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College Staff

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Rest In Peace

Rest In Peace


Principal: Br Paul Rogers Terms 1 and 2 Acting Principal: Mr Brendan Ellis Terms 3 and 4 Deputy Principal – Pastoral Care & Organisation Mr Tom Ryan Deputy Principal – Teaching & Learning Mr Mark Gustincic Head of Kinnoull Campus: Mr Luke Kenealy Head of Tiverton Campus: Mr John McAlroy Director of Student Wellbeing: Mr Pascal Rohan Director of Staff Development: Mrs Christine Thompson Daily Organiser – Kinnoull Campus: Mr Doug Esler Daily Organiser – Tiverton Campus: Mr Chas Thompson VCE Coordinator: Mr Frank Goricanec Student Pathways and Careers Coordinator: Ms Carmel Smart College Librarian: Ms Susan Jost Kinnoull Counsellor: Ms Maree Keel Religious and Moral Education Coordinator Mr Graeme Pender Director of Sport: Mr Peter Harte School Officer: Mr Murray Enniss Coordinator of College Leaders: Ms Karen Harding/ Ms Rose Roe Business Manager: Ms Ann Corcoran Assistant Business Manager: Mrs Elaine Tyrrell Principal’s Personal Assistant: Mrs Sandy Wreford Registrar: Mrs Robyn Miller Accounts Officer: Ms Ellenor Harris Payroll Officer: Ms Mary Kiernan College Chaplain: Mrs Joan Ferguson Office Staff — Tiverton: Mrs Patricia D’Arcy, Mrs Tania Allars, Mrs Sandra Glazebrook — Kinnoull: Ms Rachelle St Ledger, Mrs Anne Lawler Community Coordinator: Mrs Trish Woodman College Archivist: Mrs Luisa Moscato First Aid Officer: Ms Kylie Upton Security: Ms Ann Corcoran Property Manager: Mr Michael Bohan Maintenance: Messrs Rob Oldershaw, Clinton Harris, Steven Broughill, Tom Buick

Key Learning Area Coordinators

English Mr James Walton Mathematics Ms Lucy Russell Science Mr Peppe Di Ciccio Technology Mr Warren Walker Studies of Society & Environment — Humanities Mr Chris Fleming


Studies of Society & Environment — Business Mr Stephen Young

The Arts

Mr David Happ Languages Ms Kath Marino ICT & Infrastructure Mr Paul Maxted Health & Physical Education Mr David Alexander Camps Coordinator Mr Michael Wilson MMEC Coordinator Mrs Kathie Holmes Personal Development Coordinator Ms Kate McIlroy College Timetabler Mr Kevin Hunter Mr Marty Rhoden Director of Music Ms Cindy Frost Drama Coordinator Mr Andrew Murrell

Kinnoull Campus

Year 10 Coordinator Mr Paul Harrup Year 11 Coordinator Mr Rob Bonnici Year 12 Coordinator Mr Michael Petrie VET & Vocational Learning Coordinator Ms Caroline Fitzpatrick VASS Administrator Mrs Trish Woodman VCAL Coordinator Ms Kerry Martin

Year 10 Homerooms

Benilde Mr Peter Larsen Dunstan Mr Brian Coulthard Hegarty Ms Clare Bird/Mr Neil Thomas Miguel Mr Graeme Pender Roland Ms Janet Holden Solomon Ms Kath Marino Vincent Mr Michael Watty

Year 11 Homerooms

Benilde Mr Warren Walker Dunstan Ms Trish Burke Hegarty Mr Tim Hogan Jerome Ms Marg McPhee Roland Ms Christine Thompson Solomon Ms Marisa Di Giacomo Vincent Mr Frank Goricanec Ms Anna Zacharopoulos

Year 12 Homerooms

Benilde Mr Sam Magree Dunstan Mr James Walton Gehrig Ms Kerry Martin/ Br Denis Loft Hegarty Ms Karen Harding/ Ms Rishika Place Jerome Ms Rose Roe Miguel Ms Clare Kennedy Roland Mr Rob Hoich Solomon Mr Tim Brodrick Vincent Mr Graeme Lawler Ms Monica Costa, Mrs Vanessa Marolda, Mr Adrian Matarazzo, Ms Linda Samuel, Mr Neil Thomas

Tiverton Campus

Primary Coordinator Mrs Gemma Austin Year 7 Coordinator Mr Shaun Buckley Year 8 Coordinator Mr Shane Mackintosh Year 9 Coordinator Mr Rob Bonnici/Mr Chris Martin/ Ms Kate Johnstone

Homeroom Groups For Years 4–9

Year 4 Mr Tim Curran Year 5 Mr Ray Leetham Year 6 Mr Terry Atkins


Year 7 Homerooms

Benilde Mr Jeff Locke Dunstan Mr Andrew Wozencroft Hegarty Mr Paul Fegan Jerome Mr Shardul Kaneria Roland Ms Jo Dickson Solomon Mr Chris Martin/ Ms Cathy Loft (Terms 3 and 4) Vincent Mr Larry Evans/ Ms Laura McCann (Term 2)

Year 8 Homerooms

Benilde Mr Andrew Murrell Dunstan Mr David Happ Hegarty Ms Jacinta Ryan Jerome Mr Ken Stokes Roland Ms Emma D’Angelo Solomon Mr Gerard Barns Vincent Ms Olivia Wenczel

Year 9 Homerooms

Benilde Mr Chris Fleming Dunstan Mr Shane Slavin Hegarty Mr David Ellul Miguel Mr Peppe Di Ciccio/ Mr Chris Church Roland Mr David Alexander Solomon Ms Kate McIlroy Vincent Ms Lucy Russell Ms Jennifer Bonnici, Ms Christine Cooper, Mr Peter Crellin, Ms Carmel D’Andrea, Mrs Carmel Dwyer, Mrs Georgina Dwyer, Mr Jon Edgar, Ms Mary Finn, Ms Joanne Graham, Mr David Hale, Mr Jon Hewett, Ms Kate Johnston, Br Denis Loft, Ms Laura McCann, Mr Thierry Moran, Mr Ian Oliver, Ms Haylene Peipert, Ms Liz Phibbs, Mr Marty Rhoden, Mrs Liliana Russo, Mr Michael Ryan, Ms Marta Webster, Mr Chris Windley, Mr Nigel Yates

Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre

Mrs Kathie Holmes (Coordinator), Ms Gemma Austin, Ms Melanie Livera, Mrs Eve McLellan, Ms Michele O’Mahoney, Ms Jackie McKinnon, Ms Freda Siomos, Mrs Karen Tillotson, Ms Muriel West, Ms Gabrielle Windley Library Resources Ms Susan Jost (College Librarian), Miss Leanne Ickeringill, Mrs Clare Kennedy, Ms Pauline Mulholland Information Services Mr Milhem Nassour (Manager) Mr Peter Whittenbury Mr Raj Rathinam Sport Assistants Mr Simon Brown Mr Tom Curry Laboratory Manager Mrs Jill Edwards Laboratory Technician Mrs Danka Orlowski Materials Technician Mr Dave Murray Instrumental & Visiting Music Teachers Mr Paul Coyle (Trumpet), Mr Francesco Fabris (Voice), Mr Evan Harris (Bass), Ms Penny Karahalios (Saxophone), Mr Percy Landers (Trombone), Mr Jaymee Lee (Bass), Mr Matthew Lewin (Guitar), Mr Timothy Phillips (Percussion)

Administration Standing: Elaine Tyrrell, Ann Corcoran, Sandy Glazebrook, Robyn Miller, Kylie Upton, Trish Woodman, Ellenor Harris, Tania Allars, Anne Lawler Seated: Sandy Wreford, Patricia D’Arcy, Mark Gustincic, Brendan Ellis, Tom Ryan, Mary Kiernan, Rachelle St Ledger

Maintenance: Steven Broughill, Rob Oldershaw, John Brown, Clinton Harris, Michael Bohan (Property Manager) Absent: Tom Buick

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