Who Knows If Its Good or Bad Every ten weeks, we get out of class early and head over to our homerooms. This is a dreaded day for some students, and never did I think I would be one of them. Junior year is turning out to be very hard. There are high expectations, daunting amounts of work, hours of studying and challenging material. This is all on top of friend drama, prom dress shopping and keeping up with trends. This is the first year out of all my school years that I have not had straight A’s. My high grades have always been very important to me. In order to be given these grades, I’ve always made sure that my homework was done and that I was prepared for tests. This year however I received C’s in Advanced Algebra and Anatomy and Physiology the first two quarters. When I looked at the report card in October I was shocked and almost began to cry. I could not believe that I had not just one, but two bad grades! Naturally my parents were not happy and they threatened to take my phone away. “Great! Never in my life did i imagine my dad would try to take my phone away for a bad grade!” I thought to myself. I sat down with my mom that after receiving the first bad report card and we had a long talk. She told me that she was very concerned and asked me what was wrong. At first I had nothing to say, but as I began to think about it, it all came out. I began to tell her about the problems with my boyfriend and friends. I explained that on top of the hard work, I was dealing with friends leaving me out and changing. At the end of our conversation she mentioned that she had emailed all my teachers and that I was to stay after and talk to my Anatomy and Math teachers. After the second quarter report card I went to talk to my teachers. Together with my parents we came up with a plan that would hopefully help improve my grades. It was decided that I would stay after once a week for both teachers. At this time I could ask questions, do homework, and they would help me prepare for tests. My Anatomy teacher taught me more effective ways of studying and how to use my book as a tool.
The first two quarters were filled with failing tests and bad grades, but it has turned out good. I learned how to use my text books, study more effectively and seek out answers if I can not find them. In the long run, these things will all benefit me in college when I’m on my own in college without a teacher giving me all of the information. As of this year, these new techniques have caused my grades to raise back up in to the nineties. The most important benefit that came out of the bad grades was now I try my hardest and when I receive grades I am not upset because I know that I tried my very hardest.