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Art Making and Exhibiting
Unit 1
In this unit, students produce at least 2 final artworks. They investigate various art forms, learning about materials, techniques, and processes. They enhance their knowledge of the properties and applications of art-making materials. Through exploration, they discover how different materials relate to specific art forms and how they can be utilised in creating artworks. Additionally, students examine the historical development of art forms, exploring how materials, techniques, and their use have evolved over time. Safety protocols for handling materials are also emphasised. By exploring the ways artists employ materials and techniques, students gain inspiration, generate ideas, and develop a comprehensive understanding of art forms. They document their exploration and experimentation in a Visual Arts journal through visual and written means.
Unit 2
In Unit 2, students explore the process of creating artworks and how artists use aesthetic qualities to convey ideas. They also learn about displaying artworks and communicating meaning through representation. They respond to a set theme and develop their own ideas, using materials, techniques, art elements, and principles. They reflect on their knowledge and understanding of aesthetic qualities while planning and creating finished artworks. Students investigate how artists use art elements and principles to express emotions and create visual language in their own and others' artworks. They also learn about exhibition planning, design, roles, and the selection and display of artworks in various spaces.
Areas of Study
Unit 1
• Explore – materials, techniques and art forms
• Expand – make, present and reflect
• Investigate – research and present
Unit 2
• Understand – ideas, artworks and exhibition
• Develop – theme, aesthetic qualities and style
• Resolve – ideas, subject matter and style
Unit 1
• Abstract artwork
• Artwork based on a theme
• Written SAC – Information for an Exhibition
• Visual Journal
• End of Semester Examination
Unit 2
• Two works of art that explore ideas and themes generated by the student
• Artworks based on a theme
• Written SAC – Design a thematic exhibition
• Visual Journal
• End of Semester Examination
• Art Making & Exhibiting: Units 3 & 4
Visual Communication & Design
Unit 1: Finding, reframing and resolving design problems
In this unit students are introduced to the practices and processes used by designers to identify, reframe and resolve human-centered design problems. They learn how design can improve life and living for people, communities and societies, and how understandings of good design have changed over time. Students learn the value of human-centered research methods, working collaboratively to discover design problems and understand the perspectives of stakeholders. They draw on these new insights to determine communication needs and prepare design criteria in the form of a brief.
Unit 2: Design contexts and connections
Unit 2 builds on understandings of visual communication practices developed in Unit 1. Students draw on conceptions of good design, human-centered research methods and influential design factors as they revisit the VCD design process, applying the model in its entirety. Practical tasks across the unit focus on the design of environments and interactive experiences. Students adopt the practices of design specialists working in fields such as architecture, landscape architecture and interior design, while discovering the role of the interactive designer in the realm of user-experience (UX). Methods, media and materials are explored together with the design elements and principles, as students develop spaces and interfaces that respond to both contextual factors and user needs.
Areas of Study
Unit 1
• Reframing design problems
• Solving communication design problems
• Design’s influence and influences on design
Unit 2
• Design, Place and Time
• Cultural ownership and design
• Designing interactive experiences
Unit 1
• SAC 1: Research and Drawing conventions
• SAC 2: Design process
• SAC 3: Folio
Unit 2
• SAC 1: Design process
• SAC 2: Research and design
• SAC3: Folio
Satisfactory completion for a unit is based on a decision that the student has demonstrated achievement of the set of outcomes specified for the unit and passed the examinationat the end of each unit.
Unit 3-4 Visual Communication Design