Publication and Design Dee Houlihan De La Salle Marketing and Communications Manager
Production and Sarah Pudelko

De La Salle Marketing and Communications Officer

Publication and Design Dee Houlihan De La Salle Marketing and Communications Manager
Production and Sarah Pudelko
De La Salle Marketing and Communications Officer
As I reflect on 2022 and prepare to write this year’s Blue and Gold article, my mind immediately returns to January 2021. No, not January 2022 as you might think, but why so? As this year got underway and we rolled into the first week or two, I was a little haunted by the optimism and positivity of the beginning of last year, when we thought being back onsite was permanent and lockdowns and remote learning were behind us. Sadly, that wasn’t the case in 2021, so while we were all more cautious, it was very exciting to return for 2022 with virtual surety we would be here all year.
We enjoyed a very positive start to the academic year. It was terrific to see students so happy to be back and from my Principal’s view, I observed firsthand the tremendous amount of work staff put into supporting students in their learning, wellbeing, spirituality and co-curricular pursuits. Term 2 was very challenging as staff and student numbers were decimated by a combination of COVID-19 and flu infections but through a school-wide spirit of resilience, collaboration and support, we were able to largely maintain normal operations with minimum activities reduced or cancelled.
This was the pattern we established generations ago as a Lasallian school, where positive staff – student relationships are at the core of how we operate so successfully. Supporting students as they returned from nearly two years offsite demanded a great deal of staff. The capacity to exercise creativity, care, resilience and strategic thinking in equal measure meant staff were able to recognise what their students needed and work on delivering solutions.
It was terrific to celebrate the academic achievements of our Class of 2021 onsite in a return to our traditional Academic Awards Assembly in February, with proud parents in attendance after a gap of two years. Our 2021 VCE results placed us in the top four Catholic boys’ schools in Victoria, a great testament to the efforts of staff and students during the rigours of remote learning.
The 2022 Mission Action Day was a major fundraising success, with the MAD Committee working on a fresh approach to marketing and launching the annual walkathon. Using an online fundraising platform for the first time, this streamlined system yielded more than $80,000 from students’ sponsors. The bulk of this goes to support critical works at Lasallian schools in Pakistan and Sri Lanka, with the balance distributed among local charities.
The De La Salle community was saddened by the tragic death of much-loved teacher, Ken Stokes, on 1 May. Over his 24 years at the College, Ken proved himself as a wonderful teacher and valued friend and colleague to so many. We were honored to host Ken’s family for a moving whole school memorial service where we celebrated his life and legacy.
The most significant development for 2022 was the announcement that after several years of negotiations, the owners of the College, the Trustees of the De La Salle Brothers, were transferring ownership to Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS). The College Board has been working with the Trustees to ensure we continue building on our proud 110 year history of academic excellence.
This is indeed great news for our community, as our agreement with MACS secures a strong and long-term future for our growing community. With Year 7, 2023 enrolments increasing by 41 per cent it is an ideal time to finalise our Master Plan in conjunction with MACS. This will deliver significant building works with new facilities planned for Performing and Visual Arts and Food Technology, among others.
The co-curricular life of the College continued to grow and develop this year. We entered into a partnership with One on One Football to enhance our Australian Rules program with ex-AFL coaches, a junior development squad and online professional learning for our own coaches. The High Performance Sports Program is slowly unfolding, with the first programs run for football, (the Kennedy Club) soccer and basketball in 2022. Plans are well underway for the Agar Academy for young cricketers, a De La Salle swimming club and specialised athletics coaching.
The Arts also expanded with High School Musical staged with Our Lady of the Sacred Heart after two years of planning and rehearsing. The VCE Drama students’ outstanding production of Almost, Maine was a highlight, as was the ACCent on Music concert at Hamer Hall. The second musical collaboration with Siena College was a great success and the regular scheduling of many music concerts demonstrated the amazing quality of our Music program and the development of our musicians.
I am very proud of the way all in the De La Salle community bounced back in 2022, with staff and students achieving and contributing so very much. I am deeply appreciative of the efforts of all our wonderful staff, we are privileged to work with such tremendous young men and their families. Thank you to all our fantastic parents for your support and especially to the Parent Network for their community-minded work.
I wish you a happy, holy and safe Christmas and holiday period. We wish the graduating Class of 2022 well and look forward to seeing the rest of our families next year.
Peter Houlihan – Principal
2022 – the 110th year of the College’s illustrious existence – will be remembered as the year the De La Salle Trustees transferred ownership and oversite of the College to Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools (MACS). This has been many years in the planning.
The transfer of the ownership of the school secured the College’s existence. There will be no changes to staff, leadership or educational approach. The Board, working with MACS and the Trustees, have ensured we maintain our beloved Lasallian charism, our treasured Malvern site, our Blue and Gold livery, and our famous blazer and crest.
In addition to continuing the College’s Lasallian presence, we will soon resurrect our long planned and much delayed capital building program. We will engage with staff, parents, and alumni to determine priorities which will include contemporary, state of the art facilities including VET Hospitality and Food Technology, Visual Arts, Design and STEM as well as an enhanced Performing Arts department.
In the longer term, the College is in discussions with MACS to build enrolments via the possibility of extending our intake to include students below Year 5 and the introduction of other initiatives.
The Board would like to acknowledge Peter Houlihan, his talented and dedicated Executive Team, and every College staff member for their efforts this year.
I am fortunate to lead a talented, capable and dedicated Board, who work to ensure the good governance of the College. In 2022, we believe we have enabled the transfer via wise strategy and ensured the College is financially strong and so securing our future.
This will be my last report to the College community as Chair. Many of the current directors, including myself, will stay as members of a formal De La Salle Advisory Council to ensure continuity and support for MACS in their governance role.
Richard Mullaly – Chair of Board
Richard Mullaly (Chair)
Allison Shannon (Deputy Chair)
Sir Br Patrick Lynch
Paul Shannon
Richard Halasa
Mark Parker
Libby Barnes
It has been an exceptional year for the College Executive Team and I am deeply grateful for their superb leadership, direction and contributions in 2022. Each of their portfolios have delivered challenges to be overcome in the transition back to permanent onsite learning and these have invariably been tackled with vision, strategy, care and support.
Jessica Alger, Deputy Principal – Students has been extraordinary in her role this year, the architect and leader in supporting the myriad wellbeing issues confronting students. Jessica and her team play a huge role in the positive mindset of our students.
Rana Brogan, Deputy Principal – Identity and Mission has worked hard to develop and enhance the Religious Education programs in 2022. This, coupled with her organisation of the return of many of our traditional liturgical and social justice events, encompasses the spiritual life of the College.
Tom Ryan is stepping away from his position as Deputy Principal – Staff and Operations after two five year contracts. After a very well deserved six months long service leave in Semester Two, Tom departs his role with a wonderful record of Lasallian service to staff and community. Tom returns as a part-time teacher in 2023.
Mark Gustincic, Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching is also on long service leave this Semester and concludes his ten years in the role at the end of the year. Mark has a terrific list of achievements in his tenure here; delivering a new IT system, a laptop program, redesigning the leadership of learning and professional development.
Joe Gehrig completed his first full year as Business Manager and played a pivotal role in the transition to MACS. Joe has embraced the broad spectrum of the role and is leading improvements and efficiencies in finance, administration and fundraising.
I am indebted to David Alexander, Acting Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching and Rob Bonnici, Acting Deputy Principal – Staff and Operations for stepping into these roles in Semester Two and doing an outstanding job. We were indeed fortunate to have two professionals of such high quality step in.
Peter Houlihan – Principal
Peter Orlando
The 2022 cohort will leave De La Salle with great friendships that will last a lifetime.
As the Class of 2022 prepare for final exams, exhibitions and end of year results, we reflect on what has occurred during our schooling life.
Over the past three years there has been constant change and the Class of 2022 has embraced the changes and challenges presented to us. This great school has one constant – the culture of brotherhood that enables young boys to develop into caring young men and facilitates life long friendships. Whether you are a recent graduate or a more seasoned Alumni, these are the constants that De La Salle students speak about.
Year 12 is a challenging year for many reasons but our teachers continue to be an amazing support for us. They keep us on track, help us over the hurdles and always have our best interests at heart. Without this group of dedicated professionals, we would not be the young men we have developed into. It is important we acknowledge the impact our teachers have on our development and success – thank you.
“Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future.” That’s not just some cool quote or a random idea from Google, it’s a Biblical concept. In Proverbs 13:20, Solomon, wrote: “He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.”
The 2022 cohort will leave De La Salle with great friendships that will last a lifetime and that will shape our lives for years to come. These friendships are made in the College corridors, on the grounds we play on, during the work we do and on the camps we enjoy. They are made as we become caught up in each other and build a friendship of love.
An old Jewish proverb says: “A friend is one who warns you.” Fools don’t do that. They’re caught up in themselves, but a true friend is caught up in YOU.
“A friend loveth at all times.” You can have 1,000 people on your Instagram page and have none of them be a true friend. Why? Because “a friend loveth at all times.”
We look back and think to ourselves – how lucky are we that we have embraced change and allowed ourselves to be part of this journey. How lucky are we to have such great memories from our years at school.
One last thought, I was driving (on L’s) to school a few weeks ago and I never noticed this before but the address for De La Salle is 1318 High Street, most of us come here as 13 year old boys and leave as 18 year old young men. How appropriate!
Peter Orlando – College Captain
Though the pandemic still affected our schooling life, we were fortunate to not have any lockdowns this year. Being granted with a return to normalcy meant plenty of opportunities for leadership. Whilst I missed out on events such as the Swimming Carnival due to isolation, I feel immensely proud of other goals that were achieved this year.
St Edwin’s House Captain, Benjamin King, and I addressed the College staff at the International Women’s Day Breakfast, speaking about outdated views and opinions that we sought to separate from. As a leadership group, we have endeavoured to improve the mental health of students across all Year Levels. I have also pushed for the introduction of a more inclusive environment for LGBTQIA+ students at the College, something I feel passionate about.
I would like to thank Mr Houlihan, Ms Alger and Mr Mackintosh for their assistance in student leadership this year. I am proud to have been College Vice Captain of a fantastic Class of 2022. I wish everyone good luck for their future efforts.
Sean MacNamara – College Vice Captain and Debating Captain
Rana Brogan
To dream is very much a part of St John Baptist de La Salle’s story as he gifted us with what is now a worldwide system of education.
2022 has been an encouraging and hopeful year in the Identity and Mission sphere.
Our annual Lenten Liturgy saw us gather in the College gymnasium as our Year 12 College leaders led us in praying the Stations of the Cross. This important prayer pilgrimage is a powerful way to grow closer to Jesus during the Lenten season and prepares us for Easter through prayer and reflection.
For the first time since the lifting of restrictions, we were able to host our annual Staff Formation Day. Set aside to nourish our Lasallian spirituality, we were led by Br Peter Ryan fsc, to reflect and deepen our understanding of what it is to be a distinctly Lasallian community.
We also held our new staff induction and formation sessions for staff who have joined us during the COVID-19 restrictions. We are committed to nurturing our staff and developing their understanding of College history and of the story of the Founder, St John Baptist de La Salle. It is important to us that we instil a commitment and deep respect for the Lasallian charism within all staff to create a community that enables staff and students to grow and act in a spirit of Christian faith and love, where the Five Core Lasallian Principles are recognised in all that we do.
Principal, Peter Houlihan, and I travelled to Sydney for the annual Lasallian Leaders Gathering. “To dream is our way forward” was the focus of the event. To dream is very much a part of St John Baptist de La Salle’s story as he gifted us with what is now a worldwide system of education. The Lasallian Leaders Gathering allowed us to mix with fellow Lasallians from Australia, New Zealand, Pakistan and Papua New Guinea. I was humbled to be invited to participate in a panel with fellow Lasallian women to present “The Role and Influence of Women in the Lasallian Mission” followed by a discussion session. This annual occasion provides us with the opportunity to listen to extraordinary speakers, share learnings and experiences on contemporary education practice and the liveliness of our Lasallian charism.
My wish for all is that as we conclude this year, through our gentle hearts and through a demonstration of kindness towards family, colleagues and our students. May we creatively renew and recreate the work begun by St John Baptist de La Salle and his first community.
Rana Brogan – Deputy Principal, Identity and Mission
Once again, our College Opening and Welcome Mass took on a different look and feel to its traditional setting at St Patrick’s Cathedral due to COVID-19 restrictions in places of worship. Celebrating in the Br James Taylor Gymnasium on the Tiverton Campus, the sense of community and family spirit in welcoming the new members to our De La Salle family was certainly not hindered.
It was wonderful to welcome our new Primary and Year 7 students into our De La Salle College family, as well as acknowledging our newly inducted College Captains into their leadership roles. We were also graced with the presence of Reverend Fr Kevin McGovern from St Cecilia’s Parish who presided over the Mass. Rana Brogan – Deputy Principal, Identity and Mission
On Friday 8 April 2022, students gathered at Basil Street Oval in East Malvern in preparation for a 13km walk along Gardiner’s Creek Trail. This walk has become the public face of the signature fundraising event at the College – Mission Action Day, more colloquially known as MAD!
MAD 2022 unfolded as another outstanding day for our community. The campaign to provide support to Lasallian projects was very successful. A new collection platform called My Cause was introduced to enable students to seek sponsorship in a safe and efficient way. Over $80,000 was raised, a truly magnificent effort. Most of these funds, prioritised by our Lasallian Foundation, will be distributed to projects in Sri Lanka and Pakistan. The remainder will target local charities providing food relief (Sacred Heart Mission and Malvern Food Relief), Christmas hampers (Foundation House) and youth services (Camp Lasalle and St Joseph’s Outreach).
Congratulations to Charlie Jones, who once again was awarded the Ian Oliver Shield for top money raiser in the College with an individual total of $2,080. St Mark’s House was awarded the inaugural MAD House Shield for the highest House total of $19,585 and Year 9 Taylor had the highest class total of $4,502.
While these efforts certainly deserve our recognition, the Mission Action Day campaign is a community effort and the MAD committee’s commitment and work prior to and on the day was simply outstanding. Our heartfelt thanks go out to all staff, students, parents, Old Collegians, families and friends who contributed to our 2022 effort. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
Chris Martin – Mission Action Day Coordinator
After graduating from De La Salle in 2017, I returned as the Lasallian Youth Minister for 2022. At the beginning of the year I was not sure what to expect.
I now know that the Lasallian Youth Minister role is unique and special. Teetering the balance between a staff member and a relatable mentor figure to the students is not always easy, but the College community has allowed me to provide ministry in my own way.
In my role I get to enjoy the best parts of working within a school, supporting reflection days, excursions, ACC sport and whole College events.
The highlight by far has been walking alongside the students of the College. Every student at De La Salle is their own individual and each possess an endearing quality that fills me with pride knowing that the De La Salle students continue to reflect Lasallian principles and heritage.
Leon Lymbouris –Lasallian Youth Minister
I have taken great pleasure in being the 2022 St Austin’s House Lasallian Captain. It was a privilege to be involved in various aspects of the College’s faith and liturgy program such as helping organise St Austin’s House Charity week and contributing ideas at the Social Justice Committee.
One of my highlights was meeting other Lasallian students at the biennial Lasallian Youth Gathering in Sydney. This gathering showed me how big our Lasallian community really is and opened my eyes to the level of community that we all partake in by just being at a Lasallian school.
I thoroughly enjoyed my leadership role in 2022 and commend De La Salle on all the fundraisers and activities they organise to truly help the less fortunate.
Roch Dargan – St Austin’s House Lasallian Captain
The experience that I have had as a Lasallian leader this year has been really fun and engaging, through the hard work at carnivals, House competitions and my involvement in the Social Justice Committee.
The Lasallian Captains travelled to Sydney this year to the Lasallian Youth Gathering at La Salle, Bankstown. We spent time with the other Lasallian schools around Australia and we gained a deeper understanding of the Lasallian values and heritage. Hopefully the 2022 student leaders have left a lasting impact on the College for the future.
Benjamin Wayman – St Edwin’s House Lasallian Captain
I have been honored to represent St Leo’s House and have witnessed the continued success of the House culture and growth of the St Leo’s House students.
This year has offered a wide variety of great experiences. I was fortunate enough to attend the Lasallian Youth Gathering held in Sydney, providing a deeper perspective of the work of De La Salle schools, enabling myself and others to gain a scope of the wider Lasallian community.
Moving into 2023 and years to come, I hope that the 2022 leaders have inspired others to make a difference and have made a lasting positive impact on the College.
William Orton – St Leo’s House Lasallian Captain
This is it, the ending of a memorable chapter as a new one is arriving, an even more exciting journey, one that will set me up for the future. Over my last nine years at De La Salle, there’s a few things that have stood by me through my challenges and achievements and that’s the relationships and support from within the College gates with teachers, mates and the community. These relationships have shaped me to be a better leader and Lasallian. Being able to express my curiosity and passion with others is fantastic.
Thanks De La Salle for shaping who I am today and where I’ll go tomorrow. Good luck to the future students that graduate De La Salle and cheers to memories forever held.
Pete Pearse – St Mark’s House Lasallian Captain
Social Justice is alive and well at De La Salle College, and as ever, has an enviable reputation for both our fundraising initiatives and our social justice awareness programs. Each student is encouraged to participate in the Lasallian core principles of social justice, respect and inclusiveness for those on the margins. Students are challenged to think of others and in Term 2 are asked to donate winter items such as coats, jackets and blankets to St Vincent de Paul. During Term 3 and in the lead up to our Social Justice Mass, our commitment is to make a difference by donating non-perishable food items and toiletries to support the following organisations:
n Year 5 – 6 students are involved in supporting St Joseph’s Outreach Food Services
n Year 7 – 9 students are involved in supporting Sacred Heart Mission
n Year 10 – 12 students are involved in supporting Malvern Emergency Food Bank
Along with this and ensuring the ongoing support of Lasallian missions and projects, each House also continued to support, through a variety of fundraising initiatives and advocacy, the following organisations and charities:
n St Austin’s House — Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office
n St Edwin’s House — St Vincent de Paul
n St Leo’s House — Caritas
n St Mark’s House — Opening the Doors Foundation
As tradition would have it, our annual Social Justice Mass sees us recognise our call as Lasallians to make a difference to the last, the least and the lost. The Social Justice Mass is our commitment to supporting those in need and demonstrates directly how we at De La Salle, live the message of the gospel; “I was hungry and you gave me food,” (Matthew 25:35).
St John Baptist de La Salle’s mission and vision was that a concern for the poor would become a shared concern for all Christians. This becomes realised through genuine experiences of solidarity and it is through the generosity of the De La Salle College students, families and staff that a difference in the lives of the needy and vulnerable in our community is made by the overwhelming generous donations throughout Term 3.
Rana Brogan – Deputy Principal, Identity and Mission
Jessica Alger
Staff and students have learned the value of supporting each other, talking openly about mental health and wellbeing, and the importance of respectful, inclusive and positive relationships.
2022 has been a year of contradictions – we’ve all craved a return to ‘normality’ but have had to learn to live in a world forever changed through the events of the last few years. We are keen and eager for new experiences, and yet at times tired and overwhelmed by all that life involves.
The year has brought many things that were longed for during 2020 and 2021. We have had a return to exciting activities such as sporting events, school camps, excursions and incursions, the Year 12 Formal and the newly created Year 11 Social. We have had ballroom dancing, Respectful Relationships forums and other activities with other schools in the area. We have had conversations in the school yard, laughter at recess and lunchtime, and face to face connections between staff and students that were missing in the last two years. It has been a pleasure to see the joy, exuberance and excitement of the day to day interactions that are a part of school life here at De La Salle.
As we adjust to life in 2022, there have been challenging times too. Staff and students have learned the value of supporting each other, talking openly about mental health and wellbeing, and the importance of respectful, inclusive and positive relationships. It has been wonderful to see the students of De La Salle grow and mature and learn how much they are capable of.
I would like to recognise the work done by Classroom Teachers, Mentor Teachers, Year Level and House Coordinators, Health Centre Staff, Psychologists, Directors of Students and Heads of Campus – they are truly the glue that keeps all three De La Salle campuses connected, whole and working smoothly to support our students.
As Deputy Principal – Students, I would also like to acknowledge our students. They are the reason we do the work we do, with the hope that we help shape the future through the young people in our care, who will live far beyond our lifetimes. In partnership with their parents, carers and guardians, we aim to shape the excellent young men of tomorrow.
Jessica Alger – Deputy Principal, Students
Frances Kospetas
Anthony Freeman
De La Salle College students consistently inspire us with their profound inner strength, resilience and adaptability.
“Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” ― Nelson Mandela
Reflecting on the beginning of 2022, many emotions come to mind, feelings of relief, nervousness of what was to come, contentment, hope, and happiness to start afresh. De La Salle College students consistently inspire us with their profound inner strength, resilience and adaptability, particularly after a difficult past few years with COVID-19.
Often, we would ponder the impact of the past two years on adolescents and how the students would find 2022. The adolescent brain has increased sensitivity levels during this developmental stage, making adolescents more vulnerable to stress throughout this time. In fact, a review by Kessler and colleagues (2007) found that half of all lifetime mental health disorders begin by 14 years of age. However, on a more positive note, according to the Stress Buffering Hypothesis, if adolescents perceive to be supported by family, their social network and their school, this can significantly reduce the impact of these negative effects on their mental health and negative outcomes.
We are both very privileged to be able to be let into the minds and lives of our students, to help support them and their mental health. We often admire the maturity and cognitive flexibility of the students and look forward to continuing to provide care into 2023.
Frances Kospetas and Anthony Freeman – College Psychologists
The GROW (Growing Responsibility for my Own Wellbeing) Program has gone from strength to strength at De La Salle in 2022. The GROW teachers have continued to invest their time, wisdom and expertise in the program, ensuring that it is tailored to the needs of students in each Year Level. We know that our students develop from Year 5 to Year 12, and have different social, emotional and psychological needs at every stage of their education.
GROW aims to support, develop and guide students through their education, providing them with the skills and knowledge to be healthy, happy and productive members of our College community, and the world beyond the College gates.
GROW encompasses Positive Education, Respectful Relationships, Sexuality and Consent Education, as well as Mental Health, Cyber Safety and Organisation skills. GROW promotes and develops the qualities of self-awareness, grit, dedication, help-seeking and positive purpose.
Jessica Alger – Deputy Principal, Students
Primary students have enjoyed their first De La Salle camp experience at The Ranch on the Mornington Peninsula. Students participated in horse riding, the giant swing, flying fox and a night walk. It was wonderful to see students working together, using their problemsolving skills and making new friends. We believe it assists with Secondary School transition and provides a valuable camp experience to build confidence leading into Year 7. It also takes students out of their comfort zone and provides a fun way to finish a very busy year in the De La Salle Primary School.
Martin Gibbs – Director of Students, (Middle Years)
The Year 7 Lord Somers Camp was a wonderful and adventurous experience. Students participated in numerous activities including stand up paddle boarding, screen printing, kayaking and raft building. The outdoor camp environment equipped students with innovative skills and knowledge across leadership, communication, resilience, confidence and friendships.
There were many highlights including nature and beach walks, sharing fun times with friends, trivia and karaoke nights along with eating together as a large group.
Patrizia Ferrara – Year 7, Year Level Coordinator
The Year 9 WISE Expedition took place at the end of Term 3 as the culminating event of the WISE program. This challenging two day hike saw students walk over 30 kilometres of either the Surf Coast or the Mornington Peninsula. Students spent numerous Discovery classes preparing for the expedition, learning how to use a trangia stove, set up a tent and planning their meals and camping essentials in groups. The expedition provided opportunities for both leadership and collaboration. Despite a rainy night, most students reflected positively, with many great memories and learnings coming from the expedition.
Susan Kiernan – Year 9 Head of Campus
David Alexander
Each year our curriculum continues to evolve to appropriately cater for the varied talents of our young men.
The best teachers in the world are those that show students where to look, but don’t necessarily tell them what to see.
De La Salle offers a broad range of subjects across the College – each of them leading to a positive learning experience. Often, student engagement is the byproduct of a positive school experience, from the experiential learning that happens across Music, Arts, Technology and Drama, to the competitive nature of practical classes in Physical Education. Equally, the positive curriculum experiences in Primary or the passion-led Inquiry opportunities at Year 9. The many varied incursions or excursions experienced provide scope for real world learning. Students are offered subjects that lead to a vocation versus those that prepare students for tertiary pathways. Each year our curriculum continues to evolve to appropriately cater for the varied talents of our young men.
It is obvious that teachers are able to accomodate best practice under constantly changing conditions. They understand where each student is at with their learning journey and equally know how to next challenge them. They can engage, captivate and personalise learning opportunities. Everyone remembers that teacher of theirs that went the extra mile and made a significant difference for them. Who was your favourite teacher this year?
The loyal College teaching staff and learning support staff deserve genuine recognition. De La Salle’s hardworking and big-hearted professionals give so much of themselves inside and outside the classroom. Collectively, they act as truly exemplary role models. I must recognise the profound expertise of each of the College Learning and Teaching Leaders alongside the Directors of Learning and Development. It would be remiss of me to not acknowledge Mark Gustincic who, since 2013, has shaped the reform of policy, practice and pedagogy at De La Salle. On the behalf of the wider Lasallian community I thank him for his work.
Finally, I wish Rob Bonnici every success as he immerses into a tenure as Deputy Principal, Learning and Teaching. The College is indeed in very good hands with him at the helm.
I have thoroughly enjoyed leading in this learning and teaching space over the course of Semester Two.
David Alexander – Deputy Principal, Learning and
The Science Learning Area has been a haven for developing various skills from kinesthetic approaches to high order thinking in developing and questioning the world around us. Students have been taking on the challenge of learning Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Psychology, Ingenuity, Coding and ICT programs across our new Science and Technology program.
Students in Years 5 and 6 all the way to our highly resourceful VCE students have benefited from practical activities, classroom and laboratory learning and participation in the annual Science Week.
As Science LATL, I am once again proud of the opportunities staff continue to offer the students. We provide a well-rounded Science understanding of the world around us and develop students to be the potential future experts in our society.
Justin Bourke – Lear ning Area Team Leader, Science
All Technology subjects have welcomed the return to the workshop with students embracing getting back to hands on learning. Staff have enjoyed the interaction with students and have been encouraged with the energy and the quality of work that students are producing in the workshop.
Year 7 and 8 students learn to use hand tools and basic power tools to design, build and evaluate practical projects.
Year 9 students further enhance their skills and knowledge of CAD and CAM to design and produce a solution to a problem.
F1 in Schools has been the focus of Year 10 Systems Engineering and STEM this year with students learning how to plan, design, build and evaluate a F1 racing car.
Computing students at Year 11 and 12 have been working on their student designed technology prototypes and programs. Year 11 students have made great use of CAD and CAM tools to quickly iterate on their prototypes.
With the integration of CAD and CAM, as well as traditional workshop techniques and working with various materials, this provides Technology students with the necessary skills and knowledge for further studies or work.
Warren Walker – Learning Area Team Leader, Technology
After a COVID-19 caused hiatus, English faculty staff and students have enjoyed the return of real-life literary experiences this year, augmenting our inclass activities. These included author presentations for students in Year 7 and 8, and performances of Romeo and Juliet and Macbeth by visiting theatre companies.
2022 also saw the launch of the inaugural Writer in Residence program, with 25 students from Years 7 to 11 participating in workshops with author Claire Saxby. In the words of one of our younger participants, this was a refreshing opportunity for students to sit together and hear “unique ideas and how everyone perceived topics differently” and how those were then “translated onto the page”. This builds on De La Salle’s tradition of nurturing creative writers, evidenced by our continuing involvement in the Shared Stories anthology of student writing.
Behind the scenes, English teachers have been refreshing text lists and planning programs for 2023, exploring new genres and ideas. As always, we are looking forward to fostering the creative energy and critical thinking of students at De La Salle both inside and beyond the English classroom.
Melissa Walsh – Learning Area Team Leader, English
“Pure mathematics is, in its way, the poetry of logical ideas” said Albert Einstein. De La Salle College understands the importance of mathematical education for our pupils and we aim to provide excellent resources and create opportunities for our students to grow.
Mathematics is a popular subject at De La Salle College, wherever possible, we incorporate extra-curricular activities to both support and extend the College’s Mathematics programs. These include student participation in the Computational and Algorithmic Thinking Competition, the Australian Mathematics Competition, the MAV Statewide Mathematics Games Day, the City Maths Trail, the after-school Maths Help and the Gifted and Talented Education program.
I would like to congratulate the students who participated in the programs mentioned above and the staff who dedicated their time in supporting our students. I look forward to another year full of activities and achievements.
Thomas Le – Learning Area Team Leader, Mathematics
Our Humanities team have led the charge of gaining greater depth and insight into the world as we know it. Below are some student reflections on their 2022 Humanities studies:
Geography and History always teach me something. Each lesson is unique and I always leave the classroom knowing that I’ll be able to apply the techniques and skills in the real world. – Heath R, Year 7
I enjoy History, Geography, Legal Studies and Politics. My experience with these subjects has been really positive so far. – Ross C, Year 8
Year 10 Geography was interesting and exciting. We learned about environmental change and the different ways it is managed. – Jim T, Year 10
I enjoyed studying Geography and loved the way it was presented. I was lucky to have such an inspiring teacher that mentored and guided me in the right direction and opened my mind to new possibilities. – Misha I, Year 10
When I tell people I study Politics at school, their response is usually shock as to why you would do something seemingly so boring. Fortunately, Global Politics is quite the opposite of boring. We’ve delved into China, the UN, the Russia-Ukraine conflict, terrorism, Apple, Shell and any other contemporary story worth speaking of. If you asked anyone in the class what their favourite subject is, most would rank this as number one. – Ben K, Year 12
Olivia Wenczel – Learning Area Team Leader, Humanities
Bienvienue to the Languages Department! We have had an amazing year and our students have been showing their passion and flair for Languages.
Our Year 5 and 6 Italian classes have doubled and their enthusiastic attitude toward their Italian classes is overwhelming! In Year 7 Language classes, students have loved role playing with their partner and have been amazed at how much they have learned.
The Year 8 Italian classes have celebrated Italian food and culture with restaurant scenes and a food tasting. They have become more confident speakers. The Year 9 students at Holy Eucharist experienced their inaugural Conversation Day, celebrating with French crêpes, trivia, soccer, petanque / bocce games and a woodfired pizza lunch.
Our VCE Language classes have been busy putting all their Language skills into practice. They are being guided along by their excellent teachers and we wish them all the very best for their upcoming written and oral exams.
Learning a language is a great way to open the mind and open the world to our students. Language learning is dynamic and powerful and assists students in understanding their own language and cultures in a different light. The Language teachers at De La Salle College encourage students to make the language jump off the page through many varied and exciting activities. Ask your son to tell you about what he has been doing in his Language class to find out more!
I thank our wonderful Language teachers who keep Languages alive at De La Salle.
Buon Natale et joyeaux Noël!
Grace Pasquino – Learning Area Team Leader, Languages
Religious Education encourages students to reflect on and share their own faith disposition, encourages dialogue, discussion and questioning. As such, the Religious Education classroom seeks to “nourish” so that they might “flourish.”
We offer a unique Religious Education curriculum program to the Year 12 cohort. The Year 12 Seminar Program is an integral part of the College’s Religious Education curriculum. As a Catholic College in the Lasallian tradition, we aim to nurture the integration of faith and life into our senior curriculum to help foster and inspire a practical and inclusive way forward into life after school. This year the Year 12 students were provided with opportunities to strengthen the spiritual aspect of their educational lives, to equip them on their life journey now, and into their hope-filled future by listening to eight guest presenters and then spending time with their seminar leaders in small break out groups discerning they key ideas. In addition to this, Reflection Days for Year 7 to 11 and the Year 12 Retreat were wonderful opportunities for all to take a step back, develop their reflective capabilities and nourish their personal faith journey through presentations, small group discussions and retreat style group activities.
Brogan – Deputy Principal, Identity and Mission
2022 has been an exciting year in the Health and Physical Education space. After two COVID-19 interrupted years, students have enthusiastically engaged in lessons at all three campuses.
The Health and Physical Education program plays a major role in not only the physical development of our students, but also the development of their mental, emotional, social and spiritual health and wellbeing.
The growing popularity of our Health and Human Development subject at Senior Year Levels allows students to further consolidate their understanding of the importance of actively improving all dimensions of health and wellbeing.
As well as developing fundamental motor skills, our curriculum encourages, challenges and enables our students to be physically active through experiential learning to develop healthy lifestyles.
This year, students engaged in active lessons involving athletics, swimming, invasion games, striking/fielding games, net/wall games and target games. Students also engaged in strength training in the College’s high-performance weights room.
The culture that we endeavor to instill at the College is for students to view movement and physical activity as an opportunity to grow. The benefits of movement and improved health and wellbeing allow benefits to be seen in all learning areas.
Matthew Whitty – Learning Area Team Leader, Health and Physical Education
What an exciting year it has been for Commerce students and staff alike. While the past two years has stifled economic growth and the economy alike, the lifting of lockdowns along with the support of vaccination programs have breathed new life into the economy.
This year has seen the reemergence of the importance of studying Commerce subjects particularly Economics. With the challenges of higher than expected inflation and accelerating economic growth, the Reserve Bank of Australia have had to move on increasing interest rates to slow down the rapid increases to the cost of living.
The Commerce faculty have been committed to our Annual Action Plan of increasing student engagement and the changes in the economy have naturally assisted staff to reinvigorate the classroom experience. In Business Management, the Year 12 class had the opportunity of visiting Yakult as part of the Unit 3, Area of Study 3 – Operations Management outcome. During this excursion, students investigated the operations systems of Yakult and applied their theoretical understanding of this outcome.
As always, I thank the wonderful Commerce staff that work tirelessly behind the scenes to enrich the classroom environment and bring their subjects to life.
Hoogendoorn – Learning Area Team Leader, Commerce
It was a pleasure to be a student in Ms Sayner’s Legal Studies Unit 3/4 class. From the beginning of the year I knew that the class fully encapsulated my interests in the legal and political structure of Australian society, supporting me in developing an understanding of the democratic process and its implications in the modern world. Learning about the constitution and how it protects the rights of individuals was a true highlight to my year.
Through Ms Sayner’s commitment to quality learning and quality work, she taught us essential skills we will use every day and in our upcoming exams. This includes fundamental structure of answers and study strategies to aid in the management of work, a skill I am sure every Year 12 can relate to! I thank Ms Sayner for all her commitment to the Year 12 students this year and assistance in our VCE journeys.
Daniel Van den Berg – Year 12 Legal Studies Student and St Leo’s House Captain
Despite our Debating record this year featuring only one victory by forfeit and a number of losses, the team gained a lot of great experience. Year 12 students including myself, Ralph, Aiden, Harry and Lucas all had an immense deal of fun along the way, despite the challenges that were presented, such as debating with only two speakers and arguing over the most obscure of topics.
I would like to say a huge thank you to the work of our teachers throughout the year. Ms Thompson, Ms Dwyer and Ms Diaz all assisted us before and at our fixtures, and our lunchtime brainstorms will be fondly remembered by everyone involved. We learnt not only to debate, but how to be confident in doing so. I hope that the next generation of De La Salle Debaters not only achieves slightly better results than us, but gains the same enjoyment and satisfaction we all did.
Sean MacNamara – College Vice Captain and Debating Captain
In 2022, we continued our relationship with Bill Jennings, offering Time & Space evenings to our Year 7 mothers and female carers, and Year 8 fathers and male carers.
These Time & Space events provide exactly that for our students and their families – the time and space to have meaningful conversations, to create deeper connections, and to gain insight into each other’s experiences.
Following the online events of 2020 and 2021, it was fantastic to host these events in the College’s gymnasium, and to witness firsthand the joy and warmth generated through the open communication and dialogue that occurs.
Life post-lockdown can often seem frantic and fraught, and the opportunity to take the time to focus on what matters –family, life and love – is powerful and undeniable. Thanks to Time & Space for allowing this to happen!
Jessica Alger – Deputy Principal, Students
De La Salle’s libraries provide an essential space of learning and support within the College. It has been wonderful to be back on site to demonstrate how much these spaces mean to us.
Although we have many online services including eBooks, eAudio books, encyclopedias and research guides, libraries are hubs of study, student collaboration and relaxation throughout the day. The programs are also more fun in person!
We collaborate with English teachers to support reading for pleasure with a Reading Program run from Years 5 to 9. This includes thematic book recommendations, support for students with reading disabilities, extension for enthusiastic readers and encouraging the setting of reading goals. Our Term 1 class competition for finishing a book is always fun and is supported with a huge library display showing how much each class has read. Who says reading is not competitive?
This year’s Book Week theme was “Dreaming with eyes open” and lunchtime activities included the annual literary quiz and making flip books. Students also made book trailers with two Year 7 groups winning awards.
The Tiverton library hosts an enthusiastic weekly book club, chess club, homework club after school and is a hive of reading, games and homework every lunchtime. Kinnoull library is full to bursting every day and the after-school late study group is very popular.
Thanks to my enthusiastic library staff team, Clare Kennedy-Curtis (Teacher Librarian), Marie Anderson (Library Technician) and Letitia Mandile (Library Technician).
Catherine Ryan – Library Team Leader
After years of being unable to run live events, the library relished 2022. In conjunction with the English faculty, the authors of the class novels were invited to present. Old Collegian and author of Runner, Robert Newton, presented live to Year 8 whilst Tristan Bancks, author of Two Wolves presented to Year 7 on the PAC’s big screen.
During Term 3 we decided to consolidate a few events through a Writer in Residence program. Visiting author, Claire Saxby, joined us for a week during which time she ran a three day workshop for our most talented writers from Years 7 to 11, presented at our Blokes and Books Breakfast, conducted workshops for all our Primary classes and attended many reading classes. She also attended the Book Club and tried to get a word in!
Later in the Term we ran De La Salle Reads!, based on the national Reading Hour program. The aim was to get everyone in the College to read for one hour in the day. We used our Wellbeing class to kick this off and made it competitive involving all students and staff at the Tiverton Campus.
Catherine Ryan – Library Team Leader
De La Salle students with exceptional potential take part in the GATE Program to enable them to experience challenging and fulfilling educational experiences.
The Year 8 and 9 students participated in the Da Vinci Decathlon where they were challenged with a range of problems including Mathematics, Engineering, Science, Literature and Art. Both our Year 8 and 9 teams earned high praise for their Art and Poetry responses and our Year 8 team earned a distinction for their History responses.
This year, our Year 7 GATE students participated in Tournament of The Minds attempting the Literature and STEM challenges. The STEM team received high praise from the judges on the ingenuity and design of their response.
Throughout the year, the GATE students also took part in a range of other opportunities including the Melbourne University Mathematics Challenge, Sommerset Novella Writing Competition and the MACS Gifted Awareness Week where Matthew Hayes’ response was chosen to be published by MACS.
Stephen Brick – GATE Program Coordinator
De La Salle College has a well-resourced Education Support Team that caters for the specialised requirements of students who have been assessed or imputed as having specific learning needs.
Education Support staff work collaboratively with students, teachers and families to provide an integrated support network for students with additional needs. We provide academic or program support that considers the student’s individual learning style to facilitate their access to and inclusion in the school curriculum through individual, in class or small group sessions.
In addition to supporting in-class learning and teaching programs, team members immerse themselves in a range of co-curricular activities including excursions and camps, House activities and Sport days, Mission Action Day and Drama productions to ensure all students have the opportunity to participate in the programs offered at the College. The focus of the department is on promoting the growth of the individual student’s skills and abilities as they develop confidence in their own ability to achieve success.
Georgie Skinner – Education Support Coordinator
2022 has given us the opportunity to once again participate in the full range of professional learning activities on offer. By the end of Term 3, De La Salle College staff had collectively attended over 250 professional learning events equating to over 1,400 hours of professional learning. This did not include the nine College professional learning days held onsite providing each staff member a further 50 hours of professional learning.
Professional learning activities varied greatly. This year we have had 30 senior and middle College leaders complete the Coaching Focus Elevating Leadership Program and all staff completed their CPR and Asthma and Anaphylaxis training. Additionally, staff attended sessions relevant to the subjects they teach as well as The Age Schools Summit, The National Education Summit, EduTECH 2022, Educate Plus and other activities relating to the future of learning and teaching. Our teachers also continue to be involved in the College’s Learning and Teaching Observations program which provides opportunities for teachers to engage in conversations about pedagogy and professional growth.
De La Salle staff have certainly embraced professional learning in 2022 to continue their own learning with the aim to improve the learning outcomes of our students.
Jodie McLaren – Director of Learning and Development, Professional Learning
It has been pleasing to note that De La Salle College’s ability to deliver and interact with students and families through our digital platforms has allowed for continued delivery of curriculum, student support and communication with families. Our 1:1 notebook program has empowered students to continue to develop their digital literacy, collaboration and problem-solving skills.
De La Salle College’s ability to track student progression through OLLIE has enabled us to be proactive when dealing with student needs. You can be reassured knowing that our staff’s digital skills and 1:1 notebook program is the envy of many schools as we continue our growth and development of Digital Learning as a College.
Justin Bourke – Director of Learning and Development, Digital Learning
One of the five core principals of St John Baptist de La Salle includes Quality Education where students and staff work together to develop curiosity, be creative, think critically and strive for personal best.
A key element of enacting this principle is to use data to inform the teaching practices of the College staff. External data about De La Salle students is gathered from a variety of sources. The Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA) conduct NAPLAN on behalf of the Australian Government at Years 5, 7 and 9. The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority (VCAA) provide VCE statistics and Academic Assessment Services (Allwell) obtain feedback about the Year 8 and Year 10 students.
Teaching staff and Learning Support Officers undertook significant training at professional learning sessions to evaluate the data and more importantly, to enact appropriate interventions. In 2022, these interventions included individual student support after hours, Study Sessions, Learning Logs and opportunities for Gifted and Talented students.
James Gigacz – Director of Learning and Development, Data and Student Progression
The consolidation of continuous reporting has taken precedence this year, and it has been highly gratifying to see the benefits of our online system, OLLIE. The opportunities and possibilities that this approach affords us is indeed exciting. Assessment tasks, the reporting of work habits standards and test results were all able to be communicated in real time to students and parents throughout the year.
A particularly exciting development in our broader curriculum has been the great success of our growing Primary School. With multi-age learning environments for Numeracy and Literacy, our expanded Primary School has enjoyed engaging with a plethora of digital and online learning tools to complement their in-class educational experiences.
Across the College, it is pertinent to thank and congratulate the Learning Area Team Leaders and all teaching staff on their ongoing efforts to provide our students with cutting-edge assessment and feedback processes, as well as for all the wonderful programs being offered.
Ben Williamson – Director of Learning and Development, Curricular Programs
Martin Gibbs
Year 7 and 8 classes have continued to focus on our College key themes of respect and inclusiveness, as well as specific Year Level themes of organisation, quality work and a strong work ethic.
It has been wonderful to see all Year 5 – 8 students at the Tiverton Campus after two very disrupted years. Students have been grateful to be back at school and have shown through a variety of learning experiences, and Music, Drama and Sporting triumphs, that they are participating well in all aspects of school life with positivity and energy.
It was fantastic to welcome the largest Primary cohort for many years with two Year 5 and two Year 6 classes, new staff and new facilities. Students have enjoyed the Dendy Sports competition, the new and improved Science and Technology curriculum and a range of excursions and incursions including Sovereign Hill, the MCG and Taskworks. Winning sporting grand finals in netball and basketball was reward for their hard work and effort.
Year 7 and 8 classes have continued to focus on our College key themes of respect and inclusiveness, as well as specific Year Level themes of organisation, quality work and a strong work ethic. Students have enjoyed the GROW program that has incorporated these themes with a strong focus on emotional literacy and wellbeing sessions run by Elephant Ed, Braingrow, Yellow Lantern and the Resilience Project. Success was also had by our Year 8 soccer and football teams and many students participated in the very well received middle school Drama productions with Sacré Cœur.
Our student leadership team successfully created a proposal to renovate the Year 7 green basketball court which led to executive approval and a new space for many years to come.
Lastly, many students have shown great progress in their learning throughout 2022. Less disruptions to learning has led to a variety of new Primary Work Ethic Awards, as well as Academic Achievement and Endeavour Awards for all Year Levels. This focus on hard work and quality work will only assist the students in future years as they continue to find their passions and move to different campuses in the De La Salle landscape.
Many thanks to Year Level Coordinators, Susan Kiernan, Emma Fairclough and Patrizia Ferrara for all their assistance throughout the year, and the invaluable support they receive from Deputy Principal – Students, Jessica Alger, Tiverton Psychologist, Frances Kospetas, Health Centre Leader, Kylie Upton, and Education Support Coordinator, Georgie Skinner. Through this support, students continue to feel safe, supported and happy at the Tiverton Campus and this allows them to flourish and stay positive leading into 2023 and beyond.
Martin Gibbs – Director of Students, Middle Years
Year 5 at De La Salle is one of new beginnings, new friendships and the immersion of the students into College life. At the core of our school life is the College motto, Learn, Live, Lead. However, the Five Core Lasallian Principles also permeate our everyday school life.
The value of respect for all people is demonstrated by the way students communicate with each other, their teachers, families and the wider community. Year 5 students have shown respect for rules and fair play through their sporting endeavours, demonstrating pride in wearing the College uniform and an emphasis on pastoral care towards each other.
In Year 5, there is an emphasis on quality education for all our students. We have strong, differentiated Literacy and Mathematic programs where all students are given the opportunity to flourish. The Rheims Centre provided a hub for Science and Technology where students were involved in an innovated program. The Arts featured prominently in our curriculum throughout the year. Students were involved in Drama lessons and had the opportunity to learn either violin or ukulele.
Another College value is inclusive community. With students coming from a variety of schools, they have learnt to value each other’s strengths and embrace challenges as a team. Acceptance of differences has been explored through Health and GROW programs. Students have discovered tools to be resilient, responsible, persistent and independent in their actions and thinking. The camp to Ace High provided opportunities for students to participate in a range of activities with all the Primary students and their teachers.
Concern for the poor and social justice remains a focus throughout the year. Mission Action Day initiated a range of fundraising activities for Lasallian schools. The Year 5 students completed the 10km course with enthusiasm and pride. We also explored their faith through Religious Education units. Linked to units of Inquiry, students learnt about the ideals of ‘Common Good,’ justice and human dignity for all.
We are grateful for the Year 5 students. Their behaviour, attitude and enthusiasm has been a credit to De La Salle. We wish them all the best for their continuing College journey.
Jane Michael and Robin Lennon –Year 5 Classroom Teachers
The College motto of Learn, Live, Lead is evident throughout Year 6 at De La Salle. This is a year that supports students in their transition to secondary by providing them with opportunities to experience College life and to prepare for the challenges and greater learning independence of Year 7. We place a strong emphasis on pastoral care, leadership and student voice by fostering a vibrant and nurturing faith-filled Primary community within the newly refurbished Duffy Building.
Our Year 6 students have participated in a range of educational opportunities including daily Numeracy and Literacy lessons, weekly GROW and Religious Education programs, innovative and practical Science and Technology lessons, creative Arts and Instrumental programs, and diverse Health and Physical Education experiences.
Some of the highlights of these programs included Dendy District Interschool Sports, a Learn to Swim program, and participating in College-wide swimming, athletics and cross country events.
Other highlights of the year included raising funds for Mission Action Day (MAD) through MAD Sock Day then running or walking the 10 kilometer MAD event, lunchtime House competitions, Lego and Chess club activities and competitions, the MCG excursion and Taskworks incursion. These activities contributed to the wonderful learning opportunities on offer to Year 6 students.
Year 6 is the opportunity for students to be involved in leadership as instruments of change, and as collaborative team members, united by friendship, Lasallian principles and by College values. Every Year 6 student, using their own gifts and talents, has guided, supported and lent a helping hand to teaching staff, friends, class mates and the wider College community. For example, students have shown regard for creativity and innovation when provided with an opportunity to invent a new service or business idea in Inquiry. Students not only showcased their strong work ethic and imagination, they also demonstrated that they are integral in shaping our future.
‘Bravo’ to the Year 6 students of 2022. May you continue to learn with an open mind, live with integrity and lead from the front.
Sharon Bourke and Rachel Collins –Year 6 Classroom Teachers
I came to De La Salle from a small local Catholic school and I knew no one. I was honored and surprised to be elected Primary School Captain within a couple of weeks of arriving here. Humbled and honored, I set out to be the best leader I could be.
Term 1 was all about making new connections and friendships. Some of the highlights included the Athletics Carnival where my St Mark’s House won the event for the first time in many years and the Swimming Carnival. It was wonderful to be able to participate alongside senior school students. We also had swimming lessons at Harold Holt Swim Centre.
My contribution to Mission Action Day was to source over 200 new pairs of socks which were sold to raise money for the cause.
Term 2 had several exciting initiatives such as Taskworks and Planks incursions, and our Entrepreneurial Inquiry project. We enjoyed weekly interschool football matches as well as Lightning Premierships for AFL, soccer and netball. Term 3 included Hoop Time along with gym and spin classes. We also went on an excursion to the MCG.
I have had a wonderful first year at De La Salle and have enjoyed being a leader. I look forward to what the future holds in Year 7 and beyond.
Andrew Bourke – Primary School Captain (Year 6)
Many of us started 2022 with mixed emotions, those of relief, uncertainty and hope. To be back from years of lockdown has shaken everybody with excitement. Our freedom arrived and we all wanted to be social with our friends and peers. Now that we are back, we’re able to take part in many activities that we previously took for granted.
After starting my first year of secondary school mostly in lockdown, I certainly enjoyed being back on campus. I have tried my best to make the most of the normality by participating in various activities, such as ACC sports, the GATE program, school fundraisers and House lunchtime events. I have also enjoyed contributing my time and efforts into helping whenever there are other school events.
What we’ve experienced in the past few years has certainly put things into perspective. What I took away from it, is that you should never waste your time or take things for granted. Cherish every moment, no matter how miniscule or grand it may be. Always give it a go and have that “can do” attitude. I can proudly say that this year, everyone at Tiverton is doing exactly that.
Morgan Vong – Tiverton Campus Captain (Year 8)
The De La Salle College Year 6 nominee for the 2022 Primary Higgins Lionheart Award is Sebastian de Koning.
Sebastian arrived at our College in Year 6 and has made a lasting impact. He has excelled in the Dendy Sports program and is one of the College’s best AFL and basketball players, winning multiple best on ground nominations.
He works extremely hard in his studies, completes all set work to a quality standard and participates well in class. He is always respectful to staff and students.
He arrived at the College with a ‘man bun’ and cut his hair for charity as part of our Mission Action Day fundraiser at the end of Term 1. He embodied the College’s social justice values by raising over $1,500 for Lasallian schools overseas and the Cancer Council. He is a House student leader and has participated in many College tours to assist teaching staff with future student enrolments.
Susan Kiernan
The Futures Program in Term 3 helped students reflect on their strengths and values.
The Year 9 Holy Eucharist Campus has been a vibrant hub of engaging, inquiry-based learning this year. Many of our most exciting projects were able to make a comeback in 2022 due to a full return to onsite learning. With the Holy Eucharist Campus still in its infancy, this has enabled many of our programs and activities to grow and expand and has provided more opportunities for our students to flourish.
Some of the major highlights at Holy Eucharist were the various excursions that occurred across the year. This included the Alliance and Ingenuity city experiences and seeing Romeo and Juliet live. The Lightning Premiership provided a positive day of sport for all students. Fundraising for Mission Action Day was taken very seriously at Holy Eucharist, with numerous Mentor groups on this campus raising very impressive donations. This was the first time that the WISE community service and expedition elements were able to run in their true form and provided an excellent opportunity for students to step out of their comfort zones.
It was pleasing to see the successful results of Project Based Learning week at the campus in Term 2, which provided an impressive display of student creativity to staff and parents alike. Great time and effort went into the Futures program in Term 3 with Virtual Reality and Character Strength programs helping students reflect on their strengths and values. This provided a crucial focus on the subject selection process for Year 10.
Many students got involved in lunch time House activities, and numerous extracurricular activities across ACC Sports and the Arts. Within our GROW program, Year 9 students have investigated identity, gender norms and safe partying.
I take this opportunity to thank all the committed Holy Eucharist staff for their dedication to the wellbeing and learning of our Year 9s this year. I would also like to thank Jessica Alger, Deputy Principal, Students, and Frances Kospetas and Anthony Freeman our psychologists for the ongoing support they provide to our students.
Susan Kiernan – Year 9 Head of Campus
The Holy Eucharist Campus is a single-cohort space dedicated to the Year 9s. The dynamism of the campus is embodied in its many opportunities but ultimately epitomised by our enquiry-based learning focus both inside and beyond the classroom. Students are encouraged to build independence as they progress through the year.
The Year 9s have experienced two City Experiences for Alliance and Ingenuity. Both City Experiences were enquiry based and expanded the learning from the classroom into the real world. Another fantastic day was the inaugural Conversation Day where students enjoyed a taste of French and Italian culture – literally, of course, with crêpe and pizza food trucks helping to make the day a standout!
The highlight of the Year 9 course has been Project Based Learning (PBL). At the end of Term 2, the students undertook four days of dedicated project building in groups of their choice. The Holy Eucharist staff saw passion, drive and genuine excitement as their projects came to life.
Malwina Dwyer – Year 9 Learning & Teaching Leader
I had the honour and pleasure of serving as the Holy Eucharist Campus Captain this year. After two years of interrupted schooling, this year provided a great opportunity for our Year Level to strengthen ties and to re-discover the joy of onsite learning.
Being at Holy Eucharist gave us the opportunity to experience everything that De La Salle and the Year 9 program has to offer. We were fortunate to participate in events such as ACC Sport, city excursions and the Cross Country Carnival – events that my cohort has been unable to experience in our previous years at the College.
Witnessing the growth of my peers through Year 9 has been wonderful. The Holy Eucharist Campus and the Year 9 program in general has cemented a positive, cheerful, supportive, encouraging and inclusive culture throughout our Year 9 community – a community which I am very proud to be a part of.
Christian Petrides – Holy Eucharist, Year 9 Captain
The De La Salle College Year 9 nominee for the 2022 Higgins Lionheart Award is James Orton. James is a natural leader at the Holy Eucharist Campus and is currently St Leo’s House Captain.
James assists with the regular running of House Sport activities, social justice initiatives and sausage sizzles. James is always willing to put his hand up to help other students and is a proactive, respectful and positive young man.
James’ leadership qualities also transfer to the classroom and the sporting fields. James strives to do his best across all subjects and regularly exceeds the expectations of his classes. James has been one of our strongest players for both ACC football and basketball this year, and will be playing for our cricket team in Term 4.
James is an exceptional all rounder and is very deserving of such an award.
Building on a community that values respectful relationships and inclusivity, the Year 7 and 11 students were involved in several ‘Big Brother, Little Brother’ sessions throughout the year during the GROW program.
After the challenges of two interrupted years, the 2022 College theme of ‘Hope’ was aptly welcomed by the community. In February, House Liturgies and welcome evenings provided the ideal platform for students and their families to connect once again and give thanks for the opportunities the new school year will bring.
The College GROW Personal Development Program continued to provide students with 21st century skills and knowledge across a broad range of wellbeing topics. Assisting the Mentors in delivering the program, partnerships with many external agencies provided students with a breadth of evidence-based knowledge and practical skills. Building on a community that values respectful relationships and inclusivity, the Year 7 and 11 students were involved in several ‘Big Brother, Little Brother’ sessions throughout the year during the GROW program. The program enabled each Year 11 student to establish a connection with a Year 7 buddy. These opportunities enabled the students to enjoy listening and learning from their buddy’s experiences at De La Salle.
This year’s highlights include the Year 12 Formal at The Lincoln of Toorak during Term 2 and the inaugural Year 11 Social during Term 3. After a postponement at the beginning of the year, the Year 10 Dance Program featured in Term 3 with the students from Star of The Sea College.
Building on the strong House rivalry at Kinnoull, the lunch time House activities featured prominently in 2022. From the longest kick to the tug of war competitions, many Friday lunch times were spent on the front grass at Kinnoull supporting these events. In conjunction with the College major carnivals held throughout the year, the lunch time activities continue to contribute to the highly competitive House system and the crowning of the overall Champion House at the end of the year.
Finally, to all of the staff who have worked tirelessly in supporting the students at Kinnoull in 2022 – thank you. Staff have served the students with an unbridled zeal and commitment throughout the entire year.
Wishing everyone within the community a very safe and relaxing Christmas holidays.
Shane Mackintosh – Director of Students, Senior Years
Thank you to VCE Coordinator, Fiona Sayner, for continuously being the source of rock-solid advice and reliable communication. Fiona has observed every detail in the timely preparation of SACs and Exams.
Thank you to all staff, students and parents for providing an important triangular partnership. Our VCE students have certainly benefitted from these open communication lines, support mechanisms and at times necessary optimism through recent years of schooling. For me personally, I will miss this Year Level. This cohort will be forever remembered as the inaugural Year Level to venture out to Holy Eucharist and I got to know these young men very well. Collectively, they helped shape the Year 9 program. Some may have even shaped me. Three years on, I feel privileged to again be a stakeholder in their education. This time as a bookend to their secondary schooling. Upon reflection, I assume it was coincidental that the only time I had involvement in their education, their learning was not impacted by state wide school closures. I have no doubt dealing with these moments of adversity will in time lead them to becoming more resilient, more adaptable, and perhaps even more employable.
To the graduating Class of 2022, I wish you all the very best in every twist and turn that your own path now takes. May you remember your rich blue and gold heritage. A heritage that will forever hold you in good stead beyond our school gates.
David Alexander – Deputy Principal, Learning and Teaching
The VET program was back in full action after two years of interruptions to practical learning due to COVID-19 restrictions. 2022 has seen students gain new skills and use their existing skills in a wide variety of vocational areas.
The VET Sport and Recreation students had a busy year and were valuable contributors to the smooth running of various College sporting events. They assisted with the House Sporting Carnivals and Years 7, 8 and 9 Lightning Premierships.
In 2022, we have had a number of Year 11 students begin their VET journey in a variety of VET in Schools subjects. A number of students have chosen to complete studies in Hospitality and Kitchen Operations at ‘Little Kitchen’ in South Melbourne, Swinburne Secondary College and William Angliss. We have a growing interest within the student population in this industry with enrolments for 2023 also looking to trend in an upward direction.
Many Year 11 students engaged in the traditional construction industry pathways with students completing studies in Electrotechnology, Plumbing and Carpentry. The College’s ability to produce highly skilled and engaged students in the trades has been highlighted by the number of students successfully completing studies in these areas.
2022 was the first year we have had a student successfully complete studies in Cybersecurity and Networking. We also saw students complete studies in Music (Sound Production) and Screen and Media (Game Design).
The changes to the VCE structure in 2023 promise to increase student options and see an even higher number of students take up studies in VET subjects.
Jon Edgar – VET Coordinator
It has been a very stimulating and full year for our Intermediate and Senior VCAL Students.
It was wonderful to have a full year of learning, with face to face teaching in all strands of the VCAL program, predominantly our onsite programs in Structured Workplace Learning, providing our students the capability to investigate, explore and undertake new and evolving employment opportunities.
Intermediate students were given the opportunity to improve on their own personal development by completing Hospitality units in food hygiene, basic cooking, barista and responsible serving of alcohol, influencing greater opportunities for further education and employment possibilities.
It has been very rewarding to oversee and support a record number of students signing contracts to School Based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT). Our Senior, and some Intermediate VCAL SBAT’s leave De La Salle with the assurance of a solid foundation for stable employment.
Senior VCAL students have experienced extraordinary times over their two year journey, most students have now secured apprenticeships and traineeships, while others are looking forward to extending their tertiary education. Our Senior VCAL students have taken the opportunity to enhance their own learning by engaging in VET courses designed to satisfy their individual employment and further educational needs.
De La Salle are looking forward to the changes from VCAL to VCE Vocational Major. The College is well prepared for the strong number of students selecting this pathway with dedicated and hardworking staff members who are excited to deliver a rewarding and challenging program where all students can flourish in their chosen pathways.
Tim Hogan – VCAL Coordinator
On Thursday 19 May, a large group of Kinnoull and some lucky Tiverton students gathered to witness VCAL Assistant, Dave Murray, shave off his iconic moustache and beard. The event was in honour of Dave’s wife’s battle seven years ago and anyone who has suffered or is suffering from Breast Cancer. The aim was to raise awareness and funds for the Breast Cancer Network Australia.
Pink balloons and ribbons were visible as far as the eye could see. The atmosphere was electric, and the energy of the crowd was supportive and loving.
All VCAL students’ names were put into a hat for the opportunity to ‘Shave Dave’. Much to Dave’s relief, Year 11 student, Tali Bernardi, carefully shaved off Dave’s beard. The crowd roared as the final whisker was taken off.
Over $4,700 has been raised from proceeds of the raffle, food and drink sales on the day and from the generous donations of staff, students, families and friends. Dave and the VCAL student body are extremely grateful for all the fantastic support received.
A huge thank you must go to Director of Learning and Development – Professional Learning, Jodie McLaren, for all the work she put into the smooth running of this event. Year 11 VCAL students
It is an exciting time for our students to ponder on what role they will play in the future of work in Australia and what skills they will need to help them be active, resilient and critical thinkers. This year, students participated in career experiences that included virtual reality career explorations, involvement in interactive guest speaker workshops and opportunities for reflection.
One of our quiet achievers in assisting our students for their futures is the Year 11 Careers Passport. This focuses on our students recognising the importance of employability skills; often referred to as soft skills, skills applicable to all life experiences and professions. They are all elements that our students can learn, cultivate, develop and maintain over time. Students can choose from an array of suggested activities or they are able to suggest activities that fall under the umbrella of ‘soft skill’ acquisition and receive point recognition towards their 100-point requirement. Examples of activities that develop ‘soft skills’ include the ability to communicate, lead a team, to participate in extra-curricular activities and volunteer work.
The Careers Passport recognises the importance of obtaining employability skills and personal values that are critical tools and traits that our students need for their future in post-secondary and post university settings.
It is always a privilege to work side by side with the students at De La Salle College and assist them in their explorations, and 2022 has been no exception.
Fitzpatrick – Careers Advisor
In May, the De La Salle community lost a much loved, long serving colleague and teacher, Ken Stokes. Ken commenced at the College in 1998 as a young, fresh faced teacher of Physical Education and Geography.
He was universally admired and acknowledged as a young man of tremendous humility, passionate about sport, health and physical education and a true gentleman.
Over his 24 years at De La Salle, Ken changed little. He was unfailingly polite and friendly, always enjoyed a chat and joke, ever popular among staff and students. Ken quickly established a strong reputation as a reliable and collaborative teacher and established positive relationships with students.
Ken was nominated for the 2022 ACC Service Award. The Award was presented to his father, Keith Stokes, at the ACC Awards on 19 May. Ken had a long history of coaching namely; hockey (Year 8 Premiership 2015), cricket, soccer, football (Year 10 Football Premierships 2001 and 2007), tennis, volleyball, cross country, table tennis, weightlifting and golf (Senior Championships 2015, 2017 and 2019). Ken also organised and coached the De La Salle Snow Ski Team for many years.
Ken was a terrific teacher and spent many years supporting students’ wellbeing as a Homeroom Teacher and more recently a St Edwin’s House Mentor.
Peter Houlihan – Principal
The De La Salle College Parent Network’s aim is to encourage a sense of community throughout the College by providing regular opportunities for parents to socialise, connect and participate in school life. Throughout 2022, the Parent Network once again delivered these opportunities through a variety of activities.
The Year 7 Welcome Evening is the first event on the Parent Network Calendar, bringing Year 7 parents together in the first few weeks of the school year. With over 100 people in attendance, this year’s event was very successful with the Peppercorn Café outdoor courtyard transformed into a welcoming venue. A few weeks later the Kinnoull Oval hosted the Primary Welcome BBQ, with Primary parents, students and teachers enjoying a great evening of games, BBQ food and socialising.
The final welcome event for 2022 was the Parent Social Evening, bringing together parents from across the College. Fairy lights, balloons and live music greeted parents as they passed behind the black curtain that divides the Tiverton Gymnasium. It was great to have our alumni providing the live music and staffing the bar.
After selling out in 90 minutes, expectations were high for the 2022 Mother’s Day Breakfast and we were not disappointed. The Tiverton Gymnasium was buzzing with energy and joy as 500 mothers and sons came together to reconnect and celebrate the special relationship between mother and son.
Term 3 saw the return of the Trivia Night after more than nine years and two cancelled attempts due to lockdowns. It was worth the wait, with a very successful and enjoyable evening had by all. With almost 300 people in attendance, including three tables of enthusiastic staff, the event was very well supported, great fun and certainly met the Parent Network’s objective of bringing the community together.
The final Parent Network event for 2022 was the Father’s Day Breakfast, which was held for the first time in three years. It was great to hear the Tiverton Gymnasium filled with the buzz of 500 fathers and sons. Old Collegian, Greg Barns, regaled the sell-out crowd with some great insights from his time at the College and the impact these experiences have had on him. Thank you to all who supported the 2022 Parent Network events: the 2022 Parent Network Committee, the Year Level Representatives, all parent volunteers, College staff and the many parents who attended. Your enthusiasm, energy and hard work have ensured that the Parent Network continues to build a sense of community.
Meagan Selkirk – President, De La Salle College Parent Network
The Parent Network Trivia night was a huge success with table 11 announced as winners on the night.
College staff and parents were treated to lots of prizes and an enthusiastic host, Chris Hill. Thank you to everyone who attended, brought delicious food and participated in the games. Looking forward to next year already!
Meagan Selkirk – President, De La Salle College Parent Network
Thursday 8 September saw the De La Salle College community acknowledge R U OK? Day, an important initiative in the promotion and discussion of mental health.
R U OK? encourages people to stay connected and have conversations that can help others through difficult times in their lives. The day focuses on building the motivation, confidence and skills of the help-giver – the person who can have a meaningful conversation with someone who is struggling with life.
As a College, we took time out to come together on the Kinnoull oval, with music, a BBQ and House activities such as tug of war. Students were given the time and space to chat, to check in and to ask each other ‘R U OK?’.
Jessica Alger – Deputy Principal, Students
*diagrammatic representation of the number of donors in each donor group
% of financial contributions to Giving Day 2022 by group
On Wednesday 31 August, the College held a 24-hour fundraising campaign or Giving Day to raise funds to assist in refurbishing and upgrading the old, plexipave green tennis court at Tiverton Campus.This area is heavily used as a basketball court for student recreation purposes at lunch and breaks as well as being a PE teaching space.
As a result of previous generous donations from Old Collegians, the College was able to match every dollar donated to this campaign.
The day was a great success with the community and College combining to raise over $77,000!
This upgraded basketball court facility at Tiverton Campus will benefit hundreds of current and future students for many years to come.
Having achieved our fundraising target, the upgrade works are now planned as follows:
Upgrade of the surrounding wire fence
September 2022
Resurface the playing area with DreamCourt tiles
November 2022
Kooyong Lawn Tennis Club was the venue chosen for the inaugural De La Salle Mothers’ Lunch – and what a great venue and occasion it was!
In August, almost 220 mums attended the day, reconnecting with old friends and more importantly making new friends. With limited opportunities to catch up socially over the last two years, the lunch proved a great success with lots of laughter, delight and vivacious conversations. The lunch, drinks and service were exemplary, and everyone had a wonderful time.
Thank you to the various local businesses who supported the day with donating raffle prizes and lucky door prizes.
We cannot wait for the Mothers’ Lunch to come around next year.
Kirsten Eabry – Events Manager
On a beautiful Spring day in September, more than 70 De La Salle golfers teed off for the inaugural Parents’ Golf Day at Spring Valley Golf Course. The day started with a delicious breakfast and briefing followed by a shotgun start across the eighteen-hole championship course forming part of Melbourne’s famous Sandbelt. Eighteen groups of golfers, including mums and dads of students from Year 5 to 12, enjoyed their golf experience followed by a sit down lunch, drinks and presentations to the winners of the Ambrose competition. It was a great opportunity for parents and the College Board and Executive members to network and have a chance to catch up amongst the magnificent backdrop of a spectacular golf course.
Congratulations to the following:
n Overall Winners (Ambrose) – Andrew Pickering, David Krom, David Wood and Ulysses Ganas n Nearest the Pin – Shane McGowan, Michelle Barr and Brani Kurtov n Longest Drive – John O’Haire, David Krom and Michelle Barr
Thank you to our sponsor, Quayclean, and the Spring Valley Golf Club for a fabulous day. We are looking forward to another successful Golf Day next year.
Kirsten Eabry – Events Manager
The Year 10 Dance Program commenced on Tuesday 16 August with four lessons and a social on Wednesday 7 September. Held at Sebastian Hall at Star of the Sea College, over 200 students participated in the program.
I congratulate all participants on their excellent behaviour throughout the entire program but a special thank you for going to such an effort dressing up for the social, everyone looked stunning!
After not being able to hold the social for two years due to COVID-19, it was nice to complete the Dance Program this year. Without the support of students, parents, Star of the Sea College and De La Salle College and the many staff who assisted with supervision, such a program would not be possible.
Joy Bew – Year 10 Dance Program Coordinator
After two years of school marketing throughout a pandemic, this year we returned to the fundamentals of multi-channel marketing and focused campaigns to encourage parents of primary and secondary aged boys to consider our wonderful school for their son’s education.
Whilst underpinning marketing with the “Learn Live Lead” and “Be your Best” taglines, this year we focused on the expanding Year 5 and 6 Primary school offering and the important Secondary school message that there is a “pathway” for every student that attends De La Salle.
We re-engaged both students, parents and the community on site with the new High Performance Sports offerings, a selection of Music ensembles and concerts and a very well received senior school musical and play.
Marketing supported some highly successful new events in 2022 – and are now established as annual events, including a Mothers’ Lunch, Parents’ Golf Day and a Giving Day – a fundraiser that will enable the College to replace the ageing Tiverton basketball court – watch our social media for progress reports!
Increasingly, we focus on the digital formats and versions of traditional printed publications to gain insights regarding our audience and what their education expectations are.
A strategic eight month radio campaign with KIISFM and sporadic targeted ads with Triple M and SEN throughout the enrolment period plus a targeted ARN Amplify campaign across digital radio and podcasts proved successful. The large scale outdoor signage brand campaign on main traffic areas of Bayside and South East also elevated the College’s profile.
We keep the community informed and engaged with curated social media messaging and design and we have a growing community of nearly 4,500 followers across our socials.
Marketing continue to digitise all College publications including Roll Call and Blue and Gold. Easy to access and available as eBooks on the website. The 110 Years 110 Stories publication is also available – a wonderful collection of stories celebrating our 110 year anniversary.
We encourage you to read our informative fortnightly newsletter, The Duce, for important news, dates and access to event photo galleries. We have also introduced a vibrant Primary Newsletter, called Duce Primary
To ensure people find us when searching schools, we implemented search optimisation and featured articles, advertorials and Google Ad Campaigns plus video.
As part of 2023 planning, the new website will include a commerce backend that allows online payments and a shop where people can purchase College merchandise.
De La Salle Marketing are grateful to the staff, students and their parents who contribute news and photos that allow us to showcase our Lasallian values, the fun times and the poignant moments.
Dee Houlihan – Marketing Manager
This year we welcomed back Old Collegians for their 20, 30,40, 50 and 50 plus reunions. As always, it is heartening to attend these gatherings and experience first hand the strong sense of connection and brotherhood shared by our alumni. All of the reunions were well attended by Old Collegians from near and far and many of their stories were recorded in the May and September issues of Roll Call
A personal highlight of the year was meeting one of the original founders of Roll Call , Patrick Danaher (1964). It was at the 50 plus reunion at Merrimu Receptions in March that Patrick presented the College with the first two editions of Roll Call, which he had found in his garage at home. It was very thoughtful of Patrick to donate these precious pieces of history to the College and they have been stored for safe keeping in the College archives.
Another highlight of the year was editing a book to commemorate the College’s 110th anniversary. 110 Stories 110 Years was the culmination of hundreds of hours of work but being able to share so many stories about our Old Collegians was well worth the effort. I encourage you to get a copy.
Kerry Martin – Roll Call Editor
delasalle.vic.edu.au/community/old-collegians (03) 9508 2337
What a wonderful introduction to De La Salle I have had over the past twelve months. Staff have been welcoming, students are being introduced to the “Aladdin’s cave”, and the community contributions of items and stories, along with making use of the archives for their own research, has grown.
Over the December holiday break, the archives were moved from the back of the Kinnoull library to a classroom in the Murdoch Building on Tiverton Campus. This has allowed me to set up a display of items and photographs in an area that has more foot-traffic – the Year 7 students are passing my door every day and the College tours have allowed prospective parents to get a glimpse of the school history in a modern setting.
During the year, I enjoyed bringing items of “old technology” to the Primary classrooms when they were completing their “Technology over Time” writing tasks. Being able to help link modern technology with its predecessors and exploring the students’ knowledge was very rewarding.
The archives have contributed articles in The Duce and Roll Call, provided materials for reunions, publications and research, and engaged with the community in a variety of ways.
Donations of photos, report cards, books, and other information are welcome additions to our collection and I thank all contributors. Items are used to update displays, taken into classrooms, and for research, reunions, school events and publications.
My thanks particularly to Michael Bohan and Br Peter Smyth for their patience with my questions and their encyclopaedic memories to help give context and depth as I learn about the history of this school.
Looking to the future, I am excited to be involved with classes across all three campuses, as well as working with all members of the De La Salle community to broaden our collection for future generations’ use.
Jenkinson – College Archivist
As many of you will be aware, 2022 marks the 110th anniversary of De La Salle College opening its doors in Malvern for the very first time. All in the De La Salle community are very proud of the history, tradition and culture built up and passed down through the generations of students over our 110 years.
Delivering, as all Lasallian schools do worldwide, a Christian and human education, De La Salle enjoys a strong reputation in the community for the quality of the fine young men who pass through. Their dedication to be the very best they can be, to become Lasallian men of character and empathy with a keen sense of social justice are qualities which were instilled by the earliest Brothers and remain hallmarks of our students’ experience.
In 1911, the Vincentian Parish Priest at St Joseph’s Malvern, Fr Simon Hegarty, built the school and enrolled the first students. At his invitation, three Irish Brothers – Br Jerome Foley (26 years old), Br Dunstan Drumm (32 years old) and Leopold Loughran (34 years old) founded the College, beginning classes the very next day after arriving from Ireland by ship. They brought few resources, but did bring a 200 year old Lasallian tradition of running good schools. Central to this was – and remains 110 years later – a genuine respect for students and a program to suit the future needs of De La Salle’s young men.
We all owe a debt of gratitude to the three founding Brothers and the many visionary, dedicated and spiritual De La Salle Brothers who served at Malvern since 1912. Their legacy is embraced and relived each and every day through the contribution of our Lasallian lay partners, who continue the Lasallian mission to guide the College through the 21st century.
I encourage you to read through recently published 110 Years 110 Stories of Old Collegians’ extraordinary achievements. It is certainly a wonderful testament to what De La Salle graduates have contributed to society here and abroad.
Extracts from Br David Hawke (Brother Visitor) letter to the College on 31 January 2022:
Brothers Dunstan, Jerome and Leopold planted the Lasallian seed which has flourished now for well over a century. The three Brothers would not have dreamt of the College we see today, educating young men over three campuses.
The College has a rich heritage and much to celebrate in its 110 years. Countless alumni have graduated making a significant contribution not only in Australia but across the globe.
The College … collaborating with a staff of Lasallian Partners continues to offer a quality Catholic education in the Lasallian tradition. Students daily live the Lasallian values of Faith, Service and Community. The College readily expresses through its service programs its solidarity with others in need in the District and Pacific Asia region of the Institute.
Peter Houlihan – Principal
This special commemorative book marks the 110th anniversary of De La Salle College. 110 Stories 110 Years is a celebration of our Old Collegians, as told through interviews published in Roll Call magazines over the years.
The stories have been selected to represent the depth and diversity of the life experiences of some remarkable men, including lawmakers, scientists, artists, academics, entertainers, corporate leaders, builders, educators, writers, wine makers, sporting legends, engineers, politicians, religious, barbers, anglers, pilots, diplomats, small business owners, social justice advocates, military personnel, and magicians.
Before we could decide on which stories to publish, we reached out to the College alumni, asking you to nominate Old Collegians who should be included. Thank you for your responses, some of your nominations appear as stories and others as brief entries, not sourced from Roll Call, but are nevertheless important and are scattered throughout the book.
I hope you enjoy reading the stories of the last 110 years and we look forward to many more to come.
Read the free PDF version via our website –www.delasalle.vic.edu.au/2022/110-years-110-stories
Kerry Martin – Editor
2022 was a pivotal year in the history of the Club. While missing two seasons due to lockdown, the Club was able to press reset and reassess what it stood for and where it wanted to go:
To provide a safe, inclusive, and enjoyable environment to allow all our staff, players, and coaches the opportunity to succeed in all aspects, that develops relationships built on honesty and respect.
That provided us the opportunity to review and ‘straighten up’ processes and behaviours across the entire Club. Once this was achieved, we were then able to make educated and informed decisions to take the Club forward.
We were professionally led by Senior Men’s Coach, Nick Hyland, in his first season in the role, taking over from Dave Madigan in Round 4. Nick lived and breathed our values and behaviours and the players followed suit, they ended up winning six out of the last seven games to narrowly miss finals by four points. Another major development was having eight of our U19 players get a taste of Senior football. They all performed very well and will form the core of the team for years to come.
Having fielded seven football teams across Men, Women, Masters and U19s in 2022, we want to add a couple more football teams in 2023 and at least one cricket team and one netball team. As part of our direction, we want the entire De La Salle community to find a home at the Club as a player, coach, volunteer or supporter.
We were encouraged by the College’s 1st XVIII and Year 8B football teams winning the premiership this year featuring a lot of our current group who will all be trying to win another premiership for our U19 Colts team.
An enhanced relationship and strategic partnership across multiple aspects with the Club and College is a priority for us in 2022/23. We welcome players at all levels post Year 12 and their junior football and cricket clubs, to get in contact with us to continue flying the De La Salle banner into their Senior sporting careers.
Dale Christie – General Manager, DLSOCAFC
Rob Bonnici
Our wide range of programs seek to promote the development of the social and emotional needs of our students.
As a Lasallian school, our partnership between parents, students and staff are at the core of our work. We seek to ‘touch hearts, teach minds and transform lives’ for all of our students.
The teachers at De La Salle College display a wide breadth of experience and skills, utilised to develop strong teacher / student relationships. This assists them in maintaining the highest standards of teaching practice and pedagogy, which reflects current educational research and developments in the delivery of curriculum. Our wide range of programs seek to promote the development of the social and emotional needs of our students. This has been supported through the return to onsite learning. The ability to offer students such a range of activities helps build a sense of ownership and pride in the College. Some examples include our ACC sporting teams, Music program, Performing Arts program and partnership with OLSH and Sacré Cœur to provide extensive opportunities for our students to display their array of talents.
This year also saw the return of many of our House competitions, lunch time activities, Music ensembles and major House events such as the Athletics Carnival. From a personal note, it was particularly pleasing to see the House Spirit alive and wellbeing fostered by our senior students supporting the new arrivals to the College in 2022. These provide an opportunity for each student to become an integral member of our De La Salle community.
Once again, we have an amazing Parent Network group who are instrumental in organising activities to allow students, parents and staff to come together to celebrate the partnership of our community. While many events have run this year, without doubt the most popular are the annual Mother’s and Father’s Day Breakfast which see tickets snapped up as quickly as AFL Grand Final tickets.
Thank you to all the students, staff and parents who all play an integral part in making our College such a vibrant community. We look forward to all the challenges and opportunities that 2023 promises to hold.
Rob Bonnici – Deputy Principal, Staff and Operations
Principal Peter Houlihan
Business Manager Joe Gehrig
Deputy Principal – Staff and Operations (Term 1 – 2) Tom Ryan (Term 3 – 4) Rob Bonnici
Deputy Principal – Students
Jessica Alger
Deputy Principal – Learning and Teaching (Term 1 – 2) Mark Gustincic (Term 3 – 4) David Alexander
Deputy Principal – Identity and Mission Rana Brogan
Director of Students – Middle Years
Martin Gibbs
Director of Students – Senior Years
Shane Mackintosh
DLD Professional Learning
Jodie McLaren
DLD Data and Student Progression
James Gigacz
DLD Curricular Programs Ben Williamson
DLD Digital Learning (Term 1 – 2) Rob Bonnici (Term 3 – 4) Justin Bourke
LATL English
LATL Commerce
(Term 1)
Melissa Walsh
Jodie McLaren (Term 2 – 4) Ashleigh Hoogendoorn
LATL Health and Physical Education
LATL Humanities
Matthew Whitty
Olivia Wenczel
LATL Languages Grace Pasquino
LATL Mathematics
Thomas Le
LATL Religious Education Rana Brogan
LATL Technology
Warren Walker
LATL Science Justin Bourke
LATL Visual Arts Ryan Hayward
Careers Advisor
Caroline Fitzpatrick
College Organiser (Term 1 – 2) Adriana Szili
(Term 3 – 4) Janet Holden
College Timetabler Marty Rhoden
Gifted and Talented Education Coordinator
Stephen Brick
MAD Coordinator Chris Martin
ACC Sports Coordinator (Term 1 – 3)
Peter Harrington (Term 4)
Roger Grech
House Sports Coordinator Ryan McDonough
Drama Coordinator Jennifer Bonnici
Progression Coordinator Emma Fairclough
VCE Coordinator Fiona Sayner
VET Coordinator Jon Edgar
VCAL Coordinator Tim Hogan
School Psychologist Kinnoull
Anthony Freeman
School Psychologist Tiverton
Frances Kospetas
St Austin’s House Coordinator
Angela Runci
St Edwin’s House Coordinator
Jessica Stevenson
St Leo’s House Coordinator (Term 1) Liz Phibbs (Term 2 – 4)
Michael Watty
St Mark’s House Coordinator
Andrew Wozencroft
St Austin’s House
Thomas Le
Liz O’Connell
Halid Takimoglu
Melissa Walsh
Marta Webster
Ben Williamson
St Edwin’s House
Justin Bourke
Peppe Di Ciccio
Georgina Dwyer
Clare Kennedy-Curtis
Stephen Brick
Ken Stokes (Term 1)
Adrian Schiller (Term 2 – 4)
St Leo’s House
Ebony Doherty
Jon Edgar
Emma Fairclough
Tim Hogan
Gerard Barns
Christine Thompson
St Mark’s House
Andrew Devlin
David Ellul
Janet Holden
Ashleigh Hoogendoorn (Term 2 – 4)
Timothy Lin (Term 1)
Conor Ross
Warren Walker
Kinnoull Teaching Staff
Carmela Diaz
Christine Bassili
Tony Hall (Term 3)
Kath Marino
Jamie Walles
Eliza Meallin
Kerry Martin
Liz Phibbs (Term 1)
Conor Ross
Linden Erlichman-Gross
Trent McGuire (Term 2 – 4)
Emma Hart (Term 3 – 4)
Year 9 Head of Campus (Term 1 – 2)
David Alexander (Term 3 – 4)
Susan Kiernan
Year 9 Learning and Teaching Leader
Malwina Dwyer
Holy Eucharist Teaching Staff
Warren Bardsley
Thierry Moran
Chris Church
David Happ
Matthew Jones
Vanessa Marolda
Chris Martin
Andrew Murrell
Claudia Tohi
Year 7 Coordinator Patrizia Ferrara
Year 8 Coordinator (Term 1 – 2)
Susan Kiernan (Term 3 – 4)
Emma Fairclough
Primary Teachers
Year 5A Jane Michael
Year 5B Robin Lennon
Year 6A Sharon Bourke
Year 6B (Term 1) Laura Brough (Term 2 – 4) Rachel Collins
Class Mentors
7 Benilde Matt McLellan
7 Dunstan Kathryn Holewa
7 Hegarty Catherine Ryan
7 Jerome Matthew Whitty
7 Roland Kim Nguyen
8 Benilde Ryan McDonough
8 Dunstan Joanne Graham
8 Hegarty Heidi Johnson
7 Jerome Nicola Mairs
8 Roland Georgie Skinner
8 Solomon Peter Harrington
Tiverton Teaching Staff
Shaun Buckley
Emma D’Angelo
Joanna Dickson
Chris Fleming
Clinton Hutchinson
Vanessa Keane
Andrew Kearns
Luke Kenealy
Catherine McIlroy
Trent McGuire
Kellie Rindfleish
Liliana Russo
Jacinta Ryan
Adrian Schiller (Term 2 – 4)
Ser-Lein Wan
House Assistants
St Austin’s House Jarrod Shelley
St Edwin’s House Clare Kennedy-Curtis
St Leo’s House Emma Fairclough
St Mark’s House Andrew Devlin
EdAssist Tutors
Sophie Modica (Term 1)
Shannon Peters (Term 1 – 2)
Lachlan Kafer
Barbara Wall (Term 1 – 2)
Education Support Coordinator Georgie Skinner
Education Support Teacher
Jamie Steel
Learning Support Officers
Hayley Artz
Luke Chapman
Mairead Dullard
Thomas Edwards (Term 1)
Emily Geraghty (Term 1 – 2)
Eleni Giamadakis
Carolyn Green
Melanie Livera
Eve McLellan
Sharon Richards
Alessandro Santamaria
Jarrod Shelley
Brittany Sim
Library Team Leader Catherine Ryan
Teacher Librarian Clare Kennedy-Curtis
Library Technician Marie Andersen / Letitia Mandile
Lasallian Youth Minister Leon Lymbouris
Music Coordinator Luke Serrano
Ensemble Coordinator Jaymee Lee
Music Teachers
Claire Block
Lucas Clayton
Drew Downing (Term 3 – 4)
Rick Freeman
Chris Higgins (Term 3 – 4)
Jarrod McCluskey
David Newdick
Pheobe Papatheodorou (Term 1 – 3)
David Reichman
Daniel Tedford
Michael Timcke (Term 1 – 2)
Personal Assistant to the Principal Sandy Wreford
Human Resources Manager Nicole Paino-Green
Finance Manager (Term 1 – 3) Lorraine Parisi (Term 4) Felicity Langley
Finance Officer (Family Accounts) Ellenor Harris
Finance Officer (Accounts Payable) Bettina Brown
Finance Officer (Payroll)
(Term 1 – 3) Kay Zhang (Term 4) Kim te Lintelo
Executive Support – Learning and Teaching (Term 1 – 2) Keisha Sirgiovanni
(Term 2 – 3) Charlene Srhoj
(Term 3 – 4) Madalaine Jaskiewicz
Executive Support – Identity and Mission (Term 1 – 2)
Susan Lister (Term 3 – 4) Tanya Claudius
Reception Tiverton Belinda King
Reception Holy Eucharist Patricia D’Arcy / Monique Wasa
Reception Kinnoull (Term 1)
Stephanie Barras (Term 4) Bec Barker
Music Administrator Susan Jost
Health Centre Officer Kylie Upton
Registrar Rachael Harmer
Assistant Registrar and Community Engagement Officer (Term 1 – 3) Tanya Claudius
Admissions and Community
Engagement Officer (Term 4) Zoe Campbell
Marketing and Communications Manager
Dee Houlihan
Marketing and Communications Officer
Sarah Pudelko
Alumni Officer Pauline Nolan
Events Manager Kirsten Eabry
College Archivist Marian Jenkinson
VASS & Administration Officer
Catherine Bergin
ICT Manager Alex Zolkover
ICT Senior Systems Administrator (Operations) Prince Fonseka
ICT Database Systems Developer (Operations) Ian Zhou
Infrastructure Support Officer (Term 1 - 3) Saj Edirisuriya (Term 4)
Jeremy Kemp
ICT Client Services Technicians
Peter Whittenbury
(Term 1 – 3)
Jeremy Kemp (Term 4) Khuram Jawad
Laboratory Technician
(Term 1 – 2)
Danka Orlowski
Joelene Dight-Smith (Term 3 – 4)
Lauren Gonsalves
Sports Assistant Lucas Liakakos
VCAL Technology Assistant
David Murray
VET and Production Design Assistant
Kevin Reid
Product Design and Technology Assistant
Chas Thompson
Visual Art Technician Travis MacDonald
Property Manager Michael Bohan
Maintenance Staff
Rob Oldershaw
Steve Broughill
Clinton Harris
In support of National Refugee week (19 – 25 June), St Austin’s House, who support the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office as our House Charity, gathered to express support and solidary for refugees and people seeking asylum.
House leaders focused on raising awareness about the plight of refugees, as much as raising money for the charity. Leaders ran a variety of fundraising and awareness activities across campuses, including dodgeball, a barbeque and Detention4Detention, where the leaders placed themselves in detention to symbolically recognise the injustices faced by people caught up in Australia’s immigration detention system.
We thank everyone who supported our charity and hope you learnt a little more about refugees and asylum seekers in Australia.
Angela Runci – St Austin’s House Coordinator
St Edwin’s House is proud to support the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society. The St Vincent de Paul Society in Australia has more than 40,000 members and volunteers who work hard to assist people in need and combat social injustice across Australia.
St Edwin’s House ran several events during 2022 to support the work of St Vincent de Paul. During Term 1, we ran our popular Easter Raffle. Easter eggs are generously donated by all St Edwin’s House students, allowing us to create a number of hampers to raffle off. The Easter Raffle is then supported by the Winter Sleepout, held during Term 3. It was fantastic to be able to run this event again after a two year hiatus. Twenty-seven Year 12 students gave up their Friday evening to sleep overnight at the Kinnoull Campus, in very chilly conditions!
Thank you to everyone who has supported St Vincent de Paul and the St Edwin’s House charity initiatives in 2022.
Jessica Stevenson – St Edwin’s House Coordinator
St Leo’s House Charity is Caritas Australia. Caritas Australia work with communities to help them achieve their development goals and build a better future for all. Project Compassion is Caritas Australia’s major fundraiser and is held during Lent. It helps ensure that Caritas Australia can continue their work with the most vulnerable communities to eradicate poverty and injustice.
During Project Compassion, St Leo’s House raised money and awareness for the campaign and placed donation boxes in each St Leo’s House Mentor group.
Thank you to everyone who supported St Leo’s House Charity work this year.
Michael Watty – St Leo’s House Coordinator
St Mark’s House supports the charity, Opening the Doors Foundation, which is an Aboriginal led community organisation that seeks to provide educational opportunities for members of the Indigenous community. Our House is committed to addressing issues faced by Indigenous Australians, with Catholic social teachings providing a framework to action and measure our impact.
The major fundraiser is Sports Colours Day. Timed to sit just prior to the AFL Grand Final, the event recognises the ongoing positive impact sport can bring to community. Sport, namely AFL, has played a significant role in providing opportunity and hope for many in the Indigenous community.
Ongoing recognition of Indigenous issues occurs throughout the year supporting NAIDOC Week and running a House social justice quiz. Each Term our House undertakes at least one activity that either raises funds or awareness of the issues facing Indigenous Australians.
Thank you to everyone who supported the work of St Mark’s House this year and to the Mentors and House leaders who actioned our charity work.
Andrew Wozencroft – St Mark’s House Coordinator
Earlier this year, a student from another House made a passing observation, “It’s really yellow in here, Ms” as he gestured around the St Austin’s House area. And yellow it is, the colour of hope, positivity and energy. Photos of our St Austin’s House students and reminders everywhere that, ‘We Are St Austin’s House’ and proud to be part of it.
Some of my favourite moments have been our inter Mentor challenges, run by the fabulous House leaders. There have been shoe towers, down ball, golf and paper plane throwing. These activities continue to strengthen the relationships among our House.
There has been some outstanding participation in Swimming, Athletics, Cross Country and MAD Day from our students. All these activities and more could not have been possible without the support and care from our amazing St Austin’s House Mentors, Ben Williamson, Liz O’Connell, Halid Takimoglu, Marta Webster, Melissa Walsh, Thomas Le and Melanie Livera. Thank you for humouring requests to play down ball against each other, pose for photos and wear yellow.
I would like to extend enormous gratitude to our 2022 House leaders; Will Richards and Dylan Carver, who have been an integral part of the House since their arrival at Kinnoull in 2020, not to mention the work from Max Miller, Ben Selkirk and Roch Dargan.
While we may not have succeeded in obtaining the House Cup this year as hoped, the energy and enthusiasm from everyone is encouraging. Onwards and upwards, St Austin’s House – Faith IS power.
It has been an absolute honour to lead St Austin’s House in 2022.
Angela Runci – St Austin’s House Coordinator
To start off the year the vibe was electric as everyone was excited to be out of COVID-19 and back into the classroom.
St Austin’s House was able to achieve great things within the House including raising money for our House charity, the Australian Catholic Migrant and Refugee Office, through coin caterpillars and a barbeque. We also had the opportunity to go back to the weekly House Mentor challenges invented by the 2020 House leaders, which created fun rivalry within the House.
The House leaders were able to put our leadership skills to the test at both the Athletics and Swimming Carnival where the St Austin’s House team came out to shine with great participation and House spirit regardless of the outcome.
It was a pleasure being St Austin’s House Captain and working with the tremendous support of Ms Runci and the House Mentors.
William Richards – St Austin’s House Captain
Being a part of the 2022 student leadership team has provided me with several opportunities to excel and develop key areas of my leadership skills.
Over the past eight months I have had the pleasure of working not just within the team of St Austin’s House leaders but the team of student leaders across the cohort. Having such a variety of leaders has enlightened me and allowed me to discover an in depth understanding of the different experiences found across the College.
Dylan Carver – St Austin’s House Vice Captain
In St Edwin’s House, 2022 will be remembered for many reasons. We have built a strong name for ourselves across the last few years, achieving great success in many different areas including the House Carnivals.
This year, musicians showcased their skills at various performances, keen scientists tackled the Science Week challenges, different sporting challenges have been on offer at the weekly House Competitions and those who excel in their studies were acknowledged at the Academic Awards Ceremony.
It is also a year that has been marked with great sadness, not only for St Edwin’s House, but our entire community, the loss of our brilliant Mentor, Ken Stokes. Never in my six years of House Coordinating, have I seen such a display of kindness, compassion and care towards each other and your teachers. Thank you.
To every Edwinner, Primary through to Year 12, thank you for the gifts that you bring to our House. You are truly what makes this House so great.
To the incredible St Edwin’s House Mentors – Georgina Dwyer, Adrian Schiller, Stephen Brick, Justin Bourke, Clare Kennedy-Curtis, and Peppe Di Ciccio. There will never be the right words to thank you for the outstanding work you do with our students.
To our 2022 Leadership Team – Benjamin King, Thomas Childs, Benjamin Wayman, Jeremy Grigg and Andre Di Medio. Thank you for the enthusiasm, passion and drive that you have brought to St Edwin’s House, not just in 2022, but during your entire time at the College. Ever and Onwards Edwinners.
Jessica Stevenson – St Edwin’s House Coordinator
The highlight of St Edwin’s House in 2022 has been an uninterrupted year, in which we were able to enjoy the opportunities our House culture presents. Daily wordles, weekly toast, and being able to chat to your mates are some of the many things our six homerooms at Kinnoull have been able to get back into. The Year 7s, 8s and 9s have all showed great interest on key days, meaning only good things are ahead for this House.
We’ve seen sporting success including placing second in Athletics and first in Swimming. We’ve also achieved academic success. If our House were a cricket player, we’d certainly be an ‘all-rounder’, a great demonstration of the variety of talent and character in the House.
A huge thanks to Ms Stevenson, the House Mentors, the Year 12s, and St Edwin’s House students for making 2022 the year that it was.
Unfortunately, our House suffered a great loss this year with the passing of one of our Mentor teachers, Mr Stokes. Mr Stokes was a significant pillar within the House and his loss has been difficult to digest, he will be sorely missed.
Benjamin King – St Edwin’s House Captain
After two years of being locked away at home, St Edwin’s House was finally able to return to school and socialise with our peers again. Everyone was excited for the opportunity to come together as a House.
Throughout the year, St Edwin’s House has had many highs, we we’re able to run our weekly House assemblies again, coming together as a House and bonding over the many kahoot’s, paper scissors rock and four-square competitions.
We were also able to run our main annual fundraiser. After two years of cancelations, we were lucky enough to participate in the winter sleepout. The sleepout had a brilliant turnout from the Year 12s, raising money and awareness for the homeless.
Thomas Childs – St Edwin’s House Vice Captain
St Leo’s House students embraced being back at the College and made the most of the opportunities they missed out on during the last two years. St Leo’s House competed strongly in the Swimming and Athletics Carnivals and very pleasingly managed to win the Cross Country Carnival. Well done to Seb Bunnik for being awarded the Year 12 Swimming Champion and to Ralph Howard for winning the Year 12 race in his final Cross Country run.
St Leo’s House students also strongly contributed in the Arts. Many students were involved in the College Musical, High School Musical, with Conor Haigh delivering a great performance in the lead role. The St Leo’s House Music Soiree in August was also a highlight with many talented students giving excellent performances.
Thank you to the House Mentors, Christine Thompson, Trent McGuire, Gerard Barns, Ebony Doherty, Jon Edgar and Tim Hogan, who did a great job mentoring the students this year. They were supported by our excellent House Captains; Daniel Van den Berg, Ben McLisky, William Orton, Abraham Pearce, Lucas McNamara, Luke Lowe, Liam Stacey, James McLisky and Sam Pearson.
It has been my honour to be St Leo’s House Coordinator for the past six years and I wish all students the very best for next year and beyond.
Michael Watty – St Leo’s House Coordinator
The St Leo’s House brotherhood has flourished throughout 2022 with House spirit abundant throughout the year and within inter House competitions. I am proud of the response St Leo’s House students have made in all aspects of College life from interactive participation, chanting support, preparation and planning.
Our House particularly shone in the Cross Country Carnival in which we have maintained our four year winning streak and in the ACC sports which our outstanding players secured the premiership trophy for the school.
Students also showcased their musicianship through the House Soirees, with a turnout bigger than any prior, and also being the first live soiree in three years.
It has been a true pleasure being the 2022 House Captain and I am very proud to leave the House in the capable hands of next year’s captains, who I am sure will strengthen and further develop the legacy that the 2022 captains have established.
Strength and Honor.
Daniel Van den Berg – St Leo’s House Captain
My role as St Leo’s House Vice Captain allowed me to immerse my skills and knowledge into De La Salle and make the most of the positives the Year 12 cohort were provided.
The comradery and companionship my fellow College student leaders displayed made the planning of MAD Day, charity fundraisers, Year 12 Formal and the many other events throughout the year achievable and exciting.
My time as the 2022 St Leo’s House Vice Captain was an experience that has left me with leadership skills, moments to reminisce upon and a group of classmates and teachers who I truly trust and support.
Benjamin McLisky – St Leo’s House Vice Captain
St Mark’s House literally hit the ground running, winning the House Athletics Championship at the start of the year. This was a stunning result given the House finished last in 2022. The Year 12’s were outstanding, supporting and encouraging the participation of all House members and it was this participation that saw St Mark’s House take out the championship.
In March, St Mark’s House finished second in Swimming and recently third in Cross Country. All these results reflect increased effort and participation across the whole House.
In September, St Mark’s House held their annual Sports Colours Day aimed at raising awareness of the issues facing Indigenous students and providing an opportunity to raise much needed funds to support our House charity, Opening the Doors Foundation.
I want to take the opportunity to thank all the House Mentors, Janet Holden, Linden Erlichman-Gross, Warren Walker, David Ellul, Andrew Devlin, Conor Ross and Ashleigh Hoogendoorn.
I also wish to thank the St Mark’s House student leaders for their leadership this year, Agitha Abeyagoonasekera (House Captain), Reeve Yogendran (Vice Captain), Pete Pearse (Lasallian Captain), Justin Nguyen (Arts Captain) and Hugh Ford (Sports Captain).
Be the Change!
Andrew Wozencroft – St Mark’s House Coordinator
It has been an incredible honor to share all the memories of this year with my fellow St Mark’s House brethren. The experiences formed this year will never be forgotten. The lifting of the Athletics Carnival trophy will forever be etched into our memories alongside the incredible motivation and enthusiasm of each member of St Mark’s House. Throughout the year the participation at House competitions and the overall support of our fellow peers was exceptional.
The inclusive community that surrounds our House is undoubtedly our most beautiful feature. We support each other and strive to be better people for ourselves and our community. The St Mark’s House students aim high and carry the College crest with pride. We provide every student with a safe environment, allowing them to truly “be the change” for themselves and their fellow brothers.
Agitha Abeyagoonasekera – St Mark’s House Captain
It has been a privilege serving as St Mark’s House Vice Captain in my student leadership position. This role has strengthened my understanding of how leadership as a collective is far greater than the leadership held within an individual. It is the combinations of different perspectives, views and values that enable us to build and strengthen a community.
St Mark’s House has been able to achieve victory in Athletics Carnival, and promotion of events such as ‘Sports Colours Day’, which was a fundraiser for our House charity, Opening the Doors Foundation.
These achievements could not have been possible without the grit and vision of House Coordinator, Mr Wozencroft, and the student leaders, Agitha, Pete, Justin and Hugh, who I am grateful to work with. I sign off by wishing the best for the future and the vision that will be executed by the 2023 student leaders, Angus, Jack, Max, Harry and Will.
Reeve Yogendran – St Mark’s House Vice Captain
2022 saw the return to post COVID-19 normality with House competitions and it was great to see the House spirit shown by all. With activities given the go ahead, we were able to have all three carnivals run in 2022, with the return of lunch time activities generating some great competition between students throughout the College.
This year saw a different House winner for each Carnival, a very rare occurrence in the program. Congratulations to St Mark’s House for winning the Athletics Carnival, St Edwin’s House for the Swimming Carnival and St Leo’s House for the Cross Country Carnival.
Congratulations to St Edwin’s House for winning the 2022 House Sports Cup. This will make it a Three Peat for the House and the first time they were presented the cup in front of an audience. Congratulations to Jessica Stevenson, Clare Kennedy-Curtis, Benjamin King and the rest of the St Edwin’s House student leaders on an outstanding effort.
A massive thank you to the House Coordinators, Angela Runci, Jessica Stevenson, Michael Watty and Andrew Wozencroft, House Assistants and College staff who helped throughout the year. There is no way I could have completed my role successfully without all your wonderful help. I look forward to another exciting and engaging program in 2023.
McDonough – House Sport Coordinator
On 11 February 2022, De La Salle College students competed in the Athletics Carnival. St Mark’s House were victorious for their first ever carnival victory since the inception of the program. The improvement from last to first is something to be commended. Congratulations to Andrew Wozencroft and all of St Mark’s House.
The results were as follows:
1st St Mark’s House
2nd St Edwin’s House
3rd St Leo’s House
4th St Austin’s House
The Year Level Champions were:
Primary – Bas de Koning
Year 7 – Darby Dore
Year 8 – Daniel Shine
Year 9 – Aidan Stewart
Year 10 – Zac Barling and Samuel Hillemacher
Year 11 – Hugo Cornell
Year 12 – Andre Di Medio
Congratulations and thank you to everyone involved throughout the day. Bring on 2023 and another hotly contested carnival.
Ryan McDonough – House Sport Coordinator
On 18 March 2022, De La Salle College students competed in the Swimming Carnival at Oakleigh Recreation Centre. Congratulations to St Edwin’s House on a back-to-back-to-back championship. An unbelievable effort from all involved in St Edwin’s House as they will no doubt be looking for 4-peat in 2023.
The results were as follows:
1st St Edwin’s House
2nd St Mark’s House
3rd St Leo’s House
4th St Austin’s House
The Year Level Champions were:
Year 7 – Angus McGowan
Year 8 – Will Wood
Year 9 – James Orton
Year 10 – Charlie Wood
Year 11 – Ryo Hayashi
Year 12 – Seb Bunnik
An outstanding effort by everyone involved, in what was a great display of sportsmanship and comradery.
Ryan McDonough – House Sport Coordinator
We were back for the Cross Country Carnival this year, something the students haven’t been able to compete in since 2019. It was fantastic to see everyone getting involved and competing to the best of their ability over the 3-5km course.
The results were as follows:
1st St Leo’s House
2nd St Edwin’s House
3rd St Mark’s House
4th St Austin’s House
The Year Level Champions were:
Year 5: Anders Faller
Year 6: Luca Morley
Year 7: Jack Satterley and Charlie Hill
Year 8: Daniel Shine
Year 9: Angus Emons
Year 10: Isaac Romanis
Year 11: Hugo Cornell
Year 12: Ralph Howard
Congratulations to all runners who competed in some very trying conditions throughout the day and thank you to all the staff that helped make this day great.
Ryan McDonough – House Sport Coordinator
I had the privilege of being St Austin’s House Sports Captain in 2022. With St Austin’s House students keen to maintain the momentum from 2021, we ran inter Homeroom challenges each Thursday such as down ball and push-up challenges to keep spirits high. Additionally, we recognised weekly shout-outs at House assemblies to highlight achievements and bolster this growing culture.
Despite our results at Athletics and Swimming Carnivals, the effort and participation of the St Austin’s House students was always one to look out for. There is an extremely bright future ahead for St Austin’s House.
Max Miller – St Austin’s House Sports Captain
What a year it has been for St Edwin’s House. We have been so eager and passionate to win any House challenge and I am incredibly privileged to be the House Sports Captain of the best House ever. With the richest history and greatest collection of mates, St Edwin’s House is truly a second home.
Our House narrowly came second in the Athletics and smashed the Swimming, we held the trophy loud and proud. At St Edwin’s House we rely heavily on participation which is why we do so well each year.
I am so incredibly proud of the students and the way they carry themselves and try their very best in any aspect of their College sporting endeavours. You are truly an inspiration to all other Houses.
Andre Di Medio – St Edwin’s House Sports Captain
St Leo’s House had a successful year in House activities, we came third in both the Swimming Carnival and Athletics Carnival with many awards received by St Leo’s House students. Personally, it’s been a great privilege to serve as the St Leo’s House Sports Captain. I’ve enjoyed working with all Year Levels to help them develop and succeed in the House.
The House culture is something that I will always treasure being a part of. Thank you Mr Watty for your guidance, passion to succeed and inclusiveness and Ms Phibbs, Ms Doherty and Ms Fairclough for your help along the way.
Lucas MacNamara – St Leo’s House Sports Captain
This year St Mark’s House has been quite successful in House sporting events, triumphing over St Edwin’s House to win the Athletics Carnival early in the year, finishing second in the Swimming Carnival as well as several victories across the various lunch time House competitions.
Overall, participation across each Year Level on all three campuses has been very impressive, watching those who may not be as keen as others giving events their best attempt. All throughout the year the St Mark’s House students have encouraged each other to show their House spirit.
Hugh Ford – St Mark’s House Sports Captain
The De La Salle College High Performance Sport Program recommenced in 2022 after COVID-19 forced all programs to be suspended in 2021. This was extremely disappointing as three of the programs had commenced and were building momentum into the 2022 season. With school life getting back to normal, High Performance Sport was back on the radar. The Kennedy Club Football High Performance Program was able to complete the program in Term 2 with follow up work also done in Term 3. All Kennedy Club athletes braved cold and at times, icy conditions every Tuesday morning and the work that Mick Barlow and Brett Deledio did with the squad members was very well received. These training sessions were a precursor to the students’ ACC commitments on Thursday afternoons and these sessions partly explain the strong ACC results in the junior years in 2022. The Kennedy Club will continue into Term 4 with a focus on pre-season and preparing our footballers for the 2023 season.
We were also able to complete a full program of the Soccer High Performance Squad. Head coach, Jorge Gero, was extremely impressed with the already high level of skills the athletes had and commented that being able to further progress their skills and football knowledge would be a good challenge for him. The students were early starters at the St Kevin’s Playing Fields with sessions starting at 7:15am and this certainly tested the students’ resilience throughout the cold winter mornings. The next chapter in the High Performance story starts in Term 4 with the Agar Academy Cricket, Di Medio Athletics, De La Salle College Dolphins Swimming and Basketball High Performance squads all getting the opportunity to start a very prosperous journey for De La Salle Sport.
Peter Harrington – ACC Sports Coordinator
After an interrupted two years, it was fantastic to finally get back to a sense of normality with ACC fixtures fully returning in 2022.
The year started with the ACC Athletics Carnival at Lakeside Stadium in February. Although De La Salle College finished 6th, there were some standout individual performances. ACC Athletics Captain, Andre Di Medio, competed in seven open events throughout the day, winning his long jump and finishing in the top four in every other event which is a remarkable achievement. Luke Lloyd was also another standout, winning the under 17 high jump and finishing second in the long jump and discus. Next year, De La Salle keep their place in Division 1 and with the introduction of St Patrick’s Ballarat and the promotion of St Bernard’s from Division 2, competition will be hot.
ACC Swimming in March was another tough carnival for the College. Despite some individual brilliance from Ryo Hayashi, De La Salle finished equal 5th with Parade College which means we’ll maintain our Division 1 status next year. Ryo won four individual events; freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and broke a 12 year ACC record in the 50m butterfly with a time of 26.59. These performances from Ryo were a standout with Seb Bunnik, Charlie Wood, Will Orton and Alex Hadaway all swimming consistently across the Carnival.
ACC weekly sport was successful overall with 1st XVIII football, Year 10 hockey, Year 8B football and Year 8A soccer all winning premierships. This combined with numerous runners-up, indicates that De La Salle ACC Sport has raised the standard of competition to a level we can be proud of. A special mention should go to the Open golf who won another Division 2 title this year. This premiership is extra special, considering the amount of work Ken Stokes devoted to golf at the College over a long period of time. No doubt, Ken would be proud.
Thanks to all the students who competed in ACC teams this year and all the hard work that was put into training and playing. A massive thanks to all 2022 coaches. There were some new coaches this year and everyone’s dedication and enthusiasm in coaching their respective teams ensured all students had a positive experience in wearing the Blue and Gold in 2022.
Peter Harrington – ACC Sports Coordinator
At De La Salle, we are blessed with some fine sportsmen in our Chess Club, showing constant practice and enjoyment every Tuesday lunch time. Chess has developed a range of methods in the College from the physical chessboard to the virtual experience.
Using Tornello Tournaments (provided by Kids Unlimited), we were able to keep our three campus College teams growing with ease using the limitless chessboard opportunities to maintain the connection of community and House spirit in our games.
This year we have been involved in the ACC Tournaments including the Open, Intermediate and Junior events. De La Salle had great success including the result of third in the ACC Open tournament.
With a very junior team with much still to learn and develop, this gives Chess a promising future including the introduction of the new Immersion Chess program.
Justin Bourke – Chess Coordinator
2022 has seen De La Salle College eSports teams continue to grow. During the Open tournaments in Term 2, De La Salle was represented by 80 students competing in 15 different teams across three different games. De La Salle College had strong results across all our teams with our top Rocket League Team advancing to the first round of State Finals before being knocked out.
During Term 3, our top teams in each game partnered with the top Chess players from the College to compete in the Schools Cup a four-week challenge with each teams’ points contributing to a school total. De La Salle College placed second in Valorant, fourth in Chess and fifth in Rocket league for an overall result that places De La Salle in the top quarter of competing Victorian Colleges.
De La Salle College’s eSports also partnered with Victorian University in the second half of the year to conduct a study into the benefits and impacts of eSports and gaming.
Stephen Brick – eSports Coordinator
The Year 5 and 6 Primary students have had a fun, successful and varied year with the Primary Sport program. All students participated in a six week Harold Holt swim program in Term 1, and then undertook weekly AFL, netball and soccer in Term 2 as part of the Dendy Sports Program. Our Year 5 netball team won their Grand Final, while Year 6 netball and the AFL came runners up in their respective competitions.
In Term 3, the students participated in the Basketball Victoria Hoop Time tournament with outstanding results from the five different teams that played. Students also toured the MCG and spoke to Olympian, Dean Pullar. They also undertook fitness classes with Harold Holt and Infinite Cycles in Semester Two.
Lastly, many Primary students participated in the High Performance Sport Programs, as well as ACC swimming, athletics and cross country training in preparation for Year 7 and beyond.
Martin Gibbs – Director of Students, (Middle Years)
Competed in the School Sport Victoria team at the Triathlon National Championships
I have been participating in triathlon from an early age but I have been competing seriously for four years. In Year 7 and 8, I was selected for the School Sport Victoria (SSV) team to compete at the National Championships, but due to COVID-19 the championships were postponed.
In 2022, I was lucky enough to gain selection again and travelled to Hervey Bay to finally compete against other triathletes from all over Australia. It was a great experience. With three disciplines it is a difficult sport to balance training, often having to be in the pool before the sun is up, and then backing up with a run/bike after school, but I have joined a great club and enjoy training with my mates.
I am very appreciative of the College’s support in my sporting endeavours.
Represented Victoria in the u16 National Championships
I started playing basketball about 11 years ago and have loved every second of it. I play for the Dandenong Rangers where I work hard every day.
This year I was selected to represent Victoria in the u16 Nationals where my team finished first. I have also played in the Australian junior classics and bottom age u14 southern cross challenge.
De La Salle has always supported my sporting journey. In Year 8 I was a part of the Sean MacDonald Academy and this year I played in our Year 9 basketball team. I have always received support from my peers and teachers and have been pushed to be the best basketball player and young man I can be. I can’t thank the school enough for what they have done.
Competed in State Little Athletics Championships and State Little Athletics Cross Country Championships
I started doing athletics at my local club, Caulfield Little Athletics Centre, when I was six years old. I was never a standout performer in any event, simply enjoying the fun and exercise with friends. As I became older and taller, I started to excel slightly in distance running and decided that was my passion.
I came into my own as I started at De La Salle, where I made my first State championships. Kevin Mannix and Mr Harrington ran fantastic training sessions which helped me exponentially, leading to my most accomplished season yet.
I made State once again for the 1500m and broke my goal of sub-5-minutes. Later I won my age group in regional cross country, came 4th in State championships and 8th in the ACC Cross Country Championships.
I am so grateful to the De La Salle staff and community for their support.
Played rep rugby and competed in the Melbourne Harlequins Division 1 competition
I have been playing rugby for 10 years, my position is half-back. I started playing rugby in Hong Kong as my older brothers were playing and I thought it looked fun.
This year when I moved to Melbourne, I joined the Melbourne Harlequins in the Division 1 competition. Throughout my rugby journey I have received many awards and achievements that I am proud of including playing rep rugby.
Rugby is a very physically and emotionally tough sport. It allows players to create and sustain good values on and off the field such as teamwork, respect and hard work.
Although De La Salle doesn’t provide rugby as a sport, the College develops, supports and recognises all sports players and athletes.
Won six medals in the 2022 Victorian Age Short Course Swimming Championships
I have been involved in swimming for 13 years. My favourite events are 400m/200m individual medley, and 200m butterfly. Swimming has taught me so much and the connection I’ve made with friends and coaches is something I’ll have for the rest of my life.
Throughout my swimming journey I have made incredible achievements which couldn’t have been possible without the support of family, coaches, friends, but most importantly De La Salle College. They have always supported me to be the best person I can be as an athlete and student. I cannot thank them enough and I am forever in their debt.
Placed second in the National Championships for athletics events
This will be my 14th year in the sporting field of athletics and I have enjoyed every second of it. My favorite event is the sprints and anything to do with speed and running. However, to my surprise I seemed to excel and grow fond of pole vault.
Recently, I have achieved great results including coming first in 2021 All Schools and then at Nationals. Furthermore, this year I came second in both State and National level. This then led to me to become eligible to represent Australia but due to Year 12 and other requirements, I believed being an underage athlete wouldn’t benefit me.
I hope one day soon I can again get the opportunity to wear the green and gold and represent my school.
I am forever thankful for all the opportunities and support De La Salle provides me.
Luke Serrano
The Music Department is an alternate universe where pupils are often unrecognisable from who they are outside of it. The shy become confident. The agitated become calm. The lonely become included. The quiet become heard. And the lost become found. Music reveals the real child.1
2022 has been a magnificent year of music-making at De La Salle, in some ways making up for lost opportunities from COVID-19 affected years, and in other ways simply a reflection of the huge tide of student motivation to become involved in Music at the College.
Private Instrumental enrolments have increased to the highest on record, whilst the evolution of our Year 5 - 12 classroom program and ever expanding ensemble offerings have given students innumerable opportunities to develop their musical skills, and confidence in expressive communication.
This year saw a record number of concert highlights, including:
n The combined De La Salle / OLSH College production of High School Musical
n The second Senior Concert Band collaboration with Siena College
n The Music Tour to Swan Hill
n The House Soiree Concert Series, held live for the first time since 2019
n The Autumn and Winter Ensemble Concerts
n The ACC Accent on Excellence concert extravaganza at Hamer Hall
n The inaugural VCE Performing Arts Showcase
Music of course has been at the centre of numerous public and internal celebrations, and is a key element in our celebration of the Eucharist at De La Salle College.
We have exciting plans for Music at De La Salle 2023, including the promotion of communal singing as a highly beneficial whole of school activity, and the introduction of more educational opportunities for students in the areas of Sound and Technical Production.
Music is going places at De La Salle College, and I encourage every parent and student to strongly consider how you can become involved and share in the numerous benefits of an active Music education.
This year was a fruitful year for the Music Department. After two years of disruption, we, as a department, were able to properly get back on our feet and have a year full of Music. Alongside Vice Captain, Daniel Van den Berg, and the many other ensemble captains, it has been a great experience leading so many young and talented musicians.
Events such as the Autumn and Winter Concerts provided a great opportunity for all ensembles and bands to showcase their hard work whilst rehearsing those pieces. The annual musical, House Soirees and the Music Tour to Swan Hill provided students the opportunity to showcase their talents and teamwork.
This year included a special opportunity for musicians to participate in the ACC Accent on on Excellence Music production with other ACC schools. Held at Hamer Hall, this provided us the rare opportunity to perform at a world class venue in front of a large crowd of family and friends. This year has been great for the Music Department with many memories to come for the future of the Music fraternity.
Abraham Pearce – St Leo’s House Arts Captain and Music Captain
2022 ensemble concerts were well-received by parents with many commenting on the appeal and diversity of the performed works providing something for all tastes. The Woodwind Ensemble split into two ensembles, the clarinet and flute ensembles, while growth in the Primary string program was strong and led to the creation of the Junior String Ensemble.
Our program values and develops life habits of collaboration, time-management and organisational skills, preparedness and self-discipline, whilst fostering strong friendships, having fun and the idea of contributing to something greater than the self.
The stewardship of ensemble captains – Justin Nguyen, Ronin Lew, Massimo Wong, Benjamin Selkirk, Henry Deam, Christian McMahon, Ben Gallo, Kai Teohaere, Henry Moore, Peter Orlando, Jeremy Grigg and Riley Woods – leaves a fine legacy and I commend them for their excellent leadership.
Thank you students and parents for your ongoing support of early morning rehearsals allowing our ensembles to flourish.
Jayme Lee – Ensemble Coordinator
Media has continued to go from strength to strength in 2022 with students displaying tremendous talent in their ability to create unique and different media products.
The AV club was revived this year, providing an opportunity for students to work on their practical skills. A special thanks to Year 12 students, Ollie McNeany and Lachie Richter, who have been instrumental in helping the club function. A highlight was the Mothers’ luncheon video directed and edited by Ollie McNeany with the help of Harry Podeu and Max Kolpin.
Our VCE students continued to impress in their ability to plan, design and create unique media products of their own. Media Awards Night, a prestigious night on the De La Salle Media calendar was a highlight for Year 12 Media students who had the opportunity to showcase their Media products from the year. The major award winners for the night were as follows:
n Best Use of Music and/or Sound – Jeremy Grigg, Vengeance is Justice
n Best Original Concept and/or Story – Lachie Richter, 1AM
n Best Production Design – Charlie McGann, Pray – Dami Im
n Best Editing and/or Visual Effects – Thomas Crossley, Young at Heart
n Best Cinematography – Ollie McNeany, Suffocating Eliza Meallin – Classroom Teacher
2022 has seen the long-awaited return of live performance, providing our students with the opportunity to showcase their skills.
After nearly two years of preparation, our Senior Production of High School Musical, with OLSH College was performed to sold out audiences. This vibrant musical was testament to the talent and resilience of all involved in it’s creation.
We again paired with OLSH College to stage the Senior Play, Almost, Maine by John Cariani. Students transported audiences to an imaginary place where the truest human emotions were explored through humour and illusion.
Our Junior students performed 30 Reasons Not to be in a Play, with Sacré Cœur in October.
Returning to face to face learning has also allowed Junior and Senior Drama Club to resume, as well as excursions to Melbourne Theatre Company’s Slap, Bang, Kiss and Laurinda. Our Year 9 students attended the ACC Drama Workshop Day, meeting with other schools for these engaging workshops.
2022 has brought back our ability to share within our community the great breadth of talent and enthusiasm these dedicated students have for Drama in all its forms. We have settled into our larger learning spaces, on both Tiverton and Kinnoull Campuses, and have been utilising the new lighting in the PAC.
To our Senior students, your dedication, resilience and energy has not gone unnoticed. You have been an integral part of the success of these ventures and have paved the way for future Year Levels. The Drama Department wish you success in your future endeavours.
Jennifer Bonnici – Drama Coordinator
2022 saw the end of lockdowns and the return of face to face learning. It was wonderful to see our creative art spaces come alive again. Teaching creative practical based subjects back in the classroom allowed the students to engage in more exciting hands-on based lessons exploring a wide range of materials and techniques. Students worked on ceramic sculptures, paintings, photography, making short films and building architectural models.
Working as a team, we collaborated on ideas for new learning activities and ways to keep students engaged and challenged. Our Primary Art students explored a range of art forms and experimented with materials for the first time. Sharon Bourke joined our team as a new Year 5 and 6 Art teacher and used her breadth of knowledge and experience to challenge our Primary students. The work produced was fun, innovative and exciting. Our Year 7 and 8 students, under the tutelage of Emma D’Angelo, Christine Bassili, Shane Mackintosh and Joanna Dickson worked on ceramic pots and cars, lino cuts, paintings and drawings. These classes are always buzzing with energy and excitement.
This year over at Holy Eucharist, David Happ, Warren Bardsley and Malwina Dwyer continued their great work with the Year 9 students. David Happ also worked hard to develop the new Year 9 Visual Communication Design course which will be available as a new elective in 2023.
Our VCE students were in good hands with Christine Bassili, Eliza Meallin and myself. Embarking on a creative folio subject can be a daunting task for any student, but I was incredibly impressed with the quality of the work and dedication across all our VCE subjects. The care and support that Christine and Eliza provide their students always amazes me.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our dedicated Arts team who support and creatively engage our students across all three campuses.
Ryan Hayward – Learning Area Team Leader, Visual Arts
Throughout 2022, the St Austin’s House students have demonstrated their unmatched determination and motivation in all aspects of the Arts. The overwhelming success of the long-awaited High School Musical production with OLSH demonstrated the incredible talent of our senior cohort, as a year and a half of dedication and hard work finally hit the stage.
The impeccable leadership of our De La Salle musicians was evident on the Music Tour to Swan Hill. Students from all ages gave the gift of music to hundreds of young children.
After two years of remote learning, the St Austin’s House Soiree was finally able to be undertaken on site, showcasing the very best musicians our House has to offer.
St Austin’s House will certainly remain a force to be reckoned with for many years to come.
Benjamin Selkirk – St Austin’s House Arts Captain
I’m so grateful that our extensive Arts programs are back to full strength. De La Salle has given me and hundreds of other students so many opportunities within the Arts. It’s truly a place where the Arts are appreciated just as much as Sport and academic achievement.
I see so many students throughout the year enjoying every opportunity the College gives them including musicals, plays, Music performances, Music Tour and Visual Arts! There is so much incredible work produced by students, you can’t help but be amazed by the talent. I’m glad I chose a school that acknowledges all its students’ talent. Thank you, De La Salle.
Jeremy Grigg – St Edwin’s House Arts Captain
Throughout this year, the St Leo’s House students have been heavily involved in the Arts. This year’s school musical and the senior play featured many students from our House stepping forward and showing their artistic side.
The House Soiree was a great success and provided an opportunity for students to perform their musical prowess to a crowd.
St Leo’s House has a very talented and ambitious group of students who strive for their very best in their pursuit of the Arts.
Abraham Pearce – St Leo’s House Arts Captain
After two years of lockdown, we finally had the chance to showcase our work across many platforms. For our musicians, we had our Autumn and Winter Concerts, House Soirees, Music Tour, and the ACC Concert, a once in a lifetime opportunity to work alongside other schools.
For our actors, High School Musical made a phenomenal comeback after two years of postponements alongside senior play Almost, Maine. For our artists, photographers and filmmakers, many of their projects have been showcased at the performing arts assembly as well as within the Blue and Gold Overall, 2022 has been an outstanding year for the Arts within St Mark’s House and beyond.
Justin Nguyen – St Mark’s House Arts Captain
2022 has brought us another wonderful year of talented students that have created some extraordinary work.
We have seen all facets of the Visual Communication Design fields come to life, with amazing building models and designs of museums, some fashion design creations that included aprons, mittens and sneakers, tote bags through to skateboard designs, look books, albums designs and more!
We have welcomed a mixed array of talents that have stemmed from all Year Levels, from Architecture to Visual Communication Design in Year 10 and to our VCE Design students who explored environmental design, communication design and industrial design.
I congratulate all our very talented students for contributing their creativity each year to establish a creative hub of amazing design works. Well done!
Christine Bassili – Classroom Teacher
DUBOS Thomas
GUY Ethan
JOY Cooper
KROM Riley
LIKOPOULOS Chrissostomos
NEGRI Nicholas
NGUYEN Matthew
NOLAN Oliver
SIRACUSA Christian
SQUIRE Harrison
WEBB Declan
ABERL Benjamin
DE KONING Sebastian
DRAKOS Nikolas
FOOTE Malakhai
GALANIS Leonardo
GREEN Nicholas
HARRIS William
IP Dylan
NEWMAN Lachlan
PAPPAS Nicholas
UBALDI Orlando
UIL Eliseo
WARD Mitchell
WEEKS Xavier
YANG Gi Hwan
BAUM Archie
BAUTISTA Kristoffer
BIRCH Hamish
BRASCH William
CHRYSTIE Sebastian
CROOK Hector
DORE Darby
ELLIS William
FABIATOS Evangelos
FISH Thomas
FOALE Xavier
FRYAR Harrison
HILL Charlie
HO Elijah
Thomas HOGAN Tadhg
HOUSE William
JANGIR Himanshu
KERR Benjamin
KING Maxwell
LING Gabriel
MAYNE Christopher
NIXON Xavier
OH Matthew
PERRI Julian
POPE Joshua
PRATT Nathan
RIDD Damon
RITCHIE Christian
RUGE Alexander
RYAN Heath
SANDOW Benjamin
STAMOS Anastasios
TAYLOR William
ZHU Hon Hin
APTED William
AUGHEY Harrison
BATES Benjamin
BEKOS Alexander
BERTON Zachary
BEST Jaxon
BIRD William
BURKITT Jonathan
CAVEY Alastair
COLLIVER Sebastien
COOKE Quinlan
D COUTO Ashton
DEE Joseph
DUNN Franklin
EASTON Benjamin
FAZIO Oliver
FONIAS Michael
FRAZER Lachlan
FULLER William
GAUCI Raphael
HATZIS Alexander
HAYES Matthew
HEANEY Matthew
HEGAN Joshua
HOY Samuel
HUZ Danylo
HYNES William
JAMES Thomas
JOY Mitchell
JULIER Lachlan
KENNY Hamish
KRUP Thomas
LEWIS Jackson
MAIN Ciaran
MIAN Aryan
MODY Aahaan
MORGAN Lachlan
MUNRO Julian
NEWMAN Mitchell
NOLAN Joshua
PATTEN Lincoln
PEARSE Alexander
PENKAR Zachariah
ROBB Mitchell
SHINE Daniel
TAN James
TESMER Lachlan
TIGANIS Christian
TRAN Xavier
TRIBE Benjamin
TUDOR Jasper
VONG Morgan
VUKIC Michael
WILSON Christopher
WONG Massimo
WOOD William
XIA Ziyuan
ARNOLD Phoenix
BOULTER Donantony
BUICK Struan
CAIN Callum
CHAU Ethan
CIFONE Nicholas
COUTTS Benjamin
COWEN Oliver
DONG Jerry
DROMEY Edouard
FONG Sebastian
FRIAS Nicolas
GANAS Emmanuel
HEGAN Thomas
HILL Lincoln
HOWARD Christian
HOWARD Fredric
HURD Charlie
IACONO Alexander
JONES Xavier
JURAC Oliver
KOCOLIS Jonathon
LAU Aaron
LI Terrence
LOGAN Bailey
LOPEZ Samuel
MARTIN Royston
MILLER Benjamin
MOON Simon
MORLEY Mitchell
MORRIS Charles
NIKITAS Christian
O’DWYER Hamish
O’HAIRE William
PARIS Nicholas
PERSI Antony
PETRIDES Christian
POPE Lachlan
QIU Charlie
RAZGA Patrick
ROACH Alexander
SAM Abishal
SHAW Harrison
SIMPSON Alexander
SPRUTH Benjamin
TODD Dashiel
VAK Bailey
WALL Justin
WALSH Patrick
YUEN Jordan
Zappulla Samuel
Ziourkos Christo
ALLEN Thomas
AXARIS Alexandro
BIRD Aiden
BOYD Varick
CAIN Patrick
CAMARA Sebastian
CROSS Samuel
DEAM Henry
GAMBA Patrick
GASHI Michael
GAUCI Gabriel
GODDARD Nicholas
HALL Sebastian
HILL James
JAMES Samuel
KERR Angus
KERR Oliver
LESTER Sebastian
MACARONE Beniamino
MAHER Oliver
MAZUR Benjamin
NI Nelson
O’KANE Daniel
O’LEARY Joshua
O’LEARY Zachary
PANZERA Valentino
PETRONE Nicholas
RAO Edward
ROGAN Benjamin
ROKER William
RYAN Aaron
SELKIRK Benjamin
TEO Ashton
TIMPANO Sebastian
TULL Spencer
WALKER William
WOOD Charles
YUEN Michael
BAKER Patrick
BUTT Freddy
CAON Nikola
CAUCHI Jackson
CELON Matteo
CELON Simone
CHAU Dylan
DAVEY Spencer
DEE Jacob
DELL Laurence
DIND Jackson
DYER Tyson
EDGELL William
GALLO Benjamin
GEORGOS Constantine
GILL Angus
GREEN William
GRIGG Jeremy
HADAWAY Alexander
HALLAS Benjamin
HARDING Frederik
HEINE Samuel
HRELJA Anthony
KING Benjamin
LEY Benjamin
MARKWICK Friedrich
MARTINEZ Francisco
MARTINZ Mitchell
MCGANN Charlie
MCMAHON Christian
MILES Joshua
MOSES Gabriel
SAID Ezekiel
SHAW Ronan
VATTA Jeremy
VO Eric
WAYMAN Benjamin
WEBB Hamish
WEBB Joshua
WONG Orlando
YAN Jayden
BLANCO Benjamin
BUNNIK Sebastian
CHETTIBI Sebastien
CHIRIANO Alexander
CLARKE Cameron
CROOK Jarrad
CUSCUNA Francesco
DEIR Oliver
DOYLE Charles
EYLES Thomas
FAY Liam
FLYNN William
GIRLING Maximilian
GREY Lachlan
HEALEY Jackson
HILL Rowland
JANGIR Darshan
JONES Charlie
MACKIE Lachlan
MCLISKY Benjamin
MOORE Thomas
OH Lucas
ORTON William
PARK Daniel
PEARCE Abraham
POOLE Andrew
SHAW Jamie
WALKER Sebastian
WILSON Michael
ASHE Ellis
BAGNALL Richmond
BAUM Harrison
BUXTON Raphael
CATIS Nicholas
DAVIS Nicholas
DELL’ORO Matthew
FOX Frederick
HEALY Patrick
HENRY Charlton
HEY William
ITKINE Mikhail
KARATZAS Christian
KIM Wesley
KING Benjamin
KING Harry
KUNG Anderson
LEW Ronin
LI Wesley
LUU Adrian
MARCOU Christopher
MILLER Bennett
PAOLA Jonathan
PAROLI Alessandro
PODEU George
RUSSO Giordano
SDRALIS Nicholas
THOMAS Orlando
TODD Hunter
TULLY Samuel
Brother Damien Harvey Award
In recognition of Leadership and Service as College Captain 2022
Leadership Award College Vice Captain 2022
Leadership Award College Vice Captain 2022
Outstanding contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in the Performing Arts 2022
John Lloyd Award 2022
For outstanding contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in Music
Outstanding contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in the Visual Arts 2022
De La Salle College Ken Stokes Memorial ACC Golf
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Athletics
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Basketball
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Chess
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Cricket
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Cross Country
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Football
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Hockey
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Soccer
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Swimming
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Table Tennis
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Tennis
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Volleyball
De La Salle College Outstanding Contribution 2022 ACC Weightlifting
Father Les Troy Service Award 2022
In recognition of service to the College and the wider community
Hilary Hayes Outstanding Student Award 2022
For outstanding academic results, service to the College and beyond, a significant involvement in College life, a positive role model to his peers and the younger students at De La Salle
Brother Gerard Rummery Arts Award 2022
In recognition of outstanding contribution to the life of the College through his involvement in the Arts
Saint John Baptist de La Salle Senior Lasallian Award 2022
Brother James Taylor De La Salle Old Collegians Football Club Sportsman of the Year 2022
For achievement by a student in ACC sports combined with a positive approach to his studies
Australian Defence Force Long Tan Award Leadership and Teamwork Award 2022
In recognition of a student who has shown excellent leadership skills throughout his time in Year 12
Ampol Best All Rounder Award 2022
A student who has displayed scholastic achievement across a range of subjects; shown a willingness to assist others; made selfless contributions and has been committed to excellence in all activities
Peter Orlando
Sean MacNamara
Ralph Howard
Conor Haigh
Abraham Pearce
Nicholas Sdralis
Michael Yuen
Andre Di Medio
Denzell Prezens
James Hill
Lucas McNamara
Ralph Howard
Luke Lyngberg
Hugh Ford
Dominic Shelley
Sebastian Bunnik
Michael Yuen
Roch Dargan
Agitha Abeyagoonasekera
Jonny Neamontis
Jeremy Grigg
Abraham Pearce
Justin Nguyen
Peter Pearse
Andre Di Medio
William Richards
Sean MacNamara
Students who commenced at the College in Year 4, 2014.
Jeremy Grigg – St Edwin’s House
Who was your favourite teacher and why?
My favourite teacher was Mrs Bonnici, because she’s the greatest teacher at this school. She’s a teacher I’ve had since Year 7 and has watched me grow. She always pushes us to do our best. If we just need someone to talk to, she is always there for us.
Pete Pearse – St Mark’s House
What are your plans for 2023?
In 2023, I’ll be going on a business venture and continuing to study Horticulture at Holmesglen, Glen Waverley. I hope to set some time aside to travel overseas with mum and dad. I’d also like to continue contributing to charity work and supporting the Kids Cancer Research Institute and the work this organisation does in preventing childhood cancers.
Tyson Dyer – St Edwin’s House
What is your favourite memory from Year 12?
This year I enjoyed performing in both High School Musical and Almost, Maine.
Nicolas Catis – St Mark’s House
What are your plans for 2023?
I plan to go to TAFE and study a Certificate III in Electrotechnology.
Oliver McNeany – St Leo’s House
Who was your favourite teacher and why?
Mrs Meallin would be my favourite teacher because she knows how to get along well with the class on a personal level and knows how to teach at the same time.
Justin Nguyen – St Mark’s House
What is your favourite memory from Year 12?
My favourite memory was being able to showcase a piece of music I wrote for the De La Salle / Siena College Music Collaboration, going on Music Tour 2022 and being part of the band for High School Musical.
Daniel Curnow – St Austin’s House
Who was your favourite teacher and why?
Ms Stevenson (Year 8 and 12 Psychology teacher), she was kind, had a great sense of humour and is enthusiastic about the subject. She created a sense of community and belonging in the classroom.
Ms Stevenson was prepared, set clear and fair expectations and had a positive attitude, making us as students feel connected and we enjoyed the subject.
James Hill – St Austin’s House
What is your favourite memory from Year 12?
My favourite memory would be the Almost, Maine production. Being able to assist in the production of the show gifted me a memory which will last me for years to come.
Max Smulders – St Mark’s House
What will you miss most about De La Salle College?
The comradery we had with each other. We also looked after one another especially in rough times such as exams and sacs or even the tragic loss of Mr Stokes.
Lachie Richter – St Leo’s House
What is your favourite memory from Year 12?
My favorite memory from Year 12 is having the opportunity to be part of the school’s senior play, Almost, Maine, as it allowed me to strengthen my connections with not just my fellow peers at De La Salle, but also with the wonderful girls at OLSH College.
Lucas McNamara – St Leo’s House
Who was your favourite teacher and why?
Ms Doherty, her constant support and determination for her students to succeed and do the best they possibly can especially in our Year 12 Global Politics class hasn’t gone unnoticed.
Dylan Chau – St Edwin’s House
What is your favourite memory from Year 12? Playing in the Volleyball One-Day Schools Cup. It was a very enjoyable and memorable experience that I am glad I got to share with the team despite losing…a lot.
William Roker – St Austin’s House
What makes De La Salle College special for you?
The reinforced and important morals the College expects from us along with the quality education we receive from supportive staff to help us through our education.
Austin Osbourne – St Edwin’s House
What are your plans for 2023?
I plan to study at Melbourne Polytechnic in Fairfield. I am also planning to study music production to work on my dream of becoming a musician, music producer and much more.
Christian McMahon – St Edwin’s House
What is your favourite memory from Year 12?
One of my favourite moments of Year 12 was participating in the Winter Sleep Out. It felt strange to be on campus overnight, but it was great to spend it with our mates. We all enjoyed the night (even though we were flat out tired the next morning) whist raising money for a good cause.
Charlie McGann – St Edwin’s House
What are your plans for 2023?
I would like to grow deeper in my relationship to God, and grow to become a holier person. In terms of education, I would like to do a Double Degree of Theology and Philosophy at ACU, or something in the realm of Art or Animation.
Nicholas Sdralis – St Mark’s House
What makes De La Salle College special for you?
De La Salle College is special to me as I have made so many life-long friends here and I will miss seeing my good mates every day.
Luca Di Tella – St Mark’s House
What will you miss most about De La Salle College?
I will miss the brotherhood that we all share. Coming to school every day for the past six years and seeing all your mates all day every day is one of the best feelings in the world and nothing will compare.
Tai Guillemain – St Mark’s House
Who was your favourite teacher and why?
My favourite teacher was Mr Di Ciccio because he was the most interactive.
Jackson Healy – St Leo’s House
What is your favourite memory from Year 12?
My favourite memory from this year would have to be the conclusion of the Athletics Carnival when most of the Year 12s ran onto the pitch. It was a great time, I’ll never forget it.
Dominic Shelley – St Austin’s House
What will you miss most about De La Salle College?
Going to school every day and seeing my classmates, seeing teachers and learning at the same time. Although school is something students may complain about, it is undoubtably a great experience in a plethora of ways and overall, I’ll miss walking down High Street amongst crowds of blue and gold blazers.
Jyden Domantay – St Edwin’s House
What is your favourite memory from Year 12?
My favourite memory from Year 12 would be the Year 12 Formal as it was the first time we got together as a Year Level since COVID-19. Everyone had a really fun time.
Michael Yuen – St Austin’s House
What are your plans for 2023?
Golf, golf, golf and Monash University (hopefully).
Ashley McKenzie – St Edwin’s House
What is your favourite memory from Year 12? Every minute with the VCAL class and seeing everyone every Monday and Thursday.
Let us remember we are in the holy presence of God God, as our leader, and guided by the Lasallian Principles, we commit ourselves to lives of faith and excellence, compassion, courage and loyalty.
May we have a humble heart, a generous spirit, and a willingness to serve our community. In the likeness of the Founder, may we live with virtue and love.
Inspired by the burning zeal to do what is right and just, we commit ourselves to the blue and gold, Deo Duce .
St John Baptist de La Salle - Pray for us Live Jesus in our hearts - Forever!
College Captain: William McEniry
College Vice Captain: Noah Caruso
College Vice Captain: James Ganas
Vocational Learning Captain: William Flynn
House Captain: Zane O’Keeffe
House Vice Captain: Liam Greening
House Lasallian Captain: Luke Bosnich
House Arts Captain: Benjamin Mazur
House Sports Captain: Joseph Fisicaro
House Captain: Joshua Miles
House Vice Captain: Jack Larkin
House Lasallian Captain: James Valcanas
House Arts Captain: Orlando Wong
House Sports Captain: Hugo Cornell
House Captain: Luke Lowe
House Vice Captain: Daniel Martin
House Lasallian Captain: Liam Stacey
House Arts Captain: Bailey Hunter
House Sports Captain: Luke Lloyd
House Captain: Angus Sutherland
House Vice Captain: Jack Ryan
House Lasallian Captain: Max Higginbotham
House Arts Captain: Harry McGindle
House Sports Captain: Will McCormack
START OF TERM: Years 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12 students commence on Tuesday 31 January
Years 8, 10 and 11 students commence on Wednesday 1 February
END OF TERM: Thursday 6 April
START OF TERM: Wednesday 26 April
END OF TERM: Friday 23 June
START OF TERM: Wednesday 12 July
END OF TERM: Friday 15 September
START OF TERM: Monday 2 October
END OF TERM: Tuesday 6 December