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Coolies’ Visit to India 2012

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Rest In Peace

Coolies Visit to India 2012–2013

India! Ah the exotic east — land of mystery and intrigue. Talk to anyone who has been to India and you will be told of interminable train journeys, fiery food, suspicious toilet facilities, beggars and poverty, fakirs and sadhus, and lungis and dhotis, and many-headed and armed gods and goddesses. Those who have not been there always approach India with trepidation but in the knowledge that no day will be drab, no day will be without drama, every day will challenge preconceived notions about road rules and crowds. This is why we travel to India. Not as the third son lost to the titled lands seeking his fortune with the East India Company, but as modern men and women who live basically protected lives, who do not worry about water, education or even electricity. People who know that they will not have to compete with hundreds of others for a seat on the train. We seek adventure! And so it was with the Coolies of 2012, 21 young men and four staff, one of whom was experiencing India for the first time. True to the experience, all of the Coolies leapt headfirst into the experience. There were no shrinking violets and no complaining. The first test was the road side dal vada and kanji. After initial reluctance they were a popular item. The next classic Indian experience involved a long train ride and the first contact with beggars, the disabled, and chai. ‘Chai!’ ‘Chai!’ became a familiar refrain — and at five rupees, a bargain. At our destination a mixup left us stranded momentarily. Taxi rides were negotiated and then the Indian experience was further fleshed out. We had to feed the taxi drivers and then pay them double “because the road was worse than first thought”. I love India. The Boy’s Town cook embraced the challenge of an increase of 25 new mouths. Every dish was a culinary delight and such quantities!! The boys hoed in with gusto. Indian food held no fears, and for some of the boys provided an opportunity to eat with their hands! After the first visit to Madurai, crowded on a bus that could hold no more, but did, many of the boys attended the evening meal in dhotis wrapped expertly around waists. The next visit into Madurai and the temple led to the embracing of Indian clothes; lots and lots of clothes of every hue and design. Some boys turned up late to a meeting point claiming their tailor had kept them longer than they expected. The next day the autorickshaw brought new clothes to the door. These early days reflect the enthusiasm and energy our boys brought to the Coolies experience. The working day was long and hot. It was often physical and dirty.

Yet not a word of complaint was heard. The boys enjoyed each moment as a wonderful learning experience. The amount of work completed, be it painting, digging, carrying, washing, scraping, demonstrated their dedication. Br Chris Soosai fsc could not believe the amount of work that the boys completed. The work completed, the group began travelling around India. For those who have travelled in India, it is ‘the journey’ that gives the most satisfaction. The trains and buses are always full of interest, are always slow, always late, always full of characters. The travels took us to significant Christian sites such as Goa and Kochi. We visited historical cathedrals standing beside the grave of St Francis Xavier. His bones are still visible! The final historical village of Hampi took us to a Hindu ancient city where we wandered through temples of marvellous proportions, depth and intricacy. The boys really enjoyed the pantheon of Hindu Gods, particularly the elephant-headed son of Shiva, Ganesha. They left as boys but returned as men of the world. Mr Tim Brodrick

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