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St Vincent de Paul Society
The year was looking very promising and the team of 2006 was keen to make a mark. Our first major fundraiser was the idea of Adrian Hulston and Pat Suhobdobnik to organize a Tiverton lunchtime students-versus-Teachers Basketball match. All went according to plan and the match was a huge success, with many superstar teachers taking to the court. As the winter months set in, the idea of a clothes drive was to good to ignore. Many posters for St Vincent de Paul activities had been created throughout the year by our computerman extraordinaire, Lachlan McMahon and his clothes drive appeal posters were hard to miss. As usual the De La community was always willing to lend a hand, and responded generously to the appeal which saw eight large bags of clothes plus bulk tins of coffee, tea and sugar transported to the St Kilda Mission. As well as the clothes drive, Term 3 heralded the annual Food Can Collection, leading up to the Social Justice Mass. The St Vincent De Paul group worked hard to prepare posters. The Malvern Emergency Food Charity calls for donations from schools every year and De La and Lauriston respond well. There is close contest between these two schools over who donate the most cans. This year De La narrowly lost to Lauriston, but we hope the rivalry will go on for years, and we hope Scott Watson and Ben Nethersole can bring the “Gary Proudlock Perpetual Trophy” back to De La next year. The productivity of the year was further enhanced by the work of David Hunter and his “lolly shop” in raising extraordinary amounts of money throughout the year, particularly Founder’s day. The work of Luke Semmel and Athan Dalamagis on Founder’s Day selling the soft drink cans left over from the Basketball matches was very much appreciated. Daniel Reid, treasurer, and Dom Stevens. On behalf of the 2006 group I would like to thank Mr Lawler. Without him, we could not have run as productively as we did. I know the Society is in good hands with Scott Watson and Ben Nethersole at the reins, and I encourage younger year levels to be involved, and support the work of St Vincent De Paul — your efforts will surely make a difference.
Sam Williams President
Another encouraging element of the year was the dedication shown to the Collingwood Soup Van. Every Sunday evening groups of two or three volunteeres made sandwiches and delivered them to the needy of the inner suburbs of Melbourne. Smith Street and the commis- Standing: Mr Graeme Lawler, Athan Dalamagas, Luke Semmel, Ben Dwyer, David Hunter, Scott Watson, sion flats really Lachlan McMahaon opened our eyes Seated: Daniel Lawlor, Daniel Reid, Sam Williams (President) Adrian Hulston (Vice President), to a world we are Alex Phillipos. not exposed to Absent: Ben Nethersole, Anthony Hale, Pat Suhodobnik in Melbourne. I encourage all the guys to continue their work with the Collingwood Soup Van. The work of Alex Phillipos and Ben Nethersole in promoting third-world child sponsorships is commendable and, hopefully, this caring initiative can be a lasting aspect of the work of St Vincent De Paul at the College. Fundraising events through the year, and endless hard work put in by all members, saw five different charities receive donations from St Vincent De Paul. My sincere thanks to all members of the 2006 St Vincent De Paul society for their inspiring motivation and dedication. I commend our committee members: Adrian Hulston, Vice President, for his great ideas and ongoing support, Pat Suhobdobnik, secretary,