2 minute read
St Vincent de Paul Society
The College’s St Vincent de Paul group has been operating on the Kinnoull campus for over fifteen years. Once a week a number of young men meet at lunch time to discuss certain events and charities on which we can focus. Our intention is to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate. We conducted many activities in order to raise funds, including a ten-pin bowling tournament, an indoor soccer competition, lolly sales, and casual clothes days. Some of the organisations we supported include the St Vincent de Paul Society central office, Guide Dogs for the Blind, Lasallian Missions and World Vision (‘The Plan’ — organised by Ben Nethersole). We continued a De La tradition of organizing a can collection for the Sacred Heart Mission and received an overwhelming response from staff and students. An ongoing program with which this society is associated is the Collingwood Soup Van. Students from years 10–12 are given the opportunity to be involved in the wider community. Each Sunday night volunteers assist by making rolls, sandwiches and soup. Students, accompanied by adult volunteers, visit high-rise apartments as well as Smith Street, handing out food and chatting with those less privileged. One quickly develops an understanding for those who live without the luxuries we often take for granted. In May, four Year 12 students attended the annual St Vincent de Paul student conference held at St Columba’s, Essendon. Lectures and workshop activities gave us an insight into the work of full-time volunteers. We had discussions with other schools about the ways we can change lives and make a difference. This year’s our St Vinnies group organised two new activities which proved to be great successes. Ben Griffen’s stellar effort in running a bowling tournament at AMF in Chadstone was taken to enthusiastically by student and staff alike. Brother Denis’ unorthodox style proved a hit with the audience. In Term 3 we conducted the inaugural Indoor Soccer Tournament for the Tiverton campus. It was fought with great intensity and was enjoyable for spectators and contestants. The knockout competition saw ‘Just Hammo’ (from Year 8) prevail in a tight contest against ‘The Chickens’. I thank all members of this year’s St Vincent de Paul group for their enthusiasm and dedication. Their constant help, support and involvement was greatly appreciated. I would like to give a special mention to the committee members: Scott Watson, our vice-president; Ben Griffen, secretary; and Eamonn Crellin, treasurer. Each fulfilled their role with enthusiasm and did a fantastic job. It would be remiss of me not to mention Mr Lawler. His interest and devotion to this cause is to be commended. Without his guidance the year would not have been as successful. I encourage all students to be involved in the St Vincent de Paul Society. It is an extremely worthwhile organisation — only with your input can poverty be reduced. Become involved and help change a life. Michael Hamblin
Standing: Eamonn Crellin, Scott Watson, Ben Griffin, Saady Myers, Olmo Salvatore Seated: Max Taylor, Chris Neophitou, Michael Hamblin, Simon Pintado Absent: Ben Nethersole