3 minute read
Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre
In 2012, the dedicated staff of the Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre (MMEC) have worked consistently with students with special learning needs to assist them in accessing the curriculum. We believe that all students can experience success when learning outcomes are based on realistic and achievable goals. The words of our patron, St Mary of the Cross, echo the attitude and reflect the commitment of the MMEC staff, “We must teach more by example than by word” (1867). This year, the staff included specialist teachers: Mrs Gemma Austin, Mrs Eve McLellan, Mrs Jacinta Ryan, Mrs Carmel Dwyer, Mrs Christine Thompson, and Br Lawrence King; and Learning Support Officers: Mrs Karen Tillotson, Ms Michele O’Mahoney, Mrs Jackie McKinnon, Ms Muriel West, Mrs Freda Siomos, Mrs Gabrielle Windley, Mrs Melanie Livera, and Mr Christopher Windley. This team of dedicated educators works with students who have intellectual, social, emotional, physical or severe language needs, across all year levels from Primary to Year 12. I wish to thank my fantastic team for their caring dedication, perseverance and professionalism as they work to enhance the lives of our students. Each member of the team collaborates with staff and parents to identify and facilitate the individual learning needs of the students. Regular Programme Support Group (PSG) meetings occur for students who qualify for integration funding, where issues of academic planning and pastoral care are discussed with parents. Decisions from these meetings are implemented by MMEC staff, parents and teachers, to enhance student learning and maximize effective teaching. Many other PSG meetings also occur for students who are identified with special needs. The Literacy Support classes continued again this year, with four groups at Years 7 and 8, and two groups at Year 9 and 10, with a total enrolment of 93 students. These students have experienced the expertise of the MMEC teaching staff in assisting them to improve their literacy skills. In the Primary area, Mrs Gemma Austin again worked with small groups of students in the General Language Skills classes to help improve their literacy skills. This proved extremely successful and productive. The Numeracy Support Programme, which was initiated in 2008, continued throughout Years 7, 8 and 9. Students who were nominated by their Mathematics teacher as needing assistance, and those identified through the Allwell testing, were given the opportunity to withdraw from one period of Religious Education each week to work with Br Lawrence for Semester 1 and Mr Chris Windley for Semester 2, to enhance their Maths skills. This programme was delivered to 45 students. Congratulations to Chris for graduating as a Teacher, and gaining his registration. This year, we introduced the writing of Individual Learning Plans (I.L.P.s) for students on a modified programme. This is a mandated directive from the Catholic Education Office for students who receive a differentiated curriculum. These students also receive a Descriptor report which highlights the areas in which they have succeeded, and also areas for improvement. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the contribution of Br Lawrence (who retired from teaching during this year) to the MMEC department, to the students with whom he worked, and to the College staff. His quiet, steadfast and supportive presence was a blessing and comfort for many. He “touched the hearts” of the students he worked with in the Numeracy Support classes, as well as educating their minds. As a staff member, his professional demeanour was an inspirational example of living the Lasallian teachings and ethos of St John Baptist de La Salle. Br Lawrence was generous with his time, whether he was taking photos at sporting events, or meeting with students at the end of the school day. He enjoyed the interactions with staff and students alike, especially if the topic was his beloved Swans! Thank you, Br Lawrence, for your dedication, support and friendship. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement, safe travels and may God bless you always. Mrs Kathie Holmes MMEC Coordinator.
Back Row (left to right): Melanie Livera, Michele O’Mahoney, Gabrielle Windley, Eve McLellan, Freda Siomos, Jacinta Ryan, Karen Tillotson Front Row (left to right): Jackie McKinnon, Chris Windley, Kathie Holmes, Muriel West, Gemma Austin, Christine Thompson Absent: Carmel Dwyer, Br Lawrence King