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Lasallian Service

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Rest In Peace

As part of the extracurricular program for our Year 9 students, all participate in a week of service within the wider community. Lasallian Service is structured so that students can put into practice the Gospel values that are taught and lived within the College. Students actively contact and finalise their own placements. Suggested organisations that the College has built relationships with are provided to assist in this process. These include nursing homes, retirement homes, food banks, parish neighbourhood houses, special schools and facilities that support people with disabilities. All placements centre on personal contact and moving students out of their comfort zone. We aim to take students beyond their own immediate needs and concerns to appreciate the lives and needs of others. Whilst it is a week of “doing” and “giving back”, it is even more a time for raising awareness. Students were encouraged to reflect and share insights gained through the experience. Here are a few samples: “I went to special basketball on the Friday morning and it had an impact on me. It was good to see everyone get involved and have fun.” “I enjoyed the experience as the residents were happy, kind and grateful and in good humour while we were there.” “I found it rewarding and challenging and a way to improve my social skills. It was also a good way to prepare me for applying for a job.” “Seeing all the people knitting and doing art, using their minds. I saw one inspiring woman doing great knitting at the age of 103.” “It was a unique week. We were always doing activities that I have never done before. It was a little frightening visiting the dementia area but they are just like us.” “It opened up my eyes and made me grateful for my health, home and very thankful for those who dedicate their lives to care for these people.” “I talked with a lovely 92 year old woman by the name of Jessie Black. She suffers from dementia and was unable to name the school she attended but said it was a short walk from her house in Malvern. She apologised and said that she wouldn’t be able to tell me much because of her lack of memory but she attended the school in the late 30’s and early 40’s. After I read her the description of Christian Schools in the late 1800’s she said some of her schooling days came back to her. She said that every single day the entire school came together to recite the Hail Mary and prayer, then after that she remembered having to line up so that teachers could check uniforms and punish anyone who looked untidy. She laughed at the thought of punishment, mentioning that kids these days have no idea how easy they have it. She said that one of the boys in her class was left handed and was slapped on the hand with a ruler if he was caught using his left hand to write (she said he was the worst behaved in the class as well). She was rarely punished because she focused and was very well behaved at school and tried her best. She remembers that her classroom was decorated heavily with photos of Jesus, the Virgin Mary and the Pope, the crucifix ever present at the front of the classroom and pictures of war heroes on the war as well. The school did however, have a small section at the back of the room for outstanding student work and everyone worked hard to be rewarded by seeing their work on that board. After she finished talking she thanked me for bringing back the memories of school, those were some of the best years of her life.” Harrison Burt

Mr Chris Fleming

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