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Religious Education and Moral Development

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Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace

Religion Education and Moral Development

This year has seen further significant liturgical celebrations in the life of the College. This year saw the introduction of an Assumption Mass celebrating the taking up of Mary into heaven body and soul; a Remembrance Day memorial liturgy reminding us all of the fragility of human life and the need for peace in our world; as well as a Reconciliation liturgy for all Year 9 students. The end-of-year Masses for each year level of the College marked the beginning of Advent, the time in the Church year when Christians worldwide prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. The academic focus of Religious Education at De La Salle is one that attempts to teach both the traditions of the Church, in addition to challenging the boys academically. This year, Religion and Society, Unit 1, explored faith dimensions from the perspective of the Catholic, Jewish and Australian Indigenous traditions, in addition to the adherence of these major religions in Australia and the origins and spread of the Catholic tradition in Australia. Year 12 students studied Religion and Society, Unit 2. The academic and spiritual focus of this study helped to give each young man a background to the ethical challenges of life and the dignity of the human person. St Paul taught that Christ’s resurrection gives the world the chance of a greater hope, optimism that evil, suffering and even death can be overcome. This hope empowers Christians to live life as fully as possible, and face its challenges with courage and commitment. The resurrection of Christ provides us with a fresh attitude towards living. The ‘good news’ of Jesus Christ allows us to approach each day with a new perspective. As Christians, we should share this ‘good news’. How? Simply in the way we treat each other. Jesus’ ‘Kingdom’ is a moral way of living, a life of compassion, justice, empathy, love, forgiveness and humility. This is what being a Christian entails. This is what entering into Christ’s resurrection means, and this is the aim of what we teach in Religious Education at De La Salle. The way they live their lives becomes their greatest testimony to Christ’s resurrection. In a world that seems to be spiralling out of control, we all need to allow ourselves to be clothed in the Risen Christ so that we can be transformed. If we can try to become more fully human in the way we live our lives, such as learning to love more sincerely and forgive others more honestly, the misery that flanks this world might begin to dissolve. Year 9 and 11 retreats earlier in the year allowed boys the opportunity to share aspects of their faith. Their personal sharing of deep faith, trust in God and in each other was powerful. As the Religious Education Coordinator, I always wonder whether our students care about any kind of religious faith, especially when pounded by a media who, by and large, are secular. I have discovered a majority who live quietly secured in their faith in the Risen Christ even though they might be unchurched. For those of you who believe in Jesus Christ and the ‘Good News’ he preached, it is your responsibility to live Jesus Christ in all that you do. It is your obligation to bring the Kingdom of God into some kind of realisation in the way you live your life and how you relate to others. I am tired of reading the newspapers each day speaking of doom, gloom and destruction. To quote Pope Francis: “May the Gospel be your rule of life as it was for St Francis of Assisi. Read the Gospel, meditate on it, and follow it: humility, simplicity, fraternity, service; all in trust in God the Father, in the joy of having a Father in heaven who always listens and speaks to your heart. Follow his voice, and you will bear fruit in love! Dear young people.”

Mr Graeme Pender Director of Religious and Moral Education

A word from the Chaplain...

We were no sooner back to school and Lent was upon us. Each year level participated in an Ash Wednesday para-liturgy where students took part in a pageant symbolizing Jesus’ own journey and our readings and prayers highlighted how precious we are in the sight of our God. Students were challenged to marry their faith and their actions in looking to the Mission Action Day project and the opportunity this gave them to make a difference in the lives of those who struggle. As Easter drew near, each of the Primary classes set about preparing a reflection on one feast of the Easter Tridium. Year 6 focused on Good Friday and with the guidance of Ms Finn researched the cross of suffering in our world that so many people carry through disease and disability. They represented these with rough wooden crosses tied with red plaits to which they attached their research. Then, with the artistic assistance of Mr Happ, they created the Stations of the Cross. Year 5 planned a presentation of the events of Holy Thursday with readings and a washing of the feet followed by a Passover meal as all students sat middle-eastern style on Persian carpets. Our new Year 4’s represented the Light of Easter and they involved all students in a candle procession. The total involvement of all Primaries in both preparation and participation for their Easter Liturgy enhanced the experience. Once again we celebrated the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Confirmation and First Eucharist throughout the year. Around 40 students from Years 4 to 9 participated in the program and we remain grateful to St Anthony’s Glen Huntly for the support they generously offer our students. We have been blessed this year with the support of two wonderful priests, Father Hien Vu, Parish Priest of St Michael’s, Ashburton, and Fr John Sherman OMI, Vocations Director for the Oblates of Mary Immaculate. Their service allowed us to celebrate Homeroom Masses with each class across various year levels. Our theme was a meditation on developing a ‘grateful’ heart. Our Year 9 students embraced the opportunity to attend the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Term 3. We followed up the Year 8 Homeroom Masses with a series of para-liturgies that married their curriculum focus on Social Justice with their faith response. The year wound up with an enthusiastic end of year Primary Mass during which we were treated to the musical talents of our graduating Year 6 class. The boys chose the theme of ‘building community’, and on this very optimistic note they looked forward to how they might make a difference in the new year. Mrs Joan Ferguson College Chaplain

Year 4 students lead a festival light during the Easter Primary Para-liturgy. First Communion

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