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La Salle Green Hills Cultural Exchange
La Salle Green Hills Cultural Exchange 2014
The 2014 Philippines Cultural Exchange to La Salle Green Hills in Manila proved to be a humbling and empowering experience. The detailed itinerary provided by La Salle Green Hills ensured that the boys were immersed in Filipino culture and were able to witness the importance and impact of the work done to assist the poor by our Lasallian communities. Poverty is ‘in your face’ but my second visit to Jamie Hilario School in Bagac renewed my faith that we can make a difference. The substantial building construction at the school, as well as the growth of the housing village attached to the school, demonstrated the impact of the contributions that De La Salle as well as other Lasallian communities. We also had the opportunity to work with ANCOP, (Answering the Cry of the Poor). We spent the day working with the residents of a housing project as they constructed low cost housing for the homeless, directly underneath the fight path of the international airport. We also spent a day with the ‘Integrated learning Program’ where volunteers and retired teachers run classes for those who have left school without any qualifications. We had the chance to meet some of these students and even made some home visits. There is something very real about sitting in a room, smaller than my bathroom at home, which sleeps five people, listening to a 35 year old taxi driver explain why he left school at grade three and how getting his diploma will open up so many more opportunities for him. The support and assistance of Maria Hawley and Andrew Wozencroft on the exchange proved to be invaluable, as too was the presence of Peter Houlihan for the first five days of the trip.
Mr David Happ Philippines Exchange Coordinator The Philippines was an experience I’ll never forget. Seeing the way that some people live really makes you realise how easy we have it here in Australia. There were kids as young as four who were running around on the streets wearing next to nothing. It made me realize the great disparity in wealth that exists in the world. Visiting villages in places like Bagac was an eye opener. It was hard to believe how people could survive in the primitive conditions. It was a far cry from the comforts of Melbourne. Yet what struck us was that they were all so happy, no matter what their hardships. Every person we met had a smile on their face, and in turn we felt good, as Lasallians, giving them a helping hand. I will now never take things for granted. I now know there are millions in the world, people like these Filipinos, who have little material wealth but are happy and grateful for the gift of life. Jacson Lalande Year 10