2 minute read
St Vincent de Paul
This year was a good year for Social Justice at De La Salle both in terms of the whole school activities as well as the work of the St Vincent de Paul Group. For Mission Action Day, the College raised just over $92,000, surpassing the $80,000 benchmark. Funds donated from the day went to fund the “Coolies” and also projects in Papua New Guinea, where students went with Mr Hogan to renovate and refurbish facilities at De La Salle College, Bomana, in the September holidays. Funds were raised for one of our primary school students who was diagnosed with a serious illness. We all wish him and his family the best of luck for the future and remind them De La is here should they need us. The Malvern Emergency Food Progam was again solidly supported by the entire student body. The St Vincent de Paul Group accomplished many milestones too. We raised $500 in 15 minutes at De La’s first annual “Sausage Fest”, with the proceeds going to fund four Indian students for a year as they undertake higher education. The group also devoted time to work at the local St Vincent de Paul shop in Malvern, surpassing the reigning champions St Kevin’s. Although this achievement does not bring an ACC banner or interschool trophy, we have helped keep their store running effectively and this means they can help more families. This is the reward for which all those contributing should feel proud. Members of the Group also attended the Collingwood Soup Van on a Sunday night where food is prepared and distributed to the needy in the high and low rise flats. Members made another donation to “Coolies” through a Guess-the-Contentsof-the-Jar-of Chocolates competition, won by Mr Magree. Special thanks to Mr Lawler in Terms 1, 2 and 4, and Mrs Smart in Term 3, for being with the group and all those involved — both within SVDP and the broader Lasallian community.
James Eracleous

Back Row: Luke Torrisi, Joshua Talbot, Jack-Henry Attard, Anthony Marsicano Row 3: James Halliday, Ben Stafford, Ed Hirst Row 2: Alessandro Metaxas, Julian Loo Yong Kee, John Buchanan, Jonathon Dent Front Row: Alec Young, James Eracleous, Raphael Canty, Lachlan Kafer, Mr Graeme Lawler
Special thanks to James who was one of six members to chair meetings for the St Vincent de Paul Group in rotation and thanks to all the group for their enthusiasm in helping to make a difference, and for their contribution to Social Justice. Mr Graeme Lawler