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Work Experience / Blood Bank
Work Experience

Year 10 students explored a wide range of industries in work experience week this year – veterinary practices, graphic design studios, architects, legal practices, real estate, building companies, engineering firms and many more. Three placements stood out. The first was with two students who went to Holmesglen TAFE and completed a week of training in bricklaying, not a traditional work experience placement but an industry where employers are desperate for suitable workers. These two boys were able to make an accurate assessment of their interest and suitability for this industry after one week. Staff at Holmesglen were very impressed with their work. The second was a group of six students who explored the industry of engineering. In conjunction with Engineers Australia and NHP Industries in Richmond, these students worked on a problem of energy conservation and the installation of solar power in this workplace. The students were given the problem, assigned particular staff at NHP to advise them, access to technology to research the issue and guidelines on how to present their findings. At the end of the week the students made a presentation to school staff, their parents and key people at NHP about their findings and then presented a formal report to the Managing Director. The boys learnt much about teamwork, about technology, about deadlines and about what is required in an engineering work place. All the adults present where very impressed with their findings. The third was about Kieran Walsh who organised his own work placement in Perth with Hockey Australia. As a keen hockey player himself it was his dream to train and work alongside the Hockeyroos and the Kookaburras. He made contact with the High Performance Director of the Hockeyroos, who was very impressed with his initiative, and then made all the arrangements to go to Perth with his dad. Here are some excerpts from his work experience diary. “We went on a tour of Perth Stadium. I used SportsCode, a program which enables the coach and players to see certain plays. After I had finished the office part of the job I was lucky enough to be able to stay on and be involved in the Kookaburra’s training. On day 2 I went across to Curtain gym at 7am to begin a strength training session with the Hockeyroos. On day 4 I was fortunate enough to have a photo taken with the Kookaburras. My week ended by attending the Glasgow 2014 farewell lunch where the squad for the Commonwealth Games was presented. I do not have one highlight, the whole week was incredible. Thanks to all the staff and players. Not everyone who does work experience gets to sit with a world cup behind their desk.” Ms Carmel Smart 87 87 Careers

Blood Bank
Since the Mobile unit of the Red Cross Blood service began collecting at De La Salle College 1100 donations have been made. This year there were only two visits to the College due to changes in rules that ensure under 18 year olds donate only once in a 12 month cycle. I am very proud of the fact that so many students volunteer, to the extent that we have to turn some away due to allocated beds being so quickly filled. We have booked two visits in 2015, in March and September.

Mr Kevin Hunter Blood Bank Coordinator