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De La Sport Teams

De La Sport Teams

The next day, my friends and I returned to see if we could make a comeback in the new challenge. The challenge required us to construct a paper tower with a styrofoam cup on top, that could hold fifty millimetres of water and stand the tallest amongst the other group’s towers. We created our tower that we believed would be stronger than our city’s magnificent infrastructure. We soon realised this stuff was best left to engineers, but we remained ambitious. We migrated to the lab next door and studied marine wildlife from a lake, under instruction from the extravagant-suit-wearing Mr Bourke. I can certainly say my friends and I truly enjoyed these activities. I would like to thank the teachers and staff who made these activities possible.

Daniel Papalia Year 8

(An aileron is a hinged surface in the trailing edge of an aeroplane wing, used to control the roll of the aeroplane. The empennage is the tail assembly of an aeroplane, consisting of vertical and horizontal stabilisers, including the fin, rudder and elevator.)

The Mathematics Department at De La Salle has been promoting problem solving in 2014; 8 Benilde, Hegarty and Jerome participated in a Maths problem solving competition where students worked as groups of six on a variety of problems. Twenty-four Year 7, 8 and 9 students have taken part in a Mathematics Challenge which poses students with extended challenging problems, facilitated by Mr Larry Evans. Some of our high performing Year 7, 8 and 10 Mathematics students took part in the statewide Maths Games days organised by the Mathematical Association of Victoria. Thank you to Mr Larry Evans, Ms Aoife Bermingham and Ms Janet Holden for accompanying students to the Games Days. We also had a large number of students competing in the Australian Mathematics Competition in August with some excellent results including 94 credits, 27 distinctions and 3 High Distinctions. Special mention goes to Jason Kim (7 Roland), Liam Jenkins (7 Hegarty) and Jordan Burns (8 Solomon) who all achieved High Distinctions placing them in the top 1% of the state. Well done to all who took part.

In addition to scheduled Mathematics classes, after school Mathematics help for students has run all year at Kinnoull on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays with the help of senior students, and at Tiverton on Wednesdays and Thursdays. Thanks to staff and students who have been helping at these sessions.

Ms Lucy Russell Mathematics Coordinator

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