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Health & Physical Education
Health and Physical Education Description
The Personal, Social and Community Health dimension examines physical, social, emotional and mental health and personal development across various stages of the lifespan. It focuses on safety and the identification of strategies to minimise harm associated with particular situations or behaviours. The Movement and Physical Activity dimension focuses on the important role that physical activity, sport and recreation need to play in the lives of all Australians by providing opportunities for challenge, personal growth, enjoyment and fitness.
Learning Standards
Personal, Social and Community Health
Students consider what it means to be physically, socially and emotionally healthy. They investigate different foodselection models such as the Healthy Eating Pyramid and the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and their characteristics. Students reflect on how they can be used to assist in decisions about food choices and complete an in depth-study of the following units.
Focus areas addressed in Year 8 are:
• Food and nutrition
• Mental health and wellbeing
• Health benefits of physical activity
• Fitness components
Movement and Physical Activity
Students refine and expand their range of skills, and perform them with increasing precision, accuracy and control in more complex movements, sequences and games. They continue to consolidate their mobility and safety skills in aquatic environments and develop confidence and responsibility in the water. Students use strategic thinking, communication and cooperation to enhance performance and begin to set personal goals to improve performance by reflecting on their skill development needs.
Focus areas addressed in Year 8 are:
• Games Sense
• Transferring movement concepts across different sports
• Lifelong physical activities
Practical-based assessment:
• Net/Wall games
• Invasion games
• Striking/fielding games
• Target games
Theory-based assessment:
Semester 1
• Nutrition assignment
Semester 2
• Mental Health assignment
• Health Benefits of Physical Activity assignment