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College Libraries

Both Libraries have been well-used this year by our regular diehard readers, supplemented by many dedicated students seeking a quiet place to complete homework, consolidate learning, or get ahead. Typically, every seat is occupied at recess and lunchtime. Classes continue to be booked in on a regular basis for reading and research, to use the computers and to print. Small groups from MMEC use the libraries on a daily basis, and Primary reading and writing classes are conducted several times a week in the Tiverton Library. In addition, regular Year 12 study periods take place daily in the Kinnoull Library. We are sad to farewell Leanne Ickeringill who has worked tirelessly for the College Libraries for the past twenty-seven years. We wish her well with her well-earned retirement. Welcome to Mrs Finn who, under the auspices of the Primary department, is now based in the Tiverton Library, working with the boys in the areas of reading and writing. She has made an enormous contribution to the decoration of the Tiverton Library, with mammoth displays of students’ models, paintings and books, exciting much interest amongst students and staff. The Victorian Premiers’ Reading Challenge for 2013 was successfully completed by 80 students this year — too many to name individually! Congratulations to you all, and to Mrs Finn for encouraging this outstanding response with her enthusiasm and dedication to reading. Book Week 2013 “Reading Across the Universe” was held in August, and the Library acquired copies of prize-winning and short-listed books for younger and older readers. These supplemented our significant investment in fiction this year, with 85 new titles for the Kinnoull collection, and 370 for the Tiverton Library. All acquisitions are carefully and thoughtfully selected, with merit as well as appeal considered. We also welcome donations, large and small. The Library’s catalogue AIMS is available to all students and staff on Moodle, as well as the Echo newspaper index for the senior boys. All students are encouraged to become members of the Stonnington Library, handily located between the two campuses. They will be made most welcome there, and it provides a wonderfully accessible adjunct to our own collections. Susan Jost College Librarian
Ms susan Jost, Ms Leanne Ickerignill and Mrs Mary Finn