5 minute read
Head of Campus Introduction
A warm, heartfelt welcome to the 2023 Year 9 cohort and their families
As a De La Salle College staff member of 16 years, I can honestly say that leading the Year 9 campus at Holy Eucharist is by far the most personally rewarding position I have held. I welcome the opportunity to work alongside your son and help him to maximise his opportunities with his learning.
Throughout Year 9, students will build upon the skills they have attained at Tiverton Campus Students are encouraged to take further steps towards independence, and hopefully, a more mature approach to their learning.
The Year 9 curriculum has been strategically designed to arm students with the skills to find their passion. Learning should be highly valued; build resilience and provide a considered pathway to adulthood. The curriculum is intentionally student-centred and fosters the imperatives of communication, collaboration and critical thinking. It mixes project-based learning with teacher/student directed learning.
So, why a Year 9 campus? This is a common question, particularly from non-Victorians, as we are the only state within Australia that commonly separates this age group. The premise behind having a selfsufficient Year 9 campus is quite simple. Research suggests that Year 9 students undergo profound brain development and physical, social, emotional, and intellectual changes associated with adolescence. It is a huge period of development in their life. Year 9s need exposure to a curriculum where they can lead their own learning and become more empowered within the learning experience.
At Holy Eucharist, we have gathered a committed team of Year 9 specialist teachers ready to deliver a customised program for your son. These teachers help students build a toolkit of strategies that they can use to identify, gather and analyse information. Together we are all committed to the College’s mission of establishing a culture whereby learning opportunities enable every learner to achieve success.
The Year 9 calendar is intended to provide unique platforms for student learning. Year 9s are provided with age appropriate workshops as a part of the new College GROW program, Man Cave and Minus18 The cohort will set out to achieve progressive self-improvement through the 2023 WISE initiative, targeted pathway advice through the Year 9 Futures program and use the Melbourne CBD as a backdrop on multiple occasions for cross-curricular learning opportunities.
Transition from one year to the next is always a challenging part of any educational journey. Changing campus also presents a unique set of challenges. This Handbook contains important information specific to Year 9. Please feel free to discuss any of this with me at any time.
As a team, we look forward to aiding this highly distinguishable year of schooling and I hope he embraces the Year 9 Holy Eucharist experience.
David Alexander Head of Year 9, Holy Eucharist Campus
College Contact Details
Tiverton Campus (Years 5 - 8) 1318 High Street, Malvern 3144
Holy Eucharist Campus (Year 9) 1241 Dandenong Road, Malvern East 3145
Kinnoull Campus (Years 10 - 12) 9 Northbrook Avenue, Malvern 3144
Telephone 03 9508 2100
Website www.delasalle.vic.edu.au
College Executive Principal
Peter Houlihan principal@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Executive Deputy Principal: Staff and Operations Seamus Scorgie sscorgie@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Business Manager Joe Gehrig bm@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Assistant Principal: Students Jessica Alger jalger@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching Rob Bonnici rbonnici@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Assistant Principal: Identity and Mission Rana Brogan rbrogan@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Admissions Department
Admissions Rachael Harmer enrolment@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Admissions Zoe Campbell enrolment@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Finance Department
Family Accounts
Ellenor Harris familyaccounts@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Digital Learning Service s helpdesk@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Wellbeing Team
Director of Students (Middle Years)
Director of Students (Senior Years)
Head of Year 9 Holy Eucharist Campus
Martin Gibbs dostiverton@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Shane Mackintosh doskinnoull@delasalle.vic.edu.au
David Alexander hochecampus@delasalle.vic.edu.au
St Austin’s House Coordinator Angela Runci austinshousecoodinator@delasalle.vic.edu.au
St Edwin’s House Coordinator
St Leo’s House Coordinator
Ebony Doherty edwinshousecoodinator@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Emma Fairclough leoshousecoodinator@delasalle.vic.edu.au
St Mark’s House Coordinator Andrew Wozencroft markshousecoodinator@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Education Support Coordinator
Georgie Skinner gskinner@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Parent Network parentnetwork@delasalle.vic.edu.au
Campus Tour
A virtual tour of the Holy Eucharist Campus is accessible on the College website
202 3 Term Dates
Tuesday 31 January – Thursday 6 April
Tuesday 31 January – Years 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12 students commence
Wednesday 1 February – All students commence
Wednesday 26 April – Friday 23 June
Wednesday 12 July – Friday 15 September
Monday 2 October – Tuesday 6 December
For more information, please refer to the College website: www.delasalle.vic.edu.au
Key Dates for Term 1, 202 3*
Tuesday 31 January Years 5, 6, 7, 9 and 12 commence New Parent Welcome Morning Tea
Wednesday 1 February All students commence
Thurs day 2 February School Photo Day
Friday 10 February DLS Athletics Carnival, Lakeside Stadium
Thursday 2 March Opening and Welcome Mass – St Patrick’s Cathedral (mandatory for Year 5 and 7 students)
Friday 17 March DLS House Invitational Swimming Carnival (Years 5 – 8 compulsory – Years 9 – 12 invitational)
Tuesday 28 March
Monday 3 April
Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews – Online
Parent/Student/Teacher Interviews – Online
Thursday 6 April Mission Action Day (Last Day of Term 1)
For more information, please refer to the College website: www.delasalle.vic.edu.au
*The College calendar is often fluid, please be aware that some of these dates may change.
School Photo Day Information
Student photos are compulsory for all students.
- School photos will be taken on Thursday 2 February 2023
- Catch up day for absent students on Monday 13 February 2023
Years 5 – 7 students must wear their Summer uniform with blazer. Years 8 – 12 must wear their full Winter uniform with tie and blazer.
This photo is used for your son’s library card, as well as providing you with the opportunity to purchase a memento for the school year. Further information will be provided.
Timetabled Classes / Dismissal
One of the benefits of an independent timetable, is that it allows the freedom to create a program that is tailored to suit the needs specific to Year 9 students.
Students are be encouraged to arrive at school each day by 8:50am to ensure adequate preparation for their first class.
Timetabled classes will begin each day at 9:00am sharp Students are requested not to arrive before 8:20am. Active supervision by staff begins at this time.
Students will not have a Mentor group in the morning – but instead, build upon a pastoral connection with all their Year 9 specialist teachers. Students will be allocated a Mentor teacher that will be the first port of call for parent contact.
Classes will conclude at 3:20pm Tuesday – Friday. On a Monday timetable, classes will conclude at 3:10pm. This allows for staff Professional Learning at both Tiverton and Kinnoull Campuses.
A roll will be taken at every timetabled class. Should students arrive after 9:00am they will need to sign in at reception.
College Uniform
The College Uniform supplier is Dobsons. For a full price list please view the College website
• Apart from School Photo Day where the College Winter Uniform is required, students can wear either Summer or Winter Uniform during Term 1
• Whenever students have an extended block of Discovery (100 minutes) – their PE Uniform may be worn to school
• If students are involved in ACC sport (Tuesdays throughout Term 2, 3 and 4) they may also wear their PE Uniform to school
If for any reason, students are not in correct uniform please email the Head of Campus at hochecampus@delasalle.vic.edu.au to issue your son with an Out of Uniform card.
The Blue and Gold College Uniform is a tangible aspect of our school spirit and identity. Our students are physical advertisements for the College and it is for that reason they are asked to wear their Uniform with pride.