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Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre

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De La Sport Teams

De La Sport Teams

“De La Salle College is a Catholic College in the Lasallian tradition, enabling students in a community of faith and excellence to achieve their full potential with integrity and distinction.” (Mission Statement) In 2014, the dedicated staff of the Mary MacKillop Enhancement Centre have worked consistently with students with special learning needs to assist them in accessing the curriculum. St John Baptist de La Salle said, “Know your students individually and be able to understand them.” (Med 33.1) We believe that all students can experience success when learning outcomes are based on realistic and achievable goals. The words of our patron, St Mary of the Cross, echo the attitude and reflect the commitment of the MMEC staff, “We must teach more by example than by word”. (1867) This year, the staff included specialist teachers Mrs Gemma Austin, Mrs Eve McLellan, Mrs Jacinta Ryan, Mrs Carmel Dwyer, Mrs Christine Thompson, Mrs Catherine Loft (Semester 1), and Mrs Courtney Walton/Ms Haylene Peipert (Semester 2) and Learning Support Officers Ms Michele O’Mahoney, Mrs Jackie McKinnon, Ms Muriel West, Mrs Freda Siomos, Mrs Gabrielle Windley, Mrs Melanie Livera and Ms Kerrie Harman. This team of dedicated educators worked with students who have special learning needs, across all year levels from Year 4 to Year 12. This year, 59 students were funded under the CEO LNSLN program, and received in class support from our LSOs. They collaborated with teaching staff and parents to facilitate and support the individual learning needs of these students. Regular Program Support Group (PSG) meetings occur for students where issues of academic planning and pastoral care are discussed with parents. Decisions from these meetings are implemented by MMEC staff, parents and teachers, to enhance student learning and maximise effective teaching. Many other PSG meetings also occur for other students with additional needs (SWANs) whose conditions are not funded e.g. Dyslexia. Overall some students have modified programs, whilst others qualify for special provisions in class time, during assessment tasks, and in exams. The MMEC facilitate these throughout the year, especially at exam time. The Literacy Support classes continued again this year, with four groups at Years 7 and 8, four groups at Year 9 and two groups at Year 10, with a total enrolment of 120 students. These students have experienced the expertise of the MMEC teaching staff in assisting them to improve their literacy skills and, in Years 9 and 10, developing knowledge and skills in some Humanities areas. I wish to thank my wonderful team for their caring dedication, perseverance and professionalism as they work to enhance the lives of our students. I also acknowledge the support from our Principal, Mr Peter Houlihan, Deputy Principals, Mr Tom Ryan and Mr Mark Gustincic, Heads of Campus, Mr John McAlroy

Standing: Eve McLellan, Melanie Livera, Freda Siomos, Muriel West, Jacinta Ryan, Carmel Dwyer, Jackie McKinnon Seated: Michele O’Mahoney, Kerrie Harman, Kathie Holmes, Gemma Austin, Gabrielle Windley, Courtney Walton Absent: Christine Thompson, Catherine Loft, Haylene Peipert and Mr Luke Kenealy, and all members of the Curriculum Standing Committee. “To touch the hearts of your students is the greatest miracle you can perform.” (Med 139.3—feast of St Peter). Mrs Kathie Holmes MMEC Coordinator

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