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Applied Computing
In VCE Applied Computing (formally Information Technology) students focus on how data, information and networked digital systems can be used to meet a range of users’ current and future needs. Students examine the technical underpinnings of wireless and mobile networks and how the application of Computational, design and systems thinking skills support the creation of solutions that automate the processing of data.
Areas of Study & Learning Outcomes
• Use software tools to extract relevant data and create a data visualisation that meets a specified user’s needs.
• Students develop and apply a detailed understanding of data.
• Use a programming language to design and develop software solutions.
• Research and design a prototype/product that is based upon emergent technologies
• Design a network with wireless capability that meets an identified need or opportunity.
Tasks are selected from the following:
• Using ICT tools and techniques, produce a solution in response to an identified need
• Visual presentations such as multimedia presentations
• Oral presentations supported by a visual presentation
• A written report using ICT
• An electronic learning journal
• Pathways
• This course is typically chosen by students who wish to continue with the study of Computing in Units 3 & 4 (normally Software Development). Units 1 to 4 are designed to be equivalent of the final two years of secondary education.
• VCE Applied Computing provides an excellent basis for further studies in the Arts, Engineering, Computer Science, Science, Resource Management, Information Systems and Business. Students of VCE Computing have gone on to careers in project management, E-Commerce, mechatronics, computer science, systems analysis and engineering.