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College Principal’s Report

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It hardly seems credible that I am already writing the end of year report for Blue and Gold – my first year in the new role has flown by and so much has happened in our wonderful school. First and foremost I would like to thank all in the De La Salle College community for the warm welcome and the ongoing support and cooperation I have been given in all areas. In their approach to me and in their daily interactions, staff, students and parents have all confirmed my memory from my time here in the late ’90s that De La Salle College is a special place. My decision to apply for the role was in part based on my recollection of that intangible, difficult to describe ‘De La school spirit’; the identity which any Old Collegian will tell you is part of the fabric of the College. I am thrilled to report after one year in the position that spirit certainly lives on and is embraced by the graduating Class of 2014 as strongly as ever. This is a fine school, where the inherent dignity of each student is paramount and where teachers work in traditional Lasallian fashion; together and by association. I am delighted after one year in to confirm that, aligned with many positive and progressive changes, our Catholic identity and Lasallian virtues remain our defining characteristics. Firstly, I must thank the entire staff – teaching and non-teaching – who contribute so much to the daily life of the College. The relationships between staff and students at De La Salle are healthy, strong and positive; demonstrating key elements of our Lasallian ethos through their individual care and attention to all, regardless of their role. In particular I would like to acknowledge the College Executive for their dedication, countless hours of work and their adaptability and flexibility to deal with all that comes with running a school of 1,140 boys – and all done with good grace and humour! Deputy Principals Tom Ryan and Mark Gustincic, Heads of Campus Luke Kenealy (Kinnoull) and John McAlroy (Tiverton) and Business Manager Ann Corcoran have provided immeasurable support, advice and wisdom, borne of many years’ experience. While perhaps not technically a member of Executive, Principal’s PA Sandy Wreford’s tireless efficiency and attention to detail keeps us all on track, for which we owe her a great debt. Working with our College Board has been uplifting and educational. The various Directors all bring unique gifts to the group; they are astute, strategic and operate with a clear focus on improving the College and, of critical importance, its outcomes for our young men. I must thank Chair, Tony Morwood for his encouragement and confidence in the new Principal, Deputy Chair, Damien Nolan, Anne Arbon, Maureen Salter, Br Chris Gorringe, Br Peter Smyth, Mark Parker and Michael Skerrett. They all operate with vision, decisiveness and clarity for the betterment of our College and I am very grateful for their time and expertise.

College Board College Executive

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