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Years 10–12 Debating 2013
This 2013 Debating season, Kinnoull had three teams representing each of the year levels from Year 10 through to Year 12 in the Debating Association of Victoria’s competition held at Caulfied Grammar. The Year 10 team of Raphael Canty, Wyatt Bicknell, Lachlan Kafer, Karl Maul, Matthew Mottola and Liam Gava challenged McKinnon Secondary, Elwood College, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College and Kilvington Grammar School. At this level, those involved have to present three prepared, one advised and one secret topic debate and speak for 4-6 minutes. The competition was fierce, yet each individual showed his versatility by alternating speaking roles during the season. This is a talented group of speakers who are well placed to involve themselves in the 2014 competition The Year 11 team consisting of Alec Young, Jonathan Dent, Ben Stafford, Joshua Talbot, Steven Lau, Edward Hirst, John Buchanan and Jack-Henry Attard competed against St Michael’s Grammar, Caulfied Grammar, Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College and Wesley College. These speakers were formidable opponents in the two prepared and three secret topic debates. Learning to decipher a topic, prepare a 6-8 minute speech in an hour and then deliver it in an effective manner takes skill and practice. Overall, the Year 11 debaters equipped themselves well and have strong skills to take to the A Grade division in 2014. The Year 11 debaters also spent an afternoon at St Joseph’s Primary school explaining and then modeling how to conduct a debate. The teachers and Grade 5 and 6 students were delighted with the boys’ tuition and manner in which they approached the challenge. Finally, the Year 12 team for 2013 consisted of Alexander Di Medio, Jeffrey Xu, Thomas O’Dwyer, Maxwell Le and Floyd Cox. The impressive nature of this team was that most had not competed in a public competition prior to this season. The opposition teams included Wesley College, St Michael’s Grammar and Bialik College. These students relished the opportunity to represent De La Salle in their final year and are to be congratulated on their efforts. They were positive, keen to learn and improve their skills, and presented wellprepared speeches in each debate. We congratulate all those students who took part in the Debaters’ Association of Victoria competition this year. Even though the teams would have liked more victories, they were frequently complimented by the adjudicators on their presentations, and several of these young men received ‘Best speaker’ awards during the competition. With each debate, it was pleasing to see the young men take on board the advice given them and continue to challenge themselves to improve their manner, matter and method skills. We look forward to Debating in 2014. Mr Neil Thomas and Mrs Christine Thompson

Senior Debaters
Standing: Ms C Thompson, J. Henry-Attard, J. Talbot, E. Hirst, T. O’Dwyer, F. Nash, N. Thomas Seated: M. Le, J. Xu, A. Young, J. Buchanan, B. Stafford, A. DiMedio, J. Dent Intermediate Debaters
R. Canty, W. Bicknell, L. Kafer, L. Gava, M. Mottola, Ms C. Thompson Absent: Karl Maul
Year 9 Debaters

Standing: W. Wright, T. Ponissi, S. Kumar, Seated: X. de la Masse-Homsy, K. Tambimuttu, S. Fernando, L. Ramiez

Year 7/8 Debaters

Ms K. McIlroy, G. Intemerato, R. Garrido, N. Blizzard, M. Harvey, E. Tambimuttu, J. Ellul, Ms H. Peipert

Year 7/8 Debaters
We congratulate all students from Years 7–9 who contributed to Debating at the College in 2013. These students gave up many lunch times to research, plan and practice leading up to each of the DAV Rounds or ACC day of competition. Their knowledge of current issues and ability to create arguments grew steadily as time went on. Each member of the squads’ public speaking skills has improved out of sight. We encourage any student interest in honing their skills in these areas to become involved next year — debating is offered to Year 7–12. Year 9 DAV/ACC Squad members Sri Kumar Darren Yee Xavier-Joseph de la Masse-Homsy Thomas Ponissi William Wright Keelan Tambimuttu Shiroy Fernando Liam Ramirez Year 7-8 DAV/ACC Squad members Max Harnett Hay Nathan Blizzard Gianluca Intermerato Jacob Ellul Rodny Garrido Maxwell Harvey Ethan Tambimuttu Ms Kate McIlroy and Ms Haylene Peipert
Standing: M. Harvey, N. Blizzard, M. Harnett-Hay, R. Garido Seated: E. Tambimuttu, Ms H. Peipert, Ms K. McIlroy, J. Ellul Tiverton Public Speaking Squad Public Speaking: W. Wright, D. Papalia, J. O’Connor, C. Whitehead Seated: T. Puddy, B. O’Shea, Ms H. Peipert, Ms K. McIlroy, A. Crestani, M. Mottola