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Numeracy Support Program – Years
Program Description
Numeracy Support is a program run for students who find Mathematics challenging. Students work in a small class (maximum 15 students) where there is an emphasis on improving their numeracy skills. This is timetabled at the same time as mainstream Mathematics, so students do Numeracy Support instead of Mathematics. At Year 7 and 8 the class will be following the Mathematics curriculum whilst focusing on recapping work from previous years’ as necessary, with the aim of reintegrating students back into the mainstream class where possible. At Year 9 the content delivered within Numeracy Support diverges from mainstream Mathematics and continues to emphasis numeracy skills.
Student Selection
Students will initially be offered a place in Numeracy Support based on the Academic Assessment Services tests conducted prior to starting De La Salle College at Year 7, or by teacher recommendation for Years 8 and 9 students. Progress will be carefully monitored throughout the year, ongoing enrolment in the program is reviewed at the conclusion of each term at Year 7, and at the end of each semester at Years 8 and 9. These reviews will be based on teacher judgement and performance in assessment tasks.
Students will complete assessment tasks similar to those in the mainstream Mathematics course while being adapted to match the level of the work covered in the Numeracy Support Classes.
Academic Assessment Services tests – Robert ALLWELL and Associates testing