55 minute read

Sport Reports and Teams

ACC Swimming

The 2008/2009 swimming campaign was another long journey. It started with early morning training sessions during Term 3 and Term 4 (2008), some summer holiday sessions, a weekend camp at Jan Juc, and three hectic weeks of training and trial carnivals at the start of Term 1 2009. All the long hours of hard work from our swimmer culminated in the ACC Swimming Championships on Friday 20th February at MSAC. Once again, the competition was fierce, with many State level swimmers representing various schools, and three ACC records broken on the night. De La Salle finished 6th overall; however, this result does not accurately reflect all of the personal bests and placings our swimmers achieved on the night. Well done to those boys. There were two outstanding results on the night which both saw longstanding DLS records broken: q Matthew Northage of 9 Benilde swam 27.19s, coming 1st in the U15 50m freestyle, breaking P. Hans’ record of 27.35, set way back in 1980. q Darcy Freeman, Nathan Johnstone, Lachie Miles and Matthew Northage swam 1.56.76, coming 1st in the U15 Freestyle Relay, breaking B. Maher, D. Elliott, C. Neeson and J. Grainger’s record of 1.57.64 set in 1992. Congratulations to these boys for their excellent results. Once again, special mention must go to our swim captains who did a fantastic job, and built a strong bond with the members of their team. Ben Ellul (captain) and Matt Chai (vice-captain) consistently demonstrated excellent leadership over the six months at training, swim camp and trial events. They leave big shoes to fill for next year. On a personal level, I would like to congratulate the whole ACC Swimming Squad for their efforts. It is a timeconsuming and often tiring role, keeping the ‘show’ rolling, but it was worth it to see how much the boys enjoyed the experience. Of all the ACC teams, the swimming team is the most tight-knit group of boys I have worked with. Through early morning training sessions and swim camp, they bonded and clearly had a fabulous time together. Mr Gerard Jackson, Mr Sam Magree and I are very proud of the manner in which our boys conducted themselves in representing the College. Special thanks go to Ms Liz Turner and Mr Terry Atkins for giving up their weekends to help with swim camp.

Ms Karen Harding Coach



Back Row: S. Windley, M. Goy, T. Howard, M. Northage, D. Freeman, N. Schultz, G. McDonough, B. Ellul (c), H. Rix, D. McCaffrey, M. Chai (vc), J. Cooper, M. Buchanan, L. Miles, S. Sabbatucci, J. Schultz Middle Row: N. Johnstone, C. Klidaras, J. Doolan, P. Kemp, T. Connolly, T. Shallue, L. Pezet, A. Watson, J. Beadell, L. De Stefanis, J. Caton, J. Tyquin, J. McClelland, H. Tailby, L. O’Callaghan Front: M. Howard, W. Rennie, R. O’Brien, N. Ponissi, C. Clark, P. Clinch, W. O’Brien, M. Horrigan, J. Kartadinata, N. Ng

The closure of the 2009 sporting calendar is the mark of a new beginning in ACC sport at De La Salle with the Year 7 cohort joining the full ACC program in 2010. I firmly believe this will give students more opportunities to represent the College than ever before and as a result our level of success and preparation will also improve. We also witnessed some very positive results in our junior levels in 2009 which augurs well for the future. Our junior cross country runners took home the junior aggregate award as well as our under 13 boys winning their age group in athletics. The Year 8 sporting teams also experienced a great deal of success and we look forward to this contribution in the coming years. At the time of writing, our junior golfers had just won the Stuart Appleby Cup and were short priced favourites to take out the junior ACC Golf title. Congratulations must go to all students who represented the College in 2009, for their willingness to be involved and the way in which they conducted themselves whilst representing the College. I trust that each individual enjoyed the privilege of representing their school. Thank you to the coaches who, as always, give generously of their time in order to best prepare our sporting teams. Unlike community sport our coaches fulfill many roles, including coach, team manager, first aid trainer and bus driver! I trust they enjoyed sharing these talents with the students of De La Salle and that their efforts were rewarded in witnessing the development of the individuals within their respective teams. Farewell to our Year 12 group who have supported our program with gusto throughout their time at the College and I hope that they continue to be involved in sport in the wider community. I look forward with great excitement to the challenges of 2010, which undoubtedly will once again reward us with our fair share of success on the sporting field.


Another year has passed and yet another chapter in De La Salle weightlifting history has been written. 2009 marked a year of rebuilding for the De La team with the introduction of a new generation of lifters. The new-look team took home the gold with a dominating win in the School League, and almost secured the Sport and Recreation Cup, losing by the narrowest of margins. Despite the loss, the team gave a valiant effort. As with any year in the sport, lifters must leave the College. Steve McConnell and I will depart the College in ’09. We have both aspired to lift to our best, and hope we have influenced our younger lifters to follow in our footsteps. We had the honour of representing Australia at the Commonwealth and Oceania Championships, and urge the coming lifters to recognise that anything, and everything, is possible. This year also saw the return of former student and Australian Champion Simon Francazio. With his help we were able to carry the team to success,

Standing: Mr K. Stokes, J. Delany, J. Cooper, L. Koutros, D. Pine, B. Fletcher, J. Pulveretti, Mr S. Francazio Seated: L. Otto, N. Phillips, S. McConnell, J. Quinn, A. Russo, L. Torrisi, and establish a solid foundation for 2010. I thank Simon for his efforts this year, as his knowledge of the sport, and experience with De La have greatly aided our 2009 campaign. The squad also thanks Mr Ken Stokes and Mr David Hale for their support of the sport, without whose organisation the triumphs of 2009 would not have happened. It has been my privilege to captain a team with such a proud tradition as has De La Salle. I have seen many glories in my time with the team, and without a doubt the new generation will bring us many more. As I leave the College, I leave behind my best wishes for the team, and its future successes. Josh Quinn Captain

Senior Athletics Year 9/10 Athletics

Back Row: K. McInerney, L. O’Connell, T. Cleary, A. Papamiltiades, D. Windley Middle Row: Mr S. Muller, J. Dykes, M. Chai, T. Miles, M. Soldatos, D. Stow, Mr B. Humphrey Seated: B. Wilson, C. Wrigley, S. Brooks, J. Brown, J.Cooper Standing: Ms L. Turner, A. Soriano, J. Cleary, J. Bull, J. Taylor, J. Beckman, M. Stizza. Seated: C. Haley, J. Williams, J. Cormick, H. Haley, B. Dory, M. Hamilton

The 2009 ACC Athletics took place at Olympic Park on the 25th March. Although our overall placing remained the same as last year, it was clear that we are heading in the right direction. This year we had the experience of Kevin Prendergast as coaching coordinator, a level 5 Middle Distance coach with years of Athletics experience. Although we had to travel to Duncan Mackinnon reserve with early morning starts, attendance was the highest I have seen in my time as Athletics Coordinator. I commend all boys on the hard work they put in to improving themselves during the training sessions. We plan to start training in fourth term this year, so I hope to see many old and new faces when this commences. Although many may have been disappointed to miss the team there is plenty of opportunity to make the team in the future. I would like to thank all coaches: Mr Trevor Farr and Mr Glen Kemp (Sprint Coaches) Ms Liz Turner (High Jump) Mr Gerard Barns (Long and Triple Jump) Mr Jon Edgar (Hurdles) Although there were many great efforts on the day those boys who finished in the top three in their event include: Thomas Miles – 3000m – 2nd Kosta Paspaliaris – Triple Jump – 2nd Adrian Papamilitiades – Shot Put – 3rd Lachlan Simpson – 110m – 3rd Matthew Chai – 110m Hurdles – 2nd Ben Doree – 100m Hurdles – 3rd Alex Di Medio – 90m Hurdles – 1st, 200m – 3rd, 400m – 3rd Henry Smith – 80m Hurdles – 2nd, High Jump – 1st, Triple Jump – 1st, Long Jump – 1st Matthew Brooks – Discus – 3rd Nathan Evans – 800m – 3rd Angus Cramp – 800m – 1st, 1500m – 3rd Michael Soldatos – Shot Put – 1st Andrew Lombardo – Discus – 2nd David Windley – 800m – 3rd John Cooper – 800m – 3rd Jeremy McKay – Shot Put – 1st Lachlan O’Connell – 100m – 1st, 200m – 1st Jacob Williams – 1500m – 1st Michael Stizza – 400m – 3rd Sebastian Graham, Daniel Leone, Nicholas Edwards, Jeremy McKay 4x 100m relay – 2nd Lachlan O’Connell, James Brown, Dan Stow, Jonathon Dykes – 4 x 100m relay – 1st. Finally, special thanks to our athletics captains, Daniel Stow and Lachlan O’Connell who were fine role models for the younger boys, with both giving consistently to Athletics over their time at the College.

Mr Andrew Wozencroft Athletics Coordinator

Year 7/9 Athletics

Standing: Ms L. Turner, A. Di Medio, M. Petrone, G. Vlahogiannis, T. Siriopoulos, J. Dennehy Seated: J. Giorgini, N. Evans, W. Johns, J. Crow, N. Stubbing

De La Salle Chess Champs

Chess continues to grow as an ACC event with many of the schools fielding very strong teams drawn from serious training regimes. In recent years the event has been split into two Divisions, with some schools fielding two teams. De La’s approach to chess has remained fairly modest with ‘training’ being the opportunities to play games amongst one another at school lunch times. We field just the one team at each of the two ACC tournaments. We have also participated in the ChessKids interschool events and this year made it to the State Finals. De La took out the ACC Senior Chess Division 2 Championship this year, with some solid play from the team. Our team, Captained by Damian Li, heading up our impressive set of players — Daniel Martin, Haimish Rix, Aaron Li, Ben Stott, Nick Husek, Jeremy Wong, Raymond Wong, and Iryoung Fan. The ACC Chess tournament format is a ranked team of 8, playing similarly ranked teams, in 7 rounds of time-limited play. As a consequence of our Senior win, we will be promoted to Division 1 next year and be up against the ACC’s best. The team were really quite chuffed at the win and devoted the title to their recently deceased Chess Coach and mentor, Martin Mahy.

Standing: B.Stott, H. Rix, N. Husek Seated: R. Wong, R. Osekowski, D. Li, D. Martin

Standing: G. Korfiatis, A. Lew, J. Wong, Mr L. Evans (mentor) Seated: J. Eracleous, J. Yuan, E. Rocke (c), J. Duffy, A. Li

Thanks go to senior players, Damian Li in particular, who had to fend for themselves for much of the year in terms of lunchtime practice sessions. Our ACC Intermediate Chess team won their Division 2 last year, and played in the Division 1 Tournament in Oct 2009. We performed pretty well this year, coming in 5th in the field of 8. The team was Captained by Ethan Rocke and comprised our best juniors — Jeremy Wong, Justin Yuan, Aaron Li, Gerry Korfiatis, Jack Duffy, James Eracleous, and Andre Lew. Mr Larry Evans Chess Coordinator

Standing: A. Hay, H. Nicholson, J. Fisher, L. O’Connell (c), D. Simon, N. Green, Mr M. Rhoden (coach) Front: R. Johnson, J. Lyons, B. Wilson, L. O’Rourke, B. Jansz, M. Soldatos

The 1st XI cricket team bore very little resemblance to the team that competed in the previous year, due to the heavy reliance upon senior students in season 2008. Consequently, expectations were arguably not quite as high at the beginning of the season as they had been at the same time last year. Our season goals had to be re-evaluated, however, after a comprehensive win in the first game of the season over reigning premiers, St Bede’s. The result was especially pleasing as five of our six bowlers and four of our six batsmen are currently in Year 11. The performance of Bryce Jansz in this match (38 not out from 40 deliveries and 3/19 from 6 overs) represented one of the best individual performances for the season and was an encouraging indicator of the future of cricket at the College. Unfortunately the remainder of the season followed an all too-familiar course, with De La Salle narrowly failing to deliver on their threat to challenge for the ACC Premiership. An unexpected loss to Mazenod, chasing a ‘gettable’ 158 on our home turf, dealt a blow to the boys’ aspirations to go a step better than the previous season, where they had missed a Grand Final berth on percentage alone. A resounding victory over Salesian (Hugh Nicholson 59), followed by David Simon’s destruction of the Whitefriars top order restored morale within the team. Cruelly, however, persistent showers forced the abandonment of the game with De La Salle in the box seat, and set up a showdown with St Joseph’s for a place in the final against St Bede’s. A solid start saw our boys progress to 66 with the loss of only one wicket before a middle order collapse forced us onto the back foot. A ‘captain’s knock’ and season high 47 from Lachie O’Connell stabilised the innings and pushed the score along to 9/166 at the compulsory closure. St Joseph’s began shakily and at one stage found themselves at 3/17, before a rallying partnership from the Geelong boys proved to be one hurdle too many for the De La Salle boys to negotiate. St Joseph’s won the game with an over to spare and, with it, a place in the 2009 final against St Bede’s. Despite fielding an almost entirely new squad, the 2009 season followed a disturbingly similar path to season 2008. The 2010 squad will have work hard to restore De La Salle’s position as a premier cricketing school. Nevertheless, the boys who represented the De La Salle first XI should be proud of their achievements this year, which included defeating the eventual (and reigning) premiers, St Bede’s, on their home ground. Moreover, the experience of playing against some of Victoria’s finest young talent on turf pitches (of varying quality) is something the boys will take with them and hopefully draw upon throughout their careers. I wish the departing Year 12 cricketers all the best in the future!

Mr Marty Rhoden Coach

Second Xl Cricket

Over the course of the season, 18 boys played in the Second Xl, and though only two wins were achieved, the team was competitive in nearly all games and every player enjoyed a high level of success in at least one game.

DLS 1/154 Parade College 6/150

David Thomas 3/22 Josh Fisher 49 n.o. Rohan Johnson 78 n.o.

DLS 5/133 St. Bede’s 2/135

Rohan Johnson 46 Darcy O’Brien 35

DLS 10/183 St. Bernard’s 3/236

Darcy O’Brien 54 Jake Evans 32 Andrew Enderby 2/21

DLS 10/85 Whitefriar’s 4/87

Anthony Sansalone 24 Luke Henriques 21 Luke Henriques 2/22

DLS 8/126 St Joseph’s Melbourne 7/118

Ben Ahern 33 Luke Henriques 2/14 Andrew Enderby 1/15 Anthony Cormick 1/10

Back Row: W. Pirrie, L. Sharp, J. Anagnostopoulos, M. McBride Middle Row: Mr G. Barns, A. Agar, M. Harvey, H. Haley, R. McCarthy, J. McCaffrey, Seated: P. Hatch, J. Curtis, M. Allamby, W. Nash, S. Hearn Back Row: B. Drummond, M. Dumbleton, P. Stanton, L. Toniolo Middle Row: S. Muller (assistant coach) J. Higgins, E. Ramsay,

H. Curtis , H. Zaia , J. Duscher, B. Humphrey (coach) Seated: M. Doron, N. Evans, B. SImon, T. Connolly, D. Hando, W. Agar Year 9 Cricket

Standing: Mr M. Rhoden, L. Holmes, L. Power, J. Hall, M. Northage, S. Harrington, N. Lowrie, Br Gabe Seated: C. Haley, S. Anderson, L. Hay, M. Fabris, J. Gee, Z. Spencer Absent: J. Howard

De La Golf Masters

The annual De La Golf Masters was played on Wednesday, 22nd April at Box Hill Golf Club. A large contingent of 21 players from Years 8 to 12 arrived at the 1st tee in beautiful autumn weather. This year marks the 10th playing of our annual tournament and intense competition was expected as a number of the players have represented golf clubs in the current VGA pennant series. After 9 holes Charles Stewart, Matthew Bellion, Joshua Delgorge and Joshua Vitacca were fighting for the lead with 35, 36, 37 and 39 respectively. Again the tournament was decided over the last few holes with Charles moving clear after a run of birdies from holes 15 to 18 to finish as the 2009 Champion on 4 under 67. An eagle on his 1st hole gave Matthew a great start and he finished runner-up on 74. Year 12 student James Leonard was encouraged by his friends Jake Evans and Haimish Rix as he gallantly completed his 2nd round over 18 holes. The curly 3m putt he holed at the 16th raised a cheer in the crowd. The nett section was fiercely contested and Joshua Delgorge from Year 10 recorded a nett 67 to win and 126

Douglas Loton from Year 8 on nett 69 finishing runner-up. Charlie Haley of Year 9, scoring 90 and Luke Frazzetto of Year 11 with 95 took out the major prizes in the non-handicap section. Nearest the pin winners - 6th Joshua Delgorge - 9th Tom Dojcinovic The final scores were as follows, 67 Charles Stewart, 74 Matthew Bellion, 76 Joshua Delgorge, 79 Douglas Loton, 81 Joshua Vitacca, 85 Sean Delgorge, 88 Tom Wakefield, 90 Charlie Haley, 92 Darcy O’Brien, Matt Tucker, 93 Tom Dojcinovic, 95 Luke Frazzetto, 96 Haimish Rix, Alex Stott, 99 Jake Evans, 106 Sam Harrington, 108 Wilhelm Sisouw, 112 Darcy Hemming,

Mr N. Stewart, D. Loton, S. Delgorge, C. Stewart, J. Vitacca, H. Haley, 114 Alex Sly, 116 Harry haley, 127 James C. Haley, J. Delgorge, S. Harrington, M. Bellion, T. Dojcinovic, T. Wakefield Leonard. M. Tucker Congratulations to all players who participated and helped to make the tournament a success. I encourage those who are not club members to join a club and make the most of the opportunities available in the golf club environment. On behalf of the players many thanks to Mr Lawler for his assistance with the organization at Box Hill Golf Club and to the parents who supported their sons.

Standing: Mr P. Crellin (coach), C. Stewart, J. Vitacca, A. Stott Seated: S. Harrington, D. Loton, N. Chant Absent: H. Haley, C. Haley, T. Dojonwic

ACC Senior Golf – 2009

The annual ACC Senior Golf Tournament was held on Thursday, 30th April at Kingswood Golf club. De La Salle students were the first on the range in chilly conditions as they prepared for a day of fine scoring. Our senior team, included students from Years 8 to 12, and after the final numbers were counted we finished runners-up to St Bedes College. 479 St Bede’s College, 493 De La Salle College, 508 St Bernard’s College. Individually, Charles Stewart had the lowest score in the tournament with a 3 under par 69 while other students finished with the following scores.

Joshua Vitacca 80, Douglas Loton 82, Matt Bellion 87, Joshua Delgorge 87, Sean Delgorge 88, Tom Dojcinovic and Tom Wakefield 92. Congratulations to team members, caddies and parents who supported the players during the round. Norm Stewart Senior Golf Coordinator

Junior Golf

Congratulations to the nine golfers who were selected to represent the College at the ACC Golf Tournament at Werribee Golf Course in October. ACC Junior golf is open to all Tiverton students. De La Salle finished a close second to St Bede’s College, and the students should be proud of their efforts in the way they played and behaved. The best score on the day was Charles Stewart who had a 78. De La Salle scores: Charles Stewart 78, Josh Vitacca 79, Alex Stott 83, Doug Loton 88, Charlie Haley 90, Tom Dojonivic 95, Sam Harrington, 106 Harry Haley (captain) 126 and Nick Chant, our emergency. Good luck to the junior golfers who will again fight out the Stuart Appleby State Final at La Trobe Golf Course in November. Mr Peter Crellin Junior Golf Coordinator

The Victorian Schools Cycling Championships has now become an annual event on the De La Salle sporting calendar. The championships, run by CycleSport Victoria, are aimed at providing the opportunity for secondary and upper-primary students to experience road racing first-hand. For each age group, there is a Novice race, aimed at those who may have never raced previously or have limited experience, and a Racing Licence race, aimed at those competitors who hold a licence and compete with a club. Terry Atkins and I accompanied our 16 keen De La Salle cyclists out to windy Kilsyth for the ‘East Metro Zone Final’. We had our usual quota of ‘novices’ on mountain bikes, wearing casual clothing and ‘skaterstyle’ helmets, who learnt first hand that road bikes ARE faster for road racing. We also had a few ‘regulars’, like Alex Lalande, Costa Manaveris and Sam Harrington, all of Year 9, who were back for their third Championships in a row. The notable results of the day: Mitch Oman (Grade 6) finished 2nd in his U13 Novice race, earning himself a medal and a place in the State Final. An excellent result for his first road race! Tom Connelly (Year 8) and Nathan Beaumont (Year 11) both placed in their respective heats to make it through to their age-group finals at the end of the day. Tom found the going tough in the high-paced final, finishing a little off the pace. Nathan’s U19 Novice final started at a leisurely pace, with the riders rolling around in a group with no one willing to make a move. They were so slow that the boys were given the incentive over the loud speaker that the most aggressive rider (i.e. the boy who made an attack and got the race to progress in excess of 25km/h) would also make it through to the state final with the first three place-getters! The pace did increase, with a token attack from one boy, but it was not until the final lap bell that the real moves finally came. Nathan tried to go with the boys who ended up placing, however, ran out of steam and ended up 6th wheel. The race of the day, De La wise, was the U15 Racing category where we saw Jayden Cooper (Year 7, races with Caulfield Carnegie), Jonathan Dent (Year 7, races with Blackburn) and Harrison Dziubinski (Year 8, races with Caulfield Carnegie) battle it out in a tough and competitive field. A disappointed Jayden missed the early attack, which was mounted by his classmate Jonathan, but saw the rest of the race out admirably, chasing hard into the unforgiving headwind on his own. The lead group of six, with both Jonathan and Harrison, maintained a great pace in the blustery conditions, with Jonathan clearly following his race plan of mounting attacks to try and break the group up to his advantage. However, it was Harrison who capitalised on the situation, riding a smart tactical race, finishing 2nd in a sprint to the line. Jonathan, who had spent the majority of the race doing the hard yards into the strong headwind, finished 6th in the sprint to the line. It should be noted that last year, Harrison finished 7th in his Novice race. Since then, he has joined Caulfield Carnegie and gotten his racing licence. The cycling experience of the last 12 months has payed off! Mitch and Harrison will now race in the State Finals (October 17), which will be run in conjunction with stage 6 of the Jayco Herald Sun Tour on the Lygon St criterium course.

Miss Karen Harding Coach

Standing: Mr. J Edgar (coach), K. Winter, A. O’Shea, J. Gray, A. Lombardo, D. White Seated: C. Paterson, S. Brooks, S. Woodcock, L. Simpson, X. Fitzgerald, T. Myles Our season got off to a slow start after facing Volleyball powerhouse Mazenod College in Round 1. We were comfortably defeated and realized that there was much improvement needed if we were to be competitive throughout the remainder of the season. To the team’s credit we had a hard-fought second round loss Year 9 Volleyball to St Bernard’s before coming home to steal victories against fellow Lasallians, St Bede’s, and the boys from Salesian. Our win against St Bede’s meant that we were safe once again in A section whilst the boys from Mentone were relegated. Whilst we finished with a season record of two wins and three losses, we were most competitive. Thank you to Anthony O’Shea for his contribution as captain. Mr J. Edgar Coach Top Row: P. Masson, L. Patterson, R. Moody Middle Row: M. Mulally, S. McGraw, M. Gleeson, J. Doicinovic, C. Walsh, W. Breen, Mr M. Wilson (coach) Seated: L. Corkill, M. Haymes, T. McGlenchy, M. Harris-Jaffe, B. Joplin, J. Maccora Back Row: T. Gibson, J. Bull, P. Hanney, S. Nankervis Middle Row: B. Doree, T. Shallue, S Jeanes, T Hanney, J. Cleary, J. Regan Seated: L. Dell’orso, O. Purton Smith, X. Leonard, J. Adams, B. Carracher

Year 8 Volleyball

Back Row: G. Vlahogiannis, L. D’Ambrosio, M. Petrone, J. Reeve Middle Row: Ms K. Harding, H. Saltis, T. Siriopoulos, W. Johns, I. Musster, S. Singh Seated: A. Watson, A. Giannos, J. Pulvirenti, P. Bradley, J. Casula, J. Renter Absent: L. Brown

Standing: C. Sutton, J. Brown, M. Badrock, S. Gates, L. Turner (coach) Seated: N. Ibarra, A. Papamiltiades, R. Madafferi, K. McInerney. Absent: J. Gialamatzis, S. Geaney, J. Birrell A committed and enthusiastic group of students gathered for the first training session of the year to kick-start the ACC tennis campaign for 2009. Mixed results on game days did not deter any of the players from playing their best. Actually, if you ignore the results, the season could be seen as a raging success — the way in which the players were committed to training, and their impeccable sportsmanship on game days, was a credit to the College. A special mention must go to the following students who were able to manage a win in season 2009: Year 12 – Jack Gialamatzis, Nick Ibarra, Roger Madafferi, Adrian Papamiltiades; Year 11 – Sam Gates. On behalf of the tennis team I would like to thank Ms Turner for her commitment and dedication throughout the season. Roger Madafferi Standing: Ms L. Turner (coach), A, Scammell, M. Taylor, J. Watts, Standing: D. Kinna, K. Thompson, M. Andrews, E. Sezenias, Captain A. Russo, J. Gava, B. Monaco E. Holden Seated: A. Stott, J. Meredith, J. Rate, C. Wilson, C. Murphy, J. Dalgleish Seated: M. Stephens, J. Cowling, J. Johnson, N. Annert, Absent: M. Hogan, P. O’Brien S. Galgani, N. Cheung

Back Row: C. Rizio, N. Contin, S. Barone Middle Row: Mr N. Yates (coach), A. Soriano, M. Papotto, I. Fernando, B. Taylor Seated: C. Tjahjadi, J. Williams, N. Lukic, M. Kaye, J. Taylor Year 9 Tennis Year 8 Tennis

This year the 1st XVIII football team entered the season as reigning premiers and the team everyone wanted to challenge. Our season began at Waverley Park against the highly rated Whitefriars. For the 22 players who ran onto the field this was the first time they had ever played together, but under the blue and gold jumper the players quickly bonded together as a team with a strong sense of ‘mateship’. It was fantastic to see many of the Year 11 students leading the way in their first game with plenty of run from players such as Humphrey, Brooks and Nicholson, along with the leadership of many of the seniors in Close, Harris and O’Connell. It meant that De La Salle got off to the perfect start to the season. Over the course of the season the 1st XVIII football team recorded 5 wins and 2 losses which would see them just miss the grand final. However, the dedication and commitment from the players should be acknowledged. The team was fantastically led by our senior leaders in Messrs Close, Harris, East and O’Connell, with great support from many of our up and coming stars from Year 11, Lyons, Brooks, Nicholson and Humphrey. The ‘mateship’ theme was evident throughout our season but was most vital in our last game of the year against Mazenod when De La recorded an amazing 20 separate goal scorers, ensuring every Year 12 player kicked a goal in his final game of ACC football. I would like to thank all students for their time and effort, and congratulate them for their competitive 2009 season. I would also like to extend my gratitude to all staff and students who assisted or supported our players throughout the season.

Mr Rob Bonnici Coach

Back Row: J. Fisher, D. East, M. O’Connor, X. Fitzgerald, J. Lyons, T. Cleary, J. Gray, A. O’Shea, H. Nicholson Middle Row: J. Brown, T. Humphrey, S. Brooks, A. Papamiltiades, T. East, X. Murphy, L. O’Connell, B. Wilson, M. Soldatos Seated: R. Harris, M. Herbstreit, T. Myles, B. Close (c), M. Nolan, D. Hutchinson, B. Pratt , D. Freedman


Backrow: Mr B. Humphrey, N. Beaumont , D. Convery , A. King, A. Forato, L. Simpson , D. Freedman, J. Williams Frontrow: M. Soldatos, P. Prendergast-Kruger, B. Forest , J. Fisher, D. Spanos, W. Linnett, B. Jansz

ACC Senior Football

The Year 10 Football Season was one of mixed fortunes. The boys gave their best throughout the season and their commitment to the team was unquestionable as the numbers at training were always good. The team won two games for the season which included the Final against Mazenod. We ended up finishing the season on a good note and 5th over all. I wish the boys all the best in their footballing careers and hope they enjoy their Football at school in their senior years. Congratulations to both Matt Hamilton and Jake Williams, for being joint Best and Fairest winners. I would like to thank Mr Glenn Kemp for his help coaching the team this year.

Round 1: Whitefriars 12-15 (87) def DLS 6-8 (44) Best — Hamilton, Williams, Haley, Stizza, Nash, Hynes Round 2: St Bernard’s 12-10 (82) def DLS 9-7 (61) Beat — Hamilton, Haley, Williams, Cleary, Bull, Curtis Round 3: DLS 16-9 (105) def Mazenod 8-6 (54) Best — Stizza, Williams, Cleary, Shannon, Randall, Haley Round 4: Parade 17-12 (114) def DLS 6-15 (51) Best — Williams, Hamilton, Hurley, Wood, Edwards Round 5: St Bede’s 26-12 (168) def DLS 3-1 (19) Best — Edwards, Williams, Hamilton, Haley, Allamby, Harvey Final Round: DLS 13-8 (86) def Mazenod 5-6 (36) Best — Hamilton, Allamby, Stizza, Wood, Williams, Carracher, Purton-Smith, Nash

Best and Fairest — Matthew Hamilton and Jake Williams.

Mr Ken Stokes Coach

Back Row: W. Nash, J. Curtis, J. Bull, J. Cleary, P. Hatch, M. Harvey, P. Randall, M. Edwards, O. Purton-Smith Middle Row: Mr G. Kemp (assistant coach), M. Papotto, B. Carracher, L. Wood, L. Forato, M. Pennacchia, M. Hogan, J. Cormick, S. Hearn, M. Allamby, Mr K. Stokes (coach) Seated: D. Damianos, J. Williams, H. Haley, A. Soriano, M. Stizza, M. Hamilton, J. Munday

Full Marks

Back: J. Giorgini, J. Campion, P. Stanton, J. Heatley, C. Ernikiolis, T. Connolly, B. Ledder, C. Harris, T. Siriopoulos, W. Johns, H. Curtis, Mr R. Leetham (coach) Middle Row: A. Hay, P. Arceri, J. Hanley, C. Jones, L. Carracher, J. Stewart, M. Patrone, N. Edwards, N. Evans, M. Dumbleton, E Ramsay, D. Craig, Mr S. Mackintosh (coach) Seated: J. Cowling, S. Galgani, A. Smith, B. Ayre, H. Zaia, L. Ryan, D. Hando, J. Duscher, C. Stanley

Back Row: S. Harrington, J. Vitacca, J. Taylor, T. McGlenchy, N. Peck, L. Power, L. Otto, M. Haymes Row 3: Mr M. Rhoden (coach), D. Tyrer, N. Curwood, J. Hall, J. Watts, N. Rodway, W. Carson, J. Gava Row 2: M. Hogan, L. Dimattina, N. Lowrie, J. Howard, S. McGraw, M. Mullaly, A. Scammell, L. Holmes, Mr S. Magree (coach) Seated: C. Murphy, Z. Spencer, D. Grant, C. Haley, J. Meredith, A. Indovino, P. O’Brien Absent: D. Freeman (co-captain), J. Zuzek, J. Carlin, A. Mezentseff

Year 9 XVIII

Standing: M. Osekowski, T. Molloy Seated: J. Beech, D. Barker, R. Osekowski

De La Salle Ski Team — Mt Buller 2009

The De La Salle Ski Team performed very well again this year at the Victorian Interschool Snowsports Competition conducted at Mt Buller. Our best results came from our senior snowboarders. Out of 103 competitors in Division One Boys (Years 11 and 12) Tom Molloy (11F) finished 36th, Dominic Barker (11J) – 51st, Jack Beech (11J) – 60th and Harrison Tailby, a Year 8M student, who had to compete well above his age group due to time restrictions, came 68th. Ryan (11B) and Michael (11F) Osekowski were delayed on a chairlift and missed their second run and as a result were unable to be placed. In Division One Boys Alpine, John Cooper (12S) came 85th out of 132 competitors. Jack Reeve (8B) came 125th out of 197 competitors in the Ski Cross. In Division 2 Alpine Boys (Years 9 & 10), Oliver Jones (9H) finished 119th out of 185 competitors. Joseph Maccora (9D) and Stuart Breenan-Smith (9H) were unable to complete their second run due to a time restriction and as a result, they were unable to be placed. Jack Reeve (8B) finished 144th out of 214 competitors, Pier Grech (8R) – 145th, Lachlan Brown – 152nd, Sebastian Otten (8S) – 156th and Daniel Clarke (8S) – 161st in the Division 3 Alpine Boys (Years 7 & 8). To all the students who competed this year, congratulations on your efforts and achievements. It was a most successful season and I encourage other boys with experience in skiing and boarding to join the team in 2010. I would personally like to thank Mr. Slavin and Mr. Ryan for their help in the organisation and smooth running of the trip. I look forward to next year’s season.

Mr Ken Stokes Interschool Snowsports Coordinator

Standing: Mr K. Stokes, S. Otten, H. Tailby, D.Clarke, Mr S. Slavin Seated: J. Maccora, L. Brown, O. Jones, S. Breenan-Smith

Two days before the end of Term 2, the De La Salle Senior Basketball squad consisting of 13 senior boys departed Melbourne to embark on a 6-day basketball trip of Sydney. The trip involved playing two games against Lasallian Schools, OakHill College Castle Hill and De La Salle College Ashfield. After a short flight to Sydney we jumped on a bus and drove one hour to Oak Hill College in the outer suburbs of Sydney, where we were greeted by the school’s sportmaster, Mr Steve Tulevski, and the basketball team who we were to be billeted with for the next week. The following morning we arrived back at OakHill, ready to travel to our first game against De La Salle Ashfield. After some sight seeing in Manly, lunch on the beach, and an afternoon session of Ultimate Frisbee, we arrived at Ashfield where a large crowd of school kids who had come to watch the game greeted us. Music was blaring in the basketball gym as we organized ourselves in warm up. The A’s played first and although a scrappy affair won by 17 points, the B’s followed and put on a dominant team performance beating Ashfield by 30 points, both games were played in good spirit and after the game; players from both schools got to share stories over pizzas and drinks. The next day we departed OakHill early in the morning to travel to the La Salle Camp Site at Kincumber, which was run by former De La Salle Malvern principal, Br Tim. On arriving at Kincumber, Mr Bonnici turned army commando and put everyone, including Mr Conti, through some brutal fitness exercises. Some of the drills involved boxing, push-ups and heavy lifting followed by a gruelling team exercise that involved two teams competing to stack the biggest woodpile. Exhausted and covered in mud, we crawled back to the cabins for hot showers and recovery. The afternoon was spent running some basketball drills and following some free time, Mr Conti and Mr Bonnici loaded us into the bus on the empty promise we were going to again play Ultimate Frisbee at a nearby park. This was in fact a lie and they actually dropped us off at an unknown location and told us we had to make it back to camp within 15 minutes by following a gravel path or more penalties would be given. Returning to the campsite hungry after an exhaustive day Br Tim and staff provided us with a massive dinner of steak and potatoes, followed by dessert and cake to celebrate Vice Captain Andrew Lombardo’s eighteenth birthday. The night ended, as all good basketball nights should, watching Coach Carter. The subsequent morning resident camp fitness instructor Paul woke us at 6am for an early morning training session; half asleep we carried logs of wood back and forth across the camps wet and muddy rugby ground. Many of us were on the point of collapsing until we heard that Br Tim and co. had been cooking up a breakfast of bacon, eggs, pancakes, cereal, baked beans and toast, with empty stomachs we ran back to enjoy the meal that had been meticulously prepared for us. After breakfast we loaded up our gear, said goodbye to Br Tim and the staff and headed into the heart of Sydney to spend the rest of the day sightseeing spots including the Sydney Opera House, the Harbour Bridge, Kirribilli House and the Rocks Sunday Markets to name but a few. Day five began with another training session, followed by a cool-off swim in the Oakhill College pool. After lunch we were lucky enough to spend some time with Br Mal who shared his vast and extensive knowledge of the history of the De La Salle brothers. As 3 o’clock arrived, so had the much-anticipated game against the basketball team of OakHill, our billets, was to be begin. Both games were much more one-sided than either team had expected with our A team taking a 21 to nil head start in the opening minutes of the game and our B’s leading by 20+ points at the half way mark. With the end score of both games resulting in a foremost victory for De La Salle Malvern, the bragging rights at our billets homes that night was well deserved. The final day of our trip to Sydney had arrived and the previous five days that had gone before us in no time, having shaped friendships with the billets we had stayed with, it was disappointing to have to say goodbye. The Sydney trip of 2009, provided us with more then just a basketball experience a chance to form new friendships and develop old ones, I would like to thank Mr Melo Conti and Mr Rob Bonnici for all their work into organising and orchestrating this trip, thanks also to the billets and staff at the schools visited and finally thanks to the whole team for making it an experience not to be forgotten and hopefully a tradition that can be experienced by De La teams in the years to come.

Sam Ayre Basketball Captain

Standing: J. Nikakis, X. Fitzgerald, M. James, S. Woodcock, G. McDonough, Mr M. Conti (coach) Seated: C. Patterson, B. Tesoriero, A. Lombardo (vc), S. Ayre (c), M. Osekowski (vc), R. Osekowski Absent: Assistant Coach Ms K. Harding Standing: D. Windley, A. Pappamiltiades, A. Pattison, G. McDonough, D. White, Mr M Conti (coach) Seated: C. Patterson, M. Marshall, R. Osekowski, I. Howe, M. Tucker Absent: J. Evans, M. Bertucci, Asst Coach S. Roberts, Ms K. Harding (asst coach)

The 2009 Basketball season saw Champions De La Salle College put together an exceptionally strong squad in the hope of defending the title won last year. With the boys very keen to work hard and explore how far they could go. This year also saw the first Basketball Tour to Sydney take place during the Term 2 break. This helped to develop a committed and skilled squad of boys who were determined to do their best for the Gold and Blue uniform. Captain Sam Ayre and his two deputies Andrew Lombardo and Michael Ozakowski ably led the squad for a successful season. With trainings starting during Term 2, the mornings were cold and dark. But every Tuesday morning without fail the basketballs could be heard bouncing in the school gymnasium.

Senior A

The Senior A side did not have too many difficulties going through the regular season registering wins against St Bede’s, St Bernard’s, Emmanuel and Mazenod. The team was able to blow teams away with 5-10mins of quality basketball and then hold any resurgence off. Standout players during the season were Sam Ayre and Michael Osakowski who were mainstays each and every week. Finishing top of our group saw De La play Parade in the Semi Finals. Leading by 5 at the half time break De La appeared to be in control, with some great work from Lombardo and Fitzgerald. The second half saw the tide turning, and with seconds remaining De La was trailing by 2. Despite the situation De La remained calm and with 2 seconds remaining on the clock Simon Woodcock made the game winning 3. This result saw De La pitted against Whitefriars in a rematch of last years Senior A Grand Final. This year as seen last year was a dire stop-start struggle. Still burning from last year defeat to De La, Whitefriars were keen to win at all costs. This intensity and pressure that Whitefriars placed for the duration of the match was something De La were unable to withstand. In front of a large Whitefriars crowd, De La trailed by 5 at the half and was unable to close the gap in the second half. In what was a high quality contest the Donvale team was able to win back the Senior Basketball title from De La Salle.

Senior B

The Senior B side was made up of a number of players that made the trip to Sydney and enthusiasm was high for the season that lay ahead. De La easily accounted for St Bede’s, Emmanuel and Mazenod, and against last year’s premiers, St Bernard’s, lost by a point after missing the last shot of the game. This saw De La finish in second place and feel confident to face Parade in the Semi-Finals. To say that De La hit the ground running would have been an understatement. By half time the result looked over, De La could not be playing any better and were leading by 15. But the old cliché of a game of two halves would not have been any more poignant as De La turned to a rabble during the second half. After some early calls going against De La, the team was unable to regroup before the siren sounded and the game was over. De La was kept to their lowest half score for the season managing only 11 points in what turned out to be a disappointing end to a wonderful season.

Back Row: J. Regan, J. Shaw, T. Hanney, P. Hatch, M. Harvey, P. Hanney, D. Slavin Middle Row D. Wood (team manager) X. Leonard, M. Stizza, J. Curtis, J.Bohan,T. Shallue, S. Nankervis, Mr T. Ford (coach) Seated: V. Ounbounheuang, N. Sullivan,J. Moneir, S. Hearn,J. Cowan, L. Wood, M. Galgani Absent S. Jeanes, G. Peppe, N. Robinson, S. Ryan, J. Cleary

Back Row: C. Walsh, N. Peck, B. Cheyne, N. Curwood, T. McGlenchy, J. Carroll, J. Gava, L. Otto, L. Power Middle Row: P. Clinch, M. Gleeson, L. Pattison, A. Scammell-Panozzo, S. McGraw, J. Buckley, M. Spyrou, A. Lalande Seated: P. Cupic, C. Murphy, J. Taylor, N. Lourie, A. Indovino, L. Knowles, J. Meredith

Many thanks must go to Ms Karen Harding for all the insight and assistance during the long basketball season her help was very much appreciated. Thanks to all the parents for all their support during the season. Finally congratulations and thanks must go to the 20 boys that made up the Senior Basketball squad. From the first training time in May till the end of September when our season was finally over, no more could have been asked from the boys and their effort.

Basketball State Finals “McDonald’s Cup”

After winning the ACC title last year, De La Salle qualified for the prestigious McDonalds Cup in 2009. On qualifying day, De La was grouped against defending State and National Champions Caulfield Grammar, along with Rowville and Billanook colleges. After losing a tight contest against Caulfield by 7 points, De La needed to win their remaining two games to qualify for the play-off position. De La did and therefore faced Wellington for the right to make the Elite Eight schools in the State. The match was a tight contest through-out, with Andrew Lombardo shooting brilliantly to led the team in a 6 point win. De La Salle now had earned the right to be classed one of the top schools in the State. De La was pooled with Wesley College, Box Hill Secondary College and Carey Grammar. The most important game would turn out to be our first. A slow start would turn out to be our downfall, as despite outplaying and out scoring Wesley in the second half the final result saw a loss registered. This meant that we would need to win our remaining two games to qualify for the Semi Finals, no easy feat when facing a basketball school of Box Hill’s ilk. The team represented themselves exceptionally well and was unlucky to have a narrow loss. In the final match De La easily accounted for Carey that resulted in De La being ranked 5th/6th in the State. A wonderful achievement from the De La Salle Senior Basketball Team.

Mr Melo Conti Coach

Year 10 ACC Basketball Season 2009

A large number of enthusiastic Year 10 students crowded into the gymnasium for the preliminary training session of the 2009 ACC Basketball competition. At each training session, the newly formed team would progress in teamwork, skills and, above all, mateship. The team would also witness a foul shot display of amazing accuracury from coach Ford. The season got off to a flying start with both the A and B teams victors after two exciting matches in front of a passionate home crowd. Unfortunately, the remainder of the season did not pan out as hoped, and although both teams put up a challenge in all

Standing: Mr G. Jackson (coach), S. Brooks, H. Rix, J. Lyons, B. Jansz Seated: B. Wilson, J. Fisher, T. Humphrey, H. Nicholson, M. Badrock Standing: I. Royrberg, C. Wilson, L. Holmes, D. Tyrer, L. Dimattina, C. Draffen Seated: J. Graham, K. Kaupert, P. Joshi, J. Rate, B. Jopling, T. Keys, T. Flatley, Mr S. Muller (coach)

their matches, narrow losses led to our missing the finals series. The most satisfying aspect of the season was that every member of our intrepid squad had an opportunity to represent the College in a game.

Tim Shallue Year 10

Year 8 Table Tennis Year 10 Table Tennis

Back: J. Cowling, R. Buckley, J. Campion, L. Ryan Front: M. Stephens, M. McMahon, D. Hando, A. Tonkin Coach: Mr S. Mackintosh Back Row: Mr N. Yates (coach), J. Ramalingam, S. Barone, J. Wilson, J. Farrugia, N. Contin, M. Kaye, I. Fernando Seated: B. Doree, A. Anastasio, T. Gibson, P. Darras, P. Orlando


“Let’s stay the line in 2009”!

A large squad of students started their training in Term 2 with this year’s theme ringing loud in their ears. Our committed Year 12 leaders Dan Stow and Haimish Rix were inspiring, leading the junior students with enthusiasm and zeal. Our trial carnival performances leading into the main event suggested that we were on target to improve on last year’s placing. It was particularly pleasing to see so many new squad members push for a place in the final team. After three trail carnivals, which also included our own House Cross Country Carnival, a final squad was selected and presented to the school community. For some, this was a reward for the many months of hard work and training. On September 9th, the Carnival was held at the challenging Bundoora Park Cross Country Track. With the clouds closing in and the rain never far away, the squad assembled to hear their leaders address them for one last time. With a biting cold southerly wind and the temperature hovering around 12 degrees, the squad members could sense their time to perform was now upon them. The event saw many personal best times achieved by our runners. All students represented the college with strength of mind and pride. It was particularly pleasing to see each

Under 13 Cross Country

Left: Under 13 (Year 7)

Back: Mr. Mackintosh, S. Graham, P. Kony, M. Jackson, A. Atkin, L. O’Callaghan, M. Robinson, Mr P. Harte. Front: J. Short, M. Hoareau, J. Sadek.

Right: Under 15 (Year 9)

Back: J. Gava, M. Haymes, J. O’Shannessy, W. Johns, M. Mullaly, T. Robertson, Mr S. Mackintosh. Front: S. McGraw, A. Indivino, N. Johnston. 140

Under 14 (Year 8)

Back: H. Dziubinski, J. Hanley, N. Evans, A. Di Medio, J. Cowling, G. Vlahogiannis, J. Heatley, Mr S. Mackintosh. Front: Z. Hutter, S. Galgani, N. Clampett, J. Pulvirenti, J. Thorton.

age group enthusiastically supported by their peers as they completed the challenging 3km and 5km course. There were many special efforts on the day. The following top 10 placing’s are to be congratulated:

Under 15 Cross Country

Under 16 (Year 10)

Back: M. Stizza, J. Williams, Mr P. Harte, H. Haley, L. Wilson, J. Smith, J. McCaffrey, Mr Pendeghast. Front: L. Sharp, P. O’Connell, P. Shannon, L. Wood, Mr S. Mackintosh.

Under 13 Matthew Jackson – 3rd Sebastian Graham – 9th Under 14 Nathan Evans – 3rd Jack Thorton – 10th Under 15 Jack Gava – 6th Under 16 Jacob Williams – 7th Senior Jack Gray – 3rd De La Salle’s final placing was 3rd overall - a much improved placing on last year. The College also won the Junior Cup for the combined efforts of the Under 13 and 14 age groups, a fantastic result for the effort displayed by both age groups and a real reward for the commitment many of these students displayed throughout terms 2 and 3 to their training. I would like to thank Mr Curran, Mr Crellin, Mr Jackson, Mr Pendeghast and Mr Harte for their commitment in assisting with the organizing and training of the squad this year. I would also like to thank Mr Bonnici and the Year 9 Peer Support leaders who assisted with the running of the Breakfast Club after each training session.

Mr Shane Mackintosh Cross Country Coordinator

Under 17 (Year 11)

Back: Mr S. Mackintosh, R. Keeney, L. Frazetto, L. Riley, D. Windley, S. Brooks, S. Dillane, Mr P. Harte, J. Birrell. Front: H. Nicholson, N. Beaumont, M. Hamilton.

Senior (Year 12)

Back: Mr P. Harte, D. Stow, Mr G. Jackson, K. McInerney, T. Raymond, J. Gray, H. Rix, M. Herbstreit, Mr S. Mackintosh. Front: J. Cooper, N. Hulston, S. Ayre, G. McDonough

Standing: J. Camilleri, M, Trenerry, J. Vass, M. Guggenheimer, T. Gaylor, D. Clifford, J. Fagan Seated: E. Fan, B. Siragusano, L. Simpson, P. Hussey, N. Spencer, N. Ng, H. Hudson

Standing: J. Connell, R. Hume, R. Moody, M. Mullaly, N. Rodway, G. Makris, C. Tilbrook, S. Anderson, Y. Chand, Miss L. Turner (coach) Seated: C. Haley, W. Breen, M. Harris-Jaffe, S. Harrington, J. Dojcinovic, N. Morris, A. Rappos Absent: D. White, J. Zuzek.

The Senior Hockey Team showed considerable potential, finishing the season second to St Bernard’s College in our division of ACC Hockey. St Bernard’s finished on top of our division, but only managed to win 3–2 against De La Salle, the final goal scored in the last minute of the game after one of our most gifted players was sent off the ground for a minor infraction, according to some observers. In the grand-final St Bernard’s won comfortably 10–1 over Parade. Perhaps we might have reached the final should we have had a full team in the semi-final. Certainly the players should look to next year with confidence.

Mr Eaun Walmsley Coach

Year 10 Hockey

Standing: J. Wise, J. Wilson-Wall, E. Rocke,T. Naoroji, P. Stevens, R. Alberti, Front Row: J. Williams, H. Haley, W. Perri, G. Nurnow, N. Johnstone, O. Purton-Smith, A. Sly At times the team played fluently, switching play from one side to the other and passing briskly. On several occasions we moved the ball from one end to the other without the opposition touching the ball. Our semi-final against Parade College was disappointing for three reasons: we missed three players who would normally have been on the half-line so that we were left with only 11 fit players; for most of the first half and the first part of the second half, we threatened to score as much as Parade, and in only 10 minutes Parade scored four quick goals so that the final score was 2-7.

Year 8 Hockey

Standing: M. Doran, N. Donaghey, J. Craig, S. Howard, D. Cowan, J. De Souza, L. Pezet, J. Matheson. Seated: W. Agar, J. Higgins, H. Dziubinski, P. Collins, B. Drummond, Z. Hutter.

A. Kounoupis, T. Molloy, J. Stamatelos, S. Ferreyra, K. Winter, P. Marinis, M. Altidis, Mr J. Walton (coach) Seated: N. Borgia, S. Molinaro, R. Fattore, C. Saliba, M. Guggenheimer, J. Vass, M. Sauer Absent: M. Chai (c), R. Sita

Back Row: A. Grant, D. Taranto, E. Sezenias, G. Vlahogiannis, K. Thompson, A. Langenberg, J. Reeve, A. Watson. Middle Row: Mr J. Edgar (coach), N. Maiorana, C. Zisimopoulos, C. Herbstreit, J. Thorton, A. Ianchello, L. Georgaklis, J. Casula. Seated: J. Spicuglia, J. Pulvirenti, H. Dziubinski, A. Giannos, L. Pezet, J. Tasiopoulos, J. Cagorski.

Year 9 Soccer

The senior soccer team endured another up and down season in 2009. The team stepped up a gear from the previous year and managed to string together a few wins, however, they also suffered some key losses to prevent the opportunity of playing finals. The most convincing victory of the year came against Salesian on their home ground, when several players had a ‘break-through’ game. The Year 11 boys showed they were capable of gelling well with their senior counterparts and Michael Altidis in particular showed why he was so sorely missed last year. Miles Guggenheimer exhibited the tough tackling that would characterize his season and Matt Chai demonstrated his versatility and strong leadership. The midfield produced a dominating display headed by Peter Marinis and Tom Molloy was justifiably aggrieved when a late Mr Walton error saw him substituted on the brink of a hat-trick. The boys conducted themselves well throughout the year and it was a memorable last season for the Year 12 cohort who have represented the school together since Year 10. Mr James Walton Coach

Year 8 Soccer

Standing: J. Maccora, L. Miles, N. Lay, C. Wilson, A. Oliver, G. Makris, C. Draffen, S. Anderson, N. Miorana Seated: J. Graham, K. Harbis, M. Swinnerton, J. Rengen, D. Conlan, S. Mishra, R. Dougherty Absent: J. Chlorise, S. Menzies 144

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