Heirloom Vacations l ake cit y, color a d o
Official Vacation Planner 2010-2011
Heirloom Vacations Lake City has been visited over the years by people who raised their children along the streams, on the trails, and bouncing over the old mining roads. They sought the cool mountain climate, abundant trout, and wilderness adventures on horseback or Jeep. The children grew, and they brought their children to Lake City, generation after generation. That tradition continues today, in a town that contains one of the most authentic National Historic Districts in the state of Colorado, and which sits at the junction of two National Byways. Surrounded by four National Wilderness Areas, lakes, streams, trails, and miles of public lands, outdoor recreation is a way of life in Lake City.You can easily fish, hike, camp, take scenic drives, and watch the wildlife. Lake City offers a historic mine tour, local history museum,walking tours,a vibrant arts community and numerous special events. This tiny renaissance occurs in the most remote county in the lower 48 states, on the frontier of what is still wilderness, even today. Join us for a while. It’s time to make your own Lake City Heirloom Vacation. This issue of the Official Lake City Vacation Planner was made possible by the Lake City Marketing Board, which is a cooperative effort of the Town of Lake City, Hinsdale County, and the Lake City/Hinsdale County Chamber of Commerce. This guide was funded with locally collected sales taxes, lodging taxes, and with the support of the business members of the Chamber of Commerce. The information in this guide is subject to change, although it is correct to the best of our knowledge at the time of printing. We recommend that you call ahead to confirm your plans. In addition to this guide, visitor information about Lake City and Hinsdale County is available online at www.lakecity.com, by calling us toll-free at 800-569-1874, and at the visitor information center located at 800 North Gunnison Avenue (Highway 149) in Lake City.
This guide was produced by Mary Carkin Media, Lake City, Colorado, www.marycarkin.com. Graphic design was created by RoShamBo, Gunnison, Colorado. Printed in the United States of America. Š 2010 Lake City Marketing Board. All rights reserved.
Contents arts & history Lake City National Historic District
History Museums & Tours
Moseley Arts Center
Made in Lake City
outdoor recreation Alpine Loop
Silver Thread Byway & Scenic Drives
Hiking, Backpacking, Horseback Riding, Mountain Biking
Lake San Cristobal
essential lake city
helpful information
Photo by Greg Ochocki
business listings: Lodging & Campgrounds Dining & Food Arts & Museums Outdoor Recreation Shopping Building Services & Materials Real Estate & Relocation More business & services
29 38 41 42 47 50 52 54
getting here
Left: Cataract Falls. Cover: American Basin. Cover image by Joe Zimmerman.
our T g in lk a W ic Histor ict ic distr y l histor it nationa our of lake c t walking
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Walking Tours Pick up a copy of the new map and guide to the National Historic District at the Visitor Center. Take a self-guided tour of the District’s downtown, homes, churches, outbuildings, and historic tourist cabins. Or, take an entertaining, guided walking tour of the District with the Hinsdale County Historical Society. Local guides tell about the fantastic events that happened within the walls of these historic buildings. Tours are scheduled every week during the summer; see the full schedule on page 7.
Civilization in the Wilderness The Lake City National Historic District contains a medley of buildings from a time of massive growth and expansion in American history.The young United States and its territories contained vast mineral and natural resources that fueled the unrelenting expansion of the 19th century. Hordes of settlers, speculators, families, and entrepreneurs spread westward across the American continent during the mid-1800s, displacing native peoples and building new towns, sometimes almost overnight. Lake City was founded as a supply hub for prospectors, miners, and speculators who came to the rugged San Juan Mountains in search of mineral riches. The new settlements went through cycles of growth and contraction, with some towns lasting only a few years, and others, like Lake City, surviving
Historic T ourist Cabins of lake cit y
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Historic Tourist Cabins & Motor Courts
Mary Carkin
into the 20th and 21st centuries by adapting to a tourism-based economy. Where the train used to symbolize growth and opportunity of the 19th century, the new automobiles of the 20th century meant that the surging middle class could spend its leisure time in the remote wilderness of the San Juan Mountains of Colorado. Here, in Lake City, you'll find over 200 historic buildings from these important times in the American story. The houses, businesses, public buildings, churches, tourist cabins, and outbuildings each have a story of their own. From the homes of laborers to the homes of successful entrepreneurs, from Hell's Acre to the county courthouse, from outhouses to an opera house, these structures represent unique aspects of our shared history. n
In the 1930s, 40s and 50s, when improved roads allowed visitors to arrive by automobile, several “motor court” style cabins were built to meet the demand for lodging. Although some have been converted to private residences, several of these quaint places still host visitors year after year. Historic tourist cabins in use today within the National Historic District include the Town Square Cabins (1939-1946), G & M Cabins (1936, 1947), and Alpine Village (1947-49). The Matterhorn Motel, built in 1949, is well-preserved and, open for business. Beyond the district boundaries, you can stay at historic cabins at the Texan Resort (1946), Vickers Ranch (1929+), Wagon Wheel Resort (1948), and the Westwood Resort (1954). For further information, pick up the new guide to Lake City’s historic lodging at the Visitor Center, 800 Gunnison Avenue.
Turn back time...
Featured Museum Exhibits Lake City Textiles: 1850s to 1920s
This re-created millinery shop exhibit features a loom, spinning wheel, and weasle, plus a variety of handmade fabrics, hats, and locally made clothing. Featured textiles include a rare, Navajo Third Phase Chief’s blanket with local ties, and elaborate, crocheted and embroidered clothing made by Italian immigrants to Lake City in the 1890s.
Lake City Photographers Hinsdale County Museum 130 Silver Street / 970-944-2050 www.lakecitymuseum.com Open 10 am to 5 pm, Monday through Saturday and 1 to 4 pm on Sundays, Memorial Day through Labor Day. Open in winter by appointment. Groups are welcome all year. Admission: $4 adults; $2 for children ages 8 to 15; free for kids 7 and under.
This exhibit features a re-creaton of an 1870s photographer’s canvas tent, containing a light wall with 100 glass plate negatives of Lake City scenes. These images were taken by Frank Dean, Billy Green, and Mary Richardson from the 1880s to 1910s. The display also features photographer Thomas E. Barnhouse, a collection of his stereoviews taken in Lake City, plus two large photos of Lake San Cristobal taken by William Henry Jackson.
Barlow & Sanderson Stage Route
This diorama depicts the rough-and-tumble trip in Barlow and Sanderson stage coaches as they made their way over the rough mountain terrain from Del Norte and Saguache. An 1878 account of the adventure states, “It was necessary to hold on or be pitched out...All along, we met freight and immigrant wagons, moving or stuck in the mud; teams and men worn out and discouraged, and coated with mud from head to foot.”
Additional Exhibits > Transportation Building & Blacksmith Shop > Lake City Honky Tonk Days > The Lake City Melting Pot: Ores and Minerals from the area > Assay Office > Alferd Packer > The Jail > Narrow Gauge Railroad Caboose > Helen’s Garden, a display of flowers and vegetables that might have grown in an 1890s-era Lake City garden. 6
Special Events & Guided Tours Community Picnic
July 3. 11:30 am to 3 pm. Lake City Town Park. Everyone is welcome to meet up with friends old and new at this annual Lake City tradition. Complete picnic lunch provided; bring a dish to share if you like. In case of rain, we’ll meet at the Armory. More information: Larry, 970-944-0250.
Songs for Parlor & Concert Singing
July 14, 21, 28, and August 4, from 7 to 8:30 pm at the Museum. Admission free; donations welcome. Join local musicians Claire Jesse, Julie Rothschild, Dan Wampler, Don Farmer, and Mary Ann Underwood at the Museum for interesting solos, duets, and quartets from the turn of the 19th century, performed in a historic parlor setting.
Living History Day
July 17. 11 am to 4 pm at the Museum. Live displays and discussions of early day crafts and life in a small, remote mining community. Exhibits of Lake City artifacts, live demonstrations of old crafts, honky tonk music, and an entertaining discussion of Alferd Packer and his trial. Kids are welcome.
Grand Opening of Textile and Photography Exhibits
August 7. 5 to 7 pm at the Museum. Admission free; donations welcome. KC Erret and Julie Rothschild will be on hand to answer questions about these exhibits. Free light snacks and cash bar.
National Historic District Tours
Get a detailed look at the people, stories, architecture, and notable builders behind Lake City’s historic structures. Every Thursday from June 17 through August 12 starting at 10:30 am. Tickets: $5 for adults; $2 for children under 10.
Cemetery Tours
The full spectrum of Lake City’s Victorian-era personalities is revealed in these fascinating tours. Every Tuesday from June 22 through September 7 starting at 10:30 am. Tickets: $5 for adults; $2 for children under 10. Your own transportation is required.
Ghost Tours
A long-time Lake City tradition is the telling of ghost lore and legend. Join in the tradition, and keep the memory of the local ghosts alive. On Friday evenings: June 18, 25; July 9, 16, 23; Aug. 6, 13 starting at 8 pm.Tickets: $8 for adults; $2 for children under 10. Bring a flashlight and dress warmly, but be warned—even a coat may not keep the creepy chills away!
Interior Tours of Local Homes
These thematic tours of some of Lake City’s most interesting homes will take you right inside for a rare glimpse of our mountain heritage. Historic Homes Tour, August 6. Modern Homes Tour, August 13. Tours start at Museum at 1 pm. Tickets: $10 per person, includes tour and refreshments. Your own transportation is required.
Back In Thyme Victorian High Tea
August 16. Noon. At Helen’s Garden at the Hinsdale County Museum. Wear your biggest and best hat! Victorian attire is encouraged but not required. Information: Dana, 970-944-7000.
Hard Tack Mine Tour & Museum County Road 20 (Henson Creek Road) / 970-944-2506 / www.hardtackmine.com Open 10 am to 5 pm, every day from Memorial Day to Labor Day Open during the winter by appointment. / Admission: $10 for adults, $6 for children Take a tour of this underground mine and museum, and experience how hard rock miners lived and worked over 100 years ago. The tour includes displays of antique mining equipment, photos of the area when mining boomed, the area’s largest rock collection, and unique lighted displays depicting how miners dug and blasted through rock using only hand tools and dynamite. The mine is located on the Alpine Loop National Back Country Byway, near the Hidden Treasure mill site and the ghost town of Treasure City. It is a constant 45 degrees in the mine, so a light jacket is recommended. Tours are handicap accessible and state inspected. Group tours are available year round by appointment.
Chamber Music Series Marelle String Quartet - June 23
A Lake City favorite for nearly a decade, performing the classics with a passionate sensitivity and flair.
Colorado Springs Woodwind Quartet - July 10 Widely celebrated for the power of its performances and breadth of musical experience.
The Mountain Music Duo - August 4
A duo of pure delight, captivating audiences with a dazzling array of flute and guitar music, spanning two continents and three centuries in one hour.
Summer Music Series Round Mountain Trio - June 15
Moseley Arts Center
Diverse music expertly performed with a plethora of instruments.
300 N Silver St / www.lakecityarts.org General information: 970-944-2706 Box office: 970-944-2710
Colorado 101st Army Band - June 25
The Moseley Arts Center offers a variety of programs, including visual art exhibits, Chamber Music Series, Summer Music Series, community theatre productions, dance performances, workshops, and arts and crafts shows. Located in the historic Hough Building, the Arts Center houses both the Mary Stigall Theatre and the Anthony Gallery. The lobby is open for ticket sales during the summer, weekdays from 1 to 4 pm.
This Lake City favorite returns year after year.
David Salazar & Pat Malone - July 16 Flamenco & jazz.
Gunnison Bluegrass Collective - July 24
Our neighbors from the north pay a bluegrass visit.
Sweet Sunny South - July 30
Old time bluegrass with a modern slant.
Les Gilliam - July 31
The Oklahoma Balladeer performs country and western.
For complete details about these events 8
Visual Art Shows Local Artists Exhibit - Opens June 11. Karen & Robert Hurd and Edna Mason Exhibit - Opens July 9. Carol Robinson Exhibit - Opens August 7.
Dance Performances Hear Us Dance
June 28. July 5. August 9, 12, 16, 20 Lake City’s own Lakettes cloggers return with a new, high energy show.
Theatrical Productions Dearly Beloved, a comedy. July 1, 2, 8, 9, 22, 23 Can the Futrelle sisters pull off this wedding? Continental Divide See www.lakecity.com/events for dates
A comedy in two acts, set in a New York apartment—that’s under siege.
Adult & Youth Art Camps For schedule and sign up information, call 970-944-2706.
Youth Visual Arts Camp / Youth Dance Camp Youth Theatre Camp / Adult Art Camp
JT Thomas
Arts & Crafts Shows Lake City Arts sponsors two shows each year in the Town Park, with a nice variety of fine art, jewelry, ceramics, fiber art, sculpture, clothing, crafts, and food.
35th Annual Lake City Arts & Crafts Festival - July 20 19th Annual September Arts & Crafts Festival - September 11
visit www.lakecity.com/events
Amy Humphries
Crocheted hats. Amy’s Hats at San Juan Soda Company, 227 N Silver St.
Gla ss Cera m ics
Lake City is an inspiring place
that has attracted, and still attracts, many talented people. Before Lake City was even a town, William Henry Jackson took some of his famous large-plate photographs of the area. Now, over 130 years later, the land still inspires the people who visit and live here: about 10% of Lake City’s residents are artists, craftsmen, or writers.
We hope that you meet some
of these talented people, and have a rewarding, enriching visit. To ensure the quality and authenticity of your experience, we used these criteria
Pete Main
Raku, stoneware. Cliff House Pottery, 1000 N. Hwy 149. 970-944-2714
Frank & Linda Mangum
Slab-built stoneware. Mangum Pottery, 206 N Silver St. 970-944-1299
Do lls Lori Winblood
Porcelain, cloth, and other dolls. Dolls by Lori, 2600 N Hwy 149. 970-944-2352
for the Made In Lake City listings:
Fiber Arts • Artists, crafts people, writers, and agricultural producers must live in the immediate Lake City area for at least part of the year, • Works or products must be substantially made by the artist or grown by the producer. • Artistic works or agricultural products must be available for sale or exhibit in Lake City, either in a retail setting, home studio, gallery, or at shows or markets held in Lake City.
Helen Dewey
Books, journals, cards. The Adobe Studio, 625 Pine St. 970-944-2642
Mary Ann Flynn Quilts, fabric items, tiled furniture. 512 Water St. and at Sage and Timber, 312 Silver St. 970-944-3015
Amanda & Christian Hartman
Hand-loomed rugs. Silver Thread Weaving, 130 Bluff St. 970-944-0220.
Dave Jordan
Hand made glass. On Fire Glassworks, 467 S Gunnison Ave, and Third Street Market. 970-497-0887
Music Lake City Stinger Band
Keeping the Lake City band tradition alive. Mike Pearce, director. 970-944-0354. www.lakecityband.org
Pa int i ng Adolph Assenheimer
Watercolors of natural subjects. 1441 Balsam Dr. 970-944-0148
Patricia Davidson
Russ Brown
Belinda Gianola
Yolie Brown
Leo Jo Lowry & Cindy Bissel
Lisa Gray
Hand-loomed jewelry. At Sage and Timber, 312 N Silver St. 970-944-2875 or 210-492-9475.
Sparkling beaded jewelry. At Sage and Timber, 312 N Silver St.
Fine jewelry. World of Gem Creations, 329 N Silver St. 970-944-2722
Ken Needham
Fine jewelry, cut gemstones. World of Gem Creations, 329 N Silver St. 970-944-2722
Leather Doug Hartman
Hand-tooled, laced & sewn leather items. San Juan Soda Company, 227 N Silver St. 970-944-0500
Acrylics of aircraft, cars, landscapes, wildlife. Russ Brown Gallery, 223 N Silver St. 970-944-5009
Impressionistic watercolors and oils. At Silver Lynx, 306 N Silver St. 970-944-2005
Fine art on paper, acrylics, and collage. Silver Lining Studio, 518 Water St. 970-275-4367 or 970-944-2475
Karen Hurd
Wildlife and pet paintings on canvas and stone. Exhibit at Moseley Arts Center, July 2010. 970-944-2684
Jane E. Jones
Impressionistic and abstract works in watercolor, collage, acrylic, oil, and mixed media. At Lake City Art Gallery, 325 N Silver St & studio in summer. 970-944-2794
Natalie Reeve
Prints and cards of natural scenes and flowers. At Silver Lynx, Local Artists Show in June 2010. 970-944-2751
P h otogr a phy
Mary Aymami
Photographic greeting cards with local scenes and wildlife. 2081 Balsam Dr. and at Slumgullion Gift Gallery and Third Street Market. 970-944-0311
Patrick Kelley
Photographs of natural scenes and wildlife. At Local Artists Exhibit & Restless Spirits Saloon. 970-944-1100
Greg Ochocki
Fine photography of mountain scenes and wildlife. At Silver Lynx, 306 N Silver St. 970-944-4734
Carol Robinson
Documentary and travel photography, including natural and architectural subjects. At Silver Lynx, 306 N Silver St. and one-woman show at Moseley Arts Center, August 2010. 970-209-6204
Bob Stigall
Black and white photographs of local scenes; limited framing and matting services. 970-944-2603
Vario u s Media
Mary Carkin & Ani Barrie
Historical adventure novels: Slumgullion Gold, Slumgullion Greed, and Slumgullion Grit. 970-944-0110
Don Alexander
Jewelry, fiber art, collage, paintings, sweaters. Silver Lynx, 306 N Silver St. 970-944-3019
Abbie Mahlin
Shadow boxes, miniature watercolors. Blue Mountain Quelle, 118 N Silver St.
Martha Reyburn
Watercolor & oil paintings, ceramics, fiber art, mixed media. Martha Reyburn Art, 1037 Ocean Wave Dr. 970-944-2443
Mary Stigall
Up Here, stories of life in a small mountain town. 970-944-2603
Claude Thormalen
A novel, The Right Side of the Law: Reminiscences of a Federal Narcotics Agent, and an autobiography, The Rising of Orion. 970-944-1480
Plants & P roduce
Woo d & Stone
Helen Dewey
Donald Bradley
Natural birch candle holders. Sage and Timber, 312 N Silver.
Dan Hall
Custom fishing rods. Dan’s Fly Shop, 723 N Gunnison Ave. 970-944-2881
Bob Pierson
Fresh organic herbs, salad greens, and vegetables in season. The Adobe Studio, 625 Pine St. 970-944-2642
Kathleen Whinnery High-altitude annuals and perennials. The Pottin’ Shed, 324B Fourth St. 970-944-0280
Wood carvings of wildlife and caricatures. Wildlife in Wood, 2273 Hummingbird Lane, and Third Street Market. 970-944-0255
Mike Young
Custom sand-blasted wood signs, etched glass, and etched rock. Signs by Mike. 213 N Henson St. 970-944-0116
Top: Raku Pottery by Pete Main. Right: Painting by Karen Hurd.
See complete listings for each artist, including descriptions, photos, operating hours, and contact
information, on our website at
Alpine Loop
National Back Country Byway
Mary Carkin
back roads in the San Juan Mountains were once used to haul mining equipment and supplies to high-elevation silver and gold mines. The extracted ores were then hauled out to the mills and train depots, helping to fuel the American expansion of the late 1800s and early 1900s. Now a National Back Country Byway, the Alpine Loop offers a look into that era, with relics of the mining boom scattered along the way. You’ll see ghost towns, cabins, mills, and mine sites, with interpretive signs along the way that explain the significance of this road to the development of the American West.
Starting and ending in Lake City, the Loop winds through canyons, up into high alpine valleys, and above tree line to Engineer Pass and Cinnamon Pass, each more than 12,000 feet in elevation. From either pass, the roads drop into the ghost town of Animas Forks. From there, side trips to the historic towns of Silverton and Ouray are possible. The Alpine Loop is about 65 miles around, so plan on spending at least a day to explore it.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
Points of Interest
Joe Zimmer
Ute-Ulay Mine & Mill: An extensive group of original mine and mill buildings remain at this site.
Nellie Creek: A four-mile long 4-wheel-drive road leads you past Nellie Creek Falls and to the trail head of Uncompaghre Peak. Capitol City: This ghost town once had a population of 400; its founders wanted it to become the capitol of Colorado. The post office, some outbuildings, and brick kilns remain.
Mary Carkin
Whitmore Falls: Take the short, steep trail to an overlook where you can view the falls. Rose Lime Kiln: Built in 1881, this 44 ft. tall kiln reduced local limestone into high quality lime for use in local construction. The kiln is now listed in the National Register of Historic Places.
Engineer Pass: At 12,800 feet, you’ll find amazing views of the San Juan Mountains, including nearby peaks Uncompaghre and Sneffels.
Joe Zim
Animas Forks: Situated between Engineer Pass and Cinnamon Pass, this ghost town has many buildings, including the remains of houses, a jail, huge mills, and many other buildings.
Cinnamon Pass. At 12,620 feet, the top of this pass has excellent views of nearby fourteeners (peaks taller than 14,000 feet in elevation).
American Basin: This beautiful alpine cirque, a bowlshaped valley carved by glaciers, is the backdrop for an amazing display of blooming wildflowers every July and August.
Burrows Park: A few historic buildings remain at this location. You’ll also find trailheads for fourteeners Handies, Sunshine, and Redcloud Peaks.
Sherman: Once a mining town and site of the Black Wonder Mill, this is now the location of the trail head to Cataract Gulch and Cataract Lake.
Carson: Take the four-wheel-drive road up Wager Gulch and
Driving the Alpine Loop The Alpine Loop is unpaved, and you will need a four-wheel drive vehicle to traverse Cinnamon Pass, Engineer Pass, and the side spurs. Keep in mind that the Alpine Loop is narrow and twisty; drive slowly. Make sure you have a full tank of gas, food, solid footwear, raincoats and jackets with you. ATVs and four-wheel drive vehicles are available for rent from local businesses listed on page 45.
you will find the well-preserved ghost town of Carson.
Lake San CristobaL: Colorado’s second-largest natural lake was formed about 700 years ago, when the Slumgullion Earthflow blocked the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River.
ATV and dirt bike riders on the Alpine Loop must be licensed drivers and carry insurance for the vehicle which they are riding. Check with the Hinsdale County Sheriff at 970-9442291 if you have further questions about local regulations.
Silver Thread
National Scenic Byway Wheeler Geologic Area > These extraordinary spiral rock formations create an eerie and other-worldly landscape. Located 24 miles off of the Byway at the end of a four-wheel-drive road, it’s well worth the trip.
Creede > Creede has been called the “wildest town in all of Colorado during its hey day of three short years.” Silver mining was its main industry, and attracted, at its peak, a population of 10,000. Today, Creede boasts a lively historic downtown, an active arts community, the Underground Mining Museum, and the renowned Creede Repertory Theatre. Headwaters of the Rio Grande Overlook > See the origins of the Rio Grande, the third largest river in the United States at 1,885 miles in length.
125 years ago, travelers took stage coaches and freight wagons to reach the mining camps and towns along this route. Lake City and Creede were centers of activity in the booming silver and gold rush of the late 1800s. The roads to these towns, and to the mines, were essential to the growth of the area, and were an important part of the American westward expansion. Today, the Silver Thread winds along the entire length of Colorado Highway 149, from the town of South Fork to the south, up to Creede, Lake City, and ending at Blue Mesa Reservoir and the Curecanti National Recreation Area to the north. More than just scenery, you’ll find historic sites, waters to fish and boat, trails to hike, waterfalls, unique geology, campgrounds, picnic spots, and wildlife to photograph.
Points of I n t e r e st
Bristol Head > One of the most visually striking features of the Silver Thread, this bluff-shaped mountain was named by a homesick man from England. North Clear Creek Falls > Just off the Byway, North Clear Creek flows slowly across a flat grassy meadow before tumbling over 100 feet into a chasm. Spring Creek Pass > Atop the Continental Divide, there’s a nice picnic area here, and access to the Colorado Trail and the Continental Divide National Scenic Trail. Windy Point SCENIC Overlook > This stop offers spectacular views of five area fourteeners: Uncompahgre, Handies, Redcloud, Sunshine and Wetterhorn Peaks. Slumgullion Earthflow > A National Natural Landmark, this rare earthflow is a mass of land that sloughed off of a mesa and flowed downhill, blocking the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River, and forming Lake San Cristobal.
South Fork > Named for its location at the south fork of the Rio Grande River, it is the gateway to the Silver Thread Byway and has gold medal fishing.
Lake San Cristobal Overlook > From the pull out, a short walk takes you to an excellent view of Lake San Cristobal.
Wagon Wheel Gap > In the 1870’s, this spot was a supply town and stage stop. It also was the first toll gate for the stage road from South Fork to Lake City.
Alferd Packer Massacre Site > Woefully unprepared for the mountain wilderness, six men ventured into this area in the winter of 1874. The men were lost and ran out of food; only Packer survived. The remains of the men were discovered at this site. Packer
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
claimed to have eaten the men only after they died, and that he killed the last man in self-defense. Packer was eventually found guilty of manslaughter, and served 15 years before being paroled.
The Old High Bridge > North of Lake City, a steep pull out slants down to the river. From there, a short walk leads to the remnants of the old Denver and Rio Grande Railroad bed and trestle. This trestle was the highest on the Rio Grande Western railroad system.
Driving the S ilver Thread The Silver Thread is a well-maintained, paved highway suitable for two-wheel-drive vehicles. The Byway ranges from gently rolling straight-aways to hair-
The Gate > Easily spotted from a distance, these rock cliffs line both sides of the road and resemble a huge gateway. The rock was carved away by the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River over many millennia.
pin turns, and traverses two high mountain passes:
Blue Mesa Reservoir > At 20 miles in length, this is the largest body of water in Colorado, and is located in the Curecanti National Recreation Area. Visitors can enjoy fishing, boating, camping, swimming and hiking.
Pass has an incline of 9.4%, making this the steepest
Spring Creek Pass, at 10,901 feet, and Slumgullion Pass, at 11,530 feet. The north side of Slumgullion paved highway in the state. All drivers should use low gear when descending this pass. Motorcyclists should use caution due to loose gravel that may be on the pavement. Watch for deer, elk, moose, and
For more information, pick up a copy of the Silver Thread guide at the Visitor Center.
other animals that may be in the road.
Wilderness offers peace to your harried mind. With four National Wilderness Areas and two Wilderness Study Areas, plus hundreds of miles of trails to explore, you’ll find that your busy life fades away.
Maps of these trails are available at the Visitor Center and at many local stores. National Wilderness Areas Uncompahgre Wilderness 102,721 acres Home of two Fourteeners, Uncompahgre Peak and Wetterhorn Peak, this Wilderness is one of the highest and most dramatic areas at the heart of the San Juan Mountains. Other features include Matterhorn Peak (13,590’), Coxcomb Peak (13,656’) and Wildhorse Peak (13,266’). Major access to this area is from the Alpine Loop National Back Country Byway via the Nellie Creek road or the North Henson Creek road (4x4 recommended for both until you reach the trailheads). You can also enter the area from the north at Big Blue Creek, which has a primitive campground at the trailhead. Powderhorn Wilderness 61,510 acres The Powderhorn contains one of the largest untouched flat alpine tundra areas in the lower 48 states along Cannibal Plateau and Calf Creek Plateau. Features in this area include the Powderhorn Lakes, and many routes for the horseback rider, hiker, or backpacker. Trails include Devil’s Creek, Powderhorn Park, East Fork, and Canon Infierno. La Garita Wilderness 128,858 acres One of the more remote Wilderness Areas, the La Garita does not get much use. Features here include the Colorado Trail and the Continental Divide National Scenic
Trail, both of which pass through the area. Fourteener San Luis Peak (14,104’) and almost-a-Fourteener Stewart Peak (13,983’) offer steep climbs, but there are many miles of mellower trails for those seeking real solitude. You can access the La Garita from the top of Spring Creek Pass on Highway 149, or from Forest Service Road 788, which comes off of the top of Slumgullion Pass. Weminuche Wilderness 492,418 acres The largest Wilderness Area in Colorado can also be one of the busiest in some places. However, for much quieter trails, enter the area from the northern access points near the Rio Grande Reservoir, off of Forest Service Road 520. The Weminuche Trail, for example, offers access to the Continental Divide, and makes a nice overnight horseback or backpack trip. Redcloud Peak & Handies Peak Wilderness Study Areas 51,854 acres combined Located on the Alpine Loop National Back Country Byway, the Redcloud Peak and Handies Peak WSAs contains three Fourteeners: Redcloud Peak (14,034’), Sunshine Peak (14,001’), and Handies Peak (14,048’). These trails are fairly popular by local standards, so if you are looking for a little more quiet, head to Cooper Lake trail, Williams Creek trail, or Cataract trail. >>>
Trailheads to six 14,000’ peaks are within just a few miles of Lake City. Handies Peak Redcloud Peak Sunshine Peak San Luis Peak Uncompahgre Peak Wetterhorn Peak
14,048’ 14,034’ 14,001’ 14,104’ 14,309’ 14,017’
By Horse These trails range in difficulty from easy to difficult. Inquire at the Visitor Center for trail conditions before you head out or call them at 800-569-1874. If you would like to rent a horse and guide, contact one of the area outfitters listed on page 44 of this magazine. Alpine Gulch, Big Blue Creek, Canon Infierno, Cataract Gulch, Cooper Creek , Cottonwood Creek, Crystal Lake, Cuba Gulch, Devil’s Creek, Larson Lakes, Powderhorn Lakes, Powderhorn Park, Wager Gulch, Waterdog Lake, Weminuche Pass to Continental Divide, Williams Creek,
6 miles 12 miles 6 miles 4.1 miles 3.7 miles 4.1 miles 4 miles 3.25 miles 6.8 miles 7.1 miles 4.5 miles 6.3 miles 4.8 miles 3.8 miles
By Mountain Bike The area offers a tremendous range of mountain biking experiences. The choices include easy-going, in-town trails that the whole family can enjoy, peaceful intermediate trails and jeep roads with delightful scenery, very challenging remote single track and jeep trails, and even epic rides like the Alpine Loop and circuits along high ridges of the Continental Divide. Pete’s Lake Nature Area 5 miles Thompson Lake/Larson Lakes 9 miles Lake to Lake 3.5 miles Round Top Mountain Road 10 miles Nellie Creek Road 8 miles
Note: Not all trails are open to mountain bikes or other kinds of mechanized vehicles. Please check before heading out. For mountain bike sales or rentals, see the listings on pages 42 and 46.
4.5 miles 7.5 miles
By Foot Alpine Gulch, American Basin, (to Handies Peak) Big Blue Creek, Canon Infierno, Cataract Gulch, Cooper Creek, Cottonwood Creek, Crystal Lake, Cuba Gulch, Devil’s Creek, Larson Lakes, Powderhorn Lakes, Powderhorn Park, Wager Gulch, Waterdog Lake, Weminuche Pass to Continental Divide, Williams Creek,
6 miles 3.2 miles 12 miles 6 miles 4.1 miles 3.7 miles 4.1 miles 4 miles 3.25 miles 6.8 miles 7.1 miles 4.5 miles 6.3 miles 4.8 miles 3.8 miles 4.5 miles 7.5 miles
Photo at right, middle: Patrick Kelley. All others: Joe Zimmerman.
horseback riding / mtn. biking
Hiking Lake City’s Fourteeners
Greg Ochocki
Lake San Cristobal Lake City’s namesake was formed hundreds of years
ago by a rare natural earthflow called the Slumgullion Slide, which blocked the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River. Lake San Cristobal is the second-largest natural lake in Colorado. 18
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
F ishing A variety of trout live in the cold waters of this lake. You can fish from any of the public access areas of the shore, including those near the lake outlet, and those located on the east side of the lake along County Road 33 at Wupperman Campground. Or, you can float your boat and fish from the surface. State catch and possession limits apply and licenses are required. Fishing licenses are available in town from several equipment outfitters; see page 43.
Wupperman Campground Located on the east side of Lake San Cristobal, this county-owned public campground features 31 sites with excellent views of the lake. Various site lengths will accommodate RVs and/or tents. Water, trash removal, vault toilets, picnic tables, grills and fire grates, dump station. No electricity. Cost is $15 per night. Elevation is 9000 feet. During the summer months, campground hosts can assist you with your questions. For more information, contact Hinsdale County at 970-944-2225.
Boating Boats, including canoes, kayaks, and fishing boats, are available for rent from local recreation equipment rental stores; see page 46. A public boat ramp, dock and parking area are located part way along the west side of the lake. Eight slips are available: two for day use and six which can be reserved, for a fee, by calling Hinsdale County at 970-944-2225.
Red Mountain Gulch Day Use Area Located at the south end of Lake San Cristobal on County Road 30, the Red Mountain Gulch Day Use Area is a great location for your picnic or gathering. Facilities include several picnic spots, each with a picnic table and grill, plus a pavilion shelter with a large outdoor cooking grill. Restrooms are available in the summer. This picturesque area is close to the marshy end of the lake where many birds and other wildlife may be seen. For more information about this area, call Hinsdale County at 970-944-2225.
Wildlife Viewing
Mary Carkin
Water sources typically attract a big variety of wildlife, including migratory birds, beavers and other small mammals, and larger animals such as elk and moose. At Lake San Cristobal, you are likely to see many animals, especially during the warmer seasons. Migratory birds, including geese and a variety of ducks, can be seen at the marshy, south end of the lake, along with smaller birds, beavers, and more rarely, elk and moose. Bring your camera and binoculars.
F ishing in the area Lake City is a great place to fish in solitude, or to take your family on a fishing outing. Deer Lakes is a particularly good place for teaching kids how to fish. The waters in the area are home to five varieties of trout: Brown, Cutthroat, Rainbow, Cutbow (Cutthroat/Rainbow Cross), and Brook. Different waters have different regulations and catch limits. Check the Department of Wildlife’s annual fishing guide, available at the Visitor Center, for more information. Licenses, equipment, bait, guides, and lessons are available from local fishing outfitters. For an excellent, detailed guide to fishing in this area, pick up a copy of the Lake City Fishing Guide at the Visitor’s Center Bait and Spinner Fishing: Continental Reservoir / Deer Lakes / Lake San Cristobal / Rio Grande Reservoir Fly Fishing: Cebolla Creek / Heart Lake / Henson Creek / Lake Fork of the Gunnison
Joe Zimmerman
E s s e n t i a l l a k e c i t y The Essential Lake City Experience
> Drive the Alpine Loop National Back Countr y Byway. Dis cover a ghost town. > Climb a Four teener. Or a Thir teener. > Visit the Lake City National Historic District for our parks, shopping, dining, walking tours, ar tist studios, and ice cream cones. > Drive out to see the wildflowers at American Basin (peak flowers between July and August). Bring your camera! > Tour the Silver Thread National Scenic Byway and visit our sister-town, Creede . > Go fishing along the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River or on Lake San Cristobal. > Visit the Hard Tack Mine Tour and the Hinsdale County Museum. > Meander along Cebolla Creek (Forest Ser vice Road 788). > Take a horseback ride into one of the nearby Wilderness Areas. 20
Free or Cheap (and Fabulous) Things to Do in Lake City > Hike along any of our hundreds of miles of trails into stunning landscapes. > Go camping in the Wilderness or at any of the many camp grounds in the area. > Cook outside, over a fire, with friends and family. Roast marshmallows. > Take a free fly fishing workshop. > Pick up the free Lake City National Historic District brochure and take a self-guided tour of 33 different historic sites. > Be entertained by our local talent at a dance or theatrical performance at the Mary Stigall Theatre. > Bring your camera out for a photography safari, and take photos of the abundant wildlife and flowers. > Ride your mountain bike up a challenging trail. > Expand your mind at a free art exhibit at the Moseley Arts Center. > Be scared out of your wits on the Hinsdale County Museum’s weekly Ghost Tour.
Lake City for Families & Groups > Practice your putting at Alpine Mini-Golf. > Take a guided rafting tour. > Win some prizes at the weekly Bingo games in the Armory. > Drop the teenagers off at the Armory for fun and games at the Teen Center. > Romp around the playgrounds at the Town Park or the Lake Fork Memorial Park. > Challenge another family to a game of volleyball or softball (free facilities at our parks). > Teach the kids how to fish at Deer Lakes. > Rent some kayaks or canoes and see Lake San Cristobal from the surface.
Lake City likes to entertain itself and its guests. Find the complete, up-to-date schedule of these events and many others, with complete details, at www.lakecity.com/events. For Moseley Arts Center events, see page 8. For Hinsdale County Museum events, see page 6.
Throughout the Summer Third Street Market Art Classes & Workshops Bingo Nights
Lake San Cristobal 5k/10k Race San Juan Solstice 50-Mile Trail Run
Craft Fair at Veteran’s Park Old Fashioned Fourth of July Celebration Lake City Open Golf Tournament
Lake City History Month Fiesta! Silent Auction & Mexican Dinner Ducky Derby
Lake City Uncorked Wine & Music Festival
October Hunters’ Ball
Here for Only One Day?
Turkey Trot 5k Run/Walk
Our sympathies! It’s the most bittersweet of all Lake City experiences. You finally found us, but you have to leave right away. Our suggested itinerary: Come back soon. Or, change your mind and stay another day. Before you have to go, we suggest that you take a walk down historic Silver Street to see the heart of the National Historic District. Then, if you still have some time, steer your car up the first 3 or 4 miles of the Engineer Pass road (County Road 20) for a glimpse into our rich mining and frontier heritage. The scenery is great, and you can go up that far and back, in a regular car, in under 30 minutes.
Special Events
Christmas in Lake City Community Dinner
Lake City Hot Air Balloon Festival Lake San Cristobal Ice Fishing Derby Matt Milski Memorial Ski Race Lake City Ice Climbing Festival
Egg Hunt & Kids’ Crafts
Arbor Day & Green Fair
Autumn in lake city Mother Nature may seem still and quiet, but her creatures are hard at work during the fall. Local people cut and stack firewood for winter. Animals such as elk and deer move to lower meadows and groves; beavers construct lodges; and bears prepare their winter dens. These changes are subtle, however, compared to the wondrous transformation of the aspens and cottonwoods around Lake City as they prepare for the coming winter. There are few sights more glorious than the fleeting moments of gold that herald the new season. How lucky you would be, to see such a thing this September. >>> Photo by Linny Ramundo
When to View Foliage The best time to view the leaves depends on weather conditions during the summer and fall. Typically, aspens in the surrounding mountains start to change at the end of August and continue through the end of September. Peak viewing usually occurs from the second through fourth weeks of September. Visit www.lakecity.com for current foliage conditions through the season.
Autumn Hiking Trails Thompson Lake / Waterdog Lake / Cataract Gulch Ski Hill to County Road 30 / Alpine Gulch
The Fourteeners in Fall Hiking to area Fourteeners in the fall is both possible and spectacular. Once above timberline, you’ll find expansive views of the surrounding mountains and colorful forests. Be sure to check weather reports before heading out, make sure someone knows your itinerary, and be prepared for sudden shifts in the weather. Fall snowstorms are common and sudden - don’t get caught where you can’t get out.
Autumn Scenic Drives For Two-wheel Drive Vehicles Lake City to Capitol City Lake City to Sherman Cathedral Valley Loop Rio Grande Reservoir Road For Four-wheel Drive Vehicles Wager Gulch Road Chuck Chetwin
Nellie Creek Road Round Top Road
The Quaking Aspen: Populus tremuloides When the days get shorter and the temperatures drop, the green chlorophyll in aspen leaves evaporates, leaving vivid colors behind for us to enjoy. Aspens may turn yellow, gold, orange, and more rarely, red. During autumn, with white trunks and gold leaves, a stand of aspens can overwhelm your senses. Aspens spread underground, with new trees coming up from the root systems just a few inches below the ground. The largest living organisms on the earth (by weight or volume) are aspens. A single colony of trees, all connected to the same massive root system, is able to span hundreds of acres. The aspen leaf is nearly round, with small toothy edges. The stems of the leaves are flat, which allows them to move freely in even the slightest breeze. When the air moves across the leaves, they clatter and shake, hence the name quaking aspen, or “quakies” as the old-timers sometimes call them.
23 23
In the winter, Lake City has many miles of multi-use trails for all kinds of outdoor fun. It’s a quiet, peaceful time of the year, so you can always make some fresh tracks. Find current, up-to-date weather, road, and recreation conditions at www.lakecity.com/weather.
Hinsdale Haute Route Backcountry Hut System Ski or snowshoe to any of the three cozy yurts in this system. This is the highest hut system in Colorado, offering spectacular settings and views, plus the opportunity for athletes to train at altitudes ranging from 10,600 to 12,000 feet. Each yurt is carpeted, insulated and furnished with wood stoves and firewood, plus propane cook stoves and lanterns, counter space with a sink, and cooking and washing utensils. They are equipped with tables, chairs, beds, cots, and foam sleeping pads, and they sleep from six to eight people. Sherpa and guide services are available. For reservations or information, visit the hut website at www.hinsdalehauteroute.org or call Jerry at 970-944-2269.
Snowshoeing and Back Country Skiing Snowshoes or skis will get you to places that most people never experience. Our multi-use trail system is open for snowshoeing, skiing, and 24
snowmobiling. There are areas suited to beginner, intermediate, or experienced folks, and all the room you need for peace of mind. For more information about back country excursions around Lake City, visit us online at www.lakecity.com/ backcountryski.
Lake City Ski Hill Our 1000-foot platter lift carries you to the top of our four runs. Tickets are inexpensive, and there is plenty of room for beginners. The Ski Hill is open during the season on Saturdays, Sundays, and Mondays from 10 am to 2 pm, with extra days during the winter holiday season and spring break. The Ski Hill is located on Highway 149, one mile south of Lake City. Snowboarders and free-heelers are welcome. For more information, call the Lake City Area Recreation Department, 970-944-5227. Or, visit the Lake City Ski Hill site at www.lakecityskihill.com.
Joe Zimmerman
Mary Carkin
Mary Carkin
Mary Carkin
Ice Climbing
You wait in traffic during your daily commute. Why do it during your snowmobile trip? We offer over 112 miles of groomed trails, and plenty of elbow room.
Located just one block south of town, Lake City’s farmed ice climbs are really easy to get to, and there are no lines.
Our snowmobile trails are groomed regularly in the Slumgullion Pass and Cannibal Plateau areas just south of Lake City. Several staging areas offer plenty of parking for your trailers, and our local guides rent everything from snow machines to clothing and helmets (see page 43).
The Lake City Ice Park offers: Up to 15 routes Mixed grades, WI 3 to 5 60 to 100 ft. pitches
For current conditions, plus maps, visit the Lake City Continental Divide Snowmobile Club website at www.lakecitysnowmobileclub.com.
Ice Fishing Gear and licenses are available at our local supply stores. See listings on page 43. Recommended ice fishing locations: • Lake San Cristobal is the closest to town, and the largest body of water in the vicinity. Ice huts can be left up for the weekend. • Brown Lakes, located 28 miles south of Lake City toward Creede . • Road Canyon Reservoir, located just off of the Rio Grande Reservoir Road (FS 520) toward Creede.
The park is open generally from mid-November through mid-March, temperatures permitting. Please check in and sign a waiver form at any of the participating businesses in town. Lake City Ice Climbs, Inc. is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing a one of a kind experience at the Lake City Ice Park. In addition to the Ice Park, you can drive or ski to a number of other climbs around Lake City for a true mountaineering experience. For more information about the Lake City Ice Park, visit Lake City Ice Climbs online at www.lakecityiceclimbs.com.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
Helpful Information Lake City is an historic mining town tucked into a valley in the San Juan Mountains of southwest Colorado. Our elevation is 8671 feet (2642 meters) above sea level. Mountain activities can be hazardous. Your safety is your own responsibility. Conditions can change quickly, and in the summer can include cold, lightning, falling rocks, strong winds, downpours, and hail. In the winter, changing conditions can include winter storms, blowing snow, thin or breaking ice, and avalanches. Check on conditions, be prepared, and don’t venture out beyond your capabilities.
Tips for Visitors
F or M ore I nformation Bureau of Land Management Lake City Office 800 S Gunnison Ave 970-944-2344
by Arden Anderson, Bureau of Land Management
U se V ehicles R esponsibly
Each area has rules that govern vehicle use. Learn and follow these rules for each area you visit. Stay on designated or existing routes and out of closed areas. Limit your driving in wet conditions to avoid road damage.
Leave N o T race
Remove all evidence of your visit so others will find these areas as beautiful as you do. Take care of public facilities. Leave wild flowers and other natural objects for others to enjoy. Do not deface or dismantle historic or archaeological sites.
R espect O ther V isitors
You share these lands with many others; make sure your fun is not ruining the experience for others around you. Minimize noise, keep pets under control, and drive safely on narrow roads and trails.
K eep W ildlife W ild
Careless visitors can unknowingly disturb the many species of wildlife present on public lands. Do not feed the animals. Enjoy them from a distance. Move quietly through the woods, especially in stream-side areas.
R espect P rivate P roperty
It is your responsibility to know where you are. Be sure you have legal access to the places you want to enjoy.
H ave a S afe T rip
Changing weather and difficult terrain can pose hazards to the unprepared visitor. Be sure someone knows where you are going and when you plan to return. Be ready for changing conditions and stay within your capabilities.
USDA National Forest Service Lake City Office 800 S Gunnison Ave 970-944-2500
W eather
We enjoy over 300 days of sunshine every year and a cool, dry climate. Summer daytime highs are typically in the 70s or low 80s F. Lows in the summer are in the 40s or upper 30s F. Temperatures at higher elevations are usually lower than in town. A jacket and/or sweater is recommended for your visit during the summer. View current weather readings and forecasts at www.lakecity.com/weather.html. Conditions can change quickly in the mountains, so be prepared for anything.
Thunderstorms are typical daily occurrences during the summer, especially during July and August. Locally, we refer to this as the “monsoon” or rainy season. Stay off of ridges and away from open ground to avoid lightning strikes. Longer hikes are best started very early in the morning so that you can be down off the mountain when the lighting starts.
T he S un
It is essential to wear eye protection, a hat, and sunscreen when outdoors. The sun is many times more intense here than at sea level.
A ltitude
Gains in altitude can affect anyone, especially when traveling above 7000 feet. Sometimes, the effects can include: headaches, breathlessness, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, inability to sleep, and swelling of the hands, face, or feet. Some ways to reduce your symptoms: avoid strenuous activity for the first day or two of your visit, drink extra water, and avoid alcohol. Check with your doctor before going to high altitude if you have a heart or lung condition. If your symptoms worsen, consult a doctor immediately.
To Gunnison Gateview Campground
Cebolla Creek
n ea Oc
Dr To Gunnison
e av W
Red Bridge Campground
Pete’s Lake
Picnic Area
27 CR
Visitor’s Center
Post Office The Gate Campground
r St
n Av
son Hen
Cebolla Creek
Gold Ave
t a C Powderhorn Lakes
Devils Creek
n ale
Powderhorn Wilderness Area
Devils Lake
Mason Family State Wildlife Area
Ski Hill to CR30 Trail
33 CR
CR 30
Redcloud Peak WSA
Red Mtn Gulch Day Use Area
Mo rni
r St
Alfred Packer Massacre Site
Slumgullion Campground
S Vine
Windy Point
Round Top
Deer Lakes
Alpine Gulch Trail
788 Rd FS
Spruce Campground
Bru sh Cr ee k
Slumgullion Pass
Lake San Cristobal
Cebolla Day Use Area Hidden Lake Campground Cebo lla Cre ek
20 CR
St son Hen
rn lebo
t ne S
k Cree son Hen
Waterdog Lake
Lake City
CR 23
Thompson Lake
Nellie Cree k
Lake Fo rk
20 R d Crystal y t oun
Memorial Park t ng S Spri
re Ct
Larson Lakes
FS Rd 78 8
of the Gunnis on
Cebolla Creek
Town Park
To Big Blue Campground
Gun 4th
. f St
Bluf FS 868
ATM Machine
Wat er
Medical Center
Big Blue Campground
San Luis Peak
La Garita Wilderness Area
Wupperman Campground
Redcloud Peak
Spring Creek Pass k ree sC m illia W
Sunshine Peak
Williams Creek Campground
Mill Creek Campground
Cataract Gulch Carson Trail
To Creede
Heirloom Vacations
Cebolla Creek
Gateview Campground
Silver Thread National Scenic Byway
Alpine Loop National Backcountry Byway
4 Wheel Drive Roads
Red Bridge Campground
To Gunnison
2 Wheel Drive
Picnic Area
FS Rd 520/ Rio Grande Reservoir Rd
Cathedral Valley Scenic Drive
27 CR
Hiking Trails
The Gate Campground
Wilderness Areas
This map is a guide only. Refer to an official Forest Service or other topographic map for navigation purposes. Not all trails are marked on this map. Map not to scale.
Big Blue Campground
FS 868
Cebolla Creek
Cebolla Creek
Devils Creek Powderhorn Lakes
To Big Blue Campground
Uncompahgre Wilderness Area Gunni son
Larson Lakes
Lake Fo rk
of the
Cebolla Day Use Area
Lake City
Deer Lakes
Alfred Packer Massacre Site
Alpine Gulch Trail
Windy Point
CR 30
Cooper Lake
Redcloud Peak WSA
To Ouray
Red Mtn Gulch Day Use Area
Closed in Winter Cinnamon Pass
American Basin
San Luis Peak
La Garita Wilderness Area
Slumgullion Pass
Lake San Cristobal Wupperman Campground
Redcloud Peak
k ree rC ve Sil
Spring Creek Pass
Sunshine Peak
Animas Forks
k ree sC m illia W
33 CR
Ski Hill to CR30 Trail
Slumgullion Campground
Hidden Lake Campground
Cebo lla Cre ek
20 CR
Round Top
Rose’s Cabin
788 Rd FS
Spruce Campground
Bru sh Cr ee k
Waterdog Lake
FS Rd 78 8
Nellie Cree k k Cree son Hen
Capitol City
Thompson Lake
Crystal Lake
CR 23
R N.H ens CR 24 on Cre ek
Closed in Winter
Mason Family State Wildlife Area
Uncompahgre Peak Matterhorn Peak Wetterhorn Peak
Engineer Pass
Powderhorn Wilderness Area
Devils Lake
Handies Peak
Williams Creek Campground
Sloan Lake
Handies Peak WSA
Mill Creek Campground
Cataract Gulch Trail
To Silverton
Cataract Lake
North Clear Creek Campground
Silver Thread Campground
North Clear Creek Falls Campground
Bristol Head Campground
Heart Lake
FS Rd 520 rvoir Rd Rio Grande Rese
Closed in Winter
Lost Trail Campground
To Silverton via Stony Pass
Weminuche Wilderness Area
Rio Gra nd e
ir Rd rvo ese de R ran io G R / 0 d 52 FS R River Hill Campground Thirty Mile Campground
Res erv oir
(continued on page 29) k
Road Canyon Campground
To Creede & South Fork
Alpine Moose Lodge
Backcountry Basecamp
Alpine Moose Lodge
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
Ol Alpine Village
Paradise Found Rental
Backcountry Basecamp
At the Lake
M&M Vacation Rental Alpine Village
Matterhorn Mountain
Stay In Lake City, LLC
At the Lake
Pleasant View Resort
Milford Vacation Rental
Castle Lakes Cabins Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal
Castle Lakes Campground & Cabins The Texan
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Vickers Ranch Rd 30 / 970-944-2622 / www.castlelakes.com 8201 County Northshore Townhome #9 Townhome #9 Ten miles southwest of LakeNorthshore City on the Alpine Loop, in a peaceful G&M Cabins Alpine Moosevalley. Lodge mountain Fully equipped cabins and RVs toFalls rent Riverwith a 3 night minimum stay. Two private pristine lakes for guest-only fishFalls River Linny’s Stay & Play ing. On site general store, recreation room, laundry and jeep rentCarson Inn - vacation als. Pet friendly. 12 units. Rates: $65-150. Season:OldMay 15-Oct 1. homes Texan homes Old Carson InnThe - vacation M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
Alpine Moose Lodge
Alpine Village
At the Lake
Rocky Top Lodge M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal Paradise Found Rental
1221 N Hwy 149 800-650-1221 Town Square Cabins Paradise Found Rental www.alpinemooselodge.com
M&M Vacation Rental Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Matterhorn Mountain
Vickers Ranch Pleasant View Resort Alpine Moose Lodge Castle Lakes Cabins
Best view of the mountains. Spacious and comfortable Stay In Lakerooms. City, LLC Great food withNorthshore two different Townhome #9 Woodlake Park Stay In Lake City, LLC restaurants. Open in winter, Milford Vacation Rental pizzeria and grill. In the summer Oleo Guest Ranch Falls River openRental also as upscale dining. 24 Milford Vacation Wyman House units. Rates: $80-90. Wagon Wheel Resort M&M Vacation Rental
The Texan Backcountry Basecamp
At the Lake Linny’s Stay & Play Matterhorn Mountain The Texan Pleasant View Resort Rocky Top Lodge Castle Lakes Cabins Town Square Cabins
Lake City Cabin
Cozy Corner 409 Bluff St / 970-944-2210 / www.matterhornmotel.com
The Texan Welcoming Lake City visitors since 1949! Motel, cabins and conLakeview Property Management, Inc. dos. Updated, clean and comfortable accommodations. Located hillside in a quiet location Lake oneCityblock from downtown historic disCabin Twin Peaks Rental trict. Walk to shops, restaurants, museum, arts center, parks, trails. Profiled in “Best of Colorado” by John Fielder. King or queen beds. Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Hot tub. Non-smoking establishment, inside and out. Pre-approved G&M Cabins small to medium dogs only. Reservations recommended. Terry Morrow, proprietor. 16 units. Minimum stay: holidays & special Woodlake Park Linny’s Stay & Play events only. Rates: $89-150.
Old Carson Inn
Cozy M&MCorner Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
Lakeview Property Management, Inc. 1425 N Hwy 149 Paradise Found Rental Argenta Falls 970-944-2780 Lakeview Property Management, Inc. www.rockytoplodge.com Twin Peaks Rental
M&M Vacation Rental
Nicely furnished 1 & 2 bedroom Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Stay In LakeLots City, LLC log condos and cabins. of windows, king beds, wood burnCastle Lakes Cabins & Campground Woodlake ing stove or fireplace &Park private Milford Vacation Rental setting. Just a walk to restaurants, Woodlake Park trailheads and fishing. Open May Highlander RV Campground Wyman$140-$175. House to November. Rates: Twin Peaks Rental
Elkhorn RV Resort
Rocky Top Lodge
Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Hi Henson Creek RV Park
Town Square Cabins
Vickers Ranch Lake City Resort
Wagon Wheel Resort
Alpine Moose Lodge Woodlake Park
Oleo Guest Ranch
Backcountry Basecamp
Backcountry Basecamp
Silver Spur Motel
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Inn at the Lake 720 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-0181 Alpine Village lakecitybasecamp@yahoo.com / www.lakecitybasecamp.com Old Carson Inn
New to Lake City in 2009. Four-room, lodge-like, overnight vacation At the Lake rentals: 3 rooms with private baths, 1 bunk room that sleeps 4, Argenta Falls common kitchen and living facilities. Matterhorn Mountain
Pleasant View Resort
Castle Lakes Cabins
Elkhorn RV Resort Hall Realty, Inc.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
Henson Creek RV Park Cozy Corner
The Texan
Highlander RV Campground
Elkhorn RV Resort
Highlander RV Campground
Barber’s Bungalow
Rocky Top Lodge
The Texan Wagon Wheel Resort
Hall Realty, Inc.
Inn at the Lake
Cozy Corner
Alpine Village G&M Cabins
Pleasant View Resort
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Hall Realty, Inc.
Lake City Cabin
Hall Realty, Inc.
Westwood Resort
Silver Spur Motel Wyman House
Matterhorn Mountain Motel & Cabins Castle Lakes Cabins
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Lake City Cabin
Backcountry Basecamp
Matterhorn Mountain
Wyman House
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Falls River
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Vickers Ranch
Northshore Townhome #9
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
y Management, Inc.
lodges, motels, cabins & ranches
Vickers Ranch
The Texan
Alpine Village
lodges, motels, cabins & ranches Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
At the Lake
Vickers Ranch Alpine Village Alpine Moose Lodge At the Lake
Matterhorn Mountain
Vickers Ranch
Northshore Townhome #9 Matterhorn Mountain Pleasant View Resort
Alpine Moose Lodge
Backcountry Basecamp
Falls River
Pleasant View Resort
Castle Lakes Cabins
Alpine Village Castle Lakes Cabins
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes The Texan
Backcountry Basecamp
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Lake City Cabin
At the Lake The Texan Matterhorn Mountain
Alpine Village
Lake City Cabin
Paradise Found Rental G&M Cabins
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal At the Lake
M&M Vacation Rental
G&M Cabins Linny’s Stay & Play
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Matterhorn Mountain
Pleasant View Resort
Linny’s Stay & Play
A Texan Resort
The Texan
Milford Vacation Rental
Northshore Townhome #9
Castle Lakes Cabins
Rocky Top Lodge
The Texan Lake City Cabin
Wyman House
Rocky Top Lodge 860 County Rd 142 / 970-944-2246 / toll free 877-220-1179 Town Square Cabins info@texanresort.com / www.texanresort.com G&M Cabins
Falls River
The Texan
549 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2262 www.pleasantviewresort.net / pleasant000@centurytel.net
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Lake City Cabin
Modern with front porches and scenic views; including other M&M Vacationcabins Rental - vacationhomes off site cabins. Sit and relax after a day enjoying magnificent scenG&M Cabins ery, fishing streams and lakes. Jeep and ATV rentals on site. Open Paradise Found Rental Online reservations through our website. April-October.
Hall Realty, Inc.
Town Square Cabins
A pristine, rough-hewn American cabin village with a river running Wagon Wheel Resort Linny’s Stay & Play hospitalthroughCozy it.Corner Scenic riverfront property with old-fashioned Wagon Wheel Resort ity, a playground, volleyball court, half outdoor basketball court, Woodlake Park outdoor grills and private fishing. Weddings and groups welcome. Lakeview Property Management, Inc. The Texan Open year round. Traditional western hospitality since 1946. Woodlake Park Oleo Guest Ranch
Twin Peaks Rental
Linny’s Stay & Play Silver Spur Motel M&M Vacation Rental
Rocky Top Lodge Oleo Guest Ranch
Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
The Texan
Inn at the Lake
Stay In Lake City, LLC
Silver Cabins Spur Motel Town Square
Woodlake Park
Rocky Top Lodge Milford Vacation Rental
Old Carson Inn
Inn at Resort the Lake Wagon Wheel
Argenta Falls
Old Carson Inn Woodlake Park
Highlander RV Campground
Town Square Cabins
Wyman House
Elkhorn RV Resort
Argenta Falls Oleo Guest Ranch
Wagon Wheel Resort
Hall Realty, Inc.
Henson Creek RV Park
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Silver Spur Motel
Woodlake Park
Cozy Corner
Oleo Guest Ranch
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Elkhorn RV Resort & Cabins Silver Spur Motel
Twin Peaks Rental
713 N Bluff Street / 970-944-2920 / 512-689-5110 Inn at the Lake Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground www.elkhornrvresort.com / elkhornrvresort@yahoo.com Old Carson Inn Six economical Quiet, in-town location, walk to shopping and dining. Woodlake Park camper cabins (three new in 2010), which sleep four to six. Next to sparkling restrooms, showers, laundry. Bring your Argenta Fallsown linens. Each cabin has an outdoor grill. Free wi-fi. Complimentary coffee every Highlander RV Campground morning while you watch entertaining wildlife. Large community fire pit. 6 Units. Rates: $44-59. Season: May 1 – Oct 15. Elkhorn RV Resort
Old Carson Inn
600 County Rd 33 / 970-944-2032 / 936-499-1323 Alpine Moose Lodge Argenta Falls whitelock@shawus.com / www.innatthelake.org Westwood Resort
Awaken to quiet, fresh Rocky Mountain morning air where every Barber’s Bungalow room has a stunning view of Lake San Cristobal and the mountains Backcountry Basecamp beyond. Enjoy a bountiful breakfast in the lodge, followed by heartHall Realty, Inc. Vacation Rentals warming devotions where hosts, David & Rosie Whitelock, welcome you with open arms and loving hearts. 10 rooms. Rates: $90+ Season: June-Sept. Alpine Village
Alpine Village
At the Lake
Matterhorn Mountain
Well maintained, quiet cabins, convenient to town, park, shopping, restaurants, hiking, 4-wheel drivePleasant trails,View fishing and more. Resort
Lake City Resort
Westwood Resort
Inn at the Lake
631 N Silver St / 970-944-2266 / 719-564-3912 www.alpinevillagecolorado.com
Henson Creek RV Park
Vickers Ranch
Inn at the Lake Lake City Resort
Castle Lakes Cabins
Stay In Lake City, LLC
The Texan
Pleasant View Resort
Pleasant View Resort
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
Castle Lakes Cabins
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhome
Backcountry Basecamp
At the Lake
lodges, motels, cabins & ranches M&M Vacation Rental
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
Alpine Village
Matterhorn Mountain
Paradise Found Rental
Stay In Lake City, LLC
Alpine Village
Paradise Found Rental
At the Lake
M&M Vacation Rental
Pleasant View Resort Milford Vacation Rental
At the Lake
Matterhorn Mountain
M&M Vacation Rental
Stay In Lake City, LLC
Castle Lakes Cabins Matterhorn Mountain Wyman House Pleasant View Resort
Stay In Lake City, LLC Milford Vacation Rental
The Texan
Pleasant View Resort
Hall Realty, Inc.
Castle Lakes Cabins
Lakeview Property Management, In Wyman House
Milford Vacation Rental
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal Castle Lakes Cabins
Lake City Cabin
Cozy Corner Wyman House
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
The Texan
G&M Cabins
Hall Realty, Inc.
Hall Realty, Inc.
Cozy Corner
Lake City Cabin Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Vickers Ranch
Linny’s Stay & Play
Vickers Ranch
The Texan Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal Squire’s Riverfront Cabin Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Twin Peaks Rental
Lake City Cabin
Linny’s Stay & Play
Alpine Moose Lodge
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Cozy Corner
Northshore Townhome #9
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Lakeview Property Management, Inc. G&M Cabins
Vickers Ranch
Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
G&M Cabins
Alpine Moose Lodge The Texan
Falls River
Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Twin Peaks Rental
Northshore Townhome #9
Linny’s Stay & Play
Woodlake Park
Linny’s Stay & Play
Alpine Moose Lodge Rocky Top Lodge
403 Park St / 970-944-2408 / www.linnysvacations.com Backcountry Basecamp info@linnysvacations.com
The Texan
Backcountry Basecamp
Twin Peaks Rental
Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
Falls River
Old CarsonThe InnTexan - vacation homes PO Box 1117 / 800-456-0170 / 970-944-2401 Highlander RV Campground Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground www.lakeview-inc.com / lakeviewproperty@gmail.comWoodlake Park Alpine Village Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Square Cabins Rocky Top Lodgerentals of all kinds: cabins, condos & vacation We have vacation Vacations to write home about in a Town setting you won’t want to leave. M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Elkhorn RV Resort Woodlake Park RV Campground Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal homes! We have properties overlooking beautiful LakeHighlander San Cristobal Backcountry Basecamp At the Lake Private, cozy lodging for individuals or small groups (up to 10). We Rocky Top Lodge as well as on the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River. The properties can host family reunions and/or provide optional Wagon Wheel Resort learning/doing M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Town Square Cabins Alpine Village Highlander RV Campground Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobalyour vacaParadise FoundRV Rental range small Hensonfrom Creek Park and cozy to large vacation homes. Enjoy packages. First floor: studio apartment with kitchen. Second floor: Elkhorn RV Resort Matterhorn Mountain Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Squire’s Riverfront Cabin tion with us. 18 units. Minimum stay: 6 nights, mid-June to mid-Aug. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, kitchenette, and wrap-around deck. Quiet Town Square Cabins Woodlake Park Wagon Wheel Resort At the Lake 5 units. Elkhorn Alpine Village Rates: $130-350. Season: May 15-Oct 1.RV Resort neighborhood setting w/easy walk to town. Rates: $65-125. Paradise Found Rental M&M Vacation Rental Lakeview Property Management, Inc. PleasantCreek View RV Resort Henson Park Squire’s Riverfront Cabin Lake City Resort Season: May-Oct. Wagon Wheel ResortVickers
Oleo Guest Ranch Matterhorn Mountain At the Lake
At the Lake
Vickers Ranch
Woodlake Park
Silver Spur Motel Matterhorn Mountain Pleasant View Resort
107 County Rd 33 / 970-944-5229 Inn at the Lake winter: 386-467-2499 / atthelakelc@hughes.net
Northshore Townhome #9
Woodlake Park
Henson Creek RV Park
Westwood Resort
Oleo Guest Ranch Alpine Moose Lodge Stay In Lake City, LLC
Oleo Guest Ranch Alpine Moose Lodge
The only cabins directly on the shores of Lake San Cristobal. Full Old Carson Inn kitchens, deck, beautiful views. Boat included with rental. $145.00/ Castle Lakes Cabins The Texan night; 4 night minimum. Argenta Falls
Spur Motel Barber’sSilver Bungalow Wyman House
Silver Spur Motel
Inn at the Lake
Old Carson Inn
Lake City Resort
The Texan
Westwood Resort
Falls River
Milford Vacation Rental Westwood Resort
Backcountry Basecamp Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals Hall Realty, Inc. Wyman House
Lake City Resort
Falls River
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Inn at the Lake
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Old Carson Inn
Backcountry Basecamp
The Texan
Castle Lakes Cabins
Northshore Townhome #9
Milford Vacation Rental
Castle Lakes Cabins Pleasant View Resort
Lake City Cabin
Stay In Lake City, LLC M&M Vacation Rental
Barber’s Bungalow
Lake City Cabin Barber’s Bungalow
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes G&M Cabins
Cozy Corner
Hall Realty, Inc.
Alpine VillageArgenta Falls
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Paradise Found Rental Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Linny’s Stay & Play
G&M Cabins
Lake City Cabin
Linny’s Stay & PlayG&M Cabins
The Texan
Linny’s Stay & Play
Argenta Falls Alpine Village
At the Lake
Matterhorn Mountain
Pleasant View Resort Rocky Top Lodge The Texan Castle Lakes Cabins
Town Square Cabins
Rocky Top Lodge Town Square Cabins The Texan
Corner Lakeview PropertyCozy Management, Inc.
Paradise Found Rental
At the Lake
M&M Vacation Rental
Twin Peaks RentalLakeview Property Management, Inc.
Matterhorn Mountain
M&M Vacation Rental
Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Twin Peaks Rental
Pleasant View Resort
Wagon Wheel Resort
Oleo Guest RanchWoodlake Park
Milford Vacation Rental PO Box 913 / 970-944-1121 / www.mmvacationrental.com Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Woodlake Park mmccfive@centurytel.net Town Square Cabins
Castle Lakes Cabins
Milford Vacation Rental
House Roundtop Cabin is a large, secluded, 2 bedroom,Wyman 2 bath log cabin Highlander RV Campground Woodlake Park Wagon Wheel Resort with complete kitchen, located just 1 mile south of town. Sleeps Wyman House The 6. Texan One-car garage & laundry room. All the amenities: TV, Hall Realty,satellite Inc. phone, beautiful views, and a large deck. Minimum stay: Woodlake 2 nights. RV Campground Elkhorn RV ResortHighlander Park Hall Realty, Inc. Rates: $195+/night Cozy Corner
Old Carson Inn
Silver Spur Motel
Oleo Guest Ranch
Oleo Guest Ranch Cozy Corner Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
G&M Cabins
Silver Spur Motel 18Lake miles S on Hwy 149 / 830-336-4370 City Resort Lakeview Property Management, Inc. www.oleoranch.com / info@oleoranch.com Twin Peaks Rental Henson Creek RV Park
G&M Cabins
Eight rustic cabins with kitchenettes situated in the center of town next to the Town Park. A mini-martSilver is on grocer- Linny’s Stay & Play Spursite, Motel providing Oleo Guest Ranch ies, snacks and fuel. Public laundromat. Open year round. 8 units. Minimum stay: 2 nights. Rates: $80-99. Inn at the Lake
Rocky Top Lodge
Stay In Lake City, LLC
Elkhorn RV Resort Henson Creek RV Park
Lake City Cabin Woodlake Park
Stay In Lake City, LLC
Lake City Cabin
Town Square Cabins Wagon Wheel Resort
231 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2236 / Toll free 877-944-2236 www.townsquarecabins.com / info@townsquarecabins.com
M&M Vacation Rental The Texan
The Texan
Linny’s Stay & Play
Inn at the Lake
Barber’s Bungalow Rocky Top Lodge
Argenta Falls
Located high in the Colorado mountains, surrounded by wilderness Lake City Resort Twin Peaks Rental Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Westwood Resort areas. New, fully furnished 2 to 4 bedroom log cabins, wood-burning Old Carson Inn The Texan fire-places, excellent fishing, hiking and hunting. Call or email for Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground reservations. 7Westwood units. Resort Rates: $165-$290+ Season: June-Oct. Woodlake Park
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com Woodlake Park
Inn at the Lake
Rocky Top Lodge
Barber’s Bungalow
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Highlander RV Campground
The Texan
lodges, motels, cabins & ranches The Texan
Lake City Cabin
Vickers Ranch
Backcountry Basecamp Hall Realty, Inc. Cozy Corner
Cozy Corner Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Lake City Cabin
Alpine Moose Lodge M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal
Alpine Village Alpine Moose Lodge
At the Lake
Vickers Ranch
Linny’s Stay & Play The Texan
Twin Peaks Rental Old Carson Inn - vacation homes Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
Matterhorn Mountain
Backcountry Basecamp
Alpine Moose Lodge
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Pleasant View Resort Falls River At the Lake
Woodlake Park Highlander RV Campground
Alpine Village Rocky Top Lodge
Paradise Found Rental Castle Lakes Cabins
Town Square Cabins At the Lake
Backcountry Basecamp
Town Square Cabins
Alpine Village
Pleasant View Resort At the Lake
Castle Lakes Cabins Oleo Guest Ranch
One & two bedroom, full housekeeping cabins. Most cabins have Matterhorn Mountain 3 rooms. Located across the street from the Sportsman and the The TexanSilver Spur Motel at the Lake Lake Fork of the Gunnison River.InnFamily owned and operated by Pleasant View Resort Annette & Mark Moody. Walking distance to downtown shops InnRates: at the Lake City Cabin Old Carson and restaurants. 14 units. Minimum stay:Inn3Lake nights. $80-108. Castle Lakes Cabins Season: late May-Nov 16. Old Carson Inn
Argenta Falls
M&M Vacation Rental The Texan
Vickers Ranch Lake City Cabin
Henson Creek RV Park
G&M Cabins
Lake City Resort
Castle Lakes Cabins Cozy Corner Paradise Found Rental Alpine Moose Lodge The Texan M&M Vacation Rental
Family run since 1929, Vickers continues to offer an excellent Twin Peaks horseback Rental vacation destination. We have 2, 3 & 4 bedroom cabins, Backcountry Basecamp Linny’s Stay & Play City Cabin City, LLC riding, jeep rentals, and private Stay lakeIn Lake &Lake stream fishing. Free wi-fi. Westwood Resort Hall Realty, Inc. Recreation hall and activities for your whole family or your family Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Barber’s Bungalow reunion. The Lake Fork River runs through our ranch. Pet friendly. Milford Vacation Rental The Texan G&M Cabins Corner 20 units.CozyMinimum stay: 2 nights. Rates: $155-355. Season: MayBarber’s Bungalow Alpine Village Woodlake Park Oct. Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals Wyman House
Rocky Top Lodge
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
The Texan
Linny’s Stay & Play At the Lake Highlander RV Campground
Silver Spur Motel
Hall Realty, Inc.
Town Square TwinCabins Peaks Rental
331 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2282 / 866-204-6344 Lake City Cabin gmcabins@centurytel.net / www.coloradodirectory.com/gmcabins
Wagon Wheel Resort Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
The Texan
Completely furnished cabins. Walk to everything. One and two bedroom units with outside grills, picnic tables and grass play areas. G&M Cabins Rocky Top Lodge Open Memorial Day week through mid October. Reservations and deposits required. 10 units. Minimum stay: 5 nights. Rates: $95-140. Linny’s Stay & Play Season: May 30-mid Oct. Town Square Cabins The Texan Wagon Wheel Resort
WoodlakeWoodlake Park Park
Oleo Guest Ranch RV Campground Highlander
Silver SpurElkhorn Motel RV Resort
Inn at the Lake Rocky Top Lodge
Henson Creek RV Park
Old Carson Inn
Woodlake Park Town Square Cabins
Lake City Resort
Lake City Resort Argenta Falls
Oleo Guest Ranch
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Wyman House Westwood Resort
Linny’s Stay & Play
Inn at the Lake
Pleasant View ResortHall Realty, Inc. Vickers Ranch M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Argenta Falls
Silver Spur Motel
Lakeviewhomes Property Management, Inc. Old Carson Inn - vacation Matterhorn Mountain Wyman House
162 S Hwy 149 / 970-944-2249 www.vickersranch.net / faithdan@earthlink.net
G&M Cabins
G&M Cabins
Milford Vacation Rental
Highlander RV Campground
Lake City Resort Milford Vacation Rental
Woodlake Park
249 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2264 / 817-457-8624
Stay In Lake City, LLC
Henson Creek RV Park Stay In Lake City, LLC
Wagon Wheel Resort
Silver Spur Motel
Elkhorn RV Resort
Elkhorn RV Resort
Matterhorn Mountain
Oleo Guest Ranch
Northshore Townhome #9
Woodlake Park
The Texan
Woodlake Park
M&M Vacation Rental
Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Alpine Village
Rocky Top Lodge
Wagon Wheel Resort
Paradise Found Rental
Inc. Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Falls River Lakeview Property Management, Squire’s Riverfront Cabin Backcountry Basecamp Twin Peaks Rental
G&M Cabins
Linny’s Stay & Play
Wagon Wheel Resort
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Northshore Townhome #9
G&M Cabins
Vickers Ranch
Wyman House
Hall Realty, Inc.
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
The Texan
Matterhorn Mountain 301 N Gunnison AveRV Resort Elkhorn / silspur@aol.com Cozy800-499-9701 Corner Rocky Top Lodge Pleasant View Resort
Henson Creek RV Park Downtown, next to restaurants, Lakeview Property Management, Inc. shops, and Town Park. 14 rooms, Castle Cabins Lakes Cabins Townwith Square some kitchenettes. 1 and Lake City Resort bedroom, all with queen beds, Twin2 Peaks Rental some with king. No pets, no Wagon Wheel Resort The Texan smoking. Handicap accessible. Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Westwood Resort 14 units. Rates: $79+ Season: Woodlake Park May to Lake mid-Oct. City Cabin
Woodlake Park
Oleo Guest Ranch
Barber’s Bungalow
Highlander RV Campground G&M Cabins
Silver Spur Motel
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Elkhorn RV ResortLinny’s Stay & Play
Inn at the Lake
Wagon Wheel Resort
307 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2866 Westwood Resort Henson Creek RV Park The Texan www.lakecityresort.com / cheri@lakecityresort.com Old Carson Inn
Woodlake Park
Convenient to town, parks, shopping, restaurants, hiking, 4x4 trails Barber’s Bungalow Rocky Lodgewi-fi. 8 units. and fishing. Queen beds in cottages and suites. Free Argenta Falls Top Lake City Resort Rates: $64-114. Season: May 1 - Oct 15.
Old Carson Inn
Oleo Guest Ranch
Argenta Falls
Silver Spur Motel
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Inn at the Lake
Old Carson Inn
Argenta Falls
Greg Ochocki
Town Square Cabins
Westwood Resort
Westwood Resort
Wagon Wheel Resort
Barber’s Bungalow 413 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2205 / kwmolinek@yahoo.com Woodlake Nine housekeeping cabins with full kitchens. One Park and two bedrooms. Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals Easy walking distance to fishing, restaurants, and historic downtown Lake City. 9 units. Rates: $65-100. Season:Oleo June-Sept. Guest Ranch
Silver Spur Motel
Inn at the Lake
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
Old Carson Inn
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
The Texan
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Northshore Townhome #9
C Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
bed & breakfasts / vacation homes The Texan
Vickers Ranch
The Texan Northshore Townhome #9
Rocky Top Lodge
Alpine Moose Lodge Woodlake Park
Rocky Top Lodge Alpine Moose Lodge
Backcountry Basecamp
Town Square Cabins
Town Square Cabins Old Carson Inn - vacation homes Backcountry Basecamp
M&M Vacation Rental - vacatio Wagon Wheel Resort Woodlake Park
Wagon Wheel Resort
Oleo Guest Ranch At the Lake Lake City Resort
Paradise Found Rental Oleo Guest Ranch
Oleo Guest Ranch
M&M Vacation Rental Silver Spur Motel
Matterhorn Mountain M&M Rental SilverVacation Spur Motel
Paradise Found Rental
Woodlake Park
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Woodlake Park
At the Lake
Wagon Wheel Resort Elkhorn RV Resort
Alpine VillageCreek RV Park Henson
Alpine Village
H Town Square Cabins Old Carson Inn - vacation hom
Highlander RV Campground
Falls River
Falls River
Rocky Top Lodge
Westwood Resort
Silver Spur Motel
Stay In Lake City, LLC
Inn at the Lake
Pleasant View Resort Matterhorn Mountain
Inn at the Lake
Pleasant View Resort
Inn at the Lake Stay City, LLC InnInatLake the Lake
Old Carson Inn
Milford Vacation Rental
600 County Rd 33 / 970-944-2032 / 936-499-1323 whitelock@shawus.com / www.innatthelake.org Argenta Falls
Castle Lakes Cabins
Wyman House
Awaken to quiet, fresh Rocky Mountain morning air where every room has a stunning view of Lake San Cristobal and the mountains Hall Realty, Inc. beyond. Enjoy a bountiful breakfast in the lodge, followed by heartwarming devotions where hosts, David & Rosie Whitelock, welcome Cozy Corner with open arms and loving hearts. 10 rooms. Rates: $90+ SeaLakeyou City Cabin son: June-Sept. The Texan
Old Carson Inn Barber’s Bungalow Castle Lakes Cabins
Old Carson Inn
Old Carson Inn
Argenta Falls
8401 CountyHall RdRealty, 30 Inc. / 800-294-0608 / 970-944-2511 - Vacation Rentals Argenta Falls The Texan www.oldcarsoninn.com / oldcarsoninn@aol.com
Milford Vacation Rental
Wyman House
Hall Realty, Inc.
Log cabin located in the heart of the San Juan mountains on the Cozy Corner Lake City Cabin Alpine Loop National Back Country Byway. Spacious rooms with antique charm. Private bathrooms, a hot tub, country breakfast. Lakeview Property Sleeps 14, great for large family get-togethers. ATV friendly-take off Manageme right fromG&M theCabins cabin and onto the trails. Rates: $128 - $180. Season: May – Oct. Twin Peaks Rental
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Linny’s Stay & Play
Twin Peaks Rental
The Texan
G&M Cabins
vacation homes
Castle Lakes Cabins & Campgr
Linny’s Stay & Play Woodlake Park Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
Rocky Top Lodge
The Texan
Highlander RV Campground Woodlake Park
Town Square Cabins
Rocky Top Lodge
Elkhorn RV Resort Highlander RV Campground
Wagon Wheel Resort Town Square Cabins
Henson Creek RV Park Elkhorn RV Resort
Woodlake Park Wagon Wheel Resort Henson Creek RV Park
Lake City Resort
Oleo Guest Ranch
Woodlake Park Lake City Resort
Silver Spur Motel
Westwood Resort
Oleo Guest Ranch Inn at the Lake Silver Spur Motel
Westwood Resort
Barber’s Bungalow
Old Carson Inn Inn at the Lake
Barber’s Bungalow
Barber’s Bungalow
Old Carson Inn
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
531 Hotchkiss St / 970-944-1161 / www.stayinlakecity.com
Argenta Falls
Barber’s Bungalow is big enough for the whole family! With 7 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms, our cabin will sleep 12 people. There’s even a baby crib. Located close to town with a nice yard. There’s also a private RV spot. Live outdoors on our wrap-around deck as each day offers new wildlife, stars and sounds to enjoy. Minimum stay: 5 nights. Rates: $300/night.
Kuder Vacation Rentals
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Re
Hall Realty, Inc. Vacation Rentals Argenta Falls
269 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-8104 www.hallrealty.net / annette@hallrealty.net Hall Realty Vacation Rentals is your source for the best vacation homes that Lake City has to offer. We look forward to having you and your family vacation with us in our beautiful town nestled in the San Juan Mountains. Most homes require a five night minimum. Please check the website for vacation rental home availability.
Golden Road / 620-659-2233
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal
vacation homes
At the Lake
Alpine Village
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
nagement, Inc.
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Matterhorn Mountain
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Vickers Ranch
At the Lake
Matterhorn Mountain Pleasant View Resort
Northshore Townhome #9
Castle Lakes Cabins
Northshore Townhome #9 Alpine Moose Lodge
Pleasant View Resort
Falls River Castle Lakes Cabins The Texan
Falls River Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
The Texan Backcountry Basecamp
Lake City Cabin
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
Lake City Cabin Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Alpine Village
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Paradise Found Rental
Ranch Linny’sVickers Stay & Play
Paradise Found Rental
At the Lake
G&M Cabins
G&M Cabins
M&M Vacation Rental Linny’s Stay & Play
Matterhorn Mountain
M&M Vacation Rental
Stay in Lake City
Pleasant View Resort
Stay In Lake City, LLC
The Texan Alpine Moose Lodge
A Texan Resort
The Texan
Rocky Top Lodge
Stay In Lake City, LLC Milford Vacation Rental
1161 Ocean Wave Drive / 970-944-1161 Castle Lakes Cabins Vacation Rental www.stayinlakecity.com / Milford dan@stayinlakecity.com Wyman House
Rocky Top Lodge 860 County Rd 142 / 970-944-2246 / tollBasecamp free 877-220-1179 Backcountry Town Square Cabins info@texanresort.com / www.texanresort.com
We invite you to stay in our vacation home that is close to town, Wyman House Hall Realty, Inc. yet tucked away where wildlife abounds. With 3 bedrooms and 2 full baths, our cabin can sleep up to 9 adults. All amenities, includHall Realty, Inc. Cozy Corner ing a super-equipped kitchen, HDTV, wireless internet, and endless Lake City Cabin hot water! Free local and long distance calling. Pet friendly. MiniCorner mum stay: 4 nights. Rates:Cozy $250/night. Lakeview Property Management, Inc. The Texan
Town Square Cabins
A pristine, rough-hewn American cabin village with a river running Wagon Wheel Resort through it. Scenic riverfront property Alpinewith Village old-fashioned hospitalWagon Wheel Resort ity, a playground, volleyball court, half outdoor basketball court, Woodlake Park outdoor grills and private fishing. Weddings and groups welcome. At the Lake Open year round. Traditional western hospitality since 1946. Woodlake Park Oleo Guest Ranch
Matterhorn Mountain
G&M Cabins Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Twin Peaks Rental
Silver Spur Motel
Twin Peaks Rental
Inn at the Lake
Pleasant View Resort
Linny’s Stay & Play Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
Castle Lakes Cabins
The Texan
Old Carson Inn
Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Woodlake Park
The Texan Argenta Falls
Rocky Top Lodge Woodlake Park
Oleo Guest Ranch
Silver Spur Motel
Inn at the Lake
Old Carson Inn
Highlander RV Campground
Argenta Falls Town Square Cabins
Highlander RV Campground Elkhorn RV Resort
Wagon Wheel Resort
Elkhorn RV Resort
Lake City Cabin
Cabins Northshore Townhome - LakeG&M San Cristobal Henson Creek RV Park
Woodlake Park
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal Henson Creek RV Park
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Oleo Guest Ranch
Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Lake City Resort
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Lake City Resort
Vickers Ranch Westwood Resort
Silver Spur Motel
Vickers Ranch
Westwood Resort
Alpine Moose Lodge Inn at thePO Lake Box 1117 / 800-456-0170 / 970-944-2401 Barber’s Bungalow www.lakeview-inc.com / lakeviewproperty@gmail.com Alpine Moose Lodge
Barber’s Bungalow Come stay with us at Lakeview on Lake San Cristobal, the secondHall Realty, Inc. - Vacation largest natural lake in Colorado, or one of our properties onRentals the Backcountry Basecamp Lake Fork of the Gunnison River. Explore historic Lake City, the AlArgenta Falls Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals pine Loop Scenic Backcountry Byway by jeep or ATV, endless fishing Backcountry Basecamp experiences, and spectacular hiking. Pets OK at 1 unit. 18 units. Min. stay: 6 nights, mid-June to mid-August. Rates: $130-350/night. Season: Alpine Village May 15-Oct 1. Old Carson Inn
Alpine Village
At the Lake
Matterhorn Mountain
At the Lake
Matterhorn Mountain
Linny’s Stay & Play
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Linny’s Stay & Play
The Texan
Northshore Townhome #9
Northshore Townhome #9
Rocky Top Lodge
403 Park St / 970-944-2408 / www.linnysvacations.com Falls River info@linnysvacations.com Town Square Cabins Vacations Falls River to write home about in a setting you won’t want to leave. Old Carson Inn - vacation homes Private, cozy lodging for individuals or small groups (up to 10). We can host family reunions and/orWagon provide optional learning/doWheel Resort Carson Inn - vacation homes studio apartment with kitchen. 2nd floor: ingOld packages. 1st floor: M&Mkitchenette, Vacation Rental - vacationhomes 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, and wrap-around deck. Quiet Woodlake Park neighborhood setting with easy walk to town. Rates: $65-125 per M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes room per night. Season: May-Oct Paradise Found Rental Paradise Found Rental M&M Vacation Rental M&M Vacation Rental
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
Stay In Lake City, LLC
Stay In Lake City, LLC
Oleo Guest Ranch
Silver Spur Motel
Inn at the Lake
The Texan Alpine Village
perty Management, Inc.
At the Lake
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Paradise Found Rental
vacation homes / campgrounds The Texan
Rocky Top Lodge
Paradise Found Rental M&M Vacation Rental
Rocky Top Lodge
Northshore Townhome #9 Matterhorn Mountain
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
Pleasant View Resort
M&M Vacation Rental
Town Square Cabins
Town Square Cabins Wagon Wheel Resort
Stay In Lake City, LLC
FallsCity, RiverLLC Stay In Lake Milford Vacation Rental
Castle Lakes Cabins
Wagon Wheel Resort Woodlake Park Milford Old Vacation Rental Carson Inn - vacation homes Wyman House
Woodlake Park
The Texan
Oleo Guest Ranch
Wyman House
Hall Realty, Inc. M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
Hall Realty, Inc.
Lake City Cabin
Paradise Found Rental
Oleo Guest Ranch Silver Spur Motel
Cozy Corner
Silver Spur Motel Inn at the Lake
Cozy Corner
G&M Cabins
M&M Vacation Rental Linny’s Stay & Play
Woodlake Park
Wyman House
Two rentals at 426 Gunnison Avenue. First: Beautiful 2 bedroom Rocky Top Lodge Park apartment (sleeps 4) within Woodlake walking distance of everything in Lake Highlander RV Campground Realty, Inc.dryer, nice yard & picnic City. Full bath, complete kitchen,Hall washer/ area. Weekly & nightly rentals available. Second: Nice studio apartTown Square Cabins Highlander RV Campground Elkhorn RV Resort ment with queen size bed. Complete kitchen, 1 bath, washer/dryer & Cozy Corner amenities. Weekly & nightly rentals available. 2 units. Rates: $85-130. Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal Wagon Wheel Resort
Oleo Guest Ranch Northshore Townhome #9
Silver Spur Motel Falls River Inn at the Lake
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes Carson Inn
ental - vacationhomes Paradise Found Rental
Stay In Lake City, LLC
Milford Vacation Rental
Wyman House
Hall Realty, Inc.
Cozy Corner
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
ty Management, Inc. Twin Peaks Rental
Old Carson Inn
Argenta Falls
Argenta Falls Cabin
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cr
Henson Creek RV Park
Lake City Resort
1216 County Rd 30 Lake City Resort 817-265-5295 / cell 817-929-8921 Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground www.argentafallscabin.com Westwood Resort Nestled in spruce and aspen trees, Woodlake Park Westwood Resort this log home is perfect for your Barber’s Bungalow summer getaway. Relax on the Highlander RV Campground Lakeview Property Management, back porch and listen toInc.the roarBarber’s Bungalow ing falls. 3 bedrooms. Sleeps up Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals Elkhorn to RV 9. Resort Rates: $1500/week or $225/ Vickers3 Ranch night. night minimum. Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals Henson Creek RV Park
Alpine Moose Lodge
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Vickers Ranch Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal
Falls River Lodge & Cabin
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
PO Box 1173 970-944-0151 Northshore Townhome #9 www.coloradodirectory.com/ fallsriverlodge
Three bedroom home close to Falls River town, on the river with private Squire’s Riverfront Cabin fishing waters & gorgeous waterfall. Dishwasher, laundryOldroom, woodCarson Inn - vacation homes burning stove, hot tub. All towels, linens, dishes, cookware, provided. Northshore Townhome #9 Backcountry Basecamp Sleeps 8. Miners cabin with Queen sofa bed available, with lodge rental, for additional $200/week. Minimum Stay: 6 nights during M&M Vacation peak Rental - vacationhom season. Rates: $1,950-$2,150/week Season: May 1- Oct 15 Alpine Moose Lodge
Falls River
Alpine Village
Cozy Corner
Paradise Found Rental
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes At the Lake
9501 N Hwy 149 / 970-316-1461 cozycornercolorado@gmail.com www.CozyCorner.info
M&M Vacation Rental
Backcountry Westwood ResortBasecamp
Colorado’s pet friendly Cozy Alpine Village Corner is a captivating rustic log home with 4 bedrooms, a den and Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals the Lake 2 Atbathrooms. Situated among the abundant aspen and pine trees ofMatterhorn the SanMountain Juan Mountains, Cozy Corner is a perfect place to spend your vacation. Rates: $200/night. Pleasant View Resort Season: Spring-fall.
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Matterhorn Mountain
Pleasant View Resort Paradise Found Rental
Castle Lakes Cabins M&M Vacation Rental
Stay In Lake LLC The City, Texan
Milford Vacation Rental
Lake City Cabin
Castle Lakes Cabins Wyman House
The Texan
ins & Campground Woodlake Park
Log cabin located in the heart of the San Juan mountains on the Alpine Loop National Back Country Byway. Spacious rooms with antique charm. Private bathrooms, a hot tub, country breakfast. Sleeps 14, great for large family get-togethers. ATV friendly-take off right from the cabin and onto the trails. Rates: $128 - $180. Season: May – Oct.
G&M Cabins Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
Old Carson Inn
8401 County Rd 30 / 800-294-0608 / 970-944-2511 Argenta Falls www.oldcarsoninn.com / oldcarsoninn@aol.com
Barber’s Bungalow
Old Carson Inn
Henson Creek RV Park Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Lake City Resort
M&M Vacation Rental
Inn at the Lake
Elkhorn RV Resort
Twin Peaks Rental
Cabins vacation homes Argenta Falls M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Resort
Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
Milford Vacation Rental POTheBox Texan913 / 970-944-1121 / www.mmvacationrental.com mmccfive@centurytel.net Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
nhome #9
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Twin Peaks Rental Stay In Lake City, LLC Twin Peaks Rental
home - Lake San Cristobal Woodlake Park Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
& Play nt Cabin
M&M Vacation Rental
Lake City Cabin
Lake City Cabin
Stay In Lake City, LLC
1 County Road 33 214-392-1575 Milford Vacation Rental www.lakecitycabin.com
One of a kind! Beautifully mainWyman House tained home on the bank of Lake San Cristobal and the Lake Fork Hall Realty, Inc. of the Gunnison. 2 bedroom, 2 bath. Lovingly furnished with evCozy Corner erything you need for the perfect retreat. Available by the week. Minimum stay: 1 week. Rates: Lakeview Property Management, In $1250/week.
Hall Realty, Inc.
Linny’s Stay & Play
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com Cozy Corner
Twin Peaks Rental
Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
vacation homes Vickers Ranch
Alpine Moose Lodge
Backcountry Basecamp
Northshore Townhome #9
Squire’s Riverfront Cabins
North Shore Townhome #9
Falls River
9901 County Rd 30 970-944-7779Old Carson Inn - vacation homes holleysquires@wildblue.net
Located 12 miles from Rental town- vacationhomes on M&M Vacation the Alpine Loop, wonderful 2 or 3 bedroom cabins. Fully furnished, Alpine Village Paradise Found Rental laundry, satellite TV- Lake & BBQ. Northshore Townhome -San Lake San Cristobal Northshore Townhome Cristobal Quiet and peaceful. Fish, hike, At the Lake ATV. Open May September. M&Mto Vacation Rental Your hosts, Pat Susan Holley Minimum stay: 3 nights. Rates: call. Lakeview Property Management, Lakeview Property Management, Inc.& Inc. Squire’s Riverfront Squire’s Riverfront Cabin Cabin Matterhorn Mountain Season: May-Sept. Stay In Lake City, LLC
Vickers Ranch Vickers Ranch Pleasant View Resort
Milford Vacation Rental Ox Yoke Cabin # 11
Castle Lakes Cabins AlpineAlpine MooseMoose LodgeLodge
Northshore Townhome #9 Northshore Townhome #9
Milford Vacation Rental
209 County Rd 33, Unit #9 719-685-0905 / 970-944-8118 kathrynkoehn@gmail.com Beautiful,Northshore newly decorated townTownhome - Lake San Cristobal house directly on Lake San Cristobal. Listen to the lapping waves while viewing mountains from Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Squire’sthe Riverfront Cabin decks off living room & bedroom. Two large bedrooms and two baths upstairs, large living room, dining Vickers Ranch room, kitchen & bath downstairs. Minimum stay: in summers, Northshore Townhome #9 1 week. Rates: $1400/week in high season. Alpine Moose Lodge
Falls River
Falls RiverWyman House Falls River
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal
918-625-3828 / 970-944-2860 / visionre@earthlink.net The Texan Hall Realty, Inc.
Backcountry Basecamp
Old Carson Inn - vacation Old Carson Inn - vacation homeshomes
Newly remodeled rightInc.on the river! 2 rooms, 1 Squire’s bath,Riverfront kitchen, Lakeview Propertycabin Management, Cabin Backcountry Basecamp Backcountry Basecamp Cozy Corner great views, Lake City Cabin peace and quiet, less than 1 mile from historic downtown and shopping. Nightly & weekly rates. Minimum stay: 3 nights. M&M Vacation - vacationhomes M&M Vacation RentalRental - vacationhomes Vickers Ranch Rates: $160+ Season: July – Sept. Sleeps up to 5. LakeviewNorthshore Townhome #9Inc. Property Management,
G&M Cabins AlpineAlpine VillageVillage
North Shore Townhome on Lake San Cristobal
Alpine Moose Lodge Linny’s Stay & Play the Lake At the At Lake Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal Paradise Paradise FoundFound RentalRental Twin Peaks Rental
Falls River
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin M&M Vacation M&M Vacation RentalRental Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes 213 County Rd 33, unit #8 / 918-341-9242 Lake City, LLC Stay InStay LakeInCity, LLC Vickers Ranch www.vrbo.com/277559 / patsydaniel@mindspring.com Northshore Townhome #9 Backcountry Basecamp
Matterhorn Mountain Matterhorn Mountain The Texan
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Beautifully decorated, 1650 sq ft, 2 bedroom, 2 ½ bathM&M on the lake’s Vacation MilfordMilford Vacation RentalRental Vacation Rental - vacationhomes north shore. Breathtaking views from the deck. Fully equipped. Highlander RV Campground Alpine Moose Lodge Falls River Minimum LakesRanch Cabins stay: 3 nights. Rates: $1100-1400/week. Castle Castle Lakes Cabins Vickers
Paradise Found Rental
The Texan At the Lake The Texan Alpine Moose WagonLodge Wheel Resort
Northshore Townhome #9 Paradise Found Rental
Wyman Wyman HouseHouse
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes Hall Realty, Hall Realty, Inc. Inc.
Falls River
M&M Vacation Rental
847-272-9459 / bfritzphoto@aol.com / www.vrbo.com/104655 Henson Creek RV Park
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes Cozy Corner Cozy Corner
Stay Inroom, Lake City, LLC This new, two-story mountain home has a beautiful great Old Carson Inn - vacation homes Lake City wood stove & redwood deck. Within walking distance toResort town and Backcountry AlpineBasecamp Village Pleasant View Resort Lakeview Property Management, Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Inc. Guest Ranch Paradise Found Rental hasOleo great views. Sleeps up to 6. $100 refundable deposit. Rates: Milford Vacation Rental G&M Cabins G&M Cabins $1075/week. Open May-Sept. M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
At theSpur Lake Castle Lakes Cabins Silver Motel Linny’sLinny’s Stay & Stay Play & Play Alpine Village Matterhorn Mountain Inn at the Lake The Texan Thethe Texan The Texan At Lake
Twin Peaks Rental
Westwood Resort Twin Rental Peaks Rental Twin Peaks M&M Vacation Rental Wyman House
Woodlake Park Vacation Rental Woodlake Park Milford Cozy Corner Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Charming country-style home and guest cabin in downtown. House Stay In Lake City, LLC sleeps 10-12. Cabin sleeps 4-6. House: $185 per night for up to 6 Highlander RV Campground Highlander RV Campground Wyman Lakeview House Property Management, Inc. people; $5 for each additional person. Cabin: $85 per night, 3 people. G&M Cabins Pleasant View Resort Town Laundry Square Town Square CabinsCabinsfacilities. 2 units. Minimum stay: 3 nights. Milford Vacation Rental Rates: $85-185/ Elkhorn RV Resort Elkhorn RV Resort The Texan Hall Realty, Inc. Twin Peaks Rental night. Season: June-Sept.
Castle Lakes Cabins Linny’s Stay & Play WagonWagon WheelWheel ResortResort
The Wyman House Lake City Cabin
The Texan Woodlake Park Woodlake Park
Wyman House Cozy Corner Henson Creek RV Park Lakes Cabins & Campground Henson Creek RV Park Castle
The Texan
Cozy Corner
Lake City Cabin
TwinAlpine Peaks Rental Highlander RV Campground Enjoy our spacious 3 bedroom, 2 bath home on the Loop. Westwood ResortResort ATV from the house. BBQ, fire pit, Direct TV,Westwood washer/dryer. Good Lakeview Property Management, Inc. dogs welcome. Minimum stay: 3 to 7 nights. Rates:Castle $150-260/night. Lakes Cabins & Campground Elkhorn RV Resort
Linny’s Stay & Play SilverMotel Spur Motel Silver Spur Town Square Cabins G&M Cabins
Old Carson Old Carson Inn Inn Rocky Top Lodge
At the Lake30) (CR
Matterhorn Mountain
Located at Lake San Cristobal on Pleasant View Resort County Road 33. Castle Lakes Cabins
Williams Creek
Paradise Found Rental
Gate View
Located on the Lake Fork of the Vacation Rental GunnisonM&M River. Stay In Lake City, LLC The Gate
Located on the Lake Fork of the GunnisonMilford River. Vacation Rental
Big Blue Wyman House
Mill Creek
Dispersed sites. Located several miles off of Highway 149 at the Hallthe Realty, Inc. entrance to Uncompahgre Wilderness.
On the Cathedral/ Powderhorn Road
The Texan
Lake City Cabin
(FS Road 788)
G&M Cabins
Deer Lakes Linny’s Stay & Play
Hidden Valley The Texan Dispersed
Cozy Corner
Located near the top of Slumgullion Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Pass. TwinHead Peaks Rental Bristol
Lakes Cabins & Campground NorthCastle Clear Creek
Woodlake Park Silver Thread
Rocky Top Lodge
Dispersed sites.
Cebolla Day use only.
Town Square Cabins
On the Rio Grande Reservoir Road
Highlander RV Campground
(FS 520)
Elkhorn RV Resort
Wagon Wheel Resort
Cebolla Creek
Located Woodlake Park 6.5 miles from Powderhorn on FS Road 788.
Henson Creek RV Park Road Canyon
River Hill Lake City Resort
Oleo Guest Ranch
Hall Realty, Inc.
3325 CR 30 / 970-641-1167 / bbwyman@lakecity.net Lakeview Property Park Management, Inc. Woodlake Lake City Resort Lake City Resort G&M Cabins www.lakecitymillworks.com/index_files/page0064.htm Oleo Guest Oleo Guest Ranch Ranch Rocky Top Lodge
The Texan Inn Lake at the Lake Inn at the Wagon Wheel Resort Linny’s Stay & Play
On the Alpine Loop
Paradise Found Rental Lakes Cabins &City, Campground Castle Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Stay In Lake LLC Barber’s Bungalow Hall Realty, Inc.
409 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-6459 summer / 254-662-4544 winter M&M Vacation Rental Old Carson InnResort www.lakecitytwinpeaks.com / franostrom@hotmail.com Pleasant View
Lake City Cabin Matterhorn Mountain Top Lodge Rocky Rocky Top Lodge Argenta FallsCabins Castle Lakes
Alpine Village
Elkhorn RV Resort
Backcountry Basecamp
Matterhorn Mountain Park Lake City Woodlake Cabin Lake City Cabin
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
Woodlake Park
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Pleasant View Resort Pleasant View Resort Rocky Top Lodge
Alpine Village Town Square Cabins
public campgrounds
Along the Silver Thread
Thirty MilE
Red Bridge
Lost Trail
Silver Spur Motel
Inn Located at the Lake
on the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River.
Westwood Resort
Barber’s Bungalow
Old Carson Inn Barber’s Bungalow Barber’s Bungalow Twin Peaks Rental
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
Woodlake Park Henson Creek RV Park Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
Argenta Falls
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Backcountry Basecamp
Alpine Village
At the Lake
Matterhorn Mountain
Paradise Found Rental
Backcountry Basecamp
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhom
M&M Vacation Rental
Alpine Village Alpine Village
Stay In Lake City, LLC
At the Lake At the Lake
Pleasant View Resort Milford Vacation Rental
Matterhorn Mountain Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Matterhorn Mountain
Castle Lakes Cabins Wyman House
Vickers Ranch
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cristobal Hall Realty, Inc.
Castle Lakes Cabins Castle Lakes Cabins
Lakeview Property Management, Inc. Lake City Cabin
Cozy Corner
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Alpine Moose Lodge The Texan
Vickers Ranch G&M Cabins
Northshore Townhome #9 Twin Peaks Rental
Linny’s Stay & Play Alpine Moose Lodge
Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
Castle Lakes Campground & Cabins
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Woodlake Park
Backcountry Basecamp Rocky Top Lodge
Highlander RV Campground
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
8201 County Rd 30 / 970-944-2622 / www.castlelakes.com Town Square Cabins Elkhorn RV Resort
Peaceful forest setting with full hook-ups, pop-up, andFound tent sites in Paradise Rental a wooded or community type setting. Great showers, restrooms Wagon Wheel Resort and laundry facilities. Two private pristine lakesHenson for guest-only At the Lake Creek RV Park M&M Vacation Rental fishing. On-site general store, recreation room, movies and jeep Woodlake Park rentals. Ride your OHV from your site right onto the trails. 10 Matterhorn Mountain Stay InCity LakeResort City, LLC Lake miles SW of lake City. Visa/MC. Dogs permitted. Wi-fi. 45 RV sites. Oleo Guest sites. Ranch 5 tent 12 cabins. Electric: 20/30/50. Water/sewer. Showers Pleasant View Resort open to public, $. Public laundry. Rates: $25-31. Long term rates. Milford Vacation Rental Westwood Resort Season: May 15-Oct 1. Silver Spur Motel Alpine Village
Castle Lakes Cabins Wyman House
Inn at the Lake The Texan Old Carson Inn
Barber’s Bungalow Hall Realty, Inc. Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Lake CityFalls Cabin Argenta
Cozy Corner
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
G&M Cabins Twin Peaks Rental
Linny’s Stay & Play Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground
The Texan Woodlake Park
Highlander RV Campground & Jeep Rental Rocky Top Lodge
Highlander RV Campground
Squire’s Riverfront Cabin
Stay In Lake City, LLC Milford Vacation Rental
Milford Vacation Rental
Northshore Townhome #9
Wyman House Wyman House
Falls River Hall Realty, Inc.
Old Carson Inn - vacation homes
Lake City Cabin
Elkhorn RV Resort & Cabins Backcountry Basecamp Lake City Cabin
Cozy Corner
Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhom
Lakeview Property Management, In
713 N Bluff / 970-944-2920 / 512-689-5110 G&MStreet Cabins Twin Peaks Rental www.elkhornrvresort.com / elkhornrvresort@yahoo.com Alpine Village Paradise Found Rental Linny’s Stay & Play
The Texan
M&M Vacation Rental Stay In Lake City, LLC
Cozy Corner
G&M Cabins
Falls River
Paradise Found Rental
Northshore Townhome - Lake San Cr M&M Vacation Rental
Hall Realty, Inc.
The Texan Lakeview Property Management, Inc.
Paradise Found Rental
Pleasant View Resort Pleasant View Resort
The Texan
M&M Vacation Rental - vacationhomes
Twin Peaks Rental
& Play Quiet, in Linny’s townStaylocation. Walk to shopping and dining. Full hook-up Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground the Lake RV sites Atwith 30/50 amps. ¼ mile away from Alpine loop,M&M ATV-riding Rental CastleVacation Lakes Cabins & Campground The Texan and public fishing. Free cable and wi-fi. Complimentary coffee every The Texan Park cabins, morningMatterhorn as you Mountain watch the entertaining wildlife. SixWoodlake camper Stay In Lake City, LLC Woodlake Park Rocky Top Lodge grassy tent sites, community fire pit, sparkling showers and laundry. Rocky10 Top tent Lodge sites. 6 cabins. Electric: 30/50.Highlander 22 RV sites. Water/sewer. RV Campground Pleasant View Resort Milford Vacation Rental Highlander RV Campground Pets OK. Credit cards. Public showers $. Public laundry. TV hookSquare Cabins up. Town Wi-fi. Rates: $33-37. Long term rates. Season:Elkhorn May RV 1-Oct 15. Resort Castle Lakes Cabins Town Square Cabins
Wyman RV House Elkhorn Resort
Wagon Wheel Resort Wagon Wheel Resort The Texan Woodlake Park
Henson Creek RV Park Woodlake Park Lake City Cabin Oleo Guest Ranch
Henson Creek RV Park Hall Realty, Inc. Henson Creek RV Park
Lake City Resort Cozy Corner Lake City Resort
131 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2394 / 970-944-1021 Oleo Guest Ranch Lakeview Property Management, In www.hensoncreek.com / hensoncreekrvpark@yahoo.com Westwood Resort Cabins Silver SpurG&M Motel
Westwood LocatedSilver on Spur Henson It isResort 3 Motel Creek, at mile marker 72 on Hwy 149. Twin Peaks to Rental blocks from downtown Lake City, and within walking distance Inn at theLinny’s Lake Stay & Play Barber’s Bungalow everything. hook-ups, laundry, showers. 28 RV sites. Electric: 30 Inn at Full the Lake Barber’s Bungalow amp. Water/sewer. Season: May 15-Oct 1. Castle Lakes Cabins & Campground Old Carson Inn
The TexanInn Old Carson
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals Woodlake Park
Argenta Falls
Woodlake Park Argenta FallsLodge Rocky Top
800-201-2694 / 970-944-2283 / 817-536-4079 Town Square Cabins www.woodlakeparkcolorado.com
Highlander RV Campground
Elkhorn RV Resort
2 ½ miles south of town on Hwy. 149. Grassy spacious pullWagon Wheel Resort throughs, complete hook-ups, 50 ft. apart. Nice showers. Tents welHenson Creek RV Park come. Private river fishing. Pavilion. Large luxury cabin and camper Woodlake Park cabins. 30 RV sites. Tent sites. 5 cabins. Rates: $28-$31. Season: May 25-Sept 30. Lake City Resort Oleo Guest Ranch
Town Square Cabins
Elkhorn RV Resort
3445 County Rd 30 / 970-944-2878 / 888-580-4636 Wagon Wheel Resort www.highlandercampground.com / hilander@gunnison.com Henson Creek RV Park
Nestled in a forest with our own mountain spring waterfall, near Woodlake Park Lake San Cristobal, and overlooking the Lake Fork River. Large, level, full hookup sites with 20/30/50 amp electric, water,Lake sewer, free cable City Resort Oleo Guest and wifi,Ranch picnic table and firering. Showers and laundry open to the public. Rates: $32. Long term rates. Season: May 15-Oct 1. Silver Spur Motel
Inn at the Lake
Old Carson Inn
Westwood Resort
Barber’s Bungalow
Silver Spur Motel
Inn at the Lake
Westwood Resort
campfire stories
Barber’s Bungalow
Old Carson Inn
Hall Realty, Inc. - Vacation Rentals
Argenta Falls
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
dining & food grocery stores
coffee shops
Town Square Cabins & Mini-mart
Lake City Bakery
231 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2236 / Toll free 877-944-2236 www.townsquarecabins.com / info@townsquarecabins.com
922 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-2613 / 970-209-1219 Celebrating 23 years in Lake City. Finest baked goods in the Rockies. Breads, pastries, cookies, cakes and pies. Fresh-baked breads daily, no preservatives! Special orders welcome for birthdays, anniversaries and parties. Have breakfast on the bakery deck. Steve, Stacy, Nicholas and Mallory Mikeska.
Mocha Moose Coffee House
8 rustic cabins with kitchenettes situated in the center of town next to the town park. A mini-mart is on site, providing groceries, snacks and fuel. Public laundromat. Open year round.
Country Store Grocery
916 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-2387 / countrystoremail@yahoo.com Beginning our 20th year serving Lake City with a full line of groceries, drug items, hand-cut steaks and homemade sandwiches. Keith, Nancy, Cara & Kayla proprietors.
308 N Silver St 970-944-0334 mochamoosecoffeehouse.com
ice cream parlors
“The” place to hang out in Historic Downtown Lake City and the San Juan’s most unique coffee house. Espresso/coffee, teas, fruit smoothies, breakfast burritos and much more! Food items available to go for your daily excursions. Charming outdoor patio.
Mean Jean’s Internet Coffee Shop 205 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-0302
San Juan Soda Company
dark starry skies 38
227 N Silver St/ 970-944-0500 / www.sanjuansodacompany.com sanjuansoda@gmail.com Located in a building built in 1875, we are home to an old fashioned soda fountain dating from the early 1900s. In addition to our gifts, our fountain serves authentic old-fashioned ice cream sodas, fountain drinks, thick malts, shakes, and generously-sized scooped cones. Open May1st to early Oct.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
dining & food restaurants & saloons
liquor stores
Elkhorn Liquors
144 S Hwy 149 / 970-944-2424 / elkhornliquors@centurytel.net Retail liquor store with a full line of liquor, beer & wine, specials everyday. Coldest beer in town! Best selection of Colorado microbrews.
night life
Lake City Bakery
922 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-2613 / 970-209-1219 Celebrating 23 years in Lake City. Finest baked goods in the Rockies. Breads, pastries, cookies, cakes and pies. Fresh-baked breads daily, no preservatives! Special orders welcome for birthdays, anniversaries and parties. Have breakfast on the bakery deck. Steve, Stacy, Nicholas and Mallory Mikeska.
Sportsman’s Backyard
173 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2525 www.sportsmanstexaco.com / sportsmanstexaco@centurytel.net Outdoor dining in the open air or under the covered deck. Serving lunch and dinner. Dinner menu includes: appetizers, BBQ, burgers, catfish, and the best steaks at the best price in Lake City. Nightly specials. Beer and wine. Entertainment nightly. Enjoy the stars while sitting around a campfire. The Backyard is also available for special events.
restaurants & saloons
Bruno’s Restaurant & Grill
1221 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-2415 Bruno’s Restaurant offers Lake City the finest upscale dining experience. Dinner only: reservation required. Bruno’s Grill is down to earth, everyday food at great prices. Fresh baked pizza; dine-in or take-out. Lunch and dinner: walk-ins welcome.Your hosts: Frederika & Chef Bruno.
Packer Saloon & Cannibal Grill 310 N Silver St / 970-944-4144
In the summer: great outdoor grill and deck; indoor seating, too. In the winter we move the grill inside! Same great atmosphere, but warmer. Big screen TV for football, hockey or whatever else we can find on Direct TV. Serving lunch and dinner 7 days a week. Friendly people, good food and cold beer make for a fun night out.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
dining & food restaurants & saloons
Restless Spirits Saloon 300 Third Street
Sportsman’s BBQ Station
173 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2525 www.sportsmanstexaco.com / sportsmanstexaco@centurytel.net Amazing Texas-style BBQ: brisket, chicken, pork ribs, and handmade burgers served with sides of coleslaw, potato salad, and beans. Family owned.
Looking for comfort food with a little zing? Let us lead the way with our attentive staff, award-winning chef, and beverages that will satisfy the body and lighten the soul. No matter what shape you arrive in, you will leave much better.
Poker Alice
188 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-4100 info@pokeralice.org / www.pokeralice.org
Tic Toc Diner
135 S Gunnison Ave 970-944-0444 tictocdiner@gmail.com
Rated “Best in Lake City.” Scrumptious sandwiches, crisp green salad, stone-baked pizzas, hand rolled calzone and yummy desserts. Espresso and gourmet coffees. Open at 11 am, closed on Sundays.
Celebrating 10 years in Lake City! The Tic Toc Diner offers breakfast, lunch & dinner with a diverse menu to please the entire family. Come on in, and remember…There are only two places you should eat meatloaf…your mama’s and the Tic Toc Diner.
Soup Kitchen Catering
808 Gunnison Ave / 970-944-7687 The soup kitchen features homemade soups, breads, desserts, made to order sandwiches, salads and specialty items. Full take-out menu, soups by the jar, Take-and-Bake casseroles and catering.
Old Timers Café
Southern Vittles
310 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-7007 www.lakecityoldtimers.com
200A N Silver Street / 970-944-2010
Located in the historic Beam Building, serving you and the community fine family food.
where beauty lies at every turn 40
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
the arts / museums entertainment
historic museums & tours
Hard Tack Mine Tours & Museum
County Rd 20 (Henson Creek) 970-944-2506 www.hardtackmine.com hardtackmine@centurytel.net Owned and operated by homegrown Lake Citians with a wealth of knowledge of local mining history. See how miners really lived; experience the bygone age of Lake City mining. Mine tour & museum with gift shop. Open 7 days a week. Snacks at the hard tack shack.
Hinsdale County Museum
Sportsman’s Backyard
130 N Silver St / 970-944-2050 info@lakecitymuseum.com / www.lakecitymuseum.com
173 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2525 sportsmanstexaco@centurytel.net / www.sportsmanstexaco.com An outdoor venue hosting live concerts and special events with great BBQ dinners. Check our website for scheduled events, as well as open mic night, karaoke, clogging, and dances.
Open June-September, tours to educate the public on the history of our community. Special events and tours are unique and of interest to all ages. Check out our web page for details of events.
Moseley Arts Center 300 N Silver St / 970-944-2706 / box office: 970-944-2710 www.lakecityarts.org / info@lakecityarts.org House of the arts in Lake City, the Moseley arts center houses the Mary Stigall Theatre and the Anthony Gallery. We showcase theatrical, performing, visual, culinary and other arts and artists.
Lake City Stinger Band 133 Second St / 970-944-2790
professional artists
Jane E. Jones Art Studio Lake City: 970-944-2794 / Dallas: 972-407-1566 jane@janejonesart.com / www.janejonesart.com I am a professional artist with national acclaim. I paint in all mediums, watercolor being my main medium. My work can be seen at Lake City Art Gallery, Lake City CO.
Mary Carki
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
outdoor recreation atv rentals
backcountry skiing & snowshoeing
Colorado Adventure Rentals at the Pleasant View Resort 549 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2262 or 877-641-3525 rider@coloradoadventurerentals.com www.coloradoadventurerentals.com
Serving Lake City, Taylor Park and Gunnison County. Get in to the best of Colorado’s back country. One and two seat Polaris models. Full & half day rentals. Helmets provided.
The Sportsman Outdoors & Fly Shop
238 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2526 info@lakecitysportsman.com / www.lakecitysportsman.com Enjoy winter in Lake City with guided snowshoeing and back country ski tours. Trips include gear and lunch. Fees based on tour selected. Advanced bookings or walk-ins. Rent/buy our snowshoes, back country skis, ice skates, sleds, toboggans, and accessories such as poles, gaiters, gloves and thermals, outerwear, footwear and packs. You can also rent or buy ice fishing gear, including rods, reels and augers.
bicycle repairs, supplies, & sales
Lake City Bicycles, Inc. 528 Pine St / 970-944-0405 / lakecitybicycles@flash.net Repairs & tuning, tire/tube replacement, wheel truing, brakes, shifting, chains and more. Supplies & parts –tires, tubes, pumps, helmets, seats, baskets and more. Sales of new and used bikes.
camps & retreats
San Juan Adventures
Camp Redcloud Christian Mountain Adventures
809 N Highway 149 / 970-944-ATVS (2887) sanjuanadventures@lakecity.net Half and full-day unguided ATV rentals. Insurance, helmet, map and a “SPOT” satellite transmitter provided. Available 1 to 2 seat Polaris ATVs, Side X Side Rangers/Razors. Maintained and serviced through the local certified Polaris ATV dealer.
6000 County Rd 30 / 970-944-2625 / 877-REDCLOUD info@campredcloud.org / www.campredcloud.org Youth camps, family retreats, and wilderness adventures for individuals and groups. Horseback riding, ropes course, rafting, mountain biking and rock-climbing are tools to help strengthen your relationships with others and Jesus Christ.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
outdoor recreation fly fishing
Three Rivers Resort & Outfitting
The Sportsman Outdoors & Fly Shop
130 County Rd 742 Almont, CO / 970-641-1303 / 888-761-3474 www.3riversresort.com / email@3riversresort.com
238 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2526 info@lakecitysportsman.com / www.lakecitysportsman.com We provide everything for the fly fishing trip of a lifetime—experienced guides, custom planning, and Pro Shop. We give directions, fix lunch, and outfit you with waders, rods, reels, flies, and more. We offer a variety of schools, clinics, and instruction: beginners to advanced; special classes for women and children. Free weekly clinics offered in the summer. Advanced bookings encouraged, walk-ins welcomed.
Willowfly Anglers, our fly fishing service, is the only Orvis endorsed outfitter in the area. We offer walk/wade and float trips for all levels. Try one of our private leases for the ultimate experience. We’ll meet you in Lake City or visit our full service shop in Almont, 10 miles north of Gunnison.
snowmobile sales, rentals, tours
Dan’s Fly Shop
Lake City Auto & Sports Center
As Colorado’s oldest originally owned fly shop, we are dedicated to providing the best in fly-fishing to old pros and beginners. Stop by for free knot tying, fly-casting instruction, or fishing trips. Arrange a guided trip designed just for you with one of our experienced guides. Equipment provided.
Guided snowmobile tours and unguided snowmobiles and trailers for rent for over 30 years. Ride the divide with experienced guides. National Forest lands involved. Beginners welcome. Single and double passenger snowmobiles available; clothing and helmets included. Authorized Polaris and Skidoo snowmobile sales & service. We accept all major credit cards.
809 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-2311 lakecityauto@lakecity.net / www.lakecityauto.com
723 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2281 dansflyshop@lakecity.net / www.dansflyshop.com
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
outdoor recreation snowmobile sales, rentals, tours
horseback riding outfitters
Charlie’s Snowmobile Repair and Service 970-944-0368
hiking & four-wheel drive tours
Vickers Ranch
162 S Hwy 149 / 970-944-2249 www.vickersranch.net / faithdan@earthlink.net Family run since 1929, Vickers continues to offer an excellent vacation destination. We have 2, 3 & 4 bedroom cabins, horseback riding, jeep rentals, and private lake & stream fishing. Free Wi-Fi. Recreation hall and activities for your whole family or your family reunion. The Lake Fork River runs through our ranch. Pet friendly.
The Sportsman Outdoors & Fly Shop
Cadwell Outfitters
238 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2526 info@lakecitysportsman.com / www.lakecitysportsman.com Enjoy the San Juans in comfort and security with our hiking guide services, scenic tours, snowhoeing/skiing tours, and shuttle services. Our guides know the area and love sharing their knowledge. Hike with an expert; or try one of our personalized high adventure, 4-wheel drive tours in the comfort of our vehicles. Trips include lunch; fees based on tour selected.
San Juan Scenic Jeep Tours
7208 County Rd 50 Powderhorn, CO 970-641-2785 / 850-819-9355 www.cadwelloutfitters.vpweb.com gricesc@bay.k12.fl.us Offering overnight horse pack trips through the La Garita Wilderness area to rustic lodge. Fishing, hiking, photography, western music and horseback riding provided during your stay. Rides for all day, half day, and hourly in the wilderness also available.
PO Box 25, Ouray CO 81427 / 888-624-8403 ourayjeeptours@yahoo.com / www.historicwesternhotel.com Experience high mountain, cliff-hanging mining roads with guides of Colorado’s oldest 4x4 open air tour company. “We drive...You look!” See why National Geographic, CBS, Jeep Journal, and the Washington Post did!
a hands-on vacation for all ages 44
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
outdoor recreation jeep rentals
Castle Lakes Campground & Cabins
8201 County Rd 30 / 970-944-2622 / www.castlelakes.com Rent a 2 or 4 door Jeep here! Experience the awe inspiring Alpine Loop National Back Country Byway. Climb Cinnamon & Engineer Passes, visit ghost towns along the way, or find that secluded fishing hole. Multiple day discounts available.
Lake City Auto & Sports Center 809 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-2311Â lakecityauto@lakecity.net / www.lakecityauto.com Â
Late model Jeep Wranglers. 5-7 passenger vehicles, Dodge Durango, 4-door jeeps, soft and hard top jeeps available. Standard and automatic transmissions available. Ask about special rates on multiple day rentals. See breathtaking views from mountain passes from as high as 13,000 ft. through the scenic San Juan Mountains. Maps provided and we accept all major credit cards.
Rocky Mountain Jeep Rental
549 S Gunnison Ave. / 970-944-2262 pleasant000@centurytel.net / www.pleasantviewresort.net New 2 & 4 door Jeep Wranglers. Take an unforgettable jeep trip over the Alpine Loop and neighboring vistas. American Basin, Cinnamon & Engineer Pass, Animas Forks, Silverton, Carson & Whitmore Falls wait for you to enjoy the beauty and magnificence.
Highlander RV Campground & Jeep Rental 3445 County Rd 30 / 970-944-2878 / 888-580-4636 www.highlandercampground.com / hilander@gunnison.com
Experience the best Colorado has to offer, in comfort, in our 2 or 4 door late-model Jeep Wranglers. We offer the best deal in town, with additional discounts for multi-day rentals. Free color map provided.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
outdoor recreation miniature golf
recreation equipment sales & rentals
Alpine Mini Golf
630 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2300
rafting tours
The Sportsman Outdoors & Fly Shop
Scenic River Tours, Inc.
238 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2526 info@lakecitysportsman.com / www.lakecitysportsman.com
703 W Tomichi Ave, Gunnison / 970-641-3131 info@scenicrivertours.com / www.scenicrivertours.com Whether it’s a 2 hour float trip, an all day whitewater adventure, a fishing trip, or a rock climbing outing, SRT will show you a safe, quality outing with a personal touch. Lake Fork, Gunnison & Taylor Rivers. Beginner to advanced options. Call us to book your adventure. Licensed, bonded, insured and FUN!
Equipment rentals and sales for boating, camping, fly fishing, bicycling, and winter sports always available. Full-day, half-day, multi-day pricing. Our top-quality products are new or nearly-new to help you with your outdoor experience. Fly rods, spin/bait rods, reels, waders, tents, sleeping bags/pads, backpacks, bicycles, stoves, lighting products, boats, snowshoes, ice skates, back country skis, sleds, and even kids’ stuff.
rock climbing
Three Rivers Resort & Outfitting
130 County Rd 742 Almont, CO / 970-641-1303 / 888-761-3474 www.3riversresort.com / email@3riversresort.com Raft on the Lake Fork, Taylor or Gunnison Rivers. Choose scenic floats or whitewater fun. Try one of our unique dinner float trips from Almont to Garlic Mike’s restaurant in Gunnison. Fly fishing and kayak trips also available. See our listing under fly fishing. Restaurant and cabins also on site.
Scenic River Tours, Inc.
703 W Tomichi Ave, Gunnison / 970-641-3131 info@scenicrivertours.com / www.scenicrivertours.com Whether it’s a 2 hour float trip, an all day whitewater adventure, a fishing trip, or a rock climbing outing, SRT will show you a safe, quality outing with a personal touch. Lake Fork, Gunnison & Taylor Rivers. Beginner to advanced options. Call us to book your adventure. Licensed, bonded, insured and FUN!
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
Blue Spruce Building Materials 310 N Bluff St / 970-944-2581 bsi@centurytel.net / www.bluesprucelc.com
Hardware, building materials, kitchenware, RV supplies, paint, wrapping paper, even toys! We’re your friendly small town store with access to a big city inventory. Shipments arrive weekly. Our locally owned and operated business has been dedicated to serving you and the Lake City community since 1980. Open year round.
Silver Lynx
306 N Silver St / 970-944-3019 / www.lakecitysilverlynx.com A fun place full of handmade jewelry, sweaters, hats, art, photography, and home dĂŠcor. Featuring hand-crafted works by local artists and by the owners, Ani Barrie and Mary Carkin. Open winters by appointment.
Hunting in the Area Lands around Lake City are generally in Game Management Units 66 or 76. In these units, licenses for most big game, including elk and deer, are limited in number and are awarded by a draw. The usual seasons for big game are: archery in August; muzzleloader in September; and rifle, four seasons from October through November. The Colorado Division of Wildlife offers many resources for hunters at its website, www.wildlife.state.co.us. This website has an excellent resource called Plan Your Hunt to assist you, and the site has complete regulations for big game, small game, and waterfowl hunting. The DOW also publishes free guides to hunting and fishing that you can pick up at the Visitor Center.
The Sportsman Outdoors & Fly Shop
Sage and Timber
312 N Silver St / 970-944-4111 / www.sageandtimber.com
238 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2526 www.lakecitysportsman.com / info@lakecitysportsman.com We’re a comprehensive retail store, providing large selections of clothes, footwear, gear and accessories. We offer guide services for fly fishing, hiking, scenic tours, snowshoeing, and shuttles. With a fly fishing pro shop, we have gear for spin/bait fishing, camping, hiking, bicycling, boating, snowshoeing, and backcountry skiing – sales & rentals. We feature mountain merchandise, children’s clothes & toys, homemade fudge.
In historic downtown offering fine jewelry, local artwork, luxurious soaps and lotions, huge selection of soy candles, cookbooks, kitchen items and house wares. We carry Willow Tree and Natural Life Collections, custom embroidery available; and of course, Gavin’s guns and knives. Open year round.
Oso Ocho Gifts/The Pottin’ Shed 324B Fourth St / 970-944-0280 / cell: 970-209-2855 www.thepottinshed.com
Whimsical, fun and unique gifts, jewelry and clothing. Locally grown, high altitude, hardy perennials and annuals. Beautiful baskets and containers. Check out the living roof!
Dan’s Fly Shop
723 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2281 dansflyshop@lakecity.net / www.dansflyshop.com
The General Store
Join us in celebrating 50 years of fly fishing expertise. Dan offers quality custom built rods, hand tied flies, expertly selected accessories, clothing, experienced guides, and extensive access to local public and private water. It is our privilege to create lasting Lake City memories with you. Rentals available.
252 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2513
We have everything you need – clothes, hardware, housewares, office supply, cards, gifts, paint, books, maps, camping and fishing gear. Open all year. Summer hours: 9 am - 8 pm, Monday – Saturday.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
shopping Back Country Navigator
131 N Gunnison Ave 970-944-6277 / 888-700-4174 linda@bcnavigator.com www.bcnavigator.com Books, maps and gifts for mountain lovers. Whether you need a nature guide, local history book, hiking or jeeping information, a gorgeous photo book, a gift for the neighbor, something for the kids, a card or art supplies, this is the place!
San Juan Soda Company 227 N Silver St/ 970-944-0500 / www.sanjuansodacompany.com sanjuansoda@gmail.com Located in a building built in 1875 we offer unique, handmade, and fine quality handcrafted gifts not often found elsewhere. Several of our gift lines, fine quality handmade leather goods, hand woven rugs and unique and colorful crocheted hats are made right here in Lake City.
Timberline Craftsman 225 N Silver St / 970-944-2334
307 N Silver St / 970-944-5004
“Bringing the outdoors in.” Offering the best in maps, books, and crafted gifts, featuring the exclusive Sportsman’s Map, a 50mile radius of Lake City showing hiking & jeeping trails; public & private lands. Rocks & minerals; wild choke cherry jelly, local honey, & children’s corner with educational books, toys. A green shop inside & out.
Quality embroidered T-shirts, sweatshirts, coats, and jackets, with Lake City-themed designs. Gifts and souvenirs from Lake City, including plush animals, mugs, and shot glasses.
Slumgullion Gift Gallery
Lake City Shirt Company
401 N Gunnison Ave & Fourth St / 970-944-2623 camille@slumgullionecotrade.com
Russ Brown Gallery
A cornucopia of gifts, from the whimsical to the sublime, awaits you in this historic, two story brick garage on Fourth Street. We feature unique treasures from home & abroad.
223 N Silver St / 970-944-5009 The most unique art gallery and working studio in Colorado. Featuring the extraordinary art of Russ Brown. From aviation and automobile art to landscapes and wildlife. Open year round.
Margaret’s Resale
Lake City Video/Blue Mountain Quelle
182 S Gunnison Ave / 214-808-5819
118 N Silver St
World of Gem Creations 329 N Silver St / 970-944-2722
campfires, sunsets & first kisses
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
building services & materials building contractors
A.B. Construction, Inc. PO Box 281 / 970-944-2230 albrownlakecity@yahoo.com
Native Sun Construction, Inc. 231 N Silver St # 3 / 970-944-2495 hew@nativesuninc.com / www.nativesuninc.com
Insured, honest contractor with 35 years of experience in all phases of construction, including new homes, old homes, design, remodeling, repairs, historic preservation, weatherization, and energy efficiency. We take care of your building needs, small and large. Local references. Give us a call.
Coal Creek Construction 951 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-0346 / 970-596-6933 321am@centurytel.net Custom home construction, remodels, additions and general home repair. Quality construction since 1993 and ready to serve you. Located in the Broadaxe Business Center.
Al Brown, general contractor. Building quality, custom homes in Lake City since the 1970s. Timber frame, log, conventional frame homes, additions, and remodels. Concrete foundations using Symons forming system. Specializing in tall walls, multi-thickness, multi-level foundations, and flatwork. Fully insured; great references.
Mountain Enterprises Construction, Inc. 622 N Gunnison Ave 970-944-2409 / bvheller@aol.com With 40 years experience, Bruce Vierheller is a respected general contractor and popular sub-contractor specializing in carpentry, concrete and drywall work. From design to move-in, from foundation to roof, Bruce has you covered. Ready to buy? Check out 622 Gunnison Ave, pictured here. Fully insured.
building equipment rentals
Silver River Woodworks, Inc. 1871 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-3004 / phudgeons@centurytel.net General contractors. Custom homes, remodeling, basements, crawlspace and waterproofing. Low-E insulation. All big and small projects welcome. We also do property management and maintenance. We are open all year.
Holley Construction PO Box 403 / 970-944-7779
JV Ventures PO Box 126 / 970-944-1010
Sentinel Tree Milling & Custom Woodwork 1871 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-0220
Whinnery Construction, Inc. 970-944-2448
Blue Spruce Rentals
310 N Bluff St / 970-944-2581 bsi@centurytel.net / www.bluesprucelc.com Blue Spruce Rentals has equipment for contractors and homeowners. We rent generators, compactors, nailers, log splitter, lawn mowers, shop vac, trash pump and many other items. See our website, www.bluesprucelc.com, for a complete listing. Daily & weekly rates.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
building services & materials historic preservation services
building materials
Native Sun Construction, Inc. 231 N Silver St # 3 / 970-944-2495 hew@nativesuninc.com / www.nativesuninc.com
Blue Spruce Building Materials 310 N Bluff St / 970-944-2581 bsi@centurytel.net / www.bluesprucelc.com
Hardware, building materials, kitchenware, RV supplies, paint, wrapping paper, even toys! We’re your friendly small town store with access to a big city inventory. Shipments arrive weekly. Our locally owned and operated business has been dedicated to serving you and the Lake City community since 1980. Open year round.
Make your historic home something to be proud of, inside and out. Designs and drawings, remodels, additions, weatherizing, and updating of all systems, including bathrooms, kitchens, insulation, foundations, and storm windows. We navigate the National Historic District building ordinances, and have improved over 3 dozen of Lake City’s historic buildings.
maintenance & service
San Juan Property Services
PO Box 803 970-596-6346 jack@alpine-home-inspection.com www.alpine-home-inspection.com
Lake Fork Electric License # 30209 / 970-275-8833
home design
Mountain View Technical Services 133 Second St / 970-944-2790 / 970-812-7699 bob@mvtshomedesign.com / www.mvtshomedesign.com Award winning designer of quality homes for the Lake City area since 1983. Home designs created for your site specific and lifestyle requirements. Member: American Institute of Building Design. Open year round.
landscaping & lawn services
W. Wade Beisner
Honest, dependable home improvement, repair, maintenance, and caretaking. All projects big and small. Equity enhancement. Punch lists. Seasonal openings and closings. Specializing in green and energy efficient upgrades. Extensive experience and training. Excellent customer service. Certified Residential Inspector. InterNACHI #08061908.
plumbing & heating
A to Z Services, Inc. PO Box 61 / 970-944-0406 / cell 970-901-7459 or 970-275-1974 Plumbing & heating contractors with over 60 years combined experience. Licensed and insured. Call us for all your installation & maintenance needs
PO Box 988 / 970-944-5008 / wwade69@gmail.com Lawn care, landscaping, flower beds, trees, lawn & landscape maintenance.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
real estate & relocation real estate
Hall Realty, Inc.
Texan Resort Estates
Professional, trusted and experienced since 1978. Hall Realty offers a complete variety of properties in and around the Lake City area. Whether you are searching for a home, ranch, business or parcels of vacant land, we can help make your dream of owning mountain property a reality. We also offer vacation rental homes.
Log homes and cabins on the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River for sale. Year round property management services available. Owner financing available. Traditional western hospitality since 1946.
269 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-8100 info@hallrealty.net / www.hallrealty.net
860 County Rd 142 / toll free 877-220-1179 www.texanresort.com (click link at bottom of page)
United Country Blue Moose Realty Royal Elk Realty
811 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-LAKE (5253) / 970-376-2384 www.unitedcountry.com / info@bluemooserealty.com
220 N Gunnison Ave 970-944-7777 www.royalelkrealty.com info@royalelkrealty.com
Professional, year-round real estate services. Specializing in rural properties, featuring a national marketing program. Contact us for information on residential listings, mountain homes, ranches, acreage, home sites and commercial properties for sale throughout southwestern Colorado.
Helping your Rocky Mountain dreams come true. Professional real estate services for both buyers and sellers. Member of MLS, serving Hinsdale and Gunnison counties. Homes, ranches, vacant land, commercial property. Open year round. For information, contact Lake City’s hometown broker.
Broken Arrow Ranch & Land Co., LLC 103 N Main St, Creede, CO 81130 877-658-2533 / 719-658-2533 www.brokenarrowcreede.com We are Creede’s oldest land company. Brokers Anne and Dale Pizel are dedicated to serving our clients, customers and community with integrity. Whether you’re buying or selling, we can help.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
real estate & relocation home inspection
real estate
Alpine Home Inspection PO Box 803 / 970-596-6346 www.alpine-home-inspection.com jack@alpine-home-inspection.com The pinnacle of timely, reliable property information. Extensive training and experience. Latest technology. Prompt and service oriented with convenient scheduling. Thorough investigation and comprehensive, easy to understand reports. Pre-closing, pre-listing, construction phase, bank draw and maintenance inspections. Project oversight. Green home certification. Radon & mold testing. InterNACHI Certified. #08061908. “Everyone else is just looking around.”
Team Murphy
House & Lot Home Inspection, Inc.
201 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-5050 www.teammurphyrealty.com / dan@teammurphyrealty.com
PO Box 66 / 970-944-0400
Specializing in premier recreation properties; TMR possesses decades of experience, and a love for the region. This drives our Team to locate the legacy property, which matches you and your family. Take a moment and let our team of qualified experts provide the necessary skills to accomplish your goals. Stop by or call either of our western Colorado offices, located in Lake City and South Fork, Colorado.
title insurance & closing
Hinsdale Title Company 324 N Silver St / 970-944-2614
Relocation Information Relocation Information & Guide to Living in Lake City Online at www.lakecity.com/relocation Tips for living happily in the most remote county in the lower 48. Living in a Frontier County Telecommuting & Telework Real Estate Schools Daily Life Making it Official Building in Lake City Owning a Historic Home
more businesses & services automotive services & fuel
Rene’s Garage, Inc.
929 Ocean Wave Drive 970-944-3000 renesgarage.inc@centurytel.net Full mechanical & electrical automotive and small engine repair. Friendly and knowledgeable service with 29 years of experience. Computer diagnostics, lube & oil, brakes, tire repair, RV service, welding, tires, parts, Interstate Batteries, 4WD specialized, towing & lock out service, snowplowing. Open year round.
Lake City Auto & Sports Center 809 N Hwy 149 / 970-944-2311 lakecityauto@lakecity.net / www.lakecityauto.com
24 hour self-service station. Year round auto repair specializing in 4x4s. Cooper tires, Interstate batteries, Triton trailers, and Jeeps for sale. Mechanic on duty 7 days a week. Over 30 years authorized Polaris snowmobile, ATV, Ranger dealer, Skidoo snowmobiles and Can-am ATV dealer. We accept all major credit cards.
Miners & Merchants Bank 231 N Silver St / 970-944-2242 / 800-453-0123 www.prvb.com / paulad@prvb.com
A Branch of Pine River Valley Bank. Enjoy old-fashioned banking service provided by people who really care about you. Visit the historic first bank building in Western Colorado. We offer loans of all types, checking, NOW and savings accounts, check cashing, credit card advances, wire transfers, high rate insured money market accounts and certificates of deposit. ATM on site.
Gunnison Savings & Loan
Sportsman’s BBQ Station & Garage
173 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2525 www.sportsmanstexaco.com / sportsmanstexaco@centurytel.net Open year round. 24 hour pay at the pump. Snow plowing, yearround mechanics garage. Friendly service. Also on site, Hutch’s famous BBQ. See Sportsman’s BBQ Station & Backyard under restaurants. Family owned.
303 N Main, Gunnison, CO 970-641-2171 www.gunnisonsl.com Gunnison Savings and Loan has a 99-year history of safety and financial strength. Our experienced loan staff understands the real estate market and our customers’ needs. We offer a variety of loans and banking services to meet your financial goals.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
more businesses & services community organizations
car wash
Toy Wash N Hwy 149 Self service car wash. Two bays with foaming brushes and vacuum. Located 1 mile north of town on Hwy 149.
Pioneer Jubilee Women’s Club 219B Silver St / 970-944-4240 PJWC is open to all women, seasonal and full time residents. Meeting the first Wednesday of the month at 11:30 am, our primary purpose is social fund raising to benefit our community.
Lake City D.I.R.T.
Community Presbyterian Church 429 N Gunnison Ave / 970-944-2514 cpc@centurytel.net / www.lakecitypresbyterian.org The oldest church on the western slope continues in the ministry it began 134 years ago. Come worship and grow with us! Worship services: Winters at 9:30 am, Fellowship at 10:30 am. Summer Services: 8:30 and 10:30 am, Fellowship at 9:30 am.
First Baptist Church
Above the Miners & Merchants Bank / 970-944-DIRT (3478) ed@lakecitydirt.com / www.lakecitydirt.com A Colorado Main Street program, Lake City DIRT provides marketing and promotional events in Historic Lake City, runs the community Youth Corps, and works to revitalize our downtown through historic preservation and improvements.
Lake Fork Valley Conservancy
401 N Bluff St / 970-944-2739 / www.fblakecity.org “Standing Tall on Bluff Street,” we welcome everyone for worship and fellowship. Call or check our website for seasonal Sunday School and worship times.
Grace Fellowship PO Box 15 / 970-944-2732 “Come as you are” and worship with us at Grace Fellowship, a non-denominational church. Sunday services at the Alpine Gateway Center, 8:30 and 10 am in the Summer, 10 am off-season.
P.O.Box 123 / 970-944-2406 / www.lfvc.org / info@lfvc.org The Lake Fork Valley Conservancy is a nonprofit organization that seeks to sustain and enhance the environmental and rural character of the Lake Fork of the Gunnison River through education, restoration and stewardship.
computer services
St. James Episcopal Church 5th St & N Gunnison Ave / www.saintjameslakecity.org Please join us for worship on Sundays at 5 pm with the Reverend Edwin Nettleton. Church open every day for prayer.
St. Rose of Lima Catholic Church PO Box 162 / S Silver St / 970-641-0808 Built in 1877. On South Silver Street, above the Henson Creek RV Park. For information on time of mass, please call Father Steve Murray at 970-641-0808.
spirit of adventure
Lake City Computer Solutions
951 Hwy 149, Suite 300 / info@lakecitycomputersolutions.com 970-944-5000 / www.lakecitycomputersolutions.com Lake City Computer Solutions is your local source for reliable and fast computer services. With over 30 years of serving businesses and individuals, we have the experience to meet your troubleshooting, networking, website, and upgrade needs. If you are visiting Lake City, let us provide that long-needed computer tune-up while you enjoy our beautiful area! Located at the Broadaxe Business Center.
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
more businesses & services dispensaries
LCMMD, LLC 207 N Gunnison Ave / 970-209-1863 Offering quality medical marijuana to clients who qualify under the guidelines of the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, and who hold a valid identification card from the Colorado Medical Marijuana Registry.
federal firearms dealer
Hinsdale County
317 N Henson St / 970-944-2225 / www.hinsdalecountycolorado.us Hinsdale County provides law enforcement, treasurer, assessor, clerk, public health, land use, building, environmental, administrative, road maintenance, waste management, snow grooming, emergency, coroner and veterans services for the community. Our three member board of county commissioners meets on the first and third Wednesday of each month. Visitor, part-time and full-time resident questions, comments and suggestions are welcome. Call us or visit our website.
Sage and Timber
312 N Silver St / 970-944-4111 / www.sageandtimber.com Gavin McNitt at Sage and Timber is a licensed Federal Firearms Dealer. Transfers, special orders of firearms and ammunition.
Velvet Faces 970-944-2248 Fresh cut flowers for wedding, anniversaries, birthdays or just to get out of the dog house. Featuring custom wreaths for any occasion.
Town of Lake City
timeless 56
230 N Bluff St / 970-944-2333 / www.townoflakecity.us The Town of Lake City protects, maintains and enhances our sense of community, historical heritage and mountain environment. For more information about historic preservation guidelines, building in Lake City, sign permits, water and sanitation service, parks, liquor licenses, bear-resistant trash cans, recreation programs, the Lake City Ski Hill, the Armory building, tourism marketing, and more, visit our website or call. Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
more businesses & services graphic design & printing
health care
Lake City Area Medical Center 700 N Henson St / 970-944-2331 lcamc@centurytel.net / www.lcamc.org Lake City Area Medical Center provides comprehensive health care by a competent and caring staff. Primary care, urgent care, minor surgery, X-ray, sonogram and more. Ambulance available 24/7. For emergencies, dial 911.
The Insurance Center 951 N Hwy 149, Suite 700 970-944-8000 www.ins-center.com laura@ins-center.com
Hytec Design Center & Minute Man Press
890 S Water St / 970-944-2246 / www.hytecdesign.com Complete multi-media and flat sheet design services. Printing of all manner of items, including business cards, letterhead, envelopes, reports, catalogs, posters, calendars, and vinyl banners and lettering (www.mmpencinitas.com). Special inks and die-cut services available. Web design, including e-commerce, CD-ROM business cards, and CD and DVD replication and packaging. Design and editing of multi-media presentations, including text, sound, still images, and video. (www.ecom-bizcard.com).
Your local independent agent for all your insurance needs. Representing Allstate, Acuity, Allied, Colorado Casualty, Farmers Alliance, Travelers, Safeco, Progressive and more. Personal insurance to business and commercial. Contact Laura Sharpe, local agent, for a free quote today. Monday-Friday, 8 am to 5 pm; after 5 pm by appointment.
John Wagner Public Library 221 N Silver St / 970-944-2615
Many thanks to our 538 Encinitas Blvd • Encinitas, CA 92024 • 760.634.5349 • info@MMPencinitas.com associate members for their generous support! Therese Ryan Durell & Helen Thompson Roger & Mary Aymami
George & Mary Ann Flynn
144 N Main Street / 970-641-3546 / www.go-roshambo.com RoShamBo is a comprehensive graphic design and print studio for business and pleasure. We are an innovative and versatile team of designers and our abilities suit the needs of companies, both big and small. Business aside, we are also suited to your personal needs from event planning and weddings to custom cards & stationery.
Steve & Susie Robinson Robert & Mary Stigall
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
more businesses & services marketing & communications
The Pottin’ Shed/ Oso Ocho Gifts 324B Fourth St / 970-944-0280 / 970-209-2855 thepottinshed@hotmail.com / www.thepottinshed.com
Locally grown, high altitude hardy perennials and annuals. Beautiful baskets and containers. Whimsical, fun and unique gifts, jewelry, and clothing. Check out the living roof!
Mary Carkin Media
302 N Silver St #205 (above Arts Center) / 970-944-1481 970-497-9041 / mary@marycarkin.com / www.marycarkin.com Internet marketing for your small business: writing, videos, photography, slide shows, Google Adwords and social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube. Proven, measurable results. Local references from happy customers. Call, or visit my website.
Silver World Newspaper 321 N Silver St #2 / 970-944-2515 silverw@centurytel.net / www.lakecitysilverworld.com
Loose Arrow Nursery Landscape & Design 187 S Hwy 149 970-944-2759 Consultation-Reasonable-Guaranteed. Annuals, perennials, hanging baskets & flowering pots. Shrubs, trees, bushes with all landscaping materials available for your gardening projects. Garden art as well as gifts to compliment your deck and yard. Serving the area for 28 years. Master Gardener.
Official weekly newspaper of Lake City and Hinsdale County. Local happenings, photography, historical features. Subscriptions are $30 in Hinsdale County and $40 elsewhere. Digital subscriptions available.
a place that will live with you forever 58
Visit Us! 1-800-569-1874 / www.lakecity.com
more businesses & services utilities
pet services
Creede Animal Clinic 24251 Hwy 149, Creede / 719-658-2614
Tomichi Pet Care Center 106 S 11th St, Gunnison / 970-641-2460
salon & massage
Local Warming, LLC
Keep In Touch Salon & Massage
PO Box 128 / 970-944-1018 / cell 832-563-5933 www.lakecitypropane.com / odell@lakecitypropane.com
184 S Gunnison Ave / 970-944-4101 Massage offerings: Swedish, deep tissue, Asian bodywork, reflexology. Salon offerings: manicure, pedicure, facial, cuts, color, foil highlights, assorted hair, skin and nutritional products.
Hinsdale County School District RE-1 614 N Silver St / 970-944-2314 emailschool@lakecityschool.org / www.lakecityschool.org Serves students from pre-school through 12th grade in the Lake City Community School. To learn more about our school, please call Superintendent Dr. Karen Thormalen or come by the school to visit.
Locally owned and operated by Odell and Josha Smith. We offer competitive pricing with professional, personalized 24/7/365 service emphasizing your safety as our highest priority. A few products and services: residential, commercial and RV propane delivery, new and refurbished tanks, gas appliance installation, remote tank monitoring, etc. Safe…Warm…Friendly. . .Professional…Local…Service.
Gunnison County Electric Association, Inc. 37250 W Hwy 50 / PO Box 180, Gunnison, CO 81230 970-641-3520 / www.gcea.coop Gunnison County Electric Association is a member-owned, nonprofit cooperative providing reliable electricity while encouraging energy efficiency by offering various programs to our members.
secretarial services
My Office 213 N Henson St / 970-944-0249 / myoffice@centurytel.net Secretarial services for residents and visitors. Fax, photocopying, bookkeeping, notary service, message center & answering service and more! Open year round, Monday-Friday.
trash pick-up
Utah’s Sanitation, Inc. PO Box 837 / 970-944-2453 jhearn@centurytel.net “You Make It, We Take it.” Providing trash pickup service throughout Lake City, upper Lake Fork Valley, and Powderhorn. Residential pickup and commercial dumpster service. Reasonable rates, monthly or weekly pickup. 19 years of service to the community.
lake city or bust! Getting Here
Lake City is located in southwestern Colorado
about halfway between Gunnison and Creede along Highway 149. The closest airports are the Gunnison-Crested Butte Regional Airport (GUC) about one hour away, and the Montrose Regional Airport (MTJ), about two hours away. Both airports offer connecting services to larger airports; both have car rentals available.
Highway 149 is a well-maintained road that
is open year round. Current road conditions for Colorado highways can be found online at www.cotrip.org or by calling the Colorado Road Conditions Hotline at 877-315-7623.
Visitor Information Center Lake City/Hinsdale County Chamber of Commerce Silver Thread & Alpine Loop Interpretive Center 800 S Gunnison Ave 800-569-1874 or 970-944-2527
Friendly, personalized help with your Lake City visit.
Find information about where to stay, where to eat, and what to do. We have maps for trails and scenic drives, plus information about fishing, hiking, jeeping, boating, ATV and motorcycle riding, mountain biking, wildflowers, wildlife, historic sites, museums, guided tours, lessons and classes, artist workshops and galleries, special events, relocation information, and more. Located between the Alpine Gateway plaza and the U.S. Post Office.