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Vocational Education and Training (VET)
Our internal VET options of Building and Construction, Multimedia and Sport and Recreation continue to be our most popular options. Run as part of the normal timetable on the Kinnoull Campus, they enable students to gain nationally recognised qualifications as well as credit towards either VCE or VCAL programs. The VET: Building and Construction classes of 2008 have seen significant growth over last year, both in class sizes (number of students as well as number of classes running), the enthusiasm of students, and the number of practical tasks the students are able to undertake. With the arrival of Mr Warren Walker (formerly of Holmsglen TAFE), joining Mr Sam Devenish, students were able to benefit from a wide array of new projects that allowed them to gain valuable skills, including safety and first qualification, and valuable hand and power tool experience in the a range of carpentry modules. VET: Multimedia is one of the scored VCE/VET options with last year’s group being the first to participating in the examination process, with excellent results. Under the direction of their teacher Mr Paul Maxted — and his replacement during Term 3, Mr Matt Williams — students learnt animation and design skills and worked with digital video. New equipment and software in this area has helped to improve the course even further, ensuring industry quality training and experiences, enabling students to produce excellent work. As an internal VET option, Sport and Recreation was expanded this year to allow Year 10 students to participate. Under the excellent direction of Mr Farr, students worked diligently in a range of activities. Students have relished the opportunity to assist with the running of a number of primary school sporting carnivals developing not only their coaching skills but also their general communication and organisation. The focus for next year’s program is likely to include AFL Auskick training for all students which should be an excellent program for our students. Many of our VET students choose one of the 80 external options available. Students attend classes at TAFE or at a nearby school in an area of their interest. This year students have undertaken training in Automotive, Broadcasting, Engineering, Horticulture, Hospitality, Music Industry — both Production and Performance — and Retail Operations. Our students benefit from the opportunity to combine study in an area of their interest with their senior study. The experience of having to move into new educational environments and mix with new people is also a positive opportunity for the students involved. Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL)

This year 28 students have participated in our VCAL program which is now in its sixth year. Students at Intermediate (Year 11) and Senior (Year 12) levels undertake classes in Literacy, Numeracy, Work Related Skills and Personal Development Skills, which includes RE and Sport. Students also undertake some job training by participating in either a VET or Australian School-based Apprenticeship (ASbA). At least one day per week of industry workplacement is an essential aspect of the VCAL program. Workplacement gives each student the experience of being ‘on-the-job’, and helps our students gain a better understanding of the world beyond school, as well as offering them an edge in a very competitive job market by developing skills and contacts.
A number of students experienced success by gaining full-time Apprenticeship or Traineeships during the year. For the 26 students who completed the year, our thanks for the great progression over the year, especially our Senior class who are all on track for full-time apprenticeship.
To Mr Gerard Barns (12 Literacy) Ms Sally Buick (11 and 12 Religion), Mr Sam Magree (Sport), Mr
Melo Conti (11 Numeracy) and Mr Chas Thompson (12 Numeracy) who have worked diligently in building this program, my thanks for your wonderful work.