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Pastoral Care

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De La Sport Teams

This year has been a wonderful year at De La Salle College. In the tradition of St John Baptist de La Salle pastoral care at the College places emphasis on the development of the whole person. This includes the physical, spiritual, emotional, social and academic needs of each student in our care. In Lasallian tradition it also emphasises participation in the life of the College and service to others as key elements of being part of a community. In the area of Pastoral Care, a key goal for the staff was to further develop the strong, supportive relationships with the students. From the student management point of view we further refined our class management procedures, with emphasis on courtesy and respect, to foster a spirit of brotherhood and maximise learning outcomes for each student. The College year commenced very smoothly and we welcomed our new Principal, Mr Peter Houlihan. As a College we were proud to induct our College Student Leaders and acknowledge the fine achievements by the Class of 2013 at the Investiture Ceremony in February. The College Leaders chose the motto “Men of Action; Men of Prayer” to guide their activities and be a source of inspiration to the entire student body. The highly successful Mission Action Day whole College fundraising event in March raised over $100,000 and was a tangible example of the College community actively working towards a common goal. These monies raised through the outstanding generosity of the De La Salle community assisted the Lasallian Foundation and directly supported the College’s involvement in the Coolies program in India and Lasallian communities in PNG and the Philippines. Involvement by all students in the co-curricular life of the College is a key element of developing a sense of belonging and identity as young men. In 2014 the College continued to create as many opportunities as possible for students to participate in a wide range of activities, including sport, such as the large number of ACC teams; the performing arts, such as the beautifully presented College Production Footloose; music events like ACCent on Music or the many College music bands and ensembles; and social justice initiatives such as fundraisers, community service activities and trips. These events this year gave so many of our young men the opportunity to develop their talents and skills not only for themselves by for others as well. Wonderful College spirit was demonstrated at our major sporting events; the Athletics, Cross-Country and Swimming Carnivals. A feature of these events was the terrific leadership by College Student Leaders and the enthusiastic involvement of students across all year levels. Our Founders Day celebration in May was a significant event; as a College we stopped to reflect on the legacy of St John Baptist de La Salle and our College patrons. Fr Michael Twigg OMI celebrated Mass for us and this was followed by a spectacular afternoon of fun activities and celebrations at Kinnoull, organised by the College Student Leaders. In October each year the College farewells the Graduating Class. This was another example of the Lasallian spirit alive at the College. A day of celebrations included the Year 12 Breakfast, complimented by a very moving Farewell Assembly, and prayerful Graduation Mass. The day was one of many emotions for staff, students and families and culminated in the spectacular Valedictory Dinner at the MCG. Preparations are well underway for 2015. The Pastoral Care Review Committee chaired by Mr John McAlroy and The Uniform Review Committee chaired by Mr Luke Kenealy commenced work in Term 3 and will make recommendations to the College Executive in Term 1, 2015. These committees involved many hours of collaborative work by a representative group of staff, students and parents working together. The recommendations will assist with restructuring of pastoral care systems and structures in 2015. This year the College was also able to initiate many family oriented activities. The Year 7 Mother and Son Night and Year 8 Father and Son Night as well as the Mother’s Day and Father’s Day Breakfasts, complemented the many year level based personal development programs, including our Retreat programs for Years 9 to 11. In reflecting on this year at the College, the foundation has been laid to further enhance our pastoral care and co-curricular opportunities for all students. On behalf of all the staff, thank-you to all members of the De La Salle College community for their support and involvement throughout 2014. Mr Tom Ryan

Deputy Principal – Pastoral Care and Organisation

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