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College Principal’s Report

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Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

As I come to the end of my brief but fulfilling time at the College, I reflect on what a fine school De La Salle is, combining a thoroughly competent, dedicated and generous teaching and support staff, a multi-talented, good hearted and lively student body. It is a student body with a great diversity of involvement and accomplishments and wonderfully caring and generous parents who support the College strongly in all its endeavours. At an International Boys School Conference I attended some years ago, it became obvious to me that there is a distinct challenge for schools like De La Salle to reaffirm the goodness of boys, to continue to appreciate their special qualities, to awaken a sense of wonder and honour in them and to lead them towards a healthy masculinity. The experience also brought home to me that, above all, boys need a spiritual dimension to their lives where, as it was stated by more than one keynote speaker, children in the modern era are “dying of malnutrition of the spirit”. You can rest assured that the spiritual awareness, and raising and development of the boys is central to the balanced education on offer at this College. This is nurtured by challenging courses undertaken in Religious Education classes, reflective and affirming liturgies and school Masses complemented by several other faith-related and others-centred activities on offer at all year levels. The teaching and non-teaching staff deserve strong commendation. These hard working and generous professionals give so much of themselves to assist in the formation of the young men with whom they interact daily in a myriad of ways both inside and outside the classroom. As a result of my direct involvement in numerous staff reviews this year, I have come to appreciate even more how fortunate De La Salle is to have such a competent, caring and selfless team of committed men and women acting as exemplary role models for the young men entrusted to their care at both campuses. It would be wrong to lose sight of the fact that the main work of teachers is vital in forming the minds of their young students and developing their character. We are particularly fortunate that this is made possible at De La Salle because a healthy bond exists between staff and students and mutual respect is evident. I leave De La Salle with the conviction that good times lie ahead for the College. The School Board is committed and well-intentioned, the new Principal, Mr Peter Houlihan, brings a wealth of experience and a vision for the school which opens up limitless possibilities and a talented and harmonious leadership team is ready to lend its support and considerable expertise to the new direction to be taken by the school. With the continued support of a loyal and hardworking staff, there is every reason to be genuinely enthused by the promise of exciting times ahead for this famous College which enjoys such a long, rich and proud Catholic tradition. Mr Brendan Ellis Acting Principal

2013 — End of an Era

This year a most significant chapter in the long history of De La Salle College came to an end with the departure of the last De La Salle brothers from the College staff. Br Paul Rogers FSC (Principal 2009–2013) and Br Denis Loft FSC (2007 –2013) will move to other duties within the Order in Br Paul Rogers fsc 2014. Both men have made significant contributions to the College over their years of service, and have tirelessly endeavoured to enrich the learning experiences of students in their care. The whole College community wishes them well as they continue their life of service to young people in the spirit of St John Baptist De La Salle. The De La Salle Brothers community at Malvern continues to ensure there is a Brothers’ presence around the College, with a number of Brothers able to attend and participate in College events and activities.

Br Denis Loft fsc

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