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VCE Assessment
Assessment in the VCE
Satisfactory Completion of VCE and VCE VM Units 1 – 4 For satisfactory completion of a Unit, a student is required to demonstrate achievement of each of the outcomes for the Unit that are specified in the Study Design. The decision about satisfactory completion of outcomes is based on the teacher’s assessment of the student’s performance on each of the work tasks designed for the Unit. The student receives an “S” for a Unit when all outcomes are achieved satisfactorily.
To achieve an “S” for an outcome, a student is required to:
• Produce work that meets the required minimum standard for each task. (Students will be given the opportunity to re-sit or resubmit work to achieve this minimum standard if necessary).
• Submit work on time.
• Submit work that is clearly their own.
• Observe the VCAA and school rules.
If one or more learning outcome is awarded an “N” (Not Satisfactory) then the overall result for the Unit will be “N”. Attendance in class is critical to the completion of the VCE.
Students who receive an “S” for a minimum of 16 Units that include 3 Units of an English subject and a Unit 3- 4 sequence in an English subject as well as at least three other Unit 3-4 sequences will receive their VCE.
Students who receive an “S” for a minimum of 16 Units that include 3 Units of VCE VM Literacy, and a Unit 3- 4 sequence in VCE VM Literacy as well as at least three other Unit 3-4 sequences will receive their VCE Vocational Major.
VCAA requires that a student attend sufficient class time to complete work. They expect the school to set minimum levels of attendance for satisfactory completion of VCE Units. Breach of these rules may result in the awarding of an “N” for the Unit.
De La Salle College requires a minimum attendance of 90% of classes in each subject in each Unit. That is, no more than 10% of classes can be missed without an Approved Absence.
Approved Absence
An approved absence would include events such as excursions, sport and community service. Examples of approved absences are:
• Absence due to a medical reason supported by a medical certificate from a health professional (issued on the day of absence);
• ACC Sport;
• Appointments with staff members e.g. Year Level/House Coordinator or Counsellors;
• College Community Service;
• Excursions or incursions;
• Preparation for College events e.g. Liturgies, the Musical and Instrumental program;
• Seminar or Reflection Days;
• State or National Sport Representation;
• Student Leadership Meetings;
• VET;
• Work Placements.
Other absences require written application to the Principal for approval. The College does not approve extended absences, especially for holidays, during term time Any student who has an unapproved absence when a formal assessment is being conducted will not be afforded the opportunity to re-sit.
Assessment of Levels of Performance Units 1- 4
Units 3 and 4 VCE
In each Study at Units 3 and 4 level there will be ungraded School Assessed Coursework, graded School Assessed Coursework and an external examination. Graded assessment may consist of School-Assessed Tasks (SATs) and School-Assessed Coursework (SACs).
• School-Assessed Coursework (SACs) apply in most VCE Studies. Graded SACs may be tests, essays, practical work or extended analysis tasks over a number of periods. These tasks will contribute to a study score in each study. Ungraded School-Assessed Coursework (Work Tasks) do not contribute to the final grade, however, are critically important as students need to complete each of the Work Tasks to provide evidence of meeting the outcomes to achieve an “S” in each Unit.
• School Assessed Tasks (SATs) apply in the following studies: Visual Communication Design, Product Design & Technology, Studio Arts, Systems Engineering and Media.
• The graded assessments are used to produce a Study Score out of 50 for each Study.
*VCE VM Studies do not have graded assessments and do not attract a Study Score.
All students enrolled in Units 3 and 4 Studies (both VCE and VCE VM) are expected to sit all or a section of the General Achievement Test (GAT).
Units 1 and 2
In Units 1 and 2 the graded and ungraded School Assessment Coursework are similar in nature to those in Units 3 and 4 of the corresponding Study. The marks awarded in Units 1 and 2 are not reported to VCAA but will be shown on the De La Salle College reports. For Units 1 and 2, only the “S” or “N” is reported to VCAA at the end of each Unit.