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St Vincent de Paul Society

Back Row: Mr G.Lawler, R.Breda, D.Pintado, O.Keaney, M.Dean, T.Kovarik, P.Hamblin, D.Peters, N.Keating, J.Pedralvez, L.Buttuchi??, T.McIlroy, J.Oakley, T.Kovess, T.Constantine
De La Salle has long had close connections with the St Vincent de Paul Society in Melbourne and 2003 has been a very strong year in our own conference, made up of Year 11’s and 12’s on the Kinnoull Campus. The work of the society is very much in keeping with the Brothers principles of faith, service and community. As a group we have spent the year working on three major aims developed in February: the promotion of the work of the society, increased active participation and most importantly help of the poor in the community. I am proud to report that we have made significant achievements in each of these areas, all due to hard work from our members. We successfully raised over $1000 for the society which was spent on a bread slicer for the Margaret Oats Collingwood Soup van, which we send two people to on Sundays each fortnight. Our members all have reported great satisfaction from their visits to the Soup Van, and have always been moved by the people they met. The volunteers at the Soup Van love the slicer, and can get out on the road a lot quicker because of it. The annual Social Justice mass was a highlight for our conference, with the collection of food items for local causes including the Sacred Heart Mission. As in previous years the College came together with a fantastic response. With the conference made up of many Year 11’s in 2003, I have no doubt that 2004 will be a huge year for the group. I would like to give my sincere thanks to these members whose work has been consistent and dedicated. With the expansion of the Kinnoull Campus next year, I would encourage all students to get involved with the conference. My thanks also go to our executive members — James Casey (Vice President) and Tony Constantine (Secretary) and Peter Hamblin (Treasurer). I would also like to thank Mr. Graeme Lawler for his tireless leadership of the group, without him we would have been in real trouble and finally the entire College community for its support of the work of the conference.
Tom McIlroy St Vincent de Paul President
Ken Wilson, father of Mat (Year 12) is on the organising committees for the Collingwood Soup Van. Here he accepts a cheque for $1000 from Tom McIlroy raised by the St Vincent de Paul society.