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Science (Overview)
The Science Curriculum at De La Salle College is based on the The Victorian Curriculum: Science which has two interrelated strands: Science Understanding and Science Inquiry Skills. Together, the two strands of the science curriculum provide students with understanding, knowledge and skills through which they can develop a scientific view of the world. Students are challenged to explore science, its concepts, nature and uses through clearly described inquiry processes.
Learning Standards
Science Understanding
Students explore systems at different scales and connect microscopic and macroscopic properties to explain phenomena. Students explore the biological, chemical, geological and physical evidence for different theories, such as the theories of natural selection and the Big Bang. Atomic theory is developed to understand relationships within the periodic table. Understanding motion and forces are related by applying physical laws. Relationships between aspects of the living, physical and chemical world are applied to systems on a local and global scale and this enables students to predict how changes will affect equilibrium within these systems.
The development of science as a unique way of knowing and doing, and the role of science in contemporary decision-making and problem solving is also investigated. It acknowledges that in making decisions about science practices and applications, ethical and social implications must be taken into account. This strand also recognises that science advances through the contributions of many different people from different cultures and that there are many rewarding science-based career paths.
Science Inquiry Skills
Science inquiry involves identifying and posing questions; planning, conducting and reflecting on investigations; processing, analysing and interpreting evidence; and communicating findings. This strand evaluates claims, investigates ideas, solves problems, draws valid conclusions and develops evidence-based arguments.
Course Selection Information
The Victorian Curriculum: Science is studied as a compulsory subject in Years 7 to 10. However, Year 10 allows students greater choice in the amount and fields of Science they can study. At Year 10 the two strands of The Victorian Curriculum: Science are incorporated into the four semester units offered over the year. Year 10 students have the option of choosing from a selection of Semester based Year 10 Units and/or year-long Accelerated Studies in VCE Units 1 and 2 Biology and Psychology.
The overall pathway for the Sciences is:
For Year 10 Science, the minimum number of units required to be undertaken is 1. The maximum number of units that can be taken is 4. VCE Unit 1/2 Biology or VCE Unit 1/2 Psychology, since they are year-long courses, would make up 2 units.
Please note: 1, 2, and 3 – Recommended preparation for Unit 1/2 studies in Science at Year 11.
* Acceptance into Unit 1/2 accelerated subjects are subject to Students meeting College and Science Department pre-requisites.
Details for each of the Year 10 Units offered follow overleaf. For details regarding VCE Unit 1/2 Biology or Psychology see their individual pages.