Bar Height Fire Table

650LBR-04946FP Rectangular Bar Height Fire Table

W 48" H 34.94"

W 42" D 42" H 34.94"

L 60" W 42" H 34.32"

W 48" H 40.44"

W 42" D 42" H 40.44"

L 60" W 42" H 40.32"

Also Available: 1CM3SQRB-04960FP W 60" H 40.44"

Also Available: 65M749-04960FP W 60" H 34.94"

650LCH2 1BT Tri-Slat Rectangular Chat Height Fire

3Y0747FP Casa Round Chat Height Fire Table

L 50" W 30" H 26"

W 48" H 25"

Fire Table Burner Covers are included with each Fire Table. All Fire Tables come with Black Beads unless otherwise specified. All Fire Tables have Propane hook-ups with Natural Gas Converters.



65M742-0514 3FP Square Chat Height Fire Table W 42" D 42" H 24.80"

65M747-0514 8FP Round Chat Height Fire Table

650LCH-05146FP Rectangular Chat Height Fire Table

1CM1SQSB-0514 3FP Square Dining Height Fire Table

1CM1SQRB-0514 8FP Round Dining Height Fire Table

650LDN-05146FP Rectangular Dining Height Fire Table

W 48" H 24"

L 60" W 42" H 24.25"

W 42" D 42" H 27.50"

W 48" H 27.50"

L 60" W 42" H 27.50"

Also Available: 1CM1SQRB-05160FP W 60" H 27.50"

Also Available: 65M747-05160FP W 60" H 24"

65M74 3-0514 3FP Square Counter Height Fire Table

65M749-0514 8FP Round Counter Height Fire Table

650LC T-05146FP Rectangular Counter Height Fire Table

1CM3SQRB-0514 8FP Round Bar Height Fire Table

1CM3SQSB-0514 3FP Square Bar Height Fire Table

650LBR-05146FP Rectangular Bar Height Fire Table

W 42" D 42" H 34"

W 48" H 34.94"

L 60" W 42" H 39.50"

W 48" H 39.50"

W 42" D 42" H 39.50"

L 60" W 42" H 39.38"

Also Available: 65M749-05160FP W 60" H 34.94"

Also Available: 65M749-05160FP W 60" H 39.50"

Fire Table Burner Covers are included with each Fire Table. All Fire Tables come with Black Beads unless otherwise specified. All Fire Tables have Propane hook-ups with Natural Gas Converters.





GL ACIER 30209

BE ADED EDGE 092 11 Round Fire Table Burner Cover

HAMP TON 05111 Round Fire Table Burner Cover

THATCH 04911 Round Fire Table Burner Cover

092 12 Square Fire Table Burner Cover

05112 Square Fire Table Burner Cover

04912 Square Fire Table Burner Cover

092 14 Rectangular Fire Table Burner Cover

05114 Rectangular Fire Table Burner Cover

04914 Rectangular Fire Table Burner Cover

BL ACK 30210

AMBER 30211



All Fire Tables Ship with Glass Bead Color Of Your Choice. Please Select When Ordering. If No Color Is Selected, Fire Tables Will Come with Black Beads.


CANOPI COLLEC TION A designer umbrella created by Site Li and crafted f ro m t h e f i n e s t ma te ria ls ava i la b l e . We s t a r te d w i t h proprietary high quality aluminum hub along with carbon fiber ribs create a lightweight, minimally d e si g n e d um b re l la w i t h o p t i ma l p e r f o rma n c e . We to p it off with the best qualit y outdoor UV rated fabrics. Our Canopi collection will offer three styles: Forum, an elevated market st yle, Grace, a flat , minimal design a n d D u p l i c i , a n e l e g a n t d o u b l e t i e r. E a c h s t y l e w i l l b e available in two sizes: 6’ square and 9’ octagon.











Single Piece, 1.5" Diameter Pole

Single Piece, 1.5" Diameter Pole

Single Piece, 1.5" Diameter Pole

6WSSQPUW 6' Square Forum Push Up Lift

6WCSQPUW 6' Square Grace Push Up Lift

6WDTPUW 6' Square Duplici Push Up Lift

6WSSQPU 6' Square Forum Push Up Lift Marine Grade Fabric

6WSSQPU 6' Square Grace Push Up Lift Marine Grade Fabric

6WDTPU 6' Square Duplici Push Up Lift Marine Grade Fabric

6WSSQPUW 6' Square Forum Marine Pulley Lift

6WCSQPPW 6' Square Grace Marine Pulley Lift

6WDTPPW 6' Square Duplici Marine Pulley Lift

6WSSQPP 6' Square Forum Marine Pulley Lift Marine Grade Fabric

6WCSQPP 6' Square Grace Marine Pulley Lift Marine Grade Fabric

6WDTPP 6' Square Duplici Marine Pulley Lift Marine Grade Fabric

9WOPUW 9' Octangonal Forum Push Up Lift

9WCPUW 9' Octangonal Grace Push Up Lift

9WDTPUW 9' Octangonal Duplici Push Up Lift

6WDTPU 9' Octangonal Forum Push Up Lift Marine Grade Fabric

9WCPU 9' Octangonal Grace Push Up Lift Marine Grade Fabric

6WCSQPUW 9' Octangonal Duplici Push Up Lift Marine Grade Fabric

69WOPPW 9' Octangonal Forum Marine Pulley Lift

9WCPPW 9' Octangonal Grace Marine Pulley Lift

9WDTPPW 9' Octangonal Duplici Marine Pulley Lift

9WOPP 9' Octangonal Forum Marine Pulley Lift Marine Grade Fabric

9WCPP 9' Octangonal Grace Marine Pulley Lift Marine Grade Fabric

6WCSQPP 9' Octangonal Duplici Marine Pulley Lift Marine Grade Fabric



Black 85 Pound Umbrella Base

Silver 85 Pound Umbrella Base

W 24" D 24" H 18"

W 24" D 24" H 18"



Black 130 Pound Free Standing

Silver 130 Pound Free Standing

Steel base with wheels

Steel base with wheels

W 24" D 24" H 18"

W 24" D 24" H 18" UML-LIGHTKIT-4 4 Light Kit UML-LIGHTKIT - 8 8 Light Kit (SHOWN)



Black 110 Pound Free Standing

Silver 130 110 Pound Free Standing

Aluminum Base with Wheels

Aluminum Base with Wheels

W 24" D 24" H 18"

W 24" D 24" H 18"


ALUMINUM MARKET O C ATA G O N U M B R E L L A O P T I O N S 2- P i e c e aluminum p o l e w i t h 1 . 5 " p o l e diam e t e r 8 r ib s w i t h a s in gl e ve n t

782 1CW 7.5' Octagon with Champagne Bronze Pole Finish

9861CW 9' Octagon with Champagne Bronze Pole Finish

9861RW 9' Octagon with Hammered Pewter Pole Finish

Crank Lift, Push Button Tilt

Crank Lift, Auto Tilt

Crank Lift, Auto Tilt

9881CW 9' Octagon with Champagne Bronze Pole Finish

982 1T W 9' Octagon with Teak Stain Hardwood Pole Finish

Crank Lift, Collar Tilt

Pulley Lift, Pulley Tilt

2- P i e c e aluminum p o l e w i t h 1 . 5 " p o l e diam e t e r

77W210 7 1/2 Foot 8-Rib

982 1RW 8 1/2 Foot 12-Rib

9881CW 8 1/2 Foot 12-Rib

Pe w t e r p o l e f ini s h w i t h cr ank li f t f un c t i o nali t y

Crank Lift, Push Button Tilt

Crank Lift, Push Button Tilt

Crank Lift, Auto Tilt


Champagne Bronze

Teak Stain Hardwood

Hammered Pewter

Please see your price list for specific size/color combinations available



DOME NO TILT UMBRELL A Pole Diameter - 1.5" Crank Lift Bronze Pole 88RDDM 7.5' 8 Rib Bronze Pole Finish

CANTILEVER TRIGGER LIF T AND R ATCHE T CR ANK FUC TIONALIT Y Bronze Pole 10SQCL 10' 8 Square Cantilever With 18" Tile Base

9RNDCL 12 Panel, 24 Rib Round Cantilever With Water or Sand Filled Base

10SQCL-HD 10' Square Cantilever With 22" Tile Base

Pole - 2" x 3"

Pole - 2" X 3"

Pole - 2.75" X 3.50"

ZU-29-08WD Market Umbrella Champagne Pole

ZU-29-36WD Market Umbrella Hammered Bronze Pole

ZU-29-08BWD Bar Height Market Umbrella Champagne Pole

WO ODA R D CR ANK LIF T AND AUTO-TILT FUNC TIONALIT Y A luminum p o l e w i t h 1 . 5 " p o l e diam e t e r 9' with 8 r ib s an d a s in gl e ve n t ZU-29-36BWD Bar Height Market Umbrella Hammered Bronze Pole


F I B E R B U I LT F R E E - S TA N D I N G UMBRELL A BA SE OP TIONS Construc ted of f iberglass with a total weight of 110 lbs . , a 2 2" diame ter and 15" pipe. For use on all standard umbrellas .

FBW 110-BK

FBW 110-CB

FBW 110-WH


Champagne Bronze


FBW 110-TK

FBW 110-CH



CAST ALUMINUM UMBRELL A BA SE Construc ted f rom cast aluminium with a total weight of 50 lbs . This base can be powder- coated in any standard or premium Woodard f inish. To be use with both market and conventional umbrellas . Can be used with all Woodard tables, except as noted in catalog under tables .

76C 72 1 21" Base 15" Pipe

F R E E - S TA N D I N G M A R K E T STEEL BA SE OP TIONS Construc ted f rom steel of various sizes and shapes . 24.5" diameter bases may be used with umbrellas less than 10' and 30" diameter base may be used with umbrellas over 10'. For use with all Woodard tables, except as noted in catalog under tables . To be used with marke t umbrellas less than 10' in size.

76A725 - ALMOND

76K 725 - BL ACK

76H725 - WHITE

24.50" Round 15" Pipe

24.50" Round 15" Pipe

24.50" Round 15" Pipe

76305A - ALMOND

76305B - BL ACK

76305W - WHITE

30" Square 15" Pipe

30" Square 15" Pipe

30" Square 15" Pipe

97200W - WHITE

972 11W - GR AY

97204W - BL ACK

17" Round

17" Round

17" Round

Woodard umbrella tables and bases accept 1.50" diame ter poles .

S TA N D A R D BA SE OP TIONS Construc ted of cement f illed, high- densit y, blow-molded plastic . For use with all Woodard tables, except as noted in a catalog under tables . To be used with marke t umbrellas less than 10' in size. Woodard umbrella tables and bases accept 1.50" diame ter poles .

97209W - BROWN 17" Round


THROW PILLOWS & R E T I C U L AT E D S E AT I N G Woodard outdoor pillows withstand sun, rain, & dir t while maintaining their shape. Our pillows are made with durable, all-weather fabrics that dr y quickly & resist fading f rom UV rays . Choose f rom our assor tment colors and patterns to create your custom look .

6NWP 16WL 16” Round Throw Pillow with Button

6NWP20WL 16” Square Throw Pillow with Button

3 3WP2 1DRUM Reticulated Drum

3 3WP2 1CUBE Reticulated Cube

W 21” H 21”

W 21” D 21” H 21”

3 3WP6CWL 22” X 10” Kidney Throw Pillow

3 3WP8CWL Kidneye Pillow Boxed

96WP2 1WL 20” Square Throw Pillow

96WP24WL 24” Square Throw Pillow

3 3WP6CDWL 22” X 10” Kidney Throw Pillow with Faux Down Fill

W 22” D 10” H 5”

96WP2 1DWL 20” Square Throw Pillow with Faux Down Fill

96WP24DWL 24” Square Throw Pillow with Faux Down Fill


PREMIUM W E AT H E R P R O O F PROTECTIVE COVERS Woodard protec tive furniture covers are water, UV, tear and abrasion resistant and come with elastic bottoms for a secure f it . An additional feature is a mesh vent with a f lap to prevent moisture and mildew f rom collec ting inside the cover. All covers come in a neutral charcoal gray. Covers are 8 oz . 100% Polyester with Eco -f riendly backing for additional wind protec tion. S e e i n d i v i d u a l i te m s i n t h e Pri c e L i s t t ha t a re n o t a te d as to w h i c h p ro te c t i v e c o v e r w i l l f i t . U s e ma x i m u m f ra m e d i m e n s i o n s w h e n o rd e r i n g c o v e r s b y s i z e .

CVR-BS 1 Large Barstool Cover

CVR-BS2 Medium Barstool Cover

CVR-BS 3 Small Barstool Cover

Cover Dimension FRONT H 38.5" W 28" D 32.5" BACK H 46.5"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 38.5" W 26" D 31" BACK H 46.5"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 38.5" W 23" D 26" BACK H 46.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 38.5" W 26" D 30.5" BACK H 49.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 38.5" W 24" D 29" BACK H 49.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 38.5" W 21" D 24" BACK H 49.5"

CVR-CH1 Large Chaise Lounge Cover

CVR-CH2 Small Chaise Lounge Cover

CVR-CH3 Medium Chaise Lounge Cover

Cover Dimension FRONT H 25" W 34" D 82" BACK H 22"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 24" W 29.5" D 77" BACK H 24"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 18" W 32.5" D 81.5" BACK H 18"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 25" W 32" D 80" BACK H 25"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 24" W 27.5" D 75.5" BACK H 27"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 18" W 30.5" D 79.5" BACK H 21"

CVR-DN1 Medium 1 Dining Chair Cover

CVR-DN2 Medium 2 Dining Chair Cover

CVR-DN3 Low Dining Chair Cover

CVR-DN4 Tall Dining Chair Cover

Cover Dimension FRONT H 26.5" W 28" D 31.5" BACK H 35.5"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 26.5" W 29" D 33" BACK H 39"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 26" W 29" D 35.5" BACK H 34.5"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 41.5" W 28" D 36.5" BACK H 41.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 26.5" W 26" D 29.5" BACK H 38.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 26.5" W 27" D 31" BACK H 42"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 26" W 27" D 33.5" BACK H 37.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 26" W 26" D 34.5" BACK H 44.5"

CVR-LG1 Low Lounge Chair Cover

CVR-LG2 Medium Lounge Chair Cover

CVR-LG3 Tall Lounge Chair Cover

Cover Dimension FRONT H 28" W 33" D 38" BACK H 28"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 27" W 33.5" D 36" BACK H 33"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 26" W 34.5" D 37" BACK H 38"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 28" W 31" D 36" BACK H 31"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 27" W 31.5" D 34" BACK H 36"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 26" W 32.5" D 35" BACK H 41"

CVR-L S 1 Small Love Seat Cover

CVR-L S2 Medium 1 Love Seat Cover

CVR-L S 3 Medium 2 Love Seat Cover

CVR-L S 4 Large Love Seat Cover

Cover Dimension FRONT H 26" W 50.5" D 35" BACK H 33.5"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 26" W 56.5" D 35" BACK H 27.5"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 25.5" W 56.5" D 39" BACK H 33.5"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 26" W 62.5" D 38" BACK H 33.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 26" W 48.5" D 33" BACK H 36.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 26" W 54.5" D 33" BACK H 30.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 25.5" W 54.5" D 37" BACK H 36.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 26" W 60.5" D 36" BACK H 36.5"

CVR-SF 1 Small Sofa Cover

CVR-SF2 Medium Sofa Cover

CVR-SF3 Large Sofa Cover

Cover Dimension FRONT H 25.5" W 77.5" D 30" BACK H 25.5"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 25" W 81.5" D 38" BACK H 34.5"

Cover Dimension FRONT H 25.5" W 89.5" D 38.5" BACK H 34.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 25.5" W 75.5" D 28" BACK H 28.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 25" W 79.5" D 36" BACK H 37.5"

Frame Maximum FRONT H 25.5" W 87.5" D 36.5" BACK H 37.5"


FINISHES I R O N /A L U M I N U M O n t o p o f o u r i r o n a n d a l u m i n u m f ra m e s a r e e l e va t e d f i n i s h e s c r e a t e d t o w i t h s t a n d the harshest of outdoor elements and retain color over a period of many years.



81 Aztec Bronze

K2 Blush

48 Chestnut Brown

45 Espresso

24 Glimmer Gray*

43 Graphite

20 Hammered White

K4 Ice

K6 Indigo

53 Khaki

K3 Matte White

72 Pewter*

K7 Pine

J9 Poppy

21 Smooth Black*

92 Textured Black

93 Twilight

K8 Wheat

95 Burnished Chrome

66 Onyx Pebble

70 Weathered White


12 Aged Teak

*The above finishes are not recommended for the following collections: Alberti, Apollo, Casa, Delphi, Touro, Wiltshire, Windsor, and all Solid Cast Tops with Beaded Edge. These finishes are also not recommended for all Cast Aluminum Table Tops and Fire Table Tops. Premium finishes carry an upcharge as notated in the individual pricing in the price list. Please note that photographs are representations only of the finishes. Actual finishes may vary.




15 Y EA R

15 Y EA R










We warrant to you, the original purchaser that with the exceptions stated below, the furniture you have selected is free from defects in material and workmanship. Straps, slings, and cushions are warranted based on quality of workmanship, not fading, discoloration, mildew resistance or stretching.

Any claim under this warranty should be initiated within the Warranty Period by contacting the dealer where the item(s) were originally purchased. A copy of the original sales receipt as well as the original order placed with Woodard is required. A claim may also be handled by any other authorized Woodard Dealer but an original sales receipt would still be required to verify date of purchase. All warranty claims should be sent by email to claims@woodard-furniture.com.

HOW LONG DOES COVERAGE LAST Structural This limited structural warranty lasts for a period of fifteen (15) years for Aluminum and Iron and three (3) years for Woven from the date of delivery of the furniture to you (“Warranty Period”). Coverage terminates if you sell or otherwise transfer the furniture or have unauthorized repairs or alterations done to the furniture during the warranty period. Products approved for use in commercial applications will be covered under the current Hospitality Warranty Period of five (5) years for Aluminum and Iron and three (3) years for Woven from the date of delivery. Finish This limited finish warranty lasts for a period of seven (7) years from the date of delivery of the furniture to you (“Warranty Period”). Coverage terminates if you sell or otherwise transfer the furniture or have unauthorized repairs or alterations done to the furniture during the warranty period. Products approved for use in commercial applications will be covered under the current Hospitality Warranty Period of five (5) years from the date of delivery. Cushion This limited cushion warranty lasts for a period of one (1) year from the date of delivery of the furniture to you

If unable to go through a dealer please send the information via email directly to Woodard Customer Service at retail3@woodard-furniture.com. Freight charges will be paid by Woodard for two (2) years from purchase for warranty claims – proof of purchase is required. Customer will be responsible for freight charges after the first two (2) years of the Warranty Period. Woodard reserves the right to examine all merchandise claimed to be defective. Upon approval of the claim, Woodard will authorize either repair or replacement of the defective furniture, strap, sling, cushion or part. No returns shall be accepted without a return authorization from Woodard.


(“Warranty Period”). Cushion warranty covers workmanship of the cushion itself and the filler for one (1) year. Fabrics may be covered under a separate warranty by the fabric manufacturer. If a fabric is deemed defective after the one (1) year cushion warranty by the fabric manufacturer, cost for replacing the cushion, less the fabric charges would be your responsibility. Coverage terminates if you sell or otherwise transfer the furniture or have unauthorized repairs or alterations done to the furniture during the warranty period. Products approved for use in commercial applications will be covered under the current Hospitality Warranty Period of one (1) year from the date of delivery.

This warranty does not cover and is void if damage is a result of freight/shipping, a failure caused by unreasonable or abusive use, acts of God, improper care, freeze damage, mildew, normal wear, fading or stretching of fabrics and vinyl straps, glass breakage, glides or if the furniture is used for commercial purposes (except where noted) or if the customer fails to provide reasonable and necessary care as outlined in the product information brochures.

Parts Certain parts, such as recliner mechanisms, fire table burners, etc., only carry a one (1) year warranty.

This warranty is valid only in the fifty (50) United States and Canada. This warranty is in lieu of any implied or other expressed warranties, implied warranties, including any warranty of merchantability imposed on the sale of this furniture under State law, are limited to a fifteen (15) year duration for the frame and seven (7) years on the finish, a three (3) year duration for the strap and one (1) year duration for the fabric. Some states do not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts, so the above limitation may not apply to you.

WHAT WOODARD WILL DO Frames If within the Warranty Period, your furniture fails structurally or if the finish cracks, peels, or blisters, Woodard will, at our option, repair or replace the frame in the original color and style. Please note that it is at Woodard’s discretion as to whether the original defective piece is required to be sent back or not .

Straps If within the Warranty Period, the strap breaks or pulls out of the frame within three (3) years from date of delivery, Woodard will send a replacement strap(s) directly to you upon receipt of the defective item(s). Please note that it is at Woodard’s discretion as to whether the original defective piece is required to be sent back or not.

Slings If within the Warranty Period, the sling breaks or pulls out of the frame within one (1) year from date of delivery,

Woodard will send a replacement sling(s) directly to you upon receipt of the defective item(s). Please note that it is at Woodard’s discretion as to whether the original defective piece is required to be sent back or not.


Woodard shall not be responsible for loss of use, time, inconvenience, packing, travel, personal injury, or other consequential or incidental damages resulting from any defect in the product. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation exclusion may not apply to you. No person, firm or corporation is authorized to make any other warranty or assume any other obligation for the manufacturer in connection with the sale of these goods. Woodard reserves the right to make design, color, or fabric changes and/or discontinue any item(s) without notice. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights that vary from state to state.

In the event that a frame finish, style or fabric has been discontinued, we reserve the right to substitute the defective frame, sling or cushion in a similar style or color at our option. Please note, because iron is made from steel, small amounts of rust seepage may appear when used outdoors, mainly in the joints and crevices. This seepage is normal and is not covered under warranty. Regular maintenance (e.g. cleaning the furniture, touching up nicks and scrapes) must be exercised.




Insect Repellents & Suntan Lotions

Cleaning & Maintenance

Removing Stains, Mildew, Etc.

Special Instructions


Clean with mild laundry detergent and warm water. Strap contains an effective fungicide and UV stabilizers.

To remove scuff marks on vinyl straps, apply toothpaste or gentle abrasive to a clean, dry cloth and rub gently. To remove mildew, use a solution of warm water, mild laundry detergent and chlorine bleach (no more than 1/4 cup to three gallons of water). Never use a solvent-type solution.

Not recommended. Insect repellents and suntan lotions can reduce the life of vinyl plastic, accelerate fading and stain straps. To avoid damage, wipe clean with mild laundry detergent and warm water.

DO NOT USE solvents, scouring agents, carbon tetrachloride, undiluted bleach, janitorial cleansersor gasoline. If in doubt about using a detergent, choose an inconspicuous area and test the cleaner.


For best results, clean regularly with mild detergent and warm water. Cleaning will help prevent mildew by washing out dirt particles that may become trapped. Shake out excess moisture after rinsing and allow to dry thoroughly before storing.

Clean with a solution of warm water, mild laundry detergent, and chlorine bleach (no more than 1/4 cup to three gallons of water). Never use a solvent-type solution.

Not recommended. Insect repellents and suntan lotions can reduce the life of the weave material, accelerate fading and stain fabrics. To avoid damage, wipe clean with mild laundry detergent and warm water.

DO NOT USE solvents, scouring agents, carbon tetrachloride, undiluted bleach, janitorial cleansers or gasoline. If in doubt about using a detergent, choose an inconspicuous area and test the cleaner.


Spot wash by sponging briskly with a mild soap in lukewarm water (do not exceed 100°F) Thoroughly rinse with clean water to remove soap. Allow to air dry completely before storing.

Spot wash by sponging briskly with a mild soap in lukewarm water (do not exceed 100°F). Thoroughly rinse with clean water to remove soap. Allow to air dry completely before storing.

Not recommended. Insect repellents and suntan lotions can reduce the life of fabrics, accelerate fading and stain fabrics. To avoid damage, wipe clean with mild laundry detergent and warm water. Do not use bleach or harsh detergents under any circumstances.

DO NOT USE STEAM. Acrylic fibers are made of 100% acrylic fiber and are thermoplastic or heat sensitive. When spot washing, use lukewarm water (under 100°F) and allow to air dry. Do not use solvents, carbon tetrachloride, scouring agents, bleach, janitorial cleansers, gasoline or brushes.

Cleaning & Maintenance

Removing Stains, Mildew, Etc.

Insect Repellents & Suntan Lotions

Special Instructions


Clean with warm soapy water. Damage to the paint finish may cause corrosion; touch up with paint immediately. To maintain the gloss on non-textured finishes, protect with a fine automotive wax.

Woodard’s multi-step finishing process results in a stain-resistant finish. Severe stains may require light sanding and touch-up painting.

The finish on Woodard furniture is formulated and baked on to make it highly resistant to repellents and lotions. However, to avoid discoloration, clean metal parts of these products frequently.

Frame finish touch-up instructions: When covering small spots of surface rust, clean area by sanding lightly and wipe immediately to prevent rust. When preparing scratched areas for touchup painting, rub lightly with fine steel wool to smooth the surface and improve paint adhesion. Apply thin coats of touch-up paint and allow ample drying time between coats.


Clean with a solution of warm water and mild soap. Use a fine automotive wax to maintain the gloss on non-textured finishes.

Woodard’s multi-step finishing process results in a stain-resistant finish. Severe stains may require light sanding and touch-up painting.

The finish on Woodard furniture is formulated and baked on to make it highly resistant to repellents and lotions. However, to avoid discoloration, clean the frame as soon as possible after the exposure.

Frame finish touch-up instructions: When using touch-up paints, please follow instructions and cautions on product labels. If covering scratches, rub lightly with fine steel wool to smooth the surface and improve paint adhesion. Apply thin coats of touch-up paint and allow ample drying time between coats.


NexTeak requires no staining, painting or weatherproofing. It is highly resistant to alcohol, juice, and coffee spills under normal conditions and does not stain from normal household liquids. Cleaning is simple - a mild soapy solution is usually sufficient to remove dirt and debris.

Oil stains can be removed using non-abrasive cleaners.

See Cleaning and Maintenance Instructions.

Scratches and scuffs can be easily repaired using a scouring pad and sanding lightly with the grain.


Clean regularly with a soft cloth, a mild detergent and warm water. Buff dry with a clean, lint-free cloth.

See Cleaning and Maintenance Instructions.

See Cleaning and Maintenance Instructions.

DO NOT USE solvents, scouring agents, carbon tetrachloride, undiluted bleach, janitorial cleansers or gasoline.


Clean with a solution of warm water and mild liquid detergent, rinse well with clear water and wipe dry with a clean cloth. An automotive spray cleaner/wax may be used to maintain original shine.

A multipurpose degreaser such as Zep, HDX, Simple Green, etc., may be used following product instructions.

See Cleaning and Maintenance Instructions.

Do not allow water to stand on the underside of tables, this may result in water entering the core and void the warranty.



3901 S. 20th Ave., Dallas, T X 7 5261 800 87 7 2 290 S H OW R O O M

AmericasMar t , 240 Peachtree S t NW Building 1, Suite 4 -E-10, Atlanta, G A 30303 c u s t o m e r s u p p o r t @ wo o d a r d - f u r n i t u r e .co m wo o d a r d - f u r n i t u r e .co m

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