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Student Wellbeing
Student Wellbeing Team
Members of the Student Wellbeing Team from years 7-12 have been active this year in assisting with parent education evenings, leadership of the herpetology club, and in the early part of the year, mentoring social skills groups. I am extremely grateful for, and proud of, the boys who co-presented at the parent evenings. It is no easy feat to stand before a large group of parents and to speak to topics which are both personal and, at times, controversial. Nine members: Gianluca (7), Nick (7), Jordan C-S (8), Will (8), Zane (8), Ben (9), Jordan K (9), Connor (9), Remy (10), Shane (12) spoke to the topics “Communication With My Son” and “Is My Prince, Charming?” De La is unique in this regard — there are few schools who would offer parent evenings where students co-present to a large group of parents. Feedback always suggests that the strength and power of the presentation comes from the inclusion of boys’ voices. Thanks to the parents who have taken time to provide feedback, as it guides future planning and helps us provide what parents need, in the way parents need it. And thanks to those parents who have attended the evenings and taken time out of busy evenings to be present. We bade a sad farewell to one of our members, Connor, who left for a school on the other side of town at the end of Semester 1, and we wish him well.
Brotherhood Without Banners
This group was begun in May and consists of twelve Kinnoull students and eleven Tiverton students. They gathered around their interest in console gaming, anime, internet sites, fantasy and comic books. They meet weekly at lunchtime in my office to speak about their interests and to socialise with others sharing such interests. They have created a character booklet, have provided character briefs to each other and have prepared their character costumes (cosplay) in preparation for attending expos such as “Supanova” and “Comic-con”. Aware of the entertainment value and the pitfalls of gaming, members have spoken of preparing a parent evening entitled “Gaming” next year. This evening will be one to put in your calendars! It is often said of gamers that their social lives suffer due to their absorbtion in games — our group lays that comment to rest as it functions as a social, supportive and inclusive group. Thanks to Young Sohn for providing the logo for our group.
The two counsellors (myself at Tiverton and Ms Maree Keel at Kinnoull) have continued to work individually with students presenting with a variety of issues with which they have needed assistance. Group work, where the potential therapeutic benefit is greater than a student accessing individual assistance, has also been a feature of the counselling service.
Newly begun work
In the latter part of 2013, the creation of a Dad’s wellbeing team, a Mum’s wellbeing team and a partners’ wellbeing team was begun. This new work will be given growth in 2014 and the wellbeing service extended. A key feature of this work will be greater numbers taking responsibility for the wellbeing of those in the College. Thanks to those who have already become involved and we Iook forward to the inclusion of others.
Pascal Rohan Director of Student Wellbeing

Student Wellbeing Team Mr P. Rohan, J. Kelly (9), Z. Kovacevic (8), J. Coughlan-Stevenson (8), G. Intemerato (7), W.Clarke (8), B. Ahearn (9), S. Howard (12) Absent: R. Cadman (10) N. Paspaliaris (7)
Brotherhood Without Banners Front row: B. O’Shea (9), G. Intemerato (7) B.Northeast (7), P.Rohan, C. Mora (7), L.Hume (10) Back row: J.O’Neill (9), J. Joseph (10), C.Gately (10), Y. Sohn (10), J. Gardiner (10), K. Maul (10), C. Priest (10), L. Hall104 Absent: C. Chant (9), I. Zheng-Renner (9), A. Secomb (9), A. Vargiu (9), N. Payne (9), K. Chronis (7), J. Carroll (7), M. Wegmuller (10), E. Denison (10) L. Collins